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Acta Marisiensis - Seria Medica 2020;66(3):79-82 DOI: 10.



Controls in Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction

Based Techniques
Elena Moldovan1, Valeriu Moldovan2*
1. Emergency Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases and Transplantation, Targu Mures, Romania
2. George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Targu Mures, Romania

From its discovery in the 1980s, Polymerase chain reaction was further developed and is nowadays used as the foundation for the various
PCR-based techniques used in molecular diagnosis across different species, and numerous types of samples. Real-Time PCR enables the
user to monitor the amplification of a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or complementary DNA (cDNA) target during the PCR run, in real-time, and
not at the end, as it is the case in conventional PCR. The most frequent types of applications include gene expression analysis, gene silencing,
variant analysis, and fusion temperature analysis. Given its vast field of application, a key question remains, and it is related to the controls
(negative controls, positive controls, internal exogenous and endogenous controls) and their purpose in a Real-Time PCR experiment. In this
paper, we set out to find how and when to use them, and which type of controls are suitable for certain experiment types, since the use of
appropriate controls during Real-Time PCR experiments will reduce the effects of variables aside from the independent variable within the
sample, therefore yielding accurate results, be it in research or diagnostic purposes.

Keywords: real-time PCR, negative control, positive control, internal exogenous control, internal endogenous controls

Received 17 August 2020 / Accepted 6 September 2020

From its discovery in the 1980s [1], Polymerase chain reac- for a Real-Time PCR experiment, guidelines that were
tion (PCR) was further developed and is nowadays used as later reiterated [4] in the context of new PCR-based tech-
the foundation for the various PCR-based techniques used niques being developed.
in molecular diagnosis across different species, and numer- However, a key question remains, and it is related to
ous types of samples. the controls and their purpose in a Real-Time PCR experi-
Real-Time PCR enables the user to monitor the amplifi- ment. In this paper, we set out to find how and when to use
cation of a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or complementa- them, and which type of controls are suitable for certain
ry DNA (cDNA) target during the PCR run, in real-time, experiment types.
and not at the end, as it is the case in conventional PCR.
This process is made possible by the use of several fluo- Negative controls
rescent dyes and quenchers, either attached to the prim- A negative control is a Real-Time PCR reaction with no
ers themselves or found within the reaction mix [2]. The amplification [5] (no amplicons will be generated), inter-
most frequent types of application include: Gene expression preted as a true negative, a reaction that is also called no
analysis, enabling the determination of gene expression template control or NTC. Regularly, each PCR experiment
patterns at the genetic transcription level; Gene silencing, should contain at least one no template control [6].
or the study of gene expression suppression at transcrip- Conventionally, negative controls contain the PCR reac-
tional or translational levels, starting from a messenger ri- tion mix and molecular grade water [7], which substitutes
bonucleic acid (mRNA) target; Variant Analysis studying the volume of genetic material that is added to the other
the existence of at least two genotypes at the same gene experiment wells or tubes. This kind of reaction checks
locus, ranging from a Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms whether there is any contamination within the reaction
(SNPs) to large nucleotide sequence modifications; Fusion mix, and that there are no primer-dimers forming. Water
temperature analysis, or the use of the melting temperature was used as a negative control in the study of Buzard et al.
(Tm) to discriminate between different DNA fragments or that focused on the detection of Francisella tularensis, Bur-
amplicons. kholderia mallei, Brucella melitensis, and Bacillus anthracis
Given its vast field of application, in both diagnosis and using ten different mastermixes from several manufactur-
research, for human and non-human investigation (ani- ers, and three different Real-Time PCR platforms [8], as
mal, bacterial, and plant to name just a few) a consensus well as in the study of Czurda et al. that investigated fungal
was needed for accurate, reproducible, repeatable, and cor- contamination during Real-Time PCR experiments either
rectly interpreted results. These objectives were material- by airborne spores and particles or by contaminated rea-
ized in the form of the MIQE Guidelines [3], containing gents available from different suppliers [7].
the least amount of information, that should be reported Although dimers should be avoided since the design
stage of the primers [9], negative control reactions can also
* Correspondence to: Valeriu Moldovan
be used to check for primer self-dimers (also referred to
E-mail: valeriumoldovan@gmail.com as homo-dimers). In this respect, two separate negatives
80 Acta Marisiensis - Seria Medica 2020;66(3)

