HG016 Alone HeroCompendium en v22 Web

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This manual is to be read by the Hero player, after all players have read the Intro Rulebook.
It will explain the game rules from the Hero player’s perspective, while also giving the information
related to the Evil side of things that the Hero player also needs to know.

These boxes contain brief information These boxes contain shorter reminders
about Evil rules that you also need to of rules that are already explained
know. elsewhere, so that you don’t need to
skim around too much.

As the Hero, during the game it is always “your” Turn. There is no proper “Evil Turn”. The Evil
players can only play in Reaction to your Actions. You will perform 1 Action each Turn (unless you
trigger Bullet Time, see page 16).

Each Round is made up of 8 During each Turn you choose 1
Turns, represented by the Turn Action to perform. You may also
tokens placed on the Hero perform 2 Actions in a single
sheet. Turn by triggering Bullet
Time (see page 16).
During the game, the Round marker will move
to the left on the Round track at the end of At any moment after you declare your
each Round. You may also gain additional Action, the Evil players may play 1 or
Rounds during the game (in which case, the 2 cards as a Reaction. Each card
marker moves to the right). will specify in which moment it may
be played during the Turn. After your
When the Round marker reaches the final Action has been resolved and the Evil
space of the Round track, the game enters players have the opportunity to play
Nightmare Mode (see page 18). their Reaction, the Turn ends.

Your first goal is to complete one of the Starting Missions, which triggers the Final Mission, i.e.,
“unlocks” it and makes it come into play. Triggering the Final Mission also gives you a few extra
rewards, depending on the Difficulty Level you chose to play with. If you manage to complete the
Final Mission too, you win the game. 1

During each Turn you must choose an Action to perform, declare it, and then spend a Turn token
by flipping it face down. In normal conditions, you can only perform 1 Action each Turn. However,
you may perform 2 Actions in a single turn by triggering Bullet Time (see below).

Here is a list of all the available Actions and

a quick overview of what they allow you to do
during the game:

See The MOVE Action allows you to move

“Action - Move“,
page 3. to an adjacent Sector. Additionally, you
may Block 1 adjacent Door after each
“Action - Explore“, The EXPLORE Action allows you to Reveal
page 7. up to 2 adjacent Sectors in a straight
Used actions Available actions
line from the Hero’s Sector, without
entering them, and to make one safer by
Read about
“Allowed Reactions“. removing 1 Danger token.
The FIGHT Action allows you to roll
2 dice to attack a Creature in the Whenever you perform an Action, you
“Action - Fight“, Hero’s Sector. “unlock” certain Reaction cards for
page 8. the Evil players to play. The icon in the top
The LOCATE Action allows you to check left corner of each Reaction card indicates
your distance from two targets on the Map which Action triggers it. There are also a
hidden behind the screen. few Reactions that are triggered when the
“Action - Locate“,
page 11. The SCAVENGE Action allows you to Hero takes Life Damage or Self Control
draw Item cards and to Upgrade the damage (see page 9).
See Items in your Inventory.
“Action - Scavenge“, Each Reaction card can be played in a specific
page 12. The INTERACT Action allows you to moment during the Turn (as shown on the
repair LCUs and switch on the Lights in card itself).
See a few Sectors, and is needed to complete
“Action - Interact“, most of the Missions.
page 13.
When you perform an Action, you have to Declare it to the Evil players before resolving the effects
of the Action. If you intend to trigger Bullet Time, you also have to Declare it before Declaring the
Action(s) you will perform this Turn.


At the beginning of your Turn you Your Actions may also be used to
can trigger Bullet Time by spending activate the effect of the Items in your
1 Adrenaline token. Bullet Time allows Inventory. When using Actions to activate
you to perform 2 Actions in a single Items, the card text completely overrides
Turn. You may also use Adrenaline tokens the regular effect of the Action (for more
to Recover Health. For more details on details, see page 14).
Adrenaline, see page 16.
Note: using Items still triggers Reactions
related to the used Action.

The MOVE Action allows you to move to an adjacent Sector and to Block an adjacent Door. To
perform the Move Action, you must declare to the Evil players in which direction you want to move
(north, east, south or west). The Radar on the Hero sheet shows which direction is which.

When moving into an Unrevealed Sector, this

action also allows you to automatically Reveal REVEALED AND UNREVEALED
that Sector (but this does not come without Any Sector that is not shown on the
risks, see “Encountering Creatures”, page 4). Labyrinth is considered Unrevealed.
Any Sector that is visible in the Labyrinth
While you move, the Evil players will update the
is Revealed. When a Sector is Revealed,
Labyrinth according to the Map, Revealing all
everything it contains (Doors, Stairs, LCUs, See “Encountering
elements of the Sector that you just entered, if needed.
Creatures, Danger and Condition tokens) Creatures“,
After each movement step, you may also Block must also be Revealed. page 4.
an adjacent Door (see below).
Even if out of Line of Sight (see page
After this, the Action is resolved. 6), thanks to the cache memory of the
Holowatch, you will also “see” what happens
USING AND BLOCKING DOORS in all the Revealed Sectors, as reported on
The Doors are automatic. They open whenever the Map, until the end of the Round.
you are adjacent to them. You can freely move
through Doors with your regular Move Action.
Creatures can move through Doors too, though,
and this is why it may be useful to Block them.
You can Block 1 adjacent Door after each
movement step. In this state, it won’t
automatically open when you are adjacent to it.
Blocking Doors can be a double edged sword.
As long as a door is Blocked, nothing can go
through it, including Creatures... and you!
Additionally, adjacent Sectors that are linked
through a Blocked door, are not considered to
be adjacent for the purpose of applying game
rules and card effects.
To move through a Blocked door, you must Read about
Unblock it first by spending an entire Move “Unblocking Doors“.
Action just for this purpose (i.e., without
actually moving).
The Hero uses the Jet Pack Item, which allows them
to move 2 Sectors with a single Move Action. They

