Susana T. Fajardo

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Teacher SUSANA T. FAJARDO Learning Area Reading and Writing Skills

GRADE 11 Teaching Dates FEBRUARY 20-24, 2023 Semester 2nd

and Time


Content Standard The learner realizes that information in a written text may be selected and organized to achieve a particular purpose.

The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of development focusing on information selection, organization, and
Performance Standard

Most Essential Learning Evaluate a written text based on its properties (organization, coherence and cohesion, language use and mechanics)
Competency EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3

Write the LC code for each.



References Reading and Writing Skills, Quarter 3 LAS 2 and Reading and Writing Skills book

Teacher’s Guide pages Most Essential Learning Competencies Matrix p. 538

Learner’s Materials pages

Textbook pages Reading and Writing Skills page 70 - 90

Additional Materials from Reading and Writing Skills, Quarter 3 LAS 2

Learning Resource (LR) portal

Other Learning Resource PowerPoint Presentation



Reviewing previous lesson or What is writing pattern?

presenting the new lesson
What are the different types of
writing patterns?

The teacher will distribute /

post the copy of the text to
Establishing a purpose for the each group.
The students will be asked to
analyze the errors in an article
form National Geographic.
They need to compare and
contrast the well written text
and the text with errors.

See Appendix A

Presenting examples/Instances of 1. Did you find it difficult to

the new lesson analyze?

2. How did you answer it with

your group mates?

3. What are your


Discussing new concepts and

Properties of a written text:
practicing new skills # 1
- organization,
- coherence and cohesion,

- language use (Three

Levels of Formality in
Discussing new concepts and
Language Use) and
practicing new skills # 2
- mechanics

See Appendix B

Developing mastery The students will read “HOW OLD

(Leads to Formative Assessment)

By Connie Chang (National

Geographic) and identify the
properties of a well written text

See Appendix C

Finding practical application of In writing, compositions are

concepts and skills in daily living examined for us to know
whether the purpose in writing
is achieved. Expressing oneself
through writing can be deemed
a universal outlet yet several
considerations should be

What is your most valuable

Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson

Evaluating learning Written Work 2

Directions: Create a well

written text about your strand
and integrate the properties of a
well written text.

Performance Task 1

Directions: Choose a partner

and peer check your work in
written work 2. Evaluate how
your partner integrate the
properties of a well written text.

See Appendix D for the rubrics



No. of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation

No. of learners who require additional

activities for remediation

Did the remedial lessons work? No. of

learners who have caught up with the

No. of learners who continue to

require remediation

Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did this work?

What difficulties did I encounter which

my principal or supervisor can help me

What innovation or localized materials

did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared: Checked:


Subject Teacher Subject Group Head—Languages
Teacher I Master Teacher II
Date Submitted: February 17, 2023

Appendix A


By National Geographic

Earthquakes, can be so tremendously destructive that it’s hard to imagine they occur by the thousands
every day around the world, usually in the form of small tremors also called temblors,.

Most is so smallest that humans can't feel them.

but every so often, a big quake will strike—most recently a 7.8-magnitude earthquake that strucken southern
Turkey and Syria on February 6, 2023, Which scientists tell R euters is likely to be one of the deadliest of
this decade. Here's what you need to know about where earthquakes typically occur, how earthquakes are
measured, and the damage that the strongest earthquakes can cause.

where do more earthquakes occur?

Some 80 percent of all the planet's earthquakes occur along the rim of the pacific ocean, called the "ring of
fire" because of a the preponderance of volcanic activity there, as well. Most earthquakes occur at fault
zones, where tectonic plates—giant rock slabs that make up Earth's upper layer—collide or slide against
each other.

When this stress is released quickly, it sends massive vibrations, called seismic waves, often hundreds of
miles through the rock and up to the surface. Other quakes can occur far from fault zones when plates are
stretched or squeezed. These Impacts are usually gradual and unnoticeable on the surface; however,
immense stresses can build up between plates.


By National Geographic

Earthquakes, also called temblors, can be so tremendously destructive that it’s hard to imagine they occur by
the thousands every day around the world, usually in the form of small tremors. Most are so small that
humans can't feel them.

But every so often, a big quake will strike—most recently a 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck southern
Turkey and Syria on February 6, 2023, which scientists tell Reuters is likely to be one of the deadliest of this
decade. Here's what you need to know about where earthquakes typically occur, how earthquakes are
measured, and the damage that the strongest earthquakes can cause.

Where do most earthquakes occur?

Some 80 percent of all the planet's earthquakes occur along the rim of the Pacific Ocean, called the "ring of
fire" because of the preponderance of volcanic activity there, as well. Most earthquakes occur at fault zones,
where tectonic plates—giant rock slabs that make up Earth's upper layer—collide or slide against each other.

