Script-World Law Day

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Atty EM Today is a day to celebrate the role of law Atty.

JM And please remain standing for the mass

in our society and cultivate a deeper understanding of the singing of our National Anthem to be followed by the
legal profession. As lawyers, we share the responsibility to singing of our IBP Hymn.
promote the rule of law, defend the oppressed and pursue
Atty. EM Today marked the 27th year since the
declaration of the Philippine National Law week and the
Atty. JM May we, as lawyers always keep in mind 47th year since the declaration of the Law Day. Within the
our vital role in the well-being of our nation especially in framework which the principles are founded, a lawyer
this trying times. This was expressed by the Integrated Bar must, with courage and foresight be able and ready to
of the Philippines for last year’s World Law Day. I am Atty. shape the body of the law to the ever-changing relationship
Jezza Marie S. Ringon-Fernandez; of society.
Atty. EM and I am Atty. Esther Marie S. Ringon, Atty. JM Law not only controls but it also gives
freedom, freedom which comes with responsibility. It is a
Both Your hosts for today’s World Law Day
tool to guard the right and correct the wrong. It is a tool to
Atty. EM Lawyers as guardians of the law play a bring justice in the society. To receive us gladly, may I
vital role in the preservation of society. The fulfillment of request our dear IBP President, Atty. Margie T. James-
this role requires an understanding by lawyers of their Lumasag to give us the Welcome Address, a round of
relationship with and function in our legal system. applause please.
Atty. JM In fulfilling these professional Atty. EM Thank you very much Pres. Marg for the
responsibilities, a lawyer necessarily assumes various sincere words of welcome. At this point, let us all take heed
roles that require the performance of many difficult tasks. as we prepare ourselves for the Inspirational Message by
Not every situation that we may encounter can be the Executive Judge/ Presiding Judge of RTC Branch 20,
foreseen, but fundamental ethical principles are always let us put our hands together to none other than, Hon.
present to guide us. Dennis P. Vicoy.
Atty. EM To formally commence this humble Atty. JM Very well said, Executive Judge. Once
endeavor, May I request everyone to please stand and again let’s give Hon. Dennis P. Vicoy a round of applause.
focus ourselves in God’s presence as we seek the The judiciary plays a fundamental role in society and for
intervention of our Almighty Father. the upholding of social order. Its primary function, in fact, is
to resolve conflicts through the application of pre-existing
norms or, in some cases precedents, which have been  Judge Cholyn Mae Ruiz-Bonbon Family Court Branch 22
issued through legitimate procedures, as recognized by the  Judge Julimie G. Guanco RTC Molave
political system.
Atty. EM In adjudicating disputes, judges are Atty. JM We are deeply honored to be given the
subject to the law, meaning that their decisions are based privilege to receive the _______________ of our
on the application of the law. The law is a product of distinguished Judges. Indeed, you are an inspiration to us,
society and, in theory, reflects community expectations. lawyers. As we draw near to the end of our program let us
For these reasons, judicial decisions can be considered the be empowered by the Short Messages of our seasoned
product of the whole society. To further enlighten us it is lawyers, the IBP Presidents of this chapter. First stop let us
highly appreciated by everybody that our renown and all welcome with a round of applause the current President
revered Judges be accorded the opportunity to give a short of IBP Zamboanga Del Sur, President Atty. Margie T.
message. May we give the floor to James-Lumasag.
 Judge Abraham S. Marcaban RTC Sindangan
1. Atty. Easter Norie F. Talip, 2019-2021
 Judge Norlinda R. Amante-Descallar MTCC Kumalarang
2. Atty. Xerxes R. Regala, 2017-2019
 Judge Crislyn B. Pangindian-Sancho MTCC Dumingag
 Judge Benison M. Mahawan MCTC At large
3. Atty. Anthony S. Padayhag, 2015-2017
 Judge PacificoT. Cimafranca Jr. Acting MTCC Branch 1 4. Judge Abraham S. Marcaban, 2013-2015
 Judge Romeo T. Descallar RTC Branch 19 5. Judge Analyn F. Ramas Costanilla, 2009-2011
 Judge Arnold M. Diabo 2nd District 6. Atty. Georgina L. Ariosa-Lopez, 2003-2005
 Executive Judge Dennin P. Vicoy Executive Branch 21 7. Atty. Aquiles E.Ceniza Jr., 1980-1981
 Judge Felix B. Rodriguez Jr. RTC Branch 18
Atty. EM It has been very well stated that by
 Judge Mary Ann R. Jamero MTCC Molave
 Judge Carol Morales MTCC Tambulig having a strong rule of law, governments give business
 Judge Hanibal R. Morales MTCC Labangan and society the stability of knowing that all rights are
 Judge Maria Theresa Llagas-Oh MTCC Aurora respected and protected. An excerpt of a statement by a
 Judge Maria Teresa Pangilinan-Unger MTCC San Miguel famous English Philosopher, Sir John Locke states that:
 Judge Analyn F. Ramas-Costanilla RTC Aurora, Branch 30 The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve
 Judge Clyde G. Rondrique RTC Branch 2 and enlarge freedom. And for that purpose, it is with a
 Judge Johnabel H. Tabunda MTCC Dimataling sincere heart, honored to declare the Legal Aid Service
 Judge Joel G. Vercide Acting RTC Branch 21 officially open.
Atty. JM Atty. JM
These have been your hosts Atty. Jezza Marie S. Ringon- These have been your hosts Atty. Jezza Marie S. Ringon-
Fernandez Fernandez
Atty. EM And Atty. Esther Marie Ringon Atty. EM And Atty. Esther Marie Ringon
Both: signing off! Both: signing off!

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