Evil players can Unblock Doors too, can’t Block the north Door of the Infirmary before See
by spending a “movement step”. moving, because Doors can only be Blocked after “Creature Movement“,
For example, if the Evil players play a a movement step, but they can Block the west page 5.
door once they have moved out of the room, even
Reaction card that allows a Creature to
though the Jet Pack allows them to keep moving
move 3 Sectors and want to move it through into a second Sector. After completing the Move
a Blocked Door, 1 of those needs to be Action, the Hero can also Block the south Door of
spent on Unblocking the Door; the Creature the Control Room, since an adjacent Door can be
would then move 2 Sectors. Blocked after each movement step. 3
The two Levels of the Map are connected When you move to the other Level of the Map, all
to each other by 2 sets of Stairs. Sectors the Sectors from the first Level except the one with
connected by Stairs are considered to be the Stairs are removed.
adjacent to each other.
When you move from one Level of the Map
to the other, the Evil players will immediately
remove from the Labyrinth all the Sectors
from the Level you leave, with
the exception of the Sector
with the Stairs.

If, while moving, you enter a Sector containing a Creature that wasn’t already Revealed, you will
“Hero Taking Damage“, get scared by the Creature and will lose Self Control (see page 9). The amount of lost
page 9. depends on the Creature, and is shown on the Creature Stats table (see page 18).
This happens if you enter an Unrevealed Sector that contains a Creature, but also if a Creature
See “Receiving coming from an adjacent Unrevealed Sector enters the Hero’s Sector as a consequence of a
Creature Attacks“, Reaction. Also, if there are Creatures in your Sector at the end of the Turn, they will attack you
page 8. (see page 8).


You perform a Action to move to the right into an Unrevealed Sector... and you encounter a Parasite! You
get scared, and lose 1 . The Action is now resolved. The Evil Players react by moving an Unrevealed Worm into
the Sector, and you get scared again.

Whenever you leave a Sector that also
contains 1 or more Creatures, you will
grant Evil players an Attack of Opportunity.
See The Evil players will roll 1 for each What an unpleasant situation! You decide to flee
“Hero Taking Damage“, Creature in the Sector. You will lose 1 for
page 9. instead of fighting when outnumbered, but this
each Hit (see page 9). gives the Evil players the chance for an Attack of
Opportunity. Before you move, since the Sector is
If there is Light in the Sector you are leaving, the
Lighted, the Evil players attack you by rolling 1 ,
4 • HERO COMPENDIUM Attack of Opportunity will be reduced by 1 . 1 less than the number of Creatures.
The Evil players can move the Creatures “Creature Movement“.
using some of their Reaction cards.
The number of Sectors a Creature may move
is indicated on the card itself.
Additionally, Evil players may play any
Reaction card face down (i.e., a Standard
Reaction) to move any 1 Creature up to When an Unrevealed Creature enters a Revealed
1 Sector. Sector, no matter if the destination Sector is in your
Line of Sight (1) or not (2), it must be Revealed. In
both cases depicted above, since the Parasite has
not been Revealed into the Hero’s Sector, you will
not get scared.


When a Creature moves from a Revealed Sector

to an Unrevealed one (A), the Evil players must
Communicate to you in which direction it left
(west, in the example above), then remove the
Creature miniature from the Labyrinth. When a
Creature leaves your Line of Sight, but it is still
When a Creature is Spawned or moved, it in a Revealed Sector (B), its miniature will still be
produces Noise, giving you clues regarding its visible on the Labyrinth. See Glossary
position. Evil players must always be honest “Spawn“,
page 20.
when Communicating Noise, and tell you the
real direction from which the noise reaches
you, i.e., the direction you need to go to reach
the Creature with the fewest movements. See “Orienteering 101“,
Intro Rulebook,
If there is more than one possible route with page 12.
the same distance, the Evil players will decide
which direction they tell you. If the noise
comes from the other Level, they will only
Communicate this. Also, keep in mind that See “Using and
Blocked Doors interrupt the diffusion of Blocking Doors“,
Noise, so if you are near one, the direction you page 3.
hear Noise coming from may not be indicative
of the real closest direction between you and
the originating Creature.
You can use the Radar on the Hero sheet to If the door in the example above was Unblocked, you
keep track of the Noises you hear by using the would hear the Noise of the Worm’s movement from
Charge tokens. This will help you chase the the east. Since Blocked doors stop Noise, though, in
Creatures (or avoid them). this case you would hear Noise coming from the north. 5
Having the light switched on in a Sector has several beneficial effects for you: for example, it’s
See “Attacks of easier to hit with your dice (see “Fight”, page 8), and some Creatures are less effective at
Opportunity“, fighting (see box below). Also, if you leave a Lighted Sector containing a Creature, the Attack
page 4.
of Opportunity you receive will be reduced by 1 die . Finally, after repairing an LCU, new
Sectors may be Revealed (if they were not already) and in some cases this may extend your
Line of Sight (see below).
There are different ways to switch on the lights in a Sector:
• Use an INTERACT Action in a Sector containing an LCU (Light Control Unit) to repair it
(see page 13).
See “Completing • Use an Item card effect that will switch on the Lights (see page 14).
Missions“, Intro
Rulebook, page 11. • Resolve a Mission card in play whose Reward switches on the Lights.


