2022 BCTA July 2021 EOS Exam - Financial Reporting
2022 BCTA July 2021 EOS Exam - Financial Reporting
2022 BCTA July 2021 EOS Exam - Financial Reporting
[100 Marks]
Time Allowances:
1) Enter your student number on the front of the answer book.
2) Your name must not appear anywhere.
3) Use of non-programmable calculators is permissible.
4) Any calculations must be shown in your answer book.
5) Working papers must be handed in with the scripts.
6) Answers Must Be Written in Ink Not Pencil
7) No corrections will be made DURING THE EXAM on perceived errors/queries on exam content, the
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Disclaimer clause: All names of persons, places and business entities mentioned in this examination paper are
fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, places and business entities are purely
This is a limited open book examination (use of SAICA and ICAZ handbooks is permissible)
(AFR301) 2022: FINAL EXAM
All amounts in the scenario are exclusive of VAT & are in ZWL unless expressly stated.
The paper is made up of two scenarios (Part A & Part B) that are independent of each other.
Part A 22 Marks
Background Information
You are the assistant accountant of Pamushana Transport Private Limited “Pamushana”, a
Zimbabwean transport and logistic company that specializes in providing vehicle and fleet hire to
customers such as tourists, educational institutions, and other relevant customer groups. The
company has a 31 December financial year end. The 2021 financial year “FY2021” financial
statements were due to be approved on 28 February 2022. The following transactions relate to
Pamushana for the FY2021.
To fund the purchase of these vehicles, Pamushana took out a ZWL 60 000 000 loan on 1 January
2021 from CBZ Bank which they used to purchase the vehicles from Harris Auto Private Limited
“Harris”. The loan is going to be repaid on 31 December 2025. The Chief Finance Officer “CFO“,
Mr. Josiah Chikura thinks this is a good business deal as they have agreed through a legally
enforceable option to sell back the vehicles to Harris Auto after the Genesis contract at prevailing
market prices for secondhand vehicles in September 2021. The CFO is adamant that the vehicles
bought are to be included as non-current asset in Statement of Financial Position. According to
him it is only logical otherwise “the whole thing will not make sense”.
In June 2021, Genesis was the subject of negative publicity because of a matter involving one of
their rented vehicles which was involved in an abduction attempt by suspected violent gangs.
Genesis has since then been facing numerous challenges in the wake of this incident. By
December 2021 it was apparent that the rental company was experiencing declining bookings
and difficulties paying employees. The company filed for bankruptcy on the 25th of January 2022.
The liquidators have noted that the company will not be able to pay all its liabilities and they will
pay ZWL 0.25 for every dollar owed. Pamushana is yet to be paid all the lease charges for the
lease of the 10 vehicles amounting to ZWL 18 000 000.
Additional information.
o Pamushana measures all items of Property, Plant and Equipment at cost in terms of IAS
16 Property, Plant and Equipment
o Investment property is measured in terms of IAS 40 Investment property initially at cost
and subsequently at fair value.
o The Income tax rate is 24.72% and Capital Gain Tax (CGT) is calculated in terms of the CGT
o Assume a pre-tax discount rate of 10% where applicable
(a) Write an email to the Chief Finance Officer, Mr. Josiah Chikura,
discussing the classifications in the Pamushana financial statements
i. The Toyota Land cruiser 100 series vehicles 7
ii. Loan of ZWL 60 000 000 received from CBZ Bank. 7
NB: Your answer should be in terms of IAS 1 para 66 & 69 and the
conceptual framework asset & liability definitions
Part B 78 Marks
Background Information
You are the newly appointed accountant of Hatiperi Wacho Limited “Hatiperi” a leading
Zimbabwean retailer offering high quality and competitively priced clothing and merchandise.
The company was incorporated on 1 January 2020 and has a 31 December financial year end.
Hatiperi purchased the following assets and brought them into use on the same date:
Asset Date of Purchase Cost Notes
Shop Building 1 January 2020 ZWL 12 000 000 1
Industrial sewing machine 1 January 2020 ZWL 6 000 000 2
Industrial Stand in Ardbennie, Harare. 6 July 2020 ZWL 7 200 000 3
1. The shop building is going to be used to sell merchandise to the customers. The building
is depreciated over 20 years on a straight-line basis with no residual value. The Zimbabwe
Revenue Authority “ZIMRA” allows capital allowances of 2.5% per year for the building in
terms of the Income Tax Act.
2. The industrial sewing machine is going to be depreciated over 15 years with no residual
value. The machine qualifies for Special Initial Allowance in terms of the Income Tax Act.
3. The industrial stand in Ardbennie is not depreciated, neither are capital allowances
granted for it.
1. Revenue includes credit sales of ZWL 200 000. ZIMRA has included them in gross income
in the 2021 tax year in terms of the Income Tax Act.
2. Cost of sales includes credit purchases of ZWL 300 000. ZIMRA allows a deduction in
respect of these purchases in 2021 as per Income Tax Act.
3. The provision relates to a copyright infringement lawsuit against Hatiperi by a rival
company Faith Wear Limited “FW”. FW is alleging Hatiperi used its logo without
permission. The lawyers are of the opinion that Hatiperi is going to lose the case. Hatiperi
has therefore raised a provision of ZWL 180 000 in terms of IAS 37 which was included in
operating expenses. ZIMRA will not allow a deduction for this expense.
4. Other income includes:
• A dividend of ZWL 3 000 000 from Edgars Zimbabwe Limited a listed company. The
dividend is exempt for tax in terms of the Income Tax Act.
• Interest from deposit in CBZ Bank of ZWL 1 500 000. The interest is exempt for tax
purposes in terms of the Income Tax Act.
All assets and liabilities of Jan Jam were fairly valued on acquisition except:
o Jan Jam had disclosed a contingent liability in its books of ZWL 5 000 000, which is the
amount they expect to pay should they lose the court case. The contingent liability is in
respect of an employee who was injured at work and the issue was the courts. The legal
advisors are of the opinion that the probability of being found guilty is 10% as it will be
difficult to prove negligence on the part of Jan Jam. Jan Jam’s remoteness is set at 5%.
ZIMRA will not allow a deduction should Jan Jam be found guilty.
Additional information
o Hatiperi measures non-controlling interest at proportionate share of net assets.
o The group measures all items of Property, Plant and Equipment at cost in terms of IAS 16
Property, Plant and Equipment.
o The Income tax rate and Capital Gains is in terms of the tax laws of Zimbabwe.
o Assume a pre-tax discount rate of 10% where applicable
total Total
(c) In the separate books of Hatiperi, do the following for the year ended
31 December 2021:
1. Calculate taxable income 6
2. Calculate movement in temporary differences 28
3. Prepare income tax expense note and tax reconciliation note 10
• Include trade payables & trade receivables in your deferred
tax calculations
Communication: Presentation 2 46
(d) Using “2. Purchase of Jan Jam Fashions”, explain in detail the term
“Control” in terms of IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements.
10 10
(e) For this required assume that Hatiperi controls Jan Jam Pvt Limited in
terms of IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements.
i. Calculate the consideration transferred in the acquisition of Jan 11
Jam Private Limited as at 1 March 2020.
ii. Determine the goodwill or bargain purchase gain on the 10
acquisition of Jan Jam.
Presentation 1 22