Features: Windows 8 Is The Tentative Name For The Upcoming Version of The
Features: Windows 8 Is The Tentative Name For The Upcoming Version of The
Features: Windows 8 Is The Tentative Name For The Upcoming Version of The
is the tentative name for the upcoming version of the Microsoft Windows family of operating
systems, for use on personal computers.[1] It is expected to be released in 2012.[2][3]
1 Features
2 Develop
3 See also
4 Referenc
Milestone 1 (build 7850, with a build date of September 22, 2010) was leaked to an online beta
community, which was soon leaked to sharing networks on April 12, 2011.[6]
Milestone 1 includes a ribbon interface for Windows Explorer,[7] a PDF reader called Modern Reader, an
updated task manager called Modern Task Manager,[8] native ISO mounting, and a webcam application.[9]
This file is a candidate for speedy deletion. It may be deleted after Sunday, 8 May 2011.
Build 7955 (from the build lab "fbl_srv_wdacxml", with a build date of February 28, 2011) was leaked on
BetaArchive and WinWorld and P2P sources on April 25, 2011.[10] It includes a stripped down "Immersive"
version of Internet Explorer, similar to the mobile version of Internet Explorer, but using the
desktop Trident rendering engine.[11] Other new features are full DWM (hideblur), the Metro UI, and a new
logon UI with pattern logon.[12] The Application folder, which was broken in build 7850, is now functional.
After that, in May 1, 2011, the 64-bit version of build 7959 (with a build date of February 22, 2011) was
leaked on BetaArchiv..
A Milestone 3 build, build 7971, was released to close partners of Microsoft on March 29, 2011[13] but was
kept under heavy security. However, a few screenshots were leaked. The Windows 7 Basic theme has
been replaced with a new theme, where the boxes that encase the close, maximize, and minimize buttons
have been removed, leaving just the signs.[14]
Milestone 3 includes a new Welcome screen,[15] a new packaged application model called AppX that is
based on Silverlight,[16] and a setting for automatically adjusting the window color to fit the wallpaper.[17]
The discovery came to light after Microsoft Research employee, Robert Morgan,
carelessly left details of his work on the social-networking site, LinkedIn.
The senior researcher's profile said he was: "Working in high security department for
research and development involving strategic planning for medium and longterm projects.
Research & Development projects including 128-bit architecture compatibility with
the windows 8 kernel and windows 9 project plan. Forming relationships with major
partners: Intel, AMD, HP and IBM."
Hat-tip Slashdot
Windows 8 is the tentative name for the upcoming version of the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems, for
use on personal computers.[1] It is expected to be released in 2012.[2][3]
1 Features
2 Development
3 See also
4 References
Features Edit
At the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada, Microsoft announced that it would be
including support for system-on-a-chip (SoC) and mobile ARM processors in its next version of the Windows
operating system.[4][5]
Windows 8 includes a new Hybrid Boot option that uses advanced hibernation functionality on shutdown to allow
faster startup times.[6] Another new feature is the ability to create a Portable Workspace, an installation of Windows 8
on a USB storage device.[7][8] Cloud synchronization, the Ribbon user interface, a built-in PDF reader called 'Modern
Reader', an improved control panel, and the Windows App Store are some of the new features coming up in
Windows 8.[9]
Development Edit
Milestone 1 (build 7850, with a build date of September 22, 2010) was leaked to BetaArchive, an online beta
community, which was soon leaked to sharing networks on April 12, 2011.[10] Milestone 1 includes a ribbon interface
for Windows Explorer,[11] a PDF reader called Modern Reader, an updated task manager called Modern Task
Manager,[12]native ISO mounting, and a webcam application.[13]
Build 7955 (from the build lab "fbl_srv_wdacxml", with a build date of February 28, 2011) was leaked on BetaArchive
and P2P sources on April 25, 2011.[14] It includes a stripped down "Immersive" version of Internet Explorer, similar to
the mobile version of Internet Explorer, but using the desktop Trident rendering engine.[15] Other new features are
full DWM (hideblur), the Metro UI, and a new logon UI with pattern logon.[16] The Application folder, which was
broken in build 7850, is now functional.
A Milestone 3 build, build 7971, was released to close partners of Microsoft on March 29, 2011[17] but was kept
under heavy security. However, a few screenshots were leaked. The Windows 7 Basic theme has been replaced with
a new theme, where the boxes that encase the close, maximize, and minimize buttons have been removed, leaving
just the signs.[18]
Milestone 3 includes a new Welcome screen,[19] a new packaged application model called AppX that is based
onSilverlight,[20] and a setting for automatically adjusting the window color to fit the wallpaper.[21]
See also