BE.01.11 Potentiometers & Rheostats Instructor Lab
BE.01.11 Potentiometers & Rheostats Instructor Lab
BE.01.11 Potentiometers & Rheostats Instructor Lab
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TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1. Provided cables, connectors, Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment, tools and a unit under test; test ground electronics equipment, per the references. (2800ACT-1303) Given a faulty electronic device, Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment and tools, diagnose basic electronic circuits, per the references. (2800-ACT-1305)
ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1. Without the aid of references, given a schematic symbol of a variable resistor, select the statement that identifies the schematic symbol, per the references. (2800-ACT-1305c) Without the aid of references, select the statement that identifies the characteristics of a variable resistor, per the references. (2800-ACT-1303g) 3. Without the aid of references, given a rheostat schematic and specified parameters, select the statement that identifies the unknown circuit parameter, per the references. (2800-ACT-1303ad) Without the aid of references, given a potentiometer schematic and specified parameters, select the statement that identifies the unknown circuit parameter, per the references. (2800-ACT-1303ae)
STUDENT INSTRUCTIONS: 1. 2. Ensure that you have the primary references and Student Handout SH BE.01 You will be responsible for the learning objectives. Ensure that you understand all the information contained in the Student Handout. Studying your notes, reading the references, and completing the assigned homework will accomplish this. The BE.01 Performance Examination and the BE.01 Written Examination will test the learning objectives. Complete the practical application portion of this handout. If you need extra help, ask!
3. 4.
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STUDENT HANDOUT PRESENTATION: During this period of instructions you will be using the DC FUNDAMENTALS BOARD also known as board 1. I. THE RHEOSTAT: A. Ensure that the Base Unit Power Source is turned on. Ensure that the DC FUNDAMENTALS circuit board is inserted into the base unit. Do not connect the power supply to the circuit at this time. Locate the LINEAR/NONLINEAR VARIABLE RESISTOR CIRCUIT Block (refer to Figure 11-01).
Figure 11-01 C. Place switch S1 into the R2A position (up). Place a two-post connector into the circuit as depicted in Figure 11-02. This will configure the variable resistor as a Rheostat by putting the resistive element in series with the load.
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Figure 11-02 D. Setup the multimeter to read resistance. Measure and record the resistance of R1 by placing the red lead into the test point that is closest to the left of R1 and the black lead into the test point that is closest to the right of R1. 1. E. R1 = _900 _____
Remove the multi-meter from the circuit. Turn the variable knob of R2A to its lowest value (CCW). Insert the multi-meter into the circuit to measure the value of the variable resistor R2 by placing the red lead into the test point that is closest to the top of the resistor and the black lead into the test point that is closest to the bottom of the resistor. Measure and record the value of the variable resistor while it is at 0%. 2. R2 at 0% = _0 _______
While the meter is still connected into the circuit, slowly turn R2A to its Full CW position (100%) while observing the changes in the resistive value of the resistor. Measure and record the value of R2 at its Full CW position (100%). 3. R2 at 100% = _2.5k ____
Measure and record total circuit resistance with the variable resistor in its Full CW position by placing the red test lead into the test point that is closest to the left of R1 and the black test lead into the test point that is closest to the bottom of R3.
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4. H.
