Rateof Reaction Paper 4
Rateof Reaction Paper 4
Rateof Reaction Paper 4
1. O/N 21/P43/Q6
A student investigates the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a catalyst of
manganese(IV) oxide.
2H202(aq) -> 2H20(I) + 02(g)
(a) State the meaning of the term catalyst.
(b) The diagram shows the equipment the student uses.
cotton wool
catalyst of
manganese(IV) oxide
hydrogen peroxide
oo balance
A graph of the mass of the flask and contents against time is shown.
(i) Suggest why the mass of the flask and contents decreases as time increases.
(ii) Describe what happens to the rate of the reaction as time increases.
(c) The student repeats the experiment at a higher temperature. All other conditions stay the
same. The rate of reaction increases.
(i) Explain, in terms of collisions between particles, why the rate of reaction increases at a
higher temperature.
(ii) Draw a line on the graph in (b) for the experiment at a higher temperature. [2]
2. O/N 20/P43/Q3/c(i,iii)
(a) Some of the ammonia made by the Haber process is converted into nitric acid.
The first stage of this process is the oxidation of ammonia to make nitrogen monoxide.
4NH3(g) + 502(g) 4NO(g) + 6H20(g)
The process is carried out at 900 °C and a pressure of 5 atmospheres using an alloy of platinum
and rhodium as a catalyst.
The forward reaction is exothermic.
Chemistry IGCSE P-4 Topical Workbook 200 U 7.1: Rate (speed) of reaction
Read and Write Publications
(ii) Complete the table using the words increase, decrease or no change.
effect on the rate effect on the equilibrium
of the forward reaction yield of NO(g)
% M/J 20/P42/Q3/a(i,ii)
(a) Sulfuric acid is made from sulfur in a four-stage process.
stage 1 Sulfur is converted into sulfur dioxide.
stage 2 Sulfur dioxide is converted into sulfur trioxide.
stage 3 Sulfur trioxide is converted into oleum.
stage 4 Oleum is converted into sulfuric acid.
(i) How is sulfur converted into sulfur dioxide in stage 1?
(ii) Describe how sulfur dioxide is converted into sulfur trioxide in stage 2-
Your answer should include:
• an equation for the reaction
• the temperature used
• the name of the catalyst used.
4. M/J 20/P42/Q4/a,b,c,d
Oxygen is produced by the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. Manganese(IV) oxide is the
catalyst for this reaction.
(a) What is meant by the term catalyst 7
(b) A student measures the volume of oxygen produced at regular time intervals using the
apparatus shown. Large lumps of manganese(IV) oxide are used.
Chemistry IGCSE P-4 Topical Workbook 201 U 7.1: Rate (speed) of reaction
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1 ja
gas syringe
manganese(IV) oxide
aqueous hydrogen peroxide
of oxygen
0 time/s
What happens to the rate of this reaction as time increases?
In your answer, explain why the rate changes in this way.
(c) The experiment is repeated using the same mass of manganese(IV) oxide. Powdered
manganese(IV) oxide is used instead of large lumps. All other conditions stay the same.
Sketch a graph on the axes in (b) to show how the volume of oxygen changes with time. [2]
(d) In terms of particles, explain what happens to the rate of this reaction when the temperature is
5. M/J 20/P43/Q2/C
(a) Explain, in terms of particles, what happens to the rate of this reaction when the temperature
is increased.
Chemistry IGCSE P-4 Topical Workbook 202 U 7.1: Rate (speed) of reaction
Read and Write Publications
6. MAR 20/P42/Q3/d(ii)
(a) PCZ3 reacts with chlorine, C Z2, to form PCZ5. This reaction is exothermic and reaches an
PCZ3(g) + CZ2(g) PCZ5(g)
(i) State the effect, if any, on the position of this equilibrium when the following changes are
Explain your answers.
temperature is increased
pressure is increased
7. MAR 20/P42/Q4/a
Iron is a typical transition element.
• acts as a catalyst
• forms coloured compounds
• has more than one oxidation state.
(a) Name one major industrial process that uses iron as a catalyst and name the product made in
this process.
product made
8. O/N 19/P41/Q7/c(i),d(il)
(a) Ethanol can be oxidised by hydrogen peroxide to form ethanal, CH3CHO. A catalyst for this
reaction is Fe3+.
(i) What is meant by the term catalyst ?
(b) Ethene gas reacts with steam to form gaseous ethanol.
C2H4(g) + H20(g) CH3CH2OH(g)
The reaction can reach a position of equilibrium. The forward reaction is exothermic.
