Myth - Rules Summary

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The Game Round

Myth is broken down into several units of play. The first and largest is the Story. The Story is the overarching tale the group of Heroes is playing. Though a
Story can be played all at once, each Story is broken up into three smaller segments, called Acts, which usually represent a single session of gameplay. Each
Act takes roughly two hours to complete.

Gameplay within each Act takes place in a round. That round is divided into three phases: the Cycle Phase, the Hero Deck Phase, and the Refresh Phase.

1. Cycle Phase
The Cycle Phase is where the Heroes pummel, maim, gouge, burn, skewer, heal, and perform any number of heroic deeds. Players play cards from their
Hero hands. These cards represent Actions or Reactions the Hero is attempting to carry out. Each card has a cost in the form of Action Points (AP). Action
Points is the common currency that connects all the Heroes and the Darkness. The Heroes execute Actions, spending AP, which in turn activates the
Darkness. For a more complete breakdown of how Heroes play, refer to page <??>.

Hero Cycle
The Hero Cycle begins with conversation by the players on what they can do and how they intend to do it. Heroes move, act, and react. Action Points (AP)
associated with the cards played raise the Darkness Meter. When it reaches six, the Darkness activates.

Darkness Cycle
Draw a Darkness event card and follow the steps in order.

Hero Cycle, cont.

If the Heroes have not yet finished with their cycle, defined by each Hero having filled all their Action Spaces or passed, then they continue until the
Darkness activates again or they finish.

2. Hero Deck Phase

During the Hero Deck Phase, Heroes choose what cards they are keeping and replace cards up to their hand size.

3. Refresh Phase
The Refresh Phase is when the Realm Tiles and Hero Board are reset and prepared for the next round. It is also when the various status effects are resolved,
quest rewards or penalties are factored, traps trigger, any AP requirement penalties are applied based off the Heroes inactivity, and AP is added to the
Darkness Meter for active Monster-type groups. More information on the Refresh Phase can be found on page <??>.

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KICKSTARTER RULES MYTH and the MYTH logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner.
The Cycle Phase Myth is completely cooperative and much more free form than other games.
While the Darkness Cycle has a definite order and flow, the Heroes are
more flexible. A Hero can move and pick up treasure, then wait to play
The Cycle Phase is where the bulk of the game takes place. In this phase, any Actions or Reactions until later in the HC. Conversely, a Hero can
Heroes take actions and the Darkness reacts. There is no time limit within complete the entirety of his HC at one time and then wait for the others to
the Cycle Phase unless otherwise noted by a quest or Darkness effect. finish. There is no hard and fast rule.

There are two cycles at work during this phase: the Hero Cycle and the Each deck is very different, so any players wishing to explore particular
Darkness Cycle. Actions in a Hero Deck should refer to the Hero sections that begin on
page <??>.
During the Hero Cycle (HC), the Heroes perform Actions and Reactions
based off the cards played. The Darkness may or may not activate in a given Normal Movement
Hero Cycle. Darkness activation is based solely off the Darkness Meter filling.
On the other hand, there is no artificial cap that prevents the Darkness from Heroes have a normal movement that is calculated by taking his or her
activating multiple times in a Hero Cycle. If the Heroes spend the Action class’s Movement Points (MP) and adding bonuses (or penalties) for armor
Points required to max out the Darkness Meter, then the Darkness acts, and and status effects.
the Darkness Meter resets (or carries over any remaining AP spent).
Class MP ± Armor ± Status = Normal Movement
The Darkness Cycle (DC) occurs within any given Hero Cycle (perhaps
multiple times, as stated earlier), and may also activate once during the Normal movement represents the Hero’s ability to move without playing
Refresh Phase. The Darkness Cycle isn’t a defined period of time as much as additional cards. Moving in this manner causes no Threat, causes no attacks
a reaction to what the Heroes are doing. of opportunity, nor does it add any AP to the Darkness Meter. For more
information regarding movement, see page <??>.
Once the Darkness Cycle is initiated, it interrupts the present Hero Cycle
immediately after the triggering Hero’s played card is complete. The Darkness Movement
Cycle follows specific instructions as communicated on the drawn Darkness
event card. When the Darkness Cycle is finished, the Hero Cycle resumes. Myth Realm Tiles have a 1 inch x 1 inch grid that guides both Hero and
Monster movement. Any miniature on the Realm Tiles can move to any
adjacent square, orthogonally and diagonally, at a rate of one Movement
The Hero Cycle Point (MP) per square.

During the Hero Cycle, Heroes play Action and Reaction cards. While Interacting with Objects
the specifics are detailed within each Hero’s specific deck, the Hero Cycle
follows a basic pattern but no particular order: Heroes can interact with “objects” on the Realm Tiles at any time during
their movement, both with normal movement and with played movement
Use normal movement to: cards. Treasure can be acquired, quests solved, and traps disarmed.

• Move Interactive objects on a tile may be manipulated (including being picked

up) at a cost of one Movement Point per object per attempt. Multiple
and/or treasures may be picked up, but only if an equal number of MPs are spent.
A complete list of interactive objects can be found on page <??>.
• Pick objects up
Play Cards
Play cards to:
Each Hero has a hand of five cards, drawn from a deck of 25. These cards
• Move represent the breadth of abilities and attacks the Heroes have at their
Cards are played in open Action Spaces on the Hero Board. If the Hero
• Pick objects up has no available spaces, then he or she cannot play a card. In addition to
available slots, Heroes are limited to one Action card per Hero Cycle. They
and/or may play as many Reactions as they have available slots, however. This
interaction is covered in great detail on page <??>.
• Perform Actions
Cards labeled Action/Reaction may be played as either an Action or a
Play cards to: Reaction. Cards labeled Reaction (Combat) may only be played during the
Darkness Cycle as a Reaction to the Darkness.
• Perform Reactions

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KICKSTARTER RULES MYTH and the MYTH logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner.
When a card (or series of cards) is played, the AP generated is added to the Immediately
Darkness Meter. Regardless of the Darkness activation, the Hero’s card in Anytime the word “immediately” is used on a card (it appears in the Darkness
play is resolved before proceeding to the Darkness Cycle. Deck and the Quest Deck) it means that whatever event or effect happened is
resolved before anything else.
Player Order
In terms of the Darkness Deck, it often refers to additional Monsters that
Players are not required to finish their turn before proceeding to the next appear. They are placed without delay and, as a result, would be activated in
player, but they are required to finish the effect on the card. Players are step three.
encouraged to table talk and play the best Hero Cycle available to them as
a group.
2. Threat Penalty
However, once a player has filled his Hero Board, he cannot play any other
cards. Additionally, once all players have finished or passed, then that Hero Threat is the measure of how the various Minions and Monsters feel about
Cycle is finished and the Refresh Phase begins. Anytime the Darkness any given Hero. Threat is covered in detail on page <??>. If a Hero has been
Meter fills, then the Darkness Cycle interrupts the ongoing Hero Cycle so overly-aggressive to garner a Threat level of 10, then the Darkness bites
immediately after the triggering card is complete. back harshly.

The Darkness Cycle Threat Penalties are dire. Gained early in an Act, the consequences of a
penalty all but guarantee victory for the Darkness. Gained late in an Act,
The Darkness is driven by the actions of the Heroes. The greater the threat the Threat Penalty can spell doom for an otherwise smooth Story.
the Heroes pose, the more the Darkness seeks their death.
The good news is, smart play and communication can stave off Threat
Once activated, each Darkness Cycle is guided by a card drawn from Penalties indefinitely.
the present Darkness Deck. While each Darkness Deck presents its own
challenges and danger, the Darkness Cycle can be broken down into the 3. Activation
following steps, in the following order:
During the third step, Activation, the Darkness bares its teeth. All Minions,
• Event Captains, Mini-Bosses, and Bosses move and attack, if able.
• Threat Penalty
This step represents the bulk of the Darkness’s ability to harm the Heroes.
• Activation
In addition to the Hero Cycle, most of Myth is played during this step.
• Spawn
The rules for the Darkness activation are covered on page <??>. That section
Unlike the Hero Cycle, all Actions in a Darkness Cycle happen in the also further covers Threat, Action Points, Movement, and Monster Combat.
presented order on the card. Heroes are allowed to play Reaction cards
during the Darkness Cycle at any time if they have open spaces on their 4. Spawn
The last thing the Darkness does during its cycle is spawn more denizens.
1. Event Usually this step consists of referencing the drawn Boss card spawn level in
relation to any active Lairs.
Events are abnormally bad things that happen to the Heroes if the criteria
set forth on the card is achieved. There are numerous spawn types. A complete list can be found on page
Events happen only at the time they are checked, as per the order of
cycle. If, for instance, criteria for an event is achieved during step three, Each active Lair has specific instructions in regards to what spawns based off
Activation, then the event does not occur. Events only occur if the criteria is the spawn level provided by the drawn card. When a Darkness event card is
met during step one of the Darkness Cycle. drawn, there will always be a spawn unless the Lair has been destroyed.

If an event does occur, the event is resolved before the second step, Threat
The term Spawn represents a Lair producing additional Monsters for the
Heroes to fight. Monster miniatures are placed adjacent to the Lair as close to
targets as possible based off that Monster-type’s priorities. More information
about spawning Monsters can be found on page <??>.

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KICKSTARTER RULES MYTH and the MYTH logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner.
• DoTs inflict damage.
The Hero Deck Phase • Prone miniatures stand up.
• Reduced Action Spaces or hand size are handled during the Cycle
After each Hero has completed his Actions or passed, the Hero Deck Phase Phase and the Hero Deck Phase.
begins. Heroes are allowed, but are not forced, to keep one card from their
present hand. Once they decide which card is being kept, only then do they • Frozen Heroes receive one less Action Space.
draw up to their hand size. Players are not allowed to select which card is • Possessed Heroes act.
kept from the cards being drawn.
If this represents the last phase for a particular status effect, then it is
The standard Hero hand size is five cards. This can change as a result of removed at this time.
equipment, Fate dice results, or status effects. In rare circumstances, Heroes
are allowed to keep more than one card. 3. Trap Results

The Refresh Phase

If traps are disarmed during the Hero Cycle, then they are removed at that
time. However, if a trap is not disarmed, it activates and affects all targets,
Hero or Darkness, at this time.
The Refresh Phase has numerous steps that take place in a specific order.
During these steps, if a Darkness Cycle is activated, then that cycle Not all trap effects are instant and over. There are traps that summon
interrupts the Refresh Phase. The Darkness Cycle is completed per the rules Monsters or are the embodiment of a Monster. In cases such as these, the
covered earlier. Afterward, the Refresh Phase resumes and is completed. summoned Monster activates at this time, not during the Darkness Cycle,
unless stated otherwise in the Trap. Likewise, if the trap is a Monster, it acts
• Darkness Meter at this time.
• Status Results
• Trap Results
4. Quest Results
• Quest Results Myth is about creating stories. This is mainly done through quests and
• Cleanup objectives. Sometimes these quests require something to be acquired; other
times it involves securing a person or item in a specified time. If a quest
Sometimes the Refresh Phase is quick and sometimes it is dirty. Players objective is active, then results are calculated during this step of the Refresh
should make sure to follow the steps in the order provided, because it is easy Phase.
to miss a step if the Darkness activates during the Refresh Phase. Yes, it is
easy, and very tempting to do everything in the Refresh Phase at the same • Possession is determined.
time, but not if it means skipping a step that may trigger the Darkness. • Escort, or deliveries, happen.
• Kills and pickup are calculated.
1. Darkness Meter
• Hero Cycle timers are reduced.
Located in the middle of the Darkness Board, this number scale ranging
from one to six tracks the AP spent by the Heroes.
5. Cleanup

In terms of the Refresh Phase, players count the number of activated This step is where dead Heroes are removed from the Realm Tiles. In
Monster-types, counting Mini-Bosses and Bosses separately (Minions and addition, if the Heroes have failed a quest, which is resolved in the previous
Captains of the same Monster-type are counted as one). This number is step, then the quest objective is removed during the Cleanup step.
added to the Darkness Meter. If this activates the Darkness by reaching “6”
on the Darkness Meter, then gameplay should proceed to a Darkness Cycle Other pieces and parts are removed when they are picked up, like treasure.
before advancing to step two.

