Im01b08b02 01en
Im01b08b02 01en
Im01b08b02 01en
YS1500 Indicating Controller
YS1700 Programmable
Indicating Controller tiona
IM 01B08B02-01EN
IM 01B08B02-01EN
6th Edition
User Registration Request
Foreword ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Notice....................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Trademarks ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Authorised Representative in the EEA..................................................................................................................................... 3
Revisions.................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Safety Precautions .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Handling Precautions for the Main Unit ................................................................................................................................... 4
Protection of Environment........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Checking the Contents of the Package ................................................................................................................................... 5
Symbols Used in This Manual ................................................................................................................................................. 6
About an Electronic Manual .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Introduction to Functions......................................................................................................................................7
Part Names..............................................................................................................................................................8
Front Panel Part Names........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Swinging the Front Panel Up and Down ................................................................................................................................. 8
Part Names of the Internal Panel Seen with the Front Panel Swung up................................................................................. 9
Basic Operation....................................................................................................................................................11
Overview of Display Switching and Operation Keys.............................................................................................................. 11
Tuning Guide.........................................................................................................................................................40
Starting Operations by Manual Operation ............................................................................................................................. 40
PID Parameter Tuning Guide and Automatic Adjustment ..................................................................................................... 41
How to Take Actions if the ALM Lamp or FAIL Lamp Lights up ............................................................................................. 58
Backup Operation in the Event of Instrument Failure ........................................................................................................... 62
Recovery Operations after Power Failures ........................................................................................................................... 63
List of Parameters................................................................................................................................................64
<Tuning Parameters> ........................................................................................................................................................... 65
<Engineering Parameters>.................................................................................................................................................... 74
YS1500 Indicating Controller/YS1700 Programmable Indicating YSS1000 Setting Software for YS1000 Series/
Controller YS1700 Programmable Function
User’s Manual (Electronic version) User’s Manual (Electronic version)
Chapter 1 Control Function Chapter 1 Overview
Chapter 2 Auxiliary Control Function Chapter 2 YSS1000 Operation Guide
Chapter 3 Auxiliary Input and Output Functions Chapter 3 User Program Creation Guide
Chapter 4 Display and Security Functions Chapter 4 Operation of Computation and Control Programs
Chapter 5 Adjusting of Direct Inputs (Temperature/Resistance/ Chapter 5 Basic Usage of Control Modules
Frequency) Chapter 6 Applied Usage of Control Modules
Chapter 6 Processing during Power Failures Chapter 7 Operations and Application of Computing Module
Chapter 7 Self-tuning Function (Instructions)
Chapter 8 Maintenance Chapter 8 Using Peer-to-peer Communication
Chapter 9 Specifications Chapter 9 Maintenance
Chapter 10 Sample Program
Chapter 11 Worksheets / Program Sheets / Parameter Sheets
Chapter 12 List of Text Program Instructions
2 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Foreword Trademarks
Thank you for purchasing the YS1000 series single-loop controller ● Our product names or brand names mentioned in this manual are
(hereinafter referred to as “YS1000”). the trademarks or registered trademarks of YOKOGAWA Electric
This manual describes the basic functions and operation methods of Corporation (hereinafter referred to as YOKOGAWA).
the YS1500/YS1700. Please read though this user’s manual carefully ● Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or
before using the product. trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or
Note that the manuals for the YS1500/YS1700 comprise the following other countries.
five documents: ● Adobe, Acrobat, and Postscript are either registered trademarks
or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
● Printed manual
● We do not use the TM or ® mark to indicate these trademarks or
Manual Name Manual Number registered trademarks in this user's manual.
YS1500/YS1700 Operation Guide IM 01B08B02-01EN ● All other product names mentioned in this user's manual
are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
This manual describes the basic operation methods. companies.
Precautions on the Use of the YS1000 Series IM 01B08B02-91EN
This manual is always delivered even if ‘without Authorised Representative in the EEA and the
manuals’ was selected. Importer into the EU/EEA Market
● Electronic manuals The Authorised Representative for this product in the EEA and the
importer for this product into the EU/EEA market via Yokogawa sale
Manual Name Manual Number
channel is:
YS1500/YS1700 Operation Guide IM 01B08B02-01EN Yokogawa Europe B.V.
This is identical to the printed manual. Euroweg 2, 3825 HD Amersfoort,The Netherlands
YS1500/YS1700 User’s Manual IM 01B08B02-02EN Importer for This Product into the Great Britain Market
This manual describes the detailed functions and setting items. It In relation to UKCA marking, the importer for this product into the
does not contain the user programs and communication functions. Great Britain market via the YOKOGAWA sales channel is :
YS1000 Series Communication Interface IM 01B08J02-01EN Yokogawa United Kingdom Limited
User’s Manual Stuart Road Manor Park Runcorn, WA7 1TR, United Kingdom
This manual describes how to use YS1000 in Ethernet, serial, and
DCS-LCS communications. Revisions
YSS1000 Setting Software/YS1700 IM 01B08K02-02EN 1st Edition: June 2014 6th Edition: Dec. 2022
Programmable Function User’s Manual 2nd Edition: May 2015
This manual describes how to use YSS1000 and YS1700’s 3rd Edition: Mar. 2016
programmable function. 4th Edition: Mar. 2018
YS1000 Series Replacement Manual IM 01B08H02-01EN 5th Edition: Aug. 2020
This manual describes the compatibility of installation and wiring
Safety Precautions
with YS100, YS80, EBS, I, EK, HOMAC, and 100 line.
Precautions on the Use of the YS1000 Series IM 01B08B02-91EN The following contents are for the suffix codes “-0”, “-1” and
This manual is always delivered even if ‘without “-2”
manuals’ was selected. This instrument is a product of Installation Category II of IEC/EN
User’s manuals for YS1000 are available on the following web site: 61010-1, IEC/EN 61010-2-201 and IEC/EN 61010-2-030 Safety Standards and Class A (use in commercial and industrial areas) of
You need Adobe Acrobat Reader (but the latest version is EN 61326-1, EN 55011 (EMC Standards) (use a ferrite core and an
recommended) installed on the computer in order to open and read arrester to comply with the standards).
the manuals.
The printed versions of the electronic manuals are available for CAUTION
purchase. Contact your nearest YOKOGAWA dealer for details.
This instrument is a class A product (use in commercial and
● General Specifications industrial areas). In a domestic environment this product may
cause radio interference in which case the user needs to take
General Specification Name GS Number adequate measures.
