SAQA - 7456 - 9010-9012-9013-11241 - Assessment Guide

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SAQA - 7456 -9010-9012-9013-11241


Candidate Name:

Physical Address: Contact Details:

Identity Number

Tel: Email:

Assessor Name:

Tel: Email:

Moderator Name:

Tel: Email

Physical Address:



I, __________________________________ ( assessor) hereby declare that the information contained in the

attached documentation is, to my knowledge, correct and valid.

Candidate signature Date

Assessor signature Date


Total Credit
Level NQF Level 3 Value 124
Target Group

The Purpose of the Assessment

Context of

Range Addressed
 The range covered, refers to all the unit standards, specific outcomes and
assessment criteria as outlined by the Qualification.

All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only
payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is
reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

National Certificate: Business Administration Services

67465 National Certificate: Business Administration Services
SGB Administration
The individual Quality Assuring Body for each The individual NQF Sub-framework for each
Learning Programme recorded against this Learning Programme recorded against this
qualification is shown in the table at the end of this qualification is shown in the table at the end of
report. the qualification report.
National Certificate Field 03 - Business, Commerce Office Administration
and Management Studies
Undefined 120 Level 3 NQF Level 03 Regular-Unit Stds
Reregistered SAQA 0695/12 2015-06-30 2018-06-30
2019-06-30 2022-06-30

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text
(purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless
specifically stated otherwise.

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other

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This qualification is for any individual who is, or wishes to be, involved in the Administration function
in any organization or business in any sector, or field as well as in non-commercial organisations such
as clubs and charitable organisations. It contains all the competencies, skills and values required by a
learner who wishes to access the National Certificate in Business Administration Services at NQF:
Level 4.

The core component contains competencies in Information Handling, Communications,

Enterprise/customer service, Technology, Organisation skills, Self-development, Teamwork and
Business policies and procedures. The elective component allows the learner to gain specialist
knowledge, skills and insight in the areas of Reception, Executive Administration, Financial Services
and Banking, Legal administration and Human Resources.

Learners working towards this qualification will find that the acquisition of competence in the unit
standards, which make up the qualification, will add value to their work performance. This
qualification is intended to enhance the provision of service within the field of Administration within all

Through building day-to-day administration skills, as well as general operational competencies, the
qualification ensures progression of learning, enabling the learner to meet standards of service
excellence required within the administration field of learning.
The qualification will provide the broad knowledge, skills and values needed in the administration field
in all sectors and will facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within, education and training
for learners who:
 Were previously disadvantaged or who were unable to complete their schooling and were
therefore denied access to Further Education and Training.
 Have worked in this field for many years, but have no formal qualifications and would like to
achieve this qualification through the process of RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) and/or formal
 Wish to extend their range of skills and knowledge of administration within their respective
industries so that they can extend their competency levels.

The qualification has building blocks that can be developed further in qualifications at a higher level.
It also focuses on the skills, knowledge, values and attitudes required to progress further. The
intention is:

 To promote the development of knowledge, skills and values that are required for service
excellence within the field of administration.
 To release the potential of people.
 To provide opportunities for people to move up the value chain.

Rationale for the qualification:

The National Certificate in Business Administration Services: NQF Level 3 is designed to meet the
needs of those learners who are already involved, or wish to become involved, in the field of
Administration. It is applicable to employed and unemployed learners. Administration is an essential
field of learning as the competences required by people doing administrative tasks are generic in
nature and apply to all businesses in all sectors and to many non-business organizations such as
sports and cultural clubs and the like. Administrative tasks and administration are done at various
levels depending upon the nature and size of the organization and its management structure. People
involved in administration are known by such terms as secretaries, administrative assistants,
administrators and clerks depending on the organization in which they are employed. There is
therefore an on-going need for highly skilled administration personnel and a need for a well
developed learning pathway to cater for administrative personnel at the various levels at which they

The National Certificate in Business Administration Services at NQF: Level 3 is the second qualification
in a learning pathway that starts with the National Certificate in Business Administration level 2 and
ends, at present, with the National Certificate in Administration Level 5. It is planned to develop
degrees in Administration at levels 6, 7 and 8 as the final steps in the learning pathway.

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The National Certificate in Business Administration Services at NQF: Level 3 supports the objectives of
the NQF in that it gives the learner access to a registered qualification. It will ensure that the quality
of education and training in the sub-field is enhanced and of a world-class standard. The qualification
will allow learners not only to develop their knowledge and skills in the field of Administration but will
also enable them to benchmark their competence against international standards.


Learners accessing this qualification are assumed to be competent in:

 Communication at NQF level 2

 Mathematical Literacy at NQF level 2

Recognition of prior learning:

The structure of this Unit Standard based Qualification makes the Recognition of Prior Learning
possible. If the learner is able to demonstrate competence in the knowledge, skills, values and
attitudes implicit in this qualification the appropriate credits should be assigned to the learner.
Recognition of Prior Learning will be done by means of Integrated Assessment as mentioned in the
previous paragraph.

This Recognition of Prior Learning may allow:

 For accelerated access to further learning at this or higher levels on the NQF
 Gaining of credits towards a unit standard
 Obtaining of this qualification in part or in whole



In keeping with SAQA requirements, the qualification is made up of unit standards that are classified
as Fundamental, Core and Elective for the purpose of this qualification. A minimum of 120 credits is
required to complete the qualification.

Fundamental Component:

All unit standards totaling 45 credits are compulsory.

Core Component:

All unit standards totaling 64 credits are compulsory.

Elective Component:

Learners are to choose unit standards totaling a minimum of 11 credits.


Exit level outcomes:

On achieving this qualification, the learner will be able to:

 Gather and report information

 Plan, monitor and control and information system
 Maintain booking systems
 Participate in meetings and process documents and communications related thereto
 Utilise technology to produce information
 Plan and conduct basic research in an office environment
 Coordinate meetings, minor events and travel arrangements
 Set personal goals
 Function in a team and overall business environment
 Demonstrate an understanding of employment relations

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Learners exiting this qualification before completion, retain the credits for Unit Standards successfully
completed and may carry them over to other qualifications to which they are applicable. Learners may
also retain the credits until a later stage should studies be recommended, provided the Unit Standards
are still relevant to the qualification


In particular assessors should check that the learner can demonstrate an ability to apply learned
competencies, skills and knowledge in an integrated way, as well as an ability to consider a range of
options and make decisions about:

 Planning, monitoring and maintaining record keeping via appropriate information systems
 Producing all relevant meeting documentation
 Ensuring that all related office equipment is maintained
 Utilising appropriate technology and related software programmes to produce, transmit and
process information
 Setting personal goals and demonstrate an ability to develop self and employment prospects
 Working effectively in a team
 Conducting basic research projects in relation to administrative function
 Demonstrating an overall understanding of the business environment

Integrated Assessment:

Because assessment practices must be open, transparent, fair, valid, and reliable and ensure that no
learner is disadvantaged in any way whatsoever, an integrated assessment approach is incorporated
into the qualification.

Learning, teaching and assessment are inextricably lined. Whenever possible, the assessment of
knowledge, skills, attitudes and values shown in the unit standards should be integrated.

Assessment of communication and mathematical literacy should be integrated as far as possible with
other aspects and should use authentic administration contexts wherever possible. A variety of
methods must be used in assessment and tools and activities must be appropriate to the context in
which the learner is working or will work. Where it is not possible to assess the learner in the
workplace or on-the-job, simulations, case studies, role-plays and other similar techniques should be
used to provide a context appropriate to the assessment.

The term `Integrated Assessment` implies that theoretical and practical components should be
assessed together and that more than one competency, assessment criterion and specific outcome
should be assessed together, where possible. During integrated assessments the assessor should
make use of formative and summative assessment methods and assess combinations of practical,
applied, foundational and reflective competencies.

