Surveying-II (C-304) - Ch1-Important Questions
Surveying-II (C-304) - Ch1-Important Questions
Surveying-II (C-304) - Ch1-Important Questions
Surveying-II- C-304
Ans: 1. By taking face left and face right observations, errors due to line of collimation and
horizontal axis not being in adjustment, is eliminated.
2 By reading the value from the different parts of the horizontal circle, The errors due to
improper graduations can be eliminated.
3 Error due to bisection and improper centering are also eliminated.
4 By reading both the verniers, the error in the verniers may be eliminated.
2. Write any four errors that are eliminated by the method of Reiteration method
1 Graduation errors are eliminate
2 Error due to line of collimation and horizontal axis are eliminated by taking face left and
face right observaations.
3 Eccentricity of verical axis is eliminated.
4 Error due to bisection and improper centering are also eliminated.
3. Define the terms Latitude and Departure of a Survey line.
Ans: Latitude: It is the distance measured parallel to the meridian i.e North and South line.
Departure: It is the distance measured perpendicular to the meridian.
4. Mention any six components parts of a theodolite.
Ans: 1 Levelling head
2 Spindles of Axis
3 Upper & Lower Plates
4 Telescope
5 Vertical Circle
6 Compass
5. Define the following terms
(a) Line of Collimation: It is an imaginary line passing through the intersection of the cross
hairs of the diaphragm and the optical centre of the objective and its continuation.
(b) Line of sight: It is the imaginary line passing through the intersection of the crosshairs on
the diaphragm and the optical center of the objective lens.
(c) Bubble line: It is an imaginary line tangential to the longitudinal curve of the bubble tube
at its middle point.
(d) Centering: It is the process of setting up a theodolite exactly over the ground station
(e) Vertical axis: The axis about which the theodolite, may be rotated in horizontal plane is
called vertical axis.
(f) Horizontal axis: The axis about which the theodolite, may be rotated in vertical plane is
called Horizontal axis.
(g) Transiting: The process of turning the telescope in vertical plane through 180o about
horizontal axis is called Transiting.
(h) Swinging the Telescope: The process of turning the telescope in horizontal plane about
vertical axis is called Swinging the telescope.
(i) Face Left Observation: It means that the vertical circle is on the left of the observer at
the time of taking readings.
(j) Face Right Observation: It means that the vertical circle is on the right of the observer at
the time of taking readings.
(k) Telescope Normal: It means that the vertical circle is on the left of the observer
(l) Least count of the vernier: It is the smallest value that can be measured by the
6. List the fundamental lines of a theodolite.