YS1700 Programmable Indicating Controller GS 01B08B02-01EN
YS1500 Indicating Controller GS 01B08C02-01EN This instrument is designed to be used within the scope of
Measurement Category O (other) and is dedicated for indoor use.
* The last two characters of the manual number and general specification * Measurement Category O (other)
number indicate the language in which the manual is written. For measurements performed on circuits not directly connected to
● The contents of this manual are subject to change without To use the instrument properly and safely, observe the safety precautions
notice as a result of continuing improvements to the instrument’s described in this user’s manual when operating it. Use of the instrument
performance and functions. in a manner not prescribed herein may compromise protection features
● Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in the preparation inherent in the device. We assume no liability for or warranty on a fault
of this manual. Should any errors or omissions come to your caused by users’ failure to observe these instructions.
attention, however, please inform YOKOGAWA Electric’s sales
office or sales representative.
● Under no circumstances may the contents of this manual, in part
or in whole, be transcribed or copied without our permission.
6th Edition: Dec. 2022 YK
All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2014 Yokogawa Electric Corporation
IM 01B08B02-01EN 3
This instrument is an FM Non-incendive or CSA Non-incendive Standard ● Defects in Protective Functions
certified product. If protective functions such as grounding are suspected to be
FM nonincendive: Class 3600:2011 defective, do not operate the instrument. Ensure that all protective
Class 3611:2004 functions are in working order before operating the instrument.
Class 3810:2005 ● Do Not Use in an Explosive Atmosphere
Locations: Class I, Division 2, Groups A,B,C and D Do not operate the instrument in locations with combustible
Temperature Code: T4 or explosive gases or steam. Operation in such environments
CSA nonincendive: C22. 2 No. 213-M1987 constitutes an extreme safety hazard. Use of the instrument in
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 0-10 environments with high concentrations of corrosive gas (H2S, SOx,
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 0.4-04 etc.) for extended periods of time may cause a failure.
Locations: Class I, Division 2, Groups A,B,C and D ● Do Not Remove Internal Unit
Temperature Code: T4 The internal unit should not be removed by anyone other than YOKOGAWA's
service personnel. There are dangerous high voltage parts inside.
Notes on the User’s Manual ● External Connection
• This user’s manual should be readily accessible to the end users Ensure that protective grounding is connected before connecting the
so it can be referred to easily. It should be kept in a safe place. instrument to the device under measurement or to an external control circuit.
• Read the information contained in this manual thoroughly before ● Damage to the Protective Construction
operating the product. Operation of the instrument in a manner not specified in this user’s
• The purpose of this user's manual is not to warrant that the manual may damage its protective construction.
product is well suited to any particular purpose, but rather to
describe the functional details of the product.
Warning and Disclaimer
Safety, Protection, and Modification of the Product • YOKOGAWA makes no warranties regarding the product except
The following symbols are used in the product and user’s manuals to those stated in the WARRANTY that is provided separately.
indicate safety precautions: • The product is provided on an "as is" basis. YOKOGAWA
assumes no liability to any person or entity for any loss or
“Handle with Care” (This symbol is attached to the part(s) damage, direct or indirect, arising from the use of the product or
of the product to indicate that the user’s manual should be from any unpredictable defect of the product.
referred to in order to protect the operator and the Notes on Software
instrument from harm.) • YOKOGAWA makes no warranties, either expressed or implied,
with respect to the software’s merchantability or suitability for
Protective grounding terminal any particular purpose, except as specified in the terms of the
separately provided warranty.
Functional grounding terminal (Do not use this terminal as • This software may be used on one specific machine only.
a protective grounding terminal.) • To use the software on another machine, the software must be
purchased again separately.
Alternating current • It is strictly prohibited to reproduce the product except for backup purposes.
• Store the software CD-ROM (the original medium) in a safe place.
Direct current • All reverse-engineering operations, such as reverse compilation
or the reverse assembly of the product are strictly prohibited.
• In order to protect the system controlled by this product and the
• No part of the product’s software may be transferred, converted,
product itself, and to ensure safe operation, observe the safety
or sublet for use by any third party, without prior written consent
precautions described in this user’s manual. Use of the instrument
in a manner not prescribed herein may compromise the product's
functions and the protection features inherent in the device.
Handling Precautions for the Main Unit
We assume no liability for safety, or responsibility for the product's
quality, performance or functionality should users fail to observe • The instrument comprises many plastic components. To clean it, wipe
these instructions when operating the product. it with a soft, dry cloth. Do not use organic solvents such as benzene
• Installation of protection and/or safety circuits with respect to a or thinner for cleaning, as discoloration or deformation may result.
lightning protector; protective equipment for the system controlled • Keep electrically charged objects away from the signal terminals.
by the product and the product itself; foolproof or failsafe design Not doing so may cause the instrument to fail.
of a process or line using the system controlled by the product • Do not apply volatile chemicals to the display area, operation
or the product itself; and/or the design and installation of other keys, etc. Do not leave the instrument in contact with rubber or
protective and safety circuits are to be appropriately implemented PVC products for extended periods. Doing so may result in failure.
as the customer deems necessary. • If the equipment emits smoke or abnormal smells or makes
• Be sure to use the spare parts approved by YOKOGAWA when unusual noises, turn OFF the instrument’s power switch
replacing parts or consumables. immediately and unplug the device. In such an event, contact
• This product is not designed or manufactured to be used in critical your sales representative.
applications that directly affect or threaten human lives. Such
applications include nuclear power equipment, devices using Regarding the LCD
radioactivity, railway facilities, aviation equipment, air navigation A small number of missing or steady-on LCD pixels and
facilities, aviation facilities, and medical equipment. If so used, minor variations in brightness uniformity is a normal display
it is the user’s responsibility to include in the system additional characteristic and not a malfunction.
equipment and devices that ensure personnel safety.
• Modification of the product is strictly prohibited. Protection of Environment
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
● Power Supply Applicable models: YS1700-10x, -11x, -12x, -20x, -21x, -22x
Ensure that the instrument’s supply voltage matches the voltage of YS1500-10x, -12x, -20x, -22x
the power supply before turning ON the power. However, except the option /A08.