Assessors should assess and give credit for the evidence of learning that has already been acquired
through formal, informal and non-formal learning and work experience.

Assessment should ensure that all specific outcomes, embedded knowledge and critical cross-field
outcomes are evaluated. The assessment of the critical cross-field outcomes should be integrated with
the assessment of specific outcomes and embedded knowledge.

International Comparability:

This qualification was compared with qualifications and standards in administration in:

 Australia
 New Zealand
 England
 Scotland

A direct comparison of the title, specific outcomes, assessment criteria, exit level outcomes and
embedded knowledge was undertaken with each. However, it was borne in mind that this qualification
was developed for the South African context, while at the same time requiring international

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It was decided that this qualification equated favourably, in terms of the components looked at and in
terms of the overall competencies in the qualification, with the administration qualifications in all the
countries mentioned. The qualification that best equates with this one is the Australian Certificate 2 in
Business (Office Administration) Code BSA 20197.

This qualification articulates with the following qualifications:

The National Certificate in Business Administration: Level 4

The National Certificate in Management: Level 3 & 4
The National Certificate in Public Administration: Level 4

It should also articulate with any other qualification at level 3 in the following fields:

 Secretarial services
 Reception services
 Switchboard operations
 Financial administration
 Banking administration
 Personal/executive secretarial services
 Data capturing

 Anyone assessing a learner or moderating the assessment of a learner against this Qualification
must be registered as an assessor with a relevant Education, Training, Quality, Assurance (ETQA)
Body or with an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant ETQA.
 Any institution offering learning that will enable the achievement of this Qualification must be
accredited as a provider with the relevant ETQA or with an ETQA that has a Memorandum of
Understanding with the relevant ETQA.
 Moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant ETQA or by an ETQA that has a
Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant ETQA, according to the ETQA`s policies and
guidelines for assessment and moderation.
 Moderation must include both internal and external moderation of assessments at exit points of
the qualification, unless ETQA policies specify otherwise. Moderation should also encompass
achievement of the competence described both in individual unit standards as well as in the exit level
outcomes described in the qualification.


For an applicant to register as an assessor for this qualification, the applicant should:

 hold a similar qualification to this at NQF level 4 or above

 be declared competent in all the outcomes of the National Assessor Unit Standards as stipulated
by South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)

As per the SAQA decision, after consultation with the Quality Councils, to re-register all qualifications
and part qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework that meet the criteria for re-
registration, this qualification has been re-registered from 1 July 2012.
Level, credits and learning components assigned to the qualification:

The certificate is made up of a planned combination of learning outcomes that have a defined
purpose and will provide qualifying learners with applied competence and a basis for further training.
It is a building block for the National Certificate in Administration: NQF Level 4.

Demonstrate ability to use the World Wide NQF
Core 7573 Level 2 3
Web Level 02

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Core 8420 Operate in a team Level 2 4
Level 02
Co-ordinate meetings, minor events and NQF
Core 13929 Level 3 3
travel arrangements Level 03
Demonstrate understanding of employment NQF
Core 10170 Level 3 3
relations in an organisation Level 03
Core 7785 Function in a business environment Level 3 4
Level 03
Core 7860 Introduce new staff to the workplace Level 3 1
Level 03
Core 7706 Maintain a Booking System Level 3 3
Level 03
Core 7796 Maintain a secure working environment Level 3 1
Level 03
Core 13937 Monitor and control office supplies Level 3 2
Level 03
Monitor and control the maintenance of office NQF
Core 13931 Level 3 4
equipment Level 03
Plan and conduct basic research in an office NQF
Core 13935 Level 3 6
environment Level 03
Core 13934 Plan and prepare meeting communications Level 3 4
Level 03
Plan, monitor and control an information NQF
Core 13933 Level 3 3
system in a business environment Level 03
Core 7567 Produce and use spreadsheets for business Level 3 5
Level 03
Produce word processing documents for NQF
Core 7570 Level 3 5
business Level 03
Use communication skills to handle and NQF
Core 9533 Level 3 3
resolve conflict in the workplace Level 03
Demonstrate an understanding of a selected NQF
Core 14357 Level 4 10
business environment Level 04
Accommodate audience and context needs in NQF
Fundamental 8968 Level 3 5
oral communication Level 03
Communicate verbally and non-verbally in the NQF
Fundamental 9960 Level 3 8
workplace Level 03
Demonstrate an understanding of the use of
different number bases and measurement NQF
Fundamental 9010 Level 3 2
units and an awareness of error in the context Level 03
of relevant calculations
Describe, apply, analyse and calculate shape
Fundamental 9013 and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional space in Level 3 4
Level 03
different contexts
Fundamental 8969 Interpret and use information from texts Level 3 5
Level 03
Investigate life and work related problems NQF
Fundamental 9012 Level 3 5
using data and probabilities Level 03
Fundamental 11241 Perform Basic Business Calculations Level 3 6
Level 03
Use mathematics to investigate and monitor
Fundamental 7456 the financial aspects of personal, business Level 3 5
Level 03
and national issues
Write texts for a range of communicative NQF
Fundamental 8970 Level 3 5
contexts Level 03
Elective 8000 Apply basic business principles Level 3 9
Level 03

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Apply knowledge of basic accounting NQF
Elective 117111 Level 3 4
principles to financial services Level 03
Attend to customer enquiries face-to-face and NQF
Elective 7177 Level 3 4
on the telephone in a banking environment Level 03
Elective 7911 Manage the float Level 3 4
Level 03
Elective 13928 Monitor and control reception area Level 3 4
Level 03
Monitor and control the receiving and NQF
Elective 13930 Level 3 4
satisfaction of visitors Level 03
Outline the legal environment of a selected NQF
Elective 13936 Level 3 2
industry Level 03
Prepare and process documents for financial NQF
Elective 13932 Level 3 5
and banking processes Level 03
Process cheque, credit card and bank NQF
Elective 7798 Level 3 14
transactions Level 03
Process incoming and outgoing telephone NQF
Elective 7790 Level 3 3
calls Level 03
Elective 10025 Handle a range of customer complaints Level 4 4
Level 04
Elective 117156 Interpret basic financial statements Level 4 4
Level 04
Elective 242810 Manage Expenditure against a budget Level 4 6
Level 04
Perform financial planning and control NQF
Elective 114738 Level 4 6
functions for a small business Level 04


Learning Learning Quality
2009 Min NQF Sub-
LP ID Programme Provider NQF Level Prog End Assuring
NQF Credits Framework
Title Date Body
67515 Business Damelin NQF Level 03 120 SERVICES OQSF
Certificate: Generic
23655 Business Provider - NQF Level 03 120 SERVICES OQSF
Administration Field 03

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Assessment Approach
Assessment is focused on the applied competence of the learner and the relevant
unit standards determine the assessment criteria.

Summative Assessment
This is a summative assessment and assesses candidates for Learners are rated
“Competent" or "Not Yet Competent”.

Assessment Instruments

Types of
Assessment Method

Knowledge Questionnaire:

Knowledge will be assessed by a knowledge questionnaire.

Product Sampling:

Direct All your documented evidence on completion of the

assessment process will be evaluated.

Assessment Conditions

The collection of evidence for the purposes of this assessment will take place in
either the candidate’s home-based environment or in the classroom. The candidate
will be expected to manage basic personal finance as stipulated by the Unit
Standards specific outcomes, range statements and assessment criteria.

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Assessment Team

The assessment team consists of the following:

Evidence Collection Facilitator

Assessor, All portfolios will be assessed.
Moderation (30% of all portfolios are moderated)

Special Assessment Needs

Special needs are dealt with in the Assessment Preparation Interview. Should the
candidate present any special needs requests, the assessment will be adjusted,
provided that the fairness, validity and reliability of the assessment are not

In addition the knowledge test may be administered as an oral interview or as a

written test depending on the confidence and language levels of the candidates.

