Gnav Test-2
Gnav Test-2
Gnav Test-2
- Tick the appropriate option
- Use of flight computer and scientific calculator is permitted
- Assume values wherever necessary
1) At what approximate date is the earth furthest from the sun (aphelion)?
a) Beginning of July
b) End of September
c) Beginning of January
2) Given: pressure altitude 29000ft, OAT -55 deg C. Calculate the density
a) 28900ft
b) 28000ft
c) 27500ft
3) An aircraft departs from position A (04*10’S 178*22’W) and flies northward
following the meridian for 2950nm. It then flies westward along the parallel of
latitude for 382nm to position B. Th coordinates of position B are?
a) 45*00’N 169*22’W
b) 53*20’N 172*38’ E
c) 45*00’N 173*38’ E
4) The angle between the true great-circle and the true rhumb-line track joining
the following points: A (60*S 165*W) B (60*S 177*E) at the place of departure
A, is:
a) 15.6*
b) 7.8*
c) 5.2*
5) At the magnetic equator:
a) Dip is zero
b) Variation is zero
c) Deviation is zero
6) What is the time required to travel along the parallel of latitude 60*N
between meridians 10*E and 30*W at a groundspeed of 480KT?
a) 1h 45 min
c) 2h 15 min
d) 2h 30 min
7) In order to fly from position A(10*00’N 30*00’ W) to position B(30*00’N
50*00’W), maintaining a constant true course, it is necessary to fly:
a) Straight line plotted on lambert chart
b) Rhumb line track
c) Great circle track
8) Diameter of the earth is approximately:
a) 6875 km
b) 12700 km
c) 18500 km
9) An aircraft passes position A (60*00’N 120*00’W) enroute to position
B(60*00’N 140*30’W). What is the great circle track on departure from A?
a) 279 deg
b) 288 deg
c) 270 deg
10) The duration of __________ is the time between sunset and when the centre
of the sun is 6* below sensible or true horizon.
a) Nautical Twilight
b) Civil Twilight
c) Astronomical Twilight
11) What is the local mean time, position 65*25’N 123*45’W at 2200 UTC?
a) 0615
b) 0815
c) 1345
12) An agonic line is a line that connects:
a) Positions that have 0* dip
b) Positions of same variation
c) Positions that have 0* variation
13) Given: True track = 348*, drift = 17* left, variation = 32*W, deviation = 4*E.
What is the compass heading?
a) 033*
b) 337*
c) 037*
14) An aircraft at position 60*N 05*W tracks 090*(T) for 315km. On completion
of the flight the longitude will be?
a) 00*40’E
b) 00*15’E
c) 05*15’E
15) The value of magnetic variation:
a) Must be 0* at the equator
b) Has a maximum of 180*
c) Varies between 45*E and 45*W
16) The force acting on the needle of a direct reading compass varies:
a) Directly with horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field
b) Directly with vertical component of earth’s magnetic field
c) Inversely with horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field
17) Given: Magnetic heading 060*, magnetic variation 8*W, Drift angle 4* right.
What is the true track?
a) 064*
b) 056*
c) 048*
18) At 0000 lo An aircraft is flying at TAS 180 KT on a track of 090*. The W/V is
045*/50KT. How far can the aircraft fly out from its base and return on one
a) 176 nm
b) 85 nm
19) 0000 mean time of an observer:
a) The mean sun is in transit with observer’s meridian
b) The apparent sun is in transit with observer’s meridian
c) The mean sun is in transit with observer’s anti-meridian
20) In the northern hemisphere the rhumb line track from position A to B is 230*,
the convergency is 6* and the difference in longitude is 10*. What is the initial
rhumb line track from B to A?
a) 050*
b) 053*
c) 056*
21) The angle between the plane of equator and the plane of ecliptic is:
a) 66.5*
b) 65.6*
c) 23.5*
22) A Mercator chart has a scale at the equator = 1:3704000. What is the scale at
latitude 60*S ?
a) 1:185200
b) 1:1852000
c) 1:3208000
23) The standard parallels of a Lambert’s conical projection are 07*40’N and
38*20’N. The constant of cone for this chart is:
a) 0.93
b) 0.42
c) 0.39
24) If the chart scale is 1:500000, what earth distance would be represented by
7cm on the chart?
a) 35 nm
b) 35 km
c) 3.5 km
25) Scale on a Lambert’s conformal chart is:
a) Constant over the whole chart
b) Constant along a parallel of latitude
c) Constant along a meridian of longitude
26) A Lambert’s conical conformal chart has standard parallels at 63*N and 41*N.
What is the constant of the cone?
a) 0.707
b) 0.788
c) 0.891
27) An aircraft is descending down a 6% glideslope whilst maintaining a ground
speed of 300KT. The rate of descent of the aircraft is approximately:
a) 1800 fpm
b) 3600 fpm
c) 10800 fpm
28) How do rhumb lines, other than meridians appear on polar stereographic
a) As straight lines
b) As lines convex to the nearer pole
c) As lines concave to the nearer pole
29) Given: TAS = 197KT, True course = 240*, W/V = 180/30.