● Protective Grounding (Only valid in the EEA for EU WEEE Directive and in
To prevent electric shock, always confirm that protective grounding is the UK for UK WEEE Regulation)
connected before turning ON the instrument’s power supply. This product complies with the WEEE marking
● Necessity of Protective Grounding requirement. This marking indicates that you must not
Do not cut off the internal or external protective grounding wire or discard this electrical/electronic product in domestic
disconnect the wiring of the protective grounding terminal. Doing so household waste. When disposing of products in the
renders the protective functions of the instrument invalid and poses a EEA or UK, contact your local Yokogawa office in the
potential shock hazard. EEA or UK respectively.
4 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Checking the Contents of the Package *2 This type can be connected to the YS80 housing (model SHUP).
(The EK/HOMAC-compatible housing (SHUP-420) and EBS/I
Unpack the box and check the contents before using the product. If
series-compatible housing (SHUP-100) are sold separately.)
the product is different from that which you have ordered, if any parts
*3 The 100 line-compatible housing (model YS006) is sold separately.
or accessories are missing, or if the product appears to be damaged, *4 Direct input options can be combined only with suffix codes “-2,”
contact your sales representative. “-4,” or “-5.” Selection of multiple options is not possible.
*5 Optional code /DF can be combined only with optional code /A02 or /A03.
YS1500/YS1700 Main Unit
*6 A combination with suffix code “-3” is not possible. Optional
The YS1000 series main units have nameplates affixed to the tops of codes /A31 and /A32 cannot be simultaneously specified. Please
the terminals. specify the communication options /A31 (RS-485 communication)
Check the model and suffix codes inscribed on the nameplate to to directly communicate with the CENTUM CS3000/VP.
confirm that the product received is that which was ordered. *7 Optional codes /A31 and /A32 cannot be simultaneously
specified. Please specify the communication options /A32 (DCS-
Nameplate LCS communication) to communicate with the CENTUM CS3000/
VP through the SCIU.
*8 Optional code /A34 can be specified only for suffix codes “-0”
or “-1.”
*9 This option can be combined only with suffix codes “-0” or
*10 When option code /A08 is specified, the conformity to CE marking
is excluded.
No. (Instrument number) For the installation and wiring of YS1500/YS1700-2, -3,
When contacting your sales representative, inform them of this -4, or -5, see the YS1000 Series Replacement Manual.
number too.
■ Customized Product
Model and Suffix Codes
/S#, /Z: Customized product; details in*
Suffix Optional * Contact your supplier in case your instrument has option /S#
Model Remarks
Code Code
(where ‘#’ is a number), and you are not in the possession of FX1-
YS1700 Programmable indicating controller (where "xxx" is a unique document number and
YS1500 Indicating controller option /S# or /Z is identified by the cover page of that document.)
-1 With hard manual unit
-2 Without hard manual unit
0 Basic type
1 Basic type with expandable I/O (*1)
Compatible type for YS100 (with
YS100 case)
Compatible type for YS80 internal unit/
Type 3 compatible type for EBS, I, EK, and
HOMAC (*2)
Compatible type for YS80 (compatible
size for YS80 with YS100 terminal)
Compatible type for pneumatic 100
line (with YS100 terminal) (*3)
0 100 V AC, 24 V DC common power
Power supply
1 220 V AC power
/A01 mV input
/A02 Thermocouple input
/A03 RTD input
/A04 Potentiometer input
/A05 Isolator
Direct input (*4)
/A06 Two-wire transmitter input (isolated)
/A07 Two-wire transmitter input (non-isolated)
/A08 Frequency input (*10)
Direct input with Fahrenheit
temperature range function (*5)
RS-485 communication (PC-link,
/A31 Modbus, YS protocol, and Peer-to-
Peer) (*6)
/A32 DCS-LCS communication (*7)
Ethernet communication (Modbus/
TCP) (*8)
FM nonincendive approved (FM Class
I, Div 2) (*9)
CSA safety and nonincendive
approved (Class I, DIV 2) (*9)
*1 Only YS1700 is compatible. The expandable I/O terminal (model YS010)
and expandable I/O cable (model YS011) (cable length: 3 m) are provided.
IM 01B08B02-01EN 5
Accessories Symbols Used in This Manual
The product is provided with the following accessories according to
the model and suffix codes (see the table below). Check that none of
them are missing or damaged.
1 2 3
This symbol is used on the instrument. It indicates the possibility of
injury to the user or damage to the instrument, and signifies that the
user must refer to the user’s manual for special instructions. The
G .
same symbol is used in the user’s manual on pages that the user
G .
G .
needs to refer to, together with the term “WARNING” or “CAUTION.”
4 5 6
Calls attention to actions or conditions that could cause serious or
fatal injury to the user, and indicates precautions that should be taken
to prevent such occurrences.
7 8 9
Ope ca 00 In
ratioting Pro dica
n G Con gramting
uide trolle mabCon
r le trolle
Part Note
No. Item Name Number/ Q’ty Remarks Identifies important information required to operate the instrument.
Metal clamps For YS100-0, or
L4041RA 2 Indicates related operations or explanations for the user’s reference.
E9760RJ 2
1 For YS100-2 [ ]
E9760RN 2
Indicates a character string displayed on the display.
E9760RJ 1
For YS100-4
E9760RP 1
2 Tag plate seals 4 50 × 3.5 mm Setting Display
3 Range entry seals 4 34 × 2 mm Indicates a setting display and describes the keystrokes required to
Expandable I/O Supplied with YS1700- display the relevant setting display.
4 YS010 1
terminal 1. Perform the operations in chronological order. This section describes
Expandable I/O Cable length: 3 m the procedure under the assumption that these steps are being
5 YS011-03 1
cable Supplied with YS1700-1. taken for the first time. There are cases where not all of the steps are
RJC sensor Supplied with products with required, depending on the required operation.
6 L3501RA 1
optional code /A02. (*1)
Ferrite core For direct input cable
7 A1179MN 1 (Supplied with products Setting Details
with optional code /A0.)
M4 screw with For YS100-0, or Provides the descriptions of settings.
8 Y9408JH 42
spring washer YS100-1
YS1500/YS1700 This user’s manual, A4
9 – 1 Description
Operation Guide size
*1: For the RJC mounting, see the chapter “Installation and Wiring” in this Describes restrictions, etc. regarding a relevant operation.
manual or the YS1000 Series Replacement Manual.
About an Electronic Manual
Accessories (sold separately)
User’s manuals for YS1000 are available on the following web site:
The following lists accessories that are sold separately. When
ordered, check that none of them are missing or damaged. To inquire
You need Adobe Acrobat Reader (but the latest version is
about the accessories or about how to place an order, contact your
recommended) installed on the computer in order to open and read
sales representative.
the manuals.
