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Lungren Opposed Cuts to Own Budget, But Lungren Had No Problem Cutting Funding for Important California Programs In February 2011, Lungren opposed further cuts to his budget. He wrote, The Amendment would also hamper the Houses ability to conduct effective oversight and impede on Members ability to serve their constituents by cutting committee and Member budgets an additional 11% on top of the 5% cut adopted last month. [Columnist, Timothy P. Carney, Washington Examiner, 2/18/11] Expressed Support for Paul Ryans View of Budget In January 2011, Lungren expressed his support for Paul Ryans view of the budget. Lungren said If I was starting a football team in a national budget league, Id pick Paul Ryan as the captain and quarterback, He went on to say, Theres nobody in this House whos taken as serious a long-term view on the budget as Paul Ryan. [Wall Street Journal, 1/25/11; Hotline, 1/25/11] Said By Cutting Office Budget He was Demonstrating Struggle to Make Ends Meet In 2011, Lungren said that by cutting 5 percent from House office budgets We are demonstrating to those struggling to make ends meet that we are listening and serious about fiscal responsibility. Lungren chaired the House Administration Committee, which oversaw day-to-day operations of the House. [Miami Herald, 3/22/11] Defended Republican Budget Saying He was Saving Medicare When asked about his vote for the Ryan Budget Lungren said, Im not on record for demolishing Medicare. Im on record for saving Medicare. CBO has said very specifically Medicare will go broke in nine years. The status quo is what kills Medicare. Those that will not face up to the truth is what kills Medicare. What Paul Ryan brought forward and what we Republicans have adopted is an adult approach to dealing with a serious problem Weve got to go beyond this idea of promising things that we cannot keep and putting burden after burden of debt on our children. And thats what our effort is to do here. This nonsense that were trying to kill Medicare only makes sense if you ignore the arithmetic. [MSNBC,
Hardball , 4/15/11] Roll Call: In 2010 Lungren Narrowly Pulled Out a Victory in a Good Year for Republicans

In April 2011 Roll Call reported that Ami Bera raised $230,000 and in 2010 Lungren narrowly pulled out a victory in a good year for Republicans. [Roll Call, 4/14/11] Risked Budget Cutting Message by Signing $500,000 Contract with Law Firm to Defend 1996 Defense of Marriage Act

In April 2011, Lungren signed a $500,000 contract with a partner in the King and Spaulding firm who worked in the Bush Administration to defend the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act. The San Francisco Chronicle reported Lungren was risking his budget-cutting message to support a law that denied same-sex couples benefits given to heterosexual married couples. [San Francisco Chronicle, 4/20/11] Said Even Calling Federal Agency About Project Funding Violated Spirit of Earmark Ban In 2011, Lungren was visited by Elk Grove officials to discuss their priority projects. Lungren said for him to even call a federal agency to ask that a project be funded went against the spirit of rejecting earmarks. [Elk Grove Citizen, 5/18/11] Requested $231,117,769 in Earmarks for FY 2010 In 2009, Lungren requested $231,117,769 worth of projects in earmarks in FY 2010 appropriations bills. As of August 2009, Lungrens FY 2010 submissions had not yet been approved. [Taxpayers for Common Sense; Federal Elections Commission] Newly Drawn District Put Seat in Play In 2011, it was reported that Lungrens redrawn district was much more competitive. The new district as drawn by the California Citizens Redistricting Committee had fewer whites and an even number of Democrats and Republicans. [Capitol Weekly, 6/23/11] Lungren May Retire In 2011, Lungren was one of the members of Congress rumored to be considering a district-based retirement plan. [Blog, Rachel Rose Hartman, The Ticket, 7/7/11] Likely Facing More Democratic District in 2011 In 2011, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer noted the impact that redistricting will have in making Lungrens district more Democratic in 2012. The paper reported that Lungren, would have a district that becomes more Democratic. He said he believes the draft map issued by the commission would exaggerate the strength of Democrats in California. Lungrens current district near Sacramento has been trending more bipartisan in recent years, leading to tighter re-election campaigns. [Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 6/28/11] Financial Disclosure Showed Credit Card Debt and $56,000 in 2010 from State Pension Lungrens financial disclosure for 2010 (released June 2011) showed assets between $17,000 and $81,000. Lungren earned $56,000 from his state pension in 2010. He listed his financial stake in Stoneyford Ranch, LLC between $15,000 and $50,000. He also had credit card debt between $10,000 and $15,000. [Carmichael Patch, 6/21/11] Bera Outraised Lungren with Redistricting Likely in Democratic Favor

In 2011, Ami Bera announced a re-match against Lungren and raised over $530,000 in the second quarter. Bera had a good showing against Lungren in a very Republican year, and with redistricting likely to take a chuck of GOP voters out of the district, Bera was like 2012. [Hotline On Call, National Journal, 7/14/11] Introduced Bill to Encourage Low-Cost Energy Efficiency Home Loans In 2011, Lungren introduced a bill to require Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to stop blocking state and local programs that offer low-cost energy efficiency home loans. Advocates of the bill said it would generate jobs and boost tax revenues. It essentially allows those who own property and have equity in the property to achieve something we all want them to achieve, Lungren said. The legislation would allow states to implement the Property Assessed Clean Energy or PACE programs. [Record, 7/21/11] Faced Challenges by Bera and Hubor in 2012 Elections In 2011, Lungren faced possible challenges for the 2012 election from Ami Bera and possibly Democratic Assemblywoman Alyson Hubor. [Lodi News-Sentinel, 7/21/11] Lungren Faced Trouble for 2012 Elections Due to California Re-Districting In 2011, thanks to redistricting, California shaped up to be a hotbed of top Republican targets, and Lungren faced trouble in newly drawn districts, if he decided to run again in 2012. [Atlantic, 7/20/11] Ami Bera Raked in Cash for Possible Rematch with Dan Lungren in CA-03 In 2011, even as the re-districting maps were not set in stone, Democrat Ami Bera continued to post big fundraising numbers for a possible rematch for Rep. Dan Lungrens seat. Federal campaign reports show Bera raised $534,009 through the first six months of the year. Hes still carrying a $262,289 debt from his loss last year to Lungren, but $250,000 of that is money he lent himself. He had $450,508 in cash on hand as of June 30, 2011. Lungren, a Gold River Republican, raised $417,418 for the six-month period about half of it from political action committees and had $328,002 on hand as of June 30, 2011. [Sacramento Bee, 7/20/11] Was Outraised in the Second Quarter Fundraising Period In 2011, Lungren was one of the GOP incumbents who got outraised in the second quarter fundraising period. [The Fix, Chris Cillizza, Washington Post, 7/19/11] Bera Raised About Half-Million Dollars for a Rematch against Lungren in 2012; Expected to be in Better District In 2011, Dr. Ami Bera raised more than a half-million dollars for a rematch against Lungren, which was the latest sign that he would have a tough race on his hands in 2012. Bera had about $450,000 in the bank for the election. In 2012, there were speculations that they two could be fighting on more Democratic territory. Californias newly created Bipartisan Redistricting Commission has put out draft maps that would make

Lungrens Sacramento-based district more liberal by lopping off some of the more conservative, rural parts of the district and centering it more on the state capitol. [Blog, Cameron Joseph, The Hill, 7/14/11] Said Less Money Made it Tougher for Representatives to do Their Jobs In 2011, Lungren questioned whether the House Appropriations Legislative Branch bill, which cut 6.4% from House Office Budgets, would still allow House Members to effectivelydo their jobs. Lungren said less money made it tougher for representatives to do their jobs. He said, I understand the thinking of those on the committee, I just want to make sure Members have the resources to do their job.
[Roll Call, 7/16/11]

Budget Issues
Defended His Vote for the 2011 Continuing Resolution and the 2012 Republican Budget At a town hall Lungren defended his vote for the 2011 continuing resolution and the 2012 Republican budget. He said There are those who think we are not serious enough about reducing the deficit for voting for the Ryan budget. Lungren said the Ryan budget would reduce the deficit, and did not slash Medicare for people within a few years of retirement. [Record Net, 5/1/11] Defended Republican Budget By Saying Were Trying to Bring Us Back to 2008 Levels At a May 2011 town hall Lungren defended the Republican budget. We are seeing trillion-dollar deficits as far as the eye can see, he said, warning that more debt is held by foreigners, namely China, Japan and the United Kingdom. He went on to say Pay me now or pay me later. If you pay later, the consequences are going to be so much greater so much worse so much more draconian than they are now. Whats happened in the last couple years is we had the spike in spending for stimulus and bailout, Lungren said. It (spending) went up, they used that as their baseline. Were trying to bring us back down to 2008 levels and use that as our baseline. What we have been doing has not worked. [Calaveras
Enterprise, 5/2/11]

Advocated for Debt Ceiling to be Raised Lungren wrote that the debt veiling should be raised with meaningful budget cuts. He wrote It is essential for those of us in the Congress to approach the vote on the debt ceiling with a full awareness that we have a solemn obligation not only to meet our existing debt obligations but also to take serious action to avoid a future debt crisis which could plunge our nation into another serious economic crisis. He also wrote any agreement to raise the debt limit should include meaningful measures to reduce spending.
[Op-ed, Rep. Lungren, Pine Tree, 5/7/11]

