Lec 1
Lec 1
Lec 1
Module No. # 01
Lecture No. # 01
Introduction to basic concepts of Biomaterials Sciences; Salient properties of
important material classes; overview of body environment-1
Then second one is, the processing and basic material properties of various
biocompatible metals ceramics and polymer based materials. Third one is, the biological
property evaluation, like what are the typical biological properties that need to be
evaluated to understand the potential or application of a given biomaterial and then
finally, that processing and properties of some polymer bio-composites. So, these are
like, most recent developments in the field of biomaterials, that also will be covered as
part of this course.
Now, this is briefly the course contents. So, first I will introduce you to the basic
concepts of material science, because the biomaterials field, actually many people from a
number of different disciplines like biology material science, mechanical engineering
they all work together in this area. So, it is important first to have the basic concepts of
material science. It will be then, followed by the salient properties of important material
classes, namely, the material ceramics and polymers. Third one is the property
requirement of biomaterials; the fourth one is the concept of biocompatibility.
So, biocompatibility is the core idea, with the core property requirement for the
development of biomaterials. Therefore, an in depth understanding of what is meant
broadly by the biocompatibility that, needs to be understood.
So, among these first five points, that biocompatibility is extremely important. So, I
would like to put more stress on this biocompatibility. Then, comes, the cell-material
interaction and foreign body response. I will try to deal mostly the theoretical aspects or
theoretical understanding of a cell-material interaction; that means, how a biological cell
interacts with a synthetic material and as well as the foreign body response. Like you
know, when you implant material will be (( )) synthetic material will be implanted in the
human body. What would be the response of the animal or what would be the response
of the human being to this implanted material.
Now, after the in vitro testing, one needs to do in vivo testing and histocompatibility
assessment. So, that will be also part of this course. Now Genotoxicity, Genotoxicity
means when a biomaterial will be implanted inside the human body or any animal, then
what would be the influence of the biomaterial elevates on the gene level toxicity. Like,
whether this material will have any influence, so that, the D N A will be damaged and if
D N A is damaged, then to what extent D N A will be damaged. What are the
mechanisms of this D N A damage? Whether once this D N A is damaged, whether this
D N A can be repaired by itself and how long it will take for this repair of that D N A.
So, all those things will be discussed in this course. Then, coming to the material part,
one of my colleagues, Dr. Balani will be dealing with some important bimetallic alloys
like, titanium based alloys, stainless steels cobalt chromium alloys. So, mostly these are
like, these are used as the load bearing implant material.
Now, I will be dealing some part of the bioactive ceramics like hydroxyapatite base
materials, bioresorbable ceramics like (( )) and so on. So, there will be lot of emphasize
on the processing of hydroxyapatite base materials, because these are the materials which
are widely researched in around different research labs in the world. Then, synthesis of
the biocompatible coatings on structural implant materials, like hydroxyapatite coating
on titanium or stainless steel. How they can be processed, what are the properties of this
hydroxyapatite coatings and so on; that will also be discussed.
So, these are researched in our group for quite some time now. So, I would like to spend
some lectures on this glass ceramic based materials, mostly micro based dento glass
ceramics. I will again focus there, on the, more the material aspects as well as the
biological aspects. Mostly, material aspects means, how this glass ceramics are prepared
by conventional heat treatment as well as (( )) and how their properties will differ, will
vary depending on what is the content of the crystalline ceramic phase, in this glass
Now, coming to the next material class that would be dealt in this lectures, polymer
based bio-composites like hydroxide polyethylene based ceramic composites. Lastly, we
will be dealing with that, what are the design concepts for developing new materials for
Bioimplant applications. Like, what are the different property requirements and how
these properties can be optimized and how to process the different implant materials?
The desired combination of both physical, as well as biological properties, those will be
discussed towards the last few lectures.
Molecular biology of the cell. So, that is by Bruce Albert and again it is, this book is
mostly devoted to the discussion on the molecular biology aspect of the cells structure,
the different signaling processes, how this the extracellular matrix has been formed. All
those things are discussed in details, from more from biological aspect in this book.