No. Item Name Model Remarks QR Code
120 Ω terminating For RS-485 The product has a QR Code pasted for efficient plant maintenance
1 YS020 1
resistor (*1) communication work and asset information management. It enables confirming the
For a built-in 24 V specifications of purchased products and user’s manuals.
2 250 Ω shunt resistor YS021 1 transmitter power For more details, please refer to the following URL.
*1 The instrument has a built-in terminating resistor, which can be Q R C o d e i s a r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k o f D E N S O W AV E
selected for use by setting the relevant parameter. If a terminating INCORPORATED.
resistor is used in another device at the termination of the same
communication system, an external terminating resistor needs to
be provided to match the terminating resistance of the YS1000’s
built-in terminating resistor.
6 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Introduction to Functions
Introduction to Functions
The YS1000 series is a series of single-loop controllers to meet the demands of users’ consistently advancing and diversifying
needs. It is capable of the flexible control computation required for process control.
• Color LCD display
The monitoring and operation display is provided in color, and input and output values, various constants, and incorporated
control functions can be set freely using key switches on the front panel. The monitoring displays include LOOP Display,
TREND Display, ALARM Display, and METER Display which provides information in much the same way as analog meters.
• Failsafe function
Two CPUs are configured to provide manual operations and displays even if one of the CPUs becomes faulty. Moreover, be-
cause the instrument incorporates a hard manual circuit independent of the digital circuit, it can continue to generate manipu-
lated output variables even if the digital circuit that includes the CPUs fails.
Definition of Terms
• PV: Process variable input from process
• SV: Setpoint regarded as a control target
• MV: Manipulated variable for operating control elements such as valves.
• PID control: Control system based on action which combined three elements: proportional (P) action, integral (I) action, and
derivative (D) action.
• M mode: Mode in which manipulated output variables are operated manually.
• A mode: Mode in which MV is automatically controlled based on YS1000’s setpoint
• C mode: Mode in which MV is controlled based on an external setpoint
• Multi-function mode: Modes of the three preinstalled functions (single-loop mode, cascade mode, and selector mode)
• Programmable mode: Mode in which input/output or control computation is programmed
• User program: A program created using the YSS1000 Setting Software (available as an option)
IM 01B08B02-01EN 7
Part Names
Front Panel Part Names
(1) Color LCD display: 120 × 320 dots
(2) (2) FAIL lamp (LED: red)
(3) (3) ALM lamp (LED: yellow)
(4) C mode key, A mode key, M mode key, and LED indicators
(C: green, A: green, M: yellow)
(5) SV increase key
(6) SV decrease key
(7) PF key and LED indicator
(1) (5) (8) Page key
(9) MV increase key
(10) MV decrease key
(11) Fast-change key/SHIFT key
(12) TAG label (recommended position to attach label)
► For the functions of each part: see “Monitoring and Control
of Regular Operations (Operation Display)” in this manual.
Figure 2.1
Swinging the Front Panel Up and Down
Swinging up the front panel
1. Press upwards in the center of the bottom of the front panel. You can draw the front panel toward you until you feel a slight
resistance and the movement of the front panel will stop.
(You can swing up the front panel more smoothly if hold the top and bottom of the front panel.)
2. Swing the front panel up and out from that position.
Front Panel
Figure 2.3
Figure 2.2
Swinging down the front panel
Push down on the center of the top of the front panel. When you feel a slight sense of resistance, stop pushing. Slide it forward
from that position. It will click into place, indicating that it is locked.
Figure 2.4
8 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Part Names
Part Names of the Internal Panel Seen with the Front Panel Swung up
(4) (7)
(3) (6)
(3) (5)
Part Names
Figure 2.5
Do not remove the internal unit from the instrument case. Contact YOKOGAWA’s sales office or sales representative when
removing the internal unit, as safety standard inspection is required.
Explosion hazard.
Do not remove or insert the internal unit in explosive atmospheres.
Products with optional code /FM or /CSA cannot satisfy the explosion protection standards if the internal unit is removed.
IM 01B08B02-01EN 9
YS1500/YS1700 Operating Procedure
When using the instrument for the first time, proceed according to the following sequence:
YS1500 YS1700
► Setting the Controller Mode (p.36) ► Seting the Controller Mode (p.36)
Multi-function mode has
the following three modes:
• Single-loop mode Write user programs
• Cascade mode
• Selector mode
► YSS1000 Setting Software/YS1700 Programmable
Function User’s Manual
Regular operation
10 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Basic Operation
Overview of Display Switching and Operation Keys
The YS1000 has the following three display groups:
Selecting a Display
The flow of display selecting operations is as follows:
Power ON
YS1500/YS1700 Operating
+ + +
Operation Display Tuning Display Engineering Display
group group group
Basic Operations
For operations of the Tuning Display and Engineering Display groups, see
“Operating the Tuning Displays” and “Operating the Engineering Displays .”
Figure 4.1
1. When the instrument’s power is turned ON, the Operation Display appears.
2. Each time the Page key ( ) is pressed with the SHIFT key ( SHIFT ) held down, the display is switched.
The display changes in the order of Operation Display, Tuning Menu Display, and Engineering Menu Display, after which the
Operation Display reappears.
Operation of the SHIFT key + Page key (a two key keystroke) implies that you should press the Page key with the SHIFT key
held down. Doing so in the opposite order does not switch the display.
IM 01B08B02-01EN 11
Basic Operations
Software keys
Software keys are keys displayed on the LCD. The functions of the software keys are assigned to the operation keys on
the right of the display.
In the figure at the left, the ↑ (UP) software key corresponds with the
mode key.