Editorial Said Lungren Voted for Budget that Reduced Budget in Perilous Ways In 2011, an editorial with the News Review said Lungren voted to pass a new, 10-year budget that proposes to reduce the nations deficit in perilous ways. For one, the budget would reduce tax rates for the

wealthiest Americans, apparently in the increasingly discredited belief that doing so will create jobs. Second, it would privatize Medicare by turning it into a voucher program. And third, it would cap federal spending on Medicaid and turn it into a block-grant program run. [Editorial, Newsreview.com, 4/21/11] Told High School Students National Debt was Serious Issue that Impacted Them In 2011, Lungren spoke at the Laguna Creek High School. He said the national debt needed to be paid of, It most likely will be paid off by you and your children, Lungren told the students. Before you pay for your government, youre going to have to pay your debt and the interest on that debt. My hope is that they will take seriously this fiscal crisis that is approaching us because its going to impact them for a far longer time, Lungren said. Its interesting to see their reactions. They might disagree with how you are going to resolve it, but they dont dismiss the possibility that this is a serious issue that impacts them. [Elk Grove Patch, 4/27/11] Voted to Fund Government Through April 8; Said If Youre Going to Get on the Playing Field, you Follow your Captains In 2011, Lungren supported another stopgap bill to keep the government funded through April 8th, while cutting $6 billion. He said if youre going to get on the playing field, you follow your captains. He said in a House Republican closed-door caucus meeting there was vigorous debate on the funding measure. If people think this is a tough vote today, they aint seen nothing yet, he said. [Blog, Post Politics,
Washington Post, 3/15/11]

Focused on Cutting Budget and Regulations On March 27, 2011 Lungren sat down and talked to constituents about the wind industry, water districts and regulations. He said he was working to cut the budget and reduce regulations so businesses could thrive. [The Pine Tree, Youtube, 52, Summary, 3/27/11] Discussed Budget Priorities and Bike Trails Lungren said, One of the things we are doing at the federal level is were trying to establish what federal priorities are. One of the things Ive been fighting foris these areas and counties that have a large amount of federal land. We have to recognize the impact on those communities of the people that actually live there and see if there is a federal responsibility in those areas and then settle on that. Which is different then what I hear in other areas which is, and I use this example, you know the federal government ought to pay for a bike trail. I use the bike trail along the American riverI use the bike trail along the Potomac river. [Congressman Dan Lungren Visits Murphys, 55:15, Summary, 3/27/11] Prepared Guidelines for House Operations in Event of Shutdown In April 2011, in anticipation of a government shutdown, Lungren took orders from Speaker Boehner to prepare the House.

Lungren issued guidance to all members and his office worked on guidelines for members to use as they determine which employees would be furloughed. [The Hill, 4/5/11] Published Guidance on Essential and Non Essential Government Employees in Event of Shutdown Lungren ordered members to draw up a list of staffers who would be furloughed. A guidance he published read Should Congress and the President fail to come to an agreement continuing appropriations for the Legislative Branch, non-essential House operations must be shut down effective April 9, 2011. [Huffingtonpost.com, 4/5/11] Distributed Shutdown Pamphlets Advising Congressmen on How Staffers Would be Furloughed In March 2011, Lungren distributed a pamphlet advising members to identify essential personnel who will continue working and furlough the remainder of the staff during the shutdown. [Roll Call,

Pleased Government Shutdown was Averted; Shifted Attention to Paul Ryans Budget In April 2011, Lungren said he was pleased that a shutdown was averted. He said he was focused on Chairman Paul Ryans Path to Prosperity budget. I am pleased that Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader Reid have reached an agreement to keep the government running. These cuts are historic. They represent the largest year-to-year spending cut since World War II. It is time that all parties get serious about cutting spending and I applaud Speaker Boehner for standing firm on this issue. Now is the time to have an open and honest debate about the course of our fiscal future. House Republicans will now advance our fight from saving billions of dollars to saving trillions of dollars as we turn our focus in earnest to Chairman Paul Ryans Path to Prosperity budget. Cutting the operating budget of government is the first step but addressing the issue of our mandatory spending programs is a must. If left unchecked by 2025 these programs will consume 100% of every tax dollar we send to the government. [Rep. Lungren, press release, 4/9/11] Determined Committee Budgets In March 2011, as House Administration Chairman Lungren started listening to every House panel to determine committee budgets. [Roll Call, 3/1/11] Opposed Cuts to Own Budget In February 2011, Lungren opposed further cuts to his budget. He wrote, The Amendment would also hamper the Houses ability to conduct effective oversight and impede on Members ability to serve their constituents by cutting committee and Member budgets an additional 11% on top of the 5% cut adopted last month. [Columnist, Timothy P. Carney, Washington Examiner, 2/18/11] His Chief of Staff Said Budget Cut Would Effect Dues to Republican Study Committee

In February 2011, Lungrens chief of staff wrote a letter stating that cuts to Lungrens office budget would affect constituent services and said slash dues to Lungrens membership on the Republican Study Committee. In fact, if this amendment passes, the first thing I will have to do is cut our dues to groups like the RSC. [Columnist, Timothy P. Carney, Washington Examiner, 2/18/11] Columnist Said Lungren Wasnt Serious About Cutting Spending In February 2011, Washington Examiner columnist, Timothy Carney wrote, Are Republican congressmen really averse to making staff layoffs in order to cut spending? If so, its another sign theyre not serious about spending. [Columnist, Timothy P. Carney, Washington Examiner, 2/18/11] Lungren Said Across-the-Board Cut to Legislative Branch Funding was Lazy When Ohio Republican Jim Jordan, chairman of the conservative Republican Study Committee proposed an amendment to cut $22 billion by reducing legislative branch funding by 11 percent Lungren said, Across-the-board cuts are lazy members way to achieve something. [Congressional
Quarterly Today, 2/19/11]

But Lungren Had No Problem Cutting Funding for Important California Programs In February 2011, Lungren spent the week cutting research, education funding and protections for Californians. Voted to Cut Pell Grants for One-Third of UC Undergraduates In February 2011, Lungren voted for a plan that took nearly $55-million from Pell grants. The cuts would affect nearly 65,000 students or one-third of UC undergraduates. [LA Times, 2/20/11] Voted to Eliminate Head Start for 14,000 Low-Income Children In February 2011, Lungren voted for a plan that eliminated head start for almost 14,000 lowincome children. He also supported eliminating after-school programs for 26,139 students in California. [LA Times, 2/20/11] Voted Cut $100 Million from UC System Biomedical Research In February 2011, Lungren voted for a plan that cut nearly $100 million from the UC system just for biomedical research. Cuts of this magnitude are unsustainable if Californias biomedical research industry is to remain a global leader in research innovation and an economic engine helping to stabilize Californias economy, J. Gary Falle, UC associate vice president for government relations. [LA Times, 2/20/11] Voted Cut $125 Million from Kindergarten through 12th-Grade Schools in California

In February 2011, Lungren voted for a plan that cut $125 million for kindergarten through 12thgrade schools in California, according to watchdog groups. [LA Times, 2/20/11] Voted Cut $20 Million for Rail Line to L.A. Airport In February 2011, Lungren voted for a plan that took away a $20-million from a rail line closer to the L.A. airport. Senator Boxer said the project would generate thousands of jobs. [LA Times,

Voted to Cut Funding for Homeless, Children and the Elderly In February 2011, Lungren voted to cut Community Services Block Grants by $100 million. The grants are designed to fight the conditions of poverty in communities for the homeless, children and the elderly. [Flake of Arizona Amendment No. 457, Vote #72, 2/17/11; U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, accessed 2/18/11]

Voted Against Consumer Protections In February 2011, Lungren voted against an amendment to reverse the 50 percent funding cut for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. [Holt of New Jersey Amendment No. 506, Vote #89, 2/17/11]

Business and Consumer Issues

Looked out for Vineyards in Region In March 2011, Lungren planned to meet with Ironstone Vineyards in Murphys. He has said Though we have some very large wineries in the Third District, the majority are small businesses with unique challenges and needs. [The Record, 3/22/11] Met with Wine Industry In 2011, Lungren spoke at the Calaveras Winegrape Alliance about the importance of the wine industry. Though we have some very large wineries in the 3rd District, the majority are small businesses with unique challenges and needs, Lungren said in a media release. [Calaveras Enterprise, 3/30/11] Introduced Legislation to Repeal Small Business Reporting Requirements In 2011, Lungren introduced a bill to repeal provisions as part of healthcare reform that would require businesses to report all goods and services transactions valued at more than $600 to the IRS. [The Hill,

Campaign Finance Issues

Roll Call: In 2010 Lungren Narrowly Pulled Out a Victory in a Good Year for Republicans

In April 2011 Roll Call reported that Ami Bera raised $230,000 and in 2010 Lungren narrowly pulled out a victory in a good year for Republicans. [Roll Call, 4/14/11] Had Leadership PAC with Over $12,000 Cash on Hand Lungren had a leadership PAC to help Congressional colleagues. Lungrens Serving Americas Citizens PAC, donated $6,800 to federal candidates in 2010 and had $12,762 in available cash in April 2011.
[Miami Herald, 4/18/11]