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The Steps: How:

1. Review this assessment guide to:

 Ensure that you understand all the requirements of the assessment in

terms of evidence required to prove competence.
 Validate the assessment instruments against the candidate’s context.
 Ensure that you have familiarised yourself with all the policies and
procedures referred to in the assessment guide.
Prepare for the
2. Identify and prepare the candidate for the assessment by:

 Conducting the “Assessment Preparation Interview, Sheet” where all the

details regarding the assessment are discussed and agreed to by all parties.
 Provide the candidate with a letter detailing all the specifications covered
in the “Assessment Preparation Interview Sheet.”
1. Review the assessment plan with the candidate.

2. Collect the evidence in accordance with the instrument requirements.

Please note that the checklist covers the following:

Assessment Knowledge Questioning
This assessment covers all the foundational competence as outlined by the
specific outcomes, range statements and assessment criteria in the unit
standard and may be conducted as a written or oral test.

Gather, record and make judgments on all the evidence.

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The Steps: How:

1. Make assessment decision and discuss the results with the learner in a
face-to-face interview.

2. Ensure that your feedback is developmental and supportive in nature.

3. Advise the candidate on what action to follow in the event of a “Not-


4. Advise the candidate on what action to take where he/she feels the need
to appeal your decision.

Make assessment
5. Allow the candidate time to provide you with feedback relevant to the

6. Ensure the candidate counter-signs the “Assessment Decision” to

indicate his/her agreement to the feedback and overall score.

7. Record the candidate’s feedback in this guide and ensure that it is

provided to the person responsible for the quality assurance of
assessment tools.

8. Handle any disputes and identify matter that requires contingency


Review the
Complete the “Assessment Review” documents and submit to the assessment

Assessor Signature Date


Dear :

(Candidate Name & Surname)

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This serves as a confirmation that your “Assessment Preparation Interview” will be conducted on
the _________________ (date) at _____________________ (venue).

We will discuss:

 The purpose of the assessment.

 The date, time and venue of your assessment.
 The context of the NQF.
 And select the Unit Standard against which you will be assessed.
 The credit value, level, of the unit standard against which you will be assessed.
 The assessment procedure.
 The assessment methods to be used in your assessment.
 How the evidence will be collected.
 What evidence you are required to present on the day, whether direct, historical or indirect.
 Your special requirements, whether medical or personal, that will affect the assessment
 And agree to feedback procedures.
 The moderation process.
 Appeals procedure.
 Agree to and sign the assessment plan.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any further queries.

Thank you

Assessor Signature Date

Candidate Signature Date

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This assessment is a formative assessment and it is
based on the outlined unit standard/s for the
Your assessment evidence for the BUSSINESS
MATHEMATICS module needs to be submitted
on .......(day) of...............(month)...........(year) at the
You will be assessed based on the outlined Unit
Standards. The assessment activities are linked to
specific outcomes/assessment criteria of the outlined
Unit Standards.
To determine your competence level, the following are
the methods to be used for this assessment:
1. Knowledge questionnaire
2. Product Sampling
To be declared competent on the BUSSINESS
MATHEMATICS module (formative assessment),
you should have obtained at least 80% of the total mark
of this assessment.
You will be provided with detailed feedback on your
performance of this assessment as follows:
1. Written Feedback
2. Verbal Feedback
Should you be declared “not yet competent” on this
assessment, you will be entitled for re-assessment
You will be required to re-submit evidence (only for
areas) you were declared not yet competent. A date for
re-submission will be agreed with the assessor.
You will be entitled to lodge an appeal should you not
be satisfied with the assessment decision of your

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You will be required to provide the assessor feedback
on assessment procedure – this is to assist in improving
the assessment practices.
Your results of assessment and portfolio of evidence
information will not be provided to any person without
your written consent.

Learner’s Declaration

declare that I am ready for the assessment, that we have reviewed the assessment preparation and
plan, I understand the assessment process and I am happy that the assessment will be conducted in a
fair manner.
Learner Signature: Date: Assessor Date:

 16 | P a g e



Candidate Assessor

Venue Date


Evidence evaluation Relevant Valid Authentic Consistent Current Sufficient

Knowledge questionnaire




Additional Feedback From Assessor

 17

The candidate has submitted evidence that is valid, relevant, current, sufficient and authentic
against the listed specific outcomes and covered all range statements. (Yes/No)

The candidate is competent in all the assessment criteria listed. (Yes/No)

The candidate is not yet competent in the The following items needed some corrective action or
following criteria: improvement:


The candidate has submitted additional evidence that was required. The evidence is valid, relevant,
sufficient and authentic against the listed specific outcomes and covered all range statements.

The candidate is competent in all the assessment criteria listed. (Yes/No)


The candidate has submitted additional evidence that was required. The evidence is valid, relevant,
sufficient and authentic against the listed specific outcomes and covered all range statements.

The candidate is competent in all the assessment criteria listed. (Yes/No)

 18 | P a g e

Assessor’s name, surname and signature Date

Declaration by candidate

I, …………………………………………………………………….declare that I am satisfied that the

feedback given to me by the Assessor was relevant, sufficient and done in a constructive manner. I accept
the assessment decisions and have no further questions relating to this particular assessment process.

Candidate Date Assessor Date Moderator Date

 19 | P a g e

Candidate Application Date
Assessor Assessment Date
Assessment Venue

Qualification against
which you were
NQF Level 3 Credits

What was the purpose of the


Explain how you were assessed?

List the reasons why you disagree

with the assessment decisions.

Another Assessor

Different Assessment Instrument

Which one of the following options

Different Assessment Method
could resolve the matter?

Different Venue for Assessment

Different Time
List any special needs you may have.

Candidate signature Date

Moderator signature Date


The following will apply with reference to the (Insert company name) re-assessment policy:

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1. When a candidate has to undergo re-assessment, he/she will be given specific feedback and
guidance so as to concentrate on areas of weakness.
2. The onus is on the candidate to communicate with the assessor to inform him/her when he/she
is ready for assessment
3. The re-assessment will take place in the same/similar situation or context and under the same
4. The same assessment methods and/or instruments may be used, but the task and materials will
be different but at the same level and complexity as the previous task
5. Re-assessment can take place a maximum of 2 times per candidate, per unit standard. Any
further reassessment must be discussed with the clients so as to arrive at the best solution and
advice for the learner.
6. A maximum of 3 months will be allowed in between each re-assessment, unless otherwise
discussed between the parties
7. Guidance will be given to those candidates who are unsuccessful after 3 attempts, and possible
and more suitable learning avenues will be offered to learners. Costs will be discussed with
the CETA and client and any costs incurred will be at a learners’ cost.

