Quantitative Real-Time PCR: A Powerful Ally in Cancer Research

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TRENDS in Molecular Medicine

Vol.9 No.5 May 2003


Quantitative real-time PCR:

a powerful ally in cancer research
Simone Mocellin1, Carlo R. Rossi1, Pierluigi Pilati1, Donato Nitti1 and Francesco
M. Marincola2

Surgery Branch, Department of Oncological and Surgical Sciences, University of Padova, via Giustiniani 2, 35128 Padova, Italy
Immunogenetics Laboratory, Department of Transfusion Medicine, Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health, 10 Center Drive,
Bethesda, MD 20814, USA

In this era of the Human Genome Project, quantitation

of gene expression in tumor or host cells is of paramount importance for investigating the gene patterns
responsible for cancer development, progression and
response or resistance to treatment. Quantitative realtime PCR (qrt-PCR) technology has recently reached a
level of sensitivity, accuracy and practical ease that supports its use as a routine bioinstrumentation for gene
level measurement. Several applications have already
been implemented in the field of cancer research, and
others are being validated, showing that this molecular
biology tool can provide both researchers and clinicians
with precious information concerning the behavior of
tumors. Knowledge of the biochemical principles
underlying this biotechnology can be of great value to
interpret correctly qrt-PCR data.
PCR-based techniques enable us to obtain genetic information through the specific amplification of nucleic acid
sequences, starting with a very low number of target
copies. These reactions are characterized by a logarithmic
amplification of the target sequences; that is, increase of
PCR copies followed by a plateau phase showing a rapid
decrease to zero of copy number increment per cycle.
Accordingly, the amount of specific DNA product at the end
of the PCR run bears no correlation with the number of
target copies present in the original specimen. However,
many applications in medicine or research require
quantification of the number of specific targets in the
specimen both to study the reaction of the cell or cell
population to a stimulus and to compare the gene profile of
different samples. Although PCR analysis gives no
information on the biologically active products of genes
(i.e. proteins), functional genomics studies have demonstrated a tight correlation between the function of a
protein and the expression patterns of its gene [1]. This
provides a compelling reason for a gene profile-based
formulation of scientific hypotheses.
The fundamental importance of gene expression
quantification methods in basic research, pharmacogenomics and molecular diagnostics continues to direct
efforts aimed at improving current methodologies as well
as the development of novel technologies. Not all are based
Corresponding author: Simone Mocellin (mocellins@hotmail.com).

on target amplification: the invader assay is a development of the invasive signal amplification assay that
combines two signal amplification reactions in series to
generate and amplify a fluorescent signal in the presence
of the correct target sequence [2]. However, reverse
transcription (RT)-PCR-based assays are currently the
most common method for characterizing or confirming
gene expression patterns and comparing gene levels in
different sample populations. Serial analysis of gene
expression (SAGE) allows for high-throughput gene
profiling [3]. However, this technique is cumbersome,
time-consuming and requires multiple manipulations of
the samples, increasing the risk of carry-over contamination. Furthermore, similar to Northern and Southern
blot, it requires large amounts of input mRNA, making the
analysis of hypocellular specimens impossible.
Among the most promising innovations applied to
conventional RT-PCR protocols is the development of
quantitative RT-PCR such as competitive standardized
RT-PCR and quantitative real-time PCR (qrt-PCR). These
technologies present two major advantages: (1) the use of
standardized competitor templates or standard curves,
which permits comparison between experiments, and (2)
the use of internal standards, which addresses the issue of
variation in template starting amounts and operatorloading errors. Competitive RT-PCR is a time-consuming
system, which is limited to sets of primers available from
one supplier. Furthermore, it does not eliminate the errors
associated with individuals performing the reactions.
Conceptual simplicity, practical ease and high-throughput capacity [4] have made real-time fluorescence detection assay the most widely used gene quantification
method [5]. In the field of oncology, qrt-PCR is experiencing a rapid diffusion among investigators because of its
potential applicability to several research areas. Qrt-PCR
permits a highly sensitive quantification of DNA and
transcriptional gene levels in a few hours, with minimal
handling of the samples. The recent flood of reports using
qrt-PCR in cancer research testifies the transformation of
this technology from an experimental tool into the
scientific mainstream.
The concept of real-time PCR consists of the detection of
PCR products as they accumulate [6]. Current qrt-PCR

