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(LS 1 English, From The Division of Zamboanga Del Sur

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Program Alternative Learning System

Daily Lesson Log DEONARDA M.
Learning Facilitator
Literacy Level Grade 11
Month and Quarter Nov. 10, 2023- 2nd Quarter Learning Strand L1- English

A Content Standards The learner realizes information in a written text may be selected and organized to achieve a
particular purpose.
B Performance Standards The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of development focusing on information
selection, organization and development.
C Learning Competencies Evaluate a written text based on its properties (organization, coherence and cohesion, language use
and mechanics.)
L5: Evaluate a written text based on its properties (organization, coherence and cohesion, language use and
L4: Examine a written text based on its properties (organization, coherence and cohesion, language use and
L3: Apply the properties (organization, coherence and cohesion, language use and mechanics) of a well written text
in writing an essay.
L2: Explain the properties (organization, coherence and cohesion, language use and mechanics) of a well written
L1: Recognize the properties (organization, coherence and cohesion, language use and mechanics) of a well written

II.CONTENT The Properties of a Well-Written Text


A References
1. Teacher’s Session Guide Page
2. Learner’s Material Page
3. Additional Materials form Reading and Writing Skills (DIWA publishing house) and Self-Learning Modules
Learning Resources (LR) Portal
4 Others R9 Portal

A. Springboard/Motivation - When you have already gathered enough materials in developing your paragraphs or text, the next step is to
(establishing a purpose for the organize them properly. Then you need to determine which ideas should be used in the beginning, middle and end of
lesson) your texts- coherence and cohesion should be considered in arranging your ideas.
B. Activity (Review of previous - Emphasize the previous lessons and give some activities to assess the level of understanding of the students.
lesson/s or presenting the new
C. Analysis (Presenting examples/ Explicit Instruction (I do)
instances of the new lesson) The teacher starts the lesson by presenting examples and instances of the new lesson
 refers to the arrangement of ideas in a text
 you can easily follow good organization when you create an outline of your ideas
- An outline is like the skeleton of the human body.
- An outline can be useful because it provides a format in which ideas can be arranged in a hierarchy – that is,
it distinguishes the general ideas from the specific or subordinating ideas.
 Refers to the connection of ideas and connection between sentences and between paragraphs
 As you have remember, a text is connected discourse
 This means that the ideas you will write in a topic will not be considered a well-written text if they do not
stick together
 In order for you to assure coherence and cohesion, you need to use transitional and cohesive devices
 We mean that every part of a composition must contribute to one main unifying thought, which means that
the various parts of a text must follow one another in an order which makes their relationship clear.
 Means that the over-all text has meaning
 Remember the following when trying to evaluate if your text has cohesion and coherence:
 A text with cohesion but no coherence is difficult to follow.
 A text with coherence but no cohesion has no definite point.
 A text with both cohesion and coherence is logically sequenced and stays on topic.

b.2 Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1


 Refers to the acceptable style of language for a particular form of text
 Refers to the conventions of writing which includes capitalization, punctuation, spelling, numerals,
abbreviations, acronyms, and contractions
D. Discussing new concepts and Activity 1 – Explicit Instruction (We do)
practicing new skills, sub-activity  Knowing the properties of a well-written text leads to becoming adept in writing a well-written text
#1 because you will be guided by your awareness of what it takes to write an effective text.
Developing Mastery


E. Discussing new concept and Activity 2 - Explicit Instruction (We do)
practicing new skills; sub-activity Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily
Your friend asked you to edit her application letter to Mr. Recto Amoranto. Apply what you have
learned about the properties of a well-written text in editing your friend’s letter.

