Body Mechanics Checklist 1

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Name: _____________________________________ Date: _________________

Instruction: Rate the following criteria after having satisfactorily practiced the skills. Check
appropriate scale.
Legend: 3 – Correctly Done 1 – Incorrectly Done
2 – Partially Done 0 –Not Done
Body Mechanics
 It is the term used to describe the efficient, coordinated, and safe use of the body
to move objects and carry out activities of daily living.
o To facilitate the safe and efficient use of appropriate muscle groups to
maintain balance, reduce the energy required, reduce fatigue, and
decrease the risk of injury.

Performance Criteria 3 2 1 0 Remarks

1. Defines body mechanics.
2. State the purposes.
3. Enumerate special considerations.
4. State the principles/ rationale behind specific
Principles and Guidelines
1. Keep weight balance above base of support.
Enlarge base of support as necessary to
increase the body’s stability.

Rationale: Body balance is achieved when a wide

base of support exists, the center of gravity falls within
the base of support.

2. Lowers center of gravity towards base of

support in the direction in which force is applied.

Rationale: When the person moves, the center of

gravity shifts continuously in the direction of the moving
body parts. Balance depends on the interrelationship of
the center of gravity, the line of gravity, and the base of
research and extension service programs at all
VISION College of Nursing and Midwifery educational levels as its monumental contribution to
“MABINI COLLEGES shall national and global growth and development.
cultivate a CULTURE of
Governor Panotes Avenue, Specifically, it transforms students into:
EXCELLENCE in Education.” Daet, Camarines Norte  God – fearing,
 Nation – loving,
Tel. no. (054) 721-1281 local 109  Law abiding
Email:  Earth caring
 Productive,
 and Locally and Globally competitive

3. Enlarge base of support in the direction in which

force is applied.

Rationale: The broader the base of support, the

greater the stability and balance.

4. Tighten the abdominal and gluteal muscles in

preparation for all activities.

Rationale: The greater the preparatory isometric

testing, or contraction of muscles before moving an
object, the less the energy required to move it, and the
less the likelihood of musculoskeletal strain and injury.

5. Faces in the direction of task and turns body in

one plane.
Rationale: Ineffective use of major muscle groups
occurs when the spine is rotated or twisted.

6. Bend hips and knees (rather than back) when

Rationale: This helps to maintain the nurse’s center of
gravity and lets the strong muscles of the legs do the

7. Move objects on level surface when possible.

Slides (rather than lift) objects on smooth
surface when possible.
Rationale: Moving an object along a level surface
requires less energy than moving an object up and in
inclined surface or lifting it against the force of gravity.

8. Hold objects close to the body and stand close

objects to be moved.
Rationale: This action places the weight in the same
plane as the lifter and close to the center of gravity for

9. Use body’s weight to assist in lifting or moving

when possible.
Rationale: When a person lifts or carries an object, the
weight of the object becomes part of the person’s body
weight. Body weight adds force to counteract the
weight of the object and reduces the amount of strain
on arms and back.
research and extension service programs at all
VISION College of Nursing and Midwifery educational levels as its monumental contribution to
“MABINI COLLEGES shall national and global growth and development.
cultivate a CULTURE of
Governor Panotes Avenue, Specifically, it transforms students into:
EXCELLENCE in Education.” Daet, Camarines Norte  God – fearing,
 Nation – loving,
Tel. no. (054) 721-1281 local 109  Law abiding
Email:  Earth caring
 Productive,
 and Locally and Globally competitive

10. Use smooth motions and reasonable speed

when carrying out task.
Rationale: To avoid any kind of injury.

11. When moving clients, use a pulling motion

whenever possible.
Rationale: It is easier and safer to pull an object
toward one’s own center of gravity than to push it away
because a person can exert more control of the object’s
movement when pulling it.

