Web Brochure Citrus Fiber by Applications Nov2021
Web Brochure Citrus Fiber by Applications Nov2021
Web Brochure Citrus Fiber by Applications Nov2021
• Citrus fiber, a by-product of the juice, oils and pectin • Pleasant and refreshing mouthfeel, especially when using • Cost reduction due to the lower fruit content compared to
extraction. fruit and / or vegetables that may be watery. standard fruit beverages (>50% fruit), without affecting its
Recommended dosage: 0.3 - 0.8%. typical texture.
• Pulpy texture.
• The fiber activation does not require heat treatment but only • The same SKU can be used in both milk-based drinks and
mechanical stress (high shear mixer). • High beverage stability during the whole shelf-life. dairy alternatives.
• Excellent cold swelling and neutral sensory properties. • E-number free, clean label recipe.
Ingredients Q.ty (%) 1. Dry mix Aglufiber® HF and sugar and disperse in cold water.
2. Then add the mango puree and the lemon juice.
Aglufiber® HF 0.50
3. Check the pH. If necessary, adjust to desired value.
Sugar (Sucrose Powder) 10.00
Water 65.00 4. Heat the mixture up to 40°C / 104°F and homogenise at
100/50 Bar.
Mango Puree (19°Bx) 19.00
Lemon Juice (10°Bx) 5.50 5. Pasteurise at 85°C / 185°F.
6. Check the TSS. If necessary, adjust to desired value.
Total 100.00
7. Fill into the bottles.
Characteristics pH: 3.3 - 3.5
8. Cool down to 20°C / 68°F.
TSS: 12 - 16°Bx
Fruit: 40 - 42%
• Citrus fiber, a by-product of the juice, oils and pectin • 100% plant-based solution, combining citrus fiber, an • The same SKU can be used in a wide range of milk-based
extraction. E-number free ingredient, with pectin, a natural fiber with products and dairy alternatives, such as fresh stirred
Recommended dosage: 0.5 - 1.0%. high levels of recognition among consumers. yogurts, set type yogurts and yogurt drinks, as well as fruit
• Excellent cold swelling and neutral sensory properties. • Starch and gelatine free recipe.
• Lower particles size to ensure a brighter colour. • Creamy texture and full mouthfeel.
Ingredients Q.ty (%) 1. Dry mix Aglufiber® HSF, Aglupectin® LA-S20VIS YA*, sugar
and skimmed milk powder.
Aglufiber® HSF 0.50 2. Disperse the dry mix in whole milk under mild stirring for 30
Aglupectin® LA-S20VIS YA* 0.20 seconds.
Sugar (Sucrose Powder) 5.00
3. Preheat at 65°C / 149°F, homogenise at 150 Bar, pasteurise at
Skimmed Milk (Powder) 3.00
95°C / 203°F, then cool down to 45°C / 113°F.
Whole UHT Milk 91.30 4. Add the starters.
Starters Opt. 5a. Set type yogurt:
Fill into the pot and leave to ferment at 44°C / 111°F for 4
Total 100.00 hours, until the final pH is 4.2 - 4.5. Cool down and store at
4°C / 39°F.
Characteristics pH: 4.2 - 4.4
TSS: 12 - 13°Bx 5b. Stirred yogurt:
Fill into the fermentation tank and leave to ferment at 44°C /
111°F for 4 hours, until the final pH is 4.2 - 4.5. Cool down to
20°C / 68°F, while breaking the yogurt gel and fill in pots.
• Citrus fiber, a by-product of the juice, oils and pectin • 100% plant-based solution. • The same SKU can be used in a wide range of dairy
extraction. alternatives and milk-based products, such as fresh stirred
Recommended dosage: 0.5 - 1.0%. • Short ingredient list. yogurts, set type yogurts and yogurt drinks, as well as fruit
• Excellent cold swelling and neutral sensory properties. • E-number free, clean label recipe. preparations.
• Lower particles size to ensure a brighter colour. • Creamy texture and full mouthfeel.
Ingredients Q.ty (%) 1. Dry mix Aglufiber® HSF and sugar and disperse in the soy
Aglufiber® HSF 0.50 2. Preheat at 65°C / 149°F, homogenise at 150 Bar, pasteurise at
Sugar (Sucrose Powder) 7.98 95°C / 203°F, then cool down to 45°C / 113°F.
