Experimental Investigation of Gas Transfer Properties and Stress Coupling Effects of Salt Rocks
Experimental Investigation of Gas Transfer Properties and Stress Coupling Effects of Salt Rocks
Experimental Investigation of Gas Transfer Properties and Stress Coupling Effects of Salt Rocks
Received: 9 December 2019 / Accepted: 14 May 2020 / Published online: 27 May 2020
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature 2020
This experimental study is dedicated to the measurements of gas permeability under confinement and to preliminary char-
acterizations of salt rock poromechanical behavior. Salt porosity and permeability under loading are recorded either with
argon or hydrogen gas. Permeability measurements carried out with both gases led to similar values. Poromechanical effects
occur but they are weak and strongly dependent on the level of confining pressure. Furthermore, triaxial tests have been
used to investigate the evolution of permeability of damaged salt samples with time and confinement. These experimental
characterizations are finally analysed in the context of gas storage applications.
Keywords Salt rock · Gas permeability · Coupling effects · Poromechanical behaviours · Porosity · Time effects
1 Introduction between pore fluid pressure and rock skeleton. Two applica-
tions deserve indeed our attention for salt permeability char-
From an engineering perspective, salt rocks are usually acterization in this study. First, due to salt creeping, some
considered to be an impermeable medium and they have caverns lost their economic value and have to be abandoned.
revealed to be a suitable geological environment for under- Abandonment experiments of salt caverns (Karimi-Jafari
ground natural gas storage and waste disposal (Schulze et al. 2007) demonstrate the existence of permeation at the cavern
2001; Bérest and Brouard 2003). In addition to their ultra- scale. The cavern is filled with brine and sealed for abandon-
low permeability, the ability to stand high pressure and their ment; an equilibrium in brine pressure can be reached when
self-healing capacity after damage (Chen et al. 2013a, b; salt mass creep and cavern shrinkage are balanced by brine
Hou 2003) make very attractive the underground storage in permeation through the cavern wall. A second application, in
salt formations (Stolten and Grube 2010). Hence caverns the current context of the energy transition, can be found in
have been developed for natural gas storage over several hydrogen storage (Maurice et al. 2015). Hydrogen, produced
decades. for example by solar energy, may be stored in salt caverns.
Rock salt is a polycrystalline material made of grains of Under this scenario, permeability related to hydrogen needs
halite, with grain size in the range 2–20 mm (for most hal- to be assessed.
ite rocks), containing also impurities in solid solution and In-situ tightness well tests (Berest et al. 2001), abandon-
secondary mineral phases (Urai et al. 2008). The objective ment tests (Bérest et al. 2001; Karimi-Jafari 2007) and also
of this paper is to investigate gas transfer through this kind laboratory experiments (Gloyna and Reynolds 1961; Stor-
of rocks and to evaluate whether coupling effects may occur mont and Daemen 1992; Popp and Kern 1998; Liu et al.
2015) at the core scale have shown that salt rock has often
* Frédéric Skoczylas a low permeability. This permeability is strongly influenced
frederic.skoczylas@centralelille.fr on one hand by the stress state. Several authors suggest that
permeation, observed during in situ tests in salt caverns,
School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Changzhou had been partially induced by cavern construction itself, as
Institute of Technology, Changzhou, China
high deviatoric stresses were developed in a disturb rock
University of Lille, CNRS, Centrale Lille, LaMcube zone (denoted DRZ) around the cavern (Stormont 1997;
UMR9013, Lille, France
Hou 2003). In the DRZ, damage and dilatancy occur (Alkan
Storengy, 12 rue Raoul Nordling, Djinn, CS 70001, 2009; Labaune et al. 2018). Permeability indeed increases
92274 Bois Colombes Cedex, France
4016 D. Zhang et al.
by several orders of magnitude under deviatoric loading than 18 months) has not focused on a specific property and
inducing damage (Peach et al. 1987; Pusch et al. 2002; Xing has been conducted to put in light some crucial aspects in
et al. 2014; Stormont and Daemen 1992). Permeability is the salt behaviour, which can be very useful when hydrogen
also dependant of the salt initial state as measurements on storage or salt cavern abandonment have to be designed and
intact, initially damaged, and compacted crushed salts may planned.