 21 | P a g e

Candidate Assessor
Venue Review date


The principles/criteria for good assessment Agree Agree

were achieved. Disagree Disagree
The assessment related to the registered unit Agree Agree
standard. Disagree Disagree
Agree Agree
The assessment was practicable.
Disagree Disagree
It was time efficient and cost-effective and
Agree Agree
did not interfere with my normal
Disagree Disagree
The assessment instruments were fair, clear Agree Agree
and understandable. Disagree Disagree
The assessment judgements were made Agree Agree
against set requirements. Disagree Disagree
Agree Agree
The venue and equipment were functional.
Disagree Disagree
Special needs were identified and assessment Agree Agree
plan was adjusted. Disagree Disagree
Feedback was constructive against the Agree Agree
evidence required. Disagree Disagree
Agree Agree
An opportunity to appeals was given.
Disagree Disagree
Agree Agree
The evidence was recorded.
Disagree Disagree


I am aware of the moderation process and understand that the moderator could declare the assessment decision invalid

Candidate Date Assessor Date Moderator Date

 22 | P a g e

Unit Standard Alignment Matrix

Assessment Matrix: US ID: 7456

Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial NQF

Unit standard ID: 7456 Credits: 5
aspects of personal, business and national issues Level: 3
Unit standard range

Summative Specific
Specific outcomes and Delivery Media Aids, Formative Formative Date &
Assessment Outcome
assessment criteria Methods Resources Assessment activities signature
Strategy Reference
P = Project Q = Questioning B = Brainstorming R = Role-play CS =
Formative Assessment Strategy Legend
Case Study W = Workplace Activity S = Self Assessment Checklist
O = Observation Q = Questioning PS = Product Sampling R = Role-play
Summative Assessment Strategy Legend
CS = Case Study T = Testimonial P = Project
Specific Outcome 1 Use mathematics to plan and control personal, regional and/or national budgets and income and expend

Outcome Range
AC1.1 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 1 -3 Task 1 -2 Learner Guide:
Bank accounts, provincial and Classroom Classroom Identifying p.8-29
key elements of national discussion. equipment
budgets and tax. Written question Workbook:
displaying data p.9 - 12

AC 1.2 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 1 -3 Task 1 -2 Learner Guide:

Use mathematics to plan and Classroom Classroom Identifying p.8-29
control personal, regional discussion. equipment
and/or national budgets and Written question Workbook:
income and expenditure. displaying data p.9 - 12

P = Project Q = Questioning B = Brainstorming R = Role-play CS =

Formative Assessment Strategy Legend
Case Study W = Workplace Activity S = Self Assessment Checklist
Summative Assessment Strategy Legend O = Observation Q = Questioning PS = Product Sampling R = Role-play

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CS = Case Study T = Testimonial P = Project
Specific Outcome 2 Use simple and compound interest to make sense of and define a variety of situations.

Outcome Range Effective and nominal rates, commission, appreciation and depreciation.

AC2.1 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 4- 5 Task 3 -4 Learner Guide:

Use simple and compound Classroom Classroom Identifying p.30 - 38
interest to make sense of and discussion. equipment
define a variety of situations. Written question Workbook:
displaying data P13 – 14

P = Project Q = Questioning B = Brainstorming R = Role-play CS =

Formative Assessment Strategy Legend
Case Study W = Workplace Activity S = Self Assessment Checklist
O = Observation Q = Questioning PS = Product Sampling R = Role-play
Summative Assessment Strategy Legend
CS = Case Study T = Testimonial P = Project
Specific Outcome 3 Use mathematics to debate aspects of the national economy.

Outcome Range Tax, productivity and the equitable distribution of resources.

AC 3.1 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 6-7 Task 5 -6 Learner Guide:

Use mathematics to debate Classroom Classroom Identifying p.39 - 55
aspects of the national discussion. equipment
economy. Written question Workbook:
displaying data p.15 - 17

24 | P a g e
Critical cross-field outcomes Description Formative activities Comments

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Identify and solve problems: using text to Activity 1- 7 Task 1 -6
IDENTIFYING decode and make meaning individually
and in groups in oral, reading, signing
and/or written activities.

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Work effectively with others and in Activity 1 -7 Task 1-6
WORKING teams: using interactive speech/sign in
activities, discussion and research

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Organise and manage oneself and one's Activity 1-7 Task 1-6
ORGANISING activities responsibly and effectively
through using language.

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Collect, analyse, organise and critically Activity 1- 7 Task 1-6
COLLECTING evaluate information fundamental to the
process of growing language capability
across language applications and fields of

25 | P a g e
UNIT STANDARD CCFO Communicate effectively using visual, Activity 1- 7 Task 1- 6
COMMUNICATING mathematical and/or language skills in
formal or non-formal communication.

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Use science and technology effectively Activity 1- 7 Task 1 -6
SCIENCE and critically: using technology to access
and present texts.

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Understand the world as a set of inter- Activity 1-7 Task 1 - 6
DEMONSTRATING related parts of a system through using
language to explore and express links,
and exploring a global range of contexts
and texts.

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Contribute to the full development of Activity 1- 7 Task 1 -6

CONTRIBUTING oneself by engaging with texts that
stimulate awareness and development of
life skills and the learning process.

26 | P a g e
Unit Standard Alignment

Assessment Matrix: US ID: 9010

Demonstrate an understanding of the use of different number

Unit standard bases and measurement units and an awareness of error in ID: 9010 Credits: 2
Level: 3
the context of relevant calculations
Unit standard range This unit standard covers:
Approximation in relation to the use of computing technologies, the distinction between exact and approximate answers in a variety of
problem settings. More detailed range statements are provided for specific outcomes and assessment criteria as needed.

Summative Specific
Specific outcomes and Delivery Media Aids, Formative Formative Date &
Assessment Outcome
assessment criteria Methods Resources Assessment activities signature
Strategy Reference
P = Project Q = Questioning B = Brainstorming R = Role-play CS =
Formative Assessment Strategy Legend
Case Study W = Workplace Activity S = Self Assessment Checklist
O = Observation Q = Questioning PS = Product Sampling R = Role-play
Summative Assessment Strategy Legend
CS = Case Study T = Testimonial P = Project
Specific Outcome 1 Convert numbers between the decimal number system and the binary number system.

This outcome includes the need to:

Outcome Range Perform addition and subtraction of positive whole numbers in binary up to 100002 (16 in decimal).
Demonstrate understanding of the mathematical relationships and principles involved in the computations.
AC1.1 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 1-5 , Tasks 1 -4 Learner Guide:
Conversion between binary Classroom Classroom Identifying p.53-69
and decimal numbers is done discussion. equipment
correctly. Written question Workbook:
displaying data p.23-32

27 | P a g e
AC 1.2 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 1-5 , Tasks 1 -4 Learner Guide:
Basic addition and subtraction Classroom Classroom Identifying p.53-69
calculations in the binary discussion. equipment
number system are done Written question Workbook:
correctly. displaying data p.23-32

AC 1.3 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 1-5 , Tasks 1 -4 Learner Guide:

Practical applications of the Classroom Classroom Identifying p.53-69
decimal and binary system are discussion. equipment
explained correctly. Written question Workbook:
displaying data p.23-32

P = Project Q = Questioning B = Brainstorming R = Role-play CS =

Formative Assessment Strategy Legend
Case Study W = Workplace Activity S = Self Assessment Checklist
O = Observation Q = Questioning PS = Product Sampling R = Role-play
Summative Assessment Strategy Legend
CS = Case Study T = Testimonial P = Project
Specific Outcome 2 Work with numbers in different ways to express size and magnitude.
This outcome includes the need to:
Outcome Range
Use scientific notation for small and large numbers.
AC2.1 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 6 – 9 ,5 -8 Learner Guide:
The prefixes indicating Classroom Classroom Identifying p.70-76
magnitude in measurements discussion. equipment
are correctly related to the Written question Workbook:
decimal system. displaying data p.23-32

AC2.2 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 6 – 9 ,5 -8 Learner Guide:

Conversions between related Classroom Classroom Identifying p.70-76
units in different measurement discussion. equipment
systems are correctly applied Written question Workbook:
in real-life contexts. displaying data p.23-32

P = Project Q = Questioning B = Brainstorming R = Role-play CS =

Formative Assessment Strategy Legend
Case Study W = Workplace Activity S = Self Assessment Checklist
O = Observation Q = Questioning PS = Product Sampling R = Role-play
Summative Assessment Strategy Legend
CS = Case Study T = Testimonial P = Project

28 | P a g e
Specific Outcome 3 Demonstrate the effect of error in calculations.

