IGCSE BIO - TB Practical Activities38
IGCSE BIO - TB Practical Activities38
IGCSE BIO - TB Practical Activities38
Growth curves
If you weigh organisms as they grow and plot your results on a
graph the result is a curved shape called a growth curve. Plot two
different growth curves as follows. towels
1 Soak 40 peas in water for 12 hours, then wrap them in wet paper
toweling. Put the wrapped peas in beakers of water in a warm,
dark place (see diagram).
2 Every three days remove five seedlings and find their average
weight. Then heat them at 100 8C until they are completely dry,
and find their average weight again. Plot graphs for wet and dry
weight changes.
3 Explain why the wet and dry growth curves are different. What
conclusions can you draw about the early growth of plants from
these results?
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