And then fifth one that is the book that we recently edited, that is the advanced
biomaterials fundamentals processing and applications. So, this has been recently
published by John Wiley.
Now, these are the lecture wise details. So, first two or three lectures, I will be mostly
dealing with the basic concepts of materials science, salient properties of important
material classes. Then, next two lectures will be on property requirement of biomaterials
concept of biocompatibility. Again, I would like to emphasize that concept of
biocompatibility is important. So, one who needs to to research; one one who needs to
really understand that how this biomaterials need to be developed in the laboratory or at
the research lab or at the industrial scale production.
So, first we need to understand that what is meant by biocompatibility. Then, six and
seven lectures will be on structure and properties of biological cells and tissues, and there
I will also be dealing with the (( )) instructions and so on.
Then, lecture eight to ten will be cell material interactions and foreign body response.
Lecture eleven, would be on assessment of biocompatibility of biomaterials, like what
are the in vitro assays and in vivo assays, that will be covered in the following lectures.
Lecture eighteen would be on genotoxicity assessment, that is, physical damage to D N
A by biomaterial eluates. So, I will be mostly dealing with the comet assays and at the
same time, I will be discussing our recent research results on the hydroxyapatite based
materials genotoxicity affect.
Lecture nineteen to twenty one, would be on the metallic materials. Similarly, other
lectures, other subsequent lectures will be discussing the recent developments in bioinert,
bioactive and bioresorbable ceramics as well as hydroxyapatite. There will be two
lectures that will be on the biocompatible coatings, on the structural implant materials
and then some lectures will be on the, specifically on the, carbon nanotube
hydroxyapatite coatings on the titanium base substrate. Last few lectures will be on glass
ceramics, biodegradable polymers, as well as design concept of developing new
Now, the question is, what is material science? Material science, essentially deals with
the structure property relationship for different materials. Like how, this, if the structure,
that means, I, we are mostly dealing with the microstructure here. Like, if the structure at
the micro scale, if they can be manipulated, how that will influence the properties. That
is the core concept of the material science.
Now, this concept can be successfully applied, to understand the behavior or the
properties of metals ceramics, polymers as well as the composites.
Now, this is the famous quadrilateral of the material science, about tetrahedron of
materials science tetrahedron. So, this also appears in the one of the prestigious channel
of materials science like (( )). And here, at the four corners of the tetrahedron, there are
processing structure property, as well as performance. Like, now if I want to explain it
little bit further, if I change the processing here, this processing will definitely change the
structure of the materials, the way the processing is, the process parameter is baring.
For example, if I change the scene fringe temperature or if I change the scene fringe
time, that will definitely will have a directly influence on the microstructure of this
Now, if the structure is changed, then this structure will definitely influence the
properties like hardness, fracture, toughness, spring properties. If the materials is
compete tent, then it will have a better strength property. If materials is poorer, that will
have poor elastic modulus poor spring property.
Now, if the material has inferior properties, they will definitely lead to a very poor
performance, whether it is structural performance, whether it is a biological performance
and so on.
So, what I am trying to see here, that all these properties processing structure, property
performance, they are all four related with each other.
Now, how the structure can asses in a particular material. One of the simplistic way to
use that extra diffraction. So, this extra diffraction means, like, if there are two parallel
atomic planes, then if the incoming x rays are coming here, now they will be diffracted
by the atomic planes. This diffraction based on this; what is angle of diffraction, then you
can find out, there is bragg's law which is, n lambda is equal to 2 d sin theta.
This n means, that is, order of reflection, lambda is the wave length of the X ray, d is the
inter-planer spacings here, what is meant by d here and theta is the angle that I have
explained just now.
Now, depending on what is the material, what is the composition all the materials will
diffract the x rays that characteristics wave length and at a characteristic angle theta.
Once, we have a intensity first as 2 theta, that is the plot, then you can find out that
depending on which is copper nickel or iron, it will have the characteristic. We can, that
is the way you can actually find out the presence of different materials or different
phases in a microstructure.