Received Several Large Contributions from Lobbyists On February 17, 2011, Lungren received a $2,400 donation from Daniel M. Crane, the President of The Crane Group. The Center for Responsive Politics listed the Crane Group as a lobbying company whose 2010 clients included a chemical company, oil and Gas Company and an insurance company. [Open Secrets,
accessed 4/18/11; [Lungren for Congress, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/15/11]

On March 31, 2011 Lungren received a $1,000 donation from John H. Dressendorfer, who listed his employer as L3 Communications and his position as Vice President, Government Relations. The Center for Responsive Politics listed him as a lobbyist. [Open Secrets, accessed 4/18/11; Lungren for Congress, 2011 April
Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/15/11]

Received Contributions from Tax Dodging Corporations On March 31, 2011 Lungren received an $1,000 donation from the Chevron Employees PAC. [Lungren for
Congress, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/15/11]

In March 2011 Lungren received two $1,000 donations from The Boeing Company Political Action Com.
[Lungren for Congress, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/15/11]

Received $5,000 Check from Exxon Mobil On November 1, 2010 Lungren received a $5,000 check from the Exxon Mobil Corporation PAC. [Lungren
for Congress, Post-General Receipt, Filed 4/15/11, 11/1/10]

Received $3,000 Check from Halliburton On October 16, 2010 Lungren received a $3,000 check from The Halliburton Company Political Action Committee. [Lungren for Congress, Post-General Receipt, Filed 4/15/11, 10/16/10]

Children Issues
Voted to Cut Funding for Homeless, Children and the Elderly In February 2011, Lungren voted to cut Community Services Block Grants by $100 million. The grants are designed to fight the conditions of poverty in communities for the homeless, children and the elderly.
[Flake of Arizona Amendment No. 457, Vote #72, 2/17/11; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, accessed 2/18/11]

Voted to Eliminate Head Start for 14,000 Low-Income Children In February 2011, Lungren voted for a plan that eliminated head start for almost 14,000 low-income children. He also supported eliminating after-school programs for 26,139 students in California. [LA Times,

Vote Against Planned Parenthood Called Reckless Assault on Women In a February 2011 editorial in the Sacramento Bee Lungren was called mean-spirited and reckless for voting to cut all federal money for Planned Parenthood. The editorial read, The Republican vote in the House of Representatives last week to cut all federal support for Planned Parenthood is a mean-spirited and reckless assault on women in this country. For millions of them, particularly poor women and those who have recently lost their jobs and therefore have no medical insurance, Planned Parenthood represents their only access to medical care. [Editorial,
Sacramento Bee, 2/23/11]

Consumer Issues
Voted Against Consumer Protections In February 2011, Lungren voted against an amendment to reverse the 50 percent funding cut for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. [Holt of New Jersey Amendment No. 506, Vote #89, 2/17/11]

Crime & Public Safety Issues

Said Supreme Court Decision Would Lead to Release of Prisoners in California That Would Lead Directly to Rapes and Assaults In May 2011, Lungren stated that the release of thousands of prisoners in California, resulting from the Supreme Courts decision to release 38,000 to 46,000 prisoners, would directly lead to rapes and assaults on California residents. On the House floor Lungren said, You rarely say this, but I fear that there will be murders, there will rapes, there will be assaults, there will be unnamed and unnumbered crimes in my home state as a direct result of todays decision by the U.S. Supreme Court. He then questioned, Since when did they take over all of the three branches of government, becoming the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch? [The Hill, 5/23/11] Falsely Claimed the US Supreme Court Ordered California to Release 38,000 to 46,000 Prisoners In May 2011, the Sacramento Bee published an editorial regarding Lungrens accusation that the Supreme Courts decision would release between 38,000 to 46,000 prisoners. The Bee wrote,

Mr. Lungren, that interpretation is dangerously misleading and you know it, or should know it. The paper asserted that the court gave California discretion and the state could build new prisons to house the prisoners. California doesnt have to release inmates, although it should and probably will release more elderly and infirm prisoners. It can build new prisons. [Editorial,
Sacramento Bee, 5/25/11]

Defended Assertion that 46,000 Prisoners Would Be Release through Supreme Court Decision In May 2011, Lungren wrote an opinion piece in opposition to a Sacramento Bee editorial that took issue with his interpretation of a Supreme Court ruling he said would release 46,000 prisoners. He wrote The number of 46,000 prisoners to be released resulting from the Supreme Courts misguided decision comes directly from Justice Antonin Scalias dissent. He wrote that he was not fear mongering and accused the Bee of attempting to minimize the impact of the Supreme Court decision. Lungren wrote, Does it ever occur to The Bee that a major reason for the several decade drop in the violent crime rates (despite dramatic changes in the economy and even recent losses in police manpower) is that many of the right people are in prison? He touted is record as Attorney General and stood by his criticism of the Supreme Court, writing Thats not fear mongering; thats fact-based reality. [Op-ed, Dan Lungren, Sacramento Bee, 5/29/11] Highlighted Problem of Sex Traffickers at Hearing In 2011, Lungren hosted a hearing at Rancho Cordova City Hall and highlighted the problem of sex traffickers in Sacramento. The FBI named the city the second highest rate of child prostitution in the US in 2006. Lungren held such forums in February and April of 2010. Lungren also worked on an international Megans Law to require registered sex offenders to provide notice of overseas travel. (Locally) a major portion of this (trafficking) is homegrown, he said. Were trying to break that mold. [Fair Oaks Patch, 5/17/11] Said Even Calling Federal Agency About Project Funding Violated Spirit of Earmark Ban In 2011, Lungren was visited by Elk Grove officials to discuss their priority projects. Lungren said for him to even call a federal agency to ask that a project be funded went against the spirit of rejecting earmarks. [Elk Grove Citizen, 5/18/11] Requested $231,117,769 in Earmarks for FY 2010 In 2009, Lungren requested $231,117,769 worth of projects in earmarks in FY 2010 appropriations bills. As of August 2009, Lungrens FY 2010 submissions had not yet been approved. [Taxpayers for Common Sense; Federal Elections Commission] Led Forums on Domestic Sex Trafficking Said Strides Were Being Made


In 2011, Lungren attended a public forum to consider the problem of domestic sex trafficking of children. He expanded on the discussion by speaking to additional stake holders at a hearing. It seemed logical to invite Congressman Sensenbrenner since his subcommittee has jurisdiction over the reauthorization of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, which is authorized through only 2011. Rep. Sensenbrenner was very impressed with our panel: the actress Mira Sorvino who now serves as the United Nations Ambassador of Goodwill on human trafficking issues; Benjamin Wagner, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District; Herbert Brown, Special Agent in Charge, Sacramento FBI; Timothy Johnstone, Commander, Sacramento Regional Terrorism Threat Assessment Center; Nicholas Sensley, Chief of Police of Truckee, CA and an expert on human trafficking; Jenny Williamson, Founder of Courage To Be You nonprofit organization that someday hopes to house and rehabilitate trafficking victims; and Vicki Zito, an El Dorado Hills mother of a trafficking victim. The testimony was at times gripping, even shocking and certainly compelling. We made great strides but there is much, much more to do. [Op-ed, Rep Lungren, Pine Tree, 5/22/11]

Voted to Cut Funding for Weather Service That Gave Warning of Tsunami Lungren voted to cut funding for the weather service that gave warning of tsunami. Everyone knows that the government needs to cut spending, but this tsunami serves as a tragic reminder that Representative Dan Lungren and House Republicans made the wrong budget choices that can have real consequences for California families, said Jesse Ferguson of the DCCC. Instead of cutting taxpayer subsidies for Big Oil companies, Representative Dan Lundgren voted to slash the weather service that gives us critical early warnings in times of danger, like this one. [CNN, 3/17/11] Pushed to Make Pointing a Laser at Plane a Federal Crime In February 2011, Lungren pushed for his House bill to pass to make knowingly pointing a laser at an aircraft a federal crime, punishable with up to five years in prison. The bill passed. [Associated Press, 2/28/11;
Rep. Lungren, press release, 2/28/11]

Economic and Financial Issues

CA-03: Lungren for Congress April Quarterly Report Analysis Lungren for Congress April quarterly Report Analysis Total Raised: $180,517.00 Raised from PACs: $119,000 Cash on Hand: $158,091.77 Debt: $17,294.66
[Lungren for Congress, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/15/11]

Supported End to Publically Financing Presidential Campaigns In January 2011, Lungren said it would cost $612 million over the next decade to continue publically financing presidential campaigns. Governing is choosing and prioritizing. This is $612 million that doesnt feed a single American, doesnt educate a single American. [National Public Radio, 1/27/11]


On the vote Lungren issue a press release which stated Taxpayer financing of presidential elections and party conventions is simply no longer defensible. Since 1976, 1.5 billion dollars have been diverted to the politicians campaigns and party coffers while the vast majority of taxpayers have rejected the program. [Official Press Release, Committee on House Administration, 1/26/11] Mr. Chairman, if there is anything the American taxpayer should not be subsidizing, it is weeklong presidential conventions. I enjoy being at them and they are grand, fun, occasions, but they are weeklong party gatherings that are almost entirely symbolicTaxpayers would be shocked if not outraged to discover they have been funding these extravagant photo-ops. [Official Press Release,
Committee on House Administration, 1/25/11]