2. Status Results
Though not a phase in the game round, it is important to touch on Serendipity
here. This resource is used to “purchase” fortunate effects for the Heroes.
If a Hero is afflicted with a malady or the Darkness with a damage-over-
These events can run the gamut from a fairly innocuous boon to Hero-saving
time (DoT) spell, then those things are reconciled during this second step
of the Refresh Phase. If the result kills the Hero, then that miniature is left
on the Realm Tiles until step five, Cleanup.
Serendipity can be spent by the Heroes AT ANY TIME. There is no restriction
what-so-ever. It can even be used in the Refresh Phase to save a dead Hero.
Status effects are those things that happen to the Heroes that are extend
For more information on Serendipity, see page <??>.
beyond an simple attack from a Monster in the Darkness Cycle. They can
be damaging, like a DoT, or it can be something that restricts the Hero but
does not damage.

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KICKSTARTER RULES MYTH and the MYTH logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner.
The Heroes
A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

A Hero becomes more. Without equivocation, a Hero is someone who rises to the occasion, encounters extraordinary enemies, wins vital victory, then
shares success with the people, his equals.

Heroes in Myth have three basic elements: the Hero Board, the Hero Deck, and the miniature, or avatar.

The Hero Board

Each player in Myth receives a Hero Board to keep track of base stats, Threat, inventory, status, equipment, Vitality, and Actions.

1. Hero Token slot

This area of the Hero Board is reserved for a character’s Hero Token.

2. Threat Meter
Located just to the right of the Hero Token slot is the Threat Meter. The Threat Meter has numbers going from 1 to 10. These numbers represent how much Threat
a Hero is currently generating at any given point during a Story. Heroes start with zero Threat and can never exceed Threat 10.

3. Inventory
Just below the Hero Token slot on the left side of the Hero Board is the space allocated for inventory. Any gold, quest tokens, potions, or excess equipment are
stored in this location. There is no maximum limit to items that are placed here.

4. Status
In between the inventory and equipment is the area where status effects are tracked. Anytime a Hero receives a status effect from an enemy, the corresponding
token is placed on one of the small circles located here. Heroes can only ever have 3 different status effect tokens.

5. Equipment
The equipment area is located in the middle of the Hero Board and takes up the majority of the board. This area is where all Heroes track their currently equipped
gear. The equipment area is comprised of 5 different equipment spaces. These spaces are primary, secondary, armor, helm, and accessory. Any item received in a
Story has one of these designations, and only one of each type can ever be equipped at a time.

6. Vitality Meter
Located just below the equipment area is the Vitality Meter. This meter has values ranging from 1 to 18. Heroes keep track of any modifications to their health
here. Maximum Vitality values for Heroes are modified by equipment.

7. Action Spaces
At the bottom of the Hero Board is the Action Space area. There are four spaces in this area for Heroes to play cards from their Hero Deck. Once all spaces are
filled, Heroes are no longer allowed to play cards until the beginning of the next Hero Cycle. Empty spaces on the Action Space area also represent -1 Threat for
every empty space at the end of each Hero Cycle.

© 2013 MERCS Miniatures LLC. All rights reserved.

KICKSTARTER RULES MYTH and the MYTH logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner.
Hero Token Courage
Slotted into the Hero Board, each Hero Token provides various information Each Hero also has a Courage stat. Courage is used to overcome Fear
for your selected Hero, including their defining attribute, base Vitality, and effects. The value is on the Hero Token, but the complete list is provided
Courage stat. here:

Hit Dice • Soldier = 6

• Acolyte = 6
Hit dice are ten-sided dice, commonly referred to as d10s. All Apprentice-
• Brigand = 6
level Heroes have a base 1d10 to hit in combat. The number of Hit dice can
be modified by weapons, buffs (positive spells), status effects, and Monster • Apprentice = 6
abilities. • Archer = 6

Fate Dice
These custom six-sided dice have six symbols that reflect the defining
Hero Play
attribute of each Hero and the Darkness. These dice are rolled and their Myth is a unique combination of teamwork and solitaire gameplay. When
results are used to achieve “recipes” for items. Once spent on a recipe, the performing an Action on the Realm Tiles or discussing strategy, players use
Fate die is considered used. a lot of communication and understanding of the situation to come up
with a plan of action.
Defining Attribute
However, when players are determining which Actions and Reactions to
The attribute is on each Hero Token, but the complete list is provided here. use, in what order to play them, which cards to keep, and the intricacies of
Each Hero, as well as the Darkness, has a defining attribute: managing Threat in relation to being active, then the decisions are clearly a
player’s own.
• Rage = Soldier
• Faith = Acolyte While the choices are myriad, basically two things happen:

• Arcane = Apprentice • Movement

• Guile = Brigand • Playing Cards
• Nature = Archer
Regardless of what each player is going to do, before anything happens,
• Darkness = Darkness players must figure out how they intend to tackle the tile. To be more
These attributes are the facings for each Fate die. They are used for specific, the players have to figure out who is going first.
determining extra Actions during combat and for deciding target priority
during Darkness combat. Order
Vitality Certainly, the first thing a group of players in a Hero Cycle need to figure
out is the order of Actions. Who is doing what and in what order can they
Each Hero has a starting Vitality that is modified by armor. This is often be done to best support the team? It can be as simple as allowing players to
referred to as their base Vitality. The value is on the Hero Token, but the perform all their Actions, then moving on, but Myth isn’t designed to limit
complete list is provided here: players that way. When getting a feel for how Myth works, it might be wise
to begin by doing complete player turns before moving on, but in no time
• Soldier = 7 at all, players will quickly realize they can optimize when their cards are
• Acolyte = 6 played in a certain order and the more free-form dynamic of Myth’s design
comes to the front.
• Brigand = 6
• Apprentice = 5
• Archer = 5

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KICKSTARTER RULES MYTH and the MYTH logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner.
There is no set structure within the Hero Cycle, though there are some Cautious Movement is the only type of movement that can be eliminated
guidelines that must be followed. as an option. If a Hero’s normal MPs drops to one, then that Hero cannot
cautiously move (half of 1 MP rounded down is 0 MP).
• Players cannot use Movement Points (MPs) after playing an Ac-
tion. This includes MP spent to interact with a Realm Tile object Normal Movement
or pick up treasure. Heroes have a normal movement that is calculated by taking his or her
• Cards played must be completed before any other cards can be class’s MPs and adding bonuses (or penalties) for armor and status effects.
• If a Hero can provide a bonus, or buff, to an Action, it must be
Class MP ± Armor ± Status = Normal MPs
played before a card is put in play.
• If a player passes, only Reactions are allowed from that player
Wall of Monsters, part 1
until the next Hero Cycle. Heroes cannot move through Monsters. However, Heroes can move into an
open space through diagonally adjacent Monsters.
• Heroes must spend at least one Action Point (AP) per Hero Cycle
or are considered to be Loitering. Aggressive Movement

If a Hero plays a Move card, then that movement is considered to be

Movement aggressive, even if the Hero did not use any MPs. This includes when MPs
are used to pick up treasure or interact with Realm objects. It should be
To get into range to interact or attack, Heroes need to move. Movement noted, not all Hero cards that provide extra movement are classified as
Points begin at two. All Heroes, regardless of level classification, have a two Move cards (the Apprentice’s Blink and Brigand’s Ambush, for instance).
normal movement. This simply means, all things being equal, that a Hero
can move two squares without playing additional “Move” cards. Normal MPs + Move Card = Aggressive Movement
Any miniature on the Realm Tiles can move to any adjacent unoccupied Reaction Move Cards
square at a rate of one MP per square. However, movement affects what a
Heroes can use Reaction Move cards after an attack, but only if they take
Hero can do and what bonuses are applied to Actions.
advantage of the bonus/penalty associated with aggressive movement.
There are four types of Hero movement: If the attack cannot be combined with an aggressive movement, then either
that attack cannot be played or the Reaction Move cannot be played.
• No Movement - The Hero is stationary.
• Cautious Movement - If a Hero moves half his Normal MPs Move cards’ AP cost are added to the Darkness Meter when they are played
(rounded down), then he is considered to be in cautious move- just like any other Hero card.
• Normal Movement - This is the farthest a Hero can move without MPs and Realm Objects
playing a Move card. Movement Points, both normal and through the use of Move cards, can be used
to interact with Realm objects. These objects can be interacted with at any
• Aggressive Movement - Any movement using Move cards is consid-
time during the Hero’s movement.
ered aggressive.