Figure 4.2
12 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Basic Operations
Display Display
Engineering Display
Menu Display 1 CONFIG1
Basic Operations
[CONFIG3] Function Setting Display 3
Menu Display 2 DISPLAY
Figure 4.3
IM 01B08B02-01EN 13
Basic Operations
STC Setting Display 1
STC Setting Display 2
Parameter Setting Display
Engineering Display
Menu Display 1 CONFIG1
Menu Display 2 DISPLAY
Figure 4.4
14 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Basic Operations
Engineering Display
Basic Operations
Menu Display 1 CONFIG1
Engineering Engineering
Menu Display 2 DISPLAY Menu Display 3 PGM1 SET
Setting Display for Operation Program-setting-unit 1
[DISPLAY] Display [PGM1 SET] Setting Display
[COMM] Communication Setting Display [PID TABLE] Preset PID Setting Display
[GX1 TABLE] GX1 Table Setting Display [K CONST] K-constant Display 1/2
Figure 4.5
IM 01B08B02-01EN 15
Monitoring and Control of Regular Operations
(Operation Display)
Monitoring and Operating the Operation Display
Monitoring and Operating the LOOP Display
Tag number (1) (19) Operation status display
Figure 5.1
Table 5.1
No. in
Name Description
A tag number combining alphanumeric characters and symbols having a maximum of 12 digits
(1) Tag number
is displayed on a loop basis.
(2) Display title The title of the display being shown is indicated.
A PV value is displayed in engineering units in a digital value of five significant digits (seven
(3) PV digital display
digits including a sign and decimal point).
A PV value is displayed in a bar. The bar display is in 200 dots at full scale (100%) and
(4) PV bar
increases/decreases on a dot (0.5%) basis.
PH values (high limit alarm setpoints for PV) and PL values (low limit alarm setpoints for PV) are indicated
PH, PL, HH, and LL with triangular pointers, while HH values (high-high limit alarm setpoints for PV) and LL values (low-low
pointers limit alarm setpoints for PV) are indicated with pointers which are overlapped pairs of triangles. Pointers
are clipped and displayed at 0% if PV values are below 0%, or displayed at 100% if they exceed 100%.
PV underflow and A PV underflow is displayed if a PV value is below 0%, while a PV overflow is displayed if it
PV overflow exceeds 100%.
An SV value is displayed in engineering units in a digital value of five significant digits (seven
(7) SV digital display
digits including a sign and decimal point).
SV values are indicated with triangular pointers. The pointer display moves up and down with
(8) SV pointer a resolution of 0.5%. Pointers are clipped and displayed at 0% if SV values are below 0%, or
displayed at 100% if they exceed 100%.
An MV value is displayed in a digital value of four significant digits (six digits including a sign
(9) MV digital display
and decimal point, with the number of decimal places fixed to one digit) in a % display.
An MV value is displayed in a bar. The bar display is in 80 dots (100%) at full scale, divided into
MV bar
(10) 20 blocks (5%) for display. It increases/decreases on a dot (1.25%) basis. A scale divided into
MV scale
10 (10% segments) is also displayed.
MH values (high limit setpoints of MV) and ML values (low limit setpoints of MV) are indicated
(11) MH and ML pointers
with triangular pointers.
MV underflow and An MV underflow is displayed if an MV value is below 0%, while an MV overflow is displayed if it
MV overflow exceeds 100%.
(13) MV valve direction MV valve direction is displayed as [C] (closed) or [O] (open). The valve direction can be set.
16 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Monitoring and Control of Regular Operations (Operation Display)
Table 5.2
No. in
Name Description
(14) Engineering units Engineering units (UNIT) are displayed in a maximum of seven digits.
(15) PV bar scale The PV bar scale is displayed divided into a maximum of 10 segments (10% segments).
0% value of scale, 100% 0% value of scale (SCL) and 100% value of scale (SCH) are displayed in engineering units in
value of scale a digital value of five significant digits (seven digits including a sign and decimal point).
Alarm and control statuses are displayed in abbreviations. These vary according to
Alarm generation display,
(17) controller mode in the multi-function mode; or according to the control module in the
Control status display
programmable mode. See Tables 5.3 to 5.5.
When this display is enabled, P register is displayed on the LOOP 1 and LOOP 2
(18) P-register display
Displays individually. This display is available in the programmable mode.
The controller operation status is displayed.
Display Description
Priority Order
[POWER DOWN] Power down is being detected. (1)
[H.MAN] Hard manual selector switch has been activated. (2)
(19) Operation status display (No indication) The instrument is operating.
[STOP] Operation stopped (such as while setting a
function on the Engineering Display, etc.)
[TEST1] Test run mode 1 (only in the programmable mode)
Test run mode 2 (only in the programmable mode)
Simulation program is being executed
When the instrument is used in the cascade mode, a cascade setting input value is
Cascade setting input
(20) displayed in engineering units in a digital value of five significant digits (seven digits
including a sign and decimal point). No value is displayed in the programmable mode.
The key function is displayed. The key function display is different in the multi-
function mode and the programmable mode.
1) Multi-function mode
The key function is set using the PF key function selection parameter [PFKEY].
(21) key function display When the STC mode selection is “not OFF” and the “ key has been set to STC”,
the function display becomes [STC]. In other cases, nothing is displayed.
2) Programmable mode
The key function can be defined in user programs.
The function display becomes [PF] in the programmable mode.
The key LOCK status is displayed.
Display Description
[ALLK] , , and keys, SV increase and decrease ( , ) keys, MV
Key LOCK status display increase and decrease ( , ) keys, and key are disabled.
[MDLK] , , and keys are disabled.
[SVLK] SV increase and decrease ( , ) keys are disabled.
[MVLK] MV increase and decrease ( , ) keys are disabled.
Table 5.3 Alarm Display and Control Status Display in the YS1500/YS1700 Multi-function Mode
Controller Mode Monitoring and Control of
Regular Operations
Single Loop Cascade Selector
Display Item
Alarm generation display (Note 1) STC-ALM
Control status display (Note 2) SPC, DDC SPC, DDC SPC, DDC
Control substatus display 1 EXT-TRK, EXT-PMV EXT-TRK, EXT-PMV
Control substatus display 2 SV TRK, PV TRK OPEN, CLOSE
Control substatus display 3 STC-ON, STC-DSP
Note 1: This display appears only if an alarm occurs. If multiple alarms occur simultaneously, they are indicated in multiple lines.
Note 2: Only when the operation mode is in cascade setting automatic control (C mode) is a control status displayed, while nothing is indicated in
automatic control (A mode) or manual control (M mode).
IM 01B08B02-01EN 17
Monitoring and Control of Regular Operations (Operation Display)
Table 5.4 Alarm Display and Control Status Display in the YS1700 Programmable Mode
Control Module Basic Control Cascade Control Selector Control
Control (BSC1,
Display Item (BSC1) (CSC) (SSC)
Alarm generation display (Note 1) STC-ALM
Control status display (Note 2) SPC, DDC SPC, DDC SPC, DDC SPC, DDC
Control substatus display 1 None None None None
Control substatus display 2 None OPEN, CLOSE None
Control substatus display 3 STC-DSP STC-DSP STC-DSP
Note 1: This display appears only if an alarm occurs. If multiple alarms occur simultaneously, they are indicated in multiple lines.