This outcome includes the need to:

Work with rational and irrational numbers.
Outcome Range
Explore repeating decimals and convert them to common fraction form
Use scientific notation for small and large numbers.
AC 3.1 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 10 -12 Task 9 - 12 Learner Guide:
Symbols for irrational numbers Classroom Classroom Identifying p.77-89
such as 7c and 42 are left in discussion. equipment
formulae or steps to Written question Workbook:
calculations except where displaying data p.23-32
approximations are required. graphically

AC 3.2 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 10 -12 Task 9 - 12 Learner Guide:

Descriptions are provided of Classroom Classroom Identifying p.77-89
the effect of rounding discussion. equipment
prematurely in calculations. Written question Workbook:
displaying data p.23-32

AC 3.3 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 10 -12 Task 9 - 12 Learner Guide:

The desired degree of accuracy Classroom Classroom Identifying p.77-89
is determined in relation to the discussion. equipment
practical context. Written question Workbook:
displaying data p.23-32

AC 3.4 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 10 -12 Task 9 - 12 Learner Guide:

The final value of a calculation Classroom Classroom Identifying p.77-89
is expressed in terms of the discussion. equipment
required unit. Written question Workbook:
displaying data p.23-32

Critical cross-field outcomes Description Formative activities Summative assessment Comments

29 | P a g e
UNIT STANDARD CCFO Identify and solve problems: using context Activity 1-12 Task 1 -12
IDENTIFYING to decode and make meaning individually
and in groups in oral, reading, signed and
written activities

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Work effectively with others and in teams: Activity 1-12 Task 1 -12
WORKING using interactive speech/signing in activities,
discussion and research projects.

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Organise and manage oneself and one's Activity 1-12 Task 1 -12
ORGANISING activities responsibly and effectively
through using language.

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Collect, analyse, organise and critically Activity 1-12 Task 1 -12
COLLECTING evaluate information: fundamental to the
process of growing language capability
across language applications and fields of

30 | P a g e
UNIT STANDARD CCFO Communicate effectively using visual, Activity 1-12 Task 1 -12
COMMUNICATING mathematical and/or language skills: in
formal and informal communications.

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Use science and technology effectively and Activity 1-12 Task 1 -12
SCIENCE critically: using technology to access and
present texts and exploring the ethics of
science and technology through studying
texts from and about these

31 | P a g e
Unit Standard Alignment

Assessment Matrix: US ID: 9012

Investigate life and work related problems using data and probabilities NQF
Unit standard ID: 9012 Credits: 5
Level: 3
Unit standard range This unit standard includes the requirement to:
Identify issues suited to resolution by statistical methods
Select a suitable sample
Collect and generate data through the use of questionnaires and suitable experiments
Calculate statistics and probability values through the use of calculators
Represent data in the form of tables, charts and graphs
Use statistics and representations of data to argue a resolution of an issue
Interpret statistics, the use of probabilities, and representations of data
Determine probability values
Work with probability in practical situations
Use available technology (i.e. whatever is available for working
with data e. g. pencil and ruler, including spreadsheets, graphical calculators) to fit appropriate curves (e.g., linear, quadratic) to data
More detailed range statements are provided for specific outcomes and assessment criteria as needed.

Summative Specific
Specific outcomes and Delivery Media Aids, Formative Formative Date &
Assessment Outcome
assessment criteria Methods Resources Assessment activities signature
Strategy Reference
P = Project Q = Questioning B = Brainstorming R = Role-play CS =
Formative Assessment Strategy Legend
Case Study W = Workplace Activity S = Self Assessment Checklist

32 | P a g e
O = Observation Q = Questioning PS = Product Sampling R = Role-play
Summative Assessment Strategy Legend
CS = Case Study T = Testimonial P = Project
Specific Outcome 1 Pose questions, collect and organise data.
Techniques include:
The selection of a sample from a population with due sensitivity to issues relating to bias.
The formulation and use of questionnaires and interviews to obtain data for specific purposes related to surveys and censuses.
Use of databases to obtain information (e. g., StatsSA for national census data) and data suited to the resolution of particular issues.
Outcome Range
Work with deferent types of measuring instruments and scales such as yes/no (dichotomous) 5 point (Likert), discrete, and continuous
variables (e g., temperature).
Evaluation of data gathering techniques and of data collected so that faults and inconsistencies are identified. (e.g., in cases where a person
may be counted more than once such as when collecting ST13 data).
AC1.1 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 1 -2 Task 1-2 Learner Guide:
Situations or issues that can be Classroom Classroom Identifying p.91-110
dealt with through statistical discussion. equipment
methods are identified Written question Workbook:
correctly. displaying data p.35-54

AC 1.2 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 1 -2 Task 1-2 Learner Guide:

Variables contributing to a Classroom Classroom Identifying p.91-110
problem situation are identified discussion. equipment
and addressed in data Written question Workbook:
gathering, e.g. crime is related displaying data p.35-54
to time of day and location. graphically

AC 1.3 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 1 -2 Task 1-2 Learner Guide:

Appropriate and efficient Classroom Classroom Identifying p.91-110
methods are used to collect discussion. equipment
record and organise data. Written question Workbook:
displaying data p.35-54

AC 1.4 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 1 -2 Task 1-2 Learner Guide:

Data samples are of adequate Classroom Classroom Identifying p.91-110
size and are representative of discussion. equipment
the population. Written question Workbook:
displaying data p.35-54

Formative Assessment Strategy Legend P = Project Q = Questioning B = Brainstorming R = Role-play CS =

33 | P a g e
Case Study W = Workplace Activity S = Self Assessment Checklist
O = Observation Q = Questioning PS = Product Sampling R = Role-play
Summative Assessment Strategy Legend
CS = Case Study T = Testimonial P = Project
Specific Outcome 2 Represent, analyse and interpret data using various techniques.
Calculation of measures of centre and spread such as mean, median, mode, range and inter-quartile range.
Use of scatter plots and intuitively placed lines of best fit to represent the association between two variables. (Regression analysis not
Fit curves (e g., linear and quadratic cases) to predict trends.
Outcome Range Use of a variety of representations applicable to the issue being investigated.
Specific purposes include:
Determining trends societal issues such as crime and health;
Identifying relevant characteristics of target groups such as age, range, gender, socio-economic group, cultural belief and performance;
Considering the attitudes or opinions of people on issues.
AC2.1 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 3 -5 Task 3 - 4 Learner Guide:
Graphical representations and Classroom Classroom Identifying p.91-110
numerical summaries are discussion. equipment
consistent with the data, are Written question Workbook:
clear and appropriate to the displaying data p.35-54
situation and target audience. graphically

AC2.2 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 3 -5 Task 3 - 4 Learner Guide:

Different representations of Classroom Classroom Identifying p.91-110
aspects of the data are discussion. equipment
compared to take a position on Written question Workbook:
the issue. displaying data p.35-54

AC2.3 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 3 -5 Task 3 - 4 Learner Guide:

Calculations and the use of Classroom Classroom Identifying p.91-110
statistics are correct and discussion. equipment
appropriate to the problem. Written question Workbook:
displaying data p.35-54

34 | P a g e
AC2.4 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 3 -5 Task 3 - 4 Learner Guide:
Interpretations of statistics are Classroom Classroom Identifying p.91-110
justified and applied to answer discussion. equipment
questions about the problem. Written question Workbook:
displaying data p.35-54

AC2.5 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 3 -5 Task 3 - 4 Learner Guide:

New questions that arise from Classroom Classroom Identifying p.91-110
the modelling of the data are discussion. equipment
discussed. Written question Workbook:
displaying data p.35-54

P = Project Q = Questioning B = Brainstorming R = Role-play CS =

Formative Assessment Strategy Legend
Case Study W = Workplace Activity S = Self Assessment Checklist
O = Observation Q = Questioning PS = Product Sampling R = Role-play
Summative Assessment Strategy Legend
CS = Case Study T = Testimonial P = Project
Specific Outcome 3 Use random events to explore and apply, probability concepts in simple life.
Distinguish outcomes, which are equally likely (e.g. spinning a coin, rolling a die) from those that are not
(e.g. dropping a drawing pin, spinning a biased coin).
Distinguish between a trial (e.g. a turn at rolling a die), outcome (getting a 6 when the die is rolled) and event (getting any even number when rolling a die -a
collection of outcomes).
Interpret probability values expressed as fractions between 0 and 1 or as percentages.
Use the term "odds on" in relation to a probability value (e.g. the odds on getting a 4 when rolling a die are 1 to 5 while the probability of getting a 4 is one
Outcome Range
Distinguish between theoretical (e. g., for a fair coin on the basis of equal likelihood) and experimental probabilities (e.g. for getting a pin to land with its point
up or its point down when dropped on the basis of relative frequency after a large number of trials).
Use tree diagrams in representing and working with events.
Use basic counting techniques to determine the number of ways an event can occur. (The formal use of permutations and combinations not expected.)
Distinguish between situations in which probabilities need to be multiplied from those in which probabilities need to be added (e. g., drawing the ace of hearts
and the ace of spades as opposed to drawing one or the other).
Make and test predictions about probability in the context of games, real-life situations and the workplace.