Education Issues
Voted Cut $125 Million from Kindergarten through 12th-Grade Schools in California In February 2011, Lungren voted for a plan that cut $125 million for kindergarten through 12th-grade schools in California, according to watchdog groups. [LA Times, 2/20/11] Voted to Cut Pell Grants for One-Third of UC Undergraduates
In February 2011, Lungren voted for a plan that took nearly $55-million from Pell grants. The cuts would affect nearly 65,000 students or one-third of UC undergraduates. [LA Times, 2/20/11]

Energy Issues
Said the U.S. Would Depend on Fossil Fuels for Lifetime of His Children At a town hall Lungren blamed the Obama administration for high gas prices. The only way well get offshore drilling from this administration is to make Brazil the 51st state, Lungren said. I support green energy. But the fact of the matter is we are going to depend on fossil fuels for the rest of my lifetime and the lifetime of my children. [Record Net, 5/1/11] Said He Supported Clean Energy Much Like the President Lungren said he supported clean energy and use of renewable resources, much like the president. He said he had a problem with the undergrowth in the forests not being classified as a renewable resource, pointing to the Buena Vista Power Plant project. I think they fear we would have clear-cutting in the forests. I think thats not true. [Calaveras Enterprise, 5/2/11] Said Nuclear Energy was Political Liability In 2011, Lungren spoke at the Calaveras Winegrape Alliance about nuclear energy. Nuclear power is a political liability in light of what is happening in Japan, Lungren said. I have been astounded at the mainstream medias hyping of the nuclear disaster. Not that there isnt a problem they always seem disappointed every night that the worst has not happened.

As far as I can tell, it took a 9.0 earthquake, which is fifth-strongest in the history of reporting, and a tsunami as damaging as weve ever seen in modern times to cause this problem. I think its astounding that the containment vessels didnt break. This is not the time to stand up on the floor talking about how nuclear is a great alternative. But, why then arent we focusing on the fact that fossil fuels will be a part of our lives for the next 50 years at least? [Calaveras Enterprise, 3/30/11] Advocated for Offshore Drilling, Drilling in ANWAR and a Pipeline from Canada In 2011, Lungren spoke at the Calaveras Winegrape Alliance about his commitment to weaning America off foreign resources and using natural resources at home. He said, This is the time for us to press very strongly for what I call an all of the above energy strategy. If we do not, the costs you see for energy right now are nothing compared to what they are going to be. He advocated for the expansion of offshore oil drilling, the development of shale oil reserves and drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. He also said that the administration was getting in the way of a pipeline from Canadian tar sands to U.S. refineries. [Calaveras Enterprise, 3/30/11] Said He Supported Biomass Power Plants In 2011, Lungren spoke at the Calaveras Winegrape Alliance about his support for building biomass power plants like the one under construction in Ione. He said, The energy bill said any timber product taken off federal lands cannot be considered as a renewable resource, specifically penalizing us for using that incredible resource. Unless we get it out and clean it up, were going to have catastrophic fires. I think we have to crack open that. He went on to say, We are in an interdependent global economy where we will never be totally independent, but we can be less dependent if we add to the total volume of energy that is available ... Weve got to be smart about this. [Calaveras Enterprise, 3/30/11]

Environmental Issues
Wrote Op-ed Advocating for Delisting Elderberry Longhorn Beetle from Endangered Species List In 2011, Lungren wrote an op-ed about talking the taking the valley elderberry longhorn beetle off the endangered species list. He wrote You might be surprised to learn that since being added to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Endangered Species list in 1980, its been scientifically cleared to be delisted since 2006. Lungren wrote that reclamation districts, bike paths and levees were not repaired so the beetle wasnt disturbed, costing the region millions. He wrote that Sacramento-area landowners and levee maintenance districts joined a lawsuit against the Fish and Wildlife Service to delist the beetle. Recently a group of Sacramento-area landowners and levee maintenance districts joined together with the Pacific Legal Foundation to sue the Fish and Wildlife Service for its undue delay in delisting the valley elderberry longhorn beetle. [Op-ed, Dan Lungren, Sacramento Bee, 4/20/11]


Known as Styrofoam Dan In March 2011, Lungren expressed surprise that his efforts to bring Styrofoam to the capitol and end a Congressional composting program caused such a fuss. [LA Times, 3/24/11] Styrofoam Dan Defended Decision to Put Styrofoam in Capitol In 2011, Lungren was interviewed about his nick name Styrofoam Dan due to his decision to put Styrofoam cups at the capitol. He called the debate silly. He said I just happen to think that what the American public is saying is, yes, we love the environment, but lets try and do things that work in an efficient and effective way. And thats what Im trying to do. He went on to say Well, I happen to think people -- the average person has more common sense than a lot of people back here. And they understand that if things do not work, you ought to change them, number one. Number two, I just get sick and tired of the liberals thinking they are the only ones who are concerned about the planet, and the rest of us dont. [Fox News, 3/30/11] Planned to Incinerate Dining Hall Trash to Save Energy After Lungren killed the Green the Capitol initiative in February 2011, he planned to incinerate all of Longworth dining halls trash and capture the heat energy. [Los Angeles Times, 2/13/11] Killed Green Effort in Capitol Dining Hall In February 2011, Lungren ended Pelosis Green the Capitol initiative. Pelosis program converted Longworths dining halls utensils, plates, trays, cups and straws into garden mulch. Lungren stated the effects were nominal. [Los Angeles Times, 2/13/11] Allowed Polystyrene Coffee Cups In February 2011, Lungren did away with Nancy Pelosis recycling program at the capitol by allowing polystyrene coffee cups. [Washington Post, 2/28/11] Supported Reverting Back to Styrofoam in House Cafeteria In March 2011, Lungren the Chair of the House Administration Committee expressed his support for reverting to Styrofoam/plastic utensils in the House Cafeterias. He said the Green the Capitol Initiative, cost 475,000 more than had they used Styrofoam/plastic instead of biodegradable eating utensils.
[TalkingPointsMemo.com, 03/04/11]

Defended Styrofoam Decision; Members Signed on to Letter Opposing Styrofoam Cups In March 2011, Lungren defended his decision to allow Styrofoam in the House cafeteria. Lungrens representatives said, Do they really think that taxpayers are interested in subsidizing our cups and utensils?


Members signed on to a letter opposing the Styrofoam, which read, We are writing to express our deep concern with the current choice to use polystyrene products, commonly known as styrofoam, [1] in the House of Representatives cafeterias. While we appreciate that the CAO is working to reduce costs, there are significant health and environmental risks associated with Styrofoam, as well as additional costs associated with increased waste removal. [Blog, Wall Street Journal, 3/8/11] Planned to Incinerate Dining Hall Trash to Save Energy After Lungren killed the Green the Capitol initiative in February 2011, he planned to incinerate all of Longworth dining halls trash and capture the heat energy. [Los Angeles Times, 2/13/11] Killed Green Effort in Capitol Dining Hall In February 2011, Lungren ended Pelosis Green the Capitol initiative. Pelosis program converted Longworths dining halls utensils, plates, trays, cups and straws into garden mulch. Lungren stated the effects were nominal. [Los Angeles Times, 2/13/11]
Ended Pelosis Waste Disposal Program at Capitol Citing Cost

In January 2011, Lungren expressed his support for Paul Ryans view of the budget. Lungren said If I was starting a football team in a national budget league, Id pick Paul Ryan as the captain and quarterback, He went on to say, Theres nobody in this House whos taken as serious a long-term view on the budget as Paul Ryan. [Wall Street Journal, 1/25/11; Hotline, 1/25/11]

Ethics Issues
Calaveras County Supervisors Violated Open Meeting Law When they Met with Lungren In 2011, Lungren met with Calaveras County supervisors, FEMA representative Kathy Schafer and a representative from the Army Corps of Engineers, however they violated the Brown Act, Californias public meeting law. The group discussed the release of new flood maps from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. [Calaveras Enterprise, 4/15/11]

Foreign Policy Issues Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea

Said President Should Have Consulted Congress on Libya At a May 2011 town hall Lungren said he disagreed with the way President Obama handled the situation in Libya. Ive always felt the president ought to at least consult with Congress before he interjects troops into anything that would put them in harms way, Lungren said. When you make that decision, you limit what our military can do. My feeling is we need to either be all the way in or all the way out.
[Calaveras Enterprise, 5/2/11]

Said He wanted an Established Policy Before the U.S. Got Involved in Libya


In 2011, Lungren spoke at the Laguna Creek High School. He said there was no simple answer to how the U.S. should be involved in foreign countries. I dont have a simple answer, Lungren said. I do think that for instance what we are doing in Libya, we ought to have an established policy and follow through with that policy right now. [Elk Grove Patch, 4/27/11]

Gay and Lesbian Issues

Criticized Law Firm that Withdrew from House Counsel Rather than Fight to Protect DOMA In 2011, Lungren signed a contract with King and Spalding to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). However, the firm King and Spalding withdrew as the Houses counsel. Lungren wrote a letter saying King and Spaldings cut and run approach is inexcusable and an insult to the legal profession. Less than one week after the contract was approved engaging the firm, they buckled under political pressure and bailed with little regard for their ethical and legal obligations. Fortunately, Clement does not share the same principles. Im confident that with him at the helm, we will fight to ensure the courts not the President determine DOMAs constitutionality. [The New Civil Rights Movement, 4/25/11] Risked Budget Cutting Message by Signing $500,000 Contract with Law Firm to Defend 1996 Defense of Marriage Act In April 2011, Lungren signed a $500,000 contract with a partner in the King and Spaulding firm who worked in the Bush Administration to defend the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act. The San Francisco Chronicle reported Lungren was risking his budget-cutting message to support a law that denied same-sex couples benefits given to heterosexual married couples. [San Francisco Chronicle, 4/20/11] Supported Challenging Law Banning Recognition of Gay Marriage In April 2011, Lungren and the Republicans launched a legal challenge to the defense of a federal law banning recognition of gay marriage. Lungren said, This administrations failure to enforce current law, an act inherently unconstitutional in and of itself, has forced the House to intervene and ensure the courts not the president determine constitutionality. [Blog, Wall Street Journal, 4/18/11]

Gun Issues Health Care Issues

Said He was Working to Repeal Health Care Act and Allow Individuals to have Health Savings Accounts In 2011, Lungren spoke at the Calaveras Winegrape Alliance about the Affordable Health Care for America Act. He touted his bill that repealed the 1099 reporting requirements for businesses. Lungren said he viewed his bill as The first repeal of the health care act.


