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Room Air Conditioners and Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners

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ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS ................................................ 49.1 PACKAGED TERMINAL AIR
Sizes and Classifications ......................................................... 49.1 CONDITIONERS ................................................................. 49.5
Design ..................................................................................... 49.1 Sizes and Classifications ......................................................... 49.5
Performance Data ................................................................... 49.2 General Design Considerations .............................................. 49.5
Special Features ...................................................................... 49.3 Design of PTAC/PTHP Components ....................................... 49.6
Safety Codes and Standards .................................................... 49.4 Heat Pump Operation ............................................................. 49.7
Installation and Service .......................................................... 49.4 Performance and Safety Testing .............................................. 49.7

ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS carries the heat to the compressor, which compresses the vapor and
increases its temperature above that of the outdoor air. In the con-

R OOM air conditioners are encased assemblies designed prima-

rily for mounting in a window or through a wall. They are
denser, the hot (high-pressure) refrigerant vapor liquefies, giving up
the heat from the room air to outdoor air. Next, the high-pressure liq-
Licensed for single user. © 2008 ASHRAE, Inc.

designed to deliver cool or warm conditioned air to the room, either uid refrigerant passes through a restrictor, which reduces its pres-
without ducts or with very short ducts (up to a maximum of about sure and temperature. The cold (low-pressure) liquid refrigerant
48 in). Each unit includes a prime source of refrigeration and then enters the evaporator to repeat the refrigeration cycle.
dehumidification and a means for circulating and filtering air; it
may also include a means for ventilating and/or exhausting and SIZES AND CLASSIFICATIONS
The basic function of a room air conditioner is to provide com- Room air conditioners have line cords, which may be plugged
fort by cooling, dehumidifying, filtering or cleaning, and circulating into standard or special electric circuits. Most units in the United
the room air. It may also provide ventilation by introducing outdoor States are designed to operate at 115, 208, or 230 V; single-phase;
air into the room and/or exhausting room air to the outside. Room 50 or 60 Hz power. Some units are rated at 265 V or 277 V, for which
temperature may be controlled by an integral thermostat. The con- the chassis or chassis assembly must provide permanent electrical
ditioner may provide heating by heat pump operation, electric resis- connection. The maximum amperage of 115 V units is generally
tance elements, or a combination of the two. 12 A, which is the maximum current permitted by the National
Figure 1 shows a typical room air conditioner in cooling mode. Electrical Code® (NEC) for a single-outlet, 15 A circuit. Models
Warm room air passes over the cooling coil and gives up sensible designed for countries other than the United States are generally for
and latent heat. The conditioned air is then recirculated in the room 50 or 60 Hz systems, with typical design voltage ranges of 100 to
by a fan or blower. 120 and 200 to 240 V, single-phase.
Heat from the warm room air vaporizes the cold (low-pressure) Popular 115 V models have capacities in the range of 5000 to
liquid refrigerant flowing through the evaporator. The vapor then 8000 Btu/h, and are typically used in single-room applications.
Larger-capacity 115 V units are in the 12,000 to 15,000 Btu/h range.
Capacities for 230, 208, or 230/208 V units range from 8000 to
Fig. 1 Schematic View of Typical Room Air Conditioner 36,000 Btu/h. These higher-voltage units are typically used in
multiple-room installations.
Heat pump models are also available, usually for 208 or 230 V
applications. These units are generally designed for reversed-
refrigerant-cycle operation as the normal means of supplying heat,
but may incorporate electrical-resistance heat either to supplement
heat pump capacity or to provide the total heating capacity when
outdoor temperatures drop below a set value.
Another type of heating model incorporates electrical heating
elements in regular cooling units so that heating is provided
entirely by electrical resistance heat.

Room air conditioner design is usually based on one or more of
the following criteria, any one of which automatically constrains the
overall system design:
• Lowest initial cost
Fig. 1 Schematic View of Typical Room Air Conditioner • Lowest operating cost (highest efficiency)
• Energy-efficiency ratio (EER) or coefficient of performance
(COP), as legislated by government
The preparation of this chapter is assigned to TC 8.11, Unitary and Room • Low sound level
Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps. • Chassis size

Copyright © 2008, ASHRAE
49.2 2008 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Systems and Equipment

• Unusual chassis shape (e.g., minimal depth or height) 3. Install a restrictor tube with the same flow rate as the adjustable
• Amperage limitation (e.g., 7.5 A, 12 A) restrictor. Usually, restrictor tubes are selected on the basis of
• Weight cost, with shorter tubes generally being less expensive.

