10 1963 CH-Fuel & Exhaust
10 1963 CH-Fuel & Exhaust
10 1963 CH-Fuel & Exhaust
The Rochester "BC" Carburetor for 1963 incorpo as a choke valve break during engine warmup periods.
rates a new automatic choke arrangement fig. 1. The The spark advance on powerglide engine is full vac
temperature sensing choke coil is mounted in a cast uum and also operates the transmission vacuum modu
depression on the exhaust manifold and provides ex lator. The synchromesh is partial vacuum and therefore
cellent choke valve response thereby allowing accurate to switch carburetors would effect transmission shaft
mixture proportions related to engine requirements. A pattern.
vacuum diaphragm, mounted on the carburetor, acts
1. Place throttle in wide open position.
2. Using Tool J-9580, see if small step of gauge .230/
.270 slides freely between lower edge of choke
Fig. 5-Fast Idle Rod Adjustment valve and bore of carburetor fig. 6.
3. If necessary, bend tang of throttle lever with Tool 2. Measure clearance between lower edge of choke
J-4552 to obtain necessary clearance. valve and wall of air horn using Tool J-21616.
Clearance should be .136" to .154" on Power Glide
VACUUM BREAK ADJUSTMENT Fig. 7 vehicles and .154" to .173" on Synchromesh trans
1. Hold diaphragm lever against diaphragm to bot mission vehicles.
tom diaphragm.
3. If necessary to adjust bend diaphragm link.
1. Remove air cleaner.
2. Disconnect:
a. Fuel line at carburetor.
b. Fast idle rod and cam to choke kick lever.
c. Vacuum hose at diaphragm assembly.
d. Choke rod at choke lever.
3. Remove bowl cover screws and carefully lift cover b. Fuel line at carburetor.
from carburetor assembly if new gasket is need c. Choke rod at choke lever.
ed, replace before making adjustments. d. Fast idle rod at choke lever.
4. Invert cover assembly and measure float level fig.
9. Install air cleaner and check operation of engine.
8 using Tool J-21216. Bend float arms to adjust.
5. Hold cover sideways and check float centering INLET FUEL FILTER
using same gauge. Floats should not touch gauge
legs fig. 9. Remove and Replace
6. Hold cover in upright position and check float drop 1. Remove fuel line connection at inlet fuel filter nut.
measurement between gasket and lower edge of 2. Remove inlet fuel filter nut from carburetor inlet
float fig. 10. fuel filter with a 1" box wrench or socket.
a. Measurement should be 1/4". 3. Remove filter element and spring.
b. Adjust by bending stop tang. 4. Clean element by washing in solvent and blowing
7. Install bowl cover on carburetor, install cover out.
screws and tighten securely. NOTE: Element should be replaced every 15,-
8. Connect: 000 miles or before if flooding occurs.
a. Vacuum hose at diaphragm. 5. Reverse the above procedure for replacement.
The perfect carburetor delivers the proper gasoline compressed air to clean all passages and passage dis
and air ratios for all speeds of the particular engine for charge holes. Never use wire or other pointed instru
which it was designed. By completely disassembling at ment to clean as calibration of carburetor will be
regular intervals, which will allow cleaning of all parts affected.
and passages, the carburetor can be returned to its
original condition and it will then deliver the proper Removal
ratios as it did when new.
1. Remove air cleaner.
Because of the simplicity of design of the Model 2. Disconnect fuel and vacuum lines from carburetor.
"BC" carburetor, few parts are used which will re
quire replacement. Accurate calibration of passages 3. Disconnect choke rod at carburetor end.
and discharge holes, require that extreme care be 4. Disconnect throttle rod from throttle shaft lever.
taken in cleaning. Use only carburetor solvent and 5. Remove the two carburetor flange to manifold
stud nuts and lift carburetor off.
1. Disconnect choke diaphragm vacuum hose at dia
2. Disconnect fast idle rod at choke lever.
3. Remove fuel line fitting, gasket, bronze fuel filter
and spring from bowl cover.
4. Remove choke shaft lever screw diaphragm side,
remove two diaphragm bracket screws and remove
5. Remove four cover screws.
6. Lift cover straight up to prevent damage to floats.
7. Place cover up-ended on flat surface and remove
float hinge pin, floats and float needle fig. 11.