We have ideas like buying (insurance) across state lines and greater health savings accounts for individuals. There are a number of things we want to do. [Calaveras Enterprise, 3/30/11] Voted Cut $100 Million from UC System Biomedical Research In February 2011, Lungren voted for a plan that cut nearly $100 million from the UC system just for biomedical research. Cuts of this magnitude are unsustainable if Californias biomedical research industry is to remain a global leader in research innovation and an economic engine helping to stabilize Californias economy, J. Gary Falle, UC associate vice president for government relations. [LA Times, 2/20/11] Bill Repealing Tax Legislation to Healthcare Reform Approved by Senate In March 2011, the U.S. Senate approved Lungrens bill which repealed the tax reporting requirement that was part of the Affordable Care Act of 2010. It is a great day for small-business owners in my district and all across America, Lungren said in a written statement. [Record, 4/06/11] Opposed Health Care Reform and Said 1099 Requirement was a Job Killer Lungren touted his bill, H.R. 4 on the House floor in March 2011 to end 1099 requirement in the health care reform bill. He said the Affordable was not affordable and his bill saved small businesses money. He said, Why did I introduce this? Because provision 9006 of the bill has nothing to do with affordable care and has everything to do with the capacity of our friends on the other side to find ingenious ways of impacting business because I guess business is considered bad. [Lungren Floor Remarks on HR4, 3/3/11] Said 1099 Requirement Required People in Business to go Into Accounting Lungren said the Affordable Care Act killed business because it increased reporting requirements. He said the 1099 form was based on the assumption that everyone cheated. He said the provision1099 required every single person involved in business or trade to go into accounting to make sure that every time they reach that threshold of $600 or more with anybody they purchase something from they have to file a 1099. Lungren agued those opposed his bill were trying to hurt job creators and the middle class. You are killing the middle class with the provision in the health care reform bill, so-called. What we are trying to do is to get rid of that. We are trying help the middle class. [Lungren Floor Remarks on
HR4, 3/3/11]

Did Not Believe $22 Billion In Foregone Revenue From Repeal Of Health Care Tax Requirement Counted Against Debt In February 2011, Lungren said that the IRS 1099 reversal in the health care legislation that would cost $22 billion should not have to be counted against the budget deficit.


He said, The collection of these revenues never existed before. [Editorial, Watertown Daily Times, 2/10/11] Said He Did Not Believe His Bill Would Cost Federal Government $19 Billion Over 10 Year In March 2011 floor remarks Lungren said Democrats thought his bill H.R. 4 needed a pay-for provision. He said he disagreed, I happen to think that we dont even need a pay-for because I think there is a game that is played in this place, which is we will put something in the health care bill that virtually nobody knows is in there. I bet you 99 percent of the Members of the House and the Senate who voted on that bill didnt even know this provision was in there. We then have it scored as somehow gaining $19 billion for the Federal Government over the next 10 years, which I happen to think is made out of whole cloth because you have to assume that virtually everybody cheats in order for you to come to that conclusion.
[Lungren Floor Remarks on HRes 129 (Rule to HR 4), 3/3/11]

Called Health Care Bill a Job Killer and Advocated for Repeal of 1099 Paperwork In March 2011, floor remarks Lungren said his bill H.R. 4 was designed to do away with a provision in the bill that he called a job killer. He said the bill was designed to repeal a provision that was put in the health care bill that virtually no one knew about, that is a job killer, that is recognized as being a job killer, that the other side with the majority could have at any time last year gotten rid of, which finally the President recognized in his State of the Union address is an excess in this health care bill, and lets not make it a political football now and say, well, now its a tax, or now its this, or now its that. Frankly it is an attempt to try and repeal a section of the health care bill that never should have been there in the first place, that has erroneous premises on which it was developed, a suggestion that somehow most Americans involved in business cheat. [Lungren Floor Remarks on HRes 129 (Rule to HR 4), 3/3/11] Thrilled by House Passage of the Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act In March 2011, the office of Congressman Dan Lungren issued a statement on the House passage of The Small Business Paperwork Act. He said I am thrilled that H.R. 4 passed with such strong bipartisan support. It is my hope that the Senate will pass this bill immediately. We need to finally provide assurance to small business owners that they will not be subject to this unfair and unnecessary tax reporting burden. [Statement Released By Dan Lungren,

Said Budget Shortfall His 1099 Legislation Created Never Existed Lungren held a press conference touting his 1099 legislation. When asked about the budget shortfall it would create he said, Look, this $19 billion was never brought back into the government before. This is a new piece of legislation. So all of a sudden to suggest that youre adding to deficit because youre repealing something, which never existed before, it seems to me its part of a game thats played here.
[Rep. Lungren, News Conference, 3/4/11]


White House Spoke Out Against Lungrens Proposed Offsets in 1099 Legislation The White House opposed Lungrens proposal to offset his 1099 legislation by recapturing overpayments to consumers receiving subsidies for the new health insurance exchanges set up in the law. [Congressional Quarterly Today, 3/1/11] Lungrens Bill to Repeal 1099 Provision in Health Care Bill Did Not Provide Offsets Dan Lungren sponsored a bio in the House to repeal the 1099 law in the health care bill because he felt it created more paperwork for small businesses. However, the provision was estimated to provide the federal government with $19.3 billion over 10 years and he did not provide an offset in his legislation.
[Miami Herald, 2/7/11]

Did Not Believe $22 Billion In Foregone Revenue From Repeal Of Health Care Tax Requirement Counted Against Debt In February 2011, Lungren said that the IRS 1099 reversal in the health care legislation that would cost $22 billion should not have to be counted against the budget deficit. He said The collection of these revenues never existed before. [Editorial, Watertown Daily Times, 2/10/11] Lungren Defended Voting on Health Care Repeal Without Bipartisan Hearings During a joint appearance with Rep. Moran on Hardball, Lungren defended the Republicans attempt to bring a health care repeal vote to the floor without time for adequate debate after the GOP had lambasted the Democrats for passing the original reform without sufficient bipartisan negotiations. Lungren defended his party, saying, Oh no, the hearings have been held on under Obamacare, at which point Moran said they had no considered the ramifications, the adverse consequences of repealing it.
[Think Progress Wonk Room blog, 1/03/11]

Homeland Security Issues

Said Committee Hearing on Muslim Extremists was not Witch Hunt
In March 2011, Lungren defended the Homeland Security Committee hearing on Islamic extremism, saying it wasnt a witch-hunt. A vast majority of Muslims do not follow these radical teachings, Lungren said. I think moderate voices in this country are intimidated by the radicals. If we hide this and pretend that it doesnt exist, were ignoring reality. Congressman Dan Lungren is the only California Republican on the Homeland Security Committee. He says he doesnt think, Theres any doubt about the fact that theres radicalization going on in the Muslim community.
[Lodi News, 3/9/11]


Lungren Defended Committee Hearing Saying that Discussing Radicalization Would Help Moderate Voices Be Heard In March 2011, Lungren said the Homeland Security Committee hearing on Islamic extremism was designed to confront radicalization. H said, It is to confront the reality of the small some might even say minute percentage of the Muslim community that appears to be intimidating the moderates in the Muslim community. And unless we recognize that, unless we talk about the radicalization, we dont help the moderate voices to be heard. He went on to say the reality of radicalization that is going on that we see not just in the United States, but in other places. And unless we examine it, we run the risk of generalizations against an entire religion or an entire group. And we dont want that to happen. [89.3 KPCC, 3/9/11] Defended Radicalization of Muslim Committee Hearing Saying He Examined the Ku Klux Klan and No One Had Problems In March 2011, Lungren defended his participating of homeland security hearings that focused on the radicalization of Muslims. He said, I have been on panels that have investigated the continuing presence of Nazi war criminals in the United States, Lungren said, and whether or not we should continue to investigate and prosecute them. I have served on panels that dealt with the war time relocation of Japanese Americans and Japanese nationals that was limited to that. Ive been there where weve examined the Ku Klux Klan, he continued, but we didnt go beyond that at that time. And when I was Attorney General, we did investigate skinhead groups and militias. And we were not criticized, or if we were, I didnt think it was reasonable criticism to say we didnt look at other gangs at that time. [Lungren at King Hearings No Complaints About Singular Focus During Hearings on Neo Nazis,
Posted 3/10/11]

