Oct 2011 Newsletter Ver 1

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October 2011 Newsletter

Dear Exceptionally Supportive Family Members, Marines and Sailors: As we prepare to return home, I would like to thank each and everyone of you for your continued support of both our service members and the battalion as a whole. Although not all service members have been assigned a group to return home with, we are all as anxious as you to return to our loved ones. We expect to have groups for the remaining service members in the very near future. As soon as Gary receives the information, he will pass it on to you. I would also like to commend all the service members for their outstanding efforts in the successful completion on this deployment. The efforts of both those deployed and those in garrison allowed us to complete our mission in an exemplary manner. I am proud to be a part of this battalion. I look forward to seeing all of you in the very near future. Semper Fidelis, Lieutenant Colonel Kevin R. Scott Commanding Officer
From departure in Spring to Arrival in Fall.. We will see you soon

In This Issue:
From the FRO GS Motor T CO Surgical CO H&S CO 2 2 3 3

Maintenance CO & 1stSgt 4 Chaplains Corner Supply CO & 1stSgt New Places and Faces Information & Education Information & Education 5 5 6 7 8

Calendar of Events for October

4th-Family Readiness Volunteer Training 4th-Four Lenses Part II (Family Thrival) 4th-Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours 4th-Beyond the Brief (Week 5) 6th-LINKS Spouses workshop (Call 451-1299) 6th-7th-Before I Do Workshop 11th-12th-Family Readiness Volunteer Training 11th-Beyond the Brief (Week 6) 11th-LINKS Japanese (Call 4511299) 12th-13th Cooperative Parenting and Divorce 13th-14th-Before I Do Workshop 13th-Return and Reunion Workshop 14, 15 & 16 Oct CREDO Marriage Retreat (Call 450-1668) 15th-LINKS Spouses Workshop (Call 451-1299) 18th-19th 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families Workshop 20th-21st-Before I Do Workshop 21st-In the Midst 25th-26th-Family Readiness Volunteer Training 25th,26th&27th Marriage Enrichment using the Prep Approach 27th-Kids-nReunion Workshop 28,29 & 30 CREDO Marriage Retreat (Call 450-1668)
For reservations for the classes call:

Dont forget about or Google calendar and Face book page at the following links: (Face book) www.facebook.com/2dMaintenance-Battalion (Google Calendar) www.mccslejeune.com/ fro/2dmaintbn.html (Info Line) 1-800-664-7193 press 3 then press 2

CREDO 910-450-1668 LINKS 910-451-1299 Life Skills 910-451-0176 Deployment Support 451-0176

From the FRO

As we welcome fall, we also are finally able to welcome home our loved ones from their deployment. We had one group return in September, and we look forward to the remaining service members return this month. It is always touching to see the families reunited and our first group was no different. We will be giving treat bags to the single service members as they return from deployment. Project Thank You mailed numerous boxes to the battalion and a group of volunteers prepared the treat bags. We are looking for volunteers to pass out the bags as the single marines arrive. We will have a table set up with the bags, so your only responsibility would be to greet the incoming service members and give them a bag. If you would like to volunteer, please call me at (910) 451-2682 or email me at gary.scalzo@usmc.mil We have numerous groups returning so there are many opportunities to volunteer. Our next social event will be held at Jump in Jax on Monday, October 24th at 6:00 p.m. The children are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes. Please remember the children need socks. Pizza will be provided. Please bring drinks for yourself and your family. We hope to have Cinderella and Batman visit us. Please remember, you do not have to have small children to attend this event. Everyone is welcome. Please monitor Facebook and our 1-800 number for changes to the upcoming returns. We look forward to seeing our service members return and our families reunited. We commend both our service members and the families that have held it together at home on a job well done. As always, if I can be of assistance, please call me at (910)451-2682 or email me at: gary.scalzo@usmc.mil Gary

