Body Mechanics Checklist 1
Body Mechanics Checklist 1
Body Mechanics Checklist 1
Instruction: Rate the following criteria after having satisfactorily practiced the skills. Check
appropriate scale.
Legend: 3 – Correctly Done 1 – Incorrectly Done
2 – Partially Done 0 –Not Done
Body Mechanics
It is the term used to describe the efficient, coordinated, and safe use of the body
to move objects and carry out activities of daily living.
o To facilitate the safe and efficient use of appropriate muscle groups to
maintain balance, reduce the energy required, reduce fatigue, and
decrease the risk of injury.
1. Defines body mechanics.
2. State the purposes.
3. Enumerate special considerations.
4. State the principles/ rationale behind specific
Principles and Guidelines
1. Keep weight balance above base of support.
Enlarge base of support as necessary to
increase the body’s stability.
a. Standing
1. Stand with body erect and body segments
balanced one over the other.
Rationale: Good posture requires that the body weight
be balanced in relation to the spine and the center of
b. Sitting
1. Hold head and trunk in upright position.
Rationale: Functional alignment is maintained when
spine is elongated and physiological curves are within
normal limits.
2. Flex hips at right angles to the trunk and place
far back in chair, so that the most of the thighs
rest on seat of chair. Legs must be at right
angle with the thighs and lower abdomen, in.
Rationale: The weight of the body while sitting must be
borne by the buttocks. Abdominal muscles rely on
strong muscles and thus it can be injured by improper
use of muscle groups. Sever flexion and compression
impede circulation.
c. Walking
1. Stand erect with chest up. Hold head erect,
lower abdominal muscle must be retracted and
body is well-balanced.
Rationale: Preparatory for walking.