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systems are based on a set of probe and primers, which

accounts for the high specificity of the technique. The
development of fluorogenic probes eliminated the need for
post-PCR processing proper of previous systems [7]. Two
main techniques are now available, which exploit the
extension [8] or annealing [9] phase, respectively, to
generate fluorescence emission (Figs 1,2,3). In both
cases, the fluorescence signal increases with each PCR
amplification cycle. The PCR cycle number at which
fluorescence reaches a threshold value of ten times the
standard deviation of baseline fluorescence emission is
used for quantitative measurement (Fig. 4). This cycle
number is called the threshold cycle (Ct) and it is inversely
proportional to the starting amount of target genetic
material (Fig. 5). By using probes labeled with different
fluorochromes characterized by unique emission spectra,
more genes can be analysed at the same time within a
given sample (multiplex qrt-PCR) [10].
Although qrt-PCR analysis is sometimes referred to as
absolute gene quantitation, this term can be misleading.
In fact, no matter what the source or how carefully it is
measured, there is no way to know exactly how many
copies of a known template truly exist in a given well of a
known sample [11]. A more appropriate term for this

Taq polymerase


Target gene

Fluorescence emission

Target gene

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Fig. 1. Principles of quantitative real-time PCR using fluorogenic probes: scheme

of the extension-phase method with standard probe. In addition to forward and
reverse primers, this system uses a probe, which is an oligonucleotide with both a
reporter fluorescent dye (R) and a quencher dye (Q) attached at its 50 and 30 end,
respectively. During the extension phase, the quencher can only quench the reporter fluorescence when the two dyes are close to each other. This is only the case
for an intact probe. In fact, once amplification occurs, the probe is degraded by the
50 30 exonuclease activity of the Thermophilus aquaticus (Taq) DNA polymerase
and the fluorescence will be detected by means of a laser integrated in the
sequence detector.

Vol.9 No.5 May 2003

Beacon probe

Target gene



Target gene
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Fig. 2. Principles of quantitative real-time PCR using fluorogenic probes: scheme

of the extension-phase method with beacon probe. Molecular beacons are hairpinshaped molecules with an internally quenched fluorophore whose fluorescence is
restored when they bind to a target nucleic acid. They are designed in such a way
that the loop portion of the molecule is a probe sequence complementary to a target nucleic acid molecule. The stem is formed by the annealing of complementary
arm sequences on the ends of the probe sequence. A fluorescent moiety (R) is
attached to the end of one arm and a quenching moiety (Q) is attached to the end
of the other arm. The stem keeps these two moieties in close proximity to each
other, causing the fluorescence of the fluorophore to be quenched. When the
probe encounters a target molecule, the molecular beacon undergoes a spontaneous conformational reorganization that forces the stem apart, and causes the
fluorophore and the quencher to move away from each other, leading to the restoration of fluorescence.

method is standard curve-based quantitation, as a

standard curve (fivefold or tenfold serial dilution) of
calculated amount of a given gene is used to quantify the
gene abundance in a sample of interest.
Because both the amount of genetic material added to
each reverse transcription reaction tube (based on
wavelength absorbance) and its quality (i.e. degradation)
are not reliable parameters to measure the starting
material, the number of copies of an endogenous control
gene generally referred to as housekeeping gene is also
quantified. For each experimental sample the value of both
the target and the housekeeping gene are extrapolated
from the respective standard curve equation (Fig. 5). The
target value is then divided by the endogenous reference
value to obtain a normalized target value independent
from the amount of starting material. The assumption
must be made that the chosen reference gene does not vary
in copy number or expression level under different
experimental conditions. Only if this assumption holds
true will multiple samples be completely comparable.
Main issues
Normalization of results
The identification of a valid reference for data normalization is a crucial issue in qrt-PCR experimental design.
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is
one of the most popular housekeeping genes, although it