What are the different microscopy one would be use in this material science? First one is
the optical microscopy, which essentially uses the simple optical rays or simple light.
This light, in because of the large wave length of this light, the magnification is also
limited. Like, you cannot really go through the very high magnification here.
Then comes the electron microscopy, which essentially uses the electron waves and it
has a very small wave length, which is of the order of 0.003 nanometer, depending on
what is the accelerating voltage. Then, these electron microscopy like scanning electron
microscope or transmission electron microscope, the way I have mentioned here, they
can be conveniently use to reveal the structure at a much more details, like up to 1,000,
000 or more than 1,000,000 magnification.
Now, scanning electron microscopy is very easy to make the samples, because sample
preparation is very similar like ball samples can be used; what transmission at the
microscope, the samples need to be essentially very thin. These thin samples, essentially
require because this should be electron transparent. That is, one of the important criteria
for the samples to be used in the transmission electron microscope.
Now, what are the properties that should be required for biomaterials? The first one is
the biological properties. This biological properties mostly means, like you know, what
are the, whether the material is bioactive, bioinert or biodegradable in the in vitro in vivo
environment. Then comes mechanical properties like, you know what is the strain. So,
biological properties is the most important parameter here, as far as the biomaterials
application is concerned.
Now, next comes mechanical properties. Here, I would like to draw your attention to the
fact, that mostly in the material science, where the materials had to be used for structural
applications, it is the mechanical properties many times which you are required to be
optimized. Mechanical properties need to be optimized or beta mechanical properties has
the criteria that is set for various applications. Like you know, you should have very high
hardness or high strength, but, when it comes to the biomaterials applications, it is not
the mechanical properties, but, the biological properties must be first evaluated to a
satisfactory level.
Now, if the biological properties, they meet the criteria for the material to be used in the
biological applications or in vitro or in vivo environment, then only the other properties
will be of relevance, like mechanical properties, chemical properties or physical
Now, this view graph essentially shows, that you know that different body parts of
human being, which can be potentially replace by synthetic materials or biomaterials. So,
essentially, this synthetic materials, this can be either metals or synthetic metals or
ceramics or polymers or their composites. These materials, they can essentially replace
either dental, for example, dental restorative like glass ceramics I was talking about, so
this dental applications. Many of the ear implants, like you know, in the ear they use this
hydroxyapatite base materials. Now cranium or the brain surgery, people use some
materials which are radio transparent like some of the polymeric base materials, they can
be used in cranial applications.
Maxillofacial reconstruction also, people use some synthetic materials; heart valve like
carbon Polytetrafluoroethylene, in that they can be used as the artificial heart valve. So,
then spine also, some load bearing implants can be used. This orthopedic implants like
hip joint or knee joint, here a combination of materials need to be used like metals,
ceramic, polymer. Like typical in the heap joint, the stem had to be made by titanium, the
femoral ball can be ceramic like alumina and then, there is a articulating surface which
can be made of a ultra high molecular polyethylene or high-density polyethylene.
So, these kind of materials is not a single material that can be used at all parts of the total
hip replacement, but, a combination of materials that needs to be used. Similarly, for
knee joints also, people use the cobalt chromium alloys or ultra molecular polyethylene.
These are like typically used in this knee joints also.
So, these I must here mention that, both these knee joint as well as these hip joint, their
mechanical properties are also important. But again, here I would emphasize, that again
biological properties first, then mechanical properties, the second mostly important
property in this kind of applications.
Now, this collagen is actually polymeric based materials, mostly protein based materials,
then, you have 2 percent non-collagen type protein, then 10 percent water. So, essentially
what you can say here, from this structural point of view, that bone is nothing but, bone
is equivalent to polymer ceramic composites. This ceramic composite, it has essentially
natural hydroxyapatite and this hydroxyapatite content is 65 percent and then rest of this
third half is that 23 percent collagen. So, accordingly, some amount of research is also
being carried out by various research groups on the developing the polymer ceramic
composites to mimic the natural bone composition, natural bone structure.
