Five Tips For Improving Your Website Content
Five Tips For Improving Your Website Content
Five Tips For Improving Your Website Content
To develop effective site content, you need to sit down and outline
some tangible goals. Without goals, you’ll have no way to measure how
successful your content is. For example, most website owners are
looking to maximize their lead generation and conversion potential.
Take the time to determine what exactly you expect your content to do
before you write (or rewrite) it.
Writing for the web varies from traditional writing in a few keys ways.
Generally speaking, you should keep your site’s content short and
sweet. Potential clients don’t want to waste time deciphering flowery
language just to see what your company does. Spell out what exactly
you do and how it will benefit them. Then tell them what they need to
do to take advantage of your services.
Poorly written content will not garner leads and convert sales as
effectively as professionally written content. Granted, some people
won’t notice grammatical flaws, but you can bet that the ones who do
will reconsider working with a business that can’t take the time to
ensure accuracy. If you don’t have a professional writer or editor on
hand, I highly recommend that you find one to contract for certain
writing assignments. You don’t want to play a guessing game when it
comes to building trust in the online perception of your company.
At the bare minimum, update your site’s content at least once a year.
Admittedly, this can be quite the undertaking for sites that feature
dozens of individual pages. Don’t forget to re-evaluate your content
every time you’re planning a redesign for your website. When you
change your site’s layout, you need to consider how you could
maximize your content within new constraints.
As a parting message, make sure you don’t just throw out your original
information when rewriting content for your site. Doing so could
adversely affect your site’s SEO. Every time you rewrite content, run a
split-page test to determine which language converts users better.
Direct half of your traffic to the original content and half to the new
content. After the test is over, determine which content was more
successful in converting clients, and then consider why that might be.