PCR plateau


Target gene




Vol.9 No.5 May 2003


Fluorescence intensity
(log scale)


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threshold level
copies 10 10 10 10 10 10









PCR cycle number

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Target gene
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Fig. 3. Principles of quantitative real-time PCR using fluorogenic probes: scheme

of the annealing phase method. In this case, two different probes are used, one
carrying a fluorescent reporter at its 30 end (R1), whereas the other carries another
fluorescent dye at its 50 end (R2). The sequences of these two oligonucleotides are
selected such that they hybridize to the amplified DNA fragment in a head-to-tail
arrangement. When the oligonucleotides hybridize in this orientation, the two fluorescence dyes are positioned in close proximity to each other. The first dye (R1)
is excited by the filtered light source and emits a fluorescent light at a slightly
longer wavelength. When the two dyes are in close proximity, the energy emitted
by R1 excites R2 attached to the second hybridization probe, which subsequently
emits fluorescent light at an even longer wavelength. This energy transfer is
referred to as fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). Choosing the appropriate detection channel, the intensity of the light emitted by R2 is filtered and

has been documented that GAPDH mRNA levels are not

always constant [12], particularly under the same pathological conditions [13]. We and other authors routinely use
b-actin as housekeeping gene [14,15]. Even though the
issues regarding b-actin gene regulation and pseudogene
existence have been raised [16,17], the consistency of
results yielded over time supports ex adjuvantibus the use
of this reference gene. Alternatively, rRNA, which makes
up the bulk of a total RNA sample, is another normalizer
that has been proposed [16], despite reservations concerning its expression levels, transcription by a different RNA
polymerase and possible imbalances in rRNA and mRNA
fractions between different samples [18]. Other investigators have advocated normalization to total cellular RNA
as the least unreliable method [19]. However, little is
known about the total RNA content per cell of different
tissues in vivo, or how this might vary between individuals
or between normal and tumor tissue. To minimize the
potential variability characteristic of each single housekeeping gene, some investigators have recently proposed
the normalization of qrt-PCR data by geometric averaging
of a set of reference genes [20].

Fig. 4. b-actin amplification plot illustrating the nomenclature typically used in

quantitative real-time PCR experiments. The amplification plot is the plot of fluorescence signal versus PCR cycle number. The signal measured during these PCR
cycles is used to plot the threshold. The threshold is calculated as ten times the
standard deviation of the average signal of the baseline fluorescent signal. A fluorescent signal that is detected above the threshold is considered a real signal that
can be used to define the threshold cycle (Ct) for a sample. The Ct is defined as the
fractional PCR cycle number at which the fluorescent signal is greater than the
minimal detection level. The Ct values of different b-actin concentrations are used
to generate the standard curve and then calculate the relative equation (Fig. 4).

mRNA cell source

When dealing with cell lines or in vitro purified cell
populations the issue of gene expression normalization is
strictly about the best way to measure correctly gene copy
number. Ex vivo samples present an additional problem
regarding qrt-PCR data interpretation. In fact, until
recently, in vivo RNA extractions and subsequent analyses
could only be performed from whole-tissue biopsies with
little regard for the different cell types contained within
that sample. This inevitably results in the averaging of the
expression of different cell types and the expression profile
of a specific cell type might be masked, lost or ascribed to
and dismissed as illegitimate transcription because of the
bulk of the surrounding cells. This is particularly relevant
when comparing gene expression profiles between normal
and cancer tissue because normal cells adjacent to a tumor
might be phenotypically normal, but genotypically abnormal or exhibit altered gene expression profiles because of
their proximity to the tumor [21], and some tumors have
significantly larger immune cell infiltrates than others
[22]. Recent technological developments might bring a
solution to this important issue. In particular, the
introduction of laser capture microdissection represents
a crucial step forward [23,24], permitting the extraction of
a pure subpopulation of cells from heterogeneous in vivo
cell samples for detailed molecular analysis [25]. Furthermore, after the introduction of RNA linear amplification [26], the issue of limited amount of genetic
material obtained from tissue microdissection can be
easily overcome. Because this RNA method is characterized by a 50 -biased gene amplification, particular
attention must be paid to probe or primer design, so that
they span the 30 -flank of a given transcript sequence.



