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Ann Marie Buerkle (NY-25)

Notable Headlines
Ann Marie Buerkle under pressure over her support for Medicare overhaul [The Post-Standard, 6/27/11] Palin Continues Support of Buerkle [capitoltonight.com, 7/15/11] Residents gather in Manlius to hear Buerkle defend Ryan Medicare plan [Eagle Observer, 7/04/11] Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle rushes to swearing-in ceremony, waits and misses her first House vote
[Syracuse.com, 1/05/11]

Freshman GOPer Didn't Know Government Paid For Her Health Benefits [TPMDC, 2/4/11]

Greece Post: Heating-Aid Change Could Leave Many in the Cold In November 2011, a Greece Post editorial called for Buerkle to put aside party loyalty and ensure that those who need heating aid get the assistance they need. New York could lose $85 million in Low Income Home Energy Assistance funds if the House version of the $3.4 billion program passes. [Greece Post,
Editorial, 11/15/11]

Messenger Post: Buerkles Tried to [Turn] Back the Clock By Cutting Planned Parenthood In March 2011, the Messenger Post editorial board criticized Buerkles statements that her vote to eliminate federal funding was not motivated by ideology. If theres anything that makes the House Republicans budget cutting appear to be driven more by ideology than fiscal prudence, its the provision taking all federal funding some $330 million away from Planned Parenthood, the board wrote. This budget cut has very little to do with saving money. It is part of the larger goal of turning back the clock, not just on abortion, but on birth control and access to reproductive health services that have saved or improved countless lives. And Rep. Buerkle shouldnt sound so shocked when that fact is pointed out. [Messenger Post, 3/14/11]

Budget Issues
Said Our Worst Fears Came True When Super Committee Collapsed In November 2011, Buerkle reaffirmed her opposition to the Budget Control Act and said that it was not a good idea to hand over power to the 12-person Super Committee.

Buerkle said the committee failed because Democrats would not put entitlements on the table and Republicans would not raise taxes. Buerkle said she would not be open to tax increases and said she would have looked at cutting stimulus funds. Buerkle did not support changing automatic cuts that were to take place. She said, Thats what the American people are so disgusted about with Washington, where they change the rules as they go. I thought it was a bad idea. But those who voted for this Budget Control Act, this is exactly what they signed up for. And unfortunately all of the things we do in Washington have consequences. [syracuse.com,

Criticized Super Committee Failure In November 2011, Buerkle criticized the Super Committee failure at a town hall meeting and called automatic cuts set to go into effect draconian. When asked about the Grover Norquist tax pledge, Buerkle acknowledged that she signed the pledge but her constituents and not raising taxes were more important. She said, My pledge isnt to Grover Norquist. My pledge is to the people of this district. I wont raise your taxes. [The
Citizen, 11/23/11]

Concerned About Potential Deep Cuts If Deficit Panel Failed to Meet Deadline In November 2011, Buerkle expressed concern about deep cuts that could emerge if the deficit reduction panel failed to reach a compromise, and said that the potential for deep cuts reaffirmed her opposition to the Super Committee Buerkle said, That's why I voted against the Budget Control Act, because I didn't think delegating our authority to 12 members was the right thing to do. I know what's best for the people of the 25th District. It's unfortunate, but I think and I'm optimistic that they will reach an agreement. Buerkle said that she was especially concerned about potential deep cuts in defense spending and the impact on veterans.
[centralny.ynn.com, 11/11/11]

Buerkle: Cut, Cap, and Balance Would Have Avoided Downgrade In October 2011, Buerkle affirmed her support for Cut, Cap, and Balance and said that it would have avoided the S&P downgrade. Buerkle said that S&P talked about the downgrade because we failed to put out any sort of mid-term or long-term plan. She also discussed concerns she had with the final debt ceiling bill and said, I just never got past those concerns. Those questions weren't answered. No one could assure me that we weren't going to raise taxes -- that there wasn't a loophole (in the bill) to raise taxes. [auburnpub.com, 10/10/11] Said She Would Have Voted Against Final Debt Ceiling Compromise Even if the Vote was Closer In August 2011, Buerkle was the only Republican in New York and one of 66 Republicans in the House to vote against the final debt ceiling compromise.

Buerkle said she objected to the bipartisan committee charged with coming up with deficit-reduction legislation and to the automatic trigger provision. Buerkle said, That seems like a bad way to govern, by defaultThats the role of Congress to determine where we are going to cut. Buerkle said she would have voted against the bill even if the vote had been closer and risked default. Asked if default was a real possibility without legislation she said, No one knows what would have occurred if it had not passed. [syracuse.com, 8/03/11] Voted Against Final Debt Ceiling Compromise Legislation In August 2011, Buerkle voted against the final debt ceiling compromise legislation, the Budget Control Act of 2011. The framework would cut $917 billion in spending over a decade, raise the debt limit initially by $900 billion and assign a special congressional committee, with members from the House and the Senate and appointed by congressional leadership, to find another $1.5 trillion in deficit savings by late November. If Congress met that deadline and deficit target, or voted to send a balanced budget amendment to the states, the debt ceiling would be raised an additional $1.5 trillion. The plan guaranteed a vote on the balanced budget amendment between October and the end of 2011. If Congress failed to take either step, or debt savings of at least $1.2 trillion were not produced, the plan allows the president to obtain a $1.2 trillion debt ceiling increase. That would trigger automatic spending cuts across the government including in defense and Medicare to take effect starting in 2013. The Medicare cuts would only affect provider reimbursements. The legislation included no revenue increases. The bill was passed by the full House, 269-161. [Bloomberg, 8/01/11; S 356, 8/01/11] Voted Against Reids Debt Ceiling Plan In July 2011, Buerkle voted against Sen. Harry Reids plan to raise the debt ceiling. Reids plan called for raising the debt limit by $2.4 trillion, requiring no additional debt ceiling vote until after the 2012 election. The plan included $1.2 trillion in discretionary spending cuts over 10 years, mandatory spending cuts of $100 billion, $1 trillion in savings from winding down combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and $400 billion in interest savings. The legislation included no revenue increases. The CBO score of Reids plan said it would reduce the deficit by $2.2 trillion. The bill was rejected by the full House, 173-246. [New York Times, 7/25/11; HR 2693, 7/30/11] Buerkle: It would be Irresponsible to Just Raise the Debt Ceiling

In July 2011, Buerkle said, We cannot just raise the debt ceiling. That would be irresponsible, that would be pouring gasoline on a fire. It just would be wrong to do. What we need to do, and what this bill is that we will vote on, this bill caps discretionary spending until 2016 at 2010 levels. [WRVO, 7/29/11] Voted in Favor of Boehners Debt Ceiling Plan In July 2011, Buerkle voted in favor of Speaker John Boehners plan to raise the debt ceiling. Boehners plan called for an immediate debt ceiling raise of $900 billion, spending cuts of $917 billion over 10 years, and an additional debt ceiling vote in six months. The legislation contained no revenue increases. Under Boehners plan, the second debt ceiling raise was conditional on the passage of a balanced budget amendment by both Houses of Congress and the creation of a select joint committee on deficit reduction. The CBO score of Boehners plan said it would reduce the deficit by $850 billion. The bill was approved by the full house, 218-210. [ABC News, 7/29/11; S 627, 7/29/11] Buerkle: President and the Senate Should Get on Board with House In July 2011, Buerkle said in regards to the debt ceiling negotiations, Neither the Senate nor the president have offered anything. Everything that you have heard has come from the House. It was the Continuing Resolution, it was the budget, last week it was Cut, Cap and Balance, and this week its this bill here. We are trying every which way to send a reassuring message to the markets, to the American people, that we can get our fiscal house in order, and it would sure be helpful if the Senate and the president could get on board. [WRVO, 7/29/11] Called on Senate to Stop Passing the Buck and Do Their Job on Debt Ceiling Issue In July 2011, in response to warnings from Sen. Chuck Schumer on the consequences of debt default, Buerkle called on Schumer to support the Republican debt ceiling plan or offer his own proposal. The Republican plan passed the House with a vote of 234-190. Buerkle said, The Gang of 234 has put their plan on the tableWe call upon Senator Schumer to come together with us and act swiftly to protect the families of New York from having their American dream obliterated under the crushing debt heaped upon our kids and grandkids. Buerkle added, The Senate needs to stop passing the buck and do their job. Senator Schumer needs to do his job for the sake of New Yorks middle class families that are suffering from his inaction. [The PostStandard, 7/22/11]

Voted in Favor of Cut, Cap and Balance Plan In July 2011, Buerkle voted in favor of the Cut, Cap and Balance Act, legislation requiring deep spending cuts, a federal spending cap and a balanced budget amendment in order to raise the federal debt ceiling.