be highly different (Brodsky 1993; Stormont 1990). On the
other hand, permeability is strongly influenced by time-
dependent effects: from a mechanical point of view, rock salt 2 Experimental Material and Strategy
is an elasto-viscoplastic rock, which shows a strong creeping
behavior. Its instantaneous response is elastic, while its long 2.1 Material Used for the Experiments
term-mechanical response under constant deviatoric load-
ings is mainly time-dependent, and explains, therefore, the The salt rock cores, shown in Fig. 1a, come from a cenozoic
volume loss and the progressive closure of the salt caverns sedimentary basin in East of France. Sample preparation was
during gas storage operation. Understanding the variation in the first tricky task as salt rocks cannot be cored with water
permeability when rock creeps is, therefore, crucial (Chan that dissolves the material. Air coring had been unsuccessful
et al. 2001). However, there are few previous researches on (cutting tool generates particles, that agglomerate and do not
the long-term evolution of permeability (Peach 1991; Stor- allow further cutting) and it was neither possible to core with
mont and Daemen 1992). a hydrocarbon fluid in our laboratory.
In addition, as this rock is a little permeable, internal fluid It was finally chosen a coring with saturated brine by
pressure may contribute to loading and be involved in the modifying the water supply circuit of our corer. This was
stress–strain relationship characterizing the equation of state successful and cores could be obtained close to the required
of the material and may influence permeability at a given diameter of 65 mm to match with our experimental cells.
loading. This phenomenon is often observed on more or less As it is shown in Fig. 1, the salts used are composed of
permeable other sedimentary rocks, but, to our knowledge, large crystals (centimetric size), which lead to a heteroge-
has little been studied for salt. neous material. Different gauge sizes were hence tested and
To perform both hydraulic and poromechanical measure- this surprisingly showed that the strain results were not sig-
ments, a specific experimental set-up has been developed and nificantly influenced by gauge size. For practical reasons,
is presented in the first section of this paper. The transient the best choice revealed to be the use of crossed gauges of
pulse decay method under loading was carried out for per- 20 mm length (Fig. 1g). Two sets of gauges were glued at
meability measurements. The use of gas (argon in this study) diametrically opposed positions on the cylindrical surface of
for poromechanical coupling experiments allowed to detect the specimen. Before gluing gauges a thin layer of fast-cured
tenuous coupling effects compared with the use of water epoxy was applied to the sample to smooth its rough surface
or brine. Hydrostatic compression tests were performed to and then polished. A thin layer of silicone sealant was then
investigate isotropic stress and fluid pressure influences on applied on the sample surface to protect the gauges. The
permeability and porosity. Comparisons between hydrogen sample was then sealed by a rubber membrane and placed
and argon permeability show that argon permeability may into the cell. The experimental apparatus consisting of a
be considered as representative of hydrogen permeability.
In a next section, preliminary poromechanical experiments
evidenced that the rock salt skeleton is mechanically coupled
to fluid i.e. pore fluid pressure is able to induce volumetric
expansion. The concept of effective stress may, therefore,
applies, but the estimated Biot’s coefficients are far below
the usual values measured for sandstones, shales or other
sedimentary rocks (Wang et al. 2018; Yuan et al. 2017). A
high sensitivity of the permeability and Biot’s coefficient
to confinement was observed and this is generally related
to a material with cracks or grain boundaries (Chen et al.
2013a, b). Hence, the last part is dedicated to conventional
triaxial tests to investigate the evolution of permeability in
damaged salt samples. Following this operation, damaged
samples were tested under hydrostatic loadings to explore
healing effects and poromechanical coupling of salt rocks
in the vicinity of cavern walls. This long time study (more Fig. 1 Salt core and salt rock samples with gauges
Experimental Investigation of Gas Transfer Properties and Stress Coupling Effects of Salt… 4017
2.1.1 Gas Permeability (Pulse‑Decay Pressure Method) the flow. Walder and Nur (1986) stated that the decrease
in pressure difference ΔP obeys the following power
For extremely low permeability materials, such as this function:
rock salt, the transient pulse decay method is convenient
instead of the steady state flow method. It is based on ΔP(t) = ΔP0 e−ct , (1)
a small pressure increase ∆P0 at one end of the sample
for which pore gas pressure is initially P io (Liang et al.
( )
A×K 1 1
2001; Frédéric et al. 2003; Fedor et al. 2008; Hsieh et al.