“Adjacent Doors“. At the end of each Turn, if a Creature Doors are mainly a clue for the Hero to
has moved into a Lighted Sector that understand that a Room is in sight. Since
is not the Hero’s Sector, the lights in that the Doors are automatic and open whenever
Sector are switched off (the Creature attacks you are adjacent to them, when you are in
the lights just like they can attack you, but a Sector with a Door, and the Sector on the
without the need to roll dice). Only the effect other side of the Door is Revealed, that
of specific Reactions may allow Creatures to Sector is considered to be in Line of Sight.
switch off the Lights in the Hero’s Sector. When a Door is not in the Hero’s Sector, it
interrupts the Line of Sight.

Your Line of Sight (or LoS) represents everything the Hero miniature can directly see in a
specific moment. The LoS starts from the Hero’s Sector and extends through all Revealed
See “Revealed and Sectors in a straight line in each possible direction. It is interrupted only by:
page 3. • a wall (such as a Curve Sector
or T-Junction)
• a Door that is not adjacent to
the Hero’s Sector
• an Unrevealed Sector
• a Sector on the other side of a
set of Stairs

Note: The Hero’s Sector is always

in LoS. An Unrevealed Sector is
never in LoS. However, a Revealed
6 • HERO COMPENDIUM Sector can either be in LoS or not.

The EXPLORE Action allows you to Reveal up to 2 adjacent Sectors in a straight line from the
Hero’s Sector, without entering them. A wall (such as a Curve Sector or T-Junction), a non-adjacent
door or a Blocked door interrupts the exploration. To perform the Explore Action, you must declare
in which direction you want to Explore. The Evil players must update the Labyrinth according to
the Map, Revealing all of the elements of the Sectors just explored.
If you explore through the Stairs, only the single Sector on the other end of the Stairs will be
Revealed (instead of 2 Sectors in a straight line).
Additionally, if there are any Danger tokens in the Hero’s Sector or any of the newly explored
Sectors, you may discard 1 of these tokens. You may also Explore Sectors that are already Revealed
just to remove a Danger token from them.
After this, the Action is resolved. N “Danger Tokens“,
page 15.

From where you stand, if you explore east, you

Reveal 2 Sectors in a straight line. If you explore
north, you would only Reveal 1 Sector because it is
a Curve. If you explore west, you would only Reveal
1 Sector because there is a non-adjacent door.
After all explored Sectors have been Revealed, you
may also remove 1 of the Danger tokens from the
newly Revealed Sectors or from the Hero’s Sector.

When you explore the Sector on the other side of

the Stairs, you can only Reveal that Sector instead
of 2 Sectors in a straight line. Since you’re exploring
from one Level to the other, it’s like finding a Curve
as the first Sector you explore. 7

The FIGHT Action allows you to roll 2 dice to attack a Creature in the Hero’s Sector.

To perform the Fight Action, you must choose RECEIVING CREATURE ATTACKS
and declare the Target of the attack, then, roll Whenever a Creature is in the Hero’s
2 dice : the number of Hits is the amount of Sector at the end of a Turn, that
damage dealt to the Target. Creature attacks. The Evil players don’t need
to play cards to do this, the attack is automatic.
After this, the Action is resolved.
The Evil players will roll a certain amount
DAMAGING A CREATURE of dice , depending on the stats of the
attacking Creature(s). You will lose 1 Life
Each Creature has a certain number of life for each Hit (see opposing page).
Read about “Receiving points (as listed in the column on the
Creature Attacks“. Creature Stats table, see page 18). This is the Most of the Creatures roll a different number
amount of damage you need to deal to Wound of dice depending on whether their Sector
or Kill that Creature. This value is split in two: the is Dark or Lighted. The first number in the
first number is the amount of damage you need column of the Creature Stats table is the
to deal with a single attack to inflict the first number of dice the Creature rolls in a Dark
Wound to the Creature; the second number is Sector. The second number in the column
the amount of damage you need to deal with a is the number of dice the Creature rolls in a
single attack to inflict the second Wound to the Lighted Sector.
Creature. When a Creature receives the second For more information about Light, see page 6.
Wound it is Killed. So, as you can easily imagine,
to directly Kill an unwounded Creature, you
need to deal an amount of damage equal to
Read about or greater than the sum of these two numbers WOUNDED CREATURES
“Wounded Creatures“. with a single attack.
The Evil players must always
These two values are thresholds: for example, Communicate to you if a Revealed
See Glossary if a Creature needs to take 2 damage to be Creature is Wounded or not. You can always
“Wound“, Wounded, but you only deal 1, the Creature ask them to be reminded of their status.
page 20. will not be Wounded, and the damage dealt
would be “lost”.


When using an Item to Each die has 3 possible results:
attack, the text of the , , . In normal conditions,
card completely overrides only results count as Hits while and
the regular Action (see count as Misses. However, may
page 14). You may be count as Hits in special conditions. These
able to roll more than conditions are different whether the dice
the regular Fight Action, are rolled by you or the Evil players (see
or target Creatures from a facing page).
You use a bullet card and spend 2 Charge tokens to
attack the Worm with 4 .

You roll 3 and 1 : 3 Hits, so you deal 3 damage.

With 2 damage, you Wound the Worm. The 3rd
8 • HERO COMPENDIUM damage is not enough to Kill it though, and it is lost.
Darkness is one of the most precious allies of the Evil players can take advantage of “Fighting in the Light“.
Evil players. In the light, on the other hand, the results too. This happens when
advantage turns to your side! the Hero’s Sector contains a Danger token.
If the Hero’s Sector has Light, when you roll dice, See
each result that shows up counts as a Hit. “Light Effects“,

Some Reaction cards can be played

by the Evil players when you are taking
or damage. These are not Reactions to
one of your Actions specifically: they can be
triggered whenever you are taking damage.

You attack the Spores and roll 2 .

You roll 1 and 1 . Since the Sector has Light, the

face counts as a Hit, bringing the total to 2 Hits...
enough to Kill the Spores with one single attack!