Under Cut, Cap and Balance, discretionary spending in fiscal year 2012 would be reduced below fiscal year 2008 levels except for Defense, Homeland Security and Veterans affairs. The plan provided a universal spending cap after 2012. The legislation contained no revenue increases. The bill was approved by the full House, 234-190. [New York Times, 7/21/11; HR 2560, 7/19/11] Buerkle: The Greatest Threat to our National Security is our Debt In June 2011, Buerkle commented, This debt, this deficit, weakens us. If you talk to the Department of Defense or the Joint Chiefs of Staff, they will tall you that the greatest threat to our national security is our debt. [The Post Standard, 6/30/11] Buerkle: Protests Against Ryan Plan Based on Inaccurate Information In June 2011, Buerkle said that protests against her vote for the Ryan Medicare reform bill were based on inaccurate information spread by Democrats looking to scare senior citizens. Buerkle said, This is, I think, the most despicable campaign- when you prey upon seniors and their fearsAnd they are the most vulnerable people. Even if this proposal were adopted, it wont affect anyone 55 and over. [The Post-Standard, 6/27/11] Introduced Legislation to Cut Funding to Congressional Operating Budgets In June 2011, Buerkle introduced the Just Do Your Job Act of 2011, which would cut off federal funding to the House and Senate budget committees and leadership officesin any year they failed to pass a budget. Buerkle commented, This legislation provides a solution to this dereliction of duty by cutting funding for operations that cannot or refuse to comply with the lawEven the Libyan government, in the middle of a civil war, passed a budget in June 2011. [The Post-Standard, 6/24/11] Voted for Homeland Security Funding Cuts In June 2011, Buerkle voted for an amendment to the Homeland Security appropriations bill that would expand eligibility for Homeland Security grants. Buerkle also voted for the final passage of the bill, which cuts $1.1 billion in Homeland Security funds. Buerkle commented, I voted to put Syracuse and other cities that were cut out of homeland security back into the poolIt was in the best interests of my district. [Poughkeepsie Journal, 6/06/11] Voted Against Clean Debt Ceiling Raise In May 2011, Buerkle voted against HR 1954, a clean federal debt ceiling raise of $2.4 trillion. The bill was rejected by the full House, 97-318. [HR 1954, 5/31/11] Buerkle Pledged To Vote Against Clean Debt Limit Increase

In a May 2011 press release, Buerkle said, The over-spending problem must be brought under control. I will not vote to raise the debt limit until Congress, particularly the Senate, and the Administration seriously address spending. [Office of Congresswoman Buerkle, 5/31/11] Syracuse Lost Potential $1 Million In DHS Security Grants Due To Budget Cuts In May 2011, The Post Standard reported that due to budget cutbacks, the Syracuse area will no longer be eligible for grants under the Urban Areas Security Initiative of the DHS. In 2009, the Syracuse area was awarded more than $1 million in grants. In response to Democratic criticism, Buerkle said that Democrats have offered no other budget alternatives but that she would consider working to restore the funds. [Post Standard, 5/20/11] Buerkle Voted For Reductions In Food Assistance For New Yorkers In May 2011, The Post Standard reported that the Ryan budget would cut $12 billion per year for the next ten years from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) by converting it from a federal program to block grants for each state. New Yorkers receiving aid from SNAP rose from 1.86 million in 2008 to 3.15 million in 2009. Buerkle voted for the Ryan budget plan. [Post Standard, 5/17/11] Voted for Ryan Budget, to End Medicare On April 15, 2011, Buerkle voted for Rep. Paul Ryans budget proposal, which would end Medicare. [H
Con. Res. 34, Vote #277, 4/15/11]

Buerkle: Ryan Budget is Serious and Commendable On April 5, 2011, Buerkle showed support for Rep. Paul Ryans budget proposal. Rep. Ryans Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2012 is a serious and in-depth proposal that addresses the fiscal crisis facing this nation. Congressman Ryan and the Budget Committee have done a commendable job in proposing a course towards fiscal responsibility. [] This budget resolution proposes to recommit this Congress to a fiscally responsible course that will preserve the American Dream for our children and grandchildren. [Office of Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle, 4/05/11] Called for Even Greater Budget Cuts Above $2 Billion Per Week In a March 2011, Buerkle suggested reducing the budgetary deficit with cuts greater than those entailed in the continuing resolution. We voted for the two-week (continuing resolution) extension, and now we just voted for the three-week CR extension. Each one of those extensions includes a $2 billion cut per week, but thats really not enough, because of what were spending. The interest on the debt exceeds that $2 billion cut. [The PostStandard, 3/27/11]

Called Further Budget Cuts a Condition to Raising the Debt Ceiling In March 2011, Buerkle stated that she was noncommittal on voting to raise the debt ceiling.

To say I would vote to raise it ... I wouldnt say that until Im satisfied with the reforms and with the steps and the cuts that would be a reasonable and responsible raising of the debt ceiling, she said. [The
Post-Standard, 3/27/11]

Supported House Budget Cuts that Would Cut Funding for Poison Control Centers In 2011, WSYR Channel 9 News reported that a proposal was approved in the House budget bill that would cut more than $500,000 from the Upstate New York Poison Center. Buerkle voted for the House budget. As many as 80,000 calls come in to the Upstate New York Poison Center every year. More than half of those calls come from the public, and just about 40 percent come from hospitals. [9wsyr.com, 3/24/11] Opposed to High Speed Rail in Upstate New York In 2011, Buerkle signed onto a letter with Tom Reed to urge Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood to abandon plans for a high speed rail line for New York State. [The-Leader.com, 3/24/11] Voted to Defund NPR In 2011, Buerkle supported to defund National Public Radio. [publicbroadcasting.net, 3/18/11] Buerkle Supported Massive Spending Cuts in GOP Budget In February 2011, Buerkle voted in support of the GOP budget. The amendments in the budget strip funding to implement Obamas health care reform plan, halt federal aid to Planned Parenthood, eliminate federal funding for public broadcasting and prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating pollution that causes global warming. Buerkle said, The government does a lot of good thingsI dont think anyone disputes that. But we are out of money. For every dollar we spend, 42 cents is borrowed. Its just not the way we should do business. And the only way we can change that is to stop spending. [Post-Standard, 2/20/11] Buerkle Responded to DCCC Attack on Plans to Trim Federal Budget In January 2011, Buerkle responded to DCCC ads attacking the GOP for plans to trim the federal budget, characterizing them as hurting education and stifling the research-and-development needed to create jobs. Liza Lowrey, a spokesman for Buerkle, also emailed to object to the hysteria of the DCCC's charges. We're coming off a historic election and the American people want less government, less spending, and less taxes. The DCCC interjecting this type of hysteria in discussions is not helpful. There needs to be a frank discussion with the American people and this congress is ready to do that. [New York Observer,

Buerkle Named Vice Chair of Oversight Panel on Spending, Stimulus Programs In January 2011, Darrell Issa assigned Buerkle to a leading role on his Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs, Stimulus Oversight and Government Spending. The subcommittee has broad-ranging oversight of

federal spending, including education, agriculture and communications policy. Both Buerkle and Issa say they want to work through the committee to shrink government and reduce federal spending.
[Syracuse.com, 1/18/11]

Business and Consumer Issues

Criticized Proposed Agricultural Regulations In December 2011, Buerkle sent a letter to Labor Secretary Solis regarding her concerns about farming regulations in New York and proposed labor restrictions on non-proprietor-owned family farms. Buerkle said, As written, several of the hazardous occupation orders will restrict anyone under the age of 16 not only from working on family farms, but also from participating in important agricultural youth programs such as 4-H and Future Farmers of AmericaThese proposed regulations will limit access and opportunities of family members under the age of 16 to gain agriculture experience and training. [Penfield
Post, 12/8/11]

Buerkle: We are Going to be Watching Warren and the CFPB Very Carefully In July 2011, Buerkle questioned Elizabeth Warren on how the Consumer Financial Protection Bureaus rules would impact businesses. Buerkle said, My purpose in questioning Elizabeth Warren was to let her know that we are going to be watching her and the CFPB very carefully. We will make sure that they do not create more bureaucracy and regulatory red tape to further burden our businessesThe horrific June job numbers are strong indication that this economy is not recovering. The last thing our job creators need is further government regulation impeding growth. [auburnpub.com, 7/14/11]

Campaign Finance Issues

Received Fundraising Boost from Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman In November 2011, Buerkle received a fundraising boost from Rep. John Mica, chair of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Mica headlined a breakfast at the Genessee Grand Hotel for Buerkles re-election and then toured the Syracuse Connective Corridor. Hosts paid $1,000 for PACS and $500 for individuals while guests paid $500 for PACS and $250 per individual. [auburnpub.com, 11/28/11] Called on by Opponent Maffei to Return Koch Money In October 2011, Former Rep. Maffei called on Buerkle to donate the $1,000 from Koch Industries to charity after Bloomberg News reported that they profited from doing business with Iran.