8. Using screw driver of proper width, remove float
needle seat and red fibre gasket.
9. Remove main metering jet and power valve assem
bly from main well support.
NOTE: Use care when removing power valve
Fig. 11 -Removing Float not to lose small spring and ball.
-18 20-’
5 14 21
3 H 12 13
Fig. 13-Carburetor Disassembled
1. Vacuum Diaphragm 7. Bowl Cover or Air Horn 13. Air Horn Gasket 19. Throttle Body Gasket
2. Choke Shaft 8. Choke Rod 14. Pump Discharge Ball Check 20. Idle Mixture Needle
3. Choke Valve 9. Choke lever and Trip Lever 15. Accelerating Pump 21. Throttle Body
4. Float 10. Main Well Support 16. Pump Return Spring 22. Fast Idle Cam
5. Needle and Seat 11. Main Metering Jet 17. Bowl
6. Power Piston and Spring 12. Power Valve 18. Pump Connecting Rod
Inspection Assembly
1. Install idle needle and spring finger-tight in throt
1. Wash all metal parts thoroughly in carburetor sol
tle body. As a temporary idle adjustment, back
vent and dry with compressed air.
needle out 1’/2 turns.
2. Check all parts and passages for carbon deposits. 2. Using a new throttle body gasket, attach bowl to
3. Blow out all drilled passages with compressed air throttle body. Tighten screws evenly and securely.
and check to make sure they are clean. 3. Place pump return spring into pump well and cen
NOTE: Do not, under any circumstances, use ter it by depressing with finger.
wire or other pointed instrument to clean 4. Install pump plunger and connect pump link to
drilled passages or calibrated holes in carbu throttle lever and pump rod. Install cotter pin or
retor. Holes and passages are carefully cali hairpin retainers at both upper and lower ends.
brated and use of wire or other cleaning 5. Drop large steel ball into pump discharge cavity of
instrument will destroy calibration of carbu bowl and place bronze color spring on top of ball
retor. fig. 14.
6. Index end of pump discharge guide into bronze
4. Inspect pump plunger. If the leather or its expand color spring and press down until guide is flush
ing spring is damaged, in any way, the plunger with bowl surface.
assembly should be replaced. Shake the plunger to
7. Place new air horn gasket on air horn.
determine if by-pass ball check is free.
To check pump system: Pour ½ inch of gasoline 8. Place power piston spring and power piston in air
into carburetor bowl. Take pump plunger from horn cavity and attach main well support to air
can of gasoline or kerosene and slide into pump horn.
cylinder. Place the discharge check ball into body. 9. Install main metering jet and tighten securely.
Raise plunger and press lightly on shaft to expel 10. Hold power piston stem down and install power
air from the pump passage. Using a small clean ball, spring and plug and tighten securely.
brass rod, hold the discharge ball down firmly on
11. Install float needle seat using new fibre washer
its seat. Again raise plunger and press downward.
and install float needle.
No fuel should be emitted from either the intake
or discharge passage. If any fuel does emit from 12. Attach float with hinge pin.
either passage, the presence of dirt or a damaged NOTE: Float tang must face cover.
check ball are indicated. Clean the passage again
and repeat the test. If leakage is still present, re 13. Adjust float setting as outlined under "Mainte
place the check valve. nance and Adjustments," Float Level Adjustment.
5. Check floats for dents and wear on lip and hinge 14. Install spring and bronze fuel filter with opening
pin. Also check cover for wear in hinge pin holes. away from spring and attach fuel line fitting with
6. Check float needle. If wear is noted on float
needle, install new float needle assembly consist
ing of matched and tested needle and seat and new
fibre washer. p1
7. Check power piston for burrs or other damage.
Piston must move freely in cover bore.
8. Check throttle arm for looseness on the shaft and
for excessive wear at throttle rod connection.
9. Check throttle shaft for excessive looseness in
throttle body.
NOTE: Any damage or excessive wear in throt
tle arm or shaft necessitates replacement of the
throttle body assembly. This is due to the close
tolerance of throttle valve fit required and the
fact that the idle discharge and spark advance
holes are drilled in relation to ci proper fitting
The Carter AFB Aluminum Four-Barrel Carbu A clean air system to the automatic choke housing
retor fig. 21 is used as standard equipment on 409 minimizes any tendency toward sticking parts due
cubic inch engines and as a high performance option to dirt.
on the 327 cubic inch engine. This carburetor is a Clean air is drawn from an adapter tube in the
4-barrel downdraft type which provides the advantages carburetor air horn through a tube to the manifold
of a dual 2-barrel installation in one compact unit. choke heat tube, then through another tube to choke
It is used in conjunction with a dual exhaust system on housing cover.
both engines.
