Dictionary 4-5
Dictionary 4-5
Dictionary 4-5
,abstract ‘noun nc [gram] one referring to an idea, quality or state, such as length, goodness, freedom,
poverty. Compare concrete nonu.
Ab-stract /’aebstraekt/ nc a short account, e.g. of the main points of a book, speech etc. compare
Ab-stract /eb’straekt/ vt abstract sth [from sth] to take something out; separate something [from
another]: abstract metal from ore; abstract the main events in the story. Ab-stract-ed /eb’straektid/ adj
thinking or wor-rying about something. Compare distracted.
Ab-stract-ed-ly adv
Of his guilt.
Abusive language.
Abus-ive-ly adv
Wage increase.
Is of no practical importance).
Academic ‘dress nu formal clothes worn by
Government, interference.
Ace-demi-cal-ly /-kli/adv
An academy.
Of increasing speed.
Syllabic stress acute accent, circumflex, grave. 3 nc an emphasis when speaking (using stress or
intonation) : in the word ‘today’ , the accent is on the second syllable. 4 nu (informal) the emphasis
given to one aspect of a display, performance etc: At this year’s Motor Show the accent is on sports cars.
Ac.cen.tu.ate / vt to give more emphasis or importance top (something) : The lines in her dress
accentuate her height.
Ac.cept / vt 1 to take, receive, (something given ) : accept a gift ? prioze. 2 to agree to take (something
offered) : accept an invitaqtion /a job. 3 to approve of, agree to, (something) : He accepted the judges
decision. I accept that change is necessary.
Ac.cept.able / adj satisfactory; welcome : Is this proposal acceptable to you? Opp unacceptable.
Ac.cept.ance / n1nu the act of taking or receiving something offered. 2 nc, nu a positive reply to an
invitation or offer. 3 nu approval ( the usual word) : there was complete acceptance of the plan.
Ac.cess /n access (to sth) 1 n or sing the way in (to a place) : the only access (to the house) is across the
field. There is easy access to the shops. Gain access (to sb/sth) (to be given permission) to talk (to a
person), use ( a set of information etc) : How did you gain access to the manager / the files/ my office ? 2
nu the opportunity, means etc to obtain, reach, use, something : Student must have access to good
books. Access road nc a road leading to a motorway or other main road.
Ac.cess.ible /adj able to be reached, visited easily etc: an accessible hospital / manager. Opp
Ac.cess.bil.ity /nu
Access time nu the time needed to select an amount of information from a storage system.
Ac.ces.sion/ n accession ( to sth) 1 nu the act of obtaining power etc: the Queen’s accession to the
throne. 2 nc (formal) an addition : recent accessories to the school library.
Ac.cess.ory /nc (pl-ies) 1 (usually pl) something that is extra, helpful or useful but not an essential part:
the accessories of a bicycle (e.g. the lamp, a pump). 2 (also accessory) (legal) a person who helps in or
knows about a crime.
Ac.ci.dence/ nu (gram) the part of grammar concerning the variable from of words to make tenses, case,
numver etc.
Ac.ci.dent /n 1 nc something that happens unexpectedly and often without an obvious cause, usually
something unfortunate and undesireable: She had an accident. Accidents will happen ( saying) Some
unfortunate events must be accepted as inevitable. 2 nu by accident not expected or planned: we met
by accident.
Ac.ci.den.tal / adj happening unexpected and not planned : an accidental meeting with a friend. The
scientific discovery was accidental.
Ac.ci.den.tal.ly/ adv
Ac.claim / vt (formal) 1 to welcome ( a person, thing) with shouts of approval : acclaim the winner of a
race. 2 to state ( something) with enthusiasm : acclaim him as a greater actor.
Ac.com.mo.dat.ing /adj willing to do things to please others; easy to live, work, reach an agreement,
Ac.com.mo.da.tion / nu a place to stay or live: Accommodation was difficult to find during the Olympics
Ac.com.pani.ment / nc 1 something that naturally or often goes with another thing: Disease is often an
accompaniment of famine. 2 (music) (usually) the instrumental part to go with a voice, choir or solo
instrument : a song with piano accompaniment.
Ac.com.pany / vt ( pt, pp-ied) 1 to go with (a person) : She usually accompanies the doctor on his
rounds. 2 to do something or occur at the same time as ( something) : A fever is often accompanied by a
headache. 3 ( music) to play, sing, an accompaniment (2) to (a singer, player).
Ac.cord / nu (formal) of one’s own accord without being asked or forced; willingly. In/out of accord
(with;/sth) agreeing /not agreeing (with a person, thing). With one