CO Indicators
CO Indicators
CO Indicators
3 4 5 6 7
The teacher demonstrates The teacher demonstrates The teacher demonstrates The teacher demonstrates The teacher applies accurate,
minor content errors either in accurate knowledge of key accurate and in-depth accurate and in-depth in-depth, and broad knowledge
presenting the lesson or in concepts both in presenting knowledge of most concepts in knowledge of all concepts in of content and
responding to learners’ the lesson and in responding to presenting the lesson and in presenting the lesson and in pedagogy that creates a
questions or comments. learners’ questions or responding to learners’ responding to learners’ conducive learning
The lesson content displays comments. The lesson content questions in a manner that questions in a manner that environment that enables an
simple displays coherence. The attempts to be responsive to is responsive to learners' in-depth and sophisticated
coherence. teacher attempts to make student developmental developmental needs and understanding of the teaching
connections across curriculum learning needs. The teacher promotes learning. The teacher and learning process to
teaching areas, if appropriate. makes connections across makes meaningful meet individual or group
curriculum teaching areas, if connections across curriculum learning needs within and
appropriate. teaching areas, if appropriate. across curriculum teaching
1. The teacher indicates some 1. The teacher clearly explains 1. The teacher displays 1. The teacher displays 1. The teacher applies
awareness of other ideas in the concepts and makes no comprehensive understanding extensive knowledge of extensive knowledge of
same teaching area that are content errors. of the concepts and structure content. content beyond his/her area of
connected to the lesson, but 2. The content appears to be of the teaching area. 2. The teacher addresses specialization.
does not make solid accurate and its focus shows 2. The teacher presents content accurately, and its 2. The teacher motivates
connections. awareness of the ideas and conceptual knowledge of the focus is congruent with the big learners to investigate the
2. The teacher makes few structure of the teaching areas. subject and makes connections ideas and/or structure of the teaching area to expand their
content errors in presenting 3. The teacher demonstrates within the teaching area. teaching area. knowledge and satisfy their
the lesson but does not affect factual knowledge of subject curiosity.
entirely the learning matter and attempts to 3. The teacher cites intra and
process. connect content across interdisciplinary content
teaching areas. relationships.
4. The teacher shows expertise
in the content and uses
appropriate pedagogy in
delivering the lesson.
INDICATOR 2 Used a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills
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The teacher uses loosely- The teacher occasionally The teacher frequently applies The teacher consistently The teacher integrates well
connected teaching strategies applies teaching strategies that relevant strategies that applies relevant strategies that connected teaching strategies
to address learners’ literacy address learners’ literacy enhance learners’ literacy enhance learners’ literacy that promote individual and
and/or numeracy needs. and/or numeracy needs. and/or numeracy skills. and/or numeracy skills. group learners’ critical literacy
and/ or critical numeracy skills.
1. The teacher defines general 1. In some parts of the lesson, 1. The teacher uses activities The teacher integrates well 1. The teacher employs
terms in the lesson but fails to the teacher provides activities that enhance literacy and/or connected teaching strategies activities that enhance and
define specific terms needed to which address learners’ literacy numeracy in almost all aspects that promote individual and support learners’ higher level
develop learners’ full and/or numeracy needs but of the lesson. group learners’ critical literacy of literacy and/or numeracy
understanding of literacy and/ fails to do so in some critical and/ or critical numeracy skills. skills as a significant part of
or numeracy concepts. parts of the lesson where his/her instruction.
either or both skills are
INDICATOR 3 Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills.
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The teacher provides The teacher uses questions and The teacher employs a range of The teacher challenges The teacher provides a broad
straightforward questions and activities that mostly require targeted follow-up questions learners to justify their thinking range of questions and
activities which lead learners the learners to interpret, and activities that encourage and successfully engages most activities, including those of
through a single path of inquiry explain, or describe ideas learners to explain, learners in discussion using higher order, that challenge
learned. demonstrate, and use ideas well-directed questions and learners to analyze their
learned. activities. thinking to promote deeper
1.The teacher asks questions 1. The teacher makes some 1. The teacher employs a range 1. The teacher challenges 1. The teacher gives learners
that require rote-type attempt to engage learners in of strategies to ensure that learners cognitively to advance opportunities to compare and
responses such as Who, What, genuine discussion rather than most learners are given high-level thinking and contrast ideas.