With c = Pf + , (2)
𝜇×L V1 V2
1981). The advantage is undeniable here as Pio can also be
used as the pore fluid pressure intended to detect potential where c depends on the: permeability K, sample dimensions
coupling effects. The schematic diagram of this method L (length) and A (section surface), reservoir volumes V1 and
is shown in Fig. 3. An initial pressure difference ΔP 0 V2, gas viscosity μ (2.2 × 10–5 Pa·s) for Argon at room tem-
between the upper and lower surfaces of the sample is perature. Pf is the final equilibrium pressure, which can be
applied (at the upper one) and then slowly decreases with calculated from
V1 × ΔP
Pf = Pi0 + , (3)
V1 + V2
This method [with the use of rel. (1), (2), (3)] is consid-
ered to be valid if ∆P is small compared to Pio, generally
less than 5% of Pio and if the sample porosity volume is
weak compared to the reservoir volumes. It will be seen
in the following that the material porosity is less than 1%,
the second condition is, therefore, easy to be fulfilled. On
an other hand, the analysis of such a test is based on the
validity of Darcy’s law. The latter is assumed despite the
very low values of the gas permeability obtained. Obvi-
ously those very low values rule out the occurrence of
turbulent flow. As it will be seen in the following, the gas
flow is likely to occur in cracks or gain joints. The level of
permeability will be, therefore, assumed to mainly depend
on crack density and not on the flow nature through the
crack. As a consequence the assumption of a laminar flow
(i.e. Darcy’s law validity) remains consistent.
4018 D. Zhang et al.
2.1.2 Gas‑Accessible Porosity temperature was regulated at 21 °C for the whole test dura-
tion (generally several weeks).
The gas-accessible porosity test is a highly useful tool
designed in our lab for studying the variations of porosity
2.1.3 Poro‑mechanical Properties Under Hydrostatic Stress
under different confinement (or loading). This test can be
(Biot Coefficient)
carried out in a confining (or triaxial) cell and allows the
variations in pore volume to be measured under loading or
Most studies of the poromechanical behavior of rocks are
unloading. The sample, for which pore volume is Vpore , is
based on works initiated by Biot (1941) and Terzaghi (1943)
connected to the experimental set-up consisting of a buffer
for fully-fluid saturated porous media. Both mechanical
reservoir and tubes having a calibrated volume Vt (Fig. 4).
stress 𝝈 and internal fluid pressure Pi contribute to load-
The test is carried out under isothermal conditions, and, over
ing. For an elastic porous medium, the effective stress 𝛔′ is
the range of gas pressure used, the ideal gas law applied:
defined as follows, in which isotropic or orthotropic behavior
PV = nRT. (5) is assumed:
𝛔 = 𝛔� − BPi , (7)
The reservoir is set with an initial gas pressure Pini . The
valve (Fig. 4) is opened and the gas pressure is continu- B is known as the Biot’s tensor of the material. A com-
ously monitored by a LabView system until stabilization. mon expression for soil is Terzaghi’s effective stress tensor
The pressure settles to a final value Pf such as: 𝛔� = 𝛔 + 1Pi. For materials with a compressible solid phase,
Biot had generalized Terzaghi’s concept leading to the use
(6) of the 2nd tensor B.
( )
Pini Vr = nRT = Pf Vr + Vt + Vpore ,
The first state equation of poroelasticity can be written
where Vr is the volume of the reservoir, Vt is the volume of in the form:
different connected tubes and the dead volume of the cell.
Both are carefully calibrated before the test. Pf is the final 𝛔 = ℂd ∶ 𝛆 − BPi , (8)
stable gas pressure value. According to relation (6), Vpore
where 𝛆 is the strain tensor, ℂd is the drained stiffness tensor
can be calculated and leads to the connected “gas porosity”:
of the porous material. For a unit change of pore (respec-
Φ = Vpore ∕Vsample . tively, confining) pressure, two strain tensors are obtained:
Experimental Investigation of Gas Transfer Properties and Stress Coupling Effects of Salt… 4019
which is likely supposed to result in elastic strains. The Step3: the confining pressure is unloaded Pc from 5
behavior of the rock salt is unlikely to be elastic and its to 0M Pa and strains are measured. Next steps are
isotropy is still to be evidenced. This second assumption then performed at higher P c values (Pc = 7, 10, 14,
is far below the scope of this study. It is, however, neces- 18, 22 MPa).