7 8 8 7 6
1. Pump Lever
2. Primary Throttle Shaft Lever
3. Secondary Throttle Lockout
4. Secondary Throttle Shaft Lever
5. Fast Idle Cam
6. Fast Idle Rod
7. Choke Shaft Outer Lever
8. Choke Shaft Kick Lever
9. Choke Valve
10. Piston Cover Plate
11. Fuel Inlet Fitting
12. Choke Clean Air Pickup Tube
13. Choke Valve Actuating Link
14. Choke Actuating Shaft Clamp
15. Secondary Throttle Shaft Dog
16. Secondary Throttle Trip Lever 409 V-8 327 V-8
17. Primary Throttle Shaft Lever TYPICAL TYPICAL
18. Choke Coil & Housing Cover
19. Intermediate Choke Rod
Fast Idle
Refer to Figure 26
1. While holding choke valve closed, fast idle cam
index mark should line up with fast idle adjust
ment screw, If necessary, bend fast idle rod at
lower angle using Tool J-5197 to adjust.
2. Start engine and attach tachometer. With fast idle
screw on index of cam, adjust fast idle screw to
obtain approximately 1750 rpm with warm engine.
1. Remove air cleaner.
2. Disconnect intermediate choke rod, fast idle rod
and accelerator pump rod at levers on bowl cover.
3. Remove step-up piston cover plates, pistons and
metering rods fig. 27.
4. Remove bowl cover attaching screws and carefully
remove bowl cover figs. 28 and 29.
5. Align Float. Sight down side of float to determine
if side is parallel with outer edge of air horn. If
Fig. 22-Fuel Filter Assembly adjustment is necessary, bend float lever by apply-
CU. IN. ENGINE 409 Cu. iN.
choke piston against this gauge using a rubber Fig. 31-Adjusting Float Level
band doubled will keep tension of piston against
wire gauge leaving one hand free for adjustment 6. Install choke baffle plate, gasket and thermostatic
while gauging choke valve, and check clearance coil housing assembly retainer ring and screws.
between top of choke valve and web of air horn
7. Adjust index on coil housing to index on choke
casting, using proper J-9550 wire gauge for each
carburetor see specifications.
Hold throttle wide open and check clearance be
tween upper edge of choke valve and inner wall of air
horn using a 3,4" drill. Bend unloader tang on throttle
shaft lever as required to obtain clearance fig. 35.
Closing Shoe
With primary and secondary throttle valves closed,
check clearance between positive closing shoes on
primary and secondary throttle levers using chain
gauge J-9550 or a .020" feeler gauge. Bend secondary
Fig. 32-Adjusting Float Drop closing shoe as required to obtain this clearance.
The primary and secondary throttle valve must come while barely missing edge of notch. If necessary to
to the wide open position simultaneously. If the sec adjust, bend tang on secondary throttle lever using
ondary throttle valve opening is not synchronized with Tool J-9550 fig. 38.
that of the primary, bend the connecting link.
Additional Adjustments
Secondary Throttle Lock-Out If additional adjustments are necessary, repeat ac
Open primary throttle valves slightly and manually celerator linkage, idle speed and mixture, automatic
open and close choke valve. Tang on secondary throt choke and fast idle adjustments.
tle lever should freely engage in notch of lockout dog
REMOVAL FROM ENGINE 7. Remove pump plunger lever screw and lever.
Remove "5" link and plunger. Remove cover
1. Remove air cleaner, gasket and stud. gasket.
2. Disconnect vacuum, fuel and choke pipes at car Ordinarily the carburetor bowl covers are dis
buretor. On models equipped with positive venti assembled as far as is necessary during an over
lation, disconnect ventilation hose at valve on haul procedure. The choke valve and shaft or
carburetor base. shafts should not be removed unless shaft is
3. Disconnect accelerator rod and throttle return binding or valve is damaged. If either condition
spring at carburetor. On automatic transmission exists, disassemble as follows:
models, disconnect TV rod at carburetor. 8. 327 File choke valve screws staked ends level
4. Remove mounting nuts and lift carburetor from with shaft to avoid damaging threads in shaft;
manifold. then remove the screws and choke valve. Slide
shaft from cover.
