University of Rizal System College of Education
University of Rizal System College of Education
University of Rizal System College of Education
30. Does the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers allow teachers to accept remuneration
for tutorial services?
[ ] A. Yes, the teachers deserve the remuneration for the tutorial services.
[ ] B. Yes, if the tutorial service is authorized by the principal.
[ ] C. Yes, provided pay is not excessive. [ ]
D. Yes, it is the right of the teacher.
31. Are private school teachers required to have a professional license?
[ ] A. No [ ] C. Yes
[ ] B. It depends on the school [ ] D. It depends on the Teacher
32. When can the teacher complain against his/her transfer to another school?
[ ] A. If the teacher is against the policies of the school principal
[ ] B. If the teacher is residing far from the new school assignment
[ ] C. If the teacher has a pending case
[ ] D. If the teacher does not have the consent of his/her transfer to another school
33. What is the first and foremost concern of the teacher?
[ ] A. The interest and welfare of the learners
[ ] B. The progress of the learners
[ ] C. The adjustment of the learners
[ ] D. The cultures of the learners
34. The teacher has the right and duty to evaluate the learners provided that;
[ ] A. There are bases of grading the learners
[ ] B. Examinations were given to the learners
[ ] C. Lessons were discussed to the learners
[ ] D. Activities like projects and quizzes were given to the learners
35. What is the obligation of the teacher who will be on leave of absence for more than two
[ ] A. The teacher may assign the school clerk to take charge of the records
[ ] B. The teacher may ask the substitute teacher to provide his own records [ ]
C. The teacher may organize records and other documents and turnover them to the
substitute teacher
[ ] D. The teacher may leave the records to the pupils
36. When problems and legal issues occur in the school concerning colleagues, what is
expected to the teachers?
[ ] A. Tell the information to other teachers from other schools
[ ] B. Tell the information to close colleagues only
[ ] C. Hold the information to the person concerned and tell it to other teachers
[ ] D. Hold the information to oneself until there is a permission to divulge it
48.The teacher files charges against a superior without any evidence, this may fall under;
[ ] A. Gossip [ ] C. Anonymity
[ ] B. False accusation [ ] D. Pending case
49.Which shows that the teaching profession makes a dignified manner of decent living?
[ ] A. The teacher is proud of his/her profession
[ ] B. The teacher used his/her position to put up business
[ ] C. The teacher applies to all credit institutions [ ] D.
The teacher apologizes for having such profession
50.As a community leader, which one may a teacher NOT do?
[ ] A. Solicits donations to known personalities in the community
[ ] B. Plays an active part in the community activities
[ ] C. Supports effort of the community to improve their status in life
[ ] D. Makes herself distant from leaders of the community
51.As an effective classroom manager, what should a teacher do? [
] A. Discipline and punish the pupils
[ ] B. Make it clear to the class that she is in charge
[ ] C. Show that the teacher is the center of the classroom
[ ] D. Plan and prepare for classroom engagement
52.Why do teachers need to undergo annual medical checkup?
[ ] A. To know if the teacher is sick
[ ] B. To know if the teacher needs to file a leave
[ ] C. To know if the teacher is fit to teach
[ ] D. To know if the Teacher is healthy
53.What is prohibited among teachers in public school?
[ ] A. To vote [ ] C. To conduct community activities
[ ] B. To do business [ ] D. To promote political principles
54.Which shows that the teacher is abusing his authority as a teacher?
[ ] A. Trying to convert his pupils in his personal beliefs/religion
[ ] B. Asking the pupils to participate in school programs
[ ] C. Using his academic freedom for instruction
[ ] D. Preparing his own assessment tools
55.It is the legal basis that public school teachers are required to undergo annual physical
[ ] A. 1987 Phil. Constitution [ ] C. Commonwealth Act 578
[ ] B. R A 4670 [ ] D. B P 232
56.Which of the following indicates that teachers value their status as role models?
[ ] A. Accomplishing her lessons
[ ] B. Reporting pupils’ performance
[ ] C. Upholding the Code of Ethics
[ ] D. Following the policies of DepEd
57.Which of the following provisions guarantees accessible education for all?