Maffei gave the $3,500 he received from the Koch brothers PAC to the Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund. The Koch brothers have been big supporters of the Tea Part movement, which Buerkle has strongly embraced. [capitaltonight.com, 10/18/11] Maffei Donated Dirty Koch Money In October 2011, Maffei donated a $3,500 Koch industries contribution to charity after reports of the companys business dealings with Iran. Maffei called for Buerkle to do the same and said, In light of the recent report that Koch Industries has been doing business with Iran, I not only will never take another cent from them, but I am giving their past donations away to charity. [Politico, 10/18/11] Maffei Wanted Buerkle to Donate Koch Money To Charity In October 2011, Maffei donated a $3,500 Koch industries contribution to charity after reports of the companys business dealings with Iran. Maffei called for Buerkle to do the same and said, In light of the recent report that Koch Industries has been doing business with Iran, I not only will never take another cent from them, but I am giving their past donations away to charity. [auburnpub.com, 10/18/11] Opponent Maffei Had More Cash on Hand After Q3 In October 2011, former Rep. Maffei reported having $287,774 compared to Buerkles $247,089. Buerkles district could lose its seat when New York makes final redistricting plans. [capitaltonight.com,

Maffei Rose Ahead of Buerkle in Fundraising In October 2011, former Rep. Maffei had more cash on hand than Buerkle, who has been marked as a below-average fundraiser. Buerkle made 6th place on National Journals list of Top 10 House fundraising Flops. A spokeswoman for Buerkle said, Fundraising is always an issue. But her priority has been, and will continue to be, the people of the district and doing the work in Washington. [Syracuse.com,

Received $1,000 From Family Research Council PAC Buerkle received $1,000 from Family Research Council Action PAC on August 8, 2011. [Ann Marie Buerkle
for Congress, 2011 October Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 10/14/11]

Made In-Kind Donation of Commercial Cookware and Basket On September 25, 2011, Buerkle made an in-kind donation of commercial cookware and basket, valued at $465, to Victor Job. [Ann Marie Buerkle for Congress, 2011 October Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 10/14/11]


Reported Stronger Fundraising Numbers for Second Quarter In July 201l, CapitolTonight.com reported Buerkles fundraising showing for the second quarter was considerably stronger than her first-quarter numbers. In April, she reported taking just $65,150 in net contributions much of which ($54,000) came from Washington, DC-based PACs. At the time, Buerkles staff said she was taking a break from fundraising to focus on her job as a freshman member of the House. Buerkle raised a total of $121,493 in the second quarter. [capitoltonight.com, 7/15/11] Fundraising Totals Lower than Predecessor In July 2011, Auburnpub.com reported Buerkles fundraising totals are lower than those of former Rep. Dan Maffei in his first two fundraising quarters as a member of Congress. Maffeis July 2009 filing shows he raised nearly $380,000 in the quarter, and at that point, had raised approximately $890,000 for the cycle. [auburnpub.com, 7/15/11] Reported Campaign Contributions from Sarah Palin In July 2011, Buerkle reported $1,000 in campaign contributions from Citizens United, $5,000 from the Republican Mainstreet PAC, and $5,000 from Sarah Palins PAC. [Ann Marie Buerkle for Congress, 2011 July
Quarterly FEC Report, filed 7/13/11]

Crime & Public Safety Issues

Called for Holders Resignation over Fast and Furious Program In November 2011, Buerkle, along with 41 other members of Congress, called for Eric Holders resignation over the Fast and Furious gun-running program. Buerkle said, Today, I stand with over 40 other Members of the United States Congress in calling for the resignation of United States Attorney General Eric Holder. He has failed to uphold the duties of the office of United States Attorney General and has lost public confidence. The botched Operation Fast and Furious has harmed U.S. and Mexico cross-border relationsThe administrations failure to coordinate its efforts in combating weapons trafficking has been a glaring omission in one of our countrys greatest national security interests. It is likely to lead to a rift in the bilateral relationship with one of our closest trading partners. [dailycaller.com, 11/15/11] Called for Holders Resignation over Fast and Furious Program In November 2011, Buerkle called for Eric Holders resignation over the Fast and Furious gunrunning program. Buerkle said, His actions throughout his time as attorney general have led to questions of his competence and truthfulness. The evidence obtained through congressional hearings on Operation Fast and Furious indicates that he allowed for an estimated 1,800 guns to walk into the hands of


Mexican drug cartels. These same guns have been linked to the deaths of an estimated 300 people, including two U.S. Border Patrol Agents. [syracuse.com, 11/15/11] Said Holders Actions Illustrated a Disregard to the United States Constitution In November 2011, Buerkle called for Holders resignation over the Fast and Furious program and said that his actions illustrated a disregard to the United States Constitution. Buerkle said, Attorney General Holders actions have illustrated a disregard to the United States Constitution. The 2nd amendment is a sacred right of individuals and, unfortunately, its integrity has been undermined by the Attorney General. The Office of the U.S. Attorney General is tasked with upholding and protecting our Constitution. The U.S. government is responsible to the American people to hold Eric Holder accountable for his failure to properly carry out the duties of this office. [capitaltonight.com, 11/16/11]

Economic and Financial Issues

Opposed Gillibrands Upstate Works Act In December 2011, Buerkle said she opposed Sen. Kirsten Gillibrands five-part plan, the Upstate Works Act, which would provide federal tax credits, loans and grants to stimulate economic growth.
[poughkeepsiejournal.com, 1/03/12]

Helped Secure $10.2 Million Grant for Syracuse University In January 2012, Buerkle told constituents about her work securing federal funding for projects in the district, and lauded a recent project at Syracuse University. We were instrumental in getting the $10.2 million grant for Syracuse University and the Near West Side Initiative and I think that is really going to help this area. Help connect Syracuse University with this area and really improve the quality of life on the near West Side, Buerkle said. [ynn.com, 1/06/12] Voted Against Obamas Request to Raise the Debt Limit In January 2012, Buerkle expressed her disapproval of Obamas request to raise the debt limit. We have an obligation to our creditors to pay our debt, but also have an obligation to the American people to live within our means, Buerkle. Continuing to raise the debt limit without corresponding fiscal restraint is irresponsible and will burden future generations with our spending problem. [Penfield
Post, 1/19/12]

Voted for REINS Act


In December 2011, Buerkle voted for the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act, which would require Federal agencies to submit regulations with an annual economic impact of $100 million or greater to Congress for approval. The bill passed the House by a vote of 241-184. Buerkle said that the act would put accountability in the hands of the people's elected representatives, rather than unelected agency officials. Regulation promoted by government agencies place tremendous burdens on businesses and industries, and hinder job creation. She also said that regulations are illconsidered and unnecessary [and] stifle American innovation and leave the economy stagnant. In addition, she said the Act would guarantee accountability and transparency in the regulatory process, and ensure that we are working to support our job creators, not standing in their way. [Irondequoit Post, 12/10/11] Said Both Parties Need to Let Private Sector Create Jobs In November 2011, Buerkle said that both parties needed to let the private sector create jobs, or else voter frustration would continue to rise. Buerkle said, I think the economy and jobs is on everybody's mind. And rather than attacking those problems, there's all this partisan bickering going on and I think that's the frustration you hear with people. We've got to go something to get this economy going, we've got to put a pro-growth economic agenda in place. [cnycentral.com, 11/22/11] Blamed Democrats for High Unemployment Rate In November 2011, Buerkle blamed Democrats for the 9 percent unemployment rate. Buerkle said, With more than 14 million workers unemployed, we must do everything possible to remove barriers to job growth and investment in the American economy. Since January, the House has passed 17 job creation bills that will motivate the private sector to create jobs. These bills are sitting in the Senate, where Senate leadership refuses to take action on them. Its time for the Senate to stop weighing down our economy and delaying job growth. It is time for the Senate to take up these bills and show America where it stands on getting our nation back to work. [mpnnow.com, 11/06/11] Claimed that Stimulus Package Has Not Reduced Unemployment In March 2011, Buerkle said that the stimulus package did not create jobs. Weve spent close to a trillion dollars, with $800 billion for the stimulus plan and it cost us $300 billion on interest to borrow that money. Unemployment didnt go down. [The Post-Standard, 3/27/11] Some of the Projects Were Good In March 2011, Buerkle claimed that some of the jobs created by the stimulus package were good. Some of the projects were good, it wasnt all bad, but thats a different philosophy. [The PostStandard, 3/27/11]