Leaving Combat Interactive objects on a tile may be manipulated at a cost of one Movement
Point per object per attempt. Multiple treasures may be picked up, but only if
There is no penalty for leaving combat in Myth. Heroes can enter and exit an equal number of MP are spent.
combat at will during the Hero Cycle. The Darkness only activates and performs
Actions during the Darkness Cycle. Here is a complete list of interactive objects and the actions associated with
Heroes, unless permitted by a card, are not allowed to move through them:
allies or enemies. This becomes quite important in the more narrow 4 x 6
hallways, with Traps threatening to crush anyone lagging behind, or when • Treasure - pick up
a Hero is surrounded by a horde of Monsters, because that Hero cannot • Quest objective - interact with
• Quest object - pick up
Cautious Movement • Traps - disarm
This represents a Hero moving more carefully. This often is represented • Realm objects - interact with or destroy
in additional bonuses to an Action. In certain cases, like the Brigand’s
Shadows, it is the maximum movement type allowed to maintain a desired • Switches - flip
status. • NPCs - speak with

Normal MPs ÷ 2 (rounded down) = Cautious Movement

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KICKSTARTER RULES MYTH and the MYTH logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner.
Actions vs. Reactions
Hero Decks Each card in a Hero Deck is labeled as an Action, Reaction, or both. Heroes can
play four cards per Hero Cycle represented by the number of Action Spaces
Each Hero has a unique deck of 25 cards, but each card within the Hero
available on the Hero Board, but only one Action card.
Decks are structured the same. Information found on a Soldier card is
found in the same place on an Apprentice card, for instance. The difference is much more important when dealing with Boss class abilities
that affect Actions. In these cases, Reactions are not penalized.
The Hero Card Furthermore, sometimes it is important to play an Action/Reaction as an Action
1. Class Icon to cause an AP and not incur a penalty for Loitering (see page ??).

Each Hero in Myth has a specific class icon that is located in the upper left There is a sub-class of Reaction cards, Combat Reactions. These are the only
corner of each Hero card. cards that can be played during the Darkness Cycle to thwart a Monster attack
or provide the Hero with an opportunity to counter-attack.

2. Hero Ability
Located in the upper right corner of the Hero card is the ability name. Combat
The effectiveness of a Hero within a cycle has to do with his deck. Heroes
3. Damage and Range must play cards to perform any activity other than those associated with
Below the ability name, set apart in red text, is the amount of damage the MPs.
ability does and the range associated with the attack. This only appears on
cards that are attacks. Heroes MUST play cards to attack. There are no Actions or Reactions that
Heroes can take not associated with a card. The majority of the cards in a
Hero Deck fuel combat Actions or are themselves combat Actions.
4. Movement Modifiers
On the left side of the Hero card are the four types of movement allowed by Hero combat is divided into six steps that help beginners find their footing.
Heroes. Every ability in a Hero Deck has its own movement modifiers and
requirements to perform an Action or Reaction Hero card. Steps:

• Line of Sight
5. Ability Description • Play Card
All abilities in the Hero Deck have descriptions, located just below the Hero art,
• Form Dice Pool
detailing exactly how the ability performs.
• Target Numbers and Success

6. Action/Reaction • Remove Casualties and Place Treasure

• Threat
Every ability in a Hero Deck is an Action, Reaction, Action/Reaction, or Reaction
(Combat) ability. These icons are located at the bottom of the card to the right 1. Line of Sight
of the movement modifiers.
With any table-top miniature game, or board game that uses miniatures as
avatars, players need to understand the concept of line-of-sight (LoS).
7. AP Cost
On the lower right corner of the Hero card are the four icons representing the Line-of-sight is the understanding that the attacker, from his perspective,
ability’s AP cost. Each icon filled red is equal to 1 AP. can “see” the target. Players have a bird’s eye view of the Realm Tiles,
so they can see everything going on. However, in terms of the avatar
performing the attack, Heroes need an unblocked view of the target. For
purposes of simplicity, no distinction is made between ranged and melee

© 2013 MERCS Miniatures LLC. All rights reserved.

KICKSTARTER RULES MYTH and the MYTH logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner.
Heroes need to be able to draw an unblocked line from any corner of the This is a quick, but integral step in a successful attack. The player needs to
square where the miniature stands to any corner of the square where the collect all the dice being rolled for the attack, both d10 Hit dice and d6
target stands. The rules for the Darkness and the Heroes differ. Please refer Fate dice, in one place. This is called a dice pool. The dice pool is what is
to the Darkness combat section on page ?? for a greater understanding of rolled to determine success. Though not guaranteed, the more dice a player
how LoS affects Monsters. rolls, the greater chance of success.

Not everything is considered to block LoS, however. Dice are added and removed from multiple sources.

Blocks LoS Hit Dice (d10s):

• Monsters • Hero Token (usually 1d10)

• Lairs • Weapon
• Red Realm Tile Lines • Hero buffs
• Traps • Status effects (usually a penalty)
• Walls
Fate Dice (d6s):
Does Not Block LoS
• Hero Token (usually 1d6)
• Heroes • Weapon
• Allies • Hero buffs
• Blue Realm Tile Lines
While technically rolled after a Hero knows the target number, once all the
• Treasure dice are together, the Hero is ready to roll.
• Interactive Realm Objects
4. Target Numbers and Success
Wall of Monsters, part 2 The target number (TN) is listed on the Monster. It represents the number
Heroes can draw LoS through diagonally adjacent Monsters. However, LoS necessary to successfully hit the target. Ideally, one of the other players is
cannot be drawn through a space created by a Monster killed during the same checking for target numbers while the dice pool is being formed.
attack unless otherwise stated on the card. Monsters are considered to inhabit
the square until they are removed in step five. D10 results on the Hit dice are compared to the TN. Any result equal to
or higher than the TN is considered a success. More difficult foes require
Though not directly related to line-of-sight, this is also the step used to multiple successes, so don’t pick up the dice until the roll is checked against
determine if an attack can reach the target for Heroes using a ranged attack. all TNs for all Monster-types present.
If it cannot, the Hero needs to move into range and check LoS again.
Attacks across multiple Monster-types with the same TNs need only
2. Play Card be check one time. Attacks encompassing multiple Monster-types with
different TNs need to be checked against each type specifically. Regardless,
Cards are played in Action Spaces on the bottom of the Hero Board. If all the dice pool is only rolled once. When checking for success, the Hit dice
the spaces are filled with cards, then the Hero cannot play anymore cards. are treated like an expendable resource. If a specific result is used for one
For this reason alone, it is often wise not to completely fill all the Action target number it cannot be used again for another.
Spaces early in the round if a Hero is in a precarious position.
This is an important concept that needs to be understood. The dice pool is
Also remember, Heroes are limited to one Action card per Hero Cycle. only rolled once. All successes for all target numbers are derived from this
As mentioned, Heroes may play as many Reactions as they have available one roll. In practice, players need as many successes as are required per TN.
The Soldier Cleaves at two Minions and a Captain. The target number for the
Action Points should be added to the Darkness Meter immediately when a Minions is TN4. The target number for the Captain is TN5. The Soldier rolls
card is played. If this initiates a Darkness Cycle, the card played is finished 4d10. He needs one die result of 4 or more, and one die result of 5 or more to
before the Darkness begins. kill both Minions and the Captain.

3. Form Dice Pool In the first example, he rolls a 2, 4, 5, and 6. With the 4, he can kill both
Minions. With the 5, he can hit the Captain. These die results are considered
used for these TNs. He also has an extra success at 6 if he needed two successes
for a target.

In the second example, he rolls 1, 2, 3, and 4. With the 4, he can kill both

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KICKSTARTER RULES MYTH and the MYTH logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner.
Minions. He doesn’t have a success equal to or higher than the TN5 needed to In most cases, the treasure token is placed in a logical progression in terms
hit the Captain, so the Captain lives. of the attack. For example, if a Soldier uses Cleave, then the treasure token
pops in the square directly in front of the Soldier. If the Apprentice uses
In the third example, he rolls 1, 2, 3, and 6. With the 6, he may choose to kill Chain Lightning, then the treasure token pops in the square of the target
either the two Minions or hit the Captain, but not both. hit by the second jump.

Fate Dice Success Wall of Monsters, part 3

Determining success in the Fate dice results is equally straightforward.
Allowing walls of Monsters can be detrimental to movement and LoS, but it is
absolutely necessary for the acquiring of treasure.
As stated earlier, Fate dice sides reflect the six defining attributes in Myth.
Once rolled, these results are compared to the equipped weapon(s). Knowing when and how to break up a mass of Minions is a learned skill.
However, this is also an important component in table cross-talking. Knowing
Each weapon in Myth has a Fate recipe that, if met, allows the Hero to carry who can do what to get treasure is an important part early in an Act that is
out the additional heroic deed associated with the weapon. Simple weapons directly related to success late in an Act and Story.
have a single recipe. Advanced weapons have more recipes and their deeds Heroes must pop treasure to succeed. They must upgrade their gear as the
are much more devastating, but they are more difficult to complete. move through an Act.

When checking for success with Fate dice on multiple weapons or with Any treasure popped in an attack lowers the Realm Tile’s treasure allowance.
multiple recipes, treat the Fate dice like an expendable resource. If a specific Remember to lower the treasure counter for the Realm Tile.
result is used on one recipe, it cannot be used again.
6. Threat
5. Remove Casualties and Place Treasure
The last step in Hero combat is to adjust the attacking Hero’s Threat. The
After figuring out if an attack was successful, refer back to the Hero card to Threat Meter, located at the top of the Hero Board, is raised one tick per
understand the scope of the attack. Though it could be argued this should point of damage done. It has nothing to do with kills. If you did damage,
have been done in step two, often there are secondary bonuses that are whether you killed the target or the target stayed dead, doesn’t matter.
easily forgotten if the attack isn’t referenced again.
Threat is a 1:1 transaction.
Remove any Monsters killed. One treasure token is placed on the Realm
Tile for: 1 Point of Damage = 1 Point of Threat
• Every three Minions killed. Heroes lower Threat by not playing cards in the Hero Board. Each Action
• Every one Captain killed. Space open at the end of the Hero Cycle reduces Threat by one. It is very
important to realize that Threat is a resource that must be managed. Heroes
• Every one Mini-Boss killed.
cannot endlessly kill Monsters without repercussions. It is tempting to do
• Every one Lair destroyed. as much as a Hero is able every Hero Cycle, but that simply isn’t the most
efficient way to play the game.
There are occasions, either through quests or items, that can change a
portion of these guidelines. In those cases, follow the rules on the cards.

Placing treasure tokens is sometimes referred to as “popping” treasure.

Treasure pops up in the spaces of the deceased Monsters in the order they Heroes charge into the fray while others run away. If the Heroes do not
were killed. For Captains, Lairs, and Mini-Bosses, the treasure is placed in spend at least one AP in a Hero Cycle, they are considered to be Loitering
any of the squares the now-dead target occupied. For Minions, the treasure and are penalized. The penalty is applied to the maximum amount of
token is placed in the space of the third target killed. Be forewarned: players treasure allowed per tile across an entire Act. More information on treasure
cannot choose just anywhere to place the treasure token, but it can be allowances can be found in Realm Setup on page ??.
Normally, tile sizes allow a specific number of treasures to “pop” or be
added. Loitering penalties lower this maximum number. Loitering penalties
can stack if the Heroes are inactive multiple times in an Act.

