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HUSAJ Shqipe - Multilingualism , Integration and the International Trade


Shqipe HUSAJ PhD candidate
Lecturer at the University “Haxhi Zeka”-Peje
The purpose of this paper is to bring some ideas on the importance of multilingualism towards internationalization, its effect in the
international trade market and in increase of cultural diversity as well as the commitment of young generations in these important issues
that improve their life quality.
Nowadays most of the world's population is bilingual or multilingual. Monolingualism is characteristic only of a minority of the world's
people, Everyone is interested to expand their knowledge and the best way to achieve it is by learning more language and visiting more
countries other than neighboring countries.
There are many projects organized on multilingualism all over the world which are based upon an international, interdisciplinary and
intercultural collaboration, resulting from a long-standing scientific co-operation in research, teaching and educational practice between
persons and institutions involved in its realization.
Key words; cultural diversity, internationalization, multilingualism, communication , cultural diversity etc.

Introduction and strategies of being and becoming multiple individuals

Multilingualism is one of the main mechanisms which in multiple places. These spaces enable us see how
enables people to work and study in other member states people perform their multiple identities through their
and which strengthens integration besides other everyday social and linguistic activities and interactions
advantages such as opening people to other cultures, with people ,as well as how they invest and become
improving their cognitive skills and developing their invested in every field of life.
mother tongue skills In this globalized world it is important to understand that
A multilingual person, in a broad definition, is one who social transformation and representation happen
can communicate in more than one language, be it simultaneously and reveal the nature of social
actively (through speaking, writing or singing) or passively categorization and position. Investments in certain forms
(through listening, reading, or perceiving). The terms of capital in becoming multilingual and multicultural is
bilingual and trilingual are used to describe comparable essential. Investments in language learning show the
situations in which two or three languages are involved. A complex interconnections between multilingualism,
multilingual person is generally referred to as a polyglot. globalization and identity. By understanding these
Poly from Greek that means "many", glot also from Greek interconnections we create more spaces and conditions
that means "language".(wikipedia, free encyclopedia) with less constraints and with more opportunities.
Multilingual speakers acquire and maintain at least one There are numerous benefits of being multilingual such as
language during their childhood, known as first language improvement of linguistic abilities as well as betterment of
(L1) which is acquired without formal education .But there cognitive flexibility such as divergent thinking, concept
is another group of children who acquire two languages at formation, verbal abilities and general reasoning. Apart of
the same time. This group is called simultaneous all these there is cultural diversity importance which
bilinguals and usually belong to a group of children distinguishes people of different countries but at the
coming from mixed marriages or are born in a country same time brings them together if they work and live in
with a spoken language different from their mother the same company or same country.
tongue. Even in the case of simultaneous bilinguals one Due to the influx of migrants and refugees from all over
language usually dominates over the other. the world, Europe has become increasingly multilingual.
There are several definitions on multilingualism given by According to Cook ( 2001) “a person who speaks multiple
researchers. languages has a stereoscopic vision of the world from two
Multilingualism simply means knowing two or more or more perspectives, enabling them to be more flexible in
languages and by having this knowledge one can offer their thinking, learn reading more easily. Multilinguals,
itself a better life because benefits of being bilingual therefore, are not restricted to a single world-view, but
extend to social as well as professional life. also have a better understanding that other outlooks are
Researchers who study bilingual and multilingual possible. Indeed, this has always been seen as one of the
communities around the world have argued for a broad main educational advantages of language teaching”
definition that views bilingualism as a common human It is helpful while traveling to foreign countries, which have
condition that makes it possible for an individual to a different language. It helps you communicate effectively
function, at some level, in more than one language. and be independent of translators and interpreters. In
today's world of globalization, knowing a foreign language
Advantages of multilingualism education and gives you opportunities to study and work abroad. It also
investment in it helps in creative thinking. Bilingual persons have two or
Each of the world's nations has its citizens who use other more words for each object and idea, and different
languages in addition to the national language to facilitate meanings are sometimes attached to words by the two
their everyday lives. We live in ever-changing , evolving known languages. Therefore, a bilingual person may
constantly shifting world , where socially construed develop the ability to think more flexibly not only about
boundaries are becoming more obscured while words, but also about other things too. Once you know
simultaneously making visible the spaces, dimensions, two languages, it becomes much easier to learn another

