Lab 01
Lab 01
Lab 01
Lab Objectives: Review the knowledge of the Java programming language learned in previous courses
such as basic syntax, object-oriented programming, how to compile and run programs using the
command line, using libraries externally, manage libraries with Maven tools, use new APIs in java
such as Lambda Expression, Stream API, etc.
An exercise on how to compile, run programs using the command line and how to read parameters passed from
outside environment to the program through the command line.
Requirements: Write a program that takes a mathematical expression from the argument passed
from the command line, then computes and prints the result of that expression. Assuming the
program is written in a file named, some examples of commands and outputs printed
on the console are as follows:
• When typing "java Program 15 / 2", the program outputs: 7.5
• When typing "java Program 2 x 8", the program outputs: 16 (don't use * for
multiplication because java will handle the * symbol differently).
• When typing "java Program 2 ^ 3", the program outputs: 8
• When typing "java Program 2 # 3", the program outputs: Unsupported operator
• When typing "java Program 2" or "java Program 32 + 8", the program
outputs: Invalid expression
• Use javac <> command to compile java files into *.class files, or use javac
*.java command to compile all java files into class files.
• Use java <classname> command to run the program where <classname> is the name of
the class containing the main method.
• When using the "java Program 32 + 8" command, we are implicitly understanding that the
main method is written in the file, the main method has the main(String
args[]) syntax. Where args[] is a String array of 3 elements, equivalent to the elements
passed in from the command line argument, separated by spaces: {"32", "+", "8"}.
• Use Integer.parseInt(), Double.parseInt() and try-catch statement to handle input.
An exercise on how to use external libraries as *jar files; compile and run the program using the command line when
using an external library; learn the concept of class path and the environment variable CLASSPATH.
Requirements: Given the file lib.jar is a library containing one-dimensional array processing functions
that have been compiled and packaged into a jar file. Descriptions of this library can be summarized
in the class diagram below:
This library can be understood as follows: There are two classes named ArrayHandler and ArrayOutput placed in the
package named The methods in both classes are static methods. The sort() method takes an int array as an
argument and returns void. This method sorts the elements in the array in ascending order.
Write a program ( that uses the api provided in the library to perform operations on a
one-dimensional array, specifically as follows:
• Initialize two arbitrary one-dimensional arrays and name the variables a and b.
• Print these two arrays to console (using the print() method in the ArrayOutput class).
• Merge these two arrays and assign the result to array c then print array c to the console.
• Sort the array c in ascending order then print the result to the console.
• Write the contents of the array c to the file output.txt
• The source code of your program needs to use two classes provided in the library, so a
suitable import statement is required: import*; or import and import;
Example of using the print() function in ArrayHandler to print an array. When coding, the IDE may display the error
message like "ArrayOutput cannot be resolved", this is normal because the IDE has not set up the correct classpath to
the library. As long as we set a valid classpath when we compile and run the program, this error will be solved.
• When compiling and running the program, we still use the same java and javac commands as
before, but now we need to set the classpath parameter to determine where *.class files and
*.jar files are saved.
• For example, we use javac -cp ".;./lib.jar" to compile the
program and use the command java -cp ".;./lib.jar" Program to run the
program. Where -cp stands for classpath, this parameter is used to set the class path
location. ".;./lib.jar" is a list of one or more directory paths of the classpath where
class or jar files are stored, which can be either absolute or relative path. If there are multiple
paths, they must be separated by a ; on Windows or by the : on macOS and Linux.
• In the above example, the . represents the path of the current working directory, and
./lib.jar represents the lib.jar file located inside the current working directory.
What to submit to the e-learning: the files named and lib.jar, they should be placed
in the same directory.
An exercise on new APIs in java 8 such as Lambda Expression, Method Reference, Stream API, Map,
Recude, Filter, etc.
Requirements: Based on the source code given in the file, modify or write additional code
at the locations marked with @TODO to complete the exercise. The given source code includes the
following files:
• file containing Student class definition, do not modify this file.
• modify/add code at locations marked with @TODO.
• modify/add code at locations marked with @TODO.
In the code above, the sortByName() method is a method that sorts the list of students by name in
ascending order. This method is implemented in the usual way, using the object created from the
Comparator interface. With this todo requirement, you need to modify the source code, replacing it
with a lambda expression to maintain the same functionality but make the source code more concise.
A maven exercise: create java maven project, manage dependency, build and package project with
the Maven build tool.
Requirements: Write a Java program (using the maven console project) that takes a command line
parameter as the url to the file to be downloaded to the local computer. If a valid url is passed, the
file will be downloaded and stored locally with the corresponding name in the url. When the
information is not entered correctly or an invalid url is entered, the appropriate message should be
displayed. The program and all dependencies must be packaged into a single jar file (using maven's
package command).
• java -jar Program.jar: the program outputs "Please specify an URL to a file".
• java -jar Program.jar http://abc: the program outputs "This is not a valid URL".
the document.doc file and saves it to the current working directory of the command line. If
any error is encountered during the file download, display the corresponding error message.
You must to use the libraries from the maven repository to solve the problems in this exercise,
• Check the validity of the URL: Using the class UrlValidator in Apache Commons Validator
• Download files from the internet: use the mehtod FileUtils.copyURLToFile() in Apache
Commons IO:
• Create a maven project using supported tools such as Visual Studio Code, Intellij Idea or
Eclipse, using an archetype of: maven-archetype-quickstart.
• Modify the pom.xml file in the project to add the necessary libraries.
• Use the maven package command to compile and package the program into a *.jar file,
the results will be stored in the project's target directory.
• If you get the error "no main manifest attribute..." when you run the program, you need
to add the xml highlighted in green below to the maven-jar-plugin plugin tag. Where
com.mvm.App is the full path of the file containing the main method in your program.
• If you get an error like below then you need to use the maven-shade-plugin plugin, put it
in the <plugins> tag inside the <build> tag like the example below. It should be noted that
the added <plugins> tag must be outside the <pluginManagement> tag.
"NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/validator/routines/UrlValidator"
// do not change this tag