sary to process to unloading in Pc or to pore pressure Pi
increases to benefit from some elastic behaviour of the
material. On another hand, it must be pointed out that, 3 Experiments
as mentioned before, coupling effects have almost never
been really investigated in salt (to our knowledge). The Preliminary remark: as mentioned in the introduction, this
purpose of this work is to evidence that, in some cases, work is the result of almost 18 of months of experiments,
fluid-skeleton couplings can occur, which is the most which have also required many steps of new design. Its
important point. As a consequence, the Biot’s coefficient objective is nevertheless to take in a wide sweep the main
calculations, proposed in the following, will be mainly rock salt properties and not to focus on a specific one. The
done to answer single questions: is there coupling or not? results will be used to capture the great tendencies of the salt
Is it “strong” or not? Hence the calculations will be based behavior. There are, however, major difficulties when testing
on the evaluation of the ratio − ∆εv(∆Pi = ∆Pc)/∆εv(∆Pc), such a material with a time dependent behavior and it can be
which is equivalent to the ratio Kb/H for isotropic material. mentioned that performing quite long permeability measure-
On another hand this ratio would lead to an “apparent” ments on the same sample, in relation with the confining
Biot’s coefficient, which can mainly be used to highlight pressure level, will obviously induce a bias as they cannot
the fluid-skeleton coupling intensity. be performed at the same time.
A direct experiment conducted with ∆Pi = ∆Pc is com-
monly known as being the “unjacketted” compressibil- 3.1 Gas Permeability Tests
ity test. The resulting volumetric strain is then generally
assumed to be the one of the material solid phase i.e. solid The main purpose of this first series of tests was to evalu-
matrix only and the non connected porosity that may be ate confining pressure effects on gas permeability. As some
included inside it. coupling effects are suspected (or possible), these tests
For a given value of Pc, we proceed as follows: were conducted at different levels of mean pore pressure
Pi. The permeability results are, therefore, presented ver-
Step1: An initial confining pressure (P c = 5 MPa)
sus (Pc − Pi), which is the effective Terzaghi stress. Such a
is applied. Then, porosity experiment is carried out
representation enables the detection of couplings upon the
under the corresponding stress.
material’s hydraulic behavior. Two samples were used and
Step2: The same gas pressure Pi is applied on both
for each a whole test was composed of test1 followed by test
sides of the sample, which allows the strains to be
2 (see Table 1) allowing some time effects to be detected.
measured to evaluate (possible) coupling effects. It
Figure 5 below sumps up the results of gas permeability
can then be proceeded to the transient pulse decay
measurements under different Pc and Pi for the two sam-
method and to evaluate the salt permeability.
ples and for the two tests (the whole set of results is given
XZ1 61.10 63.80 425.42 Test1 (permeability + porosity + Biot test) 25/06/2018–02/07/2018
Test2 (permeability test) 05/07/2018–20/07/2018
XZ2 52.03 64.43 356.93 Test1 (permeability + porosity test) 28/09/2018–26/10/2018
Test2 (permeability test) 19/11/2018–05/12/2018
Hydrogen and argon permeability test 07/11/2018–19/11/2018
XS1 63.44 64.86 449.18 Poro-mechanical test1(Biot) 23/10/2017–27/10/2017
Poro-mechanical test2(Biot) 14/03/2018–06/04/2018
XS2 63.29 64.50 446.75 Poro-mechanical test (Biot) 29/11/2017–08/12/2017
XZ3 81.80 64.59 594.49 Hydrogen and argon permeability test 11/02/2019–19/02/2019
XS3 81.04 64.28 579.43 Hydrogen and argon permeability test 13/05/2019–16/05/2019
XR3 83.18 64.41 588.04 Triaxial test 09/01/2019–18/01/2019
76.64 66.85 582.52 Hydrostatic test (permeability + Biot test) 08/03/2019–28/03/2019