With the meter still in the circuit, slowly turn R2A fully CCW while observing the effect it has on RT. Once the knob has been turned to its Full CCW position measure and record RT at minimum resistance (0%). 5. 6. RT at 0% = _900 _____ What effect does turning the knob on R2A to 0% have on total resistance? Increases / Decreases
Setup the multi-meter to measure DC Current. Insert the meter into the circuit by placing the red test lead into the test point that is closest to the top of the power supply and the black test lead into the test point that is closest to the left of R1. With the knob of R2A still in the Full CCW position (0%) measure and record the total current flow through the circuit. 7. IT at 0% = _16.48mA__
With the meter still inserted into the circuit slowly turn the knob on R2A to its Full CW position (100%) while observing the effect it has on the circuit current. 8. IT at 100% = _4.4mA____
Remove the Ammeter from the circuit and replace it with a two-post connector. This will complete the circuit and allow current to flow through the components. Setup the multimeter to measure DC Voltage. With the knob of R2A still at its Full CW position measure and record the voltage drop across R1 by placing the red lead into the test point that is closest to the left of R1 and the black test lead into the test point closest to the right of R1. 9. VR1 at 100% = _3.7VDC___
With the meter still connected across R1 slowly turn the variable adjustment R2A to its Full CCW position (0%) while observing the effect it has on the voltage
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drop of the resistor. Once it has been turned all the way measure and record the voltage drop across the resistor. 10. M. VR1 at 0% = _15VDC____
Remove the Voltmeter from across R1 and insert the red test lead into the test point that is closest to the top of (R2 which is to the right of R1) and place the black test lead into the test point that is closest to the bottom of the variable resistor (R2). With the knob still in the Full CCW position (0%) measure and record the voltage drop across the variable resistor. 11. VR2 at 0% = _0VDC_____
With the meter still connected in the circuit, slowly rotate the variable resistor knob to its Full CW position (100%) while observing the effect it has on the voltage drop of the variable resistor. Once the knob has been turned all the way, measure and record the voltage across R2 at this time. 12. 13. VR2 at 100% = _11VDC____ Did increasing the resistance of the variable resistor cause the voltage across R2 to increase or decrease? Increase / Decrease
Remove the two-post connector from the test points between the Power Supply and R1. Click on the right arrow to advance to the next screen. Note that the CM light has turned on indicating that CM-3 has been activated. Setup the multimeter to measure Ohms. Measure and record the resistive value of R1. 14. R1 = _900 _____
Move the Ohmmeter leads to measure the resistance of the variable resistor R2 by placing the red test lead into the test point closest to the top of R2 and the black test lead into the test point closest to the bottom of R2. With the variable knob R2A still in its
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Full CW position (100%) measure and record the value of R2 at this time. 15. Q. R2 at 100% = _1.23k ___
With the meter still in place slowly rotate the shaft of R2A to its Full CCW (0%) position while observing the changes in the resistive value of R2. 16. R2 at 0% = _0 _______
Measure total resistance in the circuit by placing the red test lead into the test point closest to the left of R1 and the black test lead into the test point closest to the bottom or R2. 17. RT at 0% = _900 _____
With the meter still connected to the circuit, slowly rotate the shaft on R2A to its Full CW position (100%) while observing the effect it has on total resistance. 18. 19. RT at 100% = _2.35k ___ Did turning the knob to 100% cause RT to increase or decrease? Increase / Decrease
Setup the multimeter to measure DC Current. Place the meter into the circuit at the two-post test points between the top of the power supply and R1. With the knob still at 100% measure and record the current flowing through the circuit. 20. IT at 100% = _4.2mA_____
Slowly adjust the knob to its Full CCW position (0%) while observing the effect it has on circuit current. Measure and record IT once you have reached the end of the resistors travel. 21. IT at 0% = _16.48mA__ Remove the Ammeter from the circuit and replace it with a two-post connector. Setup the multimeter to measure DC Voltage. Measure and record the voltage
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drop across R1 with the variable resistor still set to its Full CCW (0%) position. 22. W. VR1 at 0% = _15VDC____
Slowly rotate the shaft to the other extreme while observing the effect it has on the voltage drop of R1. Once the shaft is at its Full CW (100%) position, measure and record the voltage across the resistor. 23. VR1 at 100% = _3.8VDC___
Remove the meter from across R1 and connect it into the circuit to measure the voltage across the variable resistor R2. With R2A still in its Full CW (100%) position measure and record the voltage across the resistor. 24. VR2 at 100% = _11VDC____
Slowly rotate the shaft of R2A to its Full CCW (0%) position while observing the effect it has on the voltage drop of R2. Once you reach the end, measure and record the voltage across the variable resistor. 25. 26. VR2 at 0% = _0VDC_____ What effect does increasing the variable resistance have on the voltage drop of R2? Increases / Decreases
Remove the test leads and all two-post connectors from the circuit.