language. Knowing three to four languages is prevalent in can speak Albanian as they were born and grown up in
many parts of Europe because it gives more choices. If Kosova.. "This is about everybody keeping their roots,
the country where you are a resident becomes unstable, if their culture and their belief, but those of the third and
unrest or war breaks out as it happened in Ex- fourth generation living in Germany should be able to
Yugoslavia, you will be able to move to the another participate in our social life."1
country/countries and communicate in their language, be On a social level, multilingualism exposes one to other
helped quicker and easier because you are cultures, which promotes acceptance, respect and
understandable to all. embraces diversity. It promotes relations between
Multilingualism helps to better understand and appreciate different linguistic communities. Although it may not
people of other countries, thereby lessening racism, always create harmony between communities which
xenophobia, and intolerance, as the learning of a new share the same institutions, it nevertheless facilitates
language usually brings with it a revelation of a new interactions between them, the exchange of ideas and
culture even the development of common social objectives.
As Kruger says ( Independent education 2010) In today’s Learning a language other than one's own, or even
world where there is a growing focus on creative thinking, several languages, is also a means of demonstrating that
it is interesting to note that pupils who are exposed to a we want to become "cultural intermediaries" who want to
multilingual environment are more comfortable engaging eradicate social divisions that still too often separate
with creative thought. Furthermore, they display a members of different linguistic communities.
superior performance in evaluating hypotheses. I believe Multilingualism has a mediating effect by promoting the
that the ability to learn more than one language is an passage over the invisible boundary between the
innate capability. Yes, for some pupils, learning a second, unknown and the known as well as between the refusal
a third or even a fourth language can be a challenging and acceptance of differences. The understanding of
task, but the reason for the difficulty is not necessarily a others leads to acceptance. Acceptance promotes
cognitive challenge. And even with marginal success in tolerance and the diversification of one's vision of the
learning a second or third language, the advantages are world.
International trade with or without languages
Languages and Integration Wherever economic internationalization processes are
In order to assess the role of language in integration and involved, 'economy' and 'multilingualism' prove to be two
multiculturalism, we should begin by listing the main sides of the same coin: without international trade the
functions of language. Language is: spectrum of linguistic contacts would be much smaller,
• the most important medium of human communication; language families such as the Indo-European would not
• a symbol of identity; exist, at least in their present form. German would not
• an expression of culture; have such terms as "Konto" (account), "Bilanz" (balance
• a medium of cognitive and conceptual development; sheet) or "Scheck" ( cheque ) and the symbol for the
• an instrument of action (Language is, for instance, British pound sterling "£" would certainly not have been
sufficient to perform acts such as promise, complaint, derived from the Italian 'libra'. On the other hand it is true
invitation, and reprimand). that, for example, without the willingness to practise
These functions are the arena in which the relationship multilingualism trading routes such as the Silk Road
between English and community languages and would not have been opened up, or that the trading
expression of multiple identities are played out. associations such as the Hanseatic League and the
Multilingualism enables us to consider diversity, Fuggers would not have enjoyed the success that
dynamism and hybridity. enabled them to act as central economic forces in Europe
Acquisition of the host country language(s) is important for centuries. And last but not least it should be mentioned
for various aspects of newcomer integration Host country in this connection that it was precisely Jacob Fugger who
language proficiency is strongly related not only to the was said to have given the – now highly topical advice,
labor market outcomes, but also to the indicators of social when conducting business negotiations speak your own
integration. language and understand the foreign tongue.2
The German Chancellor Angela Merkel in her talks with Multilingual skills provide export benefits and better
Turkish prime minister added that it is unacceptable to be access to New Emerging Markets. English does not
an excuse for Turks living in Germany not to learn the suffice in economic relations as many tenders are lost
German language. The language of the country one lives through lack of skills in local languages. Small and
in is the precondition for good integration. She was talking medium sized enterprises (SMEs) increasingly use the
about the Turkish immigrants but this should be specific language of the country to which they export so
applicable for everyone no matter which country they live as to gain ground in emerging markets. The study shows
in. We have the example of Serbians living in the that multilingualism and economic competitiveness are
Republic of Kosova There is no excuse for them not to
speak Albanian and encourage new generations to learn 1 DW-WORLD.E - (26.03.2010)
other languages apart from their own if they want to be 2.CILT - The National Centre for Languages (Ed.), ELAN: Effects on the
integrated in the new society even though many of them European Economy of Shortages of Foreign Language Skills in
Enterprise. 2006

