Candidate's Name:: Ports and Maritime Organization Examination and Certification Directorate
Candidate's Name:: Ports and Maritime Organization Examination and Certification Directorate
Candidate's Name:: Ports and Maritime Organization Examination and Certification Directorate
Q.2) At 0500 hours in DR position 52° 00' N 006° 00' W vessel steering 055° C at 15 kts
an observation of star bearing 110° T gave a longitude of 005° 57' W, at the same time
TUSKAR ROCK Lt(52° 12' N 006° 13'W) bore 262° Relative. Find compass course to
steer in order to pick up BARDSEY Lt (52° 46' N 004° 48' W) 30° on the starbd bow
at its maximum range of visibility and the time to reach this position. Visibility
perfect. height of eye 9 m and height of light 25 m. (20 Marks)
Q.3) A vessel intends to sail out Oostende(ATT vol.1) on 24th March 2000 with a draught of 8.0
meter forward and 9.6 meter aft. Calculate the earliest time, when she can cross a bar at the
entrance where the charted depth is 8mtrs, with a clearance of 1 meter. (15 Marks)
Q.4) Find the great circle distance and the initial course and the position of the vertex between the
following positions: (15 Marks)
From: a) 36° 15' S, 056° 35' W
To : b) 15° 57' S, 005° 40' W
Part b : total marks(30 Marks)
Q.1) Explain the principles on which the Global Positioning System (GPS) works and how the
accuracy of position fix is achieved by DGPS. (15 Marks)
Use deviation card No:1, tide table 2000, chart No:1121, nories table, and variation as per chart.
Positions in the brackets are only for guidance and should not be used as actual position of symbols.
Part a : total marks(70 Marks)
Q.1) At 1800 hrs, from a vessel steering 010° (C), Calf of Man Lighthouse (54° 3.4' N 004° 50' W)
bore 055° (C ). At 1840 hrs, it bore 087° (C) , and the distance off by vertical sextant angle was
found to be 14 miles. At 1930 hrs, the same light bore 148° (C). The tidal stream was known to
set 045° T, at 3 knots. Required the speed of the vessel, the position at 1930 hrs, and the course
made good. (20 Marks)
Q.2) In hazy weather a vessel in a position with Tuskar Rock Lighthouse(52° 12' N 006° 12' W)
bearing 270° T, distant 10 miles, and steaming at a reduced speed of 8 knots, set a course to
reach a position with S. Stack Lighthouse(53° 18' N 004° 42' W) bearing 180° (T), distant 8
miles. Two and a half hours later the weather cleared, speed was increased to 16 knots and
course altered accordingly. The tidal stream was known to set 000° T, at 2 knots.
Required the compass courses steered and the time taken to bring Bardsey I. Lighthouse
(52° 45' N 004° 47' W) abeam. (20 Marks)
Q.3) A vessel intends to sail out Hastings (ATT vol.1) on 8th March 2000 with a draught of 7.5
meter forward and 8.5 meter aft. Calculate the Latest time, when she can cross a bar at the
entrance where the charted depth is 6.0 meters, with a clearance of 1.0 meter.
(15 Marks)
Q.4) Compare the Great Circle and Rhumb line distance between the following positions:
(15 Marks)
From A: 38° 00' N, 123° 30' W
To B: 34° 40' N, 139° 54' E
Part b : total marks(30 Marks)
Q.1) Explain the method of calculating deviation and reason for keeping deviation card on
board. (15 Marks)