The following combinations illustrate the effect of an initial Fan Motor and Air Impeller Selection
design parameter on the various components:
The two types of motors generally used on room air condition-
Low Initial Cost. High airflow with minimum heat exchanger ers are the (1) low-efficiency, shaded-pole type; and (2) more effi-
surface keeps the initial cost of a unit low. These units have a low- cient, permanent split-capacitor type, which requires using a run
cost compressor, which is selected by analyzing various compres- capacitor. Air impellers are usually of two types: (1) forward-
sor and coil combinations and choosing the one that both achieves curved blower wheel and (2) axial- or radial-flow fan blade. In
optimum performance and passes all tests required by Underwrit- general, blower wheels are used to move small to moderate
ers Laboratories (UL), the Association of Home Appliance Man- amounts of air in high-resistance systems, and fan blades move
ufacturers (AHAM), and others. For example, a high-capacity moderate to high air volumes in low-resistance applications.
compressor might be selected to meet the capacity requirement Blower wheels and cross-flow fans also generate lower noise lev-
with a minimum heat transfer surface, but frost tests under maxi- els than fan blades.
mum load may not be acceptable. These tests set the upper and The combination of fan motor and air impellers is so important
lower limits of acceptability when low initial cost is the prime con- to the overall design that the designer should work closely with
sideration. the manufacturers of both components. Performance curves are
Low Operating Cost. Large heat exchanger surfaces keep oper- available for motors, blower wheels, and fans, but data are for
ating cost low. A compressor with a low compression ratio operates ideal systems not usually found in practice because of physical
at low head pressure and high suction pressure, which results in a size, motor speed, and component placement limitations.
high EER.
Licensed for single user. © 2008 ASHRAE, Inc.

Microprocessors monitor and control numerous functions for

Room air conditioner compressors range in capacity from about room air conditioners. These microelectronic controls offer digital
4000 to 34,000 Btu/h. Design data are available from compressor displays and touch panels for programming desired temperature,
manufacturers at the following standard rating conditions: on-off timing, modulated fan speeds, bypass capabilities, and sens-
ing for humidity, temperature, and airflow control.
Evaporating temperature 45°F
Compressor suction temperature 95°F
Condensing temperature 130°F
Liquid temperature 115°F In the United States, an industry certification program under the
Ambient temperature 95°F sponsorship of the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers
(AHAM) covers the majority of room air conditioners and certifies
Compressor manufacturers offer complete performance curves the cooling and heating capacities, EER, and electrical input (in
at various evaporating and condensing temperatures to aid in selec- amperes) of each for adherence to nameplate rating. The following
tion for a given design specification. tests are specified by AHAM Standard RAC-1:
Evaporator and Condenser Coils • Cooling capacity
• Heating capacity
These coils are generally tube-and-plate-fin, tube-and-louvered- • Maximum operating conditions (heating and cooling)
fin, or tube-and-spine-fin. Information on the performance of such
• Enclosure sweat
coils is available from suppliers, and original equipment manufac-
• Freeze-up
turers usually develop data for their own coils. Design parameters to
• Recirculated air quantity
be considered when selecting coils are (1) cooling rate per unit area
• Moisture removal
of coil surface (Btu/h·ft2), (2) dry-bulb temperature and moisture
• Ventilating air quantity and exhaust air quantity
content of entering air, (3) air-side friction loss, (4) internal refrig-
erant pressure drop, (5) coil surface temperature, (6) airflow, and (7) • Electrical input (heating and cooling)
air velocity. • Power factor
• Condensate disposal
Restrictor Application and Sizing • Application heating capacity
• Outside coil deicing
Three main types of restrictor devices are available to the
designer: (1) a thermostatic expansion valve, which maintains a
constant amount of superheat at a point near the outlet of the evap-
orator; (2) an automatic expansion valve, which maintains a con- Efficiency for room air conditioners may be shown in either of
stant suction pressure; and (3) a restrictor tube (capillary). The two forms:
capillary is the most popular device for room air conditioner appli- 1. Energy efficiency ratio (EER—generally for cooling)
cations because of its low cost and high reliability, even though its (Capacity in Btu/h)/(Input in watts)
refrigerant control over a wide range of ambient temperatures is not 2. Coefficient of performance (COP—generally for heating)
optimal. A recommended procedure for optimizing charge balance, (Capacity in Btu/h)/(Input in watts × 3.412)
condenser subcooling, and restrictor sizing is as follows:
1. Use an adjustable restrictor (e.g., a needle valve), so that tests Sensible Heat Ratio
may be run with a flooded evaporator coil and various refrigerant The ratio of sensible heat to total heat removal is a useful perfor-
charges to determine the optimum point of system operation. mance characteristic for evaluating units for specific conditions. A
2. Reset the adjustable restrictor to the optimum setting, remove it low ratio indicates more dehumidification capacity, and hot, humid
from the unit, and measure flow pressure with a flow comparator areas like New Orleans and arid locales like Phoenix might best be
similar to that described in ASHRAE Standard 28. served with units having lower and higher ratios, respectively.
Room Air Conditioners and Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners 49.3