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KICKSTARTER RULES MYTH and the MYTH logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner.
When there is nothing left to do but stand, may you find me standing.
Fate Symbol - Faith

Vitality - 6

Courage - 6
In the darkness, the Acolyte shines. His feet guided by something beyond himself. He The Acolyte is an amazing party member. He is versatile and offers
stops in the center of the dark great room near the limp, near-lifeless body of a young something few other can, healing. He is the only method of healing among
girl. He unhooks his battle-hammer from his belt. Kneeling down, the Acolyte places the Heroes in the base game. The Acolyte must keep an eye on his Threat so
the haft on the ground, then his forehead on the top of the cold iron and begins to that he can utilize much needed heals in massive battles.
That doesn’t mean he only heals. He has powerful spells that assists the
To the Lord of morning...the eerie luminescence of a hundred Crawlers party (call buffs). If the Acolyte is going to be buffing the party in a given
eyes stare from the darkness at the hunched protector and Hero Cycle, he should always go first. His buffs make it easier for other
shield...fearfully they encroach, moving ever-slowly towards their Heroes to succeed.
my hands and focus my thoughts...the solitary figure surrounded by an
army of skittering arachnids begins to rise...all that I am, I give over Finally, the Acolyte has significant attacks, both physical and Faith based.
to Your glory...suddenly and completely, a mass of mandibles, whole and Capable of both direct single-target damage and area-of-effect, a completely
hissing, gives way and surges toward the Acolyte, a wave of black death. Driven by an powered up Last Rites is devastatingly destructive.
unknown evil, they crawl onto and over each other to extinguish the one who dares
bring light to dark. Within the swell, like a candle in a cave, he begins to shine. His
light absolute and all the greater because of the surrounding have
Prayer and Faith
Acolyte powers are fueled by Faith. Cards available as Faith are noted by the
brought me aimed avatar of vengeance and this
word “Faith” near that Action/Reaction icon.
time...again and again his hammer finds home...for this purpose...
crushing chitin and carapace...the victory is yours...fear ripples
When playing an Action or Reaction that requires Faith, the Acolyte counts all
through the enemy as they begin to realize this is no mere traveler, but one sent from
the Faith available through items and Faith cards played to establish his total
above to speed them towards their destruction.
Strange and holy words erupt from the Acolyte accompanied by flashes of light and
absolute devastation. Too late they listen to the instinct to flee. There is no escape or
However, there is one a additional deck mechanic that is important, the Pray
refuge from his righteous fury and cleansing fire...I am your servant...
card. Pray cards allow the Acolyte to shuffle his DISCARD deck and draw three
cards per Pray card played. If any of these cards have Faith, that Faith is added
The Acolyte returns, wading through an ocean of carcasses, covered in grime and ash,
to the total.
to the little girl dying in the center of the room. He places on hand on her head and
lifts his other to the heaven.

...Your will be done.

For we live by faith, and not by sight.

- 2 Corinthians 5:7

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KICKSTARTER RULES MYTH and the MYTH logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner.
My claim to power is absolute, challenge me and find yourself wanting.
Fate Symbol - Arcane

Vitality - 5

Courage - 6
A man, not frail but fit, stands before a foreboding cave carved from rock and stone. The economy of the Apprentice is easily manipulated, but can quickly
Bone and boulders are strewn all around the entrance, burnt flesh and the howl of get out of hand. The Apprentice often has a wealth of Actions that
an unnatural wind belie the beautiful day, the bright sun hanging in blue sky. His directly shape Darkness encounters. However, the Apprentice can easily
dark countenance would make the very rocks flee if they weren’t anchored by ancient take himself out of the action by not minding his Threat, or worse, draw
promises. too much attention to himself and die.

“Usurpers!” His voice crackles with power, splitting the crisp, clean air, echoing through A master of area-of-effect damage, spells like Chain Lightning, Arcane
the cave and into the ears of Iathi who hear the Apprentice’s crystal-clear commands. Nova, and Molten Flare are extremely valuable. On the other hand,
He continues, “I hold thee in disdain for you have encroached on that which is the Apprentice has so many damaging options he doesn’t have to worry
mine. I call you forth to face judgment, your fate chosen by the cosmos before time about what card he is keeping for later.
immemorial. I call thee craven. Now crawl to me!”
Understanding how the Apprentice’s Ongoing spells work is vital to
And so the Iathi come. Not willing are they driven from the depths, somehow sure of a smart play. There are a few very important Ongoing effects that all
secret knowledge that this will be the last time they pass that way. So stand they, towering players should know about.
over their tormentor. Unable to extricate themselves from his control, they wait. They are
ancient beings beyond the imagination of most, yet the one before them is more than a Breath of Heroes is vital to the party when dealing with Captain or Boss
man, something greater, a strange mystery they needed to see. The wait is not long. Monsters with a Fear effect. The capacity for all Heroes to pass Courage
checks is priceless.
The roar of thunder from an open sky, rolling with fury, signals the beginning. The
chorus of doom is suddenly split by the soul-splintering screech of Iathi, their anima Arcane Shield is the Apprentice’s main form of defense. Most of the
returning. Not too late, this earliest of evil finds their fight. They will not fade or falter, larger Vitality armor will go to front-line defenders, being able to nullify
but fight fiercely, hoping for Fate’s fortune. the first blood of damage is often the difference between life and death.
Used in conjunction with Meditate, the Apprentice can easily stay alive
Foolishness. in the most dire circumstance without being a burden on the Acolyte’s
The Apprentice raises one hand and the craven are cast into chaos. All at once, lightning
arches from his fingers, crashing into the nearest creature, directed to his neighbor, then
another. Only mist remains, one-time Iathi sundered, scattered like wind amid the dust.
Ongoing Spells
The power of the Apprentice both to protect himself, inflict damage, and
control his Threat resides in his ability to cycle Ongoing spell effects.
For the Apprentice is an avatar of an older power, a conduit of creation channeling the
Ongoing spells are those spells that stay in Action Spaces until removed by
power of a thousand suns. Power immeasurable. White light radiates from his eyes, he
the Apprentice or consumed by other spells. However, players don’t need to
need only reach out to break the he does.
consume ALL Ongoing effects when using other spells. Important protection
spells should be retained; do not sacrifice his chance to live longer for a
Geysers of earth erupt beneath those remaining, flinging the fell-creatures from his sight,
chance to kill a couple more Minions.
soaring off the mountain to dreadful destiny.

Conversely, loading up Ongoing effects in preparation for one of the large

The rest, those Iathi that remain, are lost in rivers of molten rock, flowing through a rift
damaging spells at the Apprentice’s disposal is wise. The Apprentice’s
in the earth, turning flesh and bone to liquid.
ability to deal multiple-target damage is rivaled by none. This can’t happen
if the player doesn’t play every Ongoing at his disposal.
Finally, the Apprentice’s power abates. Stoic, he stands, the power in his eyes still
smoldering. Surveying the devastation, satisfied, he vanishes.
Lastly, players can remove any Ongoing effect during the Apprentice’s Hero
Until at last I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin Cycle to reduce Threat. The Apprentice often has high Threat because he
kills multiple targets AND his Ongoing effects reduce the amount of Threat
upon the mountain side... Darkness took me, and I strayed
he reduces per Refresh Phase. Never be afraid to dump an Ongoing to clear
out of thought and time... some Threat.
- The Two Towers, Tolkien
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KICKSTARTER RULES MYTH and the MYTH logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner.
Every arrow is sent with purpose and skill; every shaft carries with it a piece of me.
Fate Symbol - Nature

Vitality - 5

Courage - 6
Far afield they emerge. For fury they have come, still distant, but following fast The Archer is a highly flexible Hero. The Arrow resource mechanic
drawn to this Archer. Forever it seems she has killed the Sycleech, a bane to their allows the Archer to always have the ability to attack in any given round.
kind. Depleting all the Arrows at the Archer’s disposal without having an Arrow
card in an Action Space or a Retrieve card handy is a mistake.
She strolls forward, against the current, a raging river of revenge. Cocksure she
clutches her bow, a hidden smile beneath her cowl, for on this day she knows, the loss This is especially easy to do with Orion’s Tears. This extremely powerful
of life will be great and the Sycleech fewer. ability can kill as many Minions as a player has Arrows, which makes this
the only ability among the Heroes that scales in damage.
Fell-creatures cry aloud, roar, and run, trying to rip through the Archer’s quiet calm,
her confidence a terrible taunt to those who feed upon fear. When using a Retrieve card, be sure to pull out an Arrow from within a
clump of Arrow cards. This allows the Archer to break up groups of Arrows
Slow and measured, she reaches back to pluck forth an arrow of yellow pine used for that have been used for Orion’s Tears and promises an even draw going into
a specific purpose. She knows its measure, stiff shaft, and colorful fletching. Light in the next shuffle and draw.
hand, it rests on the bowstring less than an instant before it is sent flying, the arch of
this arrow a secret to all but one. The Sycleech flinch, take pause, and track the flight, Do NOT underestimate the power of Distract. This is an extremely valuable
distracted by the failed attempt. Late is the moment they realize its true function. card in terms of preventing Darkness activation and drawing a massive
amount of enemies away from the Heroes. This ability buys the party time
Effortless, the Archer tumbles toward the foolhardy forerunner, reckless and rash and creates a situation where the Heroes can generate a lot of Action Points
going before the host, an easy target. The first to fall, a blur of cedar and white at less of a cost. The Archer’s Distract when used with the Acolyte’s Feet of
fletching flies true, through throat, shot from bended knee. the Saints is a tile clearer.

The next three arrows, ash and raven feather, are drawn and driven before the Archer
has risen to stand. Tears of Orion fall into the irises of fools who dare draw the ire
For the Archer, Arrows in her quiver represent the ability to perform Actions.
and indignation of an Archer who has become one with the arrow.
They are a direct resource that is both easy in concept and execution. Players
play Arrow cards into Action Spaces on the Hero Board which, in turn, are
Two score times, over and again, arrows fly from quiver and are retrieved while
placed in the quiver in the Refresh Phase. This is both a limitation in the early
walking, the same movement burned into muscle, memorized until only the motion
game and a boon in the late. The Archer is the only Hero in the game that
has direct control over the amount of damage done in relation to Threat. Her
flexibility is a fundamental strength and allows her to remain active at some
The many give way to a fleeing few, save one Sycline who continues to charge with
level even with mid to high Threat.
confidence, closing quickly. The Archer stops, brazen and bold, flings back her hood.
Slowly, she draws forth a solitary shaft saved for one such as this: hollowed bone
In some cases, the Archer doesn’t need to wait for a Refresh Phase to cycle an
with clean bright-brown fletching. With drawn breath, it is set against string, her
Arrow card into her quiver. With Hip Shot for instance, she can use an Arrow
blackwood bow fully bent. She doesn’t even realize the arrow is gone until it is buried
primed in an Action Space to attack. In addition, Arrows can be rescued from
deep into the fiend’s heart. Stopped and staggered, the massive monster slumps,
the discard pile and placed directly into the quiver through the use of Retrieve.
clutching his chest. It takes but a moment for the blood to begin to flow through the
shaft. Death quickly takes the one not long for life.