4020 D. Zhang et al.
Permeability (m )
Permeability (m )
1E-19 1E-21
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 5 10 15 20 25
Pc (MPa) Pc (MPa)
(a) (b)
1E-17 1E-19
Permeability (m )
Permeability (m )
1E-18 1E-20
1E-19 1E-21
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Pc (MPa) Pc (MPa)
(c) (d)
Fig. 5 Effect of confining pressure and Terzaghi effective pressure on gas permeability
in “Appendix”). These two samples were extracted from likely to play a key role on the flow. As increasing confining
the same plug XZ and their initial permeability at 3 MPa pressure will cause the closure of cracks the latter induces
of confining pressure is comparable (6.36E−18 m2 and a strong permeability decrease. The influence of the mean
1.43E−17 m2). A strong effect of confining pressure, lead- pore pressure Pi is clearly not systematic. On the first hand,
ing to a global reduction of gas permeability by almost three if present this effect leads to an increase in permeability
orders of magnitude, can be observed for both samples at the when Pi is increased, which excludes a potential Klinken-
end of test 2. The large amount of impermeable crystals in berg effect. This means that there is a coupling effect, which
salt rocks makes the permeability closely related to cracks or can be attributed to a crack (or joint) aperture effect. On the
joints. At this scale, the closure of joints around crystals are second hand, the Pi effect is sometimes present (Fig. 5b, d),
Experimental Investigation of Gas Transfer Properties and Stress Coupling Effects of Salt… 4021
partial (Fig. 5a) or negligible (Fig. 5c) and varies with times in Sect. 2.2.2) under confining pressure were, therefore, per-
as it can be absent for test 1 and present for test 2. formed in test1 for the two samples (XZ1 and XZ2) and
The time effect, which is illustrated in Fig. 6, is clearly the results are given in Fig. 8. The porosity values are in
visible as gas permeability, recorded for the test 2 is sys- fact very low since the highest one was 1% at 5 MPa con-
tematically lower, by one to two orders of magnitude, than fining pressure. The sensitivity to the confining pressure is
for test 1. This can be especially underlined at 14 MPa of very high as the porosity is almost 0 (or not measurable)
confining pressure (in Fig. 6a) and at 22 MPa (in Fig. 6b), for sample XZ1 at 14 MPa and at 7 MPa for XZ2. Some
which were the highest confining pressure values reached interesting deductions can be drawn from such a sensitivity
in test 1 for the corresponding samples. In fact, the differ- and relative porosity reduction. The first one is that the salt
ences observed with lower confining pressures cannot be cannot be considered as a common porous material. If the
only attributed to the time effect as the hydraulic material’s pores were like “classical” ones in usual rocks, the relative
behaviour depends on crack closure, which is generally not porosity variation would be in the relative order of a few
reversible. This kind of time effect is consistent with what percent, and not almost one hundred percent as it is here
is generally reported in the literature (Stormont 1990; Peach observed. The second one, which is a consequence of the
1991; Stormont and Daemen 1992; Maurice et al. 2015). first one, is that the (very) small measured pore volumes can
The time-dependent behavior of salt rock had been demon- only be constituted of cracks or grain joints between non-
strated through many experiments, which led to constitu- porous crystals. This has been confirmed by SBET analysis
tive and computational models (Yang et al. 1999; Nazary that gave almost no porosity and no specific surface, which
Moghadam et al. 2013; Khaledi et al. 2016; Ma et al. 2017; evidenced the fact that there are no pores in the usual sense.
Mansouri and Ajalloeian 2018; Deng et al. 2020). This single porosity measure confirms that fluids can only
X-ray microtomography experiments were conducted on flow between the crystals and coupling effects would be
different salt samples. They allow to observe some identical likely take place at these interfaces. Cracking can be then
parts of samples before and after the various tests. Typical considered as producing new interfaces.
results are given in Fig. 7 in which the non reversibility of
crack closure can be obviously highlighted. 3.3 Comparison Between Argon and Hydrogen
3.2 Gas Porosity and Confining Pressure
As mentioned in the introduction, salt gas cavern could be
As seen before, gas permeability revealed to be highly sensi- used as hydrogen storage facilities. It is well known that
tive to confining pressure. Porosity measurements (described experiments with hydrogen require safety disposal and
Loading Pc
Loading Pc
Permeability (m )
Permeability (m )
Time effect
Loading Pc
Time effect
Unloading Pc
1E-21 1E-21
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Pc (MPa) Pc (MPa)
(a) (b)