Energy Conservation and Efficiency All state and local minimum efficiency standards in the United
In the United States, two federal energy programs have increased States are automatically superseded by federal standards. Many other
the demand for higher-efficiency room air conditioners. First, the countries have or are considering minimum efficiency standards, so
Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 2005 (Public Law 1094-58) such standards should be sought as part of the design process.
provides a commercial building deduction for energy-efficient Whether estimating potential energy savings associated with
building improvements, and provides tax breaks for those making appliance standards or estimating consumer operating costs, the
energy conservation improvements to their homes. Second, the Na- annual hours H of operation of a room air conditioner are important.
tional Appliance Energy Conservation Act of 1987 (NAECA) pro- These figures have been compiled from various studies commis-
vides a single set of minimum efficiency standards for major sioned by DOE and AHAM for every major city and region in the
appliances, including room air conditioners. The room air condi- United States. The national average is estimated at 750 h per year.
tioner portion of NAECA originally specified minimum efficiencies The estimated cost of operation is as follows:
for 12 classes, based on physical conformation, with minimums
ranging from 8 to 9 EER and applying to all units manufactured on C = RHW/1000
or after January 1, 1990.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) issued increased mini-
mum efficiency standards that became effective October 1, 2000 C = annual cost of operation, $/year
R = average cost, $/kWh
(Federal Register, September 24, 1997). (See Table 1) Four addi-
H = annual hours of operation
tional classes were created, two of which cover casement-type units.
W = input, W
The minimum standards range from 8 to 9.8 EER. For the most pop-
ular classes (cooling-only units with louvered sides ranging in High-Efficiency Design
capacity from less than 6000 to 20,000 Btu/h) the minimum stan-
dards are either 9.7 or 9.8 EER. Table 2 shows the U.S. Environ- The EER can be affected by three design parameters. The first is
mental Protection Agency (EPA) and DOE’s ENERGY STAR® electrical efficiency. Fan motor efficiency ranges from 25 to 65%;
requirements for room air conditioners. ENERGY STAR-qualified compressor motors range from 60 to 85%. The second parameter,
Licensed for single user. © 2008 ASHRAE, Inc.

room air conditioners use at least 10% less energy than minimum- refrigerant cycle efficiency, is increased by enhancing or enlarging
efficiency models. The EPA’s ENERGY STAR Web site provides the heat transfer surface to minimize the difference between the
additional information on qualifying products (EPA 2008). refrigerant saturation temperature and air temperature. This allows
using a compressor with a smaller displacement and a high-efficiency
motor. The third parameter is air circuit efficiency, which can be
Table 1 NAECA Minimum Efficiency Standards for increased by minimizing pressure drop across the heat transfer sur-
Room Air Conditioners face, which reduces the load on the fan motor.
Minimum EER as of Higher EERs are not the complete answer to reducing energy
costs. Energy efficiency can be increased by properly sizing the
Reverse Louvered January 1, October 1, unit, keeping infiltration and leakage losses to a minimum, increas-
Class Cycle Sides Capacity, Btu/h 1990 2000
ing building insulation, reducing unnecessary internal loading, pro-
1 No Yes < 6000 8.0 9.7 viding effective maintenance, and balancing the load by using a
2 No Yes 6000 to 7999 8.5 9.7 thermostat and thermostat setback.
3 No Yes 8000 to 13,999 9.0 9.8
4 No Yes 14,000 to 19,999 8.8 9.7 SPECIAL FEATURES
5 No Yes ≥ 20 ,000 8.2 8.5
6 No No < 6000 8.0 9.0 Some room air conditioners are designed to minimize their
7 No No 6000 to 7999 8.5 9.0 extension beyond the building when mounted flush with the inside
8 No No 8000 to 13,999 8.5 8.5 wall. Low-capacity models are usually smaller and less obtrusive
9 No No 14,000 to 19,999 8.5 8.5 than higher-capacity models. Units are often installed through the
10 No No ≥ 20 ,000 8.2 8.5 wall, where they do not interfere with windows. Exterior cabinet
11 Yes Yes < 20 ,000 8.5 9.0 grilles may be designed to harmonize with the architecture of vari-
12 Yes No < 14 ,000 8.0 8.5 ous buildings.
13 Yes Yes ≥ 20 ,000 8.5 8.5 Most units have adjustable louvers or deflectors to distribute air
14 Yes No ≥ 14 ,000 8.0 8.0 into the room with satisfactory throw and without drafts. Louver
15 Casement Only — * 8.7 design should eliminate recirculation of discharge air into the air
16 Casement Slider — * 9.5 inlet. Some units use motorized deflectors for continuously changing
*Casement-only and casement-slider room air conditioners were not separate product the air direction. Discharge air speeds range from 300 to 1200 fpm,
classes under standards effective January 1, 1990. These units were subject to applica- with low speeds preferred in rooms where people are at rest.
ble standards in classes 1 to 14 based on unit capacity and presence or absence of lou- Most room air conditioners are designed to bring in outside air,
vered sides and reverse cycle. exhaust room air, or both. Controls usually allow these features to
function independently.
Table 2 Room Air Conditioners ENERGY STAR Criteria Temperature is controlled by an adjustable built-in thermostat.
NAECA Criteria ENERGY STAR Criteria* The thermostat and unit controls may operate in one of the follow-
Product Class Minimum EER Minimum EER ing modes:
< 8000 Btu/h 9.7 10.7 • The unit is set to the cool position, and the thermostat setting is
8000 to 13,999 Btu/h 9.8 10.8 adjusted as needed. The circulation blower runs without interrup-
14,000 to 19,999 Btu/h 9.7 10.7 tion while the thermostat cycles the compressor on and off.
≥ 20 ,000 Btu/h 8.5 9.4 • The unit uses a two- or three-stage thermostat, which reduces
*ENERGY STAR criteria for room air conditioners are 10% above the NAECA criteria. blower speed as room temperature approaches the set tempera-
Currently, only units without reverse cycle (heating function) and with louvered sides ture, cycles the compressor off as temperature drops further, and,
are considered for ENERGY STAR status. Minimum EER should be used to determine
qualification for ENERGY STAR label. Values are rounded to single decimal and meet if temperature drops still further, finally cycles the blower off. As
specification of 10% more efficient than new NAECA standard. room temperature rises, the sequence reverses.
49.4 2008 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Systems and Equipment

