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Engineering Failure Analysis 127 (2021) 105541

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Engineering Failure Analysis

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Analysis of self-loosening behavior of high strength bolts based on

accurate thread modeling
Zhifeng Liu a, b, Baoen Wang a, b, Ying Li a, b, Caixia Zhang a, b, Yuezhen wang a, b,
Hongyan Chu a, b, *
Institute of Advanced Manufacturing and Intelligent Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
Beijing Key Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China


Keywords: The self-loosening of high strength bolt caused by vibration has been widely studied. However,
High strength bolts the short-term self-loosening behavior of the high strength bolt when it is not subject to an
Finite element analysis external load has not received attention. This behavior will also lead the bolt preload to attenuate.
Since the theoretical analysis of self-loosening behavior is difficult, this paper uses the finite
Elastic–plastic deformation
element method to construct an accurate three-dimensions model with thread lift angle for nu­
merical analysis. A new method is proposed to analyze the self-loosening behavior. The self-
loosening behavior caused by the elasticity and plasticity of the bolted joint at different defor­
mation periods is compared and analyzed. Besides, the evolution of the self-loosening behavior
under different conditions is explored. The analysis results show that the torsional deformation of
the thread leads to the relative slip of the internal and external threads. This results in the self-
loosening of the thread in the elastic condition. In the elastic–plastic deformation condition,
the self-loosening behavior is caused by the relative slip of the internal and external threads and
plastic deformation. The weight of plastic deformation is greater. In addition, this behavior has
the characteristics of increasing with increased tightening torque and decreasing with increased
friction coefficient.

1. Introduction

It is generally believed that bolt loosening is mainly caused by rotation and slippage of internal and external threads under external
excitation such as shock, vibration and temperature changes. JA Sauer and Lemmon DC have shown that the preload of the bolted joint
may be attenuated or increased under the axial load. And they explained that the loosening was caused by the relative slippage of the
thread contact interface [1]. With the invention and promotion of the Junker loosening testing machine, the problem of bolt loosening
began to turn to shear load excitation. The loosening problem of bolted joint under transverse load was revealed, from the macro
loosening process, micro surface contact slip and other aspects. The main results showed that the bolt preload decreased significantly
under the excitation of shear load. This is because the shear external load overcomes the frictional torque of the threaded contact
surface and the bearing surface. The relative slippage of each contact surface leads to the obvious loosening behavior [2–8] . In
addition, the researchers established a theoretical model that considers material properties, friction, geometric structure and other

* Corresponding author.at: Institute of Advanced Manufacturing and Intelligent Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124,
E-mail address: chuhongyan@bjut.edu.cn (H. Chu).

Received 27 November 2020; Received in revised form 10 June 2021; Accepted 10 June 2021
Available online 13 June 2021
1350-6307/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Liu et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 127 (2021) 105541

factors. Due to the highly nonlinear and mechanical complexity of bolt loosening, this model cannot truly reveal the mechanism of bolt
loosening [9–13]. The plastic deformation of the bolted structural material was also an important factor that causes the bolt to loosing
[14]. Nassar [15–16] have shown that the external axial load excitation will cause irreversible plastic deformation of the bolt, which
was the main reason for the attenuation of the preload. According to ratcheting effect or stress redistribution, some researchers have
analyzed the influence of plastic deformation on the loosening performance of bolt joint under the influence of load direction,
amplitude and friction force [17–19].
However, after the tightening torque is applied, the initial preload is often lost rapidly without external load [20]. In the work, the
behavior of decreasing initial preload of the bolt is called the initial self- loosening behavior. It can affect the accuracy and stability of
the bolted joint. If the loss of preload is too large, the average stress of the bolted joint will be reduced, and the loosening, sliding and
uniform separation of the bolt under the action of external load will be accelerated. [21]. The initial self-loosening behavior of bolts is
believed to be caused by a variety of unpredictable factors. It mainly focuses on creep, plastic deformation, rotational slip, etc. Among
them, creep has a longer time effect. Therefore, the reasons for the short-term self-loosening behavior of bolts should mainly focus on
the bolt plastic deformation and rotation slip.
JIANG comprehensively analyzed the plastic deformation of the material and the rotational loosening of the internal and external
threads. The thread preload decline curve was proposed by him [22]. This curve only represents the decay process of the bolt under
cyclic loading. The attenuation process of actual preload should also include the attenuation process of initial preload without external
load after the tightening torque is applied.
There are many factors that lead to the decrease of initial preload, which are difficult to explain by theoretical analysis and
conventional experiment. Therefore, the finite element model of bolted joint with actual thread was established, and the numerical
analysis of bolted joint was carried out. A new method was proposed, which was the self-loosening behavior of bolts without external
load. Besides, the evolution of bolt preload in short self-loosening period was discussed, and the self-loosening behavior of bolts during
elastic deformation and plastic deformation was compared and analyzed. The main factors affecting bolt self-loosening were analyzed.
It can provide a reference for the tightening and anti-loosing of high strength bolts, and has important engineering application value.