Education Issues
Cosponsored Legislation Advocating School Vouchers in the DC Area In 2011, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, on which Buerkle was a member, debated the Scholarships for Opportunity and Results Act (SOAR). SOAR encouraged Washington, DC families to choose the schools that are the best fit for their children through a school voucher system. Buerkle, a co-sponsor of SOAR, voted to advance the bill out of Committee for consideration by the full House of Representatives. [Buerkle Bulletin, 03/14/11] Voted to Support School-Voucher System in Washington D.C. In 2011, Buerkle voted in support of a program to re-enact the District of Columbia's school-voucher system. A rising tide lifts all boats. School choice means competition. Just like any free market, competition drives improvement in quality. The parents and students in our nation's capital deserve a quality education. The SOAR Act not only reauthorizes the Opportunity Scholarships and allows new students to apply; it also provides money for public charter schools and public school improvements in the District of Columbia. [The Independent Womens Forum, 4/01/11] Claimed School Voucher Program Doesnt Spend Any New Money In 2011, Buerkle claimed that the DC voucher program doesnt spend any additional money. The act does not spend any new money; it reauthorizes and reallocates existing funding to allow the Opportunity Scholarship program to continue. It is important we take proven successes like the Opportunity Scholarships and keep them going. [The Independent Womens Forum, 4/01/11]

Energy Issues
Opposed Obamas Rejection of Keystone Pipeline In January 2012, Buerkle expressed her disapproval of Obamas rejection of the Keystone Pipeline. I am extremely disappointed that President Obama decided to reject the Keystone XL pipeline. The pipeline provided an excellent opportunity for the President to show the American people he is serious about creating jobs and moving the United States toward energy independence, Buerkle said. What this country needs are job creating initiatives as well as an energy policy that reduces our dependence on oil from the Middle East. The President had an opportunity to address both issues and he failed to do so.
[auburnpub.com, 1/20/12]

Buerkle: Principle Behind BULB Act is What is Important


In July 2011, Buerkle said industry support for regulations governing light bulb efficiency didnt matter as much as the principle behind the BULB Act, legislation repealing those regulations. Buerkle was one of the 20 original co-sponsors of the BULB Act. Buerkle said, The underlying theme here is that I dont believe the government should be in the business of picking winners and losersLet the market decide. [The Post-Standard, 7/13/11] Buerkle Supported Restarting Off-Shore Drilling. In May 2011, Congressional Documents and Publications reported that Buerkle commented, President Obamas ongoing freeze on offshore drilling in the U.S. is increasing our nations dependence on unstable foreign energy suppliersThe focus in the House this week has been on increasing oil production to bring down fuel costs and to increase jobs. [Congressional Documents and Publications, 5/12/11] Buerkle: If An Energy Initiative Is Valid, The Market Will Support It According to The Post Standard, in April 2011, at a town hall meeting, Buerkle, spoke against government incentives to develop renewable energy resources like solar power. If an energy initiative is valid, the market will support it, she said. [The Post Standard, 4/28/11] Buerkle Sought to End Government Regulation of Light Bulbs In February 2011 Buerkle made evident her intention to end government regulation of light bulbs. The current regulation as it stands mandates that incandescent bulbs be phased out in favor of more efficient CFL bulbs by 2012. Buerkle said, It goes back to the fundamental question of, What is going to succeed in the market? The government should not be mandating the use of one light bulb or the otherLet the market decide. She signed onto The BULB (Better Use of Lightbulbs) Act, which would end government regulation concerning types of light bulbs available to consumers. [Syracuse.com, 2/8/11]

Environmental Issues
Dodged Question on Climate Change In June 2011, in response to questions about her stance on climate change, Buerkle stated that she had an advisory council on energy and the environment. When called out for not directly answering the question, Buerkle commented that she was very aware of climate change but declined any other further response.
[Eagle Observer, 7/04/11]

Would Not Commit To Transferring Onondaga Lake Cleanup to Local Stakeholder By April 2011, Buerkle had yet to commit to sponsoring legislation that would transfer management of the $1.1 billion Onondaga Lake cleanup from the Army Corps of Engineers to a group of local scientists and stakeholders.


Legislation that would transfer control to local stakeholders had been previously sponsored by Dan Maffei, a Democrat, as well as James Walsh, a Republican. [syracuse.com, 4/08/11]

Ethics Issues
Sold Controversial Shopping Plaza in Camilus In November 2011, Buerkle sold a Camilus shopping center that had been a campaign issue due to delinquent taxes for $1.96 million. Buerkles 2010 opponent Dan Maffei accused her of owing about $30,000 in county taxes on the property Buerkle said she sold the properties because they required too much of her time. She said that proceeds from the sale would not be used to pay campaign debts, but did not say her plans with the money. It was not revealed who the buyer was at the time of sale. [syracuse.com, 12/11/11] Buerkle Missed First Vote to Pose for Photo With Boehner In January 2011, following her swearing in ceremony, Ann Marie Buerkle missed her first House vote to pose for a photo with newly-elected Speaker John Boehner. According to Syracuse.com, By leaving the House floor, Buerkle missed the first vote on a resolution by the 112th Congress and her first as a member of the House of Representatives. [Syracuse.com, 1/05/11]

Foreign Policy Issues Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea

Said the President Should Not Have Blank Check for Libya In July 2011, Buerkle voted to restrict funds for military operations in Libya. Buerkle said, The power of the purse plays an important part in the US government's system of checks and balances...The President should not have a blank check to conduct wars without the consultation and authorization of Congress.
[auburnpub.com, 7/11/11]

Supported Cuts to U.S. Foreign Aid In 2011, Buerkle supported U.S. cuts to foreign aid, saying that America couldnt justify supporting other nations. "How do we justify spending this money in other countries, and not having it available for the American people," she asked. [voanwes.com, 3/15/11] Criticized Obama for Not Following the Appropriate Process in Bombing Libya In March 2011, Buerkle claimed that the president did not follow the appropriate process in going into Libya.

I dont think the president followed the appropriate process. He should have come to Congress and he should have come to the American people, she said. [The Post-Standard, 3/27/11] Questioned the U.S. Goal in Bombing Libya Buerkle questioned the mission of the US military in Libya. What is our mission there? The president has said its time for Gadhafi to go. But if were complying with a U.N. resolution, and thats what he used as his justification to go in there and to send in the missiles, its humanitarian, its to protect the people from being slaughtered. [The PostStandard, 3/27/11]

Gay and Lesbian Issues

Honored by GOP Gay Rights Group In February 2012, the Log Cabin Republicans, a national GOP organization dedicated to representing the interests of gays and lesbians, honored Buerkle and three other House Republicans at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference. [syracuse.com, 2/07/12]

Gun Issues
Buerkle Did Not Believe in Restricting Gun Rights In February 2011, Buerkle was asked about restricting gun rights following the shooting of Rep. Giffords. Buerkle said she did not support any restrictions on gun rights, and that the shooter was mentally ill and would have gotten a gun one way or another. Its a fact that Americans have the right to bear arms, she said. [The Post-Standard, 2/03/11]

Health Care Issues

Introduced Help Our Hospitals Act of 2011 In December 2011, Buerkle introduced the Help Our Hospitals Act of 2011 that would repeal a section of the Affordable Health Care Act that cut Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital payments to hospitals. Buerkle said, This legislation is a step in the right direction in the fight to repeal the onerous provisions in the Presidents Health Care Law. The Presidents call for DSH payment cuts of this nature ignores the needs of low income patients and is dangerous to our hospitals economic stability. [Gates Chili Post,

Received Award from RetireSafe, Attacked by DCCC


In December 2011, RetireSafe gave Buerkle the Standing Up For Americas Seniors award for her work to protect seniors' health care benefits by ensuring access to affordable medications through Medicare Part D and opposing proposals that threaten to limit access to health care and increase premiums for seniors in the Medicare program. Jesse Ferguson from the DCCC said, Representative Ann Marie Buerkle voted to end Medicare and nearly double health care costs for seniors and there is no special interest group that can pull the wool over New York seniors' eyes about it. The only award that Representative Ann Marie Buerkle deserves is one for being the favorite of corporate special interests and leaving New York seniors out in the cold.
[auburnpub.com, 12/7/11]