DISASSEMBLY 409 Remove link from choke valve end and
rotate to remove from control shaft. Proceed as
Bowl Cover Components above to remove choke valve and shaft. To remove
Refer to Fig. 39 choke control shaft, remove link lever screw and
slide shaft from cover.
1. Remove retainer from upper end of pump rod and
disconnect pump rod from arm.
2. 327 Remove hairpin clip from upper end of inter BODY COMPONENTS
mediate choke rod and disconnect rod. Refer to Fig. 40
409 Remove hairpin clip from upper end of
1. Remove accelerator pump lower spring.
fast idle rod and disconnect rod. Replace clip on
rods for safe keeping. 2. Check the fuel in the bowl for contamination by
dirt, gum or other foreign matter, then empty fuel
3. 327 Remove screw from end of choke shaft and from bowl.
remove outer lever and washer. Then remove
inner lever and fast idle rod from carburetor as NOTE: A magnet swept around the bottom of
an assembly. the bowl while fuel is still present will pick up
iron oxide dust or metal particles which have a
409 Loosen choke control shaft clamp lever
screw and remove lever and intermediate choke tendency to cause leakage at needle seats.
rod from carburetor as an assembly. 3. Remove choke housing cover retainer, cover, cover
4. Remove screws holding two step-up position cover gasket, and baffle plate.
plates to air horn and remove cover, piston, step- 4. Remove choke housing mounting screws and hous
up rod and spring fig. 27. ing. Remove "0" ring seal from vacuum opening
5. Remove fuel inlet fitting, gasket and strainer. of housing mounting boss.
Remove bowl cover screws and carefully lift cover 5. Remove choke piston lever screw and remove pis
from Body Section fig. 29 to avoid damaging ton and two levers.
floats or pump plunger. 6. Remove pump cluster attaching screws, pump
6. Remove float lever pins and floats. Remove float cluster and gasket. Remove pump discharge needle.
needles, seats and gaskets. Keep float system parts 7. Remove venturi cluster attaching screws and clus
separate so they may be reinstalled with minimum ters. On 327 carburetor also remove idle compen
adjustment. sator over secondary clusters.
/‘ j
p 18
10 3
9 -1
1. Bowl Cover Assembly 9. Pump Lever Pivot Screw 17. Float Needle Seat 24. Choke Valve Actuating
2. Screw 10. Screw 18. Float Needle Shaft Lever 409 only
3. Piston Cover Plate 11. Choke Shaft Outer Lever 19. Float Hinge 25. Choke Valve Actuating
4. Power Piston 12. Washer Spacer 20. Float Shaft 409 only
5. Spring 13. Choke Shaft Kick Lever 21. Choke Valve 26. Kick Lever 409 only
6. Metering Rod 14. Fuel Inlet Fitting 22. Choke Valve Shaft 27. Choke Actuating Shaft
7. Pump Link 15. Cover Gasket 23. Choke Valve Actuating Clamp Lever
8. Pump Lever 16. Pump Plunger Assembly Link 409 only
19 . 22 23
13 30
3 2
NOTE: Each venturi assembly is different and 11. Remove pump intake check ball and seat assembly.
can be assembled to body in one location only. For normal cleaning and inspection, it is not
necessary to disassemble the carburetor body any
NOTE: Primary venturi gaskets are different
further. However, if throttle valves or linkage are
from secondary. worn or damaged, complete disassembly as follows:
8. Lift secondary auxiliary valves from carburetor 12. Remove fast idle cain screw and cam.
body. 13. Remove primary to secondary connecting link.
Remove primary and secondary throttle dog lever
9. Remove idle mixture screws and springs.
screws and remove levers, and springs.
10. Remove all four metering jets. 14. File off staked ends of throttle valve attaching
screws and remove screws and throttle valves
NOTE: Primary metering jets are larger because from bores. Slide throttle shafts from carburetor
metering rods step-up rods are used in them. body.
Carburetor Body
1. Install primary and secondary throttle shafts.
2. Install primary throttle shaft dog levers and spring
fig. 41.