Then he drew his trusty yew, holding it drawn but

a moment, then loosed the string. Straight flew the
- The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood

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KICKSTARTER RULES MYTH and the MYTH logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner.
If one could join with the blade and fold into shadow, then even Death would fear the dark.
Fate Symbol - Guile

Vitality - 6

Courage - 6
In shadows he glides slowly past the Tailless, those kin who are unable to escape their The Brigand requires precise timing. He must pick his targets wisely.
king with tail intact. Slaves, shackled to Darkness. Moving around the edge, in the One misstep and the Brigand is surrounded, out of shadows, and alone.
gloaming between the dusk and dancing firelight, the Brigand begins. Conversely, when the Brigand is patient, everything falls into place.

The first two are dead in less than a breath--bait. Hope was not with them this night While proficient at doing moderate damage to multiple enemies, the
for a harbinger has come, a reaper walking. Brigand is able to decimate large single targets with ease. His standard
Shadows + Ambush + Assassinate combo is devastating and relatively easy
Slipping behind a third, the Brigand sits, still as stone, watching and waiting for a to pull off. Furthermore, his Ambush ability can be combined with another
witness to spot his handiwork and bring his true target. Patient, primed for his prey, Ambush allowing him to appear next to a Lair or Captain and pop out to
he squats silent and unmoving until finally the moment has arrived. safety in the same Hero Cycle.

Pulling strings, making puppets dance to a tune of his timing and design is a Though more difficult to time correctly, the Brigand’s Suicide Run action
Brigand’s path. The bodies are discovered. Words whispered. Tailless rise, sensing with Hustle is more flexible than the Soldier’s Charge. Being able to
something amiss. Ambush behind enemy ranks and use Suicide Run to get back to the safety
of the group certainly casts an ironic shadow on the ability’s name.
There is a difference between shadow and Darkness. One can be in shadow and not have
it dwell inside, turning everything within to despair until finally, the Darkness is released Finally, his prowess in assisting non-combat actions, including curing
and reflected not only in the soul but on the surface. So it is with Rath… The call of poison and disarming traps is invaluable to the party.
death brings them up from the depths of the warren. They can sense new death. They
are drawn to it.
Shadow Combos
For the Brigand to achieve maximum potential, it is imperative for the player to
The great, lumbering rat, staggering under its own weight, shuffles past. The stench of
understand how to utilize Shadows with the Brigand’s other “optional” cards.
fetid disease overwhelms. Clumps of fur fall from its massive frame as it limps along.

If an ability is able to link from Shadows, then the Brigand can play additional
It only takes a moment. From the safety of the shadows, the Brigand leaps,
cards to roll potential bonuses into other abilities, sometimes linking three
ambushing the colossal Rath from behind. He lands upon its back, blades already
cards into a massively powerful attack.
embedded into the base of the neck slicing through arteries, muscle, and flesh alike.

The Brigand scurries up the felled foe, leaping further into the fight as the Rath
The optimal second card after Shadows is Ambush. Ambush and Shadows
falls forward. A tucking roll allows him to carry his momentum into the stunned
work in conjunction to provide the Brigand with flexibility of movement and
pack of Tailless loitering just out of range. Hustling, the Brigand moves through the
truly lethal damage.
motionless minions. Like wind through reeds he passes, a shadow of death slaying all
he touches. Don’t overlook passing Shadow combo bonuses on to another Hero with Decoy.
This can be an extremely potent way to help the party while keeping individual
As quickly as it begins, it ends. Unguarded and unworried, and not looking back, the Threat low.
Brigand walks away. have but a brief time left to live, and the

shadows of Death and remorseless Fate are already
close upon you.
- The Iliad, Book XXIV

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KICKSTARTER RULES MYTH and the MYTH logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner.
Death is a stranger we all must meet; he shall find me armed and ready.
Fate Symbol - Rage

Vitality - 7

Courage - 6
The blow rattles off the banded iron of his buckler. Taking the energy from the strike, A stalwart Hero, the Soldier’s primary method of engaging the forces of
the Soldier spins to his right, swinging his longsword low, hacking off the Grubber’s Darkness is through his use of weapons. There are very few weapons that
leg below the knee. Continuing his momentum, the Soldier angles the sword in an the Soldier can’t utilize to their fullest capacity. He has a good mix of area-
upward arc, burying it deep into the flank of the Mucker. The ground below the of-effect and direct-damage attacks. He has little time for ranged attacks
Soldier’s feet begins to soften from the bodies and blood loss. Raising his boot to the and should be at the forefront of any assault where his strengths feed into
Mucker’s belly, he pulls his weapon loose, then turns to face his next foe. each other.

No solitary figure splits the dawn, but a seemingly endless stream of Grubbers shuffle He has two very clear tracks for players to explore.
from their lair with sinister intent. He can see the second thoughts pass over their
faces as he slowly begins to advance, banging sword on shield. The Soldier can feel The Soldier is a prolific offensive threat. He is able to use his attacks and
his ire rise from within, a rage so powerful surely it will consume him with bloodlust. Rage mechanic to kill many Minions and out-muscle even the mightiest
He cracks a small smile as the Grubbers trip over themselves backing away from his Monsters. However, when used in this way, the Soldier must be aware of his
terrible visage. Threat. It can quickly get out of hand and inexperienced groups will find
themselves overwhelmed quickly.
This Soldier is something more. They should not have come.
The Soldier is also an amazing defensive target. Sometimes referred to as a
Like a flash of lightning and with the force of thunder, the Soldier charges into the “tank” or “meat-shield,” the defensive-minded Soldier builds Threat to draw
mass of minions, splintering their morale. Those that aren’t felled by the shining attacks to himself, leaving his allies with opportunities to kill in relative
Soldier’s sword, bright as the day, are trampled by the terror-struck horde in full flight safety. Being better equipped to deal with mass enemy attacks, the Soldier
from a war-possessed fighter wielding fury and judgment. makes any engagement with the enemy easier to manage.

Cleaving a wide swath through the frightened foe, the Soldier’s rage surges
uncontrollably. He finds himself overcome, lost in the slaughter, helpless in the
The Soldier’s unique deck mechanic is manipulated through playing Rage
wrath, bellowing battle roars.
cards. There are no cards that are specifically titled “Rage.” Quite the opposite,
EVERY card in the Soldier’s deck can be a Rage card.
I have become death and the Darkness will flee from me!
Let whoever can, win glory before death. Any defensive ability or offensive attack that draws extra cards played as Rage
refers to cards played from the Soldier’s draw deck face-down into Action
- Beowulf, lines 1387-1388 Spaces. The Soldier is not allowed to look at, or know, what cards are being
played as Rage. This is a built-in cost of playing Rage cards; the Soldier will
have fewer options.

The Soldier can never play more Rage cards than he has Action Spaces. Cards
played as Rage cannot be played over; they are considered to have used the
Action Space.

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KICKSTARTER RULES MYTH and the MYTH logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner.
The Darkness
It comes first and follows after, / Ends life, kills laughter. - Tolkien, The Hobbit

Pure evil. A force, controlling both man and beast, turning all into Monsters bereft of soul. That is what the Darkness is. That is what the Heroes fight

The Darkness has four major components: the Darkness Board, the Darkness Deck, Monster cards, and Monster miniatures.

The Darkness Board

The Darkness Board is used to keep track of various Darkness Actions, such as Darkness event cards, Serendipity, Darkness Action Points (AP), Darkness Vitality,
traps, and Realm Tile treasure. There is also a Darkness turn summary for ease of reference.

1. Darkness Draw Pile

The Darkness draw pile is where the Darkness Deck is placed at the beginning of the Story. These cards are drawn when the Darkness AP reaches or exceeds six
and there are active enemies. When the Darkness event card is resolved it is placed in the Darkness discard pile.

2. Darkness Discard Pile

This area of the Darkness Board is reserved for Darkness event cards that have been resolved during the Darkness Cycle. When the Darkness draw pile is
depleted, the Darkness discard pile is shuffled to replenish it.

3. Serendipity Table
The Serendipity table is a quick reference to how Heroes can spend any Serendipity they have earned through quests or eliminating traps. Serendipity is also
earned in Slaughterfield through achievements.

4. Darkness Meter
The Darkness Meter ranges from zero to six and is used to track AP generated by the Heroes when they perform abilities and by all Monster-type groups within
Threat Range of the Heroes during the Refresh Phase. If the Darkness AP ever reaches or surpasses six during any Action or during the Refresh Phase, the
Darkness immediately activates.

5. Darkness Vitality Tracker

The Darkness Vitality Tracker has 15 spaces available to keep track of Lair damage, Boss-level Monsters, and other unique characters encountered in the world of

6. Trap Tables
There are three different tables located in the trap table area of the Darkness Board. These tables are rolled with one Fate die based on what Realm Tile the
Heroes are populating at the time. Only one trap is ever present on any Realm Tile.

7. Darkness Turn Summary

The Darkness turn summary is used as a quick reference for how to resolve the Darkness Cycle when the Darkness AP reaches or surpasses six.

8. Treasure Tracker
The Treasure Tracker is used to keep track of Realm Tile treasure limits. Every time a treasure “pops” from defeating Monsters or Lairs, this limit is reduced. Each
Realm Tile has its own starting treasure limit.

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KICKSTARTER RULES MYTH and the MYTH logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner.
Darkness Play Darkness Deck
All Darkness Deck steps are resolved in descending order from left to right
No single person controls the Darkness. Rather, the Darkness controls itself starting with Event.
through a series of priorities, rules, events, and triggered episodes. Myth
may be a fully cooperative game, but that doesn’t mean the Darkness doesn’t Each Darkness Deck card has the same structure. However, each Darkness
need a little help. Players should be prepared to draw and read Darkness Deck is different. Outside of the base game, new Darkness Decks accompany
Deck cards, determine Darkness targets based off of Monster priority, move new Boss figures. Each Boss has a unique Darkness Deck associated with
the Darkness miniatures, and roll the dice to determine Darkness hits. them. Each deck adds a different flavor to the experience.