Now, this shows, that you know, when we implant the biological material or biomaterial,
then how this cell material implant takes place. But, this will be discussed in more detail
in some of the future slides.
So, first let us focus on the cortical bone, which is the compact bone or compact part of
the bone, if it is not a cancellous porous bone. So, cortical bone is that most the outer cell
of any femur or outer cell of a mostly mature bone. Now, this mature bone, depending on
the anatomical location, now if you see that there is a large variation in the tensile
strength, like tensile strength varies from 60 to 160 M P A. Now, this large variation
tensile strength essentially, is due to the anatomical location. That is, depending on the
anatomical location of this cortical bone in the human body, like whether it can be
shoulder or whether it can be thigh or whether it can be hand, depending on what part of
the anatomical location that bone you are taking from. So, depending on that anatomical
location, your cortical bone property also vary. This variation essentially depends on the
anatomical location, but, largely what you can see, compressive strength property is
around 130 to 180 M P A, elastic modulus is around 3 to 80 G P A and fracture
toughness, depending on again anatomical location is around 2 to 12 M P A square root
meter. Now, I have put a star on this fracture toughness because, I want to highlight here
that hydroxyapatite, pure 100 percent hydroxyapatite, which is the most biocompatible
and bioactive material and all the materials being investigated or developed till today,
they match most of the properties of the cortical bone. Like you know, it has also equally
high tensile strength, much better compressive strength property than natural bone.
Elastic modulus also can be tuned to some extent by 80 to 120 gigapascal. But, however,
if you look at this fracture toughness property, this fracture toughness is around .6 to 1 M
P A square root meter. This does not even meet the lower bound of the fracture
toughness of the cortical bone, which is around 2 M P A square root meter. So, therefore,
you need to improve the fracture toughness of the hydroxyapatite by some means, so
that, it needs this particular requirement of the cortical bone property of the fracture
toughness. The second point; so, first point as you can mention or you can note down,
the fracture toughness is important and fracture toughness needs to be improved for this
hydroxyapatite, in order to meet the lower bound of the cortical bone property.
The second point is the elastic modulus. Now, this elastic modulus also needs to be tuned
for all the synthetic materials. This needs to be tuned between this level, 3 to 80
gigapascal. Now, if the elastic modulus is very high, then what will happen? The
materials will carry most of the load, instead of the natural tissue, which is around the
synthetic material. For example, if you look at the titanium, the elastic modulus is 117
stainless steel it is 200, titanium alloys is around again 110 and alumina is very high
around 400 gigapascal.
Now, this magnitude of this elastic modulus here, clearly shows that, pure titanium, pure
alumina, if they are used, they really over shoot the cortical bone property. However,
hydroxyapatite, they are kind of at the higher level or higher, near the higher bound of
the elastic cortical bone. So, therefore, this elastic modulus also needs to be studiously
controlled. So that, each actually meets the, it is somewhere in between the two bounds
of the elastic modulus of the cortical bone, like lower bound as well as in the upper
bound of the cortical bone property.
So, this is important; otherwise, this mismatch in elastic modulus, this elastic modulus
mismatch can lead to what we call in biological Biological science, that is called aseptic
loosening. Aseptic loosening means, that material will take most of the load and as a
result, after sometime, material will be loosened and will will break their biological
contact with the neighboring tissues and then there will be stress shielding effect. Once
this aseptic loosening takes place, then the implant will be failed and the implant failure
leads to revision surgery and there is extreme pain on the patient.