These impacts are usually gradual and unnoticeable on the surface; however, immense stress can build up
between plates. When this stress is released quickly, it sends massive vibrations, called seismic waves, often
hundreds of miles through the rock and up to the surface. Other quakes can occur far from fault zones when
plates are stretched or squeezed.

Appendix B

Evaluation of a well-written text has several considerations. As we put it, text can be referred as a connected
discourse where we present ideas as if we are talking about it. Being able to recognize the purpose of
writing, these writing properties can be considered.

1. Organization – refers to how a logical arrangement of ideas in a text can be created. Cumulative ideas in
a text should be characterized as well organized. An outline and/or other techniques in organizing
information can help a writer in the composition.

These techniques include brainstorming (idea map, idealist), outlining (topic outline, sentence outline), using
graphic organizers (t-chart, concept maps, main idea web, Venn diagram, sequence chart).

2. Coherence and Cohesion – refers how the concepts, details, and ideas are connected between the use of
the sentences and paragraphs. Referring a text as a group of ideas considered as a discourse, unity or
consistency of ideas should be evident. To provide coherence in a text, one should stick to the main idea by
supporting subsidiary details of information. Subsequently, cohesion is how a new idea can relate to the
previous idea in a text. Through maintaining coherence and cohesion, a text referring to several ideas can
work together for it to be more understood.

3. Language Use – refers to the structures used, rules, manner of written or spoken language employed by
the writer or the speaker. Being able to recognize the distinction between scenarios or situations of when to
use the appropriate language can help select the words effectively.

Levels of Formality
a. Formal (Written to an unknown audience)
b. Semi-formal (Written to a well-know individual)
c. Informal (Incorrect)

4. Mechanics – refers to the technicalities of the word or sentence structure that focuses on subject-verb
agreement, prepositions, tenses, grammar, spelling, capitalization, abbreviations, and/or punctuation marks

Appendix C


By Connie Chang (National Geographic)

A picture is worth a thousand words. But when that picture is a high-precision 3D image of the face, it might
be worth a thousand blood tests as well. That’s because those full cheeks and under-eye bags are not just
unsightly harbingers of age, but also a reflection of our health.

Scientists have known for decades that chronological age—a number that can be gleaned from our driver’s
license-–doesn’t tell the whole story. Our so-called biological age, influenced by everything from our
environment to diet and exercise habits, reflects the health of our cells and organs and can differ from
chronological age by years. But unlike tracking the time we’ve been alive, biological age is more slippery to
pinpoint. Now Jing-Dong (Jackie) Han and colleagues have developed an AI-driven process, dubbed a facial
aging clock, that takes a 3D image of a person’s face and calculates their biological age.

Inspired by a centuries-old Chinese practice, in which practitioners divine a person’s health by “reading”
their face, Han, a computational biologist at Peking University, and her team constructed their clock by
analyzing 3D facial images of approximately 5,000 residents of Jidong, China. The researchers created two
AI-derived clocks—one that predicts chronological age and another that predicts biological age. These facial
aging clocks track the changes our visages undergo with time: The corners of the eyes droop, the nose
widens, the jowls sag, and the distance between the nose and mouth increases. And certain facial
characteristics are known to align with certain ailments. Systemic inflammation, for example, shows up in
sagging skin.

According to Andre Esteva, the founder and CEO of a medical AI start-up in Los Altos, California, Han’s
work has the potential to upend preventative medicine: “If you could take a photo and get back your
biological age, that could really influence your lifestyle.” With this tool, physicians could also track and
manage the care of patients undergoing onerous treatments known to prematurely age people, such as
chemotherapy. And it has potential to aid research into aging too.

“We’ve been getting so many requests from companies that want [our tool] to assess their supplements or
anti-aging drugs’ efficacy,” Han says.

AI models require examples where the right answer, or “ground truth,” is already known to learn how to see
it in new data—a face paired with the subject’s age, for instance. So, a potential sticking point arose: There
is no gold standard for biological age. “The concept of biological age is more of an umbrella term for all the
multisystemic things that occur with age,” explains Christopher Bell, who studies the relationship between
age and chronic diseases at the University of London. From the shortening of our telomeres—the caps that
keep our chromosomes from degrading—to the winding down of our mitochondria to the weakening of our
immune system, it’s a challenge to choose just one aging marker.

The first clocks to measure aging were based on changes in patterns of methyl groups—chemical tags added
to DNA that switch genes on and off. This DNA methylation machinery that regulates gene activity
deteriorates over time. The pattern of this deterioration—which areas in our genome are affected—can tell
us how fast our cells and tissues are aging. Other clocks assessing age are based on protein distribution in the
blood or the number of times stem cells have divided.

Appendix D

45-50 35-44 25-34 0-24


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