Mistakes Boss Art and Name

Here is where you find the Boss art and its name. This indicates what Boss the
Don’t worry about making mistakes when it comes to Monster movement. Try
Darkness Deck card belongs to.
to get it correct. If a mistake is discovered in a later step, don’t backtrack. It is
highly unlikely that this one mistake will change the outcome of an entire Act.
Try to limit mistakes, but do not be encumbered by them. Below the Monster spawn area is the Darkness event. Every Darkness Card
has special events that happen if the criteria for them are met.
However, no player is actually making decisions for the Darkness. The
choices for each Darkness activation have been dissolved into a series of
Threat Penalty
Actions that happen in a specific order. Players need only understand this
The last area on the Darkness Card is the Threat Level 10 event. Any Hero who
order and follow it. This allows the players to be impartial, and it is precisely
has Threat Level 10 when the Darkness Cycle begins triggers this event for the
the capacity to stay unbiased that allows the Heroes to play cooperatively.
entire Hero party.
The Darkness Cycle can be broken down into the following steps, in the
following order: Activation
This area shows how the Darkness activates the enemies under its control. The
• Event order of Activation follows specific steps. Each step is resolved for all Monsters
before moving on.
• Threat Penalty
• Monster Activation Spawn
• Spawn In this area Heroes can see what type of spawn is active this Darkness Cycle.
This determines how many enemies spawn and any effects that may be
Unlike the Hero Cycle, all steps in a Darkness Cycle happen in the associated with them.
presented order on the Darkness Deck card.

Active vs. Inactive Event

Monsters that feel threatened by the Heroes become aggressive. These Events are specific occurrences that if the conditions are met, then a bad
Monsters are categorized as “active.” Monsters that are not in Threat Range of thing happens. These if/then statements set up unpredictable situations that
a Hero when the Darkness activates are considered “inactive.” force the Heroes to react to a changing environment.
Just because the Darkness Meter hits six and the Darkness activates does not
mean a Darkness Deck card is drawn nor does it mean that the enemies on the
If = condition needing to be met
Realm Tile move and attack the Heroes. Darkness Deck cards are NOT drawn if
there are no active enemies. Enemies do not move, attack, or spawn if they are
Then = penalty that happens if condition is met
inactive. More information on Threat Range and Monsters becoming active can
These events change the dynamic of a battle, oftentimes very quickly.
be found on page ??.

For instance, in the event: “If all Heroes are within 5 squares, then Minions
attack twice during Activation,” the condition is the closeness of the
Heroes, in this case five squares. If the condition is met, then and only then
does the penalty occur.

Looking at a second event: “If there are less than 4 Minions, then spawn 4
Minions immediately from each active Lair,” the condition is the number
of Minions on the Realm Tile. If there are few, presumably because the
Heroes are winning, then another four spawn immediately from each Lair
currently producing enemies. The term “immediately” is important; more
information can be found on page ??, but the use of this term helps players
determine when the spawn happens. It does not occur during step four,

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Spawn. It occurs right away if the condition is met. It means this immediate Monster Cards
spawn gets to take advantage of step three, Activation. Monster Name
This is the name of the enemy represented on the card.
Events really shake up the battle. The best laid plans of Heroes only last as
long as the next event. The Heroes are forced to consistently evolve their Monster Category
plan to overcome the Darkness because of these events. Below the Monster name is the classification of enemy. This category indicates
how the enemy behaves during the Darkness Cycle.

Threat Penalty Enemy Art

This is where the art for this enemy is located. Vitality, Threat Range, and
As mentioned in the Game Round chapter, the Threat Penalty is a Movement Point stats are also located in this area.
punishment. It cannot be stressed enough that these penalties should be
avoided at all cost. Myth is challenging enough without triggering the
Threat Penalty.
On the bottom left corner of the enemy art is the Vitality for that enemy. The
Vitality of any enemy is represented by a blood drop with a number inside it.
Managing Threat
Though a Hero’s Actions are handled in the Hero Cycle, it bears repeating that Threat Range
it is up to the Heroes to manage their Threat. A little inactivity is a small price Threat Range is located on the right side of the enemy art. This stat represents
to pay for victory. In fact, it is built into the Myth system. The Threat system how close the Heroes can get before the enemy starts generating AP and
rewards balanced team play. Every Hero contributes; every Hero, on occasion, becomes active.
must pull back.
Movement Points
Most of the time, a Threat Penalty occurs when a single Hero is sitting The symbol just below Threat Range on the right side of the enemy art shows
at Threat 10 during a Darkness Cycle. There are some events, from the how far this enemy can move during the Darkness Cycle.
previous step, that change the Threat needed to instigate a Threat Penalty.
Heroes should be mindful of these events in particular and take precautions Special Abilities
by actively controlling Threat. If an enemy has any special attacks, abilities, or effects they are located in this
Threat Penalties incurred in an Act more often than not spell doom for the
Heroes. Moreover, Threat Penalties often snowball. Overcoming one usually Attack
means activating another. Threat Penalties occur as often as a Darkness In this section, Heroes can see the range of an enemy’s attack, how many
Deck card is drawn if the Heroes can’t control their Threat. dice it rolls, its target number (TN) to hit Heroes, and any special effects from
Threat Penalties late in an Act can quickly turn a potential victory into a
bitter-tasting defeat. Even more so because they could have been avoided. Priority
Just to the right of the attack section is the priority for this enemy. Enemies
always try to move to and attack Heroes based on this list.
The bulk of the Darkness Cycle is the activation of the Darkness miniatures. Below the attack section is an enemy’s defense. Here you find the target
During Activation, the Darkness picks targets, moves, and attacks. Because number (TN) that Heroes need to roll to hit this enemy. Any special defensive
of the importance of this step, the entirety of Activation is covered in detail abilities for this enemy are also located here.
under the “Combat” header on page ??.
The last area of the card indicates how this enemy spawns from Lairs. This
Spawn information is only located on Minion Monster cards.

Monsters, both fair and foul, enter the Realm Tiles through Lairs. Myth uses
the term “spawn” to represent the placing of new enemy miniatures into the
game. Spawning happens after the Activation step. Newly placed Monsters
do not often get to activate after being placed.

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If even one Monster becomes active, then the entire Monster-type is active. Available
Moreover, if one Monster-type becomes active, then a Darkness Deck card
The term “available” is used in spawns and enemy movement to indicate
is drawn.
a square that is open and the enemy can appear in or move into. No two
miniatures can occupy the same square on a Realm Tile unless explicitly stated
If the Heroes have already activated a Monster-type on a Realm Tile, then
on the card.
players can proceed to step two and draw the Darkness Deck card.

Monsters are placed in the squares adjacent to the Lair if possible. They The third example looks more complicated, but is often quite easy. The
are also placed in “prime” positions. This simply means that enemies, Heroes are being overrun. They are in a dire situation and the Darkness is
when spawned, are placed in the best possible position to do damage to spawning again. Melee Crawlers spawn first. They are placed next to the
the Heroes. For example, melee Monsters are placed as close to a target Lair if possible, in this example, only one adjacent square is available so
matching their priority as possible. If a Hero is adjacent to a Lair, the the first Crawler is placed there. The second is placed in the next available
Monster would be placed adjacent to the Hero. Ranged Monsters are placed square closest to the Lair. It doesn’t matter if the square behind the Brigand
in range to attack but as far away from the target as possible. is open; that square is three spaces away from the Lair and there are many
squares only two spaces away. In this case, the second Crawler is placed as
Spawn Order close to a target as possible but in a square two spaces away from the Lair.
The ranged Crawler is also placed in the open squares two spaces away, in
Unless otherwise stated by a card, when spawning Monsters, all melee Minions range to attack the Brigand if possible. If not, then in range to attack the
are placed first, followed by ranged Minions. Soldier.

Follow these guidelines when spawning:

Spawn Definition
Melee (first) There are many spawn types. Myth refers to the different types of spawn
• adjacent to the Lair as Definitions. This is not a comprehensive list. In fact, this list will continue
to grow as Myth does. However, this list represents the spawn Definitions
• closest square available nearest to the Lair available in the base game and several of the early supplements. In all cases,
• as close to a target as possible the exact numbers and details are present on the Darkness Deck cards.
• if there is more than one target, refer to priority
Normal - This represents the standard spawn of a Monster-type’s Minions.
Ranged (second)
• adjacent to the Lair
Aggressive - This is a normal spawn where the Minions come forth forcefully,
• closest square available nearest to the Lair ready to act. The Minions just placed get to activate immediately.
• in range of a target
Focused - This is a normal spawn of Minions that are prepared when they
• as far away as possible
appear. After the spawn, the Darkness Meter is increased by 2 AP.
• if there is more than one target, refer to spawn priority
Heavy - This represents a spawn of Minions in greater numbers, often
The first image is a simple spawn. There are no Heroes in range. Players accompanied by a Captain.
would first place the two melee Crawlers adjacent to the Lair as close to the
targets as possible (paying special attention to priority). Afterward, they Deadly - This spawn has no Minions. It represents the Darkness sending out
would place the single ranged Crawler, still adjacent to the Lair, but farther Captains to contain the Heroes.
Sacrifice - This is a normal spawn. Minions do not necessarily appear. Instead,
The next spawn is more complicated. A couple Heroes have encroached they sacrifice themselves to heal the Lair (instead of spawning) on a one to one
upon the Lair and are within range of the spawn. As before, the two melee basis. If the Lair has not been damaged, the Minions appear normally.
Crawlers are placed adjacent to the Lair. This time, however, they WILL
be placed next to a target. Refer to the Monster’s priority list to determine Terrifying - Spawn a Mini-Boss.
which Hero is the primary target. The Crawlers’ priority chart is “Proximity,
then Threat, then Guile.” In this case, the spawning melee Crawlers are
Mystic - This is a normal spawn. In addition, all Ongoing effects on Heroes are
placed next to the Brigand.
sent to the discard pile.

Crawlers can spawn next to the Brigand and the Soldier because they are
Pacifying - This is a normal spawn. In addition, all Rage present on the Hero
both near the Lair, the first priority. They both have two Threat, the second
Board is reset to zero. Cards in Action Spaces are not sent to the discard pile.
priority. The difference comes down to Hero attribute: the Soldier’s is Rage;
the Brigand’s is Guile. Both melee Crawlers are placed next to the Brigand.
The single ranged Crawler is placed adjacent to the Lair in range to attack Ill-Fated - This is a normal spawn. In addition, players remove a random card
the Brigand. from their hand.

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Shadow - This is a normal spawn. However, spawned Minions appear adjacent
to Heroes (based on priority) instead of appearing adjacent to the Lair.
When measuring to determine if a Monster is active, it isn’t always the
Paranoid - This is a normal spawn. In addition, all Heroes gain 4 Threat. closest Hero that causes the problem. Certainly, players should check closer
Heroes, but it is often the Hero carrying a large amount of Threat that is the
Intelligent - This is a normal spawn. However, all Minions that spawn are troublemaker, even if he’s not the closest.
Threat Range also comes into play on Realm Tiles when there are more
Explosive - All adjacent Heroes to the Lair take damage. The Lair is destroyed. than two types of creatures. If there are multiple Monster-types on a Realm
No treasure token is placed. In addition, 10 Minions appear. Tile, the activation check is made based off of the Threat Range. Drawing a
Darkness Deck card because the Heroes have activated one Monster doesn’t
Rowdy - This is a normal spawn. However, all Minions that spawn are melee. mean both Monster-types will act. If during the course of Darkness combat,
through Reaction (Combat) cards, the Heroes move or gain enough Threat
Reinforcing - This is a normal spawn. In addition, 4 Minions appear from a tile to enter the Threat Range of the inactive Monster-type, it remains docile. It
edge nearest to a Hero. can only become active during the first step of combat.