closely linked. Swedish, French and German SMEs all Garcia (in Baker and Prays Jones 1998:205). According
use multilingualism as a strategy for exportations to to Garcia it would be dull and boring to travel around the
varying degrees. Businesses can greatly benefit from world and see that all gardens are of the same one-color
building the cultural and linguistic skills of their flower. The variety of flowers of different shapes, sizes
employees. Speaking another language can open new and colors makes our visual and aesthetic experience rich
markets up to you that were previously closed. Because and enjoyable. Linguistic diversity also makes the world
English predominates as the ‘global language’ of trade more interesting and colorful but as in the case of flowers
and commerce, people often forget that the ability to it makes the garden more difficult to tend
conduct business with a non-English speaker in their own According to Garcia who compares flower and languages
language, and with knowledge of their cultural values and “ Some flowers and some languages spread very quickly
norms, can build lasting bridges and forge links with that and others need extra care and protection”. Language
individual or company for many years to come. diversity requires planning and care involving actions
There is a strong relation between language and such as:
economic activity , diverse lines about the role of - Adding flowers to the garden: Learning other languages
language in production, consumption and exchange. E.g. can be an enriching experience
the study of language use in advertising and consumer - Protecting rare flowers: Protecting languages at risk
relations for goods in their own language. Researchers through legislation and education
such as Sabourin ( 1985- Benefits of linguistic diversity - Nurturing flowers in danger of extinction: Intervention
and multilingualism)- have studied more about the role may be necessary and may
of minority language maintenance as factor of regional imply positive economic discrimination
economic vitality and matching between employees on - Controlling flowers that spread quickly and naturally:
linguistic dimensions in a firm. Generally the concepts of Spread can be allowed if it does not kill other species.
supply, demand and market for any good or service also This can be compared to the mixed marriages where
apply to language goods. each parent of a child speaks a different first language,
the child who is bilingual can communicate freely with
Language and Cultural diversity both, developing a close relationship with them. At the
Cultures are transmitted through languages and same time, both parents are passing to the child a rich
languages also reflect the history of the people who have heritage on their part. Being bilingual creates a bridge
used them. The phrase cultural diversity can refer to between generations, for instance, with grandparents.
having different cultures respecting each other's Generally what happens if parents migrate, is that the
differences. The phrase cultural diversity is sometime children learn only the local language. They are ignorant
misused to mean the variety of human societies or of their mother tongue, which creates a barrier in
cultures in a specific region, or in the world as a whole; communication with their relatives. Being able to
but these phenomenon are multiculturalism rather than communicate between generations helps to establish a
cultural diversity. The culturally destructive action of sense of belonging to an extended family.
globalization is often said to have a negative effect on the It leads to access to more information resources. A
world's cultural diversity. Children become linguistically bilingual person can read books or literature that exists in
and culturally competent members of their community both the known languages and that would otherwise be
through interactions with caregivers and other more unavailable. It leads to exposure to different cultures. A
competent members of their community ( Schieffelin & language is usually closely related to the culture of the
Ochs, 1986). Through this language socialization, children speaker. To read a book or a poem or to listen to a song
learn the behaviors that are culturally appropriate in their in the original language is a completely different
community. experience than to read/hear the translation. Exposure to
Language and cultural diversity is important because our a second set of customs, traditions and history provides a
country, our workplaces and our schools include persons different viewpoint on many questions and makes life a lot
of various ethnics groups and interests. We can learn more interesting and rewarding. Knowing two languages
from one another, but first we must have a level of places one in a position to think about language itself, to
understanding about one another in order to work reflect on its functions, and to treat it as an object of
together effectively. Cultural diversity also helps people to thought.
dispel negative stereotypes about one another. Cultural And finally one should keep in mind that a globalized
diversity is when you have people from different countries English (internationlish, globalish or McLanguage) will
who of course have different beliefs, speak different also be used outside Europe as an emergency language.
languages, male and female living and working together It can therefore be quite useful for emergency cases in
peacefully. Europe, too, but is hardly suitable as the linguistic means
Language and cultural diversity is a term used to mean of fostering a European identity.
that a group or area contains people from many different
cultures and backgrounds. These areas are considered Conclusion
diverse because everyone is unique and different... The purpose of this paper was to bring some ideas on the
A well known analogy between linguistic and ecological importance of multilingualism towards internationalization,
diversity is the ‘language garden analogy’ proposed by its effect in the international trade market and in increase


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