“Hero Taking Damage“.
There are two different Health tracks on the
Hero sheet. This is because you can take two
different kinds of damage: Life damage
and Self Control damage. For each point of
damage you take, you must lower the respective
marker on the corresponding track 1 space.
You received an attack from a Creature, dealing
If one of the tracks reaches 0, when you take you 2 damage (causing you a loss of 2 ). Since See
more damage of that kind, you must lower the the track is already at 0, you lose 2 instead. “Recovering Health“,
The damage you’re taking is still considered to be page 16.
other track instead. This does not change the
kind of damage for the purpose of applying damage (for the purpose of using cards, etc.).
game rules and card effects. You could later spend Adrenaline to recover , but
you won’t be able to recover more because this See
“End of the Game“,
If both tracks reach 0, you lose the game. would bring the marker over the Healing Cap. page 19.

HEALING CAP Read about

“Healing Cap“.
There are a few ways you can recover
Life or Self Control during the
game (e.g., spending Adrenaline tokens,
the abilities of some Characters, the
See “Completing
effect of some Item cards, the Mid-Game Missions“, Intro
Rewards). The position of the Round Rulebook, page 11.
marker between your Health tracks
determines the Healing Cap. You can You’re playing with Easy difficulty, and you just
never recover beyond the Healing Cap. completed your first Starting Mission; thus, you can “Difficulty Level“,
Additionally, if any of your health markers recover 3 and 3 . You had 0 , so you can page 18.
are already beyond the Healing Cap, you recover up to 3 . You already had 2 though,
can’t recover health of that kind until it has and the Healing Cap is currently between 4 and 5, so
dropped below the Healing Cap. you can only recover up to 4 . 9
When you Kill a Creature of a certain type (Cultists, Worms, etc.), you gain an Experience
Point in the Ability corresponding to that Creature type. Mark this by placing a Charge token,
See “Revealed and on the blue side, in the matching Ability space on the Hero sheet. When you gain a second
Unrevealed“, Experience Point in the same Ability, you unlock the Ability for the remainder of the game.
page 3. Mark this by turning the Charge token to the green side.
Note: You may also gain Experience thanks to the effect of some cards.
“Hero Taking Damage“, Note: You don’t gain Experience for the death of Unrevealed Creatures. Also, you can only gain
page 9. up to 2 Experience in each Ability; killing further Creatures of that kind grants no Experience.

Courage: When you should lose Self Control after a Creature

See encounter, you may force Evil players to roll 1 once . If the result
“Replenish Adrenaline“,
is a Miss, reduce the Self Control damage you take by 1.
page 17.
Cold Blood: Your Adrenaline pool is permanently increased by 1. You will
only gain the additional token at the end of the Round, not immediately.
“Action - Scavenge“,
page 12. Acute Sight: When you perform a Scavenge Action, you may
draw 1 additional card.

“Action - Fight“, Precision: When you perform an Fight Action, you can reroll 1
page 8. Miss result once.

Dexterity: When you should lose Life after a Creature attack, you
See may force Evil players to reroll 1 Hit result once.
“Hit or Miss?“,
page 8.
When you Kill a Boss, you gain 1 Experience Point in 2 different Abilities of your choice.

You gained 1 Level each in the Courage

and Precision abilities in previous
Rounds. You manage to kill a Boss,
which grants you 2 Experience Points.
You choose to spend 1 to unlock the
Precision ability. You could spend the
second to also unlock Courage, but
you decide to spend it on Cold Blood,
hoping to Kill a second Parasite soon.


The LOCATE Action allows you to check your distance from two targets. Basically, anything on
the Map can be chosen as a target (specific Room Sectors, a certain kind of Sector, Doors, Stairs,
LCUs, a certain kind of Creature). To perform the LOCATE Action, you must declare 2 Targets.

The Evil players must check the Map and COMMUNICATING INFORMATION
Communicate the shortest distance (measured
in number of Sectors) between the Hero’s When you perform the LOCATE
Sector and each Target. The Evil players must Action, and in a few other occasions
also specify which Level each Target is on during the game, the Evil players will have to
(“same Level” or “the other Level”). Communicate information to you.

Unless you ask for a specific target (e.g., “the When the game asks them to Communicate
Laboratory”), the Evil players will communicate something, unless a Reaction card explicitly
the distance from the nearest target of that allows them to do otherwise, the Evil players See “Orienteering 101“,
kind (e.g., “the nearest LCU is 1 Sector away”). cannot lie: they must give you correct and Intro Rulebook,
After this the Action is resolved. clear information. page 12.

By performing this Action multiple times while

exploring the Labyrinth, you may be able to Note: Blocked Doors do not interrupt the shortest
determine if you are getting closer to the distance. Additionally, it is usually more efficient to
destination, rather than moving away from it. Unblock the Door than to find an alternative route.


You ask for the distance from the Lab and from the nearest Stairs. As you can
see in the Map above, the Lab is on the other Level at a distance of 7 Sectors,
while the nearest Stairs are just 1 Sector away. Without seeing the Map, it’s not
easy to find far away Targets only knowing the distance, of course, but you can
ask for the distance again in subsequent Turns and triangulate the position. 11