Once the whole Realm Tile has been activated, through Threat Range, this
step is no longer necessary.
2. Draw Darkness Deck Card
The Heroes are attacked during the Activation step of the Darkness Deck
and, depending upon the spawn type, occasionally during the Spawn step. As mentioned previously, Heroes should determine active Monsters before
This activation is covered in detail here. drawing a Darkness Deck card. Draw a Darkness Deck card and follow the
instructions from top to bottom in order.
Heroes are reminded that they are allowed to play Reaction (Combat) cards
only at any time during the Darkness Cycle if they have open Action Spaces 3. Order
on their Hero Board.
The order of activation is listed on the Darkness Deck cards. It remains the
Darkness combat is divided into six steps. There are several sub-steps under same throughout the same Darkness Deck. As new Darkness Decks are
the Attacking step that function exactly like they do in the Hero chapter. introduced, players should familiarize themselves with the order of activation.
Simple changes to this order affect the balance of the game considerably.

• Threat Range Mixing Darkness Decks

• Draw Darkness Deck Card Understanding that certain players will always want to push the boundaries, if
multiple Darkness Decks are mixed to create a single larger deck of Darkness,
• Order
then paying attention to the order of activation becomes much more important.
• Priority and Movement
• Attacking
4. Priority and Movement
• Damage and Death
This is the most unique step in Darkness combat. It is specific to the
Each step is resolved for all Monsters in order of activation before moving Darkness Cycle and is arguably the step that causes the most confusion for
on to the next step. So, all Monsters will move before they attack. beginning players.

1. Threat Range Movement begins and ends with priority. Understanding a Monster’s
priority becomes increasingly important in movement and attacking. The
Threat Range represents the range, in squares, that a particular Monster- more Monster-types, the more important it is to understand what makes a
type reacts to. This number does not function independently from Hero particular type tick.
Threat. Instead, to determine if a Monster is active, Heroes need to add the
Threat Range of the Monster(s) to the Threat of a Hero. If the cumulative Monster priority refers to the order in which an enemy searches for and
Threat is greater than the number of squares between the Hero and the pursues a target. It is used to determine initial movement, target selection,
Monster-type, then they are considered active. and is used to make decisions during occasions where there are multiple
targets in the same situation.
Monster Threat Range + Hero Threat ≥ Number of squares between the
Monster and Hero Each Monster priority is broken down into a list of importance, going from
top to bottom. When the occasions arise where the first priority doesn’t
determine the target, then players proceed to the next priority in the list,
and the third, if needed.

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So Many Tasty Choices Group Movement
Myth uses group movement for Minions. This means the players begin with
Though it doesn’t happen often, there may be occasions where the third
the Minion closest to a Hero and decide where it is moving first. This Minion is
priority still doesn’t define a target. In these situations, the fourth and fifth
called a scout. If multiple Minions are within range, pick the one in the middle.
definers are provided below.
Once the scout has a target, it moves. All adjacent Minions move with it, toward
• Least Vitality the same target.
• Player Choice
When a group is done moving, select the next Minion closest to a Hero and
This has a greater chance of happening if multiple players are using the same repeat the process. The next group may or may not choose the same target.
avatar. For example, if all the players are using Soldiers, which can occur
with supplemental material, then a Monster that targets Rage will have many
choices. Not So Fast
If an enemy gets to the player’s choice priority, it is suggested the players Any melee Minions adjacent to a target do not leave combat to pursue another
select a target that benefits the Heroes most. target unless stated otherwise on a card. If they are forced to leave, they are
not considered scouts, so they don’t “pull” neighbors with them.
Move Range
Movement represents the distance, in squares, that a particular Monster- For instance, the Archer’s Distract ability can force Monsters in range (adjacent
type can move. All Darkness miniatures move one square per movement to a Hero or not) to move toward the location selected by the Archer. In this
point. Even the Boss-type enemies with oversized bases only move the case, Monsters in range are pulled away; Monsters not in range stay where
equivalent of one square. They do not move their entire base length. they are. They do not accompany those that leave.

However, that doesn’t mean Monsters in melee don’t move. Intellect category
Monsters can move orthogonally and diagonally to open spaces. Like
Monsters will arrange themselves around a target to make room for allies.
Heroes, they cannot move through other miniatures. However, unlike
More information on Monster categories can be found on page ??.
Heroes, Monsters are never static if not engaged in combat. They always
attack if able, and if they can’t attack, they ALWAYS move to a position to In addition, any melee-centric enemy adjacent to multiple targets can change
be able to attack an available target(even if they can’t get there in the same targets based off of priority at any time.
In the first example, a pack of eight Crawlers around a Lair (5 melee and 3
Priority and movement of solitary Minions, Captains, and Boss Monsters
ranged) have just activated and are getting ready to move. They have four MPs,
is decided individually. Adjacent Minions are considered part of a Minion
and target priority is “Proximity, then Threat, then Guile.” The players begin
Group when selecting and moving toward available targets.
with the melee Crawler closest to a Hero, in this case the Soldier.
Minion Groups
The Brigand is Guile and only three squares away from a Crawler on the left,
Within each Monster-type, Minions are grouped by adjacency. Where the
but the Soldier is two squares away so the players begin there.
initial Minion moves, termed a “scout,” his neighbors follow. Priorities for
Minion moving into combat are not calculated individually. This allows the
movement step of the Darkness to be completed fairly quickly once players The center Crawler moves to the Soldier. All adjacent Crawlers move with him:
get a handle on it. that includes the Crawlers on each side and the one diagonally to the left. This
leaves a single melee Crawler left to move. It is nearest to the Brigand, so
However, group movement only works with groups of Minions. If there are advances to him.
single Minions, their targets are calculated individually.
The ranged Crawlers move next, the closest Hero to one is the Brigand. The

The Long Way leftmost Crawler needs to move only one square to be in range. It pulls the one
next to him to attack the Brigand, too. The third, and last, will target the Soldier.
Proximity, as a priority, represents a miniature’s ability to engage a target. It is
not necessarily the shortest distance from the target. Rather, it is the shortest
distance a miniature must travel to engage a target.

This is an important distinction when dealing with group movement. If a Minion

cannot get to a Hero because he is surrounded, it moves toward the next
available target.

For example, a Grubber two squares away from a surrounded Soldier moves
toward an available Hero with the highest Threat. In this case, the Apprentice
five squares away.

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In the second example a group of five Grubbers find themselves surrounded
The Deep End
by the Heroes. All the Heroes are two squares away from a Grubber when the Realm Tiles with multiple Monster-types bring a new wrinkle to activation.
Darkness activates. Monsters will activate—that is to say move, attack, and spawn—in the
following order based off of the Monster-type’s category.
Grubbers choose targets differently than Crawlers. They target highest Threat
• Instinct
first, then proximity, then Rage. They have three MPs. Choosing which Grubber
will begin as a scout is the most difficult part of this example. • Intellect
• Undead
Every Grubber is the same distance away from a Hero so to choose the scout,
If there are multiple Monster-types with the same category, then refer to the
the players need to reference Grubber priority. In this case, the highest Threat
Monsters’ Threat Range. The Monster with the higher Threat Range activates
happens to be a tie between the Apprentice and the Soldier.

The second priority, proximity, is not relevant, so it can be skipped. The last Monster Categories:
priority is Rage. The Soldier wins again. The Grubber closest to the Soldier
moves and pulls the two Grubbers adjacent to him. Grubbers are intelligent so • Instinct - These Monsters move early in the Darkness Cycle. They
they make room so the Soldier will receive three attacks. stop at the first available square when they reach a target. They do
not make room for allies in later cycles. Any extra Monsters at-
The next Grubber to move is the one closest to the Apprentice. He moves over tempting to reach a target must go around the stopped enemy.
to the Apprentice and pulls his buddy, the last Grubber to move. • Intelligent - A little more cautious, these Monsters filter past any
target to make room for their allies. Moreover, in a later Darkness
Mixed Cycle, they arrange themselves around the target to provide space
The last example looks intimidating. It contains many Grubbers and a Mini- for any latecomers.
Boss, Yardu. There are several things this example can teach players, the first • Undead - Undead Monsters function exactly like those in the
being pay attention to activation order, found on the Darkness Deck card. instinct category. The undead categorization means they do not
necessarily stay dead when killed.
All the Grubbers move before Yardu. This is quite important. The Soldier is
the closest Hero to both Yardu and the Grubbers. The Grubbers move. Three
Grubbers are already in melee range, but will still move around the Soldier
to make room for the other Grubbers—the very definition of intelligent. Very Some Monster categories do not necessarily reflect an approach, but an
quickly, all the Grubbers have moved; the Soldier is surrounded. aspect.

Monsters in the undead category function like instinctual enemies. However,

Yardu has 4 MPs and moves to the closest target. This is NOT the Soldier. There they also have a chance, through Fate dice, to resurrect if
are no squares open around the Soldier, so he is not an available target. In
Ranged Movement
this case, both the Brigand and the Acolyte are four squares away. Next, Yardu
targets the Hero most damaged. Neither Hero, in this case, has been damaged.
Ranged enemies stay at a distance. More importantly, ranged enemies, if
Once again, the priority moves to the third definer. Yardu, being undead, hates
able, will move to the maximum distance while maintaining range and line-
Faith. He moves toward the Acolyte.
of-sight (LoS).

Captains, Agents, Mini-Bosses, and Bosses never use group movement. They do not move out of range. They do not move out of LoS. If ranged
These represent very dangerous autonomous entities of the Darkness. Monsters are not in range or cannot see the target, they move. Movement
Agents and Bosses do not function like Minions. More information on is the same for both melee and range Monsters: one movement point is
these special enemies can be found on page ??. equal to one square length on the Realm Tiles. Ranged Minions still use the
group move method. If a ranged Monster cannot move away from a target,
Monster Categories the Monster still attacks.
Monster categories come into play when dealing with the order and method
of movement, order of attacking, and order of spawn. In the base game, Ranged enemies do not necessarily attack the closest target. It is very
players need only worry about two: instinct and intelligent. important to understand ranged Monsters’ priorities. It is exceedingly rare
for a ranged Monster to not attack in a Darkness Cycle. Though a very rare
Simply put, intelligent Monsters make room for miniatures of the same occurrence, if a ranged Monster is attempting to reach its primary target
Monster-type. Instinctual Monsters stop when they reach the target, forcing (through understanding that Monster’s priority) but can’t get to him, that
any followers to spill around them. ranged Monster will still attack another target if possible.