35 | P a g e
AC 3.1 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 6- 7 Task 5 -7 Learner Guide:
Data are gathered, organised, p.91-110
Classroom Classroom Identifying
sorted and classified in a
suitable manner for further discussion. equipment Workbook:
processing and analysis. Written question p.35-54
displaying data

AC 3.2 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 6- 7 Task 5 -7 Learner Guide:

Experiments and simulations p.91-110
Classroom Classroom Identifying
are chosen appropriately in
terms of the situation to be discussion. equipment Workbook:
investigated. Written question p.35-54
displaying data

AC 3.3 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 6- 7 Task 5 -7 Learner Guide:

Probabilities are determined p.91-110
Classroom Classroom Identifying
discussion. equipment Workbook:
Written question p.35-54
displaying data

AC 3.4 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 6- 7 Task 5 -7 Learner Guide:

Distinctions are correctly made p.91-110
Classroom Classroom Identifying
between theoretical and
experimental probabilities. discussion. equipment Workbook:
Written question p.35-54
displaying data

AC 3.5 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 6- 7 Task 5 -7 Learner Guide:

Predictions are based on p.91-110
Classroom Classroom Identifying
validated experimental or
theoretical probabilities. discussion. equipment Workbook:
Written question p.35-54

36 | P a g e
displaying data

AC 3.6 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 6- 7 Task 5 -7 Learner Guide:

The outcomes of experiments p.91-110
Classroom Classroom Identifying
and simulations are
communicated clearly. discussion. equipment Workbook:
Written question p.35-54
displaying data

37 | P a g e
Critical cross-field outcomes Description Formative activities Summative assessment Comments

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Identify and solve problems: using context Activity 1 - 7 Task 1 -7
IDENTIFYING to decode and make meaning individually
and in groups in oral, reading, signed and
written activities

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Work effectively with others and in teams: Activity 1 - 7 Task 1 -7
WORKING using interactive speech/signing in activities,
discussion and research projects.

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Organise and manage oneself and one's Activity 1 - 7 Task 1 -7
ORGANISING activities responsibly and effectively
through using language.

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Collect, analyse, organise and critically Activity 1 - 7 Task 1 -7
COLLECTING evaluate information: fundamental to the
process of growing language capability
across language applications and fields of

38 | P a g e
UNIT STANDARD CCFO Communicate effectively using visual, Activity 1 - 7 Task 1 -7
COMMUNICATING mathematical and/or language skills: in
formal and informal communications.

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Use science and technology effectively and Activity 1 - 7 Task 1 -7
SCIENCE critically: using technology to access and
present texts and exploring the ethics of
science and technology through studying
texts from and about these

39 | P a g e
Unit Standard Alignment

Assessment Matrix: US ID: 9013

Investigate life and work related problems using data and NQF
Unit standard ID: 9013 Credits: 4
probabilities Level: 3
Unit standard range The scope of this unit standard includes length, surface area, volume, mass, speed ; ratio and proportion; making and justifying
Contexts relevant to the adult, the workplace and the local community.
More detailed range statements are provided for specific outcomes and assessment criteria as needed.

Summative Specific
Specific outcomes and Delivery Media Aids, Formative Formative Date &
Assessment Outcome
assessment criteria Methods Resources Assessment activities signature
Strategy Reference
P = Project Q = Questioning B = Brainstorming R = Role-play CS =
Formative Assessment Strategy Legend
Case Study W = Workplace Activity S = Self Assessment Checklist
O = Observation Q = Questioning PS = Product Sampling R = Role-play
Summative Assessment Strategy Legend
CS = Case Study T = Testimonial P = Project
Specific Outcome 1 Measure, estimate, and calculate physical quantities in practical situations.

Outcome Range  Basic instruments to include those readily available such as rulers, measuring tapes, measuring cylinders or jugs, thermometers, spring or kitchen
balances, watches and clocks.

 In situations which necessitate it such as in the workplace, the use of more accurate instruments such as vernier callipers, micrometer screws, stop
watches and chemical balances.

 Quantities to estimate or measure to include length/distance, area, mass, time, speed and temperature.

 Estimate the area and volume of simple irregular shapes and objects.

40 | P a g e
 The quantities should range from the low or small to the high or large.

 Mass, volume temperature, distance, and speed values are used in practical situations relevant to the learner or the workplace.

 Calculations involving the effects on area and volume when altering linear dimensions.

 Calculate heights and distances using Pythagoras' theorem.

 Calculate surface areas and volumes of right prisms (i.e., end faces are polygons and the remaining faces are rectangles) and cylinders from
measurements in practical situations relevant to the life of the learner or in the workplace.

AC1.1 Facilitation. Learner Q, W Activity 1- 4 , Task 1-4 Learner Guide:

Scales on the measuring Classroom Manual, Identifying p.120-145
instruments are read discussion. Classroom
Written question Workbook:
correctly. equipment
displaying data p.52-63

AC 1.2 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 1- 4 , Task 1-4 Learner Guide:

Quantities are estimated to a Classroom Classroom Identifying p.120-145
tolerance justified in the discussion. equipment
context of the need. Written question Workbook:
displaying data p.52-63

AC 1.3 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 1- 4 , Task 1-4 Learner Guide:

The appropriate instrument is Classroom Classroom Identifying p.120-145
chosen to measure a particular discussion. equipment
quantity. Written question Workbook:
displaying data p.52-63

AC 1.4 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 1- 4 , Task 1-4 Learner Guide:

Quantities are measured Classroom Classroom Identifying p.120-145
correctly to within the least discussion. equipment
step of the instrument. Written question Workbook:
displaying data p.52-63

AC 1.5 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 1- 4 , Task 1-4 Learner Guide:

Calculations are carried out Classroom Classroom Identifying p.120-145
correctly. discussion.

41 | P a g e
equipment Written question Workbook:
displaying data p.52-63

AC 1.6 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 1- 4 , Task 1-4 Learner Guide:

Symbols and units are used in Classroom Classroom Identifying p.120-145
accordance with SI discussion. equipment
conventions and as appropriate Written question Workbook:
to the situation. displaying data p.52-63

P = Project Q = Questioning B = Brainstorming R = Role-play CS =

Formative Assessment Strategy Legend
Case Study W = Workplace Activity S = Self Assessment Checklist
O = Observation Q = Questioning PS = Product Sampling R = Role-play
Summative Assessment Strategy Legend
CS = Case Study T = Testimonial P = Project
Specific Outcome 2 Explore, describe and represent, interpret and justify geometrical relationships and conjectures.

 Applications taken from different contexts such as packaging, arts, building construction, dressmaking.

 The use of tessellations and symmetry in artifacts and in architecture.

 Use rough sketches to interpret, represent and describe situations.

 Use and interpret scale drawings of plans (e.g., plans of houses or factories; technical diagrams of simple mechanical household or work related
Outcome Range devices such as jacks,

 Nets of prisms and cylinders.

