Internal Audit

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Internal Food Safety Audit

Purpose: To assess hygiene standards in all aspects of the food handling procedures carried
out in the facility and to ensure that all relevant Corrective Actions are carried out and

Scope: All food safety documentations and records. Inspect the premise and factory, and
inspect the processing that are being done in the factory.

Responsibility: Top Management Officer and Qualified Third Party Auditor


1. Complete the Internal Food Safety Audit at least twice per year.
2. If necessary, complete an audit for each food service area within the organization.
3. The audit consists of two types of review:
a. A Desktop Audit: review of the documentation and records used as a part of
the organization’s Food Safety Program
b. An on-Site Audit: review of the practices and procedures being carried out
during production and processing of the products.
4. Record “NA” which mean not available for question that are not relevant.
5. On completion of the audit develop an action plan to ensure any non-conformance
are dealt with immediately and appropriately. Ensure completion date is entered into
the audit to document the corrective action has been carried out.
6. Retain and file all audits.

Frequency: Twice a year.

Food Safety Audit Checklist

Date Audit Conducted by

Critical Item Compliant Completed/
Yes No Actioned
Supplier Program
The approved supplier list is up to date
The supplier for each raw material was determine
for traceability
Are staff aware of the food safety issues when
accepting incoming raw materials?
Are staff aware of the main food safety factors
when inspecting a food delivery vehicle.
Are all products listed on your Approved
Supplier’s List
Are specification available for all products?
Are these available at the receiving area?
Do records for receipt of goods demonstrate
accordance with the written procedures?
Are refrigerated and frozen product temperatures
monitored upon receipt
Upon receipt are the products stored quickly in
their appropriate storage areas?
Is documentation available or is this observed?
Glass and Wood Policy
There is no evidence of glass or wood in food
production areas
Labeling and Traceability
All raw material and finished products are
properly labeled
Are all storage areas neat and tidy with food
products stored off the ground and not in contact
with wall surfaces?
Are all raw material in storage containers covered
and labelled with name of product and date of
Is all packaging in good condition?
Are FIFO system applied in the storage?
Is there sufficient storage space?
Is there a dedicated holding area for foods on
hold or involved in recall?
Are temperature of the storage areas operating in
the correct range?
Are products stored to prevent cross
contamination from raw materials to finished
products in storage areas?
Is the structure of the storage area in good
condition ie no cracks in walls, impervious floors
Are equipment, door seals in good order?
Have appropriate corrective actions been taken
and recorded.
Are chemicals and cleaning products stored away
from food storage areas?
Are storage areas free of evidence of pests?
The cleaning schedule is visible and being
Are the cleaning schedules completed regularly?
Is there adequate equipment and facilities to
undertake cleaning effectively?
Is the cleaning equipment clean, in good repair
and stored appropriately after use?
Are MSDS readily available?
Is any verification of cleaning effectiveness has
been conducted?
Are all cleaning chemicals have label?
Maintenance of Premises and Equipment
Is all the equipment in good repair and facilitate
There is sufficient and well maintained.
 Lighting
 Ventilation
 Drainage
All reported equipment defects are being dealt
with effectively
Unused or broken equipment is removed from the
All major equipment such as cold room and blast
freezer are fitted with working temperature
monitoring gauges
All fixed temperature monitoring gauges have
been calibrated at least in the past six months
All probe thermometers have been calibrated
Is the premises in good repair with clean drains,
no peeling paint, no holes, or gaps where pests
might enter
Are all light fitting covered or fitted with a non-
shatter globes?
Pest Control
There is no evidence of pest or rodent activity
Records of pest control visits and the treatment
administered are kept
There is a pest control contract on-site
There is a map of all bait stations
Pest sighting are reported by staff
Have actions been taken and recorded when
there has been evidence of pest activity
External openings are adequately sealed to
prevent entry of pests
Waste is removed when bins are ¾ full
Waste containers are covered, kept clean and
emptied after each work period
The refuse storage area is separated from the
processing areas
Personal Hygiene
Daily hygiene practices are monitored by the
Quality Control Officer and all corrective actions
There are sufficient hand-washing facilities
installed in all food handling areas
 Soap
 Paper towel
 Non hand sink operated
 Bin
Food handlers wash their hands as often as
Food handlers use gloves appropriately and
All jewelry including watches is removed prior to
commencing direct food handling
There is no evidence of eating smoking in food
preparation areas
Food handlers wear appropriate protective
clothing and protective head coverings
All staff understand their responsibilities with
regards reporting of illness
Sick staff are excluded from working with food
There is a first-aid box available/wounds are
covered with colored, waterproof dressing
Are staff aware of food safety practices and their
Are staff aware they must not be at work when
they may be suffering from a food borne illness or
Are staff trained in food hygiene?
Training and Induction
All staff training is up-to-date and recorded on
the Food Safety Training
All new staff have been taken through an
induction covering reporting of illness, correct
hand washing, correct use of gloves, and personal
hygiene standards
All staff have appropriate skills and knowledge in
food hygiene
Staff training records are up to date
Non-Conforming Products and Complaints
All incidents, complaints and non-conforming
products are recorded on the Non-Conforming
Product Record and all corrective actions have
been implemented
Product Recall
Any recall event has been implemented as per the
Any recalls have been recorded on the Recall
Correct use of equipment/utensils prevents cross-
Is there documentation to show that the cleaning
program is followed?
Have appropriate corrective actions have been
taken and recorded where problems arose
concerning the processing?
Are work surfaces, utensils and equipment clean
Are chemicals stored in a manner to prevent
Is the risk of foreign object controlled to prevent
Is equipment working and well maintained in this
Is equipment installed to facilitate effective
cleaning in this area?
Is food waste disposed of efficiently and
Are waste bins emptied regularly?
When questioned are staff aware of the risk when
handling food?
Are staff wearing appropriate protective clothing?
Are staff following good hygiene practices?
Are staff who are not in good health kept away
from direct contact with food?
Are there adequate hand washing and drying
facilities for staff?
When questioned are staff knowledgeable in
personal hygiene practices?
Are staff belongings stored in appropriate manner
and not in a risk of contaminating food or
equipment during preparation?
Are there records of temperature monitoring for
all refrigerated storage areas used?
Is documentation available?
Frozen products are frozen to -18OC and below
Are cooling down times and temperatures
satisfactory and monitored by staff? Is
documentation available?
Food Safety Program Management System
The most recent internal food safety audit was
conducted no longer than 12 months ago
The Food Safety Program is up to date
Amendment to the Food Safety program have
been documented on the Food Safety Program
Amendment Form
The Scope and Purpose are still current
The members of the Food Safety team are still
The product descriptions are still current
The flow chart is still correct
The Hazard Analysis is still current
The Food Safety Plan is still current

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