The SCAVENGE Action allows you to draw Item cards and to Upgrade the Items in your Inventory.
To perform a SCAVENGE Action, you must declare this intention, then draw 1 card from the Item
deck. If you are in a Room Sector, you can draw 3 cards instead, but this can only be done once
per Room during the same game. Place a Charge token on the corresponding Room space on
the Hero sheet to mark which Rooms you’ve already Scavenged.
You must place the Item cards drawn in your
Inventory. Unless otherwise specified by the ANY SECTOR ROOM SECTOR
(only once per Room)
card itself or a Reaction card, you must also
place 3 Charge tokens, with the blue side up,
on each Item drawn. +2
Read about After drawing Items, if you have more than 6
“Inventory“. Items in your Inventory, you have to discard
Items until you only have 6 left.
After you finish drawing (and possibly
discarding) cards, you may then Upgrade any
Items in your Inventory (including newly drawn
ones) as part of the same Action.
For further details about Items and their use in
the game, see page 14.
You performed a Scavenge Action in the Ventilation
Each Item card belongs to a specific Matrix Room and you have drawn 3 Items. You won’t be
(Chemical, Electrical or Mechanical). It also able to take advantage of this Room bonus again
for this game. Place 1 Charge token on the Hero
requires a component of a specific Matrix to
sheet as a reminder.
be Upgraded.
To Upgrade an Item, you need to take 1 Charge
token from another Item with the correct
Matrix, flip the token to the green side, and Smoke B
place it on the Required Component space
of the Item card that you want to Upgrade.
This can be done multiple times during the
same Scavenge Action.

Acid Vial tector

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12 • HERO COMPENDIUM 5. Advanced Effect

The INTERACT Action has different uses. It allows you to repair LCUs in order to switch on the lights
in a few Sectors or to interact with other devices in the Labyrinth in order to complete a Mission.
To perform an INTERACT Action, you must declare an eligible Target in the Hero’s Sector.
Eligible Targets are:
• LCUs (Light Control Units): this Action will repair the LCU, see Repairing Lights, below.
• Mission Sectors: many Mission cards will ask you to perform 1 or more Interact Actions in a
certain Room Sector to complete the Mission. See the related Mission cards for more information.
After the effects of the Interaction have been applied, the Action is resolved.

See “Completing
Each LCU on the Map can be repaired. When Missions“, Intro
an LCU is repaired, it will switch on the Lights Rulebook, page 11.
in the LCU Sector and in up to 2 adjacent
Sectors in a straight line from the LCU Sector.
You must declare in which direction you want
to switch the Lights on. If Lights are switched
on in an Unrevealed Sector that would be in
Line of Sight, that Sector also gets Revealed.
The Evil players will update the Labyrinth
according to the Map, flipping the Sector N
tiles to the Lighted side and Revealing new
Sectors, if needed.
You may repair the same LCU more than once
in order to switch on the Lights in different
For more information about the Lights, see
page 6.


You are in a Sector with an LCU, and you perform an Interact Action to switch on the Lights in that Sector, plus
up to 2 Sectors in a straight line. There are several possible outcomes of this. If you choose west, you end up
switching on the lights in 1 additional Sector only. If you choose north, you switch on the lights in the Room
Sector and in the Curve Sector beyond it, but only the Room is immediately revealed since the Curve is behind
a door that is not adjacent to the Hero’s Sector, and as such, it is out of LoS. Finally, if you choose east, you also
switch the lights on in 2 additional Sectors, and both of them are immediately Revealed because they are in LoS. 13

There are two different types of Item cards,
Action Item cards and Passive Item cards. : mo
ve up
Body Armo
2 se
ct ors

PERFORMING An Action Item card can only be activated

ACTIONS WITH ITEMS when performing a specific Action (as shown if you
by the icon on the top left corner of the card). crea move into
atta re, you c sector w
tu a

To activate the effect of a card, you must also

ck an it

When using Actions to

actio perform h a
n. a fR

activate Items, the card discard 1 Charge token from that card you can activate
after declaring the Action. When you activate an
this item wh

text completely overrides

after a crea en you should
ture attack lose
or an attack
: t he e vil pl of oPPortu

the regular effect of the Action Item card, the text of the card completely
aye rs mu
al l h it re st re ro ll
su lts on ce

Action (for more details, see overrides the effect of the regular Action. fRee : atta
creature with ck the attacking
page 2). A Passive Item card shows on the top left
attack of opp 2 (in case of an
target creatuortunity, choose 1
re only).

Note: using Items still corner of the card. To activate the effect of this
triggers Reactions related card, you must discard 1 when the trigger
to the Action you have used. condition described in the card text occurs. You declare a Move Action, then you spend
1 Charge from your upgraded Jet Pack to activate it.
When using an Item, unless otherwise specified, Instead of moving to an adjacent Sector as normal, it
you may only discard 1 from the card each allows you to move up to 2 Sectors, and to perform
time it is activated. Therefore, you can only activate an Attack action, all within a single Turn. Both Actions
its effect once per Action. If the last from an trigger the related Allowed Reactions, though, so the
Item is used, that Item is not usable anymore, and Evil players will have a greater chance to React.
it must be discarded immediately. You complete your movement in a Sector containing
a Creature and you attack, but you only manage
If an Item allows you to perform an extra
to Wound it. So, at the end of the same Turn, the
Action, both Actions (the Action activating Creature attacks back. If it Hits you, you can spend
the Item and the extra one) trigger the related Charges from the Armor to force the Evil players to
Allowed Reactions (see opposing page). reroll all Hits, if you so desire.
Each Character in the game can either be used as the Hero or as a Companion. Companions can
See “Completing be obtained during the game as a reward for completing certain Missions. When you obtain a
Missions“, Intro Companion, put 6 Charge tokens on their card; these will be their Health Points.
Rulebook, page 11.
When in play as a Companion, a Character has
two kinds of abilities: Sacrifice ability
• SACRIFICE ABILITIES: once per game, at the Sacrifice ability
beginning of a Turn, you may decide to discard discArd tHis cArd At tHe stArt of A turn:
Engineer Companion

See the Companion card (along with any remaining

Free : drAW 1 AdditionAl cArd; you cAn
ignore mAtrix symbols WHen upgrAding items.

page 1. Charges ) to activate a one-time (and usually
powerful) effect. companion ability
once per turn

• COMPANION ABILITIES: the card will tell you Health Points

: upgrAde 1 item (use from tHe
generAl pool).

when the ability can be activated. Each time
the ability is activated, you must discard 1
Charge token from the Companion. Companion ability

If the last from the Companion is discarded, you must also discard the card immediately. When
14 • HERO COMPENDIUM the Evil players deal damage to you, they may decide to deal all of that damage to the Companion
instead. You must remove 1 for each and/or damage dealt to the Companion in this way.