GS Motor T Company
We are in the final stages of our countdown until we come home. After close to seven months deployed the entire Company is looking forward to heading back to the United States. As you may recall, the GSMT Reservists who make up 75% of GSMT Company started their deployment back in November of 2010. Many of these Marines have been away for almost 11 months to include all pre-deployment training in 29 Palms, California. Many of the active duty Marines have also completed back to back deployments and are more than ever looking to be done with this deployment to spend some much needed time with family and friends. As this is my third combat deployment I can honestly say, it is and will be my most memorable. The men and women that make up this company of 220 Marines and Sailors of all ranks from the Officers to the SNCOs to the NCOs and junior Marines, I cannot think of a finer bunch of Marines and Sailors that have worked so hard and endured so much in this very kinetic environment in southern Helmand Province, Afghanistan. During this deployment the Marines and Sailors of GSMT have delivered more cargo and escorted more fuel tankers to outlying bases than any other Marine Motor Transport unit in years while traveling in some of the worst terrain in the AO, facing a constant enemy threat. This was truly a team effort and the company stats reflect it. This Company has set the bar high. Some Marines that do stand out who really made the difference on these missions are Sergeant s Michael Kulp, Anna Wallace and Kyle Deboer. Corporals Tyler Vandee, Cody Hanks, Michael Gregus, Jonathan Eck, Jahaira Farias, Christophe Ganiero, Katherine Downey and Markee Robinson. Lance Corporals Brittany McGhee, Kyle Magulick, David Hunsicker, Jon Hommer, Christophe Redd and many, many others. As this is the last newsletter from me as I will also be redeploying back to 6 th Motors, Las Vegas before reassignment. I want to thank you, for all your support you have given to your sons, daughters, husbands, wives, friends and relatives. What we have experienced out here in Afghanistan will be remembered for the rest of our lives and to know we received the great support from everyone at home made things a little easier for all of us. Please check out our Battalions Face book page for pictures and updates. Respectively and Semper Fi, Capt Minella M.C. Company Commander General Support Motor Transport Company

H&S CO, 1stSgt Family and Friends, In the dwindling days remaining here in Afghanistan, our Marines and Sailors have continued to provide top notch support throughout the battle space. Through your prayers and support, we have succeeded in our mission. I cannot stress enough how important it is for the Family Readiness Officer to have your contact information so you can track our journey home. We anxiously await our return to the arms of our loved ones. I am very proud of our Marines and Sailors! See you soon! Semper Fidelis, 1stSgt Rachel L. Eltz

H&S CO, Company Commander

Friends and Family of H&S, The time is now here. After six months of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice (on your part as well as ours), our time has come to an end and we have handed the torch over to our brothers and sisters of 2d Supply Battalion. We highly anticipate our return to Camp Lejeune and to the many towns and cities we come from. Your Marines and Sailors have performed admirably it is my distinct honor and privilege to return home with them under a banner of success. Please keep tabs on us on the Facebook page as well as the toll free number provided by our Family Readiness Officer, Mr. Gary Scalzo. I look forward to seeing you soon!! Semper Fidelis Captain K.J. Kobell

CO REMARKS To the families and friends: The long awaited time has come where your loved ones will be reuniting with you very soon. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you for the sacrifices you have made and in supporting your Marine and Maintenance Company. With your prayers, encouraging letters, and keeping the home fires burning you helped tremendously with the morale and getting our Marines through this deployment. As our tour in Afghanistan comes to an end, I would like to take this last opportunity to tell the Marines of Maintenance Company of how thankful and proud I am of each and every one of your accomplishments! I want each of you to take what you have learned during our deployment back to the states and know that you have achieved and surpassed all expectations from the Commanding Officer of 2d MSB, LtCol Scott, the Commanding General of II 2d MLG FWD, BGen Dana and the Commanding General of the Regional Command Southwest, MGen Toolan. As you reflect back on this deployment remember the good times and experiences you have shared with Marines from around the country knowing that you have created an everlasting bond. Each and every one of you have taught me something whether it was dealing with Motor Transport Maintenance, Heavy Equipment, Utilities, Various Ordnance equipment, Communication Electronics, and how to manage a Reparable Issue Point. The most important thing you have taught me is being a better mentor, Commander, and Marine Officer. This has been one of my most memorable and rewarding experiences I have had in the 23 years I have been in the Marine Corps. To be able to take command of 342 Marines and take you into Afghanistan and performed the way you did was anything short of amazing. I could not have asked for a better group of Officers, SNCOs, NCOs, and Marines. For that, I thank you for your dedication to our great nation, our Marines Corps, and Maintenance Company during this deployment. Semper Fidelis Captain Michael Gasperini



