Nursing Practice II: Care of Healthy and At Risk Mother and Child
1. This test questionnaire contains 100 test questions
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Situation: The birth process affects the holistic aspects b. 8 and 10
of the mother, to include physiologic changes to both c. 10 and 12
the mother and the fetus. Nursing students are now d. 16 and 20
assigned at the OB Admitting Section of the National 7. The mother asks about gestational diabetes, as she has
Hospital. familial history and was worried about her pregnancy.
1. A nurse is performing an assessment of a pregnant Which statement by the client indicates a further need for
woman who is at 28 weeks of gestation. The nurse education?
measures the fundal height in centimeters and expects the a. “I need to be in a diabetic diet”
finding to be which of the following? The student nurse b. “I will perform glucose monitoring at home”
correctly identifies: c. “I need to avoid exercise because of the negative
a. 22 cm c. 36 cm effects of insulin production”
b. 30 cm d. 40 cm d. “I need to be aware of any infections and report
2. A nursing student is preparing a class on the process of signs of infection immediately”
fetal circulation. The instructor asks the student 8. History revealed that there is a history of twins in the
specifically to describe the process through the umbilical family and the client was asking about the possibility of
cord. Which of the following statements from the student having twins as well. The nurse replies:
is correct? A. Monozygotic twins result from fertilization of two ova
a. “The one artery caries freshly oxygenated blood and by different sperm.
nutrient-rich blood back from the placental to the B. Monozygotic twins occur by chance regardless
fetus” of race or heredity.
b. “The two arteries carry freshly oxygenated C. Dizygotic twins are usually of the same sex.
blood and nutrient-rich blood back from the D. Dizygotic twins occur more often in primigravidthan
placental to the fetus.” in multigravid clients.
c. “The two arteries in the umbilical cord carry blood 9. Sheila, the client’s mother, was worried that her daughter
that is high in carbon dioxide and other waste will have an enormous amount of blood loss during
products away from the fetus to the placenta.” delivery. As a nurse, the best response would be:
3. Which of the following are not presumptive sign/ symptom a. The maximum blood loss considered within
of pregnancy? normal limits is 500 mL.”
a. Amenorrhea c. Softening of the b. “The minimum blood loss considered within normal
uterus limits is 1,000 mL.”
b. Urinary changes d. Nausea/ vomiting c. “Blood loss during a delivery is rarely estimated
4. Of the following probable signs of pregnancy, which unless there is a hemorrhage.”
describes the bluish discoloration of the vagina? d. “It would be very unusual if you lost more than 100
a. Chadwick’s sign c. Goodel’s sign mL of blood during the delivery.”
b. Hegar’s sign d. Ballotement 10. During the next visit, the client attended a childbirth
5. A nurse is reviewing the record of a client who has just preparation class and tells the nurse that her lower back
been told that a pregnancy test is positive. The physician has been aching. Which of the following exercises are
has documented the presence of Goodel’s sigm. The staff appropriate for the client?
nurse asks the student nurse and she states that this is: a. Pelvic rocking c. Tailor sitting
a. A softening of the cervix b. Deep breathing d. Squatting
b. The presence of fetal movement 11. Syphilis is a chronic disease cause by Treponema
c. The presence of HCG in the urine palladium. Which of the following is not true about syphilis?
d. A soft blowing sound that corresponds to the a. Transmission is by physical contact with
maternal pulse during auscultation of the uterus. syphilitic lesions, which are usually found on
Situation: A G1P0 mother went to the health center for the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth,
a check-up. You are the nurse assigned. or genitals.
6. The mother asks the nurse when she will be able to begin b. The infection may not cause abortion
feeling the fetal movements. You respond by telling the or premature labor.
mother that fetal movements will be noted between which c. It may be passed to the fetus on the fourth
of the following weeks of gestation? month of pregnancy as congenital syphilis.
a. 6 and 8