The Evil players may only play up to 2 Reaction cards each Turn. When the Evil players play a
Reaction card, they must place that card on the Reaction Track of the Hero sheet.
Looking at the cards on the Reaction Track is a way for you to have a simple reminder of which
Reactions were played against you this Round, and plan your next steps accordingly.

The first Reaction card played in each Turn ALLOWED REACTIONS

must be an Allowed Reaction, and it must be
placed vertically on the first empty space from Remember, when you perform an
Action, you “unlock” specific Reaction See Glossary
the left of the Reaction Track. The Evil players “Allowed Reactions“,
can also play a second Reaction card during cards for the Evil players to play (see page page 20.
the same Turn, if they want, but this card: 2). There are also a few Reactions that are
triggered by Life damage or Self Control
• also needs to be an Allowed Reaction damage (see page 9).
(see right)
• must be placed horizontally, covering the
next two empty spaces of the Reaction Track
The final spaces of the Reaction Track show DANGER TOKENS
Danger token symbols. If the Evil players play
a lot of Reactions, they will eventually cover When there is a Danger token in the
some of these Danger tokens. At the end of the Hero’s Sector, the Evil players may
Round, the Evil players will collect and place trigger enhanced effects on their Reactions.
on the Map a number of Danger tokens equal Additionally, when rolling dice, they can
to the number of symbols still visible on the count results as Hits (see page 8).
Reaction Track. So, if they play a lot of Reactions There can only be up to 8 Danger tokens on
this Round, they will damage you now, but they each Level of the Map.
will have fewer Danger tokens to place next
Round (giving you an easier life in the future).
pool is empty, the Hero only loses 1 .

what it contains as reported on the Map.

that Sector, immediately Reveal that Sector and
Element. If the Hero enters or explores again
from Revealing 1 real Element or reveal 1 fake
While Revealing a target Sector, you may Refrain
(Minimum Spawning Distance).
then Spawn 1 Creature at -1
Remove 1 Creature from the Map and
Move 1 Creature up to 2 Sectors OR


The Hero must choose to lose 2 or
Creature gets +1 .
Until the end of the Turn this

discard 1 adrenaline token. If the adrenaline

- play before Revealing elements -

- play at the end of the Turn -


- play at the end of the Turn - - play after the Hero has declared the targets -

Move 1 up to 1 Sector. Choose 1 of the targets and move 2

Until the end of the Turn, while Creatures towards it by 1 Sector.
Attacking, this Creature may Reroll each
Miss result once.
You may Communicate the distance
You may Kill this Creature while from one of the targets +1/-1
Attacking to roll +2 .

When all the spaces on the Reaction track are

PLACING NEW occupied, the Evil players cannot play any more
DANGER TOKENS Reactions for that Round! See
“End of the Round“,
Since there is 1 Danger token symbol page 17.
at the very end of the track, outside any END OF ROUND CLEANUP
card space, at the end of each Round the At the End of the Round, all Reaction
Evil players will always collect and place at cards on the Reaction Track must be
least 1 Danger token. discarded to their respective discard piles. 15

There are two ways you can spend Adrenaline tokens: to Recover Health or to trigger Bullet Time.
You can do both things in a single Turn, but you can only spend 1 Adrenaline for each purpose.
You start the game with 3 Adrenaline tokens in your pool. At the end of each Round, your
Adrenaline pool is restored to its maximum, as indicated on the Hero sheet by the Health track
with the lowest value between Life and Self Control (see facing page).

At the beginning of each Turn, you can spend 1
See Adrenaline token to recover 1 OR 1 . You
“Healing Cap“, can never exceed the Healing Cap though;
page 9. it is determined by the position of the Round
marker between your Health tracks.
To Recover Health, you must declare this
intention while you flip the Turn token for this
Turn, and place 1 Adrenaline token with the
Recover side up on top of it.


See At the beginning of each Turn, you can trigger

You spend Adrenaline to recover health. You have
“Turns“, Bullet Time, a special “power-up” mode that
0 , so you can recover 1 . You already have 4
page 1. allows you to perform 2 Actions in a single though, and the Healing Cap is currently between 4
Turn, instead of just 1. This can be of great and 5, so you cannot recover any more .
help in your race against time to complete your
To trigger Bullet Time, you must declare this
intention while you flip the Turn token for this INSTANT REACTIONS
Read about
“Instant Reactions“. Turn, and place 1 Adrenaline token with the Most Reaction cards are marked with .
Bullet Time side up on top of it. You don’t need These are Instant Reactions. Each one of
to declare both of the Actions you’re going to these cards specifies when they can be played
perform in advance. during the Turn.
Note that both Actions will trigger the related When a card is not marked with , it can only
Allowed Reactions, so the Evil players may be played at the end of your Turn.
play Reactions that match either or both of
your Actions.
Bullet Time is a very powerful tool, but since
the number of Adrenaline tokens you can use
each Round is limited, it has to be used wisely.

At the end ot the eighth Turn of a Round, after the Evil players have the chance to React, the Round
is over. Before starting a new Round, follow the procedure described below.