Wrote that Hearings Were an Effort to Learn About Radical Ideology to Keep Communities Safe Lungren wrote an op-ed that defended his participating in a hearing that focused on the radicalization of Muslims. He wrote, We often focus on one issue at a time. In my previous stint in this Body we established the Commission on War Time Relocation which focused on the specific issue of Japanese Americans who had been ripped from their homes and placed in relocation camps. He wrote that the goal of the hearings was to hear from moderate Muslim voices. One of the most significant goals of our hearing is to provide a platform for the moderate voices of the American Muslim community during a time of great stress. He wrote that radical extremist ideology threatened the safety of communities. [Op-ed, Dan
Lungren, The Hill, 3/10/11]

Headed Homeland Security Committee Working on Cyber Attacks


Lungren was named Chairman of the Homeland Security Sub-Committee for Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Security Technologies. He stated Cyber attacks are very real and constantly changing. It is paramount that we focus our efforts to mitigate the effects of these current and future cyber threats. [Official Press Release, Dan Lungren, 1/26/11]

Immigration and Border Issues

Said CIR was Code Word for Amnesty and Said Criminal Illegals were Costly In 2011, Lungren said when President Obama said he was committed to comprehensive immigration reform, The word comprehensive has become a code word for amnesty. Lungren said that illegal immigration was causing an increase in crime. We are spending something around 1.2 billion dollars a year for illegal aliens who commit crimes and incarcerated in the state of CaliforniaIt is evidence that the federal government has not stepped up to the plate and done its job, said Lungren. [Foxnews.com, 4/23/11] Said a Path to Citizenship was Doomed In 2011, Lungren said path to citizenship was doomed. A path to citizenship is what has doomed all immigration legislation in the last two administrations, said Lungren. Its not going to pass, Lungren said And its not going to pass because it has, frankly ... a path to citizenship. [Associated Press, 4/20/11] Spoke at High School and Responded to Questions on Immigration, Redistricting and the Tea Party In 2011, Lungren spoke at Laguna Creek High. The Elk Grove Citizen reported Lungren responded to questions related to immigration, redistricting, the Tea Party, firearms restrictions, 2010 general election opponent Dr. Ami Bera of Elk Grove, and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco), who recently served as Speaker of the House and is currently the minority leader in the House. [Elk Grove Citizen, 4/26/11]

Israel Labor and Working Family Issues

Criticized Collective Bargaining Rights for Airport Employees Lungren criticized collective bargaining rights for airport employees saying You then said, however, that you made a decision with respect to granting collective bargaining rights to the employees because you listened to them and you thought it'd be a good idea that they should vote. But you're denying the airports in this country the right to vote. Airports -- a number of them -- want to be involved in this, and you've basically now raised the bar and so there has to be a compelling reason. [Hearing on Terrorism and
Transportation Security, 2/11/11]


Military Issues
Supported Transfer of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Trial to Military Commission In March 2011, Lungren supported the transfer of Khalid Sheikh Mohammeds trial to a Military Commission trial. Attorney General Holder blamed the Congress for forcing his hand in the matter. As one who opposed trying the case in our civilian court system, I am honored to be associated with Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle who have all along argued that the Administration should reverse is wrong headed decision. [Rep. Lungren, press release, 4/04/11] Criticized Effort to Get Military Ballots Mailed On Time Lungren criticized the Department of Justices failed effort to ensure military ballots were mailed on time. In the debate to evaluate the effectiveness of the MOVE Act Lungren said We must do everything we can to guarantee that our military personnel have their right to vote upheld, and I plan to work with the Department of Justice to ensure compliance, without equivocation, in future elections. [Official Press
Release, Congressman Lungren, 2/15/11]

Declared MOVE Act to Ensue Military Ballots Were Counted a Failure Lungren declared the Justice Departments MOVE Act to ensure that service men and womens ballots were counted was a failure. Given the immense sacrifice made on our behalf by the brave men and women serving overseas, I find it disturbing that the Department of Justice touted their own success in implementing the MOVE Act when their efforts clearly failed to ensure all military ballots were mailed on time. [House Administration
Committee, 2/22/11]

Criticized Effort to Get Military Ballots Mailed On Time Lungren criticized the Department of Justices failed effort to ensure military ballots were mailed on time. In the debate to evaluate the effectiveness of the MOVE Act Lungren said We must do everything we can to guarantee that our military personnel have their right to vote upheld, and I plan to work with the Department of Justice to ensure compliance, without equivocation, in future elections. [Official Press
Release, Congressman Lungren, 2/15/11]

Inducted as a Knight of the Brotherhood of the Knights of the Vine of America


In May 2011, Lungren was inducted as a knight of the vine with the Knight of the Brotherhood of the Knights of the Vine of America. The Knights of the Vine honored members of the Congressional Wine Caucus. Lungren became caucus co-chairman with Thompson when Radanovich retired from Congress in 2010. [Washington Post, 5/31/11] Wrote that His Constituents Wanted Him to Get Government Out of the Way In 2011, Lungren wrote that at an event his constituent told him that she wanted government to get out of the way. He wrote During a vigorous discussion about jobs and the best way to create them, it was clear the same majority in the audience just wanted the government to get out of the way and allow the private sector the latitude to get the economy going again. A prime example of this sentiment was a woman who could not understand why the regulators should try to influence Boeing about whether it wanted to build its planes in Washington State or South Carolina. She was another in a chorus of constituents I have met who seem to understand better than the government that free enterprise is most dependent on that word free. [Op-ed, Rep Lungren, Pine Tree, 5/22/11] Calaveras County Supervisor Darren Spellman Announced He was Considering a Run Against Lungren In 2011, Calaveras County Supervisor Darren Spellman announced he was considering a run against Lungren at Lungrens town hall. Spellman said I was asked to make an announcement that while it may not be 100 percent certain, theres a high probability that I will be running for election in this congressional district in 2012. After a brief pause and some laughter from the audience, Lungren responded, I guess you know what the congressional district lines will be today and no one else does. When asked whether he believed he was qualified Spellman said Yeah, no I dont ... I mean, you know what Im saying, how could I possibly say I could be qualified for something like that. I dont know what it, I have no clue what it all entails. [Sacramento Bee, 5/4/11] Constituent Felt Lungren Dodged Questions At a May 2011 town hall Lungren was criticized for not answering questions. A constituent and elected official Darren Spellman said This guy was the California State attorney general, so hes a lawyer. He went on to say Hes a senior congressman and hes on the committee for Homeland Security. If anybody had the ability to help Calaveras County, its Lungren. I posed the question to him he dodged it. I dont think he addressed the questions given very well. I dont think there was anything really productive that came from it. [Calaveras Enterprise, 5/2/11]

Other Social Issues

Attacked Obama for Failing to Uphold DOMA; Said He Defended Laws he Disagreed with


In February 2011, Lungren attacked the Obama Administration for failing to defend the constitutionally of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Having served in that office in California, I can tell you, I defended laws I disagreed with. I de-fended laws I had voted against. I thought it was my solemn obligation to uphold the constitution and the laws duly enacted in my state just as I believe the Attorney General of the United States has that obligation.
[Rep. Lungren, Floor Speech, 2/28/11]

Said it was a Dereliction of Duty that Obama Administration Did Not Defend Defense of Marriage Act In February 2011, Lungren argued on the floor that the Obama Administration should defend the Defense of Marriage Act. He said he had had defended acts that he did not personally believed in his home state. I defended laws that I disagreed with. I defended laws that I had voted against, and I felt it was my solemn obligation to uphold the Constitution To somehow now find that there is no constitutional basis for defending that law is incredible and I think regrettable, and I think we ought to look into it. [Lungren
Floor Remarks, 2/28/11]

Lungren Expressed interest in African American Burial Project In March 2011, the office of congressman Dan Lungren expressed interest in working with local historians and activists in Folsom California to secure federal assistance to move and rename a cemetery popularly known as Negro Hill. The Cemetery, which has been moved once, is the final resting place of numerous African American pioneers who came to California during the gold rush. [Folsom Telegraph,

Personal Issues
Father was President Nixons Physician During a March 2011 floor speech Lungren told the story of his father, President Nixons doctor was visited by then President Gerald Ford in the hospital. My dad called me up after that was over and said this was a wonderful visit, Lungren said. It will help the health of President Nixon. And then he said to me this -- probably politically incorrect to say today -but my dad said, That President Ford, hes a real mans man. [The Hill, 3/14/11] Did Not Drink Despite His Efforts To Overcome Aversion To Alcohol Lungren was a member of the win caucus despite the fact that he did not drink alcohol due to memories of being put under with ether for a childhood kidney operation. Im probably the only Irish Catholic Notre Dame grad who doesnt drink, he joked, despite my best efforts to overcome it. [Rep. Mike Thompson,
press release, 2/25/11]