Note 2: Only when the operation mode is in cascade setting automatic control (C mode) is a control status displayed, while nothing is indicated in
automatic control (A mode) or manual control (M mode).
BUM Transition to backup manual status SEL-EXT External signal selection status
Transition to manual control in response to external STC control operation being conducted
digital input
Transition to automatic control in response to PID setting target value is indicated by STC.
external digital input
Preset MV being output in response to external STC auto startup being conducted
digital input
Output being tracked in response to external digital
► For causes of alarms that have occurred and actions to be taken: see “Troubleshooting” in this manual.
18 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Monitoring and Control of Regular Operations (Operation Display)
Moreover, the LED inside the operation mode key corresponding to the current operation mode lights up.
If a cascade input signal is −6.3% or less or 106.3% or more, the operation mode cannot be switched to C mode.
► For switching the operation mode: see “Switching of Operation Modes” in this manual.
(3) MV operation
The MV operation key is used to manually operate a manipulated output variable (MV). This key is enabled when the opera-
tion mode is in the M mode.
Multi-function mode:
The PF key function is set on the Function Setting Display 3 (CONFIG 3). There are the following two parameter designations:
(1) No function: The PF key does not function.
(2) STC ON/OFF: The PF key switches STC operation ON/OFF.
If STC ON/OFF is specified, when STC is ON the LED inside the PF key lights up.
Programmable mode:
The PF key function is defined by user programs then used. The LED in the PF key can be turned ON/OFF by the user pro-
For cascade control, selector control, or dual-loop control, the loop 1 can be operated on the LOOP 1 Display, while the loop 2
can be operated on the LOOP 2 Display.
IM 01B08B02-01EN 19
Monitoring and Control of Regular Operations (Operation Display)
Figure 5.2
Table 5.6
No. in
Name Description
(1) Tag number As on the LOOP Display, a tag number appears here.
(2) Display title The title of the display being shown is indicated.
PV, SV, and MV
(3) PV, SV, and MV digital values are displayed here.
digital display
(4) PV meter scale The PV meter scale displays main and subscale marks, a numerical scale, a scale factor, and engineering units.
Main scale marks, The main scale marks and subscale marks are determined by setting the variables to the 0% value of scale (SCL) and to
subscale marks the 100% value of scale (SCH), which causes the scale to be automatically divided into divisions based on those values.
The scale range is clearly represented in the range of the number of numerical scale digits using the
(6) Scale factor power of 10 (× 10n). It is possible to set the value of the power, however it can also be automatically
determined from the 0% value of scale (SCL) and 100% value of scale (SCH).
The numerical scale is automatically determined from the 0% value of scale (SCL) and 100% value of
(7) Numerical scale scale (SCH), and is displayed centered and to the right of the main scale marks. The number of digits to
be displayed is three (or four digits if there is no decimal point).
A PV value is indicated by two pointers (at the left and right sides of the scale). The pointer display
(8) PV pointer
moves up and down with a resolution of 0.5%.
(9) SV pointer An SV value is indicated with a pointer. The pointer display moves up and down with a resolution of 0.5%.
(10) Engineering units Engineering units (UNIT) are displayed in a maximum of seven digits.
PH values (high limit alarm setpoints for PV) and PL values (low limit alarm setpoints for PV) are indicated
PH, PL, HH, and LL
(11) with triangular pointers, while HH values (high-high limit alarm setpoints for PV) and LL values (low-low limit
alarm setpoints for PV) are indicated with pointers which are overlapped pairs of triangles.
Scale marks are displayed on the MV meter scale. The mark at the far left is the 0% position and the
(12) MV meter scale
mark at the far right is the 100% position. Each scale division is 5%.
MV values are indicated with a pointer. Since the scale’s full scale is 80 dots (100%), the MV pointer
(13) MV pointer
increases and decreases in a resolution of 1.25%.
MH values (high limit setpoints of MV) and ML values (low limit setpoints of MV) are indicated with
(14) MH and ML pointers
triangular pointers.
(15) MV valve direction The MV valve direction is displayed as [C] (closed) or [O] (open). The valve direction can be set.
20 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Monitoring and Control of Regular Operations (Operation Display)
Table 5.7
No. in
Name Description
The controller operation status is displayed.
Display Description
Priority Order
[POWER DOWN] Power down is being detected. (1)
[H.MAN] Hard manual selector switch has been activated. (2)
Operation status
(16) (No indication) The instrument is operating.
[STOP] Operation stopped (such as while setting a function
on the Engineering Display, etc.)
[TEST1] Test run mode 1 (only in the programmable mode)
Test run mode 2 (only in the programmable mode)
Simulation program is being executed
The key function is displayed. The key function display is different in the multi-function
mode and the programmable mode.
1) Multi-function mode
The key function is set using the PF key function selection parameter [PFKEY].
(17) key function
When the STC mode selection is “not OFF” and the “ key has been set to STC”, the
function display becomes [STC]. In other cases, nothing is displayed.
2) Programmable mode
The key function can be defined in user programs.
The function display becomes [PF] in the programmable mode.
The key LOCK status is displayed.
Display Description
[ALLK] , , and keys, SV increase and decrease ( , ) keys, MV
Key LOCK status increase and decrease ( , ) keys, and key are disabled.
display [MDLK] , , and keys are disabled.
[SVLK] SV increase and decrease ( , ) keys are disabled.
[MVLK] MV increase and decrease ( , ) keys are disabled.
Control status is displayed in abbreviations. Control status display differs according to
(19) Control status display the controller mode in the multi-function mode; or according to the control module in the
programmable mode. See Tables 5.8 to 5.10.
IM 01B08B02-01EN 21
Monitoring and Control of Regular Operations (Operation Display)
The operations can be conducted in the loop 1 when the display title shows METER 1, and in the loop 2 when it shows METER 2.
The operation methods are the same as those of the LOOP Display.
22 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Monitoring and Control of Regular Operations (Operation Display)
Intentionally blank
IM 01B08B02-01EN 23
Monitoring and Control of Regular Operations (Operation Display)
MV display (12)
Figure 5.3
Table 5.11
No. in
Name Description
A tag number combining alphanumeric characters and symbols having a maximum of 12 digits
(1) Tag number is displayed on a loop basis.