The first example shows typical ranged Crawler movement. The ranged
Crawlers have activated and move to their targets in priority order. They
stay in range and keep LoS.

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In the second example, a large group of Crawlers is being split through
Form Dice Pool
the group movement mechanic. Each group has a unique target. In the Though it is the Darkness attacking, players need to roll the Darkness’s
case of the highlighted Crawler, it cannot move away. Crawlers are instinct attacks. They need to collect all the dice being rolled for the attack. Unlike
Monsters. They do not “make room.” It is stuck in melee range, but it still Heroes, Fate dice do not need to be rolled (unless stated otherwise on the
attacks. However, it does not always attack the closest target. card) until the attack is determined to be successful.

5. Attacking Dice are added and removed from multiple sources.

The Darkness attacks similar to the Heroes. The attacker needs to check • Hit Dice (d10s):
LoS, form a dice pool, calculate a TN, and roll the dice. There are a few • Attack section of the Monster card
changes when it comes to forming the dice pool: the Darkness creates
• Event from the Darkness Deck card
unique dice pools for each Hero, and Fate dice are only rolled for successes.
• Buffs from Monster abilities
• Debuffs from the Heroes
Line-of-sight is basically the same for both Heroes and Monsters. It is
the understanding that the Monster, from its perspective, can “see” the At this point, the Monsters have moved to their targets, and formed dice
target. However, unlike Heroes, Monsters can draw LoS through allies and pools based off their targets. It is time to determined the TN and roll.
Grubber example
LoS is still drawn from attacker to target by square corner.
Grubbers have one attack and roll 1d10. It is easiest to group same Monster-
type attacks together per target. In this case, the Grubber’s dice pool for the
Blocks LoS
Soldier is 3d10, and for the Apprentice 2d10.
• Lairs
• Red Realm Tile Lines Grubbers don’t have any Fate dice recipes.
• Traps
• Walls Target Numbers and Success
Does no Block LoS The target number (TN) for the Heroes is also listed on the Monster card.
• Monsters It represents the number necessary for the Monster to successfully hit the
Hero. D10 results are compared to the TN. Any result equal to or higher
• Heroes than the TN is considered a success.
• NPCs
• Blue Realm Tile Lines Heroes are no mere target dummies. They actively defend themselves both
through equipment and through the use of Reaction (Combat) cards.
• Treasure
• Interactive Realm Objects Equipment increases the TN needed for the Monsters to succeed. Combat
Reaction cards can increase the TN, provide a counter-attack, redirect an
The difference is small, but significant. It means that Heroes cannot hide enemy attack to affect another Monster, allow the Hero to flee, or negate an
behind one another to avoid being attacked. On the other hand, Heroes attack completely.
can use their understanding of a Monster-type’s priority to “manipulate” the
attack target. Attacks from a single Monster-type to a single Hero are checked one time
with a single dice pool and roll. Unlike Hero combat, the dice pool changes
Grubber example significantly per Hero and is recalculated and rolled individually.
Continuing the Grubber example from above, the Grubbers have LoS to the
Soldier and the Apprentice. In fact, they have LoS to every Hero on the tile
because, for the Darkness, neither Heroes nor Monsters block LoS.

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Grubber example Hero Death
Grubbers typically hit on a roll of seven or higher. However, the Soldier is
equipped with the Buckler. This green item provides a penalty to the Grubbers Heroes will die. When they do, do not be too hasty to send them to their
of +1TN. This means the Grubbers need a result of eight or higher to hurt the maker. As mentioned in the Game Round chapter, do not remove Heroes
Soldier. overly quickly. They are not removed until the Cleanup step of the Refresh
Phase. Serendipity still might step in and save the day. To understand how
Serendipity can save a dead Hero, turn to page ??.
A player other than the Soldier should roll the attacks for the Grubbers. The
attack dice are rolled: 8, 8, 10. Three hits! However, the Soldier was prepared.
Moreover, Heroes do not stay dead. Heroes do not leave their own behind
He decides to play Block, which further increases the TN to nine. He could add
to suffer torment at the hands of the Darkness. Dead Heroes are considered
Rage cards to increase the TN to 11 and not take any damage, but chooses not
to be resurrected, or back in the game, between Acts at campfires.
to. The end result: the Soldier is hit once and lowers his Vitality by one.

Heroes must be present to share in the spoils of a quest, end of an Act,

The Apprentice has no Buckler, so the Grubbers hit on TN7. The attack dice are
or end of a Story. If a Hero doesn’t live through the end of a Story,
rolled: 4 and 7. The Apprentice takes one damage. If the Apprentice had Arcane
for example, then he does not get to choose between title or deck
Shield up as an Ongoing spell, then she wouldn’t be hurt.

Fate Dice If an entire company is wiped out, the players have a choice to make. In the
base game, players can choose to keep their Hero titles and upgrades intact
For Minions and Captains, Fate dice are rolled when they successfully strike a
and try again. If the players are playing through a Myth (a quest arc above
Hero. There are a few exceptions, but these are noted on the Monster cards.
Story to be introduced in the future), then those Heroes would have failed
The Monster’s Fate dice are rolled each success. If the Fate dice result in a
and the players would need to start over.
Darkness symbol, then the Hero struck is afflicted by the Monster’s power
(usually a status effect).
I’m Not Dead Yet
For Boss-types, Fate dice are rolled regardless of a successful hit. They are
Even after the Cleanup step and a dead Hero is removed, as long as the living
often key to specific recipes that allow these powerful creatures of Darkness
Heroes are on the same Realm Tile, Serendipity may be used to miraculously
to do very dangerous things. The individual cards will have Fate dice recipes
pluck the Hero from the pit.
similar to the Heroes’ weapons. Compare the Fate dice roll results to the
various recipes and act accordingly.
Within an Act, if a Hero dies, quest items they carry are transferred to
another company member. However, all of the dead Hero’s gear, including
Darkness Fate dice can be manipulated through the following effects: potions, are left on his person. His company members are not allowed to
strip the not-quite-dead corpse.
• Attack section of the Monster card
• Event from the Darkness Deck card
• Buffs from Monster abilities Bosses
• Debuffs from the Heroes There are indeed older and fouler things in the deep places of the world.
• Rerolls based off Hero equipment Bosses represent major trouble for the Heroes. Met, for the most part, at the
end of a Story, Bosses require the full attention of the company. A couple
Not all Fate dice attached to the Darkness have to do with attacks. There are mistakes (or some bad luck) and the Darkness prevails.
many representatives of the Darkness that always roll Fate dice as part of a
power or ability inherent in them. These powers and the Fate dice requirements Bosses have multiple stages, extraordinarily dangerous attacks, high Vitality,
are listed on their cards. a multitude of Fate dice, and rarely come alone. They hasten the Darkness
Meter past the point of peril.
Certain higher classification enemies have multiple attacks or chances to hit
in a single attack. More information on these types of attacks and how to
read the Monster card can be found later in the Bosses section on page ??.

6. Damage and Death

Each Monster-type, Agent, or Boss does very specific damage per success.
This information is noted on their individual cards, respectfully.

When an attack hits a Hero, that Hero needs to reduce their Vitality by the
amount of damage taken. If that Hero is reduced below one, as marked by
the Vitality Meter, then that Hero is considered dead.

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KICKSTARTER RULES MYTH and the MYTH logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner.
They are monstrosities that embody the true power of the Darkness. Per Success versus Per Hit
However, all Bosses are not created equal. Myth provides a scale for Heroes
There are a few Bosses with attacks that do damage per success. This is
to understand the scope and power of a particular Boss.
amazingly brutal. Read the attacks carefully. The difference between two
attacks that do two damage per hit and six attacks that do 1 damage per
1. Skull/Darkness Icon: This Boss is a formidable challenge for Novice
success is immense.
Heroes with moderately powerful gear, a title or two, and an understanding
of how Myth works.
Orcneas has a Leaping Chop attack. He leaps up to five squares to a target
• The Terror with 1000 Legs and hits him or her with two thunderous strikes.
• Orcneas, Master of Masters
Pull image from card: Leaping Chop - If no targets are adjacent, the he leaps
2. Skull/Darkness Icon: More of a challenge for seasoned adventurers, this up to 5 squares and attacks a single target. 2x 4d10, TN4, 3 damage/hit.
level of Boss can challenge Novice Heroes with multiple titles, to Heroes
just beginning their time as Journeymen. This attack is much more dangerous, as it can easily turn a healthy Hero
into the walking wounded. It’s damage cannot be as easily controlled as
• Bones the Talon attack. Orcneas will hit a Hero with this attack and it will do six
• Syclopt damage.

3. Skull/Darkness Icon: These Bosses are exceedingly tough. Novice Heroes

have no hope against such reckless destruction. Seasoned Journeyman
Mini-Bosses and Agents
Learning how to read and fight Bosses begins with Mini-Bosses and Agents.
Heroes with a couple orange pieces of equipment gear might surprise this
These two enemy-types are stronger than any Captain. They stand toe-to-toe
Boss, but rarely. They are created to challenge a full group of Master Heroes.
with Heroes and have cards similar to Bosses. Though they are not nearly as
• The Rat King dangerous, to take them for granted would be a mistake.

• Ia
They have a moderate amount of Vitality, a dangerous attack (or two), and
a modest amount of Fate dice. Like Bosses, they have special abilities that
4. Skull/Darkness Icon: This Boss turns anything less than a Master class
make each encounter a unique experience and dynamic game mechanics that
Hero into mist and vapor. This is a harrowing experience for a full group
challenge the Heroes.
of Master Heroes. A little Fate is needed. It can be done, although a single
mistake brings absolute and certain failure.
They also are quite unpredictable in the way they appear. They are often
• Urulók connected to quests and appear at the most inopportune times on Realm Tiles
already busy.
All Bosses come with unique cards that communicate any stages and all

Massive Attacks
All Bosses have either a multiple Hero attack or a massive attack. Some have
both! Here is an example of each and how players should read these types of
attacks, because they are so different from regular Monster-types.

The Terror with 1000 Legs has a melee attack called Talons. It is a sweeping
attack that hits all targets in its front 180 degree arc. It looks like this on the

Pull image from card: Talons - Range 2, 180 degrees. All Heroes share 6
attacks. 6x 3d10, TN4, 2 damage/hit.

This attack takes some real clever play. If a single Hero is left to face Talons
alone, then that Hero receives SIX attacks that do two damage with each hit
for a possible 12 damage! However, if five Heroes share the attack, the first
target, determined by priority, receives two attacks; everyone else gets one.
Much more manageable.

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KICKSTARTER RULES MYTH and the MYTH logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owner.

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