(i) Increasing the pressure of a gas increases its concentration.
State and explain the effect of increasing the pressure on the rate of the reaction.
All other conditions are unchanged.
Chemistry IGCSE P-4 Topical Workbook 203 U 7.1: Rate (speed) of reaction
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9. M/J 19/P43/Q5/c,d
(a) Concentrated sulfuric acid is a catalyst for this reaction.
What is meant by the term catalyst ?
(b) The rate of reaction can be increased by increasing the temperature.
Explain why increasing the temperature increases the rate of reaction.
i \
gas syringe
hydrochloric acid an excess of large
pieces of marble
volume of gas
produced /cm3
0 30 120 150 180 210 240
60 90
(i) How does the shape of the graph show that the rate of reaction decreased as the reaction
(ii) Why did the rate of reaction decrease as the reaction progressed?
(iii) After how many seconds did the reaction finish?
s [1]
(b) The experiment was repeated using the same mass of smaller pieces of marble. All other
conditions were kept the same.
Draw a graph on the grid to show the progress of the reaction using the smaller pieces of
marble. [2]
(c) The original experiment was repeated at a higher temperature. All other conditions were kept
the same.
Describe and explain, in terms of collisions between particles, the effect of using a higher
temperature on the time taken for the reaction to finish.
Chemistry IGCSE P-4 Topical Workbook 205 U 7.1: Rate (speed) of reaction
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iiNa 11 11 23
%cr 20
56 26 24 30
13. M/J 18/P43/Q3/d(ii),(iii)
(a) Cobalt reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to make the salt cobalt(ll) chloride. Bubbles of
hydrogen gas are produced.
(i) The rate of reaction of cobalt with dilute hydrochloric acid can be made faster by heating
the acid or by increasing its concentration.
State one other way to make the rate of reaction faster.
(ii) Use collision theory to explain how heating the dilute hydrochloric acid makes the rate of
reaction faster.
(ii) In terms of collisions, explain why heating the hydrochloric acid increases the rate of the
Chemistry IGCSE P-4 Topical Workbook 206 U 7.1: Rate (speed) of reaction
Read and Write Publications
(ii) When copper(II) nitrate, Cu(N03)2, undergoes thermal decomposition, three products are
formed. One of the products is nitrogen dioxide, N02.
Write a chemical equation for the thermal decomposition of copper(II) nitrate.
(b) The chemical equation shows the equilibrium between dinitrogen tetroxide (N204, a colourless
gas) and nitrogen dioxide (N02, a brown gas).
N204(g) 2N02(g)
colourless brown
A mixture of dinitrogen tetroxide and nitrogen dioxide is allowed to reach equilibrium in a
closed gas syringe.
(i) In chemistry, what is meant by the term equilibrium?
(ii) If the equilibrium mixture is heated at constant pressure, a darker brown colour is seen
inside the gas syringe.
What does this information indicate about the decomposition of dinitrogen tetroxide?
Explain your answer in terms of the position of the equilibrium.
(iii) Suggest what you would see if the pressure on the equilibrium mixture were increased at
constant temperature.
Explain your answer in terms of the position of the equilibrium.
conical flask measuring cylinder
magnesium carbonate-
acid n water
(a) The results obtained are shown on the graph.
total volume of
gas collected 60'
0 100200 300 400 500
(i) Describe how the rate of this reaction changed during the reaction. Explain why the rate
changed in this way.
(ii) The experiment was repeated using the same mass of powdered magnesium carbonate
with the same volume and concentration of dilute hydrochloric acid.
Explain how the initial rate of reaction and total volume of gas collected would compare to
the first experiment.
total volume of gas
Chemistry IGCSE P-4 Topical Workbook 208 U 7.1: Rate (speed) of reaction
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(b) A piece of magnesium ribbon was cleaned. The experiment was repeated using this clean
magnesium ribbon instead of magnesium carbonate.
Mg(s) + 2HCJ(aq) -> MgCZ2(aq) + H2(g)
This reaction is exothermic.
The rate of the reaction gradually increased over the first 2 minutes.
Explain why the rate of the reaction increased.
A student adds the following volumes of aqueous sodium thiosulfate, dilute hydrochloric acid and
distilled water to the conical flask.
The time taken for the formation of the precipitate of sulfur to make the cross disappear from view
is recorded.
experiment volume of volume of volume of time taken for
number sodium thiosulfate hydrochloric acid distilled water cross to disappear
/cm3 /cm3 /cm3 from view/s
1 10 10 40 56
2 20 10 30 28
(a) State the order in which the aqueous sodium thiosulfate, hydrochloric acid and distilled water
should be added to the flask.