Health Care Law Would Disrupt Medicare On June 28, 2011, Buerkle told a town hall audience in Manlius that the 2010 health care reform law would disrupt Medicare and indicated that the Ryan plan was necessary to save the program. Now the one thing youre not hearing is that the health care lawdisrupts Medicare as we know it It is very important, the health care law disrupts Medicare. It cuts Medicare by $500 billion and it also created the independent advisory board- 15 bureaucrats, appointed not elected officials, who will make the health care decisions for Medicare recipients, Buerkle said. If we dont put plans out, if we dont come to the table, there isnt going to be Medicare. Paul Ryans proposal does not change Medicare for anyone that is 55 and above. [Manlius Town Hall, 6/28/11] Buerkle: Protests Against Republican Medicare Reform Based on Inaccurate Information In June 2011, Buerkle said that protests against her vote for the Ryan Medicare reform bill were based on inaccurate information spread by Democrats looking to scare senior citizens. Buerkle said, This is, I think, the most despicable campaign- when you prey upon seniors and their fearsAnd they are the most vulnerable people. Even if this proposal were adopted, it wont affect anyone 55 and over. [The Syracuse Post-Standard, 6/27/11] Claimed that Health Care Reform Ignored the Big Problems In March 2011, Buerkle claimed that Health Care Reform ignored the big problems. The health care system in this country is broken. And picking at some of these things treats the symptoms rather than the big problems, she said. [The Post-Standard, 3/27/11] Buerkle Did Not Know Government Paid for Congressional Healthcare During a February 2011 town hall meeting, Buerkle was confused about the controversy over accepting congressional healthcare and taxpayers were not paying for it. Then after being handed a note from a staffer, she changed her statement. Just like most employees, she pays part and then her employer, the government, pays the rest. [TPMDC, 2/4/11]


Buerkle Unaware She Received Government Healthcare Plan In February 2011, Buerkle denied that she received health care that was paid for by taxpayers. According to the Post-Standard, during a town hall meeting, Buerkle, who voted to repeal the health care reform act, was twice asked about the health insurance she receives as a government employee. At first she said she couldnt understand why people were so interested in her health insurance, and that taxpayers didnt pay anything for it. She later corrected herself after being handed a note from a staffer. Like most employees, she pays for a portion of her insurance and her employer, the government, pays the rest, she said. [The Post-Standard, 2/3/11] Buerkle Would Not Cut Medicaid In February 2011, Buerkle was asked by parents of a disabled child whether she supported potential cuts to Medicaid. Buerkle said she doesnt support cutting services for people like the the couples son. Theres a legitimate role of government in some places, she said. [The Post-Standard, 2/3/11]

Immigration and Border Issues Israel

Buerkle Said Obamas Support Of Israel Rang Hollow In May 2011, Rep. Buerkles office released a statement on President Obamas speech on the Middle East commenting, President Obama's words of support for Israel ring hollow when considering the context of his remarks. In his speech, he continued a long and unsavory tradition of many American liberals by implying moral equivalence between the Israeli government and the Hamas-led Palestinian government.
[Office of Congresswoman Buerkle, 5/20/11]

Labor and Working Family Issues

Buerkle: We Cant Afford to Lose 174th Fighter Wing In January 2012, Buerkle said she would fight to keep the 174th Fighter Wing base in her district. The base employs in the district more than 1,500 people and the annual economic impact is somewhere around $96 million. We can't afford to lose it. It doesn't make sense to lose it, Buerkle said. [9wsyr.com,

Led Agricultural Task Force


In December 2011, Buerkle announced that she would lead an agricultural task force to confront issues that impede food production. She planned to meet with a collective of farmers to discuss concerns and issues that impact district farms. Buerkle expressed concern in a letter to U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis about the unintended consequences of limiting access to valuable agricultural experience and training. Family farms are a proud tradition in New York state and are essential in training a new generation to carry on the important work of farming, Buerkle said. [auburnpub.com, 1/03/12] Lone New Yorker Against Job-Training Program In October 2011, Buerkle was the only member of New Yorks 29-member delegation to vote against extending a program that would retrain workers who lost their jobs due to international competition. The trade adjustment assistance bill would provide job training and other aid to 8,590 New Yorkers who lost their jobs in FY2010. The bill passed with bipartisan support. Conservative lobbying groups called the program wasteful and a spokeswoman for Buerkle said, I think there was some disagreement over the effectiveness of the program and whether it was duplicating existing programs. And what about workers who lost their jobs due to reasons other than trade? [Syracuse.com, 10/18/11]

National Security Issues

Named Defense Authorization Act Conferee In December 2011, Buerkle was appointed by Boehner to serve as a conference committee member on the FY2012 National Defense Authorization Act. Buerkle said, I am pleased to have been selected by Speaker Boehner to serve as a conferee for the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2012. As a conferee I will have the opportunity to advocate for defense-related initiatives that are essential to protecting our country and supporting our men and women in uniform. I look forward to working with my House and Senate colleagues to pass a fiscally responsible bill that meets the needs of our military and its personnel. [Penfield Post, 12/12/11] Buerkle Voted For Patriot Act Provisions In February 2011, Buerkle voted to extend certain provisions of the Patriot Act. Buerkle said, The three provisions that are due to expire on February 28th continue to give law enforcement personnel the critical tools necessary to fight terrorism in a cyber-dominated world. The purpose of this 10-month extension is to allow the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees time to fully debate potential changes and exercise proper oversight and consideration. As Vice Chair of the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade, I look forward to working aggressively to address issues that threaten our national security and keep terrorist activities and terrorist access to weapons of mass destruction at bay. [AuburnPub.com, 2/15/11]


Other Social Issues

Attended Anti-Abortion Rally In January 2012, Buerkle spoke at the 39th Annual March For Life, where she called the attendees heroes and thanked them for leading the fight for the right to life. Ladies and gentleman, every life, regardless of the circumstance, has intrinsic value because it was created by God, Buerkle said. We know that. We now need to convince the rest of the country.
[CSPAN, 01:16:03, 1/23/12]

Had No Idea On Debate to Make School Food Healthier In November 2011, Buerkle admitted to having no idea about the debate over the Obama administrations efforts to make school food healthier. Buerkle was one of two New York Republicans to vote no on a bill that called 1/8 cups of tomato paste a serving of vegetables. [capitaltonight.com, 11/21/11] Stated that Entitlement Reform May Affect Individuals Younger than 55 In March 2011, Buerkle stated that entitlement reform may affect individuals 55 and younger. When questioned during an interview about a possible age for social security and Medicare cuts, Buerkle said she heard maybe 55 and younger, that being where the discussion starts. [The Post-Standard, 3/27/11] Claimed that Seniors Wont be Affected by Entitlement Reform In 2011, Buerkle moved to reassure seniors that they would not be affected by entitlement reform. The thing we have to do, if youre talking about Social Security, is to reassure seniors that this isnt going to affect them. We have a contract with our seniors and its very important that we dont alarm them. [The Post-Standard, 3/27/11]

Stem Cells Tax Issues

Denounced Payroll Tax Holiday In December 2011, Buerkle labeled the payroll tax proposal as an insult to the American people during a news conference with many Republican House members. [Democrat and Chronicle, 12/22/12]


Signed Letter to Encourage Leadership to Act on Repatriation In December 2011, Buerkle signed a letter to GOP leadership to act on repatriation of overseas capital. The letter said, Estimates have shown that at least $1.4 trillion in foreign earnings are kept overseas because of the uncompetitive tax policies here in the U.S. Unlocking this capital has the possibility of creating over 2.9 million new jobs, and increasing GDP by nearly $360 billionAs negotiations continue with the White House and Congressional Democrats on a number of expiring tax provisions, appropriation bills and comprehensive tax reform, we strongly urge you to consider repatriation tax policy, this session, to stimulate the economy and get Americans back to work. [Frank Guinta Press Release,

Supported Smaller Government, Flattening Tax Code in Town Hall In September 2011, Buerkle called for reducing government at town hall, calling for less involvement in small businesses. When asked about taxation, Buerkle supported a reduction in corporate taxes and called for a flattening of the tax code. She said, I think the rich should pay their fair share. We have a tax code that allows the wealthiest to hire accountants and lawyers to find the loopholes to get tax breaks. [Irondequoit Post,