• The unit has, in addition to the preceding control sequence, an Standard 60335-2-40 and (2) International Organization for Stan-
optional automatic fan mode in which both the blower and com- dardization (ISO) Standard 5151.
pressor are cycled simultaneously by the thermostat; this mode of
operation requires proper thermostat sensitivity. One advantage Product Standards
of this arrangement is improved humidity control because mois- CSA Standard C22.2 No. 117 and UL Standard 484 are similar
ture from the evaporator coil is not reevaporated into the room in content. In Standard 484, the construction section involves items
during the off-cycle. Another advantage is lower operating cost such as the unit enclosure (including materials), ability to protect
because the blower motor does not operate during the off-cycle. against contact with moving and uninsulated live parts, and means
The effective EER may be increased an average of 10% by using for installation or attachment. Attention is also given to the refrig-
the automatic fan mode (ORNL 1985). eration system’s ability to withstand operating pressures, system
pressure relief in a fire, and refrigerant toxicity. Electrical consider-
Disadvantages of cycling fans with the compressor may be (1)
ations include supply connections, grounding, internal wiring and
varying noise level because of fan cycling and (2) deterioration in
wiring methods, electrical spacings, motors and motor protection,
room temperature control.
uninsulated live parts, motor controllers and switching devices, air-
Room air conditioners are simple to operate. Usually, one control
heating components, and electrical insulating materials.
selects the operating mode, and a second controls the temperature.
The performance section of the standard includes a rain test for
Additional knobs or levers operate louvers, deflectors, the ventila-
determining the unit’s ability to stand a beating rain without creating
tion system, exhaust dampers, and other special features. Controls
a shock hazard because of current leakage or insulation breakdown.
are usually arranged on the front of the unit or concealed behind a
Other tests include (1) leakage current limitations based on UL
readily accessible door, but may also be arranged on the top or sides
Standard C101, (2) measurement of input currents for the purpose
of the unit, or on an infrared remote control.
of establishing nameplate ratings and for sizing the supply circuit
Filters on room air conditioners remove airborne dirt to provide
for the unit, (3) temperature tests to determine whether components
clean air to the room and keep dirt off cooling surfaces. Filters are
exceed their recognized temperature limits and/or electrical ratings
made of expanded metal (with or without a viscous oil coating),
(AHAM Standard RAC-1), and (4) pressure tests to ensure that
Licensed for single user. © 2008 ASHRAE, Inc.