Friends and families of Maintenance Company, The time for you to reunite with your Marine is soon. Since their arrival six months ago, your Marines have completed a very demanding mission in a very austere environment. The Marines of this Company have exceeded and surpassed all expectations of them and you should be extremely proud of them. I have been very fortunate and blessed to have served with these fine Warriors. Your support and personal sacrifices do not go unnoticed. Your contributions and efforts were vital. This deployment would not have been successful if not for your thoughts, prayers, and unwavering dedication and support. The great success of this deployment will be when not only when your Marines have returned to you, but as well when they have completed their Warrior transition training and have returned from block leave safely. I can assure you that your Marines will continue to do great things and remain focused at the mission at hand. We are grateful and we thank you for providing us your most cherished asset, your loved one, for the defense of this great nation. Again, thank you to the families and love ones for all the support and sacrifices you have made. I would like to give you my personal best wishes of good luck, God Speed, and forever remain, Semper Fidelis! Semper Fidelis, 1stSgt Francisco M. Rivera

Supply Company
Family, friends, and loved ones - the month of September finds us eagerly anticipating what we know is right around the corner. We are at the point in our deployment where inevitable fatigue and stress are curbed somewhat by the realization that new faces are arriving to relieve us and we will soon be returning home. Your Marines and Sailors are beginning the initial phases of turning over with 2d Supply Battalion. I am extremely proud of all of them for the many things they have done well here in service to our great nation. Of particular interest this month were the Battalion BBQ and the 9/11 memorial ceremony. We had the opportunity at the Battalion BBQ to participate in games, food, and fun as a way to reflect on and unwind a bit from six months of combat operations. The 9/11 memorial ceremony was a somber reminder of why we are here and why we must do our very best to help the Afghan people. At the same time there was a sense of pride that welled throughout the crowd as Major General Toolan gave his remarks and chose to focus on Americas heroic response to the horrific events of that day. We have put in our time, we are ready, and as we prepare to hand off operations to our brothers and sisters of 2d Supply Battalion, we look forward to our return home. Semper Fi, Capt Johnson Supply Company Commander Significant Events for the month of September 2011 Birthdays: We had 21 Marines and Sailors that celebrated September birthdays: 1 SEPTEMBER: LCPL MARINO PARKER, LCPL SIMMONS SYLVIA 2 SEPTEMBER: MSGT DANIEL MARCUS 3 SEPTEMBER: LCPL WEST TRAVIS 5 SEPTEMBER: CPL MECKLEY SETH, CPL RODRIGUEZ OMAR 6 SEPTEMBER: LCPL GOODRICH RASHAD 7 SEPTEMBER: LCPL PALACIOSTERAN ANGIE 8 SEPTEMBER: CPL TILIPAO ALUPIANG 10 SEPTEMBER: LCPL NICHOLS JONATHAN 15 SEPTEMBER: CPL SMITH DAMIEN 17 SEPTEMBER: LCPL VANHOUTEN BRANDON, CPL VANZYLL JACOB, LCPL WITZBERGER JUSTIN 22 SEPTEMBER: GYSGT HERBST JOEY 24 SEPTEMBER: CPL RODRIGUEZ ALEXSANDRA 25 SEPTEMBER: LCPL FITTS ALONZA 26 SEPTEMBER: CPL PETRILLO RANDALL 29 SEPTEMBER: LCPL BETANCOURTMUNOZ EDISON, CPL DEZAYEE OMER

Chaplains Corner Greetings Family and Friends,

As we are getting closer to getting home we should take the time to reflect and thank God for His faithfulness to those of us here in Afghanistan as well as those at home. Hang in there folks. It wont be long now! As we think back over these last 6 months, whether life experiences have been good or bad whichever side of the fence you find yourself, I can say that God has been faithful. How we have handled those challenges will ultimately determine whether we grow from those experiences or not. Just recently as I was reading my devotion, I was reminded of a challenge faced by the biblical character Abraham. During his travels he ran across a group of men who found his wife Sara attractive. Because of fear for his life, he denied that Sarah was his wife and he told them she was his sister. With fear dictating his actions, he put at risk Gods plan that through him and Sara a great nation would arise. Have you ever let fear dictate your response? For fear of not fitting in, have you compromised your standards? For fear of losing your spouse or friend, have you hidden a deception? For fear of reprisal or being ostracized, have you mistreated a subordinate? For fear of failure when the situation just looks insurmountable, have you not stood your ground giving up without even trying? There are many who have faced their fears during this deployment (going out on convoys, managing an impossible schedule at home & work, being faithful to a neglectful spouse, completing steps toward their education, losing weight, etc.) and now, as we bring this deployment to a close, can sense the victory attained through Gods faithfulness. Those who have faced their fears realize now that they have a stronger faith because of the trust they placed in God. Those who have trusted Him have witnessed that God has and can make a way out of no way and only God can and will resurrect good from an otherwise bad situation. A popular devotional magazine states, If your fear is putting Gods wonderful plans for you at risk, remember that He will never ask you to do anything He cant bring to completion, even if it requires miraculous intervention on His part. May God continually bless each and every one of you. See you soon! In the Lords Service, Chaplain Green