So, we do not want the aseptic loosening to take place. In case of the synthetic material,
and that is the reason, I am emphasizing on the fact, that aseptic, that elastic modulus
mismatch needs to be avoided to the maximum extent, as much as possible to get a better
biomaterial with acceptable property.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:10)
Now, coming to the different materials as I said, that you know, I will be dealing also
with that. You know different excess of materials. So, essentially all the engineering
materials, they can be classified. So, these metals, ceramics and polymers, what I call
them, these are like primary material classes. Primary material classes means, these are
the major materials, but, they are different in properties and they have certain advantages
properties and they also lack in some properties. For example, metals and alloys, they
have very high toughness. This toughness property is very good, but, they have a very
modest hardness, like hardness is not very good when compared to ceramic based
Now ceramics, they have toughness and strength variability. These are major concerns,
in case of the ceramics and they are essentially brittle. So, these these things needs to be
also taken care of, that you know, while developing ceramic based composites. Now,
when in the case of the polymers, polymers have a low density, it has a high flexibility,
but, it really lack the high temperature applications.
However, this high temperature application is not really went for biomaterials
applications. Now, when it comes to composite, so essentially, you can make metals with
ceramics. So, which you call, if the metal volume percent is more than 50 percent, we
call it M M C; that is meta matrix composites. Now, you can call also ceramic matrix
composites like ceramic, if the ceramic volume fraction is much more, then it is called
ceramic matrix composites.
Now, if the polymer volume fraction is much more than ceramic, then we can call them
PMC; that is the polymer matrix composites. Now essentially, all this composites are
developed to take advantages or to take essentially, to optimize the good properties of the
metals with the good properties of the ceramics. Or, essentially to combine the
advantages properties of the two materials to develop a better material with better
combination of properties. That was the major motivation of developing the composite
And I repeat here, that metal matrix composites, ceramic matrix composites and polymer
matrix composites, these are like three different classes of composite materials which are
developed and started.
This is like; you know little bit more about these three different materials, like metals,
ceramics and polymers. Some of the examples are given here like iron, steel, copper,
aluminum, brass; like steel is an essential alloy of iron and carbon.
So, this carbon, as an instead industrial element in the iron and that alloy is called steel.
Similarly, copper zinc is crossed. So, these different alloys, different metals, they are
traditionally used for various conventional applications.
Now, some of the ceramics which are bio compactable like alumina. They are also
developed for different applications. Polymers, like you know, high density polyethylene
or essentially polyethylene based or P, that is the poly ethylene ether ketone, these are
like different bio comfortable polymer.
Now metals, they are strong and they are deformable, but, not transparent. These are,
essentially high density, for they are much heavier. Now, ceramics, they have good
properties like very high hardness, but, this is a concern, like they are very brittle and
they have a good corrosion resistance. Polymers, they are very, some are transparent;
however, they are very flexible, deformable and they have a low strain.
So, these are like, those highlighted parts or those underlined properties, these are
somehow relevant to biomaterial applications.
Now, some of the alloys, like biomaterials, like titanium 6, aluminum 4 V, these are the
extremely high toughness by 105 to 120 mega pascal square root meter. Most of the
ceramics, they have a toughness of place than K (( )) square root meter. So, some of
the metals, which are used in biological applications, they can have one order of
magnitude higher fracture toughness, than their competing ceramic base materials. And,
however, these applications are essentially limited by the moderate moderate hardness
and poor wear resistance properties of the metals.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:18).
Now polymers, now they are essentially are composed of meuniers or monomers and
they are essentially long chain molecules. They have a very low density and extremely
flexible. There will be low friction and typical polymers, which are used in hot fall, for
example, polytetrafluoroethylene or polystyrene. These materials are certainly not
suitable for very applications, which are essentially for very high temperature.
They can be oxides, carbides of metallic elements. Like you know, oxides means like
zirconium or alumina, these are like different oxides. And mechanical properties are
usually good, high strength; however, they exhibit very nil-ductility or very low ductility
and this is a concern for the ceramic based materials.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:34)
Now, to give an example that you know, how the different properties of the ceramics are,
in respect to different other materials. For example, alumina, these are the density of
around close to 4 gram per cc; however, iron, these are the density of 8 gram per cc. That
means, equal volume of alumina and equal volume of iron, they have almost like half of
the way, right, this this is important. For many times, implant applications, because, if
you want to replace the steel material with equal volume of alumina, the patient also will
feel much light at this implant, because alumina is a much lower density compare to that
of the steel.