glass fiber, or synthetic materials; they may be either disposable or

excessive pressure does not develop in the refrigeration system.
reusable. A dirty filter reduces cooling and air circulation and fre-
Abnormal conditions are also considered, such as (1) failure of
quently allows frost to accumulate on the cooling coil; therefore,
the condenser fan motor, which may lead to excessive pressure in
filter location should allow easy monitoring, cleaning, and replace-
the system; and (2) possible ignition of combustibles in or adjacent
to the unit on air heater burnout. A static load test is also conducted
Some units have louvers or grilles on the outdoor side to enhance
on window-mounted room air conditioners to determine whether
appearance and protect the condenser fins. Sometimes, these lou-
the mounting hardware can adequately support the unit. As part of
vers separate the airstreams to and from the condenser and reduce
normal production control, tests are conducted for refrigerant leak-
recirculation. When provided, side louvers on the outside of the unit
age, dielectric strength, and grounding continuity.
are an essential part of the condenser air system because they
Plastic materials are receiving increased consideration in the
improve air movement to the condenser. Care should be taken not to
design and fabrication of room air conditioners because of their ease
obstruct air passages through these louvers.
in forming, inherent resistance to corrosion, and decorative quali-
Room air conditioners, especially those parts exposed to the
ties. When considering using plastic, the engineer should consider
weather, require a durable finish. Some manufacturers use a special
the tensile, flexural, and impact strength of the material; its flamma-
grade of plastic for weather-exposed parts. If the parts are metal,
bility characteristics; and (concerning degradation) its resistance to
good practice is to use phosphatized or zinc-coated steels with
water absorption and exposure to ultraviolet light, ability to operate
baked finishes and/or corrosion-resistant materials such as alumi-
at elevated temperatures, and thermal aging characteristics. Consid-
num or stainless steel.
ering product safety, some of these factors are less important
The sound level of a room air conditioner is an important factor,
because failure of the part will not cause a hazard. However, for
particularly when the unit is installed in a bedroom. A certain
some parts (e.g., bulkhead, base pan, and unit enclosure) that either
amount of sound can be expected because of air movement through
support components or provide structural integrity, all these factors
the unit and compressor operation. However, a well-designed room
must be considered, and a complete analysis of the material must be
air conditioner is relatively quiet, and the sound emitted is relatively
made to determine whether it is suitable for the application.
free of high-pitched and metallic noise. Usually, fan motors with
two or more speeds are used to provide a slower fan speed for qui-
eter operation. To avoid rattles and vibration in the building struc- INSTALLATION AND SERVICE
ture, units must be installed correctly (see the section on Installation Installation procedures vary because units can be mounted in
and Service). various ways. It is important to select the mounting for each instal-
Excessive outdoor sound (condenser fan and compressor) can be lation that best satisfies the user and complies with applicable build-
irritating to neighbors. In the United States, many local and state ing codes. Common mounting methods include the following:
outdoor noise ordinances limit outdoor sound levels.
• Inside flush mounting. Interior face of conditioner is approxi-
mately flush with inside wall.
SAFETY CODES AND STANDARDS • Balance mounting. Unit is approximately half inside and half
United States. The National Electrical Code® (NFPA Standard outside window.
70), ASHRAE Standard 15, and UL Standard 484 pertain to room • Outside flush mounting. Outer face of unit is flush with or
air conditioners. Local regulations may differ with these standards, slightly beyond outside wall.
but the basic requirements are generally accepted throughout the • Special mounting. Examples include casement windows, hori-
United States. zontal sliding windows, office windows with swinging units (or
Canada. CSA International developed the standard for Room swinging windows) to allow window washing, and transoms over
Air Conditioners (CSA Standard C22.2 No. 117), which forms part doorways.
of the Canadian Electrical Code. • Through-the-wall mounts or sleeves. This mounting is used for
International. Two useful documents that might assist the installing window-type chassis, complete units, or consoles in
designer are (1) International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) walls of apartment buildings, hotels, motels, and residences.
Room Air Conditioners and Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners 49.5

Although very similar to window-mounted units, through-the- Fig. 2 Sectional Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner
wall models do not have side louvers for condenser air; air comes
from the outdoor end of the unit.
Room air conditioners have become more compact to minimize
both loss of window light and projection inside and outside the
structure. Several types of expandable mounts are now available for
fast, dependable installation in single- and double-hung windows,
as well as in horizontal sliding windows. Installation kits include all
parts needed for structural mounting, such as gaskets, panels, and
seals for weathertight assembly.
Adequate wiring and proper fuses must be provided for the ser-
vice outlet. Necessary information is usually given on instruction
sheets or stamped on the air conditioner near the service cord or on
the serial plate. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s recom-
mendation for size and type of fuse. All units are equipped by the
manufacturer with grounding plug caps on the service cord. Recep-
tacles with grounding contacts correctly designed to fit these plug Fig. 2 Sectional Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner
caps should be used when units are installed.
Units rated 265 or 277 V must provide for permanent electrical Fig. 3 Integrated Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner
connection with armored cable or conduit to the chassis or chassis
assembly. Manufacturers usually provide an adequate cord and plug
cap in the chassis assembly to facilitate installation and service.
One type of room air conditioner is the integral chassis design,
Licensed for single user. © 2008 ASHRAE, Inc.

with the outer cabinet fastened permanently to the chassis. Most

electrical components can be serviced by partially dismantling the
control area without removing the unit from the installation.
Another type is the slide-out chassis design, which allows the outer
cabinet to remain in place while the chassis is removed for service.

The Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) defines a
Fig. 3 Integrated Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner
packaged terminal air conditioner (PTAC) as a wall sleeve and a
separate unencased combination of heating and cooling assemblies
intended for mounting through the wall. A PTAC includes refriger- a separate cooling chassis; an integrated-type unit (Figure 3) has an
ation components, separable outdoor louvers, forced ventilation, electric or a gas heating option added to the chassis. Hot-water or
and heating by hot water, steam, or electric resistance. PTAC units steam heating options are usually part of the cabinet or wall box.
with direct-fired gas heaters are also available from some manufac- Both types include the following:
turers. Cooling-only PTACs need not include heating elements. A
packaged terminal heat pump (PTHP) is a heat pump version of a • Heating elements available in hot water, steam, electric, or gas
PTAC that provides heat with a reverse-cycle operating mode. A heat
PTHP should provide a supplementary heat source, which can be • Integral or remote temperature and operating controls
hot water, steam, electric resistance, or another source. • Wall sleeve or box
PTACs are designed primarily for commercial installations to • Removable (or separable) outdoor louvers
provide the total heating and cooling functions for a room or zone • Room cabinet
and are specifically for through-the-wall installation. The units are • Means for controlled forced ventilation
mostly used in relatively small zones on the perimeter of buildings • Means for filtering air delivered to the room
such as hotels and motels, apartments, hospitals, nursing homes,
• Ductwork
and office buildings. In larger buildings, they may be combined with
nearly any system selected for environmental control of the building PTAC assemblies are intended for use in free conditioned-air
core. distribution, but a particular application may require minimal duct-
PTACs and PTHPs are similar in design and construction. The work with a total external static resistance up to 0.1 in. of water.
most apparent difference is the addition of a refrigerant-reversing
valve in the PTHP. Optional components that control the heating GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS
functions of the heat pump include an outdoor thermostat to signal
the need for changes in heating operating modes, and, in more com- Packaged terminal air conditioners and packaged terminal heat
plex designs, frost sensors, defrost termination devices, and base pumps allow the HVAC designer to integrate the exposed outdoor
pan heaters. louver or grille with the building design. Various grilles are avail-
able to blend with or accent most construction materials. Because
the product becomes part of the building’s facade, the architect must
consider the product during the conception of the building. Wall
Packaged terminal air conditioners are available in a wide range sleeve installation is usually done by ironworkers, masons, or car-
of rated cooling capacities, typically 6000 to 18,000 Btu/h, with penters. All-electric units dominate the market. Recent U.S. market
comparable levels of heating output. Units are available as sec- statistics indicate that 45% are PTHPs, 49% are PTACs with electric
tional types or integrated types. A sectional-type unit (Figure 2) has resistance heat, and 6% involve other forms of heating.
49.6 2008 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Systems and Equipment

All the energy of all-electric versions is dispersed through the no longer constrained to the same rotating axis. They also allow dif-
building via electrical wiring, so the electric designer and electrical ferent fan speeds for the indoor and outdoor systems. In this case,
contractor play a major role. Final installation is reduced to sliding the outdoor fan motor is usually single-speed, and the indoor fan
in the chassis and plugging the unit into an adjacent receptacle. For motor has two or more speeds. Also, the designer has a broader
these all-electric units, the traditional HVAC contractor’s work selection of air-moving devices and can provide the user with a
involving ducting, piping, and refrigeration systems is bypassed. wider range of sound level and conditioned air throw options. Effi-
This results in a low-cost installation and allows installation of the ciency can be maintained at lower indoor fan speeds. When heating
PTAC/PTHP chassis to be deferred until just before occupancy. (other than with a heat pump), the outdoor fan motor can be
When comparing a gas-fired PTAC to a PTAC with electric resis- switched off automatically to reduce electrical energy consumption,
tance heat or a PTHP, evaluate both operating and installation costs. decrease infiltration and heat transmission losses through the PTAC
Generally, a gas-fired PTAC is more expensive to install but less unit, and prevent ice from entrapping the fan blade.
expensive to operate in heating mode. A life-cycle cost comparison Indoor Air Mover. Airflow quantity, air-side pressure rise,
is recommended (see Chapter 36 of the 2007 ASHRAE Handbook— available fan motor speed, and sound level requirements of the
HVAC Applications). indoor air system of a PTAC indicate that a centrifugal blower wheel
One main advantage of the PTAC/PTHP concept is that it pro- provides reasonable indoor air performance. In some cases, propri-
vides excellent zoning capability. Units can be shut down or oper- etary mixed-flow blowers are used. Dual-fan motor units permit the
ated in a holding condition during unoccupied periods. Present use of multiple centrifugal blower wheels or a cross-flow blower to
equipment efficiency-rating criteria are based on full-load opera- provide more even discharge of the conditioned air.
tion, so an efficiency comparison to other approaches may suffer. Indoor Air Circuit. PTACs have an air filter of fiberglass, metal,
The designer must also consider that total capacity is the sum of or plastic foam, which removes large particles from the circulating
the peak loads of each zone rather than the peak load of the building. airstream. In addition to improving indoor air quality, this filter also
Therefore, total cooling capacity of the zonal system will exceed reduces fouling of the indoor heat exchanger. The PTAC also pro-
that of a central system. vides mechanical means of introducing outdoor air into the indoor
Because PTAC units are located in the conditioned space, both airstream. This air, which may or may not be filtered, controls infil-
Licensed for single user. © 2008 ASHRAE, Inc.