Check how many Danger token symbols are still Replenish your Adrenaline pool. The number
showing at the end of the Reaction Track. The of Adrenaline tokens you start the new
Evil players take an equal number of Danger Round with is determined by the number
tokens from the pool and set them aside (they on the Adrenaline track corresponding to
will place them at the end of this procedure). the lowest value between your Life and
Self Control tracks (5 in the picture below).
Then, remove the Reaction cards from the track.
The Evil players will place them on the discard
piles next to the corresponding Reaction decks. END OF ROUND EFFECTS
If there are Mission or Hero cards in play with
End of Round effects, apply them now, before
pool is empty, the Hero only loses 1 .

what it contains as reported on the Map.

that Sector, immediately Reveal that Sector and
Element. If the Hero enters or explores again
from Revealing 1 real Element or reveal 1 fake
While Revealing a target Sector, you may Refrain


The Hero must choose to lose 2 or
discard 1 adrenaline token. If the adrenaline

moving the Round marker.

- play before Revealing elements -


You must move the Round marker to the left
on the Round track. If the token reaches the
final space of the track as a result, Nightmare
Mode is triggered (see page 18). Flip the
LABYRINTH CLEANUP Round marker to the purple side as a reminder.
The Evil players must now remove all the Sector
tiles from the Labyrinth, except for the Hero’s
Sector tile, all the adjacent Sectors, and all the
Lighted Sectors in your Line of Sight.

At the end of the Round, your track is at 3, while your See

track is at 8. Your Adrenaline pool for the next Round “Line of Sight“,
will be 5 tokens. You still had 1 from the previous Round, page 6.
so you take 4 from the reserve to replenish your pool.
Then, you move the Round marker to the left.
At the end of the Round, the
Sectors marked with an arrow
are removed from the Labyrinth,
because they are neither adjacent to REACTIONS AND DANGER
the Hero’s Sector nor in LoS. At the end of the Round, the Evil
The Cross Sector stays because it is adjacent players will be able to replenish
to the Hero’s Sector. Even though it is not their hands of Reaction cards, and place
adjacent, the Corridor to the south also stays, as it is additional Danger tokens on the map.
in Line of Sight (because of the light).
There can only be up to 8 Danger tokens on
each Level of the Map at the same time. 17
Creature type (Dark / Light) Distance

When the Round marker reaches the final space

of the Round track, Nightmare mode is triggered.
Read about This means you have spent too much time trying to 1/1 3/2 1 3

Regular side
“Creature Stats Table“. complete your Missions, and the Creatures enter an 2/1 2/1 1 4

enraged state, making them stronger, scarier and 2/2 2/2 0 4

faster. 2/1 2/1 2 3
2/2 3/0 2 5
When Nightmare mode is triggered, you must
See flip the Creature Stats card to the Nightmare
When the Round marker reaches the final space of the Round track, flip this card on the Nightmare side.

“Hero Taking Damage“,

page 9.
side. Also, at the end of each Round, you will lose
2 Self Control . Life points Self Control
(To Wound / To Kill when Wounded) damage
Nightmare mode will last until the end of the game.
Entering Nightmare mode is irreversible: you can’t
revert the game to regular mode even if an effect of a
card would make you gain additional Rounds.

Nightmare side
Triggering Nightmare mode does not end the game,
it just makes the game much more difficult. With
stronger Creatures, the Evil players will have an easier
time trying to defeat you. This is why you should try to
complete your Missions as quickly as you can! During Nightmare mode, at the end of each Round, you will lose 2 Self Control .


Depending on the Difficulty Level chosen during the setup procedure, the Hero’s Starting Items
and the rewards they obtain when triggering the Final Mission are different:


Take 1 of the 3 “Bullets” Draw 1 random Item card. Draw 1 random Item card.
cards at random, then draw
1 other random Item card.


Gain 1 additional Round Gain 1 additional Round Recover 3 Life
See then then OR
“Recovering Health“,
page 16. Recover 3 Life Recover 3 Life 3 Self Control
3 Self Control 3 Self Control


The game may end in two ways:

You instantly win the game if the Final The Evil players instantly win the game if Missions“, Intro
Rulebook, page 11.
Mission is completed. Remember that your Life and Self Control tracks are
to trigger the Final Mission, you have to both lowered to zero.
complete 1 of the 2 Starting Missions first. See
Also, remember that you may win the game “Nightmare Mode“,
even if Nightmare Mode has been triggered. page 18.

or and

You have the activation codes for the cryostasys system
disinfestation turrets.of the pods is malfunctioning The radar signals that the interplanetary communication
and it’s creating energy fluctuations that deactivated system is back online and can be used in the to send an
Reach the to use them! the inertial systems, now there is no gravitiy. S.O.S. message. But a Traitor is planning against him.
Find a way to fix it and reactivate the inertial systems.
As soon As The is CompleTed
special condition
The Evil places the Soldier on the Map in a Sector at the same
When the Hero performs he moves in a straight line distance from the as the Hero is distant from the .
and stops only when he founds a wall or by flipping an The Soldier wants to reach the before the The Hero.
To CompleTe Thisadditional mission Turn token. The Traitor can be moved as a and has the same stats as
The Hero cannot run. The Creatures move normally. a . If the Soldier reaches the before the Hero places
You have to reach the and perform 1 and discard 3
to activate the turrets. 2 Sabotage tokens in the and the Hero loses 3 .
At the end of a Round, if the Traitor is in the , place 1
to complete this mission additional Sabotage tokens in the .