[ ] A. Encourage non-formal education for all
[ ] B. Provide and maintain a system of scholarship grant, student loans and other
[ ] C. Provide distance learning system to indigenous people
[ ] D. Establish and maintain a system of free public education in the elementary and
high school levels.
58.A pupil has been absent for five consecutive days, what should be the action of the teacher?
[ ] A. Record the absences [ ] C. Conduct home visitation
[ ] B. Report to the guidance counselor [ ] D. Conduct action research
59. It is a curriculum that is international in scope which prepares today’s youth to function in
one world environment.
[ ] A. Glocal Education [ ] C. Universal Youth Literacy
[ ] B. Global Education [ ] D. Globalization
60.Which best describe the glocal teacher?
[ ] A. A Filipino teacher who is teaching in another country
[ ] B. A Filipino teacher who is using technology in teaching
[ ] C. A Filipino teacher who shares the culture of others
[ ] D. A Filipino teacher who thinks and acts both locally and globally with worldwide
61.Which set of core values should a Filipino teacher possess to become to become a glocal
[ ] A. Economic Excellence and Materialism
[ ] B. Inclusivity and Self-Preservation
[ ] C. Cultural and Historical Rootedness and Nationalism
[ ] D. Borderless thinking and Interconnectivity
62.It implies that the individual has developed his full potentials such as knowledge, values,
attitude and skills.
[ ] A. Learning to Know [ ] C. Learning to Do
[ ] B. Learning to Be [ ] D. Leaning to Live Together
63.It implies that the learner acquired the 21 st century skills and apply them in real life situations.
[ ] A. Learning to Know [ ] C. Learning to Do
[ ] B. Learning to Be [ ] D. Leaning to Live Together
64.It implies that the learner acquired the basic and complex knowledge and skills.
[ ] A. Learning to Know [ ] C. Learning to Do
[ ] B. Learning to Be [ ] D. Leaning to Live Together
65.The leaner shows respect for multi-cultural diversity and awareness on global trends
and knowledge.
[ ] A. Globalization Literacy [ ] C. Media Literacy
[ ] B. Financial Literacy [ ] D. Digital Literacy
66.The teacher and learners learn how to discern about information which are transmitted via
various forms and media.
[ ] A. Globalization Literacy [ ] C. Media Literacy
[ ] B. Financial Literacy [ ] D. Digital Literacy
67.This process of learning allows the students to immerse in real life situations like Practicum
and engaging in actual learning activity.
[ ] A. Blended Modalities [ ] C. Face to Face [ ]
B. Experiential Learning [ ] D. Distance Learning
68.Which is NOT a characteristic of new learning environment?
[ ] A. Enhanced opportunity for creativity and innovation
[ ] B. Using ICT in learning activities
[ ] C. New spaces and borderless
[ ] D. Teacher-centered
69.This life and career skill makes the learners adapt to various roles and responsibilities and
schedules in a complex condition.
[ ] A. Social and cross-cultural [ ] C. Productivity and accountability
[ ] B. Flexibility and adaptability [ ] D. Initiative and self-direction
70. Which is NOT a characteristic of a new learning content?
[ ] A. Emphasis on use of textbooks [ ] C. Demand-driven
[ ] B. Interdisciplinary [ ] D. Emphasis on learning tools
71. This quality standard includes instructional plans, knowledge of students and knowledge on
assessing students’ learning.
[ ] A. Classroom Environment
[ ] B. Professional Responsibilities
[ ] C. Planning and Preparation
[ ] D. Instruction
72. It is the ability of the teacher to know and understand the students and be able to use
effective teaching, learning and assessment strategies.
[ ] A. Knowing and understanding what to teach
[ ] B. Helping students to learn
[ ] C. Engaging in the community
[ ] D. Becoming a better teacher
73. This quality standard includes reflecting on teaching, continuous professional development,
school and community involvement and communication with families.