12. Raise the working surface to waist level when

Rationale: Objects that are close to the center of
gravity are moved with least effort.

a. Standing
1. Stand with body erect and body segments
balanced one over the other.
Rationale: Good posture requires that the body weight
be balanced in relation to the spine and the center of

2. Place feet comfortably apart, approximately 3-4

Rationale: Balance is maintained with a minimum of
effort if the center of gravity is over the center of

3. Hold knees and shoulders in easy position

(neither flexed nor rigidly extended).
Rationale: An easy position keeps the body in
functional alignment. Flexed or rigidly extended
extremities are predisposed to muscle strain.

4. Pull in abdominal muscles, and contract gluteal

Rationale: Use of contracted abdominal muscles gives
a feeling of upward pull and contracted gluteal gives
downward pull thus preventing muscular strain.

5. Hold chest forward with back of the head high,

chin in and level.
research and extension service programs at all
VISION College of Nursing and Midwifery educational levels as its monumental contribution to
“MABINI COLLEGES shall national and global growth and development.
cultivate a CULTURE of
Governor Panotes Avenue, Specifically, it transforms students into:
EXCELLENCE in Education.” Daet, Camarines Norte  God – fearing,
 Nation – loving,
Tel. no. (054) 721-1281 local 109  Law abiding
Email:  Earth caring
 Productive,
 and Locally and Globally competitive

Rationale: Shoulders and head brought backward

facilitate good lung expansion and prevent fatigue.

b. Sitting
1. Hold head and trunk in upright position.
Rationale: Functional alignment is maintained when
spine is elongated and physiological curves are within
normal limits.
2. Flex hips at right angles to the trunk and place
far back in chair, so that the most of the thighs
rest on seat of chair. Legs must be at right
angle with the thighs and lower abdomen, in.
Rationale: The weight of the body while sitting must be
borne by the buttocks. Abdominal muscles rely on
strong muscles and thus it can be injured by improper
use of muscle groups. Sever flexion and compression
impede circulation.

3. Place feet flat on the floor, with one foot ahead

of the other.
Rationale: Supported extremity prevents undie muscle

4. Put arms and thighs at ease.

Rationale: Tightly adducted position of arms and
thighs are predisposed to muscle strain.

c. Walking
1. Stand erect with chest up. Hold head erect,
lower abdominal muscle must be retracted and
body is well-balanced.
Rationale: Preparatory for walking.

2. Step with one foot forward and the toes pointed

in the direction of movement.
Rationale: Balance is maintained by transferring
weight alternately from one body segment to another,
and keep the line of gravity within the base of support.
Facing the direction of gravity keeps the muscle groups
in proper position for effective functioning without

3. Walk with long strides. See to it that the feet are

parallel in a heel-toe gait.
Rationale: This gait maintains normal functioning
research and extension service programs at all
VISION College of Nursing and Midwifery educational levels as its monumental contribution to
“MABINI COLLEGES shall national and global growth and development.
cultivate a CULTURE of
Governor Panotes Avenue, Specifically, it transforms students into:
EXCELLENCE in Education.” Daet, Camarines Norte  God – fearing,
 Nation – loving,
Tel. no. (054) 721-1281 local 109  Law abiding
Email:  Earth caring
 Productive,
 and Locally and Globally competitive

position of leg and feet.

d. Lifting and Picking-up Objects

1. Stay as close as possible to an object to be
lifted or moved.
Rationale: The center of gravity of the body being
close to the center of gravity of the object being moved
permits maximum use of large and strong muscles.
2. Face in the direction of work, flex the knees.
Rationale: The center of gravity is lowered by bending
the knees than by bending over from the back thus
providing more stability. Bending the knee forward
helps to place the weight on the large thigh muscle and
prevents back strain.

3. Put on internal girdle and bend down to objects

to be lifted.
Rationale: Preparation of these muscles stabilizes the
pelvis, supports the abdomen and protects body from

4. Carry heavy objects to the body with elbows

held close to the trunk and the back kept erect.
Rationale: Use of longer and stronger muscles of the
body helps provide power needed with strenuous

Signature of the Student: ____________________ Date: ________________

Name and Signature of Faculty: ______________________ Date: _______________

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