So, this elastic modulus needs to be tuned, before any potential applications can be
realized. Now, coming to the hardness. This ceramics, traditionally, you can see that they
are very high hardness, more than 10 gigapascal and above. That is one of the important
properties of the ceramics, which are largely exploited in different applications.
Now, the origin of the word ceramic is derived from the Greek word keramikos. That is,
burnt stuff and this ceramics are broadly defined as a class of inorganic nonmetallic
materials having ionic and coherent bounds and typically processed or used at high
temperature. This is like very formal definition of ceramic base materials.
(Refer Slide Time: 31:27)
So, that means, that it has a pure inorganic material and it has ionic or coherent bonding.
They are typically used or processed at high temperature. Now, ceramics can be broadly
classified into traditional ceramics and engineering ceramics. But, as per biomedical
applications are concerned, we will be mostly dealing with engineering ceramics like
alumina and zirconia, where that properties are also depend on high quality fine powders
and process parameters.
What are the important properties which are of relevance for ceramics and biomedical
applications? That includes high compression strength and high hardness of these
materials. It also is a good wear and corrosion properties. Applications, it can be used
articulating surfaces in joint replacements, bone spacers, as well as the dental
(Refer Slide Time: 32:36)
These advantages are that, it has a very high processing temperature and they have
mechanical brittle behavior. In next few slides, I would like to highlight the importance
of biomaterials. Now, in this view graph, actually I am showing you that market potential
for biomaterials per year. This market potential shows that in the year 2000, the total us
health care expenditure was around this much, several thousand US dollars.
And out of this total US health care, the expenditure I mean in 2001, it was estimated,
that you know, a quite had double fractions of the expenditure was for the R and D
development. That is, for the research and development work for developing
biomaterials, that was also spent. If you see that US market, that was in 2002 for medical
device, it was quite a good fraction of the total US health care expenditure, right.
And if you see that U S market for biomaterials, for say in 2000, it was again, some you
know one tenth or one eighth part of the total US medical device. So, what I am trying to
emphasize here, that if, you see the total US health care expenditure, that is and if you
see, the total US health care expenditure for biomaterials, that is quite a good fraction of
that total US health care expenditure in the year 2000. The global numbers, like if you
talk about that similar expenditure in Asia as well as Africa, and so, many other and as
well as the Europe, so these numbers are typically 250 times the U S numbers, because
these total health care expenditure also depends on the living condition, as well as the
economy of individual nations.
Therefore, these total global health care expenditure, as well as that the ratio of the total
market for the biomaterials, that will be quite a good fraction of the large amount of
expenditure that is required for the health care. So, from that part, the development or the
R and D activity of the biomaterials are also equally important.
Now, this slide shows you, that you know, what is the market potential of biomaterials
per year. Now, if you see that, you know the number of devices in US for intraocular
lenses, is like several thousands. As well as, if you see the knee prostheses and hip
processes, these are numbers in 2002 that was like 250000 in each and then dental
implants is much more in 2000 that is 900 to 10000 dental implants was required.
Now, these are like, you know materials which are used for the load bearing applications
and these are like different metals and ceramics or polymers, they are lastly used for
these kind of applications, like, which includes the hip knee process and dental implants.
(Refer Slide Time: 35:26)
Now, this slide is important and I would like to spend some time on this slide. Now, if
you see this triangle, this triangle tells you that at the lower level, it is important to have
collaborations for the engineering as well as the medicine. Engineering means, this is
like material science, like MSC material sciences engineering and also mechanical
engineering, chemical engineering.
Now, these are like major engineering branches, which are under the physical sciences.
They are actively involved in this biometric researches around the globe and there should
be (( )) reversible kind of, there should be reversible dialogue or there should be
reversible exchange of information or research expertise, that should be there to ensure
good progress for the science of biomaterials.