2. Finite element model

Fig. 1 is a schematic diagram of the bolted joint. The specification of high-strength bolts is 10.9 grade M16 × 2.0. The specific
dimensions are based on the national standard GB/T 5782–2016. Among them, the nominal diameter of the bolt is D = 16 mm, A =
29.56 mm, B = 10 mm, C = 30 mm, E = 27 mm, K = 10 mm, L = 45 mm. The size of the connected parts is 60 × 60 × 15 mm.
This model was based on the meshing method proposed by Fukuoka, referring to the finite element model of some scholars [23–25].
The HYPERMESH meshing software was used to construct the finite element model of the bolted joint. This method can accurately
consider the helix angle. Besides, all meshes are divided into hexahedral units. The finite element model and local details of the bolted
joint are shown in Fig. 2.
The entity element type of the model is C3D8R, and the number of elements is 99832. The contact in the bolted joint was simulated
by the penalty function method and it was realized by using the input file in ABAQUS. A total of four pairs of contact coupling were
used in the bolted connection to simulate the contact surface. They are the thread contact interface, the contact interface between the
bolt and the connected part, the contact interface between the nut and the connected part, and the contact interface between the
connected parts.
The preload is applied by the simulation torque method, which can simulate the real pre-tightening state [26]. Equal and reverse
shear stress was applied evenly distributed on both sides of the hexagon nut and a target tightening torque was exerted on the nut, as
shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of high-strength bolts and nuts.

Z. Liu et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 127 (2021) 105541

Fig. 2. Finite element mesh of bolted joint.

Fig. 3. Boundary conditions imposed on bolted joint.

3. Self-loosening of bolt mechanism analysis

3.1 Self-loosening behavior theory and hypothesis

Under the action of the tightening torque T of the bolt, the bolted joint will generate a preload F. Friction torques will be generated
on the thread surface Tt and bearing surface Tb, which will hinder tightening. [27]. Relationship of them is as follows:

⎪ T = Tt + Tb = kdF

⎪ F d2 P

⎪ Tt = ( μ + )

⎨ 2 cosα S π
dw (3.1)

⎪ Tb = Fμw

⎪ 2

⎪ 1 d P
⎩ k = ( 2 μS + + dω μω )
2d cosα π
Where T is the total friction torque after the bolted joint is preloaded, Tt is the thread friction torque of the thread surface after the
preload is applied, Tb is the friction moment of the pressure bearing surface after the preload is applied, F is the preload, k is the
tightening factor, d2 is the pitch diameter of the thread, μS is the friction coefficient of the thread surface, α is the thread flank angle, P is
the thread pitch, μw is the friction coefficient of the bearing surface, dw is the equivalent friction radius of the bearing surface.
After the preload is applied, the friction torque Tt of the thread surface that prevents the bolt from applying the preload is
transformed into the friction torque of the thread surface that the bolt needs to overcome when the bolt is loose. The friction torque Tb
that hinders the bolt pre-tightening behavior of the bolt head support surface is transformed into the friction torque of the bolt head
support surface that the bolt needs to overcome. Then the expression of loosening torque TL is
( )
F d2 P
TL = μS − + μw dw (3.2)
2 cosα π
According to the bolt self-locking condition, the TL bolted joint will not loosen. However, in actual engineering, the clamping force
will still decrease by a certain amount when the bolted joint is not subjected to external load after the preload is applied.
Based on previous and this paper’s research on bolt loosening behavior, two hypotheses are proposed for the reasons for the
temporary self-loosening behavior:

Z. Liu et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 127 (2021) 105541

(1) The shank of bolt has torsional deformation during the tightening process. After the tightening torque is removed, due to the
recovery force of the shank of bolt torsional deformation, rotation slip occurs in the internal and external threads. This leads to a
decrease in the preload.
(2) Due to the large preload, elastic–plastic deformation of the bolted joint results in the reduction of the preload.