Buerkle Wont Vote to Raise Taxes On June 28, 2011, Buerkle told a town hall audience in Manlius that she would not vote to raise any taxes. I believe right now at this point and I know personally I will not vote to raise taxes on the American people. [Manlius Town Hall, 6/28/11] Cutting Corporate Tax Rate Would Help U.S. Get Fiscal House in Order In March 2011, Buerkle recommended that the US reduce the corporate tax rate as a way to encourage businesses to stay in the United States. But we also need to reduce corporate taxes in this country. We are second (to Japan) in our corporate rate ... Weve got to do things that are going to entice businesses to stay here, and work with them, and create certainty and not regulate them to death and not tax them to death. ... Weve got to get our fiscal house in order. [The Post-Standard, 3/27/11] Claimed Corporations Were Being Regulated to Death In 2011, Buerkle said that part of the problem with keeping businesses in the United States was burdensome regulations. Weve got to do things that are going to entice businesses to stay here, and work with them, and create certainty and not regulate them to death and not tax them to death. [The Post-Standard, 3/27/11]


Buerkle: Why Do We Want to Punish the Rich? They Worked Hard for Their Money? In 2011, during a town hall meeting, Buerkle questioned why there was the notion of class warfare in America. The middle class is being screwed, she said. But theyre not being hurt by the wealthy. They are being hurt by the federal governmentWhy do we have class warfare? she added. Why do we want to punish the rich? They worked hard for their money. [Syracuse.com, 3/23/11]

Tea Party Transportation Issues

Lobbied for TIGER Grants for Local Project In December 2011, Syracuse received a $10 million TIGER grant to fund the next two phases of the Syracuse Connective Corridor project. The Post-Standard reported that Buerkle had advocated for the funding with federal transportation officials including Rep. John Mica, Republican chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. [Post-Standard, 12/12/11] Voted to Cut $1.3 Billion of Funding for TIGER Grants In February 2011, Buerkle voted for a bill that would cut $1.28 billion in funding for TIGER grants from the Department of Transportations budget including $650 million through termination of the program and $630 million through rescissions of previously appropriated funding. [H.R. 1, Vote #147, 2/19/11; House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, accessed 12/14/11] New York Would Have Lost $28.6 Million in Funding, 11,800 Jobs Buerkles vote to terminate the TIGER grant program would have cost New York $28,600,171 in lost funding for transportation projects and 11,803 jobs. [House Committee on Transportation and
Infrastructure, 2/15/11]

Womens Issues
Praised by Susan B. Anthony List President In February 2012, Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, praised Buerkle for her support of pro-life legislation. Congresswoman Buerkle has co-sponsored and advocated for nearly every pro-life bill in Congress including the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, the Protect Life Act, the Abortion


Nondiscrimination Act, the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act and the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act, Dannenfelser said. [humanevents.com, 2/02/12] Received Honors from Susan B. Anthony List In February 2012, Buerkle received the Distinguished Leader Award from the Susan B. Anthony list. Buerkle also praised those who attended the event. You support women in a crisis pregnancy and the crisis pregnancy centers. You help them and you help support their unborn children and once the babies are born, she said. You are the heroes. [cbn.com, 2/02/12] Attended Anti-Abortion Rally In January 2012, Buerkle spoke at the 39th Annual March For Life, where she called the attendees heroes and thanked them for leading the fight for the right to life. Ladies and gentleman, every life, regardless of the circumstance, has intrinsic value because it was created by God, Buerkle said. We know that. We now need to convince the rest of the country.
[CSPAN, 01:16:03, 1/23/12]

Criticized HHS Policy to Exclude Pro-Life Groups from Trafficking In December 2011, Buerkle criticized an HHS policy that would exclude pro-life groups from receiving federal grants for trafficking victims. Buerkle said, Now we are going to ask 12-year-olds to make life-changing decisions. You dont know the trauma of abortion. This will only add to the trauma already experienced by the victims.
[nationalrighttolifenews.org, 12/07/11]

Called a Chump by Planned Parenthood In November 2011, Planned Parenthood called Buerkle, a long-time supporter of anti-abortion rights, and said, The 2010 election ushered in a new crop of legislators opposed to womens health. Of those, few are more dangerous and extreme than Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle (R-NY). [Watertown Daily Times, 11/10/11] Said That Democrats Would Have Defunded the Military Before Planned Parenthood In October 2011, Buerkle during a speech at the Values Vote Summit said that Democrats would have defunded the military before Planned Parenthood. Buerkle said, in the CR debate, what astounded me about the continuing resolution debate early in March, was that the White House and the Democrats drew the line in the sand about defunding Planned Parenthood. They would have defunded our military before they defunded Planned Parenthood. That is the titanic struggle were up against. The two different visions for this nation. [C-SPAN, 10/07/11] Voted in Committee to Defund UN Population Control


In October 2011, Buerkle during a speech at the Values Vote Summit spoke about her vote in the Foreign Affairs Committee to defund the UN Population Control $50 million. Buerkle said, We are up against a titanic struggle right here and now. Last week in our Foreign Affairs Committee, we voted to defund the UN Population Control, the $50 million. And if you could hear the arguments on the other side, you would have a sense of, and you all know this from what you hear, a sense of what were up against. [C-SPAN, 10/7/11] Believed that Planned Parenthood is Both an Ideological and Budgetary Issue In March 2011, Buerkle said that defending entities like Planned Parenthood and NPR was both an ideological and a budgetary issue. I think its a combination of both. Whether or not someone favors abortion, or is in favor of choice, the majority of Americans dont want their tax dollars to subsidize abortion. Thats what was argued when Planned Parenthood gets $300 million plus a year in funding. The inability to clearly articulate whats Title X and whats used for abortion ... Money is fungible. [The Post-Standard, 3/27/11] Voted to Defund Planned Parenthood In 2011, Buerkle voted to defund Planned Parenthood. [mpnnow.com, 03/14/11] Messenger Post: Buerkle Tried to [Turn] Back the Clock By Cutting Planned Parenthood In March 2011, the Messenger Post editorial board criticized Buerkles claim that her vote to eliminate federal funding was not motivated by ideology. If theres anything that makes the House Republicans budget cutting appear to be driven more by ideology than fiscal prudence, its the provision taking all federal funding some $330 million away from Planned Parenthood, the board wrote. This budget cut has very little to do with saving money. It is part of the larger goal of turning back the clock, not just on abortion, but on birth control and access to reproductive health services that have saved or improved countless lives. And Rep. Buerkle shouldnt sound so shocked when that fact is pointed out. [Messenger Post, 3/14/11] Buerkle Co-Sponsored Anti-Abortion Bill In January 2011, Buerkle co-sponsored H.R. 3, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. The bill would permanently ban federal subsidies for abortion services, and also cut off federal subsidies and tax credits for any health insurance plans that include coverage of abortions. On the same day, she cosponsored another bill that would rewrite President Barack Obamas health care reform law to prohibit federal subsidies for abortion services. [The Post-Standard, 1/23/11] Buerkle Planned to Speak to Anti-Abortion Rally on the National Mall


In January 2011, Buerkle planned to speak to the March for Life rally. The annual event commemorates the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that established a woman's right to choose an abortion. [The Post-Standard, 1/23/11] Buerkle Said Health Care Bill Uses Taxpayer Funds for Abortions In January 2011, Buerkle said, For over 30 years, the Democrats and Republicans have worked together each year to ensure that taxpayer dollars do not subsidize abortion. The Affordable Care Act represents a departure from that compact. Specifically, this law will allow $11 billion in taxpayer funds to be used for abortions at community health centers. [The Post-Standard, 1/23/11]

Veterans Issues
House Passed Buerkles Veterans Assault Bill In October 2011, Buerkle had her first bill, the Veterans Sexual Assault Prevention and Health Care Enhancement Act, pass through with such widespread support that it did not require a roll call vote. The bill would require the Department of Veterans Affairs to develop a policy for reporting and tracking sexual assaults and other safety incidents at VA medical facilities. [Syracuse.com, 10/11/11] Introduced Legislation to Address Sexual Assault in VA Facilities In June 2011, Buerkle co-sponsored legislation that would require the VA to track all sexual assaults and better assess those at risk of committing crimes. From January 2007 to last July, there were 284 cases of alleged, attempted or confirmed sex assaults at Department of Veterans Affairs medical facilities. Buerkle commented, Its just inexcusable in veterans hospitals what is going onIts got to be stopped. Its got to be addressed right now. [USA Today, 6/8/11] Buerkle Supported Increasing COLA For Veterans Benefits In a May 2011 press release, Buerkle announced her support of an increase in disabled veterans cost of living allowances. Buerkle commented, This is the right thing to do for our veterans. This legislation will help to alleviate some of the financial strain on these families as we experience a significant rise in gas and food prices. [Office of Congresswoman Buerkle, 5/3/11]

Rebuked by Holder for Criticism In February 2012, Buerkle criticized Attorney General Eric Holder during a hearing on the failed Fast and Furious gun-walking operation and was subsequently rebuked.