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Click the right arrow to advance to the review questions. Answer these questions on the screen as well as here in the lab workbook. 1. A rheostat is identified by the fact that __________. a. b. c. d. 2. one of the end leads is connected in the circuit the two end leads are connected in the circuit one fixed and one variable lead are connected into the circuit all three leads are connected into the circuit
A rheostat is connected in __________ the load. a. b. c. d. conjunction with parallel with series with a different path than
Rheostats have __________ capabilities. a. b. c. d. high current high voltage low current low conductance
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Turning the shaft of a CW rheostat to its Full CW position will cause __________. a. b. c. d. RT to be at minimum RT to be at maximum IT to be at maximum VL to be at maximum
When the shaft of a CW rheostat is turned to its Full CCW position the __________. a. b. c. d. load resistance is RT load resistance is half of RT load voltage is at minimum load current is at minimum
THE POTENTIOMETER: A. Locate the LINEAR/NONLINEAR VARIABLE RESISTOR CIRCUIT Block. Place a two-post connector into the two-post test points between the wiper arm and load resistor R3 (refer to Figure 11-03). Place switch S1 into the R2A position.
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Figure 11-03 B. Setup the multimeter to measure resistance. Measure and record the value of R1 by placing the red test lead into the test point that is closest to the left of the resistor and the black test lead into the test point that is closest to the right of the resistor. 1. C. R1 = _900 _____
Turn the variable knob R2A to its Full CCW setting (0 ). Remove the test leads from the circuit. Reinsert the test leads to measure the resistance of R3 by placing the red test lead into the test point that is closest to the top of R3 and the black lead into the test point that is closest to the bottom or R3. Measure and record the resistance of R3. 2. R3 at 0% = _0 _______
Leave the test leads in the circuit. Slowly turn variable knob R2A to its Full CW position while observing the effect it has on the equivalent resistive value of the load resistor. Measure and record the value felt across R3 after reaching the Full CW position. 3. R3 at 100% = _2.37k ___
Did the resistance increase or decrease as the knob was turned to its Full CW position? Increase / Decrease
With R2A still at Full CW remove the red test lead from the circuit and place it into the test point that is closest to the left of R1 in order to measure total resistance in the circuit. 5. RT at 100% = _3.28k ___ Once
Slowly turn R2A to its Full CCW position while observing the effect it has on total resistance.
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the knob has been turned to its Full CCW position, measure and record the value of total resistance in the circuit. 6. G. RT at 0% = _3.41k ___
Remove the test leads from the circuit. Setup the multimeter to measure DC Current. Insert the test leads into the two-post test points to complete the circuit. Measure and record total current with R2A still at 0%. 7. IT at 0% = _4.4mA____
Slowly turn the knob to its Full CW position while observing the effect it has on IT. Once you have reached the Full CW position (100%) measure and record the value of total current flowing in the circuit. 8. 9. IT at 100% = _4.57mA___ Did IT increase or decrease as the knob was turned towards its Full CW position? Increase / Decrease
Remove the test leads from the circuit and them with a two-post connector to complete circuit. Setup the multi-meter to measure and measure the voltage drop of R1 at Full
10. VR1 at 100% = _4.16VDC__ Slowly turn the variable knob to the Full CCW position while observing the effect it has on the voltage drop of R1. Measure and record VR1 once you have reached 0%. 11. VR1 at 0% = _4VDC_____
Remove the test leads from their location and place them in the circuit to measure the voltage drop of the load resistor R3. Measure and record VR3 at 0%. 12. VR3 at 0% = _0VDC_____
Slowly turn the shaft in the opposite direction while observing the effect it has on load voltage. Once you
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have reached the Full CW position measure and record the voltage on the load. 13. 14. VR3 at 100% = _10.84VDC_ Did changing R2A to its Full CW position cause the voltage of the load in increase or decrease? Increase / Decrease M. Remove the two-post connector that is between VA and R1. Change switch S1 to position R2B (down). Setup the multimeter to measure resistance. Measure and record the resistance of R1. 15. N. R1 = _900 _____
Remove the test leads from the circuit and reinsert them across the load resistor in order to measure its value at the Full CW value. 16. R3 at 100% = _2.37k ___
Slowly rotate the variable knob R2B to its Full CCW position while observing the effect it has on load resistance. Once you are at Full CCW measure and record the value of load resistance. 17. R3 at 0% = _0 _______