3.2. Validation of FEA results

This model is based on the German standard DIN931-70. The material of bolts is 35CrMo. Its Young’s modulus is 213Gpa. Poisson’s
ratio is 0.286. Density is 7.98 × 103 kg/m3. Bolt ultimate tensile strength is 985Mpa. Yield strength is 835Mpa. The connected part
material is 45# steel with a Young’s modulus of 206GPa, a Poisson’s ratio of 0.269, a density of 7.85 × 103kg/m3, and a yield strength
of 640Mpa. The friction coefficient of the contact interface of the bolted joint is 0.15. Fig. 4 is the tightening schematic diagram of
simulated torque method. The torque is determined by T = Ft SL, where Ft is the shear stress evenly distributed on one side of the nut. S
is the area on one side of the nut. L is the distance between the two sides [26].
Torque T = 220 Nm is taken as an example. The equivalent stress distribution on the bolted joint is shown in Fig. 5. Initial preload
on the cross section of bolt is extracted at different tightening torques, and torque–preload curve is obtained and compared with curves
drew through equations (3.1) and (3.2), which are presented in Fig. 6. The relationship between the analytical solution and the finite
element solution torque preload was obtained. The analytical solution yields a torque coefficient of 0.203. The simulation torque
coefficient is 0.198. And the error is only 2.46%. Therefore, the preload value obtained by the simulation of this model is consistent
with the theoretical value.
Based on the above assumptions, the deformation of the bolted joint during the tightening process is comparative analysis.
(1) Self-loosening behavior of bolted joint caused by torsional deformation and rebound of shank of bolt.
The shank of bolt will undergo slight torsional deformation during the pre-tensioning process, as shown in Fig. 7. The torsional
moment of the shank of bolt is TA [27].
TA = km kdF (3.3)
Wherekm is the ratio of TA to total torque T.
After the tightening torque is removed, the bolt and nut will slightly slip under the action of the torsional moment TA of the shank of
bolt, which causes the preload to attenuation.
The rotation angle of the outer circle of the nut along the x-axis as a characterization method was used to explore the self-loosening
behavior of the bolt due to elastic torsional deformation. According to the metric bolt tightening torque standard Q/
STB12.521.5–2000, the tightening torque range of M16 bolts made of 35CrMo is 147 ~ 309Nm. Take 220Nm, which is close to the
average tightening torque, as an example for analysis. As shown in Fig. 8, in the elastic state, the rotation angle of the nut under the
action of the tightening torque is small. Its value is about 36.08◦ . The rotation angle is about 0.09◦ . In the elastic–plastic state, the nut
has a larger rotation angle under the action of the tightening torque, and its value is about 64.87◦ , and the nut rotation angle is 0.12◦ .
From the results, it can be seen that with the same tightening torque, the bolted joint has a larger rotation angle when the elastic–­
plastic condition is set than when the nut is only elastically deformed. The value exceeds 79.79% of the angle of elastic condition. The
rotation angle of the nut in the elastic and elastic–plastic state is very small, Rotation rate does not exceed 0.25%.
The change of the bolt rotation angle is shown in Fig. 9. The bolt rotation angle in the elastic state is 0.63◦ . And the bolt rotation
angle in the elastic–plastic condition is 1.54◦ .
Synthesizing the rotation angle of the bolt and nut, it can be concluded that the relative slip angle of the bolt and nut in the elastic
state is 0.54◦ . The relative rotation rate is about 85.71%. The relative slip angle of the bolt and nut in the elastic–plastic state is 1.42◦ .
The relative rotation rate is about 92.20%. As shown in Fig. 10, the change curve of preload under elastic and elastoplastic conditions.
In the elastic state, the preload is reduced by 1003.11 N due to the self-loosening behavior. And the reduction ratio is about 1.30%.
Under the elastic–plastic condition, the preload is reduced by 2321.26 N. And the reduction ratio is about 2.87%. The contact stress
change cloud diagram is shown in Fig. 11.Comparing the change of the relative rotation angle of the elastic and elastic–plastic bolts
and nuts and the change of the preload decrease value, it can be seen that the change of the relative rotation angle of the bolts and nuts
will cause the decay of preload. But it is not the only factor.
(2) Self-loosening behavior of bolted joint caused by elastic and elastic–plastic deformation
Due to the preload F, the shank of bolt is elastically elongated (elongation is λB ). And the connected part is elastically compressed
(compression is λC ). If the bolted joint undergoes elastic and elastic–plastic deformation, as shown in Fig. 12, the total deformation of
the bolted joint is δ. Then the preload will be reduced (the reduced value is ΔF), which will lead to initial self-loosening [28].

Fig. 4. Tightening torque applied by shear stress.