How many more Border Patrol agents would have had to die as part of Operation Fast and Furious for you to take responsibility? Buerkle asked. Holder responded that such a question was beneath a member of Congress. As a member of Congress, I mean, really, is that the way in which you want to be seen, you want to be known? Holder said. [Politico, 2/02/12] Accused of Not Being Conservative Enough In February 2012, Spencer accused Buerkle of not being conservative enough. Maybe in New York Ann Marie seems conservative, but a New York conservative sort of isnt really what I think most Americans would find to be conservative, Spencer said. Shes a lawyer, and any lawyer tells you that you should read the whole contract. I cant believe she read the whole bill when it came to NDAA. Im not even sure it would have been possible. But when you sign a provision that leaves something up in the air as what is a terrorist and then go on to say any terrorist can be picked up even if theyre an American citizen by the president, held without trial, no hearing, just pick em off and you can end up in Gitmo, thats not constitutional government. Thats not really conservative. [capitaltonight.com, 2/08/12] Returned Personal Office Money to Treasury In September 2011, Buerkle reported that she expected to return about 10 percent of her office budget to the Treasury. She spent 59.6 percent of her $1,404,731 budget as of September 30. [lohud.com, 12/22/11]. Did Not Give Staffers Year-End Bonuses In January 2012, Buerkle opted not to reward her staff with year-end bonuses. Its consistent with us asking the American people to just tighten their belts, Buerkle said. I think thats a good message. At least thats consistent to what were saying about cutting spending.
[Poughkeepsie Journal, 1/06/12]

Admitted to Engaging in Brinksmanship and Obstruction In January 2012, Buerkle admitted to engaging in brinksmanship and obstruction in Washington, but seemed to view it in a positive light. It appears like all we do down in Washington is fight, Buerkle said. But I do want to say something about the process, because I really do think the debate you hear, and some of the brinksmanship, has to do with what both parties hold near and dear to them. When we go to the brink on (spending bills), it's because we philosophically believe that we ought to cut spending. The good part about what you see and this obstruction is there is a debate going on. [Democrat
and Chronicle, 1/09/12]


Had Been Supporting Republican Establishment Culture, Broke with GOP Freshman In December 2011, Buerkle said she was pleasantly surprised by the Capitol Hill culture and complimented the caliber of her colleagues. In addition, she downplayed the challenges of being a newcomer in the House. Buerkle stayed true to her tea party philosophy by voting against the debt ceiling legislation and voting in favor of the balanced budget amendment, but she did not join conservative freshman in voting no on stopgap measures to fund the government. Buerkle was friendly with GOP leadership and scheduled a luncheon with Boehner on the day of her daughters wedding. [Roll Call, 12/6/11] Said She Was Reviewing Legislation Against Congressional Insider Trading In November 2011, Buerkle said that she was reviewing legislation that would ban insider trading for members of Congress and said that something needed to be done. Buerkle said, Why apply a different standard? If you did that in a business, what would happen? You would be in jail. same rules should apply to Congress. [The Citizen, 11/23/11] Supported STOCK Act In December 2011, Buerkle supported the STOCK Act that would put a ban on congressional insider trading, but had not yet co-sponsored the legislation. [auburnpub.com, 12/4/11] Attended Dinner Honoring Glenn Beck In November 2011, Buerkle attended a dinner for the Zionist Organization of America where special tributes were paid to Glenn Beck, and Congresswomen Michele Bachmann and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Sheldon Adelson in his introductory remarks about Beck said, [Beck is] very special man. We knew he was a giant even before we met him. Id never known a Christian Zionist like Glenn Beck. He tells the truth about the Arab war against Israel. [worshippingchristian.org, 11/25/11] Greece Post: Heating-Aid Change Could Leave Many in the Cold In November 2011, a Greece Post editorial called for Buerkle to put aside party loyalty and ensure that those who need heating aid get the assistance they need. New York could lose $85 million in Low Income Home Energy Assistance funds if the House version of the $3.4 billion program passes. [Greece Post,
Editorial, 11/15/11]

Had Estimated Net Worth of $2,850,501 In November 2011, it was reported that Buerkle had an estimated net worth of $2,850,501, the 7th highest value among New York members of Congress. [auburnpub.com, 11/15/11] Said the American People Need to Choose Countrys Direction

In October 2011, Buerkle spoke at the Conservative Party recognition dinner about how the strength of the country was rooted in the strength of its people. Buerkle said, Our vision understands and believes that the strength of this nation, the strength of the United States of America exists because of the people that live here. The role of the government should be to protect our rights, not to grant our rights. Those are the two competing visions. Thats the debate you hear over and over and over again. The American people are a wonderful people and they realize that they have the solutions, not the federal government. [Syracuse.com, 10/24/11] Lashed Out at Democrats in Speech at Values Voter Summit In October 2011, Buerkle in her first national political speech lashed out at Democrats for their policies on defense spending and their support of Planned Parenthood. Buerkle told the group that her faith in God helped her to victory in the 2010 election. Buerkle said, When I decided to run and everyone was looking at me like I needed medication, I prayed. I said to God...But if you want me to do this, just open the doors and show me how. He was so faithful to me. Everything I needed came to me at the right time. We defied (the odds). The New York Times gave us a 5 percent chance of winning. It shows you how credible they are. [Post-Standard, 10/10/11] Distanced Herself From Occupy Wall Street Criticism In October 2011, Buerkle distanced herself from comments made by Republican leaders who referred to Occupy Wall Street protestors as a mob or anti-capitalist. The Occupy Syracuse movement started recently in Buerkles district. Buerkle said, We're celebrating Christopher Columbus and the right of Americans to assemble and to protest and free speech. I think it really reflects the greatness of our country. [YNN, 10/10/11] Sought Help From God in Campaign In October 2011, Buerkle during a speech at the Values Vote Summit spoke about lessons she learned during her campaign and how she relied on God during her campaign. Buerkle said, The second lesson I learned that probably should have been the first lesson I learned, when I decided to run and everyone was looking at me like I needed medication, I said, I prayed and I said to God, If you want me to do this, obviously the odds are against me, but if you want me to do this, open the doors and show me how. I had never run I ran for the City Council back in 94, and he was so faithful to me. He was so, everything I needed came to me at the right time. [C-SPAN, 10/7/11] Said That Her Campaign Was a Sign That The American Dream was Alive and Well In October 2011, Buerkle during a speech at the Values Vote Summit spoke about how her campaign highlighted the fact that the American Dream is alive and well.


Buerkle said, We worked so hard, but my campaign really was an encouragement to me and should be an encouragement to you that the American Dream is not dead. The American Dream is alive and well. We began a grassroots campaign that included 43 towns in our district and we got to know the people who felt the way I did. And you know, there were more of them than there were on the other side. We worked hard, we had a pro-life message, a pro-family message, and a message that said the government doesnt know whats best for us. You here in my district, you know whats best for you and your family. You should be making those decisions. We need less government, lower taxes, and that was our message. [CSPAN, 10/7/11]

Paid DHS $3,293 for Security Service From July-September 2011, Buerkle spent $3,293.67 on security services from the Department of Homeland Security. [2011 3rd Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 10/05/11] Protesters, Tea Party Supporters Present at Town Hall In September 2011, both protestors and Tea Party supporters showed up to Buerkles town hall meeting where she discussed her recent trip to Israel and her support of the Cut, Cap, and Balance legislation. Buerkle said that the Republican budget plan put forward by Paul Ryan was merely a proposal. When asked about raising taxes on the wealthy, Buerkle said that raising taxes on people earning over $250,000 would hurt small-business owners. [Democrat and Chronicle, 09/01/11] Buerkle Criticized Obamas Vacation In August 2011, Buerkle criticized President Obamas vacation saying, "I've been impressed with the President's non-participation in these discussions. So it really doesn't surprise me that he's going off on vacation." [centralny.ynn.com, 08/12/11] Buerkle Paid Chief of Staff $42,000 in Salary From April-June 2011, Buerkle paid her chief of staff, John Buttarazzi, a salary of $42,000. Based on that figure, Buttarazzi was scheduled to receive $168,000 in compensation for 2011. [2011 2nd Quarter Statements
of Disbursement, 7/5/11]

Buerkle Spent $40,564 on Mass Mailers From April-June 2011, Buerkle spent $40,564.79 on mass mailings distributed via USPS. Buerkle distributed a total of 216,590 pieces at a cost of $.13 a household. Buerkle spent more on mass mailers than 88 percent of her House colleagues. [2011 2nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement,7/5/11] Buerkle Spent $37,920 on Printing and Reproduction From April-June 2011, Buerkle spent $37,920.54 on printing and reproduction costs at various firms, including two disbursements totaling $34,726 to The Franking Group. [2011 2nd Quarter Statements of
Disbursement, 7/5/11]

