Simulation of Bolt Prestressing in Steel Shear Connections: Emistaki@
Simulation of Bolt Prestressing in Steel Shear Connections: Emistaki@
Simulation of Bolt Prestressing in Steel Shear Connections: Emistaki@
Stergios Nasikas, Dimitrios Faidon Kallias Ntroumpis, Apostolis Koukouselis and Euripidis Mistakidis
Laboratory of Structural Analysis and Design, Department of Civil Engineering
University of Thessaly, Volos, GR-38334, Greece
e-mail: ; web page: http:
Keywords: Prestressed bolts, shear connection, nonlinear analysis, unilateral contact-friction, finite element
Abstract. The use of prestressed bolts is an effective method for the connection of the highly stressed structural
components under alternating loads. The friction forces which develop as a result of the prestressing on the
interface of the connected plates contribute to the undertaking of externally applied shear forces. The process of
prestressing is a complex phenomenon with many uncertainties and not well understood aspects, addressing
capacity of the bolted joints to carry loads, the stress and strain distributions in the connected parts and the
methods used for prestressing. The main purpose of this paper is the finite element simulation of a prestressed
bolted shear connection during the prestressing process. The model consists of two plates that come into contact
when a prescribed rotation between the bolt and the nut is applied. The problem at hand is highly nonlinear as it
involves: contact and friction between the surfaces of the connected elements, geometric nonlinearirty that stems
from the large deformations of the bolt, material nonlinearity due to the elastoplastic behavior of the joints
In cases of steel structures with high demands at alternating loads, the relative displacements in joints
between the bold and the plates should be limited. In such cases prestressed bolts are used in order to ensure that
slippage between the connected parts of joint can be prevented. In general, two methods are used for the
execution of the prestressing a) the “moment method”, in which the bolt is tightened with a prescribed torque
and b) the “rotation method”, in which the bolt is tightened till a prescribed rotation between the bolt and the nut
is achieved.
In this paper a high strength M24 bolt was simulated with a 3D finite elements model. For the prestressing
process the ‘rotation’ method was chosen. The main purposes of this paper were to compare the results of a
tension and a torque test, to estimate the effect of the encircled elements such as plates and/or washers to the
results, to estimate the effect of the friction coefficient to the results and to compare the axial force and the
reaction moment with the values which the codes suggest. In addition, the results of the analysis provide
information for the stresses and strains that develop at any point of the connected bolt during the whole
The related references either provide us with information according only to experimental results [1],[2] or
introduce the bolted joint behavior without simulating the prestressing process [3].Until now, none full scale 3D
finite elements model had been created for the simulation of the actual prestressing process, taking into
consideration both the material and the geometric nonlinearity.
The simulation of the prestressing procedure was conducted using 3D Finite Element (FE) models. For the
design of the geometry of each part of the connection, the Solidworks [4] software was used. Then the geometry
was imported to MSC Patran [5] for meshing, in “parasolid” format. Finally the meshed part was imported to
MSC Marc [6] which performed the numerical analysis.
2.1 Geometry
For the understanding and interpretation of the prestressing process, three different models were created
(Figure 1):
• Model 1 - Bolt and nut. In this model the “y” displacement of the head of the bolt is restrained. This
allows focusing on the interaction between the threaded parts of the bolt and the nut.
• Model 2 - Bolt, nut and two plates.
Stergios Nasikas, Dimitrios Faidon Kallias Ntroumpis, Apostolis Koukouselis, Euripidis Mistakidis
Figure 1. Finite element models of bolt-nut assemblages a) Model 1, b) Model 2 and c) Model 3).
Each part of the models was designed following the guidelines of DIN (DIN 6914 – bolt [7], DIN 6915 - nut &
washers [8] and DIN 13.1 – thread [9]). The simulated models consists of a M24 bolt with a length of 90mm and
the corresponding M24 nut. The gripping length is 60mm and the thread above the nut is 12mm. Models also
include two plates and two nuts (see Figure 1)
The threaded part of the bolt was modified by converting the curved parts of the profile of the thread into
piecewise linear and by excluding thread run-out (Figure 2 a,b).
(a) (b)
Figure 2. a) Modified thread profile with no thread run-out b) thread profile according to DIN 13.1.
The prestressing procedure was simulated using the “controlled rotation method” by applying a 360o rotation to
the head of the bolt. The boundary conditions applied prevent the displacement of the plates on the x-z plane (see
Figure 2) and fix lateral faces of the nut.