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Cycle threshold (Ct)


y = 3.327x + 38.625
R2 = 0.998








Gene copies
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Fig. 5. b-actin standard curve plot for calculation of PCR efficiency and quantitation. A tenfold serial dilution of a positive control template is used to generate
the standard curve. The resulting threshold cycle (Ct) values for each input amount
of template are plotted as a function of the log10 concentration of input amounts
and a linear trend-line is fitted to the data. This is done both for optimizing a PCR
reaction as measured by the PCR efficiency and for quantitation of unknown
samples. The resulting slope of the line fitted to the data is used to determine
the PCR efficiency as shown in the formula. An ideal slope should be 3.32 for 100%
PCR efficiency; in this example it is 97.6%. Optimal standard curves are based
on PCR amplification efficiency from 90 100% (100% meaning that the amount
of template is doubled after each cycle), as demonstrated by the slope of the standard curve equation. Linear regression analysis of all standard curves should
show a high correlation (R2 coefficient $0.99) to be considered suitable for gene
levels quantitative analysis. The function that defines this slope is also used to calculate the amount of unknown samples. Most real-time PCR instruments have
software that can automatically compute the amount of template of an unknown
sample from a standard curve. However, it can be done manually by putting the
observed Ct value for an unknown sample into the following formula: (observed
Ct y intercept)/slope.

Applications in cancer research

The range of qrt-PCR applications in the field of oncology is
immense and has been fuelled in part by the proliferation
of low-cost instrumentation and reagents. The following
paragraphs are not meant to be a comprehensive overview,
but rather to give a sense of the versatility of qrt-PCR and
its potential applicability.
Detection of minimal residual disease
A high percentage of patients with leukemia or lymphoma
achieve a complete clinical remission after initial treatment. However, many of these patients will eventually
relapse from residual tumor cells undetected by the
common staging procedures. The focus of the study of
minimal residual disease (MRD) is to redefine the concept
of tumor remission by using more sensitive molecular
techniques to detect level of disease burden below the
resolution threshold of conventional pathology. The PCRbased qualitative (yes versus no) detection of MRD is
associated with a relative increase in relapse rate [27].
However, even without relapse, some patients affected
with hematological malignancies will still test positive for
the tumor marker using standard PCR techniques [28].
Perhaps limited by the detection of rare pre-leukemic cells,
standard PCR techniques are not capable of stratifying
patients, and the amount of fusion product might be a
better prognostic indicator. The quantification of disease

