Document 3
Document 3
Document 3
Interrelationships of Business Processes and the AIS Input Methods Used in Business Processes
A business process is a prescribed sequence of
work steps completed in order to produce a bar code is a printed code consisting of a
desired result for the organization. series of vertical, machine‐readable,
Types of Accounting Information Systems rectangular bar and spaces that vary in width
1. Manual systems and are arranged in a specific way to
- A source document is a record that captures represent letters, numbers, and other human‐
the key data of a transaction. readable symbols.
- A turnaround document is an output of the
accounting system that can be used as an A document flowchart shows the flow of documents and
input in a different part of the accounting information among departments or units within an
system. organization. Document flowcharts are usually divided into
- general ledger provides details for the entire columns, each representing a department or unit of the
set of accounts used in the organization’s organization.
accounting systems.
- Subsidiary ledgers maintain detailed data flow diagram, or DFD, is used by systems professionals
information regarding routine transactions, to show the logical design of a system. The advantage of
with an account established for each entity. DFDs is that they use only four symbols and are simple to
2. A legacy system is an existing system in operation read and understand.
within an organization. A legacy system uses older
technology in which the organization has a Entity relationship diagrams, or ER diagrams, are pictorial
considerable investment and that might be representations of the logical structure of databases.
entrenched in the organization.
3. Modern, Integrated Systems Cardinality refers to how many instances of an entity relate
to each instance of another entity.
Client–server computing means that there are Summary of Study Objectives
two types of computers networked together The interrelationships of business processes and the AIS.
to accomplish application processing. As transactions occur, the systematic and defined steps that
Cloud computing, a more centralized take place within the organization to complete the
approach to IT. Because of its many underlying tasks of the transaction are called business
applications, there may be no single, accepted processes. These business processes generate accounting
definition of cloud computing. information that must be captured, recorded, and
o Software that resides in the cloud is processed. The accounting information system comprises
called Software as a Service the processes, procedures, and systems that capture
o Databases that reside in the cloud are accounting data from business processes; records the
called Database as a Service accounting data in the appropriate records; processes the
o Sometimes the database is combined detailed accounting data by classifying, summarizing, and
with an operating system, and it is consolidating; and reports the summarized accounting data
referred to as Platform as a Service. to internal and external users. Business processes, IT
o Finally, the computer infrastructure systems, and the accounting information system are
in the cloud is called Infrastructure as inextricably linked.
a Service
The types of accounting information systems. Simply as a
advantages to cloud computing. way to organize the study of accounting information
1. Scalability. As a company grows, it can easily systems, we classify the systems in place into three
purchase new capacity from the cloud provider. categories: manual systems, legacy systems, and modern
2. Expanded access. Once the software and data are integrated systems. Manual systems use paper documents
stored in the cloud, it can be accessed by multiple and records, including journals and ledgers. Legacy systems
devices from many different locations. employ older technology in which the organization has a
3. Infrastructure is reduced. The company has a considerable investment and that might be entrenched in
reduced need for servers and data storage, since the organization. Modern, integrated accounting software
offers companies powerful, technologically advanced
systems to serve as accounting information systems that
integrate business processes across the organization.