Now, once this collaboration is developed, now this material science people, they will be
developing nonliving materials. Nonliving materials means, like synthetic materials, like
metals, ceramics, polymers. The medicine people, they have quite good understanding
that how different materials can possibly take part in the wound healing process or in the
health care of the living materials; living materials means like patients.
Now, if this two understanding, again they are like fuse together, then their interactions
actually is important. Like how, nonliving materials when implanted in the patient, how
they will interact and what is the scale of this interactions? What is the material
response? Like you know, how this material will be developing the neo born or new born
in the implanted region and what is the host response. Like you know, at the implanted
region, in the animal or in the human being, whether there is a inflammation are not, that
is also equally important.
Now, when the materials will be developed by this material science people or
mechanical engineering, certain aspects need to be understood properly. That is,
structure composition function relationship. As I told you earlier, that is is the structure
property relationship, in manufacturer natural materials, these are like important. From
biological aspect like force response and the material response, these interactions, like
when material is implanted in the human body that is also important.
So, if I repeat this particular slide because this slide is important. So, at the basic level,
researchers from engineering disciplines like material science engineering, mechanical
engineering, chemical engineering, they should interact and they should collaborate with
biological sciences people as well as the medicine people. Like clinical for clinical
priors, like with that medical practitioners or the active researchers in the field of
medicine like doctors and so on.
So, they should be collaborating with each other and there will two way exchange of
information. Two way exchange of expertise that is required to totally understand the
interaction, that I have talked a few minutes ago. Interactions means, how a material,
nonliving material or synthetic material will interact with a living material, that is the
human patient.
So, that is why I have mentioned here at the bottom of the slide. So biomaterials, this
particular sign, essentially combines the concepts of materials and biology
(Refer Slide Time: 38:46)
Now, how this entire biomaterial science has been developed. Now, this starts with that
fabrication of the materials and here it requires the engineer, machine people, as well as
metallurgies and also ceramics people and polymer scientist, for developing the ceramic
based and polymers based materials. Then, you require a device, to design a device, you
require a physician or engineer to collaborate and initially, you have to identify need.
Like you know, what for this material is to be involved and for that you require dentist or
physician or researcher, to answer certain questions. Typically, different material testing
will facilitate biomaterials researcher that include mechanical property toxicology, like
you know, like genotoxicity, cytotoxicity and so on.
(Refer Slide Time: 39:41)
Bio stability, like you know, in viewer environment, how this material is stable. We, in
biological environment, that will also needs to be investigated. Now, before
understanding biological response of material, it is important to know, what is the
inorganic composition of the human body? For example, if you take the basic elements
like oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen; oxygen is around 61.4 percent, carbon is 22.9
Now, coming to the physiologic elements like calcium and phosphorus, now calcium is
around 1.43 percent and phosphorous is around 1.11 percent. You have also potassium,
which is, potassium as well as sulphur. So, these are like very small amount, like 0.2
percent. Some phase elements are there like magnesium and iron, so on. So, these are
like PPM level. You can see that the amount actually is quite small, when it comes to
magnesium iron and zinc because; it is in the PPM level.
(Refer Slide Time: 40:34)
However, you have to note that this PH value, that changes, it is not constant throughout
the entire human body and this constant is not true. This PH value changes depending on
what is the anatomical location in the human body that you are considering. Now,
coming to the PO 2 level, like in the phineas and the RTL region, so, you have the very
high PO 2 level and temperature also, it is 30.7 degree celsius because that is the normal
core temperature of a human body.
But, there is a fluctuation in this temperature, like skin at the extremities can go 0 to 45
degrees Celsius. Normal skin, it has 28 degrees Celsius. Coming to the mechanical stress
conditions in different tissues, like cancer less tissues, which are like very porous is just
like stresses, can be a maximum of 0 to 0.4 M P A. So, which is extremely low load,
because of the porous nature it cannot take very high load. Now, ligament and tendon,
like some of the hard tissues, they can bear the load up stress up to 40 to 80 M P A,
which is relatively high.