Buerkle Spent $5,297 on Office Supplies


From April-June 2011, Buerkle spent $5,927.67 on office supplies from various firms. [2011 2nd Quarter
Statements of Disbursement, 7/5/11]

Buerkle Spent $2,824 on Commercial Transportation From April-June 2011, Buerkles disbursements included $2,824.20 for commercial transportation on the Citibank Government Card. [2011 2nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 7/5/11] Received 80% Score From Heritage Action for America Buerkle received 80 percent score from Heritage Action for America in 2011. [Heritage Action for America,
accessed 8/29/11]

Hired Former Walsh Staffer as Chief of Staff In August 2011, Buerkle hired Tim Drumm, formerly a staffer for Rep. James Walsh, as her new chief of staff. Drumm left a post at the Pentagon, where he worked since 2008 as deputy director of legislative affairs at the U.S. Joint Forces Command, and later in congressional affairs at the U.S. Southern Command. [The Post-Standard, 8/01/11] PolitiFact Criticized Buerkles US-Libya Budget Comparison In July 2011, PolitiFact graded Buerkles usage of the passage of the Libyan budget to shame the US Senate over inaction as half true. PolitiFact doubted the validity of the comparison and said it was inappropriate not because of the fact that Libya is a dictatorship but mainly because of the different size of the two countries, the complexity of the instrument, the number of interests and the complexity of the negotiations involved. PolitiFact said, Still, even if Buerkle intended it to be a lighthearted comparison, we feel shes wrong to imply equivalence between the two budget processes. Libya is a dictatorship, not a well-established constitutional democracy. Libyas budget is much less complicated than the US budget, since Libyas gross domestic product is less than one-half of 1 percent of the GDP of the United States. And the passage of the budget in June is seen as demonstrating less about Libyas normal functioning of government and more about the Gadhafi regimes need to show the world that its withstanding the offensives of the NATO-backed rebels. [PolitiFact.com, 7/19/11] Chief of Staff Left Office In July 2011, Buerkles Chief of Staff John Buttarazzi announced he was leaving the job to return to the private sector. Buttarazzi was the highest paid staffer in the office, making a quarterly salary equivalent to $164,267 a year, just below the House staff limit of $168,411. No replacement had been announced as of July 18, 2011. [syracuse.com, 7/18/11] Voted for Legislation Granting Flood Insurance Reprieve


In July 2011, Buerkle voted for the Flood Insurance Reform Act, giving homeowners in newly classified flood hazard zones a three-year break from the federal mandate to buy flood insurance. The legislation would give the owners of about 2,400 Onondaga County properties a reprieve. Buerkle said, I think this is a good thingAt least for now it puts it off. Hopefully we can look at (the flood maps) and make some changes. [The Post-Standard, 7/13/11] Buerkle: Rising Unemployment Far Cry from Promises of Obama Stimulus Plan In July 2011, Buerkle commented on the rising unemployment figures of July. Buerkle said, This is a far cry from the promises President Obama made when he unveiled his stimulus plan two years ago...It is time the government faced the same reality and put a plan in place to address the debt and the deficit and move forward with a pro-growth economic agenda. [auburnpub.com, 7/11/11] Buerkle Voted with GOP Leadership 95% of the Time In July 2011, Buerkle had a 95 percent Republican Party unity score, according to the Washington Posts U.S. Congress Votes Database. Buerkle voted with party leadership 95 percent of the time, despite being from a district that favored Democratic presidential candidates in 2008 and 2004. [Washington Post, accessed

Local Group Wanted Buerkle to Abandon Campaign of Slashing Entitlement Programs In June 2011, Disabled in Action of Greater Syracuse called on Buerkle to abandon her campaign of slashing entitlement programs and to work with Congress and the president to prepare for the future with strong economic policies that build, not tear down. [Syracuse.com, 6/24/11] Signed Letter Against Recess Appointments In June 2011, Buerkle signed a letter to House leadership requesting all appropriate measures be taken to prevent any recess appointment by the President for the remainder of the 112th Congress. The coalition signing the letter offered to man the floor in order to prevent either body of Congress to go into recess.
[Office of Congressman Landry, 6/16/11]

Buerkle Requested Disaster Relief Funds For New York State In May 2011, Buerkle, along with Democratic members of the New York State delegation wrote a letter to President Obama in support of Governor Cuomos request for a major disaster declaration and federal aid following severe flooding in upstate New York. The letter stated that, Without assistance from the federal government, many local leaders question how they will be able to make necessary repairs, the cost of which far exceeds local resources. [Office of Congressman Hinchey, 5/26/11] Buerkle Said Dems Won NY-26 Because Of Scare Tactics In May 2011, Gannett News Service reported that Rep. Burkle denied that the special election in New Yorks 26th was a bellwether for the nation. Buerkle commented that fewer than 25% of those eligible voted. It is a stretch to call this a referendum of any sort, Buerkle said. Democrat campaign scare


tactics distorted the serious issues faced by our country. In head-to-head races, voters will see through the Democrat misrepresentations manufactured by their DC power elites. That is what happened in 2010 and will happen again in 2012. [Gannett News Service, 5/26/11]

2012 Campaign
Republican Challenger Announced Run Against Buerkle In February 2012, Robert Paul Spencer announced he would challenge Buerkle for the Republican nomination. Spencer accused Buerkle of not being conservative enough on certain issues. Spencer said he also disagreed with Buerkle because of her votes in support of extending the Patriot Act and for National Defense Authorization Act. [syracuse.com, 2/06/12] Headlined Scotch and Cigar Fundraiser In February 2012, Buerkle headlined an after-hours scotch and cigar fundraiser at the Conservative Political Action Conference. Buerkle was just one of two freshman incumbents that One Nation PAC was throwing its support behind at its second annual CPAC reception. [Politico, 2/08/12] Received $9,000 from Susan B. Anthony List From November to December 2011, Buerkle received $9,000 from the Susan B. Anthony List. This contribution brings Buerkles total from the Susan B. Anthony list to $10,000 year-to-date. [Ann Marie
Buerkle for Congress, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/30/12]

Received $1,000 from Goldman Sachs On December 16, 2011, Buerkle received $1,000 from Goldman Sachs Group Inc. PAC. [Ann Marie Buerkle
for Congress, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/30/12]

Spent $1,900 on Lodging On November 8, 2011, Buerkle spent $1,977.60 on lodging from the Tribeca Grand Hotel. [Ann Marie
Buerkle for Congress, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/30/12]

Carrying $17,300 in Debt to Loans and Vendors As of January 2012, Buerkles campaign is carrying $14,000 in debt to loans and $3,300 to 2910 Partners, LLC. [Ann Marie Buerkle for Congress, 2011 Year-End FEC Report, Filed 1/30/12] Maffei Joined DCCC Red to Blue List In January 2012, DCCC Chairman Steve Israel announced that Dan Maffei had been chosen for the organizations Red to Blue program, making his race against Buerkle a priority for House Democrats.
[capitaltonight.com, 1/18/12]


Targeted by DCCC Robocalls In November 2011, Buerkle was one of 30 vulnerable Republicans targeted by a DCCC robocall campaign. [New York Daily News, 11/30/11] Democrat Brianne Murphy Announced Campaign In November 2011, Democrat Brianne Murphy, a Syracuse attorney, announced her campaign for Congress and listed education, infrastructure, and job creation as her top priorities. Murphy believed that Buerkle placed her social agenda above economic concerns of her constituents. [auburnpub.com, 11/28/11;
syracuse.com, 11/28/11; publicbroadcasting.net, 11/30/11]

Touted Conservative Credentials in Fundraising E-Mail In November 2011, Buerkle touted her fundraising credentials in a fundraising e-mail by listing the support that she had received from Heritage Action. Buerkle wrote, Trust me when I tell you that no one else in a Republican Primary can match my conservative track record. Buerkle had yet to receive any primary challengers, but redistricting in New York had yet to be completed. Redistricting may impact the 25th district. [auburnpub.com, 11/20/11] Seen as Most Vulnerable Republican in NY Delegation In November 2011, Buerkle was seen as the most vulnerable Republican member in the New York delegation after she raised $89,000 in the third quarter. A New York Republican strategist said, A lot of her problems were staff-driven, because you had people without experience involved with her. But I think some of these staff changes will help overcome that. And its a different game when youre an incumbent then when youre running as a challenger. [Roll Call,


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