 Road maps relevant to the local community.

 The use of the Cartesian co-ordinate system in determining location and describing relationships in at least two dimensions.

AC2.1 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 5-8 , task 5 -8 Learner Guide:

Descriptions are based on a Classroom Classroom Identifying p.146-167
systematic analysis of the discussion. equipment
shapes and reflect the Written question Workbook:
properties of the shapes displaying data p.52-63
accurately, clearly and graphically

42 | P a g e
AC2.2 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 5-8 , task 5 -8 Learner Guide:
Descriptions include Classroom Classroom Identifying p.146-167
quantitative information discussion. equipment
appropriate to the situation and Written question Workbook:
need. displaying data p.52-63

AC2.3 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 5-8 , task 5 -8 Learner Guide:

Conjectures as appropriate to Classroom Classroom Identifying p.146-167
the situation, are based on discussion. equipment
well-planned investigations of Written question Workbook:
geometrical properties. displaying data p.52-63

AC2.4 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 5-8 , task 5 -8 Learner Guide:

Representations of the Classroom Classroom Identifying p.146-167
problems are consistent with discussion. equipment
and appropriate to the problem Written question Workbook:
context. The problems are displaying data p.52-63
represented comprehensively graphically
and in mathematical terms.
AC2.5 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 5-8 , task 5 -8 Learner Guide:
Results are achieved through Classroom Classroom Identifying p.146-167
efficient and correct analysis discussion. equipment
and manipulation of Written question Workbook:
representations displaying data p.52-63

AC2.6 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 5-8 , task 5 -8 Learner Guide:

Problem-solving methods are Classroom Classroom Identifying p.146-167
presented clearly, logically and discussion. equipment
in mathematical terms. Written question Workbook:
displaying data p.52-63

AC2.7 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, W Activity 5-8 , task 5 -8 Learner Guide:

Solutions are correct and are Classroom Classroom Identifying p.146-167
interpreted and validated in discussion. equipment
terms of the context of the Written question Workbook:
problem. displaying data p.52-63

43 | P a g e
Critical cross-field outcomes Description Formative activities Summative assessment Comments

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Identify and solve problems: using context Activity 1 - 8 Task 1 -8
IDENTIFYING to decode and make meaning individually
and in groups in oral, reading, signed and
written activities

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Work effectively with others and in teams: Activity 1 - 8 Task 1 -8
WORKING using interactive speech/signing in activities,
discussion and research projects.

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Organise and manage oneself and one's Activity 1 - 8 Task 1 -8
ORGANISING activities responsibly and effectively
through using language.

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Collect, analyse, organise and critically Activity 1 - 8 Task 1 -8
COLLECTING evaluate information: fundamental to the
process of growing language capability
across language applications and fields of

44 | P a g e
UNIT STANDARD CCFO Communicate effectively using visual, Activity 1 - 8 Task 1 -8
COMMUNICATING mathematical and/or language skills: in
formal and informal communications.

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Use science and technology effectively and Activity 1 - 8 Task 1 -8
SCIENCE critically: using technology to access and
present texts and exploring the ethics of
science and technology through studying
texts from and about these

45 | P a g e
Unit Standard Alignment

This UNIT STANDARD is aligned to the following:

Assessment Matrix: US ID: 252435/11241

NQF Level:
Unit standard ID: 252435 Credits: 3

Unit standard range

46 | P a g e
Formative Assessment P = Project Q = Questioning B = Brainstorming R = Role-play CS = Case Study W = Workplace Activity S = Self
Strategy Legend Assessment Checklist

Summative Assessment O = Observation Q = Questioning PS = Product Sampling R = Role-play CS = Case Study T = Testimonial P
Strategy Legend = Project

Summative Assessment
Specific outcomes and Media Aids, Formative Formative Instruments Specific Outcome Date &
Delivery Methods
assessment criteria Resources Assessment activities & Reference signature
Instruments Questions

Specific Outcome 1
Explain items of expenditure and revenue..

AC1.1 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, B, CS, W Activity 1-10 PS, Q Learner Guide:
A definition of expenditure is Classroom Classroom equipment Questioning
provided in the context of discussion. Workbook:
Identifying QUESTION 1-7 p.67-68
freight forwarding and
customs clearing.

AC 1.2 Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, B, CS, W Activity 1-10 PS, Q Learner Guide:
Classroom Classroom equipment Questioning
A definition of revenue is discussion. Workbook:
Identifying QUESTION 1-7 p.67-68
provided in the context of
freight forwarding and
customs clearing.

Facilitation. Learner Manual, Q, B, CS, W Activity 1-10 PS, Q Learner Guide:

The difference between Classroom Classroom equipment Questioning
expenditure and revenue are discussion. Workbook:
Q, B, CS, W QUESTION 1-7 p.67-68
explained as they apply to

47 | P a g e
freight forwarding. Identifying


48 | P a g e
Formative Assessment P = Project Q = Questioning B = Brainstorming R = Role-play CS = Case Study W = Workplace Activity S = Self
Strategy Legend Assessment Checklist

Summative Assessment O = Observation Q = Questioning PS = Product Sampling R = Role-play CS = Case Study T = Testimonial
Strategy Legend P = Project

Media Aids, Assessment Specific
Specific outcomes and Formative Formative
Delivery Methods Resources Instruments Outcome Date & signature
assessment criteria Assessment activities
& Reference

Specific Outcome 2 Explain fixed and variable costs.

AC 2.1 Facilitation. Classroom Learner Manual, Q, B, CS, W Activity 1-10 PS, Q Learner Guide:
Fixed cost is defined with discussion. Classroom Questioning
examples.. equipment Workbook:
Identifying QUESTION 1-7 p.69-71
Written questions

AC 2.2 Facilitation. Classroom Learner Manual, Q, B, CS, W Activity 1-10 PS, Q Learner Guide:
Variable cost is defined with discussion. Classroom Questioning
examples. equipment Workbook:
Identifying QUESTION 1-7 p.69-71
Q, B, CS, W


Written questions

AC 2.3 Facilitation. Classroom Learner Manual, Q, B, CS, W Activity 1-10 PS, Q Learner Guide:
discussion. Classroom

49 | P a g e
equipment Questioning
Three examples are provided Identifying QUESTION 1-7 p.69-71
where fixed costs could happen..
Written questions

AC. 2.4 Facilitation. Classroom Learner Manual, Q, B, CS, W Activity 1-10 PS, Q Learner Guide:
Examples are provided where discussion. Classroom Questioning
variable costs could be confused equipment Workbook:
Identifying QUESTION 1-7 p.69-71
as fixed costs.
Written questions

AC. 2.5 Facilitation. Classroom Learner Manual, Q, B, CS, W Activity 1-10 PS, Q Learner Guide:
discussion. Classroom Questioning
The consequences of a variable equipment Workbook:
Identifying QUESTION 1-7 p.69-71
cost being confused as a fixed
Written questions
cost is explained with examples.

Formative Assessment P = Project Q = Questioning B = Brainstorming R = Role-play CS = Case Study W = Workplace Activity S = Self
Strategy Legend Assessment Checklist

Summative Assessment O = Observation Q = Questioning PS = Product Sampling R = Role-play CS = Case Study T = Testimonial
Strategy Legend P = Project

Specific outcomes and Delivery Methods Formative Summative Specific Date & signature
assessment criteria Media Aids, Formative activities Assessment Outcome
Resources Assessment Instruments Reference

50 | P a g e

Specific Outcome 3
Perform invoicing operations and post amounts to the appropriate accounts.