F. Abstraction (Making 1. Why do we need to consider the properties of a well written text in writing a paragraph?
Generalizations about the lesson)
G. Application (Developing 1. How can you identify the properties of a well-written text?
H. Valuing (Finding practical 1. What is the importance of considering the properties of a well –written text in conveying meaningful ideas through
applications of concepts and skills writing different text?
in daily living)
I. Evaluation (Assessing
Identify the correct techniques
in effective writing used in the
sentence. Write only the letter
the correct answer.
1. To think positively doesn’t
mean that we ignore the reality.
To think positively means to use
problem and to find solutions
for that problem.
a. Repetition b. Synonymy
c. Antonymy d. Pro-forms
2. The most important thing to
remember is love is always the
answer. It is considered as
for it makes life so much easier.
a. Repetition b. Synonymy
c. Antonymy d. Pro-forms
3. Jane has always been a
good friend to me. She never
treated me bad.
a. Repetition b. Synonymy
c. Antonymy d. Pro-forms
4. The president’s decision will
always prevail. As the head of
the country, his words are
a. Repetition b. Synonymy
c. Collocation d. Pro-forms
5. In cooking adobo you need to
have the list of ingredients: 1 kg
of pork, 1/8 cup of soy sauce,
3 tablespoon of vinegar, laurel
leaves,1 clove of garlic, onion
and salt.
a. Collocation b.
Synonymy c. Enumeration
d. Repetition
Identify the correct techniques
in effective writing used in the
sentence. Write only the letter
the correct answer.
1. To think positively doesn’t
mean that we ignore the reality.
To think positively means to use
problem and to find solutions
for that problem.
a. Repetition b. Synonymy
c. Antonymy d. Pro-forms
2. The most important thing to
remember is love is always the
answer. It is considered as
for it makes life so much easier.
a. Repetition b. Synonymy
c. Antonymy d. Pro-forms
3. Jane has always been a
good friend to me. She never
treated me bad.
a. Repetition b. Synonymy
c. Antonymy d. Pro-forms
4. The president’s decision will
always prevail. As the head of
the country, his words are
a. Repetition b. Synonymy
c. Collocation d. Pro-forms
5. In cooking adobo you need to
have the list of ingredients: 1 kg
of pork, 1/8 cup of soy sauce,
3 tablespoon of vinegar, laurel
leaves,1 clove of garlic, onion
and salt.
a. Collocation b.
Synonymy c. Enumeration
d. Repetition
Identify the correct techniques
in effective writing used in the
sentence. Write only the letter
the correct answer.
1. To think positively doesn’t
mean that we ignore the reality.
To think positively means to use
problem and to find solutions
for that problem.
a. Repetition b. Synonymy
c. Antonymy d. Pro-forms
2. The most important thing to
remember is love is always the
answer. It is considered as
for it makes life so much easier.
a. Repetition b. Synonymy
c. Antonymy d. Pro-forms
3. Jane has always been a
good friend to me. She never
treated me bad.
a. Repetition b. Synonymy
c. Antonymy d. Pro-forms
4. The president’s decision will
always prevail. As the head of
the country, his words are
a. Repetition b. Synonymy
c. Collocation d. Pro-forms
5. In cooking adobo you need to
have the list of ingredients: 1 kg
of pork, 1/8 cup of soy sauce,
3 tablespoon of vinegar, laurel
leaves,1 clove of garlic, onion
and salt.
a. Collocation b.
Synonymy c. Enumeration
d. Repetition
A. Create a coherent paragraph by arranging the following jumbled sentences. Then write your arranged paragraph
on the space provided. Don’t forget to observe proper mechanics in writing your paragraph.

 In these areas, 70% of the agricultural land suffers from dryness and lack of irrigation.
 As a result, the crops are usually marginal with hardly enough production to feed the farmer’s family
 The first fact to consider is that over 60% of the population lives in rural communities.
 In my country, one of the most urgent problems facing the government today relates to agriculture.
 And without irrigation, agricultural production is wholly dependent on the uncertain rainfall.
 To understand the nature of this problem, one has to look at some facts.

B. Underline the informal words in the following sentences.

1. He’s gonna be angry.
2. I wanna learn how to ski.
3. Didja like the movie?
4. We hafta leave now!
5. I bought ya apples and grapes.

C. Rewrite the following sentences and please observe the proper mechanics in writing.
1. Anna can pass for a movie star as a deadringer of anne hathaway.
2. i am from the province of zamboanga Del SUR.
3. Joe said, “ he is my patient.”
4. Tom cruise won the oscar award.
5. do you believe me

Answer key:
A. In my country, one of the most urgent problems facing the government today relates to agriculture.
To understand the nature of this problem, one has to look at some facts. The first fact to consider is that over
60% of the population lives in rural communities. In these areas, 70% of the agricultural land suffers from
dryness and lack of irrigation. And without irrigation, agricultural production is wholly dependent on the
uncertain rainfall. As a result, the crops are usually marginal with hardly enough production to feed the
farmer’s family.

B. 1. gonna 2. wanna 3. Didja 4. hafta 5. ya

1. Anna can pass for a movie star as a dead ringer of Anne Hathaway.
2. I am from the province of Zamboanga Del Sur.
3. Joe said, “ He is my patient.”
4. Tom Cruise won the Oscar Award.
5. Do you believe me?

J. Agreement (Additional Assignment:

activities) Have an advance study about the Critical Reading: Implicit and Explicit Information. Write at least 3
examples of each Claims. (15 points)

A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:

Teacher II

Noted by:


Chief CUMD

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