For TREND 3 Display, the tag number of the loop 1 is indicated.
(2) Display title The title of the display being shown is indicated.
PV, SV, and MV digital values are displayed.
(3) Digital display
For TREND 3 Display, data selections 1 to 4 are indicated.
The time span of the set trend display is divided into 60 partitions, and PV, SV and MV values
in the period of one time partition are displayed with the smallest and largest values of selected
(4) Trend display
data in the vertical line of one element. Trend display is clipped and displayed at 0% if a
relevant value is below 0% or at 100% if it exceeds 100%.
PV, SV, and MV values and selected data are indicated with triangular pointers. The pointer
(5) Trend data pointers
display moves up and down with a resolution of 0.5%.
The controller operation status is displayed.
Display Description
Priority Order
[POWER DOWN] Power down is being detected. (1)
[H.MAN] Hard manual selector switch has been activated. (2)
Operation status
(6) (No indication) The instrument is operating.
[STOP] Operation stopped (such as while setting a function
on the Engineering Display, etc.)
[TEST1] Test run mode 1 (only in the programmable mode)
Test run mode 2 (only in the programmable mode)
Simulation program is being executed
(7) Engineering units Engineering units (UNIT) are displayed in a maximum of seven digits.
The 0% value of scale (SCL) and the 100% value of scale (SCH) of PV and SV are displayed
0% value of scale,
(8) on a loop basis in digital values of five significant digits (seven digits including a sign and
100% value of scale
decimal point).
A scale divided into a maximum of 10 divisions (10% segments) is displayed. Moreover,
(9) Scale marks
horizontal lines corresponding to the scale marks are indicated in dotted lines.
24 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Monitoring and Control of Regular Operations (Operation Display)
Table 5.12
No. in
Name Description
The time span scale (a vertical line) is displayed by a dotted line at the 60-line positions. If the
(10) Time span scale scale marks are divided into 4 divisions or more, the time span scale is also displayed at the
30-line positions.
The trend display time span setpoint is displayed. The trend display span is 90 lines, but it
Trend display time represents the time span for 60 lines. Trend display is provided such that the 0-line position
span is the current time, while the 90-line position is the maximum past time. Changing the trend
display time span causes data that has been displayed up to that time to be cleared.
The MV bar, MV scale, MH pointer, ML pointer, MV underflow, MV overflow, and MV valve
(12) MV display
direction are displayed. The display contents are the same as those of the LOOP Display.
The key function is displayed. The key function display is different in the multi-function
mode and the programmable mode.
1) Multi-function mode
The key function is set using the PF key function selection parameter [PFKEY].
(13) key function display When the STC mode selection is “not OFF” and the “ key has been set to STC”, the
function display becomes [STC]. In other cases, nothing is displayed.
2) Programmable mode
The key function can be defined in user programs.
The function display becomes [PF] in the programmable mode.
The key LOCK status is displayed.
Display Description
[ALLK] , , and keys, SV increase and decrease ( , ) keys, MV
Key LOCK status display increase and decrease ( , ) keys, and key are disabled.
[MDLK] , , and keys are disabled.
[SVLK] SV increase and decrease ( , ) keys are disabled.
[MVLK] MV increase and decrease ( , ) keys are disabled.
The following operations can be conducted on the TREND 1 and TREND 2 Displays:
(1) Operation mode switching of the loop displayed
(2) SV setting operation of the loop displayed
(3) MV operation of the loop displayed
(4) PF key operation
The operation methods are the same as those of the LOOP Display.
Note: When the controller mode is set to the cascade/selector mode, MV will be displayed.
IM 01B08B02-01EN 25
Monitoring and Control of Regular Operations (Operation Display)
The ALARM Display collectively indicates detailed information when alarm(s) occurs. It allows the user to acknowledge unac-
knowledged alarms and events.
MV display (9)
Figure 5.4
Table 5.13
No. in
Name Description
(1) Tag number The tag number of the loop 1 is displayed.
(2) Display title The title of the display being shown is indicated.
Alarms and events that have occurred or been generated are displayed on a type basis. They
are classified into the following four types:
Display Description
(3) Item title [PROCESS] Process alarms
[STC] STC alarms
[SYSTEM] System alarms
[EVENT] Event display
There are two types of display formats for alarm items as follows:
Red backlit display of items: An alarm(s) is currently being generated
Normal display of items: Indicates that an alarm(s) was generated in the past, but the situation
has now recovered
► For causes of alarms that have occurred and actions to be taken: see “Troubleshooting” in
this manual.
The alarm items to be displayed are as follows:
Process Alarms
Display Description Display Description
[PH1] PV1 high limit alarm [PH2] PV2 high limit alarm
[PL1] PV1 low limit alarm [PL2] PV2 low limit alarm
(4) Alarm item [HH1] PV1 high-high limit alarm [HH2] PV2 high-high limit alarm
[LL1] PV1 low-low limit alarm [LL2] PV2 low-low limit alarm
[DL1] Deviation 1 alarm [DL2] Deviation 2 alarm
[VL1] PV1 velocity alarm [VL2] PV2 velocity alarm
STC Alarms
Display Description Display Description
[SYS-ALM] System alarm [PWRDWN] Power supply failure
[PVOVR] PV alarm [PBLMT] PB alarm
[MVLMT] MV alarm [TILMT] TI alarm
[OPERR] Operation failure [TDLMT] TD alarm
[IDERR] Identification impossible [RTALM] RT alarm
26 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Monitoring and Control of Regular Operations (Operation Display)
Table 5.14
No. in
Name Description
System Alarms
Display Description
[X1] to [X8] Input overrange Register names X1 to X8 that have been allocated
to each input terminal are displayed.
[Y1] and [Y3] Output open (current output only) Register names Y1 and Y3 are displayed.
[CALC] Computation overflow (only in the YS1700 programmable mode)
[OVER] Exceeding of control period (only in the YS1700 programmable mode)
[COMM] RS-485 communication error, DCS-LCS communication error, or
peer-to-peer communication error
(4) Alarm item [ETHER] Ethernet communication error
[PTOP] Peer-to-peer communication error
[PROG] User program error
[DATA] YSS1000 writing incomplete
[CALR] Adjustment inspection error
Event indication
Display Description
[EVENT1] to User-set events 1 to 5
(5) For unacknowledged alarms, [*] is indicated in front of alarm items.
alarm marks
The controller operation status is displayed.