AC 3.1 Facilitation. Classroom Learner Manual, Q, B, CS, W Activity 1-10 PS, Q Learner Guide:
An invoice is prepared which has discussion. Classroom Questioning
items of expenditure and items equipment Workbook:
Identifying QUESTION 1-7 p.72-74
revenue for a sea freight
Written questions
shipment for a full container load
and import which has paid
customs duty, duty schedule, and
the ocean freight is on a collect

AC 3.2 Facilitation. Classroom Learner Manual, Q, B, CS, W Activity 1-10 PS, Q Learner Guide:
An invoice is prepared for an air discussion. Classroom Questioning
freight export shipment which equipment Workbook:
Identifying QUESTION 1-7 p.72-74
has items of expenditure and
Written questions
items of revenue where the
master airway bill is collected,
insurance must be invoiced as
well as cartage collection

AC 3.3 Facilitation. Classroom Learner Manual, Q, B, CS, W Activity 1-10 PS, Q Learner Guide:
The expenditure items must be discussion. Classroom Questioning
posted to the appropriate equipment Workbook:

51 | P a g e
accounts for both the seafreight Identifying QUESTION 1-7 p.72-74
and airfreight invoices.. Written questions

AC 3.4 Facilitation. Classroom Learner Manual, Q, B, CS, W Activity 1-10 PS, Q Learner Guide:
A record is made up of the over- discussion. Classroom Questioning
recoveries of the items of equipment Workbook:
Identifying QUESTION 1-7 p.72-74
expenditure which must later be
Written questions
taken to profit.

52 | P a g e
Formative Assessment P = Project Q = Questioning B = Brainstorming R = Role-play CS = Case Study W = Workplace Activity S = Self
Strategy Legend Assessment Checklist

Summative Assessment O = Observation Q = Questioning PS = Product Sampling R = Role-play CS = Case Study T = Testimonial
Strategy Legend P = Project

Media Aids, Assessment Specific
Specific outcomes and Formative Formative
Delivery Methods Resources Instruments Outcome Date & signature
assessment criteria Assessment activities
& Reference

Specific Outcome 4
Reconcile and identify individual transactions with statements of accounts.

AC 4.1 Facilitation. Classroom Learner Manual, Q, B, CS, W Activity 1-10 PS, Q Learner Guide:
discussion. Classroom Questioning
Ocean freight or air freight is equipment Workbook:
Identifying QUESTION 1-7 p.75-78
identified as items of the
Written questions
organisations invoices.

AC 4.2 Facilitation. Classroom Learner Manual, Q, B, CS, W Activity 1-10 PS, Q Learner Guide:
artage is identified as an item of discussion. Classroom Questioning
the company's invoices and equipment Workbook:
Identifying QUESTION 1-7 p.75-78
statements from the transporter
Written questions
taking into account all over-and-
under recoveries.

53 | P a g e
AC 4.3 Facilitation. Classroom Learner Manual, Q, B, CS, W Activity 1-10 PS, Q Learner Guide:
All landside and surface charges discussion. Classroom Questioning
are identified including port equipment Workbook:
Identifying QUESTION 1-7 p.75-78
authority charges, airline
Written questions
charges, depot charges and
carrier's handling.

AC 4.4 Facilitation. Classroom Learner Manual, Q, B, CS, W Activity 1-10 PS, Q Learner Guide:
All customs and charges are discussion. Classroom Questioning
identified and reconciled with equipment Workbook:
Identifying QUESTION 1-7 p.75-78
bills of entries, statements and
Written questions
deferment accounts.

AC 4.5 Facilitation. Classroom Learner Manual, Q, B, CS, W Activity 1-10 PS, Q Learner Guide:
Other disbursements charges are discussion. Classroom Questioning
identified and reconciled with equipment Workbook:
Identifying QUESTION 1-7 p.75-78
invoices from those parties
Written questions
taking into account all over-and-
under recoveries.

AC 4.6 Facilitation. Classroom Learner Manual, Q, B, CS, W Activity 1-10 PS, Q Learner Guide:
Supplementary charges from discussion. Classroom Questioning
outside parties are identified and equipment Workbook:
Identifying QUESTION 1-7 p.75-78
reconciled to the organisations
Written questions
invoice taking into account all
over-and-under recoveries.

54 | P a g e
Formative Assessment P = Project Q = Questioning B = Brainstorming R = Role-play CS = Case Study W = Workplace Activity S = Self
Strategy Legend Assessment Checklist

Summative Assessment O = Observation Q = Questioning PS = Product Sampling R = Role-play CS = Case Study T = Testimonial
Strategy Legend P = Project

Media Aids, Assessment Specific
Specific outcomes and Formative Formative
Delivery Methods Resources Instruments Outcome Date & signature
assessment criteria Assessment activities
& Reference

Specific Outcome 5 Identify and disburse the items on behalf of the organisation to be recovered in the invoicing process.

AC 5.1 Facilitation. Classroom Learner Manual, Q, B, CS, W Activity 1-10 PS, Q Learner Guide:
Cartage charges as disbursed by discussion. Classroom Questioning
the organisation, are identified equipment Workbook:
Identifying QUESTION 1-7 p.79-87
and posted to the cartage
Written questions
disbursement account.

AC 5.2 Facilitation. Classroom Learner Manual, Q, B, CS, W Activity 1-10 PS, Q Learner Guide:
Storage charges as disbursed by discussion. Classroom Questioning
the organisation are identified equipment Workbook:
Identifying QUESTION 1-7 p.79-87
and posted to the storage
Written questions
disbursement account..

AC 5.3 Facilitation. Classroom Learner Manual, Q, B, CS, W Activity 1-10 PS, Q Learner Guide:
discussion. Classroom Questioning

55 | P a g e
All special charges such as extra equipment Identifying QUESTION 1-7 Workbook:
attendance are disbursed by the Written questions
organisation are identified and
posted to the disbursement

56 | P a g e
Critical cross-field outcomes Description Formative activities Summative assessment Comments


IDENTIFYING Identify and solve problems related to the
invoicing and accounting practices.


WORKING Work effectively with others to ensure that
all figures are obtained and reconciled to
meet the organisations needs.

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Organise and manage oneself and one's Activity 1-10 PS, Q
ORGANISING activities in such a way as to have an
alternative plan available should problems
arise in the reconciliation and invoicing

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Collect, analyse, organise and critically Activity 1-10 PS, Q
COLLECTING evaluate information pertaining to the
information required for invoicing and
reconciling of accounts..

UNIT STANDARD CCFO Demonstrate an understanding of the world Activity 1-10 PS, Q
DEMONSTRATING as a set of related systems whereby poor
reconciliation practices provide inaccurate
financial information..

57 | P a g e
UNIT STANDARD CCFO n order to contribute to the full personal Activity 1-10 PS, Q
CONTRIBUTING development of each learner and the social
and economic development of society at
large, it must be the intention underlying any
programme of learning to make an
individual aware of the importance of:
Participating as responsible citizens in the
life of local, national and global
communities in the process of invoicing and
reconciling accounts.

58 | P a g e
Assessment Instruments
7456 Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, 3 5
business and national issues
252435/11241 Apply basic invoicing and accounting principles 3 6


Learner’s name See Attached name list

Assessor’s name

Moderator’s name

Date of assignments

Date of feedback

Qualification NQF LEVEL 3

59 | P a g e
# Unit Standard(s) Standard Operating Comments / Remarks C NYC

Learner’s overall achievement Competent / Not yet competent YES NO

Actions required Certifi Re-assessment Date of re-assessment

Learner’s signature See Attached Name list

Assessor’s signature

Moderator’s signature


Learner’s name See Attached name list

Assessor’s name

Moderator’s name

Date of Written Questionnaire

Date of feedback

60 | P a g e
Qualification NQF LEVEL 3

# Unit Standard(s) Standard Operating procedures Comments / Remarks C NYC

Learner’s overall achievement Competent / Not yet competent YE NO

Actions required Certification Re-assessment Date of re-assessment

Learner’s signature See Attached Name list

Assessor’s signature

Moderator’s signature

61 | P a g e

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