Political Issues

Voted to Eliminate the U.S Election Assistance Commission Designed to Address Election Problems after Bush v. Gore In 2011, Lungren sided with his fellow Republicans on the House Administration Committee by voting to eliminate the commission established to address election problems after the contested 2000 presidential contest between George W. Bush and Al Gore, called the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. In a statement issued after the hearing, Lungren called the termination of the EAC an obvious and simple choice. We simply cannot justify spending $14 million each year on a program that even its direct beneficiaries deem unnecessary, he added. [The Hill, 5/25/11] Politifact Took Issue with Claim that Koch Industries Profited Off House Styrofoam Contract In May 2011, Rep. Moran said the GOP required the use of Styrofoam cups in House cafeterias manufactured by Dixie, which is part of Koch Industries. When Republicans took control of the House in January, House Administrations Committee Chairman Lungren, suspended the chambers composting program. The program was part of the Green the Capitol initiative launched by former Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. Politicfact took issue with Morans claim writing Republicans didnt make the decision to go to Styrofoam, much less to a Koch-related company. Instead, Restaurant Associates, a company that manages the cafeterias, was given discretion to do what they wanted. The article went on to state They went with WinCup, which makes Styrofoam products. And while Dixie is a brand under Georgia-Pacific, owned by Koch Industries, WinCup has no affiliation whatsoever with Dixie apart from the fact that its owner, George Wurtz, years ago served as executive vice president at Georgia-Pacific, which was acquired by Koch Industries in 2005, a year before he left. [Politifact, Richmond Times-Dispatch, 5/28/11] Said Donald Trump was Threat to Republican Party Lungren criticized Donald Trump when he was asked if the Tea Party was a threat to the Republican party. No, I dont think its a threat, the congressman said. I think Donald Trump is a threat. Hes been on every side of every issue. Hey, hes shameless about it. I am absolutely amazed by the amount of press he is getting on this. [Elk Grove Patch, 4/27/11] Advocated for Termination of the Election Assistance Commission In 2011, Lungren advocated for the termination of the Election Assistance Commission which worked to disburse over $3 billion to states to update voting machines and enhance election administration. [The
Hill, 4/14/11]

Bera Announced Run Against Lungren, Said He Would Focus on Jobs, Health Care, Education When Bera announced he would run against Lungren in March 2010 he said he would focus on jobs, health care and education. The Lodin news reported that Beras website said his goal prepares future


generations to compete in an innovation-driven and interconnected global economy, and ensure that the opportunity to achieve the American Dream is available to all who work hard [Lodin News, 3/17/11] Honored Reagan on House Floor Lungren spoke on the House floor, in February 2011, for the celebration of Reagans 100th birthday. [The
Hill, 2/9/11]

Reacted Positively to Gingrichs Potential Run for President In March 2011, Lungren reacted positively to the possibility of Newt Gingrich running for President. Newts a very good friend of mine. I saw him on swearing-in day. We were at a dinner with a large group. In addition, after it was over, he came over and said, I need to talk to you because I may be coming close to a decision, Lungren said. Weve exchanged e-mails. Hes reaching out. [Roll Call,

Applauded John Boehner for Giving Minority Voice Lungren applauded John Boehner for allowing Democrats to offer amendments Im applauding him now. [Blog, Sacramento Bee, 2/2/11] Lungren Served When Reagan was President Lungren served when Reagan was President, When I find myself on the floor listening to my colleagues on the other side declaring Ronald Reagan to be the patron saint of Democratic Party ideas, I am bemused a bit because I served here when Ronald Reagan was president, and I dont recall those same words at that time. [Washington Times, 2/4/11] Member of the Congressional Wine Caucus In 2011, Lungren became the Co-Chairman of the Congressional Wine Caucus. [The Pine Tree, 2/3/11]

Stem Cells Salary and Office Budget

Picked for Team to Modernize House Operations In 2011, it was announced that Lungren was on the House Technology Operations Team created by House Speaker John Boehner to modernize the technology of House operations. [The Hill, 3/16/11] Said By Cutting Office Budget He was Demonstrating Struggle to Make Ends Meet In 2011, Lungren said that by cutting 5 percent from House office budgets We are demonstrating to those struggling to make ends meet that we are listening and serious about fiscal responsibility.


Lungren chaired the House Administration Committee, which oversaw day-to-day operations of the House. [Miami Herald, 3/22/11] Touted His Support for 5% Cut to Own Office Budget On a FOX interview Lungren said Now look Im saving money elsewhere. I brought the first major resolution to the floor this year because Im chairman of House Administration and that was to cut the budgets of every member by 5%, cut the committees by 5% and cut the leadership, including the speaker and the majority leader by 5%. So were in it for the long run, were looking at everything from A to Z.
[Fox News, 3/30/11]

Argued Democratic Bill to Withhold Lawmakers Pay in Event of Shutdown was Unconstitutional In 2011, Lungren sparred with House Democrats over the constitutionality legislation calling for lawmakers pay to be withheld in the case of a government shutdown. He said Not maybe unconstitutional, not perhaps unconstitutional, not arguably unconstitutional, but patently unconstitutionalSo [Walz] has presented us with the kind of I guess shell game we talk about, where it looks good when its presented to you, but by sleight of hand, it makes sure that it has no impact whatsoever. Lungren went on to say The gentleman says itll go right to the president, Lungren said. That is not true! This is not the bill sent over to us. Its the same language. So it does not go right to the president, number one. Number two, unless the president is sending me misinformation via his messenger, the presidents position is its patently unconstitutional. DOJs position, his Department of Justice, says its patently unconstitutional. So I guess the gentleman is arguing to us, send it to the president, so that he may commit a patently unconstitutional act. [Blog, Washington Post, 4/1/11]

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid

Said Medicare was on a Train Wreck and would be Destroyed if Nothing was Done In 2011, Lungren defended the 2012 Republican plan in a Judiciary committee meeting. He said, We are absolutely on a train wreck for Medicare. So if you want to destroy Medicare as it is, you will take the position that you have which is to do absolutely nothing. [House Judiciary Committee, 1:11:04-1:17:15, 6/2/11] Asserted that the 2012 Republican Plan was Not a Medicare Voucher Plan In 2011, Lungren defended the 2012 Republican plan in a Judiciary committee meeting. He said, Now lets get back to Medicare, this idea of a voucher, it is not a voucherYou say its insulting, no no it is misleading. Whether its intentional or not, I do not know, but it is misleading. It is not a voucher system. [House Judiciary Committee, 1:11:04-1:17:15, 6/2/11] Said with Republican Budget Plan Poorer People Would Get More Support; Republican Medicare Plan wasnt a Voucher Program


In 2011, Lungren defended the 2012 Republican plan in a Judiciary committee meeting. He said, Now this is the way it works folks, this is the way it works, Medicare the governmental system will negotiate with different providers much like the federal government now negotiates with different providers to give the federal employee health plan. They will then have a range of programs to which you can participate if you wish, and they can be from the full scale HMO to the fee for service. And obviously the premium paid will differ depending on which program you pick. There will be a subsidy by the federal government towards that after you have made you choice. And that subsidy will be greater the poorer you are, it will be lesser the richer you are. Thats the outlines of the program. That is not a voucher program. [House
Judiciary Committee, 1:11:04-1:17:15, 6/2/11]

Said with Republican Budget Plan Would Not Affect Those 55 or Older In 2011, Lungren defended the 2012 Republican plan in a Judiciary committee meeting. He said, It will not
affect anybody 55 or older. We grandfather in the grandparents. [House Judiciary Committee, 1:11:04-1:17:15, 6/2/11]

Defended Republican Plan and Said Remarks that it Would Harm Seniors Were Disparaging In 2011, Lungren defended the 2012 Republican plan in a Judiciary committee meeting. He accused
Democrats of disparaging the Medicare plan saying, You want to disparage it, you want to sayit is to harm seniors it is to help those seniors that we will have in the future. But at least talk about what the facts are if you want to talk about it. [House Judiciary Committee, 1:11:04-1:17:15, 6/2/11]

Said He Wouldnt Support Cutting the Government by 40 Percent; But Voted for Ryan Budget At a May 2011 town hall Lungren said the only way to balance the budget was to cut the entire federal government by 40 percent. However, he said he was not willing to make such drastic cuts. I just would not do that, he said. I think we have significant cuts. I already voted for the Ryan budget, which has the biggest cuts in the history of the U.S. [Calaveras Enterprise, 5/2/11] Said Health Care Reform Law Ought to Be Repealed and Replaced At a May 2011 town hall Lungren criticized health care reform legislation. Im one of those who believe we ought to repeal it and replace it with something that will actually work, he said. He also touted his bill which repealed the 1099 form in the health care reform legislation. Im proud to say the president signed my bill, HR4, two weeks ago, Lungren said. We had the first repeal of anything dealing with the Obamacare bill. [Calaveras Enterprise, 5/2/11] Defended Republican Budget Saying He was Saving Medicare When asked about his vote for the Ryan Budget Lungren said Im not on record for demolishing Medicare. Im on record for saving Medicare. CBO has said very specifically Medicare will go broke in nine years. The status quo is what kills Medicare. Those that will not face up to the truth is what kills Medicare. What Paul Ryan brought forward and what we Republicans have adopted is an adult approach to dealing with a serious problem Weve got to go beyond this idea of promising things that we cannot keep and putting burden after burden of debt on our children. And thats what our effort is to do here. This nonsense that were trying to kill Medicare only makes sense if you ignore the arithmetic. [MSNBC,
Hardball , 4/15/11]