3. Install secondary throttle shaft dog lever and
spring. Wind spring one turn fig. 42.
4. Install throttle valves in shafts with part number
identification toward bottom of flange and secure
with new screws fig. 43.
5. Install pump intake check ball and ball seat as
sembly with a new gasket fig. 44. Install primary
Fig. 45-Auxiliary Valve Assembly and secondary metering jets and tighten securely.
ASSEMBLY ADJUSTMENT NOTE: The primary jets are the two having the
During assembly of carburetor, use all new gaskets larger orifices.
and any additional new parts found to be necessary
during inspection. Calibrated parts must be as specffied 6. Install pump discharge check needle point down.
for carburetor CODE number which is stamped in red Install pump jet housing and gasket.
on mounting flange at rear center. 7. Install auxiliary valve assembly with screw heads
Paper element air cleaners are used on V-8 engines
except RPO L-31, 409 cu. in. engine.
A new oil wetted polyurethane element air cleaner
figs. 50 and 51 is standard equipment on L-6 and 409
Cu. in. RPO L-31 engines. This type cleaner element
is reusable and should be removed, cleaned, re-oiled SUPPORT3
and reinstalled after each 4,000 miles of driving. Dur
ing dusty or other adverse driving conditions, the ele
ment should be cleaned more often.
Operations outlined in this section are for the new material is not folded or creased in any manner
polyurethane air cleaner only. For service procedures that would cause an imperfect seal. Take the same
on paper element, refer to the 1961 Passenger Car precautions when replacing the cover that the
Shop Manual. upper lip of the element is in proper position.
9. Replace cover and wing nut.
1. Remove cover wing nut, cover and filter element.
2. Visibly check the element for tears or rips and
replace if necessary.
3. Clean all accumulated dirt and grime from air
cleaner body and cover. Discard air horn to air
cleaner gasket.
4. Remove support screen from element and wash
element in kerosene or mineral spirits; then
squeeze out excess solvent.
NOTE: Never use a hot degreaser or any sol
vent containing acetone or similar solvent.
5. Dip element into light engine oil and squeeze out
excess oil.
NOTE: Never shake, swing or wring the ele
ment to remove excess oil or solvent as this
may tear the polyurethane material. Instead,
"squeeze" the excess from the element.
6. Replace element onto screen support.
7. Using a new gasket, replace air cleaner body over
carburetor air horn.
8. Replace the element in the air cleaners. Care must
be taken that the lower lip of the element is prop
erly placed in the assembly and that the filter Fig. 52-Cleaning Polyurethane Element
The V-8 fuel pump is essentially the same as in 1961.
Refer to 1961 Shop manual for procedures.
FUEL PUMP washers, and remove pump and gasket.
Removal NOTE: After removal of pump from engine, be
1. Disconnect fuel inlet and outlet pipes at fuel pump fore disassembly has started, plug all openings
and fuel cover. and thoroughly wash exterior of pump with
2. Remove two fuel pump mounting bolts and lock- cleaning solvent to remove all dirt and grease.
1. Remove pulsator diaphragm cover and pulsator
diaphragm from valve body and fuel cover by re
moving the bolt and lockwasher.
2. At this point in disassembly, it is important to
mark the edges of the valve body and fuel cover
and pump body with a file or other suitable means.
The parts can then be reassembled in the same
relative position for correct fuel line installation.
3. Remove valve body and fuel cover screws. Sepa
rate the valve body and fuel cover from the pump
body by jarring cover loose with a light plastic
4. Raise the fuel pump link with a screwdriver fig.
Fig. 54-Raising Fuel Link 54. Unhook the diaphragm from the link by press-
8 14 1.5 16
‘¾ I
1. Rocker Arm 7. Oil Seal Retainer 12. Valve Body and Fuel Cover
2. Rocker Arm Return Spring 8. Diaphragm and Seal Retainer Screws
3. Actuating Lever Spring 13. Pulsator Diaphragm
4. Pump Body 9. Diaphragm Spring Seat 14. Pulsator Cover
5. Arm and Lever Pivot Pin. 10. Diaphragm Assembly 15. Pulsator Cover Lockwasher
6. Oil Seal 11. Valve Body and Fuel Cover 16. Pulsator Cover Bolt