should be set up, each containing the forward or the re- normalization reference [17], as well as PCR inhibition su-
verse primer, respectively, as well as the reaction mix. pervision [18]. Traditionally, internal controls will be am-
plified together with the target sequence during the same
Positive controls PCR reaction, or within the same PCR run. It is therefore
A positive control will be evaluated as a true positive during crucial for the internal control not to compete with the tar-
the Real-Time PCR experiment. Positive controls are often get region of interest, and to be easily distinguishable (i.e.
used to verify that all reagents are working (also called PCR different fluorophore marking) from the target of interest.
mix), primer annealing temperatures are correct, extension Additionally, there should be a difference of maximum 12
times are sufficient, and there are no PCR inhibitors with- amplification cycles between internal controls and the tar-
in the experiment. When using the same positive control get gene (or genes), within the experiment [19].
during comparable (or the same type of ) experiments, the The two types of internal controls used in everyday PCR
cycle threshold should be very similar, thus indicating con- experiments are Exogenous controls and Endogenous controls,
sistency between multiple PCR runs. each with its use indications, regarding the type of experi-
Positive controls can have a variety of sources. The most ment.
hassle-free way to obtain one is acquiring a commercially Exogenous controls are pipetted directly into the raw sam-
available positive control, for a specific type of experi- ple, or added to the isolated nucleic acid before the PCR
ment. This kind of positive control sample, available with reaction[20], and will target a different species [21] to the
the MammaTyper PCR assay, was successfully used in studied one. They are mainly used for absolute quantifica-
the study of Laible et al. that focused on Erb-B2 Recep- tion (i.e. number of gene copies per examined sample) and
tor Tyrosine Kinase 2 ERBB2, Estrogen Receptor 1 ESR1, for the control of the relative amplification from a set of
Progesterone Receptor PGR and Marker Of Proliferation specific primers [22]. Another use for exogenous controls
Ki-67 MKI67 genes in breast cancer [10]. Recently, to fa- is the discrimination between negative samples (where
cilitate the Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus the control will still amplify) and PCR inhibition (when
2 (SARS-CoV-2) or COVID-19 diagnosis, several manu- no amplification will be observed) [21]. Liu et al. used
facturers included positive control samples in their COV- the Phocine Herpesvirus-PhHV as an exogenous control
ID-19 CE-IVD (In-vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices) that was added to the samples during DNA extraction,
Real-Time PCR kits sold in Europe [11-13]. in their study on 30 viral and bacterial diarrhea-causing
However, mainly in research situations, positive controls species [23]. Another exogenous control, namely Bacterio-
can be obtained either by sequencing, and thus confirm- phage MS2 is also used in the COVID-19 diagnosis, by
ing, a sample that was previously diagnosed as positive, the TaqPath COVID-19 CE-IVD RT-PCR Kit (Applied
or by designing a plasmid with the required sequence, in- Biosystems, USA), a product that is certified for in vitro
formation that is usually available in genetic data banks. diagnostic use [13].
For example, Picard-Meyer et al. used the fixed rabies vi- On the other hand, a synthetic noncompetitive exog-
rus challenge standard strain to evaluate lyssaviruses by six enous control was proposed by Aralar et al., that was suit-
different Real-Time PCR kits using several commercially able to be used with existing Real-Time PCR microbial
available master mixes and thermocyclers [14]. Plasmid detection methods, as it was noncomplementary with the
DNA for the human cytomegalovirus was used as a posi- 16S ribosomal RNA bacterial hypervariable regions, thus
tive control in the study of Pavsic et al. that assessed three making it potentially universally suitable for the investi-
Real-Time PCR platforms during quantification experi- gation of diverse pathogens (viruses, fungi, and bacteria)
ments [15]. In a paper published by Lion, RNA derived [24].
from cell lines that expressed certain gene fusions were pro- Endogenous controls are targets within the studied sam-
posed as a positive template control in the investigation of ple, other than the region/regions of interest, such as con-
leukemia-related gene fusion transcripts, taking into con- stitutively expressed genes [25] serving basal cell functions,
sideration that a certain dilution must be applied since cell and are therefore dependent on the type tissue being exam-
lines contain larger RNA quantities, as compared to the ined. They are often used in experiments that require data
patients’ malignant cells [16]. normalization [26] (i.e. study of gene expression profile),
irrespective of the initial nucleic acid input quantity. For
Internal controls example, the study of Laible et al. used two endogenous
Internal controls are widely used in Real-Time PCR ex- control targets, namely for the Beta-2-microglobulin B2M
periments and are often crucial for the correct interpreta- and Calmodulin 2 CALM2 genes in their study on breast
tion of the results. Although the term housekeeping genes cancer samples from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded
is broadly used, the appropriate term should be reference tissue [10]. In a study on colorectal cancer, Pharo et al.
genes, according to the MIQE guidelines [3]. identified a panel of four genes, namely Synaptotagmin-10
In Real-Time PCR experiments, internal controls can SYT10, Pleckstrin Homology and FYVE Domain Con-
serve various purposes, such as: an indicator for proper taining 1 PLEKHF1, Kelch Repeat and BTB Domain
nucleic acid purification, reverse-transcription control, Containing 4 KBTBD4 and Ephrin type-A receptor 3 pre-
Acta Marisiensis - Seria Medica 2020;66(3) 81