Descent is initiated at FL220 and completed at FL 40. Distance to be covered
during descent id 39nm. What is the approximate rate of descent?
a) 950 ft/min
b) 1400 ft/min
c) 1500 ft/min
30) An aircraft is planned to fly from position A to position B, distance 480nm at
an average Groundspeed of 240KT. It departs A at 1000 UTC. After flying
150nm along track from A, the aircraft is 2min behind planned time. Using the
actual groundspeed, what is the revised ETA at B?
a) 1157
b) 1203
c) 1206
31) Given: Distance A to B is 100nm, a checkpoint is obtained 40nm along and
6nm to the left of course. What heading alteration must be made to reach B?
a) 15* right
b) 9* right
c) 6* right
32) The angle between true north and magnetic north is known as:
a) Deviation
b) Variation
c) Dip
33) Given: True course A to B = 250*, distance A to B = 315nm, TAS = 450 KT,
W/V= 200*/60, ETD at A = 0650 UTC. What is the ETA at B?
a) 0810 UTC
b) 0730 UTC
c) 0736 UTC
34) Given: Groundspeed = 122KT, distance from A to B = 985nm. What is the time
from A to B?
a) 8h 04 min
b) 7h 48 min
c) 7h 49 min
35) 730 fpm equals:
a) 1.6m/s
b) 2.2 m/s
c) 3.7 m/s
36) 265 US-gal equals? (specific gravity 0.80)
a) 1003 kg
b) 803 kg
c) 940 kg
37) Fuel flow per hour is 22 US-gal, total fuel on board is 83 IMP gal. What is the
a) 3h 12min
b) 3h 53 min
c) 4h 32 min
38) Given: CAS = 120KT, FL80, OAT = +20*C. What is the TAS?
a) 141 KT
b) 132 KT
c) 120 KT
39) Point of no return is a function of:
a) Distance
b) Fuel Endurance
c) None of the above
40) When CG moves fore of the aircraft:
a) Increases stability, decreases manoeuvrability
b) Decreases stability, increases manoeuvrability
c) Increases stability, increases manoeuvrability
41) Departure is minimum at the:
a) Equator
b) Poles
c) None of the above
42) Give: Dry operating mass = 33510 kg, Load = 7600 kg, Trip fuel = 2040 kg,
Final reserve fuel = 983kg, Alternate fuel = 1100 kg, contingency fuel = 5% of
trip fuel. If the flight is performed as planned, which of the listed estimated
masses is correct?
a) Estimated landing mass at destination is 43295 kg
b) Estimated take-off mass is 45233 kg
c) Estimated landing mass at destination is 43193 kg
43) Given: runway direction 230* (T), surface W/V 280*(T)/40kt. Calculate the
effective cross-wind component?
a) 26 KT
b) 31 KT
c) 36 KT
44) Parallels of latitude on a direct Mercator chart are:
a) Parallel lines unequally spaced
b) Parallel lines equally spaced
c) Straight lines converging above the pole
45) An aircraft departs from an airport under the following conditions:
Cruising Altitude = 9500 ft
Airport elevation = 1000 ft
Rate of climb = 500 ft/min
Average TAS = 135 KT
Track = 215*
Average W/V = 290*/20
Variation = 3W
Deviation = -2
Average Fuel Consumption = 13 Gal/hr
Find the time, Heading (C), distance and fuel used during the climb
a) 14 min, 234*, 26nm, 3.9 gal
b) 17 min, 242*, 31nm, 3.5 gal
c) 17 min, 224*, 36nm, 3.7 gal
46) The TAS is increased during outbound, the distance to C.P. will
a) Will increase from place of departure
b) Does not change with winds
c) Will decrease from place of departure
47) What is the length of a sidereal year?
a) 365 days
b) 365 days 6 hours
c) 365 days 5 hours 48.75 minutes
48) Given: FL 120, OAT is ISA, CAS = 200 KT, Track = 222*(M), Heading = 215* (M),
Variation = 15W. If the time to fly 105nm is 21 minutes, what is the W/V ?
a) 050* T/70 KT
b) 065* T/70 KT
c) 040* T/105 KT
49) The departure between positions 60*N 60*E and 60*N ‘x’ is 1800nm East.
What is the longitude of ‘x’?
a) 120* W
b) 120* E
c) 143* E
50) A revenue flight is to be made by a jet transport. The following are the
aeroplane’s structural limits:
Maximum ramp mass = 69900 kg
Maximum Takeoff mass = 69300 kg
Maximum landing mass = 58900 kg
Maximum zero fuel mass = 52740 kg
Dry operating mass = 34930 kg
Trip fuel = 11500 kg
Taxi fuel = 250 kg
Contingency and final reserve fuel = 1450 kg
Alternate fuel = 1350 kg
(Take off and landing mass are not performance limited)
The maximum traffic load that can be carried is:
a) 21070 kg
b) 20420 kg
c) 17810 kg