Unit 20
Unit 20
Unit 20
After reading this unit, you would be able to :
• describe the information systems in materials management and explain their
importance in manufacturing process;
• be familiar with the potential areas in materials management where the
information system development enables us for quick decision;
• demonstrate the process of system development through examples; and
• highlight the features of Manufacturing Execution System(MES) in achieving
Total Quality Management.
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Advantages of Materials Information System
20.3 Functions of Materials Information System
20.4 System Approach to Materials Management: Classical model
20.5 Simulation Methods for Materials Information: A System Approach
20.6 Information System for Total Quality Management (TQM)
20.6.1 Manufacturing Execution System (MES)
20.7 Summary
20.8 Self Assessment Questions
20.9 References and Suggested Further Readings
Information can provide powerful tool for change. Information management is an
important task to be handled carefully by the managers to keep themselves always
connected to the latest developments for online decisions. Whether it is Finance,
Marketing, Human Resource Management or Operations Management, all processes
require a proper information system. An information center is a place where
information is collected, transmitted, stored, analyzed, or compiled. The information
relates to the internal operation of the firm as well as to the environment. Quite
obviously, decision centers and information centers in the firm are inextricably bound
together. Decision centers generally transmit decisions to others in the organization,
and in a sense act as information centers. In simple terms, for an effective information
management, the decision maker need to strictly systematize the procedure stated
a) gathering the facts in time,
b) Store them in an ordered way,
c) Process for the requirement and
d) Present them in a specified manner.
In manufacturing process, a group of people, machines & infrastructure work together
by coordinating for producing different types of products with an objective of making
optimum production and profitability. A set of transaction ties together the different
activities manufacturing process. They are:
1) Request from customer to bid on special product
2) Orders for special products
3) Orders for standard products
4) Production orders
5) Move orders
6) Purchase orders
The entire process is carried out in an organized way. The systematic approach to
execute the process involved in handling of materials for various purposes through
predefined steps is called Materials management system. This can be done through
programmed decisions so that the cost involvement in various processes of materials
management like ordering for raw materials, utilization level of the stock, overstocking
of the materials etc could be done judiciously.
The general function of materials information system integrates the various other
subsystems as shown below:
Manual Requisitions
Purchase Order
Sales Reports
Bar Codin
of Items &
Quantity Received
Shipment Data
Pending Or
4) To protect and archive the data and outputs
5) To improve the system flexibility such that new materials and new information
can be inserted
6) To minimize the data entry errors through cross checking
7) To minimize the routine workload and improve the efficiency of the data
processing with customized client application programs and
8) To automate the filing processes and speed-up the closeout procedures by
scheduled replication tasks and alert message service of the database. In other
words, the entire closeout procedure will be monitored by the system and the
responsible person will be notified of the current project status.
Consolidation Materials requisition Tools of Demand quantity Forecast for
of purchase slips, Delivery classification and and order quantity future trend
orders and challans, materials tabulation and
inventory status return status simple analysis,
OR techniques
MIS report Using existing Operations and Decision reports Effective and
master data queuing tools online information timely decisions
based on all
receipts and issues
Table 20.2 : Inputs and Outputs for a production and manufacturing system
The schematic representation of the materials process, in general for both the
operations, can be seen from the following figure.
Data of supplies MA
Data of raw materials and INFO
Finished goods recieve note SYSTE
Materials requisition slip FOR
Delivery challan O
Materials rejection note
Three kinds of flow can be traced in the system: materials flow, information flow, and
order flow.
Purchase Order
Shipments Received sent from Retail De
at Retail (SRR) (PSR)
Sent form Customer
Retail (SSR)
The inter-relationship among the different state of the system can be expressed by the
following equation.
RRRn = f (n)
SSRn = RRR n-2
SSRn = PSR n-3
UORn = UOR n-1 + RRRn - SSRn
IARn = IARn-1+ SRRn - SSRn
IDR n = 20/9 [ RR n + RRRn-1 + RRRn-2]
PSR n = RRR n + ½ [ IDR n – IAR n ]
In which RRR n is the exciter of the system is a function of time, n. The state vector is
the state of the system at any period in time ‘n’ is simply the value of the variables in
this vector in period ‘n’
It is clear from the above illustration that most of the parameters in materials
movements are inter-related and recursive in nature. Analytical decisions through
systematic calculation enable the decision maker to know or predict the required
decision points. Sometimes even the graphical analysis using the existing functional
equations help the analyst to present proper results through graphs. The information
system designed in this situation will be able to help for drawing proper
Lead-time for delivery of new stock from their suppliers, SYSCO has found, Varies
in a random fashion, with the following distribution.
Lead time Probability
4 .10
5 .15
6 .50
7 .15
8 .10
While SYSCO is uncertain about demand from week to week (and uses a sales
forecasting strategy that will be described shortly), demand is in fact, normally
distributed about a mean of 50 SYSCOMS per week with a standard deviation of 15.
At the end of each week SYSCO management appraises its operating experience
during the week, updates records, and makes two decisions:
i) Whether to declare a price markdown if demand has been less than that demand
satisfactory and
ii) How many new machines to produce, if any.
Method of simulation based on probable demand from previous data is the best tool
to apply. Simulation either in the form of hand simulation or mechanical method is
quite obvious and required repetitive calculations. The problem is to develop an
information system by which SYSCO’s operating experience can be simulated so that
certain policy decision (notably the demand and forecasting strategy and the
inventory management policy ) can be tested to determine their influence on profits,
and so on. It would be profitable to design appropriate computer programs through
subroutines for generating demand and determining limits and making policy decision.
Development of Information system plays an information role in managerial decision-
making. Various manual formats are being needed to reference the information from
the master file, proper approach enables accurate information.
In this unit you have been exposed to the importance of Information System in
Materials Management with illustrative examples giving the steps for development of
a system. As the management of materials in a typical manufacturing environment