Tax Issues
Opposed Sales Taxes on Small Online Retailers Lungren introduced a nonbinding resolution calling on Congress to oppose the implementation on sales taxes on small online retailers. The possibility of new taxes being levied on online retailers will have a negative impact on the online marketplace, Lungren said in a statement. We should send a clear message that Congress should not burden small businesses with unfair tax schemes. [National Journal, 2/16/11] Lungren Said Taxes on Online Retailers Would Hurt Small Business Lungren introduced the Supporting the Preservation of Internet Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses resolution to oppose taxes on small online retailers. Lungren said. The possibility of new taxes being levied on online retailers will have a negative impact on the online marketplace. We should send a clear message that Congress should not burden small businesses with unfair tax schemes. [Official Press Release, Congressman Lungren, 2/16/11] Introduced Legislation to Prevent State Governments from Imposing Certain Tax Requirements on Internet Businesses In March 2011, Congressman Dan Lungren introduced House Resolution 95 an act Supporting the Preservation of Internet Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses with congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D-CA). The legislation aimed to prevent state governments from imposing new burdensome or unfair tax collecting requirements on small online businesses and entrepreneurs. [foxbusiness.com, 03/02/11] Opposed Sales Taxes on Small Online Retailers Lungren introduced a nonbinding resolution calling on Congress to oppose the implementation on sales taxes on small online retailers. "The possibility of new taxes being levied on online retailers will have a negative impact on the online marketplace," Lungren said in a statement. "We should send a clear message that Congress should not burden small businesses with unfair tax schemes." [National Journal, 2/16/11] Lungren Said Taxes on Online Retailers Would Hurt Small Business Lungren introduced the Supporting the Preservation of Internet Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses resolution to oppose taxes on small online retailers.


Lungren said. The possibility of new taxes being levied on online retailers will have a negative impact on the online marketplace. We should send a clear message that Congress should not burden small businesses with unfair tax schemes. [Official Press Release, Congressman Lungren, 2/16/11]

Tea Party Technology Issues

Opposed Administration Proposal to Protect U.S. Computer Networks Through Audits to Verify Security Standards When the Obama Administration released guidances on recommendations for fortifying U.S. computer networks to avoid a cyber security attack, Lungren opposed parts of the proposal. The proposal would specifically require firms to submit to third-party audits to verify they meet the security standards. My concern is that the administration wants to establish yet another massive mandatory regulation regime and create a cottage industry of government-approved auditors, Lungren said. A government-driven auditing regime will stifle American innovation and not improve security. [Blog, Hillicon Valley, The Hill,

Terrorism Issues
Suspicious of the Safety Acts Progress for Anti-Terrorism Technology In June 2011, Lungren was concerned about the Safety Acts future as applications to the program for new anti-terrorist technology had fallen. There were 142 applications in 2009 but there were just 28 applications halfway through fiscal year 2011. I see some troubling signs that implementation is stalled, with Safety Act certifications well below expectations, he said. [Los Angeles Times, 6/4/11]

Asked Attorney General About Harsh Interrogation Tactics Used to Obtain Intelligence on Bin Laden In 2011, Lungren asked Attorney General Holder whether the information that led to the arrest Osama bin Laden would have been illegal if harsh interrogation techniques had been used. He said Can you tell us for the public record whether we can therefore be assured that any intelligence which led to the capture and killing of Osama bin Laden was not the result of enhanced interrogation techniques? Holder said Well I think that, as has been indicated by other administration spokesmen, there was a mosaic of sources that led to the identification of the people that led to ... To which Lungren said I understand that, but were any pieces of that mosaic the result of enhanced interrogation techniques? [Today, 5/3/11] Asked Attorney General Whether Osama Bin Laden Could Have Been Tried in U.S. After Osama Bin Laden was killed in 2011, Lungren asked Attorney General Holder whether Holder would have opposed a military trial for the Al Qaeda leader. Holder dismissed the question. Lungren said Holders strong statements in favor of civilian trials made it an appropriate question to ask you


whether or not ... you would have opposed a military trial for Osama bin Laden and rather given him the protections of a civilian trial. [Fox News, 5/3/11] Backed Extension of Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards In 2011, Lungren backed H.R. 901 to extend the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards or CFATS for seven years in his committee. Lungren said the bill provided continuity for the chemical industry. He said It is critical that we extend this regulatory authority so that DHS can continue to secure chemical facilities through the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards program, Lungren said. H.R. 901 reaffirms Congress commitment to fight terrorism and improve security at our Nations chemical facilities while preserving the ability of the chemical industry to be competitive, remain innovative and create well-paying jobs. [Securityinfowatch.com, 4/19/11]

Trade Issues
After Voting for Budget Cuts Lungren Went on Trip to New Zealand The week before February 25, 2011, Don Manzullo took a delegation on a codel, which included Lungren. The group included Kevin Brady (R-Tex.); Rick Larsen (D-Wash.) Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.) and Joseph Crowley (D-N.Y.), and Delegates Eni F.H. Faleomavaega (D-American Samoa) and Gregorio Sablan (D-Northern Marianas). The trip was to get the U.S. into the Transpacific Partnership Agreement, which aims to promote trade in the region. The trip went to New Zealand and Australia. [Washington Post, 2/25/11]

Transportation Issues
Wrote that He was Delighted with Federal Funding for International Drive Bridge in Rancho Cordova
In 2011, Lungren wrote that he was delighted over the federal funding for the new International Drive Bridge in Rancho Cordova. He wrote I was delighted to be in attendance for the dedication of the new International Drive Bridge in Rancho Cordova that spans the Folsom South Canal. The financing, work and construction of the bridge have been a fantastic example of teamwork along all levels of government. With a true federal nexus because it spans a Bureau of Reclamation waterway this is no bridge to nowhere. This beautiful and functional bridge will unite the Rancho Cordova and nearby communities like never before. It will ease congestion, promote public safety, commerce and potential for development. I offer my congratulations to all those who persevered to get the job done. [Op-ed, Rep Lungren, Pine Tree, 5/22/11]

Voted Cut $20 Million for Rail Line to L.A. Airport In February 2011, Lungren voted for a plan that took away a $20-million from a rail line closer to the L.A. airport. Senator Boxer said the project would generate thousands of jobs. [LA Times, 2/20/11]


Co-Sponsored Legislation to Impose Criminal Penalties for Laser Pointers on Airplanes In January 2011, Lungren co-sponsored legislation imposing criminal penalties on for aiming laser pointers at airplanes. The danger of shining a laser beam into someones eyes is not new, said Lungren, What is new is the frequency. [Congressional Quarterly Today, 1/26/11]
Thanked Administrator for Taking Some Arrows on Full Body Scanners

Lungren thanked Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for taking some arrows on the issue of full body scanners. Thank you, Administrator Pistole, for your service -- for your service in the FBI and for your service now. Thank you for taking some arrows on the issue of full body scanners when that came up a little while ago. [Hearing on Terrorism and Transportation Security, 2/11/11]
Advocated an I Dont Care Line for Full Body Scans at Airport

Lungren advocated for a security line where people did not mind having a full body scan called the I dont care line. Lungren said, For years I've suggested we just have an I don't care line. For those of us who don't care we get in a line, go through that, and have the full body scanner, and if people have a concern, they can go through the regular one. As a recipient of an artificial hip and an artificial knee I get a chance to get up close and personal with your screeners every time I fly, and if you want anybody to testify as to the newly aggressive enhanced pat-downs I can testify to that. [Hearing on Terrorism and Transportation Security, 2/11/11]

Water Issues
Thanked by Calaveras County Water District for Fighting for Federal Funds for Projects In 2011, the Calaveras County Water District (CCWD) board members thanked Lungren for helping them secure federal funds. After they met with him they issued a press release that read As a longtime supporter of CCWD, Congressman Lungren continues to be instrumental in the districts efforts to secure federal funds during tough economic times Since his last visit to the district in 2010, CCWD has worked with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and other federal and state agencies to identify funding opportunities to implement much-needed projects in the county. The CCWD provided a list of pending state and federal applications, which include the Big Trees redwood storage tank project and the Vallecito-Douglas Flat wastewater treatment plant expansion. We really appreciate Congressman Lungren and his staffs support over the years, and we thank him for taking the time to meet with us one on one to see how else he can help us, said CCWD board President Jeff Davidson. [Calaveras Enterprise, 4/7/11]


Said Federal Money was Limited and Water Districts Should Be Consolidated In 2011, Lungren spoke at the Calaveras Winegrape Alliance about consolidating water districts. He said Were going to have a $1.6 trillion deficit for this year. California has already become Greece. Im afraid the U.S. is not too far behind. Im trying to see if there are solutions that allow you to work with existing water districts. I know this is touchy. Consolidation of water districts might make more sense. Someone told me there are 9,000 water districts in California. He went on to say, All Im saying is the reality is money on the federal level is going to be very limited compared to the past. ... Maybe this is the first time we could seriously look at consolidation. Times have changed since the 1800s. [Calaveras Enterprise, 3/30/11]



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