4022 D. Zhang et al.
Fig. 7 Horizontal tomographic slices of rock salt sample from helical scan (a, c the slices before the hydrostatic test; b, d the corresponding
slices after hydrostatic test)
precautions, which are not always available in rock mechan- confining pressure and irreversibility, due to crack closure,
ics laboratories. Leakage of permeability devices is also which are visible for the unloading paths (Fig. 9b, c). As a
among issues that are met with this gas. It is, therefore, very consequence hydrogen and argon permeability comparisons
useful to compare the permeability values obtained with this can be really done at the highest confining pressure. What
gas and a more convenient one like argon. Three tests were can be drawn from these result is that permeability obtained
performed on samples having (ultra) low (XZ3), intermedi- with both gas are very close to each other and can be consid-
ate (XZ2) and high (XS3) gas permeability. The results are ered as being virtually the same. This interesting result evi-
presented in Fig. 9. The hydrogen permeability was always dences that argon gas can be chosen to evaluate the hydrogen
the first one to be measured. The process for the sample XZ2 permeability with no significant differences. This is also true
was to confine it at 22 MPa and get the permeability during whatever the order of magnitude of the initial permeability.
the unloading phase. For the two other samples, classical The considerable differences obtained on this material (with
loading–unloading phases were applied. Test with hydrogen permeability being in the range 1 0–16–10−23 m2) underline
were performed prior to those with argon. First of all these the material’s dispersion and/or its initial state of cracking.
results confirm the great sensitivity of salt permeability to
Experimental Investigation of Gas Transfer Properties and Stress Coupling Effects of Salt… 4023
1,2 the coefficients, compared at 17 MPa for both tests, are very
Sample XZ1 different (0.24 at test 1 and 0.04 at test 2). Such a difference
Sample XZ2 is due to the time effect and is consistent with what was
observed for the gas permeability (see Fig. 6 for example).
The results of these experiments allow the evaluation of
0,8 the bulk modulus Kb and expansion (due to pore pressure
Pi) modulus H. Their variations v.s. confining pressure are
Porosity (%)
4024 D. Zhang et al.
Permeability (m )
Permeability(m )
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Pc(MPa) Pc(MPa)
(a) (b)
Sample XS3
Hydrogen (loading)
Hydrogen (unloading)
Argon (loading)
Argon (unloading)
Permeability (m )
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
with Pc = 5 MPa are already extremely low, respectively, then dismounted and placed into a hydrostatic cell to per-
6.1E−23 m 2 and 5.7E−23 m 2, which are virtually the formed other tests, described below.
same. At step 3, the confining pressure was 7 MPa and
the deviatoric loading was started, the permeability fell to 4.2 Permeability and Couplings Measurements
2E-23m2. The following steps were conducted with this Under Hydrostatic Pressure (After Triaxial Test)
constant confining pressure and the sample degradation
can be observed with the regular increase in permeabil- Hydrostatic tests were carried out after triaxial test for the
ity, by two orders of magnitude, due to the axial stress same sample. Gas permeability was measured and coupling
increase, up to 44 MPa. Despite this growing, the sample’s effects were estimated at 6 levels of confining pressure
gas permeability remains low: 5E-21m2. The sample was (from 3 to 20 MPa). It was also decided to observe the time
Experimental Investigation of Gas Transfer Properties and Stress Coupling Effects of Salt… 4025
Strain due to pi - XS2 b - XS2 of confining pressure but it can be underlined that 20 MPa of
Strain due to pi - XS1 (test1) b - XS1 (test1) confining pressure are necessary to recover the initial sample
Strain due to pi - XS1 (test2) b - XS1 (test2)
permeability i.e. to close the cracks due to deviatoric stress.
25 0,4 The time effect is still present as it is shown in Fig. 16, which
illustrates the recording of volumetric strains and perme-
ability varying with time, at 14 MPa. There is a first phase
20 of permeability reduction, which is quite sharp at the begin-
ning, followed by a plateau. This phenomenon is consistent
Volumetric strain (10 /MPa)
Biot coefficient
plateau at the end of this phase.
0,2 Results on coupling effects and the resulting apparent
Biot’s coefficient are given in Figs. 17 and 18. As for the
previous experiments, the potential coupling effect was
detected by a progressive increase in gas pore pressure,
5 while the confining pressure is fixed at a constant value. At
the highest confining pressure (20 MPa) almost no coupling
was observed i.e. the volumetric strain due to Pi is virtually
0 0 0. For the other confining pressures (4–14 MPa), there is
5 10 15 20
Pc(MPa) a clear coupling which is illustrated both in Figs. 17 and
18. The effect of Terzaghi effective pressure is also present
Fig. 10 Biot coefficient and volumetric strain due to Pi (Fig. 17) as there is a stronger coupling for the lowest val-
ues (i.e. high Pi level) than for the highest ones. There is an
apparent threshold of 7 MPa, which is only indicative here.