Remove the red test lead from the circuit and reinsert it so that total resistance can be measured. Measure and record RT with R2B at its Full CCW position. 18. RT at 0% = _3.4k ____
Slowly rotate the shaft of R2B to its Full CW position while observing the effect it has on RT. Once you have reached Full CW measure and record the value of total resistance in the circuit. 19. RT at 100% = _3.28k ___
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Remove the test leads from the circuit. Setup the multimeter to measure DC Current. Insert the test leads into the two-post test points between the top of the power supply and the left side of R1. Measure and record total current with R2B set to its Full CW position. 20. IT at 100% = _4.57mA___
Slowly rotate the shaft of R2b until you reach Full CCW while observing the effect it has on total current in the circuit. Once you reach Full CCW measure and record the current flowing through the circuit. 21. IT at 0% = _4.4mA____
Remove the test leads from the circuit and replace them with a two-post connector. Setup the multimeter to measure DC Voltage. Measure and record the Voltage drop of VR1 at Full CCW. 22. VR1 at 0% = _4VDC_____
Slowly rotate shaft R2B until you reach the Full CW position while observing the effect it has on the voltage drop of resistor R1. Once the shaft has been rotated to full CW, measure and record the value of VR1. 23. VR1 at 100% = _4.16VDC__
Move the test leads so that you can measure load voltage. Measure and record this value with variable resistor R2B at Full CW. 24. VR3 at 100% = _10.84VDC_ Slowly rotate the shaft to its Full CCW position while observing the effect it has on load voltage. Once you have reached the Full CCW position measure and record VR3. 25. VR3 at 0% = _0VDC_____
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Click on the right arrow to advance to the next screen. Note that the CM light has turned on which indicates that CM-3 has been activated. Remove the test leads from the circuit and setup the multimeter to measure resistance. Remove the two-post connector from the two-post test points between the top of the power supply and the left side of R1. Measure and record the resistance of R1. 26. R1 = _900 _____
Remove the test leads from the circuit and reposition them to measure the resistance of R3. Ensure that the variable resistor switch S1 is placed in the R2B position. Measure and record the value of R3 with the variable knob set at its Full CCW position. 27. R3 at 0% = _0 _______
Slowly rotate the shaft while observing the effect it has on the load resistance. Once you have reached the Full CW position measure and record the value of R3. 28. R3 at 100% = _1.19k ___
Reposition the test leads so that total resistance can be measured. With the switch still set at 100% measure and record total resistance. 29. RT at 100% = _2.1k ____
Slowly rotate the shaft of R2B until you have reached the Full CCW position while observing the effect it has on total resistance. Once you are at the Full CCW position measure and record the value of total resistance in the circuit. 30. 31. RT at 0% = _2.14k ___ What was the effect of moving the shaft of R2B to its Full CCW position on total resistance? Increase / Decrease
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Remove the test leads from the circuit and setup the multimeter to measure DC Current. Insert the test leads into the circuit to measure total current. With variable resistor R2B still set at 0% measure and record IT in the circuit. 32. IT at 0% = _7.03mA___
Slowly rotate the shaft of R2B to its Full CW position while observing the effect it has on total current. Once you have reached 100% measure and record the current flowing through the circuit. 33. 34. IT at 100% _7.13mA___
What effect did increasing the resistance of R2B have on the current flowing through the circuit? Increase / Decrease
Remove the test leads from the circuit and setup the multimeter to measure DC Voltage. Insert a two-post connector into the circuit to energize it. Measure and record the voltage developed across R1 with the shaft still in the Full CW position. 35. VR1 at 100% = _6.49VDC__
Slowly rotate the shaft until it reaches its Full CCW position while observing the effect it has on the voltage drop of R1. Once you have reached the Full CCW position measure and record the value of VR1. 36. 37. VR1 at 0% = _6.39VDC__ What happened to VR1 when the variable resistor was changed from Full CW to Full CCW. Increase / Decrease
Remove the multimeter leads and the two-post connector from the two-post test points between the top of the power supply and the left of R1. Setup the multimeter to measure resistance. Ensure that S1 is still in the R2B position. Insert the test leads into the circuit so that the resistance of R1 can be measured and record this value in the space provided.
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38. HH.