And as new faces come in, we must say goodbye to those who have served with us, thank them for their service and recognize the families who supported them while assigned to 2d Maintenance Battalion: SSGT MICHAEL FOLEY, SGT JOSHUA WHITING, MSGT BENJAMI STEIN, LCPL MICHAEL PAGE, CPL KENNETH HAMMOND, SSGT CHRISTOPHE EHRHARDT

Scout of the Year Scholarships

Annually, the Veterans of Foreign Wars recognizes three individuals: Eagle Scouts, Venture Silver Award recipients or Sea Scout Quartermasters who have risen above their peers in exemplifying the exceptional qualities of that rank with the following: $5,000 1st place scholarship $3,000 2nd place scholarship $1,000 3rd place scholarship To be eligible for the award, the candidate must: Be a registered, active member of a Boy Scout Troop, Venturing Crew or Sea Scout Ship. Be the recipient of the Eagle Scout Award, Venture Silver Award or Quartermaster Award. Have demonstrated exemplary citizenship in school, Scouting and community. Have reached his or her 15th birthday and be enrolled in high school at the time of selection. Have submitted a complete entry form to a VFW Post in his or her community. Applicants still in high school who reach their 18th birthday during the nomination year remain eligible if otherwise qualified. A Scout may enter through only one VFW Post. A sponsoring Post can be located by contacting the respective VFW Department (state) Headquarters as listed on the VFW web site: www.vfw.org Deadline for entries: March 1 Entry to the Post. April 1 Submission to Department Scouting Team member from Post. May 1 Submission to national organization from Department Scouting Team member. Candidate entry forms are available from your Department Scouting Team member or by calling 816756-3390, ext.220. Required Documentation The following documentation should be attached to the candidates entry form: Photograph of the Scout in complete uniform for their current rank. High School Participation Record a single page, one side resume of the candidates high school activities listing offices held, honors received and significant participation in other activities. Scouting Record maximum of three pages, one side only listing of all Scouting participation beginning with Cub Scouts to include years of participation, unit numbers and sponsors. Also include when Eagle, Silver or Quartermaster Award was received and Palms. Identify leadership positions held at all levels, participation in Scouting activities (jamborees, Order of the Arrow conferences, etc.) and the candidates Eagle Scout, Venture or Quartermaster Project. Community Service Record a single page, one side resume listing participation in community and religious service organizations (excluding Scouting and school), noting leadership positions held and any recognition received. Letters of Recommendation A maximum of five letters, none exceeding two pages, will be judged. The five letters must include one each from a representative of the school, community and a Scout leader. The two additional letters should be from members of the local community who have special knowledge of the candidates abilities and/or accomplishments. VFW NATIONAL SCOUTING TEAM The backbone of Scouting in the VFW is the VFW National Scouting Team. These are VFW members who are also deeply involved in Scouting, most for decades. Appointed by their Department Commander, they are responsible for promoting Scouting in their state. They are available to encourage Posts to sponsor units, support units and individual Scout projects. They should be the Departments expert on all phases of Scouting. Many Departments have multiple members of the VFW National Scouting Team but every Department should have at least one individual to promote the values of Scouting to youth and to the VFW itself. For more information on the VFW National Scouting Team call 816-968-1116 or e-mail svanbuskirk@vfw.org.

Information & Education

Challenging Children Evening Workshop Series ******************************************** Tuesdays 1830-2000 FRI 4 NOV AT THE MARSTON PAVILION Russell Marine & Family Services Center Bldg 40 Rm 139 for spouses from II MEF, 2d MLG, This free monthly workshop held on the 4th Tuesday of every month, is open to all ID cardholders. Free childcare information 2dMarDiv, & 2d MAW. will be shared upon advance registration, please call 451-4103. Modified military costume attire. Upcoming Topics: 25 Oct Tantrums The ball is open to all spouses within II MEF. 22 Nov - Time Out PRE-SALES of tickets to the deployed spouses 26th of

Lipstick & Camouflage Spouses Ball


Sept. 1st of Oct. All spouse can buy their tickets starting the 3rd of Oct. Child care will be available. Price is $30. Challenging Children Daytime Workshop Series Website: www.mccslejeune.com/lipstick for more details. 400 Tickets Available