The volumetric strains due to Pi and the apparent Biot’s coef-
ficient can be observed in Fig. 18. The confining pressure
level and the crack closure induced have a strong reduction
effect of the volumetric expansion, which exhibits a continu-
ous decrease. This kind of phenomenon was also observed
on cracked sandstone samples (Hu et al. 2018). Combined
with the progressive material stiffening, this leads to a stable
value on the apparent Biot’s coefficient, lying in the range
0.35–0.3 (excepted at 5 MPa, which is maybe artifact). This
Biot’s coefficient value is significantly higher than for the
previous experiments, especially at medium confining pres-
sure (7–14 MPa).
5 Conclusion
4026 D. Zhang et al.
Volumetric strain (10 )
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 20 25
Pc-Pi (MPa) Pc-Pi (MPa)
(a) (b)
Volumetric Strain (10 /MPa)
Permeability (m )
30 0,3
Stress (MPa)
Biot coefficient
20 0,2
1E-23 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10 0,1 Test steps
4 8 12 16
Pc (MPa)
Fig. 14 Permeability measurement during triaxial test
Fig. 13 Biot coefficient and volumetric strain due to Pi
permeable sandstones, shales or other sedimentary rocks.
They are also sensitive to the material’s damage obtained
be involved in the hydrogen storage concept. Concerning under triaxial test and the first tendency is an increase in the
pore pressure coupling effects, it has been experimentally latter due to crack generation.
verified that salt rock displays a poromechanical behavior. At a microscopic scale, the sensitivity to confinement
Fluid pressure can induce rock skeleton deformation and of the permeability and the Biot’s coefficient support the
will have to take place in the stress–strain equation of state hypothesis that fluid flows through cracks or boundaries
characterizing rock salt and the permeability. The estimated between salt grains. Further experiments with joint study
Biot’s coefficients are sensitive to confinement but they on microstructure are planned to verify this hypothesis. The
are far below usual values measured for permeable or low future of this study will also concern a precise measurement
Experimental Investigation of Gas Transfer Properties and Stress Coupling Effects of Salt… 4027
1E-18 Pc =3MPa
Pc = 5MPa
Permeability Pc =7MPa
Pc =10MPa
Y= -257,07 - 47,457X Pc =14MPa
1E-19 -500 Pc =14MPa (after204hr )
Pc =20 (MPa)
Y= -582,13 - 38,95X
1E-20 -1000
Y=-763,86 - 37,413X
Y=-1045,6 - 21,244X
1E-21 -1500
Y=-1360,3 - 22,511X
Y= -1571 - 19,64X
Time Interval = 204hours
1E-23 0 5 10 15 20 25
0 5 10 15 20 25 Pc - Pi (MPa)
Pc (MPa)
-1632 40
Volumetric Strain (10 /MPa)
Pc = 14MPa 0,4
Volumetric strain (10 )
Biot coefficient
Permeability (m )
4E-22 30
2E-22 20
0 -1760
0 50 100 150 200 10 0,2
Time (hr) 0 4 8 12 16
Pc (MPa)
of permeability under deviatoric loading with a particular increase in brine pressure will bring about poromechanical
attention paid to the influence of creep and the potential effects, that may affect the permeability around the cavern.
sealing of cracks with time.
However, it is obvious that in-situ tests concerning the
abandonment of caverns take place on a very different scale Funding This work is related to Dongmei Zhang PhD and financially
supported by the Chinese Scholarship Council. The authors wish to
from that of laboratory samples. This experimental study thank Storengy for its financial support and for the salt core supplying.
nevertheless shows that gas permeability in the cavern vicin-
ity is likely to increase by several orders of magnitude higher Compliance with Ethical Standards
than the virgin permeability of the salt rock mass. Cavern
development indeed induces deviatoric stress able to pro- Conflict of interest No potential conflict of interests was reported by
duce cracks around the cavern. During abandonment, the the authors.
4028 D. Zhang et al.
Experimental Investigation of Gas Transfer Properties and Stress Coupling Effects of Salt… 4029
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