Vol.9 No.5 May 2003

burden by qrt-PCR can greatly strengthen the relationship

of MRD and subsequent relapse, permitting a truly
tailored individual therapy. Recent studies on acute
myeloid leukemia [29,30] and acute lymphoblastic leukemia [15,31] support the use of qrt-PCR for detecting tumorspecific fusion products to identify high-risk patients who
might benefit from further treatment. Similarly, qrt-PCR
has been used to quantify translocation fusion transcripts
(i.e. BCR-ABL) in chronic myeloid leukemia before and
after allogeneic transplant [32], to determine the response
to treatment with interferon-a [33], to monitor MRD [34]
in patients with follicular lymphoma [35], and to evaluate
tumor burden in stem-cell harvests for the treatment of
patients with non-Hodgkins lymphoma [36]. Many of
these studies have benefited greatly from the application
of qrt-PCR methods. In fact, for the molecular detection of
rare tumor cells in clinical samples, qrt-PCR offers two
important advantages over conventional RT-PCR assays:
the results are quantitative and, perhaps more importantly, it facilitates exact sensitivity controls on a per
sample basis as well as exact comparison of different assay
protocols. In particular, the use of qrt-PCR is becoming a
necessary research tool for detecting the molecular events
underlying disease recurrence and might guide therapeutic decisions based on how individual patients respond
at the molecular level. Thus, quantitative measurements
can be used to define correlations between the amount of
fusion products and clinical outcome.
Although the clinical utility of PCR-based MRD
evaluation for hematological malignancies is well established, the experience with solid tumors is more limited.
Although some investigators have reported on the prognostic value of solid tumor MRD detection at the molecular
level [37], there is no general consensus on its clinical
significance [38]. Unlike hematological malignancies, solid
tumors are rarely characterized by specific chromosomal
translocations, and tumor-specific markers are only
expressed by some tumor types and in a relatively low
percentage of cases. In addition, the issue of illegitimate
gene transcription jeopardizes the reliability of some
tumor markers, such as cytokeratins [39]. The assessment
of circulating tumor cells by means of qrt-PCR has been
evaluated for different solid tumor types such as melanoma, colon, breast and prostate carcinoma [40 43].
Furthermore, some investigators have recently proposed
the use of qrt-PCR for the detection and quantification of
MRD in sentinel lymph nodes obtained from patients with
different solid tumors [44,45]. In fact, whereas histopathological examination of sentinel nodes is time-consuming
and might miss microscopic disease made of few malignant
cells, qrt-PCR potentially offers a rapid way to identify and
quantify sentinel node micrometastases. Large prospective studies are needed to demonstrate definitively the
postulated correlation between the detection of circulating
tumor cells or sentinel node micrometastases and the
clinical outcome for patients.
Tumor immunology
Tetramer-based analysis of circulating lymphocytes can
accurately enumerate the number of T cells elicited by the
peptide-based anticancer vaccine but does not yield


TRENDS in Molecular Medicine

information about their functional status [46]. Because of

their low frequency, the study of cytotoxic T lymphocytes
cytofluorimetrically sorted using HLA peptide tetramer
complexes is greatly limited. We recently reported on the
use of qrt-PCR to assess directly the immune status of
peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from patients
with melanoma undergoing peptide-based vaccination
[47]. By testing PBMC for expression of the mRNA
encoding interferon-g (IFN-g), it was found that PBMC
respond to a vaccine-specific stimulus in a direct assay,
without requiring prolonged in vitro manipulations [48].
Comparative analysis of different monitoring methods
demonstrated that vaccine-induced sensitization of
circulating lymphocytes correlated with results obtained
with classical in vitro sensitization methods [14], as well as
T-cell phenotyping with HLApeptidetetramer complexes
and intracellular cytokine detection by cytofluorimetric
analysis [49,50]. In addition to monitoring immune reactivity against individual tumor-associated peptides restricted
by specific HLA molecules, qrt-PCR can also be applied to
analyse immune reactivity against whole proteins, mixtures
of proteins or even whole tumor cells without knowledge of
the relevant peptides or restriction elements [51].
In the assessment of the therapeutic efficacy of specific
cancer treatment, analysis of immune responses in
circulating lymphocytes (systemic response) might not
be as relevant as the analysis of the same effector
populations within the tumor microenvironment (peripheral response). A very promising application of qrt-PCR
for the immune monitoring of cancer patients is its use for
the documentation of immune or tumor cell interactions
within the tumor microenvironment [52]. This can only be
done using qrt-PCR because other methods (e.g. immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry) require larger
amounts of material. We applied qrt-PCR to the analysis
of specimens obtained from fine-needle aspirates. Using
this strategy we could follow dynamic changes in
expression of tumor-associated antigens [53], cytokine
expression and other immune-cell-specific markers [48,54]
during immunization. Although some of these markers
could have been followed by immunohistochemistry, for
others there was no available antibody. In addition, the
limited amount of material obtainable with fine-needle
aspiration would not have permitted the preparation of a
sufficient number of cytology slides to study more than a
few markers, whereas the RNA extracted and linearly
amplified [26] permitted the study of an unlimited number
of genes [52]. Likewise, we followed the mRNA expression
of some cytokines [IFN-g, interleukin-10 (IL-10), transforming growth factor-b1 (TGF-b1) and TGF-b2] before
and during patient vaccination [54]. Surprisingly, IL-10,
which is generally considered an immunosuppressive
molecule, was overexpressed in pre-treatment samples
that responded to vaccination. This finding led us to revisit
IL-10 functions and further study its properties, showing
that this cytokine might have an important role as a bridge
between innate and adaptive immune responses [55].
DNA copy-number measurement
DNA copy-number dosage is important in determining the
extent of genomic imbalance that underlies most