******************************************** Wednesdays 1100-1300 Russell Marine & Family Services Center Bldg 40 Rm 139 Free childcare is provided with advance registration. For more information, please call 910-451-4103. Upcoming Topics: 26 Oct - Practical Applications for Everyday Behaviors

County and City Urge Residents to Register for Alerts Connect-CTY System can provide official statements directly

7-10 Oct. Atlantic City, NJ $250 Seating limited includes transportation and lodging 23 Oct. Carolina Panthers game $60 seating limited. Includes transportation and tickets to the game 30 Oct. Busch Gardens HOWL-O-SCREAM $25 seating limited. Includes transportation tickets are

Onslow County and the City of Jacksonville are both urging residents to be registered for emergency alerts. The City and the County use the Connect-CTY system to alert residents about emergency conditions, closings and other issues that are important. Citizens can register for the system by visiting the County or the Citys websites and clicking on the Connect-CTY buttons. Persons previously registered can check their information and add cell phones, email addresses and other contact information that they may wish to use to get official information.
Connect-CTY uses email, text messages and phone numbers to notify Citizens. If you wish to be more informed, please visit www.onslowcountync.gov or www.ci.jacksonville.nc.us to give

Free Family Fun Run/Walk Schedule ********************************** Tarawa Terrace Community Center Selected Saturdays, 0900 22 Oct 19 Nov 10 Dec Ghoulish Run Gobble Run Reindeer Trot

us your information. You may also call City Hall reception at 938-5220 during normal business hours and the desk will enter the information for you.

For more information, please call 910-450-1687 or visit http://www.mccslejeune.com/community.


Halloween is coming up and downtown Jacksonville will come alive Oct 27-29 with childrens activities and a very scary haunted USO! We need volunteers to help with all aspects of the Haunted Downtown Ghost walk. For more information please see the link below:

Dad and Mom learn how to make a smooth transition into parenthood. This is a hands on experience for expectant parents or those have children up to 6 months. Learn about growth, nutrition, and safety for your baby. Call 910-4499501 to pre-register or visit our office located at Midway Park Marine & Family Services Annex Bldg LCH4012-B, on the corner of 3rd and Butler. FREE Foreign Language program for you and your children! Go by the base library and get a username and password so that you can use MangoLanguage.com right in your home. They have 34 languages and use a very simple, intuitive style to teach kids another language. Best of all, the program is FREE for active duty and their dependents. Did we help you with your problems? Have a suggestion? Wake Up & Get Schooled Celebrity Wake Up Calls. Need help getting your kids up in the morning? Starting in October through the end of the school year, your child can receive a call from a celebrity education ambassadors listed below among many others:*Wiz Khalifa *Nicki Minaj *Trey Songz *Greyson Chance *Ciara *Sway Calloway and more! How do you get a Wake Up call from Get Schooled? Fill out the form below and make sure that you schedule your call with more than enough time to get up and get to school! Stay Connected with Get Schooled: Facebook and Twitter. When will you get your Wake Up call? Wake Up & Get Schooled calls start in October and will run throughout the entire school year. What day will you get your first call? It will be a surprise! You will receive it on a school day in October. Who can get a Wake Up call? Only legal residents of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia who are at least 13 years of age or older at time of entry are eligible to sign up. http://getschooled.com/wakeup

The free Saturday night childcare coupons given out at the MCX for the TT CDC/Youth center will no longer be accepted as of December 2011. The MCX will stop issuing coupons as of June 30,2011 and they will no longer be accepted as payment for Saturday night care as of December 2011. The Saturday night care will still continue at the $3 per hour per kid rate. We have just over 30 coupons if you would like a few please let me know.

Emergency Preparedness
Are you new to the Camp Lejeune area and North Carolina's climate? Or are you in need of a refresher course on emergency preparedness? Do you need help with your emergency plan in case of an area disaster? Are you ready for the Hurricane season? Marine Corps Family Team Building (MCFTB) has a new interactive workshop "Emergency Preparedness" that will help you prepare, and/or your family, for any worst case scenario. The workshop will enable you to be better prepared for potential natural and manmade hazards that can threaten your life. Safety begins with awareness so mark your calendar to attend one of these workshops at the MCFTB office, Bldg LC 4102 A, Midway Park. Mon, 17 Oct * 1300-1500 Topics to be covered: * Emergency Preparedness against hazards that threaten military families * Creating an Emergency Plan * Creating an Emergency Supply Kit * Knowing where and when to evacuate * Actions to take after a disaster * Helping children cope with disasters Please register in advance for this free workshop by calling 451-0176.

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