Weekly Guide#4
Weekly Guide#4
Weekly Guide#4
Weekly Guide #4
Date:9th of October to13th of October
Trimester III
Teacher: Christine Clarke
Verse 1 Peter 3:8-9 8 Finally, all of you, uhave unity of mind, sympathy, vbrotherly love, wa tender heart, and xa
humble mind. 9 yDo not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, zbless, for ato this you were
called, that you may obtain a blessing.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Subject: Science Subject: Phonics Subject: Science Subject: Phonics Subject:
Topic: Rocks Speech Topic: Suffixes -y and - Topic: Rocks Speech Topic: Suffixes -y and - Conversation
Development: The ly Development: We ly Topic: Drama
students would Development: We would would develop a Development: We Presentation
continue the speech. continue the practice in questionnaire in class. would develop the book Development: The
Evaluation: class. Bring your in class. students would
Summative Evaluation: Formative notebook. Bring your book. continue presenting
Evaluation: Evaluation: Formative the drama.
Summative Evaluation:
Subject: Phonics Subject: Reading Subject: Reading Subject: Reading Subject: Reading
Topic: Suffixes -y Topic: Eight Planets Topic: Eight Planets Topic: Eight Planets Topic: Eight Planets
and -ly Development: We would Our World and Development: The Development: We
Development: We develop an activity with Beyond students will present the would continue the
would copy a plan the book. Development: We work of the Eight speech in class.
and practice in class. Bring colors ,a White would continue the Planets. (The students
Evaluation: cardboard (Cartulina activity in class. need to talk about the Evaluation:
Formative Blanca) and a marker . Evaluation: eight planets, they are Summative
Evaluation: Summative Formative going to talk 3 lines
about the planets)
Good morning teacher
and classmates, my
name is ____________
and today I would talk
about the eight planets.
The first one is
_______ and is
Bring your book.
Points to evaluate:
2-Tone of Voice (5pts)
3-Eigh Planets
cardboard (5pts)
Total Points:25pts
Evaluation: Summative
Subject: Conversation Subject: Grammar Subject: Grammar Subject: Grammar
Topic: Drama Topic: Superlatives Topic: Irregular Verbs Topic: Irregular
Presentation Adjectives Test#1 Development: We are Verbs
Development: We Development: Study going to copy a plan Development: The
would continue the from the practices in and practice in class. students would
presentation in class. the notebook and Evaluation: Formative continue the
Evaluation: workshop. practice in class
Formative Evaluation: Evaluation:
Summative Formative :
Subject: Phonics
Topic: Suffixes -y
and -ly
Development: We
would develop
practice in class.