Z. Liu et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 127 (2021) 105541

Fig. 5. Equivalent stress distribution at the end of tightening process as torque reaches 220 Nm.

Fig. 6. Comparison of analytical solution and simulation solution.

λB = (3.4)

λC = (3.5)

ΔF = δ (3.6)
Where KB is the fastener stiffness of the bolt, KC is the spring constant of the connected part.
The self-loosening behavior caused by the elastic and elastic–plastic deformation of the bolted joint is explored. And the
displacement of the shank of bolt node number 73,453 along the X-axis is used as a characterization method. As shown in Fig. 13, a
tightening torque of 220Nm is applied to compare the displacement changes of the shank of bolt nodes of the bolted joint under elastic
and elastic–plastic conditions.
When the tightening torque is removed, the shank of bolt node displacement in the elastic bolted joint begins to decrease in a linear
trend. According to formula (3.4). The nodal displacement should rebound to a value of 0. But the drop tends to be gentle and stops at
0.065 mm. This may be related to the ratcheting effect and stress redistribution at the thread root [18–20]. In the elastic–plastic bolted
joint, after the tightening torque is removed, the displacement of the shank of bolt node decreases firstly and then increases. The node
displacement rises to 0.177 mm at 0.60 s.
Based on the above two assumptions, the key data of the simulation results obtained are listed in Table 1. Comparing the conditions
of elastic deformation and elastic–plastic deformation, When the bolted joint is elastic condition, the primary cause of initial self-
loosening is the rotation slip of the bolt and nut. Under elastic–plastic conditions, the initial self-loosening is caused by two kinds

Z. Liu et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 127 (2021) 105541

Fig. 7. Shank of bolt torsional deformation diagram.

Fig. 8. Comparison of nut rotation angle changes under elastic and elastic–plastic conditions. (a) Elastic, (b) Elastic-plastic.

Fig. 9. Comparison of bolt rotation angle changes under elastic and elastic–plastic conditions. (a) Elastic, (b) Elastic-plastic.

Z. Liu et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 127 (2021) 105541

Fig. 10. Comparison of preload changes under elastic and elastic–plastic conditions. (a) Elastic model, (b) Elastic-plastic model.

Fig. 11. Variation of thread self-loosening stress cloud. (a) 0.4 s Contact pressure of elastic thread, (b) 0.6 s Contact pressure of elastic thread, (c)
0.4 s Contact pressure of elastic and elastic–plastic thread, (d) 0.6 s Contact pressure of elastic and elastic–plastic thread.

of factors, which are the rotation slip of the bolt and nut and the elastic-plasticity deformation of the bolted joint. It is the result of
deformation synthesis. And elastic–plastic deformation is the main factor leading to the decreasing value of the initial preload, which is
about twice the value of the decreasing value of the initial preload only considering the elastic factors.

4. Self-loosening behavior analysis of bolted joint under different conditions

Based on the above model, the influencing factors of the initial self-loosening of bolted joint are studied, which are the different
preload and friction coefficient. The following simulation conditions are consistent with Section 3 except for special instructions.

Z. Liu et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 127 (2021) 105541

Fig. 12. The relationship between the deformation of the bolted joint and the preload.

Fig. 13. Comparison curve of shank of bolt node displacement changes under elastic and elastic–plastic conditions. (a) Elastic bolt, (b) Elastic-
plastic bolt.

Table 1
Nut rotation and pre-tightening parameter changes.
Condition Elasticity Elastoplasticity

Relative rotation angle (◦ ) 0.54 1.42◦

Relative slip rate (%) 85.71 92.20
Nodal displacement (mm) 0.09 0.18
Nodal displacement reduction ratio(%) 27.78 1.67
Preload drop value (N) 1003.11 2321.26
Preload reduction ratio(%) 1.30 2.87