2.2 Mesh
The meshing procedure of the model was carried out in MSC Patran, using tetrahedrical finite elements, of
type tetra10. Key aspects of the meshing procedure were the representation of bodies without distortion of their
geometry along with a number and size of elements capable of providing reliable results, but without
disproportionate increase of the analysis time. Depending on the complexity of the geometry of each part and the
required accuracy of the results, different meshing options were used. The numbers of FE and nodes for each
part of the assembly are given in Table 1.
Stergios Nasikas, Dimitrios Faidon Kallias Ntroumpis, Apostolis Koukouselis, Euripidis Mistakidis
As rotation is applied to the fastener during the prestressing procedure, the portion not resisting to friction
will cause elongation of the body of the bolt, while the portion that resists to friction will cause the bolt to twist
slightly. As a result of this tightening procedure, a combined tension-torsional stress condition is achieved in the
bolt. This fact is lowering the capacity of the bolt to carry axial loads and its effect becomes more evident as the
friction between the internal and external threads increases.
In the beginning of the loading the bolt performs elastically and the stresses increase linearly. When the stresses
exceed the yield point, plasticity starts spreading throughout the bolt, until a specific cross section has been
completely plastified. This means that deformation increases rapidly with a small increase of the applied force.
As the deformation increases, stresses at all the points of the plastified cross section tend to reach their tensile
strength. At this point the axial force of the bolt reaches its maximum value. The stress distribution is now
uniform and equal to the tensile strength of the material and the deformation increases without any force
increase. The plastic strains that develop at the bolt during the tightening procedure are presented in Figure 4.
Stergios Nasikas, Dimitrios Faidon Kallias Ntroumpis, Apostolis Koukouselis, Euripidis Mistakidis
Figure 4. Equivalent plastic strain in the treaded part of the bolt a) first plastic strain develop (49.5°), b)
spreading of plasticity (63°), c) first fully plastified cross section (67.5°), d) end of hardening (130.5°),
e) design suggested rotation (240°), f) end of analysis (360°).
Then a narrowing of the cross section occurs at the area of the thread where the break will eventually happen
(Figure 5). Since the stress distribution is uniform and the cross sectional area is decreasing, the axial force
carried by the bolt follows this decrease. This means that an increase in deformation will acquire a lower value
of force.
(a) (b)
Figure 5. Strain states: a) stresses throughout the cross section have reached the ultimate strength of the material,
b) end of analysis (360o)-necking of the cross section
Figure 6 presents the prestressing force versus rotation diagram for the Model 3 assemblage, for a friction
coefficient of μ=0.2. The bolt behaves linearly in the beginning of the process until it enters the plastic zone.
Then the force increases until the maximum value is reached. After that point the force starts decreasing due to
the necking that has occurred at the cross section of the bolt.
Stergios Nasikas, Dimitrios Faidon Kallias Ntroumpis, Apostolis Koukouselis, Euripidis Mistakidis
The stresses that develop during the prestressing process are given in Figures 7 and 8.
Figure 7. Equivalent Von Mises stress of the bolt at a) end of elastic zone (49.5°), b) first fully plastified cross
section (63°), c) first cross section reaching the tensile strength of the material (130.5°),
e) design suggested rotation (240°)
(a) (b)
Figure 8. a) Equivalent von Mises stresses at: a) the bolted joint, b) the plates
Stergios Nasikas, Dimitrios Faidon Kallias Ntroumpis, Apostolis Koukouselis, Euripidis Mistakidis
In this paper, in order to describe the behavior of the bolt during the prestressing process, the load versus
elongation relationship is used. As mentioned above a bolt in a direct tension test exhibits different behavior than
in a torqued tension one. Figure 9 presents the force versus elongation diagrams for three cases: a) the bolt in
direct tension, b) the bolt in torqued tension (Model 1) with no friction (μ=0) and c) the bolt in torqued tension
with friction coefficient μ=0.2 between all the contacting surfaces. The numerical tests were performed till an
elongation corresponding to half thread pitch was reached (1.5mm). This actually corresponds to rotation of the
bolt head by 180o.
In torqued tension tests there is a reduction in both ultimate load and elongation, compared to the values
determined from a direct tension test. As expected, the bolt in direct tension reaches the highest axial load and
elongation. The effect of friction becomes apparent, as the bolt in torqued tension approaches the behavior of the
direct tension test when no friction is applied, whereas there is a large difference in the results as the friction
coefficient increases.
As a result, the prestressing force is not affected by the behavior of the plates and the washers. It is apparent that
in Figure 11, both Model 2 and Model 3exhibit the same behavior in axial load as Model 1. This means that the
simplified Model 1, with the assumption of zero vertical displacement of the bolts head, is adequate for the
simulation of the bolts behavior.