Vol.9 No.5 May 2003


malignancies. There are numerous techniques available

for measuring DNA copy number in tumors, each method
presenting specific advantages and disadvantages. Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) can detect
imbalances across the entire genome, but at relatively
low resolution. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH)
can provide copy-number measurements in a cell-specific
manner, but it is difficult to perform in high-throughput
and is difficult to count 25 or more DNA copies. PCR has
been used for determining allelic imbalance (or loss of
heterozygosity) using polymorphic simple-sequence
repeats [56]. However, if it is performed as an end-point
PCR assay, quantitative conclusions can be misleading.
Qrt-PCR has been used in several studies in which allelic
imbalance is determined [57,58]. To evaluate the clinical
relevance of SMAD4 deletion, gene copy alterations were
determined by using qrt-PCR in colorectal tumor biopsies
[59]. Patients with normal SMAD4 diploidy turned out to
have a threefold higher benefit of 5-fluoro-uracil-based
adjuvant chemotherapy, thereby suggesting SMAD4 as a
predictive marker of chemosensitivity in colorectal cancer.
In a similar study, DcR3 gene copy number was measured
in a large series of colorectal cancers from a randomized
multicenter trial of 5-fluoro-uracil/mitomycin-C adjuvant
chemotherapy [60]. The investigators observed that
adjuvant chemotherapy was significantly more beneficial
in patients with normal DcR3 gene copy number than in
patients with amplification, confirming that qrt-PCRbased pharmacogenomic studies can provide useful
information of clinical interest.
Genomic mutation and polymorphism
Identification of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations permits
molecular diagnosis for breast cancer susceptibility. A
high-throughput automated allelic discrimination assay
has been proposed to detect the prevalent mutations in
these genes [61]. Two allele-specific oligonucleotides are
directly used in the PCR reaction, in both of which the
fluorescent reporter and quencher dyes are attached to the
50 and 30 ends, respectively. During PCR, fluorescence is
generated after cleavage of the annealed primer by the 50
nuclease activity of Taq polymerase. The wild-type BRCA
sequence can be distinguished from the mutant sequence
by the differential fluorescence emission of two different
reporter dyes. The sensitivity of allelic discrimination
assay is at the level of a single cell following a nested PCR
without the need for radioactivity, gel electrophoresis,
or membrane blotting or hybridization. The same
technique has recently been used for the identification
of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the
human genome [62], which has already proved to be
of clinical use to determine the relative percentages of
donor and recipient cells present in the recipient after
allogeneic bone marrow transplant engraftment [63].
Compared to Southern hybridization analysis, qrt-PCR
results highly correlated. Although additional development will be necessary to produce a panel of highly
informative SNP for clinical use, qrt-PCR-based SNP
assay could ultimately provide more accurate quantification and shortened turn-around time compared
with current post-engraftment assays.



TRENDS in Molecular Medicine

Measurement of gene expression levels can provide
investigators with precious information to dissect the
molecular mechanisms underlying cancer behavior. To this
aim, qrt-PCR has already reached a high level of reliability
and practical ease that makes it suitable not only in
the research field but also in the clinical setting.
Moreover, qrt-PCR versatility is opening new avenues
of application in the search for user-friendly, high-tech
molecular biology tools.




Apologies are made to those authors whose work on qrt-PCR has not been
cited because of space limitations.


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