Chemistry IGCSE P-4 Topical Workbook 209 U 7.1: Rate (speed) of reaction
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(b) In experiment 3 the student wanted the sodium thiosulfate to be double the concentration used
in experiment 2.
(I) Complete the table to show the volumes which should be used and the expected time
taken for the cross to disappear from view in experiment 3. [2]
(ii) Use collision theory to explain why increasing the concentration of sodium thiosulfate
would change the rate of reaction.
(c) The student repeated experiment 1 at a higher temperature.
Use collision theory to explain why the rate of reaction would increase.
Chemistry IGCSE P-4 Topical Workbook 210 U 7.1: Answers Section
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Answers Section
1. O/N 21/P43/Q6
(a) M1 (a substance that) speeds up a reaction / increases the rate of a reaction (1)
M2 unchanged chemically at the end (1) 2
(b) (i) oxygen gas escapes 1
(ii) M1 rate decreases
rate / reaction is fastest at the start (1)
M2 reaction stops or
rate = zero (1) 2
(c) (i) M1 (particles) have more kinetic energy / particles move faster(1)
M2 more collisions per unit time (1)
M3 more particles have energy greater than or equal to activation energy
more particles have sufficient energy to react
A greater percentage or greater proportion or greater fraction of collisions have sufficient
greater energy to react OR
A greater percentage or greater proportion or greater fraction of collisions have energy
greater than or equal to activation energy
A greater percentage or greater proportion or greater fraction of collisions are successful
(ii) M1 steeper gradient from start (1)
M2 levels off at the same mass (1) 2
2. O/N 20/P43/Q3/c(i,iii)
(a) (i) substance that speeds up a reaction / increases rate (1)
unchanged (chemically) at the end
OR not used up
OR lowers activation energy (1) 2
effect on the rate of the effect on the equilibrium
forward reaction yield of NO(g)
3. M/J 20/P42/Q3/a(i,ii)
(a) (i) heat in air 1
(ii) 2S02 + 02—»2S03(1)
450°C (1)
vanadium(V) oxide (1) 3
4. M/J 20/P42/Q4/a,b,c,d
(a) substance that speeds up a reaction / increases rate (1)
unchanged (chemically) at the end OR not used up OR lowers activation energy OR provides
alternative pathway (1) 2
(b) rate decreases (1)
Chemistry IGCSE P-4 Topical Workbook 211 U 7.1: Answers Section
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(b) M1 New line steeper than printed line and starts at origin
M2 New line reaches same final volume as printed line 2
(c) M1 Time taken is less
M2 (particles) have more energy
M3 (particles) move faster
' • M4 More collisions (of particles) occur per second / per unit time
M5 More (of the) particles / collisions have energy greater than activation energy
More (of the) particles / collisions have sufficient energy to react
A greater percentage / proportion / fraction of collisions (of particles) are successful 5
(ii) 2CU(N03)2
M1 CuO —
sodium nitrite/ sodium nitrate(III)/NaN02
2CuO + 02 + 4NOz
equilibrium shifts in the direction of fewer molecules /moles / lower volume 1
16. O/N 16/P41/Q8
(a) (i) any 4 from:
slowed down
acid became less concentrated OR fewer particles per unit volume
fewer collisions per second OR lower collision rate
(then the reaction) stopped
all the hydrochloric acid reacted 4
(ii) any 4 from:
faster (reaction)
(powder has) larger surface area
more collisions per second OR higher collision rate
same volume of gas
amount/moles hydrochloric acid is not changed 4
(b) any 5 from:
temperature increased
particles have more energy
(particles) move faster
more collisions per second OR higher collision rate
more particles have sufficient energy to react /activation energy
more of the collisions are successful 5
17. M/J 16/P41/Q3
(a) 1 Na2S203 2 H20 3 HCZ OR
1 HCZ 2 H20 3 Na2S203 OR
1 H20 2 Na2S203 3 HCl OR
1 HzO 2HC Z 3 Na2S203 1
(b) (i) M1 volumes 40:10:10;
M2 time = 14; 2
(ii) M1 more particles per unit volume/particles are closer together;
M2 increases the rate of collisions/there are more collisions per unit time; 2
(c) M1 particles gain more energy and move faster;
M2 increasing rate of collisions/ more collisions per unit time;
M3 higher proportion of particles have sufficient energy to react/
collisions have sufficient energy to react / are above the activation energy; 3