Soy extract 91.52 3. Add the starters.
Starters Opt. 4. Fill into the fermentation tank and leave to ferment at 44°C /
111°F for 4 hours, until the final pH is 4.2 - 4.5. Cool down to
Total 100.00 20°C / 68°F, while breaking the yogurt gel and fill in pots.
• Citrus fiber, a by-product of the juice, oils and pectin • Less E-numbers in the recipe. • Calorie reduction up to 50% compared to high solids fillings
extraction. (65°Bx).
Recommended dosage: 0.5 - 1.0%. • Cleaner organoleptic profile of the filling, avoiding a starchy
mouthfeel. • Suitable for reduced sugar and fiber enriched recipes.
• Excellent cold swelling and neutral sensory properties.
• Low tendency to syneresis with good flavour release. • Facilitates the product portfolio broadening, entering the
segment of bakery fillings with low solids content as well as
fruit based formulations.
Ingredients Q.ty (%) 1. Disperse Aglufiber® HF in water A and fruit puree for 1
Aglufiber® HF 1.00 2. Add sugar A and heat up to 90°C / 194°F.
Water A 10.80
3. Dry mix Aglutex® J1271*, sodium citrate and sugar B and
Raspberry Puree (10°Bx) 40.00
disperse in boiling water B under strong stirring for 5 minutes,
Sugar A (Sucrose Powder) 23.00 until a homogeneous solution is obtained. Keep the solution
at 80°C / 176°F.
Aglutex® J1271* 0.60
Sodium Citrate (Powder) 0.10 4. Blend the two texturising solutions.
Sugar B (Sucrose Powder) 1.50 5. Heat up again to 90°C / 194°F. Keep the solution at the
Water B (90°C / 194°F) 23.00 requested temperature for 3 minutes.
Flavourings and Colourings Opt. 6. Cool down to 85°C / 185°F and add flavourings and
Total 100.00
7. Check the TSS and the pH. If necessary, adjust to desired
Characteristics pH: 3.2 - 3.5 values.
TSS: 30 - 33°Bx 8. Fill into the buckets at 75 - 80°C / 167 - 176°F.
• Food-grade texturising solution based on rice starch, • Short in bite. • Source of fiber (>3 g dietary fiber/100 g of product).
hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (E464), citrus fiber
(Aglufiber® HF) and rice fiber. • Good machinability of dough. • Suitable for people intolerant to gluten.
Recommended dosage: 9.0 - 11%. • Dough stickiness reduction.
Ingredients Q.ty (%) 1. Dissolve yeast and sugar in water. Mix all the dry ingredients.
2. Knead all the ingredients for 4 minutes at slow speed and 1
Aglutex® BCS 10.70 minute at fast speed.
Water 28.80
3. Check the dough temperature has reached 24°C / 75°F.
Yeast 1.70
Sugar (Sucrose Powder) 4.10 4. Let the dough rest for 1 hour at -5°C / 23°F.
Native Tapioca Starch 16.50
5. Laminate the dough with butter and form croissants.
Native Corn Starch 8.20
Rice Flour 8.20 6. Proof at 28°C / 82°F and 80% relative humidity for
Whole Egg 4.10 approximately 70 minutes.
Egg Albumin (Powder) 2.50 7. Bake at 180°C / 356°F (conventional oven) for 15 minutes.
Whole Milk (Powder) 2.10
Salt 0.40
Xanthan Gum 0.20
DATEM 0.10
Lamination Fat (Butter) 12.40
Total 100.00
• Citrus fiber, a by-product of the juice, oils and pectin • High water binding capacity to obtain a final product with no • The fat content reduction in the recipe ensures a cost-
extraction. starchy and/or gummy structure. saving compared to traditional sauces (>70% fat), while
Recommended dosage: 0.8 - 1.5%. maintaining the same texture and consistency.
• Egg free, vegan friendly recipe.
• The fiber activation does not require heat treatment but only • Helpful alternative for people willing to reduce their calorie
mechanical stress (high shear mixer). • E-number free, clean label recipe. intake and to pay more for vegan food.