Stress cycles, which is important for the fatigue property. So, number of stress cycles, if
it is more, then fatigue properties are also much better. Now, typically for walking, if you
see, 1 to 2 into 10 to the power 6 phase cycles are required for the walking. That, when
human being walks; that means, this human being actually, moving parts of the human
body, they experience 1 to 2 into 10 to the power 6 number of cycles.
Now, composition of the human blood. Now, blood contains different cells as well as
different other elements. Now, different other elements means, iron, it is around 0.75 to
1.75 milligram per liter, it has different sodium, potassium and so on. These are like
different Cations, which is sodium is there for 142 level, chlorine is around 101 molecule
equivalent per liter and it has also serum, which his around 61.5 percent.
(Refer Slide Time: 43:17)
Total protein in the serum blood serum is around 65 to 80 gram per liter and it has
albumin, is 61.5 percent and globulins is 34.5 percent. So, these are like different
proteins which are available in the blood and fibrinogen is also 4 percent. Now, blood
also contains different cells, as I just mentioned, it is erythrocyte. It is like, typically 8 to
9 micron dimensions and it is like large number of erythrocytes are available up to 10 to
the power 6. So, this number is 10 to the power 6.
Now, solid cobalt chrome also, it has large number of tumors, that it has experience, it
has cost is 14 for number of tumors, they have experience is 14. Cobalt chrome
microspheres is also, number of tumors is 15. Now, these tumors, essentially, if they are
genotoxic in level, like if they cause the D N A damage, then it cannot be used in a
particular implant application. They are again, I must emphasize that these t I 6 a l 4 v
cobalt chrome molescous, have a very good combination of mechanical properties.
However, when they are implanted inside the human body, they are wear particles like
cobalt or chromium containing or mole containing wear particles. They can potentially
cause this genotoxic effect when implanted for the longer duration. Therefore, they have
also tendency to form large number of tumors and that is the reason that they need to be
replaced with better materials.
So, although they have better mechanical properties, that does not mean they should be
accepted for biomaterial applications. This is the illustration of the use of a metal in
dental applications. Like you know, this is the titanium, which is used widely in the load
clearing like screws and all, in dental applications.
Also, this is like replacement heart valve. These are like, very light and for that, again,
mechanical properties is not important. Again, the all the blast cell should not speak over
here. So, this is the region where the valves can open, when the, when you are pumping
the heart. So, the valves should be very light weight. Because of this light weight
requirement, many polymeric based materials where density like PTFP, where density is
like less than or equal to 1 gram per CC, they should be used. That is a reason, like
diamond, like carbon coated materials or (( )) fluoric, like these should be used. These
should not cause any thrombus formation. Thrombus formation means, like blood
platelet, they come together; they form a platelet. These blood cells, so, this
agglomeration of the blood cells, that should be avoided and this should be avoided at
the maximum extent, for any heart valve applications.
(Refer Slide Time: 46:33)
This is one of the examples of the intraocular lens, like poly methyl methanol layer and
then silicon rubber. Those are the material; these are typically used for these different
intraocular lens applications.
Now, this is a thing that I was mentioning new couple of minutes ago. Now, this is called
stem. Now, this stem is typically made of titanium. On this titanium, you can put the hap
coating also. Like you know, hap coated steel titanium also you can use. Now, this is the
part, longer part of the structural part or load varying part of the stem total hip joint; so,
hip replacement. Then, here you can use some ball and this ball can be femoral ball. That
can be alumina or zinconia and again at the top here, this is the like some poly methyl
methanol layer or alcohol molecular polyethylene. These are like acetabular cup things
and this can be either (( )) polyethylene or high density polyethylene based material.
Now, these balls, they will make a small rotating movement here and they can
experience some wear problem also. These balls will be fitted directly to this femoral
stem, which is made of titanium. So, this is like one of the most popular examples, where
the biomaterials have been successfully used.
This is the end of the lecture and tomorrow we will start with this other applications, like
you know, some of the fundamental properties of the different materials, which you
should know before we can realize that how different materials can be successful for
different biometrical applications. Thank you.