R1 = _900 _____
Remove the test leads from the circuit and reinsert them to measure the resistance of the load resistor. With the variable switch R2B still in the Full CCW position measure and record the value of R3. 39. R3 at 0% = _0 _______
Slowly rotate the shaft of R2B until you reach the Full CW position while observing the effect it has on the load resistance. Once you reach Full CW measure and record the value of R3. 40. R3 at 100% = _1.19k ___
Remove the red test lead from the circuit and place it into the test point to the left of R1 so that total circuit resistance can be measured. With the shaft of R2B still at 100%, measure and record total resistance in the circuit. 41. RT at 100% = _2.1k ____
Slowly rotate the shaft of R2B to its Full CCW while observing the effect it has on total resistance. Once you are at Full CCW measure and record the value of RT. 42. RT at 0% = _2.14k ___
Remove the test leads from the circuit and setup the multimeter to measure DC Current. Insert the test leads into the two-post test points between the top of the power supply and the left of R1 so that total current can be measured. With the shaft of R2B still in the Full CCW position measure and record the value of total current in the circuit. 43. IT at 0% = _7.03mA___
Slowly rotate variable resistor R2B to its Full CW position while observing the effect it has on circuit current. Once you reach the Full CW position measure and record the value of IT in the space provided. 44. IT at 100% = _7.13mA___
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Remove the test leads from the circuit and replace them with a two-post connector so that the circuit can be energized. Setup the multimeter to measure DC Voltage. Insert the test leads into the circuit to measure the voltage across R1. With the shaft of R2B still at its Full CW position measure and record VR1. 45. VR1 at 100% = _6.49VDC__
Slowly rotate the shaft of variable resistor R2B to its Full CCW position while observing the effect it has on the voltage of R1. Once you reach Full CCW measure and record the voltage dropped across the resistor. 46. VR1 at 0% = _6.39VDC__
Remove the test leads from the circuit and reinsert them so that the voltage of the output is measured. With the shaft still at its Full CCW position measure and record the voltage of the load resistor. 47. VR3 at 0% = _0VDC_____
Slowly rotate the shaft of variable resistor R2B until you reach the Full CW position while observing the effect it has on the load resistance. Once you reach the Full CW position measure and record the voltage developed across the load. 48. VR3 at 100% = _8.51VDC__
Remove the test leads and all two-post connectors from the circuit.
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Click on the right arrow to advance to the review questions screen. Answer all review questions on the computer as well as in this Lab Workbook. 1. In an electrical circuit, a potentiometer primarily provides a variable __________. a. b. c. d. 2. voltage current resistance power source
A linear taper potentiometer provides what percentage of total resistance at what percentage of shaft rotation? a. b. c. d. 10% resistance at 50% rotation 20% resistance at 25% rotation 50% resistance at 50% rotation 70% resistance at 75% rotation
A log taper potentiometer provides what percentage of total resistance at what percentage of shaft rotation? a. b. c. d. 5% resistance at 25% rotation 10% resistance at 50% rotation 70% resistance at 75% rotation 85% resistance at 100% rotation
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In this circuit, what is the maximum output voltage available at R2B? a. b. c. d. 11VDC 10.68VDC 8.68VDC 3.42VDC
VA 15VDC (CW) R2B 2.5k R3 2.5k R1 910
With R2A set to its maximum CW position and R3 is not connected to the circuit, a measurement of 8.7V was felt across R2A, this indicated that a CM caused __________. a. R3 to have a 4.7k resistor in parallel R3 to have a 2.4k resistor in series R2A to have a 4.7k resistor in parallel R2A to have a 2.4k resistor in parallel
R1 910O
2.5kO R3 47kO
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CONCLUSIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Rheostats usually have a limited range of values. Rheostats have a high current-handling capability. Rheostats are connected in series with the load device. At maximum resistance on a rheostat, the voltage on the output is minimum, and the output current is minimum Potentiometers have a wide range of values. Potentiometers have limited current handling capabilities. The load device is always placed in parallel with the short. Potentiometers are always connected as a variable voltage divider. At maximum resistance on the potentiometer, output resistance approaches maximum, output voltage is at maximum, and output current is maximum.
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REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4. Operator Manual: Fluke 77/BN Basic Electronics (9th Edition), Grob Introductory Electric Circuits, Robert T. Paynter WinFACET, Lab-Volt Systems Inc.
REPARED BY: ____________________________________________ TITLE: __________________________________________________ SIGNATURE: ________________________ DATE: ______________ MODIFIED BY: _P.A.DEDEAUX__________ DATE: _10/10/2007___ APPROVED BY: ____________________________________________ TITLE: __________________________________________________ SIGNATURE: ________________________ DATE: ______________
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