4.1. The effect of initial preload

Different levels of preload can be obtained by applying different tightening torques. The tightening torque is set to 140 Nm, 180
Nm, 220 Nm, 260 Nm, respectively. As shown in Figs. 14 and 15, the preload reduction value of the bolted joint in the initial self-
loosening and the relative rotation angle of the bolt and nut are related to the tightening torque. It can be seen from the results
that the decreasing value of the preload increases successively. It can be seen from the results that with the increase of fastening
moment, the decreasing value of preload decreases, and the relative rotation angle of bolts and nuts increases successively except for
260Nm. Compared with 220Nm, the relative angle of bolts and nuts reduces by 80.5% when tightening torque is 260Nm. This may be
related to the application of excessive tightening torque and elastic–plastic deformation of the bolt thread [5]. It can be seen that
within this range of 140Nm-260Nm, the relative rotation angle of bolts and nuts increases with the increase of tightening torque. This
is consistent with the trend of the decreasing value of the initial preload with the tightening torque. This can further indicate that the
relative slippage of the bolt and nut under self-loosening behavior is one of the factors that reduce the preload.
The change of bolt node displacement with tightening torque is shown in Fig. 16. When the tightening torque is removed, the shank
of bolt node displacement increases with the increase of the tightening torque. When the tightening torque is 140Nm, 220Nm, the
shank of bolt node displacement decreases firstly and then increases after 0.4 s, and finally returns to the state of the node displacement
after the tightening torque is removed. When the tightening torque is 180Nm, it also returns to the original state. However, the trend is
opposite to 140Nm and 220Nm. When the tightening torque is 260Nm, the node displacement has been increasing after 0.4 s. This is
because the tightening torque is too large, and the maximum stress of the bolted joint is 998Mpa, which exceeds the bolt’s ultimate

Z. Liu et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 127 (2021) 105541

Fig. 14. Relative change of bolt and nut angle.

Fig. 15. The change curve of the preload of initial self-loosening loss with tightening torque.

tensile strength of 985 MPa, causing serious elastic–plastic deformation. It can be further proved that under elastic–plastic conditions,
with the increase of the tightening torque, the node displacement increases, and the elastic–plastic deformation δ of the bolted joint is
greater, which is consistent with the result of the preload drop shown in Fig. 15

4.2. The effect of friction coefficient

The friction coefficient of the contact surface of the bolted joint is set to 0.125, 0.15, 0.175, 0.2, and the tightening torque is set to
220Nm. Fig. 17 shows the relationship between the friction coefficient and the relative rotation angle of bolts and nuts. The rela­
tionship between different friction coefficients and the decreasing value of the initial preload is shown in Fig. 18. It can be seen from
the results that when the friction coefficient is increased from 0.125 to 0.15, the relative rotation angle of the bolt and nut will dramatic
increase, exceeding 0.4◦ . The decreasing value of the initial preload will be greatly reduced by about 4200 N. This phenomenon is in
contradiction with the inference drawn from the previous hypothesis (1). However, as shown in Fig. 19, when the friction coefficient
increases from 0.125 to 0.15, the node displacement decreases by 0.8 mm. This can be further inferred that the decreasing value of the
initial preload during the self-loosening process is mainly due to the elastic–plastic deformation of the bolted joint. The friction co­
efficient increased from 0.15 to 0.175, the relative rotation angle of the bolt and nut decreased slightly, and the node displacement
decreased. Under the combined action of the two, the decrease of the bolt preload decreased. When the friction coefficient is 0.2, the
relative rotation angle of the bolt and nut and the node displacement are reduced by a certain amount compared with the friction
coefficients of 0.15 and 0.175. In addition, when the friction coefficient is 0.2, the node displacement rebounds greatly after the
tightening torque is removed. According to (3.6), the preload generated by the tightening torque is small because of the large friction
coefficient, which leads to a too small amount of elastic–plastic deformation δ of the bolt, and a certain amount of elastic rebound

Z. Liu et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 127 (2021) 105541

Fig. 16. Shank of bolt node displacement under different preload conditions. (a) T = 140Nm, (b) T = 180Nm, (c) T = 220Nm, (d) T = 260Nm.

Fig. 17. Relative rotation angle of bolts and nuts.

5. Conclusion

Based on the simulation results of the precise bolted joint, the method presented in this work can be used to study the initial self-
loosening of bolts. According to the analysis and the assumptions of the initial self-loosening of high strength bolts, it is found that the
initial self-loosening behavior is mainly caused by the elasticoplastic deformation of bolts. Besides, the slip of internal and external
thread caused by the elastic rotation of shank of bolt also has an influence on the self-loosening. Moreover, the self-loosening behavior

Z. Liu et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 127 (2021) 105541

Fig. 18. Preload with different friction coefficients.

Fig. 19. Displacement curve of nodes with different friction coefficients. (a) μ = 0.125, (b) μ = 0.15, (c) μ = 0.175, (d) μ = 0.20.

of bolts is sensitive to different tightening torque and friction coefficient. Increasing the tightening torque and friction coefficient can
prevent the occurrence of the initial self-loosening behavior.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.

Z. Liu et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 127 (2021) 105541


This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51975019), China Postdoctoral Science
Foundation (No. 2020TQ0021).


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