More Practice About Tenses
More Practice About Tenses
More Practice About Tenses
Lauren was shopping all day. (IN PROGRESS ALL DAY)
The boys were fighting over a toy. (IN PROGRESS FOR A PERIOD OF TIME)
Tim was studying but got tired and took a nap. (INCOMPLETE)
They were driving home when they ran out of gas. (INCOMPLETE)
She was crying when I arrived.
Mom was trying to rest when the phone rang.
We were just sitting down to supper when our neighbor knocked at the door.
Mary was practicing the piano when I dropped by.
It is possible to place a past progressive verb in a clause that begins with
while in order to emphasize that the action was in progress when an
interruption occurred.
While I was swimming in the pool, I felt sick.
My brother began to cry while I was trying to study.
While you were out jogging, someone broke into the house.
While he was standing at the bus stop, it started to snow.
A when clause and a while clause can be used with the same sentence
1. They were opening their Christmas gifts when the Christmas tree fell
2. Tom was swimming in the pool when his little brother fell in the water.
3. She was speaking with the letter carrier when a taxi pulled up in front of
the house.
4. Ms. Howard was lecturing her class when her cell phone rang.
5. The boys were playing checkers on the floor when the cat jumped into the
middle of their game.
Exercise 3/ Correct (/) or not (X)? One sentence is not correct.
1 I used to have trouble buying football boots because I had verywide feet. ...
2 We didn’ t see much of Dad last month, because he was going backwards and
forwards to America most of the time. ...
3 Pete wasn’ t studying very hard when he was at university. . . .
4 I was talking to the Governor of the Bank of England the other day, and he
thinks we're in deep trouble. ...
5 When my sister was in her teens, she was always falling in love with really
nasty boys. ...
6 You know I was thinking that it might be time to get a new car. ...