• Excellent cold swelling and neutral sensory properties. • Product portfolio expansion by using a unique and versatile
Ingredients Q.ty (%) 1. Disperse Aglufiber® HSF in aquafaba and cold water at
medium speed for 30 seconds.
Aglufiber® HSF 1.90 2. Mix the fiber solution at 3,000 rpm for 3 minutes.
Chickpea Water (Aquafaba) 27.20
3. Disperse the native starch in a small quantity of oil and stir at
Water 30.60
3,000 rpm for 1 minute.
Native Starch 6.00 4. Add the rest of the powders and mix at 3,000 rpm for 1
Sugar (Sucrose Powder) 3.00 minute.
Salt 1.30
5. Slowly add the oil under strong stirring and mix at 3,000 rpm
Sunflower Oil 25.00 for 1 minute.
Vinegar (6% Acetic Acid) 5.00 6. Add the acidic part and mix at high speed for 1 minute.
• Citrus fiber, a by-product of the juice, oils and pectin • High water binding capacity to obtain a final product with a • The tomato paste content reduction in the recipe ensures
extraction. natural pulpy tomato texture, without syneresis. a cost-saving compared to traditional sauces (28% double
Recommended dosage: 0.25 - 1.0%. concentrated tomato paste), while maintaining the same
• Vegan friendly recipe. texture and consistency.
• The fiber activation does not require heat treatment but only
mechanical stress (high shear mixer). • E-number free, clean label recipe. • Sugar content reduction up to 30% compared to traditional
sauces (19% sugar).
• Excellent cold swelling and neutral sensory properties.
• Helpful alternative for people willing to pay more for high
quality, all-natural food.
Ingredients Q.ty (%) 1. Disperse Aglufiber® HF in cold water at high speed for 3
Aglufiber® HF 1.00 2. Add the native starch, salt and sugar, then mix at high speed
Water 60.30 for 30 seconds.
Native Starch 2.00 3. Add tomato paste and vinegar, then mix at high speed for 30
Salt 2.70 seconds.
Sugar (Sucrose Powder) 8.00 4. Heat up to 90°C / 194°F.
Tomato Paste (Double Concentrated) 18.00 5. Check the TSS. If necessary, adjust to the desired value.
Vinegar (6% Acetic Acid) 8.00
6. Cool down to 80°C / 176°F.
Total 100.00 7. Fill into the buckets.
• Citrus fiber, a by-product of the juice, oils and pectin • Significant syneresis reduction, thanks to the water binding • The fat content reduction in the recipe ensures a cost-
extraction. activity carried out by citrus fiber. saving compared to standard cream cheese (35% fat).
Recommended dosage: 0.5 - 1.5%.
• Vegan friendly recipe. • Helpful alternative for people willing to reduce their calorie
• Excellent cold swelling and neutral sensory properties. intake and to pay more for vegan food.
• Authentic fat structure.
• Lower particles size to ensure a clearer colour. • Suitable for fiber enriched recipes.
• Creamy and spreadable texture with a full mouthfeel.
• Good activation during the homogenisation step.
Ingredients Q.ty (%) 1. Dry mix Aglufiber® HSF, Aglutex® Q88*, sodium chloride and
maize maltodextrin.
Aglufiber® HSF 1.25 2. Disperse dry mix in soy yogurt at 25°C / 77°F under strong
Aglutex® Q88* 0.65 stirring.
Sodium Chloride (Powder) 0.50
3. Heat up to 50°C / 122°F.
Maize Maltodextrin 11.60
4. Add the previously melted refined coconut fat under strong
Soy Yogurt 74.00 stirring and heat up to 85°C / 185°F.
• Citrus fiber, a by-product of the juice, oils and pectin • Outstanding smooth and highly viscous texture, after • Increase in yield.
extraction. emulsification.
Recommended dosage: 0.5 - 1.5%. • Calorie reduction up to 30% compared to standard liver
• Authentic fat texture and taste similar to standard version. pâté (38% fat).
• Excellent cold swelling and neutral sensory properties.
• Better spreadability and creaminess. • Suitable for fiber enriched recipes.
• Activation in a bowl chopper before using.
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