appearance and sound level of the equipment are important consid- tration and pressurization of the conditioned space.
erations. Sound attenuation in ducting is not available with the free- Outdoor Air Mover. Outdoor air movers may be either centrif-
discharge PTAC units. ugal blower wheels, mixed-flow blowers, or axial-flow fans.
The designer must also consider the added infiltration and ther- Heat Exchangers. PTACs may use conventional plate-fin heat
mal leakage load resulting from perimeter wall penetrations. These exchangers, which have either copper or aluminum tubes. The fins
losses are accounted for during the on-cycle in equipment cooling are usually aluminum, which may be coated to retard corrosion.
ratings and PTHP heating ratings, but during the off-cycle or with Because PTACs are generally restricted in size, performance
other forms of heating, they could be significant. improvements based on increasing heat exchanger size are limited.
Widely dispersed PTAC units also present challenges for effec- Therefore, to improve performance or reduce costs, some manufac-
tive condensate disposal. turers install heat exchangers with performance enhancements on
Most packaged terminal equipment is designed to fit into a wall the air side (lanced fins, spine fin, etc.) and/or the refrigerant side
aperture approximately 42 in. wide and 16 in. high. Although uni- (internal finning or rifling).
tary products can increase in size with increasing cooling capacity, Refrigerant Expansion Device. Most PTACs use a simple cap-
PTAC/PTHP units, regardless of cooling capacity, are usually con- illary as an expansion device. Off-rating-point performance is
strained to a few cabinet sizes. The exterior of the equipment must improved if expansion valves are used.
be essentially flush with the exterior wall to meet most building Condensate Disposal. Condensate forms on the indoor coil
codes. In addition, cabinet structural requirements and the slide-in when cooling. Some PTACs require a drain to be installed to convey
chassis reduce the available area for outdoor air inlet and relief to condensate to a disposal point. Other units spray condensate on the
less than a total of 3.5 ft2. Manufacturers’ specification sheets outdoor coil, where it is evaporated and dispersed to the outdoor
should be consulted for more accurate and detailed information. ambient air. This evaporative cooling of the condenser enhances
Outdoor air recirculation must be minimized, and attention must performance, but the potentially negative effects of fouling and cor-
be given to architectural appearance. These factors may increase air- rosion of the outdoor heat exchanger must be considered. This prob-
side pressure drop. With a cooling capacity range that usually spans lem is especially severe in a coastal installation where salt spray
about a 3 to 1 ratio, this makes maintaining unit efficiency at higher could mix with the condensate and, after repeated evaporation
levels of output more difficult. cycles, build a corrosive saltwater solution in the condensate sump.
A PTHP also produces condensate in heating mode. If the outdoor
coil operates below freezing, the condensate forms frost, which is
melted during defrost. This water must be disposed of in some man-
Compressor. PTAC units are designed with single-speed com- ner. If drains are used and the heat pump operates in below-freezing
pressors, either reciprocating or rotary. They normally operate on a weather, the drain lines must be protected from freezing. Outside
single-phase power supply and are available in 208, 230, and 265 V drains cannot be used in this case, unless they have drain heaters.
versions. Smaller units are available in 115 V versions. Compres- Some PTHPs introduce condensate formed during heating onto the
sors usually have electromechanical protective devices, with some indoor coil, which humidifies the indoor air at the expense of heating
of the more advanced models using electronic protective systems. capacity. Inadequate condensate disposal can lead to overflow at the
Fan Motor(s). In some PTACs, a single, double-shafted direct- unit and potential staining of the building facade.
drive fan motor drives both the indoor and outdoor air-moving Controls. PTAC units usually have a built-in manual mode
devices. This motor usually has two speeds, which affect the selector (cool, heat, fan only, and off) and a manual fan-speed selec-
equipment sound level, throw of conditioned air, cooling capacity, tor. A thermostat adjustment is provided with set points (usually
efficiency, sensible-to-total heat capacity ratio, and condensate subjective, such as high, normal, and low). Some units offer auto-
disposal. matic changeover from heating to cooling. Most manufacturers
Full-featured models have two fan motors: one moves indoor air offer low-voltage remote heat/cool thermostats. Some units have
and the other brings in outdoor air. Two motors provide greater flex- electronic controls that provide room temperature limiting, evapo-
ibility in locating components, because indoor and outdoor fans are rator freeze-up protection, compressor lockout in the case of actual
Room Air Conditioners and Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners 49.7

