Adobe Scan 14 May 2021
Adobe Scan 14 May 2021
Adobe Scan 14 May 2021
Induced Absorption:
fa - - - -!.,-- - ~ -
Before After
E2 - - - - - •i-
.....,,1- - - Stimulated photon
E1 - - - - - - - - - ----!)1-----
Before After
4:58 PM Fri 14 May -=-81% 1• 1•
Unit 1: Lasers and Optical Fibres
The number of stimulated transitions per sec per unit volume in the
material is proportional to
(i) The Number of atoms in the excited state N2
(ii) Energy density of the incident radiation (Uv)
Rate of stimulated emission= B21 UvN2
Where B21 is proportionality constant which gives the
probability of stimulated emissions and it is called Einstein co-efficient
of induced (stimulated) emission.
The process of stimulated emission has the following properties.
(i) The emitted photon is identical to the incident photon in all
respects. (It has the same frequency; it will be in phase and will travel
in the same direction and will be in the same state of polarization).
(ii) The process can be controlled externally.
(iii) Stimulated emission is responsible for laser.
Some basic definitions
1. Atomic system
It is a system of atoms or molecules having discrete energy levels.
2. Active medium
It is the material medium composed of atoms or ions or
molecules supports the basic interaction of radiation with matter in
thermal equilibrium condition.
3. Energy density
The energy density Uv refers to the total energy in the radiation
field per unit volume per unit frequency due to photons. It is given by
the Plank's distribution law
4:58 PM Itri 14 May -=-s1¾ I• I•
Unit 1: Lasers and Optical Fibres
= 8rrhv
1 ]
ekT - 1
4. Population
It is the number density (the number of atoms per unit volume) of
atoms in a given energy state.
5. Boltzmann factor
It is the ratio between the populations of atoms in the higher
energy state to the lower energy state under thermal equilibrium.
If N2 is the number density of atoms in the energy state E 2 and N 1
is the number density of atoms in the ground state then
According to Boltzmann condition N 1> N 2
N hv
And - 2
= e-"i<r
6. Population inversion
It is the condition such that the number of atoms in the higher
energy (N2) state is greater than the number of atoms in the
ground state (N1). i.e, N2> N1
If N2> N1, it is non-equilibrium condition and it is called population
. .