cursor EPHA3 as suitable endogenous controls for droplet demonstrated in silico and in vivo by Al-Sabah et al. in
digital PCR methylation study on 34 malignant cell lines their study on osteoarthritis concerning Matrix metallo-
[27]. The human coagulation factor XIII (F13) gene was proteinase 3 MMP3 and Aggrecan ACAN gene expression
successfully used as an endogenous control for PCR typing [40].
of the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) Class I and Class II However, as suggested by several authors, data expres-
genes [28] by Neduvat et al. who managed to correlate the sion normalization performed with reference genes can be
variation in expression of both, irrespective of the DNA sidestepped, if the total amount of cDNA generated after
concentration in the studied samples. In another research RNA reverse transcription is precisely quantified, using
paper, C-C motif chemokine receptor 5 CCR5 and T-cell several fluorochrome dyes [41-43].
antigen receptor complex, gamma subunit of t3 CD3G Whether for diagnosis or research purposes, appropri-
were found to be reliable endogenous control genes in ate controls should be used in all Real-Time PCR experi-
the study on HIV diagnosis from peripheral blood mono- ments. On the one hand, negative and positive controls
nuclear cells by Ruhanya et al., while Telomerase Reverse will permit the validation of the PCR run. On the other
Transcriptase TERT, Beta-actin ACTB, Beta-globin HBB, hand, the use of an internal control, be it exogenous or
and Glyceraldehyde phosphate GAPDH genes which were endogenous, is usually up to the user, as the appropriate
previously used, showed limited results regarding DNA to genes should be selected to better suite each experiment.
cell number equivalents [17].
It is typically necessary to determine the most appropri- Conclusion
ate reference gene or genes for each type of experiment or The use of appropriate controls during Real-Time PCR
tissue being studied, as there is no “universal” gene to be experiments will reduce the effects of other variables aside
used in this respect. Although Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate from the independent variable within the sample, there-
dehydrogenase GADPH [29] for DNA experiments and fore yielding accurate results, be it in research or diagnostic
18S [2, 30] ribosomal RNA or r18s for RNA experiments purposes.
have been arbitrarily used as reference genes, several other
targets can be used, and dedicated software such as geNorm Acknowledgments
[31, 32], Bestkeeper [33], Normfinder [34], RefGenes[35] This work was partly supported by George Emil Pal-
and Transcriptome Mapper-TRAM [29], to name just a ade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and
few, can be useful in selecting the most appropriate ones, Technology of Tirgu Mures, Research Grant number
albeit an experiment validation step is generally indicated 15609/3/29.12.2017.
[26]. Regardless of the method of choice, the expression
level of the target gene should be normalized to a number Authors' contribution
of reference genes (generally two to six reference genes), EM: Concept, Data acquisition, Drafting, Critical revi-
instead of a single one [36]. For example, the study of Leal sion, Final approval
et al. found the combination of two (TATA-Box Binding VM: Concept, Design, Critical revision, Funding, Final
Protein TBP and Hypoxanthine Phosphoribosyltransferase approval
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