[ ] A. Classroom Environment
[ ] B. Professional Responsibilities
[ ] C. Planning and Preparation
[ ] D. Instruction
74. The teacher works with parents, the community and other stakeholders to help students
learn better and encourage respect and diversity.
[ ] A. Knowing and understanding what to teach
[ ] B. Helping students to learn
[ ] C. Engaging in the community
[ ] D. Becoming a better teacher
75. This quality standard includes use of effective techniques, engaging students to learn and
providing responsive feedback to learners.
[ ] A. Classroom Environment
[ ] B. Professional Responsibilities
[ ] C. Planning and Preparation
[ ] D. Instruction
76. The teacher reflects on her/his performance daily, practice human goodness and pursuing
to be an effective teacher.
[ ] A. Knowing and understanding what to teach
[ ] B. Helping students to learn
[ ] C. Engaging in the community
[ ] D. Becoming a better teacher
77. This quality standard includes creating a culture conducive for learning and effective
management of student behavior.
[ ] A. Classroom Environment
[ ] B. Professional Responsibilities
[ ] C. Planning and Preparation
[ ] D. Instruction
78. The teacher has mastery of the subject matter, has broader knowledge on other disciplines
and updated on trends in teaching, policies and curriculum.
[ ] A. Knowing and understanding what to teach
[ ] B. Helping students to learn
[ ] C. Engaging in the community
[ ] D. Becoming a better teacher
79. These are teachers who have gained the qualifications recognized for entry into the
teaching profession.
[ ] A. Beginning Teachers
[ ] B. Proficient Teachers
[ ] C. Highly Proficient Teachers
[ ] D. Distinguished Teachers
80. These teachers embody the highest standard for teaching grounded in the global best
[ ] A. Beginning Teachers
[ ] B. Proficient Teachers
[ ] C. Highly Proficient Teachers
[ ] D. Distinguished Teachers
81. These teachers consistently display a high level of performance in their teaching practice.
They continue to develop their professional knowledge and practice.
[ ] A. Beginning Teachers
[ ] B. Proficient Teachers
[ ] C. Highly Proficient Teachers
[ ] D. Distinguished Teachers
82. These teachers are professionally independent in the application of skills essential to the
teaching and learning process.
[ ] A. Beginning Teachers
[ ] B. Proficient Teachers
[ ] C. Highly Proficient Teachers
[ ] D. Distinguished Teachers
83. CPD for professional teachers is a/an ________.
[ ] A. Option
[ ] B. Choice
[ ] C. Necessity
[ ] D. Required
84. Henry Adams said “ A teacher affects eternity; no one knows where his influence stops.” It
implies that ______.
[ ] A. A teacher is so powerful that he cannot help but influence learners.
[ ] B. Teaching is eternity
[ ] C. A teacher lives long because he/she enjoys influencing his/her students
[ ] D. A teacher has the power to influence generations
85. Why is teaching considered the noblest of all professions?
[ ] A. Teaching helps develop people
[ ] B. Teaching helps students learn
[ ] C. Teaching helps the community
[ ] D. Teaching helps
86. Why is CPD pivotal for professional teachers?
[ ] A. To abide by the law
[ ] B. To be promoted
[ ] C. To be at par with other professionals
[ ] D. To please the principal
87. A teacher who has learned and practiced then 21 st century skills can be described as _____.
[ ] A. Applicant Teacher
[ ] B. Qualified Teacher
[ ] C. Local Teacher
[ ] D. Neophyte Teacher
88. In the Philippines, the teacher quality is defined by _________.
[ ] A. NCBTS
[ ] B. CFT SEA
[ ] C. PQF
[ ] D. PPST
89. What do the CFT SEA, PQF and PPST assure the stakeholders?
[ ] A. Teacher Quality
[ ] B. Quality Teacher
[ ] C. Teacher Standard
[ ] D. Quality Teaching
90. Which competency that Teacher Education graduates should demonstrate?
[ ] A. Knowledge
[ ] B. Application
[ ] C. Independence
[ ] D. Mastery
Prepared by:
Subject Professor