Where, and When. simple, factual, or rote-type opportunities to give opinions discourse in an interactive 2. The teacher gives learners
discussion. about the lesson and to react exchange of views. opportunities to synthesize or
Examples of rote-type 2. The teacher asks, “Can you to the opinions of others. 2. The teacher ensures that all summarize information within
questions vs. high-order please explain this idea?” 2. The teacher creates a voices of learners are heard in or across disciplines.
questions: genuine discussion among the discussion.
a. “Who is the author?” vs. learners, providing adequate
“Who is the persona?” time for them to respond, as
well as to step aside when
b. “What is the solution to the appropriate.
problem?” vs. “How will you
address the issue?”
c. “Saang kontinente
matatagpuan ang bansang
Indonesia?” vs. “Saang kaugnay
na lokasyon matatagpuan ang
3 4 5 6 7
The teacher manages The teacher manages The teacher manages The teacher manages The teacher organizes and
classroom structure and classroom structure and classroom structure and classroom structure and maintains classroom structure
engages some learners in engages the majority of engages most learners in engages all learners in and engages learners,
discovery or hands-on learning learners in discovery and meaningful exploration, meaningful exploration, individually or in groups, in
activities within a range of hands-on learning activities discovery, and hands-on discovery, and hands-on meaningful exploration,
physical learning within a range of physical learning activities within a learning activities within a discovery, and hands-on
environments. learning environments. range of physical learning range of physical learning activities within a range of
environments. environments. physical learning
1. The teacher involves some 1. The teacher structures a 1. The teacher structures the 1. The teacher keeps the 1. The teacher sustains
learners in productive work simple classroom layout and classroom layout and uses learning environment free proactive classroom structure
using the resources within the uses available resources that available resources that are from congestion and facilitates management practices to
allotted time and physical are somewhat suitable for generally suitable for different activities that are appropriate support flexible movement of
space. different learning activities to learning activities which within the physical learning learners in all learning
involve the majority of involve most of the learners. environment for all learners to activities by providing optimal
learners in productive work. work productively within the space and time appropriate to
allotted time. their needs.
INDICATOR 5 Managed learner behavior constructively by applying positive and non-violent discipline to ensure
learning-focused environments.
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The teacher rarely manages The teacher occasionally The teacher frequently The teacher consistently The teacher constructively
misbehavior against manages misbehavior against manages misbehavior against manages misbehavior against manages learners’ behavior by
established rules of conduct. established rules of conduct established rules of conduct established rules of conduct applying positive and non-
and the majority of learners and most learners follow such and all learners follow such violent discipline to ensure
follow such rules. rules. rules. learning-focused environment.
1. The teacher seems to have 1. The teacher’s standards of 1. The teacher often 1. The teacher responds 1. The teacher encourages the
set rules of conduct, but they conduct are inconsistently implements an appropriate appropriately to learners’ learners to take responsibility
are not clear to all students. enforced resulting in some classroom management behavior without any loss of of their behavior.
2. The teacher communicates a interference in student system which is responsive to instructional time. 2. The 2. The teacher implements a
prescribed process to address learning and some loss of the classroom and individual teacher evidently establishes well-established procedure for
learner misconduct but is not instructional time. needs of learners. standards of conduct that are learners to monitor their own
clear and requires repeated 2. The teacher sets clear 2. The teacher’s standards of clear to all learners and with classroom behavior.
prompting, which delays or standards of conduct but behavior are consistently impact on student learning. 3. The teacher closely monitors
disrupts the quality of student learners need to be prompted reinforced and are clear to the learners so that
learning. repeatedly. most learners. The learners misbehavior is detected early
3. The teacher’s responses to 3. The teacher establishes require little prompting, before it involves more
learner misbehavior are appropriate expectations for resulting in little or no learners or becomes a serious
inconsistent: sometimes harsh, behavior but some of these are disruption to their learning. disruption.
sometimes lenient. unclear or do not address the 3. The teacher moves to a
needs of most learners. misbehaving learner and gives
a verbal or non-verbal signal to
stop the misbehavior
INDICATOR 6 Used differentiated, developmentally appropriate learning experiences to address learner’s gender,
needs, strengths, interests and experiences.
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The teacher provides a limited The teacher provides The teacher provides The teacher provides The teacher provides
range of differentiated learning differentiated or differentiated and differentiated and differentiated and
experiences to address the developmentally appropriate developmentally appropriate developmentally appropriate developmentally appropriate
learning needs of some learning experiences to learning experiences to learning experiences to learning experiences to
learners. address the learning needs of address the learning needs of address the learning needs of address the diverse individual
learners. learners. different groups of learners. learning needs of learners.
1. The teacher relies on a 1. The teacher addresses the 1. The teacher addresses the 1. The teacher supports the 1. The teacher provides
single strategy or some developmental levels of developmental levels of learners’ needs through a appropriate instructional
strategies to accommodate learners by providing learning learners in the classroom and variety of strategies, materials, adaptation for diverse learners
learners’ differences and experiences that enable most makes use of the different and/ or pacing that make to allow them to have
developmental needs but fails learners to progress toward ways they learn by providing learning accessible and opportunities to actively
to meet intended outcomes for meeting intended outcomes. 2. differentiated learning challenging for different engage in various and effective
most learners The teacher makes use of experiences that enable most groups of learners. 2. The learning activities.
differentiated learning learners to progress toward teacher uses differentiated
experiences to enable most meeting intended outcomes. strategies that motivate and
learners to progress toward engage groups of learners,
meeting intended outcomes. allowing them to achieve
learning outcomes.