Figure 11. Axial force - angle diagram for the three different models
Comparison of axial force results
Table 2 presents the values of axial force in the bolt. In the second column are given the maximum values
obtained from the analysis, while in the third and fourth column give the values suggested from the codes. The
𝑑𝑑3 +𝑑𝑑
calculations below assume a circular cross section, of area 𝐴𝐴𝑠𝑠 , diameter 𝑑𝑑𝑚𝑚 = and ultimate tensile
strength f ub =1000MPa.
Assuming a circular cross section of 𝑑𝑑𝑚𝑚 in tension at the ultimate load, the resultant force is F u =352.3 kN. This
value is very close to the value calculated analytically in the direct tension test (353.4 kN), which means that 𝑑𝑑𝑚𝑚
is the effective diameter.
It is obvious that there is a significant deviation between the values, which is increasing as the friction decreases.
However there is still a significant difference as a result of the material overstrength, that cannot be ignored. The
axial force during the prestressing reaches higher values than the ones proposed by the regulations [11], which
seem to be rather conservative.
In order to reach the desired prestressing force, the applied torques value has to overcome the resistance of:
• The torque that is caused during the interaction of the internal and external threads that come into contact
during the prestressing. The magnitude of this moment is independent of the friction coefficient and is
characteristic only of the geometry of the threads and of the mechanical properties of the fastener.
• The moment that results from the friction on the surfaces of the various contacting bodies. Apparently, the
calculation of this value is more complex, as it depends on the total area in contact, the contact coefficient
“μ” and the normal reaction force on these surfaces.
Stergios Nasikas, Dimitrios Faidon Kallias Ntroumpis, Apostolis Koukouselis, Euripidis Mistakidis
Two formulas are provided in [12] in order to calculate the required prestressing torque in a joint model of a bolt,
a nut and two plates (see also Figure 1). The first formula concerns a theoretically obtained prestressing torque
The second formula gives an empirical value for the prestressing torque:
𝑀𝑀𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 = 𝐾𝐾 𝑑𝑑 𝑃𝑃𝑖𝑖 (𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁) (2)
In Table 3 are given the torque values derived from the analysis and the calculated ones from the formulas.
From the data provided in Table 3, becomes apparent the effect of friction on the required prestressing torque.
For the models with no friction the formulas lead to irrational values that do not correspond to reality. The same
happens when washers are added to the model, where the additional friction surfaces lead to a 24% increase in
the required torque value. In the model with the plates, the values calculated approach better the ones of the
formulas. However there is still a gap between them, as the values proposed by the formulas lead to a higher
design torque (8% and 3.6% respectively).
The design prestressing force for a M24 bolt, encircling two plates is F p =246.62 kN. This force leads to required
torque values of 𝑀𝑀𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 = 1240.43 Nm (1) and 𝑀𝑀𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 = 1183.78 Nm (2). These values are significantly
lower than the ones calculated analytically, partly due to the higher prestressing force of the bolt, which in turn
leads to an average 15.4% increase in the required torque value.
The torque versus - rotation diagram mirrors the axial force - rotation diagram. This is something expected,
because the required torque value depends on the friction forces, which in turn depend on the normal reaction
force between the contacting bodies. As a result, the moment diagram follows the same upward trend in the
elastic zone, reaches its maximum value for the maximum prestressing force and then starts decreasing in a slow
rate, as the force is decreasing.
Stergios Nasikas, Dimitrios Faidon Kallias Ntroumpis, Apostolis Koukouselis, Euripidis Mistakidis
The analysis carried out suggests that in a prestressed bolted connection, most of the deformation occurs in
the threaded part of the bolt, between the underside of the nut and the unthreaded part of the bolt. Therefore this
threaded part determines the behavior of the bolt during the prestressing process.
Friction is another crucial factor for the prestressing process. It affects the capacity of the bolt to carry axial
loads, the maximum elongation of the bolt, the required prestressing torque and the stress distribution in the
connection. A low friction coefficient leads to high axial forces and elongations in the bolt, while the required
torque is decreasing.
The values of design prestressing force and torque provided by the codes differ slightly from the values
calculated analytically. More specifically the codes suggest for a M24 bolt with 60mm gripping length the
application of a rotation of 240° [13], which causes a design prestressing force equal to 246.6 kN. One the other
hand the value provided by the model after that rotation was 273.3 kN, while the maximum value of the
prestressing force reached 309 kN. Regarding the design prestressing torque, the codes suggest a value of about
1200 Nm, which is much lower than the values calculated in the models by 15.4%.
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Stergios Nasikas, Dimitrios Faidon Kallias Ntroumpis, Apostolis Koukouselis, Euripidis Mistakidis
[9] DIN 13-1, General purpose ISO metric screw threads, Part 1, “Nominal sizes for 1 mm to 68 mm diameter
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