The Hero has to reach the and perform 1 to

To CompleTe This mission
reactivate the inertial systems.
RewaRds Choose a level, deal 2 damage to each
Creature in that level. The Hero has to reach the and performs 4 to
sinthetize a substance to calm and daze the creatures.
The Evil players will tell you how many For each Hormon token the Hero needs 1 less (minimum 1).
+1 +1
Creatures are killed. The Special Condition is removed.
Perform a free .
The Hero can remove 1 Sabotage token performing a .
The Mission cannot be resolved if there are Sabotage
tokens in the .
triggers triggers

SM01 PM01 FM01


Allowed Reactions: Allowed Reactions are the Note: The Hero’s Sector is always in LoS. An
See types of Reaction cards that the Evil players can Unrevealed Sector is never in LoS. However, a
“Allowed Reactions“,
page 2. play during a turn, determined by the Actions Revealed Sector can either be in LoS or not.
performed by the Hero that Turn.
Noise: When a Creature is Spawned or moves,
Communicate: When the Evil players answer it produces noise. When the Evil players tell the
See“Communicating the questions the Hero asks them when using Hero the direction from which the noise comes,
Information“, the Locate Action, they are Communicating this is called “Communicating a Noise”.
page 11. information. A Communication must always be
true, unless a card specifically states that it may Revealed/Unrevealed: an Element or
be false. a Sector can be Revealed or Unrevealed.
When an Element or a Sector is added to the
See “How to
Interpret Noise“,
Dangerous: A Reaction card is considered Labyrinth it is considered Revealed, otherwise
page 5. Dangerous if the Hero Action that allowed that it is considered Unrevealed.
Reaction was performed in a Dangerous Sector.
A Dangerous Sector is a Sector containing a Spawn: When a Creature is Spawned, it is
Danger token. placed in a Sector on the Map. The Evil players
See decide which Sector the Creature is Spawned
“Danger Tokens“, Draw: When the game tells the Evil players in. The minimum distance between the Hero’s
page 15.
to draw cards, the Evil Leader decides how to Sector and the Sector where the Creature is
distribute the cards. They can decide to split Spawned depends on the type of Creature, as
the number of cards drawn between all the Evil shown on the Creature Stat Table.
players in any way.
When a Creature is Spawned it produces noise
Element: An Element is anything that can be in in the Sector where it is Spawned.
a Sector. Creatures, Danger tokens, Condition
tokens, Doors, LCUs, Stairs, and Mission tokens Teleport: When a Creature is teleported,
are all considered Elements. it does not follow the rules for Spawning.
Teleporting Creatures do not produce any
Line of Sight: Everything the Hero can see in noise, and the Minimum Spawning Distance is
a specific moment is considered to be in their ignored.
“Line of Sight“,
page 6. Line of Sight (LoS). The LoS starts from the Hero’s
Sector and extends through Revealed Sectors Wound: A Creature gets a Wound after
in a straight line in each possible direction. It is receiving an amount of damage equal to the
interrupted only by: number shown on the Creature Stats Table.
When a Creature receives its first Wound, it
- a wall (such as a Curve Sector or T-Junction) is “Wounded.” When it receives its second
- a door that is not in the Hero’s Sector Wound, the Creature is Killed.
- an Unrevealed Sector
- a Sector on the other side of a set of Stairs


Game Design: Andrea Crespi, Lorenzo Silva Silvia Proverbio, Michelle Crespi, Valentina Adduci, Armin Silva, Martina Marinoni, Giulio Panfilo Vassalli,
Game Design Supervision: Hjalmar Hach Alexandra Zanasi, Francesca Cerutti, Pietro Righi Riva, Carlo Burelli, Francesco Biglia, Andrea Vigiak,
Game Development: Flavio Mortarino Laura Severino, Valentina Simba Salimbeni, Karim Khadiri, Giulia Ghigini, Edoardo Roncaldier, David
Additional Development: e-Nigma Preti, Eric Lang, Andrea Chiarvesio, Yuri Fang, Renato Sasdelli, Heiko Eller, Maurizio Vergendo, Riccardo
Artwork: Steve Hamilton, Paolo Lamanna Sandroni, Giovanni Intini, Roberto Pestrin, Le Coccinelle Rosa, 4Brains4Games, Dadi Ducali, Dunwich
Art Direction: Lorenzo Silva Buyers Club, Andrea Marinetti, Federico Corbetta, Paolo Tajé, Fabio Succi Cimentini, Daniel De Filippis,
Graphic Design: Heiko Gunther, Noa Vassalli, Rita Ottolini Franchino Barone, Mauro Marinetti, Marco Brera, Fabio Leva, Alessio Vallese, Ivan Zacconi, Michele
Miniature Sculptors: Stéphane Simon, Stéphane Nguyen Van Gioi Marotta, Alessio Lana, Nicola Bocchetta, Andrea Mattalia, Curro Marin, José Manuel Rey, Stephane
Scriptment: Giuseppe Lapadula, Lorenzo Silva, Alessandro Pra‘ Bogard, Takashi Aida, Yuko Sato, Cliquenabend, Hunter & Cron, Wurfelmagier, Giuseppe Cicero, Davide
Story Development: Giuseppe Lapadula Calza, Andrea Polimadei, Daniele Mariani, Giovanni Scalabrini, Roberto Vicario, Andrea Settoni, Silvia
Project Manager: Alessandro Pra‘, Lorenzo Silva Proverbio, Filippo Ribaudo, Valentina Foglietto, Luca Pinchiroli, Giuliano Milani, Matteo Sassi, Alessandro
www.horrible-games.com Production Manager: Alessandro Pra‘, Flavio Mortarino Branca, Claudio Rimoldi, Marcello Locatelli, Gabriele Mari, Christian Zoli, Alessandro Valenza, Matteo
If you have any issues, please contact us at: Rulebook: Alessandro Pra’, Flavio Mortarino Pironi, Livio Valentini, Gabriele Galli, Tommaso Battimiello, Giacomo Santopietro, Demis Savini, Gianluca
customercare@horrible-games.com English revision: William Niebling Santopietro, Stahleck Burgevent 15/16/17 playtesters, Essen 2017 playtesters and many more!

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