Surveying-II (C-304) - Ch1-Important Questions

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Surveying-II- C-304

Chapter 1: Theodolite Survey

1. Write any four errors that are eliminated by the method of repetition in theodolite

Ans: 1. By taking face left and face right observations, errors due to line of collimation and
horizontal axis not being in adjustment, is eliminated.
2 By reading the value from the different parts of the horizontal circle, The errors due to
improper graduations can be eliminated.
3 Error due to bisection and improper centering are also eliminated.
4 By reading both the verniers, the error in the verniers may be eliminated.
2. Write any four errors that are eliminated by the method of Reiteration method
1 Graduation errors are eliminate
2 Error due to line of collimation and horizontal axis are eliminated by taking face left and
face right observaations.
3 Eccentricity of verical axis is eliminated.
4 Error due to bisection and improper centering are also eliminated.
3. Define the terms Latitude and Departure of a Survey line.
Ans: Latitude: It is the distance measured parallel to the meridian i.e North and South line.
Departure: It is the distance measured perpendicular to the meridian.
4. Mention any six components parts of a theodolite.
Ans: 1 Levelling head
2 Spindles of Axis
3 Upper & Lower Plates
4 Telescope
5 Vertical Circle
6 Compass
5. Define the following terms
(a) Line of Collimation: It is an imaginary line passing through the intersection of the cross
hairs of the diaphragm and the optical centre of the objective and its continuation.
(b) Line of sight: It is the imaginary line passing through the intersection of the crosshairs on
the diaphragm and the optical center of the objective lens.
(c) Bubble line: It is an imaginary line tangential to the longitudinal curve of the bubble tube
at its middle point.
(d) Centering: It is the process of setting up a theodolite exactly over the ground station
(e) Vertical axis: The axis about which the theodolite, may be rotated in horizontal plane is
called vertical axis.
(f) Horizontal axis: The axis about which the theodolite, may be rotated in vertical plane is
called Horizontal axis.
(g) Transiting: The process of turning the telescope in vertical plane through 180o about
horizontal axis is called Transiting.
(h) Swinging the Telescope: The process of turning the telescope in horizontal plane about
vertical axis is called Swinging the telescope.
(i) Face Left Observation: It means that the vertical circle is on the left of the observer at
the time of taking readings.
(j) Face Right Observation: It means that the vertical circle is on the right of the observer at
the time of taking readings.
(k) Telescope Normal: It means that the vertical circle is on the left of the observer
(l) Least count of the vernier: It is the smallest value that can be measured by the
6. List the fundamental lines of a theodolite.

Ans: 1 The vertical axis

2 The axis of plate levels

3 The line of collimation or line of sight.

4 The horizontal axis or Trunion axis or Transverse axis.

5 The bubble line of the altitude level or telescope level.
7. Write any three fundamental relationships of fundamental lines of a theodolite.
1 The axis of the plate levels must be perpendicular to the vertical axis.
2 The line of collimation must be at right angles to the horizontal axis.
3 The horizontal axis must be perpendicular to the vertical axis.
4 The axis of telescope must be parallel to the line of collimation.
8. What are the consecutive coordinates and independent coordinates.
Ans: Consecutive Coordinates: The latitude and departure of any station with respect to the
preceding station are known as consecutive co-ordinates or dependent co-ordinates.
Independent Coordinates: The coordinates of any point with respect to a common
origin are said to be the independent coordinates of that point.

9. State eight instrumental errors of a theodolite survey.

Ans:1 Error due to imperfect adjustment of plate levels.
2 Error due to line of collimation not being perpendicular to the horizontal axis.
3 Error due to horizontal axis not being perpendicular to the vertical axis.
4 Error due to line of collimation not being parallel to axis of telescope
5 Error due to imperfect adjustment of the vertical circle vernier.
6 Error due to eccentricity of inner and outer axis.
7 Error due to imperfect graduations.
8 Error due to eccentricity of verniers.
10. List out the personal errors
(a) Errors in Manipulation
 Inaccurate centering over the station
 Inaccurate levelling
 Slip
 By using wrong tangent screw
 Non – elimination of parallax.
(b) Errors in Observation
 Inaccurate bisection of signal
 Non verticality of signal
 Diplacement of pegs or signals
 Mistake in setting the vernier
 Wrong reading
 Wrong booking
11. List out the natural errors
 High wind producing vibrations
 Unequal settlement of tripod legs
 Unequal refraction due to high temperature
 Unequal expansion of parts of telescope
12. What are the checks that can be applied in a closed traverse.
i. The sum of the interior angles should be equal to (2N-4)x 90o
The sum of the exterior angles should be equal to (2N + 4) X 90o
ii. The algebraic sum of the deflection angles should be equal to 360o.
iii. The fore bearing and back bearing of last line should be differ by 180o
iv. The chaining of each line should be done twice in opposite direction.
v. The sum of latitudes and departures must be equal to zero.
13. What is meant by balancing the traverse?
Ans: distribution of the closing error among all the traverse legs by applying the correction
to latitude and departure is called Balancing of traverse.
14. What is meant by “Error of closure”?
Ans: The distance by which a traverse fails to close is known as closing error.
15. The length and reduced bearing of survey line PQ are 225m and N 30o W. Find out Latitude
and Departure
Ans: Latitude = L Cos θ = 225 Cos 30o = 194.855
Departure = L Sin θ = 225 Sin 30o = - 112.5
16. State the temporary adjustments of a theodolite.
Ans: 1 Setting up the Theodolite over the station
2 Approximate Levelling by Tripod Stand
3 Centering of Instrument over a Station
4 Levelling the Theodolite with Foot Screws
5 Focussing the Eye-piece
6 Focussing the Objective
7 Setting the Vernier

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