or impending compressor malfunction, and service diagnostic aids. heating capacity for each participating manufacturer’s PTAC mod-
Advanced master controls at a central location allow an operator to els. The listings of PTHP models also include the heating COP.
override the control settings registered by the occupant. These mas- Cooling and heating capacities, as listed in the ARI directory,
ter controls may limit operation when certain room temperature lim- must be established in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 37 for
its are exceeded, adjust thermostat set points during unoccupied unitary equipment, or Standard 16 for room air conditioners and
periods, and turn off certain units to limit peak electrical demand. PTACs. All standard heating ratings should be established in
Wall Sleeves. A wall sleeve is a required part of a PTAC unit. It accordance with ASHRAE Standard 58.
becomes an integral part of the building structure and must be Additionally, PTAC units should be constructed in accordance
designed with sufficient strength to maintain its dimensional integ- with ASHRAE Standard 15 and should comply with the safety
rity after installation. It must withstand the potential corrosive requirements of UL Standard 484.
effects of other building materials, such as mortar, and must endure
long-term exposure to the outdoor elements. REFERENCES
Outdoor Grille. The outdoor grille or louvers must be compat- AHAM. 2003. Room air conditioners. ANSI/AHAM Standard RAC-1-
ible with the building’s architecture. Most manufacturers provide 2003. Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, Chicago.
options in this area. A properly designed grille prevents birds, ver- ARI/CSA International. 2004. Standard for packaged terminal air-condi-
min, and outdoor debris from entering; impedes entry of rain and tioners and heat pumps. ARI Standard 310/380-04. CSA International
snow; and, at the same time, provides adequate free area for the out- Standard C744-04. Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute,
door airstream to enter and exit with minimum recirculation. Arlington, VA.
Slide-In Components. The interface between the wall sleeve ASHRAE. 2004. Safety standard for refrigeration systems. ANSI/ASHRAE
Standard 15-2004.
and slide-in component chassis allows the components to be easily
ASHRAE. 1983. Method of testing for rating room air conditioners and
inserted and later removed for service and/or replacement. In the packaged terminal air conditioners. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 16-1983
event of serious malfunction, the slide-in component can be (RA 1999).
quickly replaced with a spare, and the repair can be made off the ASHRAE. 1996. Method of testing flow capacity of refrigerant capillary
premises. An adequate seal at the interface is essential to exclude
Licensed for single user. © 2008 ASHRAE, Inc.

tubes. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 28-1996 (RA 2006).

wind, rain, snow, and insects without jeopardizing the slide-in/ ASHRAE. 2005. Methods of testing for rating electrically driven unitary air-
slide-out feature. conditioning and heat pump equipment. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37-
Indoor Appearance. Because PTACs are located in the condi- 2005.
tioned space, their indoor appearance must blend with the room’s ASHRAE. 1986. Method of testing for rating room air conditioner and pack-
aged terminal air conditioner heating capacity. ANSI/ASHRAE Stan-
decor. Manufacturers provide a variety of indoor treatments, which dard 58-1986 (RA 1999).
include variations in shape, style, and materials. CSA International. 1970. Room air conditioners. Canadian Electrical Code
C22.2 No. 117-1970 (R2007). Canadian Standards Association, Etobi-
EPA. 2008. ENERGY STAR®. http://www.energystar.gov.
Basic PTHP units operate in heat pump mode down to an outdoor IEC. 2006. Household and similar electrical appliances—Safety—Part 2-
temperature just above the point at which the outdoor heat 40: Particular requirements for electrical heat pumps, air conditioners,
exchanger would frost. At that point, heat pump mode is locked out, and dehumidifiers. Standard 60335-2-40 (2006). International Electro-
and other forms of heating are required. Some units include two- technical Commission, Geneva.
stage indoor thermostats and automatically switch from heat pump ISO. 1994. Non-ducted air conditioners and heat pumps—Testing and rating
mode to an alternative heat source if space temperature drops too far for performance. Standard 5151: 1994. International Organization for
below the first-stage set point. Some PTHPs use control schemes Standardization, Geneva.
that extend heat pump operation to lower temperatures. One NFPA. 2008. National electrical code®. NFPA Standard 70-2008. National
Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA.
approach allows heat pump operation down to outdoor temperatures ORNL. 1985. Room air conditioner lifetime cost considerations: Annual
just above freezing. If the outdoor coil frosts, it is defrosted by shut- operating hours and efficiencies. Report ORNL-NSF-EP-85. Oak Ridge
ting down the compressor and allowing the outdoor fan to continue National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
circulating outdoor air over the coil. Another approach allows heat UL. 2002. Standard for leakage current for appliances. Standard 101-02.
pump operation to even lower outdoor temperatures by using a Underwriters Laboratories, Northbrook, IL.
reverse-cycle defrost sequence. In those cases, the heat pump mode UL. 2007. Room air conditioners. ANSI/UL Standard 484-07. Underwriters
is usually locked out for outdoor temperatures below 10°F. Laboratories, Northbrook, IL.


AHAM. Semiannually. Directory of certified room air conditioners. Asso-
PTACs and PTHPs may be rated in accordance with ARI Stan-
ciation of Home Appliance Manufacturers, Chicago.
dard 310/380, which is equivalent to CSA International Standard ARI. Semiannually. Directory of certified applied air-conditioning prod-
C744. ucts. Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute, Arlington, VA.
ARI issues a Directory of Certified Applied Air-Conditioning UL. 1998. Electrical appliance and utilization equipment directory. Under-
Products semiannually that lists cooling capacity, efficiency, and writers Laboratories, Northbrook, IL.

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