Display Description
Priority Order
[POWER DOWN] Power down is being detected. (1)
[H.MAN] Hard manual selector switch has been activated. (2)
Operation status
(6) (No indication) The instrument is operating.
[STOP] Operation stopped (such as while setting a function
on the Engineering Display, etc.)
[TEST1] Test run mode 1 (only in the programmable mode)
Test run mode 2 (only in the programmable mode)
Simulation program is being executed
(7) Alarm lamp Lights up if a process alarm, STC alarm, or system alarm occurs.
Software key function Indicates that the [ALM CLR] software key is allocated to the key, the [EVT ON] software key to
(8) the key, the [↓] software key to the key, and the [EVT CLR] software key to the key.
► For operation: see the following “Operating the ALARM Display.”
MV bar, MV scale, MH pointer, ML pointer, MV underflow, MV overflow, and MV valve direction
(9) MV display
are displayed. The display contents are the same as those of the LOOP Display.
Press the [EVT CLR] software key ( key), and then clears the
selected generated event status (*).
Figure 5.5
IM 01B08B02-01EN 27
Monitoring and Control of Regular Operations (Operation Display)
PV undreflow (11)
(8) 0% value of scale
MV display (14)
Figure 5.6
Table 5.15
No. in
Name Description
The tag number of the loop 1 appears for DUAL1 Display, while that of the loop 2 appears for
(1) Tag number
DUAL2 Display.
(2) Display title The title of the display being shown is indicated.
PV, SV, and MV PV, SV, and MV digital values of the loop 1 are displayed at the left and those of the loop 2 at
digital display the right. The loop that is inverse displayed can be operated.
(4) Loop number Loop numbers “1” (left) and “2” (right) are displayed.
Control substatus is inverse displayed in one character below the loop number. The substatus
(5) Control substatus display shown in Table 5.17 is indicated depending on controller mode in the multi-function mode or
a control module in the programmable mode. Nothing is indicated in cases other than this.
PV1 (left) and PV2 (right) are displayed in bars. The bar display is in 200 dots at full scale
(6) PV bar
(100%) and increases or decreases on a dot (0.5%) basis.
(7) Engineering units Engineering unit 1 (left) and engineering unit 2 (right) are displayed in a maximum of seven digits.
0% value of scale, SCL1, SCH1 (left), SCL2, and SCH2 (right) are displayed in engineering units in digital values
100% value of scale of five significant digits (seven digits including a sign and decimal point).
(9) PV bar scale The PV bar scale is displayed divided into a maximum of 10 divisions (10% segments).
SV1 (left) and SV2 (right) are indicated with triangular pointers. The pointer display moves up
(10) SV pointer
and down with a resolution of 0.5%.
PV underflow, PV underflow (PV1 at the left, PV2 at the right) is displayed if a PV value is below 0%, while PV
PV overflow overflow (PV1 at the left, PV2 at the right) is displayed if it exceeds 100%.
The controller operation status is displayed.
Display Description
Priority Order
[POWER DOWN] Power down is being detected. (1)
[H.MAN] Hard manual selector switch has been activated. (2)
Operation status
(12) (No indication) The instrument is operating.
[STOP] Operation stopped (such as while setting a
function on the Engineering Display, etc.)
[TEST1] Test run mode 1 (only in the programmable mode)
Test run mode 2 (only in the programmable mode)
Simulation program is being executed
PH values (high limit alarm setpoints for PV) and PL values (low limit alarm setpoints for PV) are indicated
PH, PL, HH, and LL
(13) with triangular pointers, while HH values (high-high limit alarm setpoints for PV) and LL values (low-low
limit alarm setpoints for PV) are indicated with pointers which are overlapped pairs of triangles.
28 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Monitoring and Control of Regular Operations (Operation Display)
Table 5.16
No. in
Name Description
The MV bar, MV scale, MH pointer, ML pointer, MV underflow, MV overflow, and MV valve
(14) MV display
direction are displayed. The display contents are the same as those of the LOOP Display.
The key function is displayed. The key function display is different in the multi-function
mode and the programmable mode.
1) Multi-function mode
The key function is set using the PF key function selection parameter [PFKEY].
(15) key function
When the STC mode selection is “not OFF” and the “ key has been set to STC”, the
function display becomes [STC]. In other cases, nothing is displayed.
2) Programmable mode
The key function can be defined in user programs.
The function display becomes [PF] in the programmable mode.
The key LOCK status is displayed.
Display Description
[ALLK] , , and keys, SV increase and decrease ( , ) keys, MV
Key LOCK status increase and decrease ( , ) keys, and key are disabled.
display [MDLK] , , and keys are disabled.
[SVLK] SV increase and decrease ( , ) keys are disabled.
[MVLK] MV increase and decrease ( , ) keys are disabled.
Table 5.17
Controller Mode or Control Substatus Description Control Substatus Display in LOOP
Control Module Display in DUAL Display Display
Cascade or CSC control
O The cascade is open. OPEN
The corresponding loop SEL1 (where “S” is displayed in the loop1) or
Selector or SSC control has been selected. SEL2 (where “S” is displayed in the loop2)
module An external signal has
E EXT (in the programmable mode)
been selected.
► Control module: YSS1000 Setting Software/YS1700 Programmable Function User’s Manual
When the display title is DUAL1, the loop 1 can be operated; when it is DUAL2, the loop 2 can be operated. To make the operable
loop easy to identify, the color of the backlit tag number, PV bar, and MV bar on the operable loop are displayed in the same color
(selected loop color).
IM 01B08B02-01EN 29
Monitoring and Control of Regular Operations (Operation Display)
Switching of Operation Modes (Automatic Control (A), Manual Control (M), or Cascade Setting
Automatic Control (C))
Switching by Keystroke
The operation mode can be switched by pressing the relevant key in the table below. This causes the
light inside the key corresponding to the selected operation mode to light up. Note that on the ALARM
Display, the operation mode cannot be switched.
Key Name Function
Press this key to change to manual operation.
It is not possible to change from manual control to cascade
M mode key
setting automatic control. To change to cascade setting
automatic control, do so via automatic control.
If the operation mode switching function is allocated to digital input, there may be
cases where the operation mode cannot be switched by keystrokes. In such cases,
check the allocation of the digital input function.
Operation mode transition in the figure below represents the single-loop mode with analog input-based cascade setting. If cas-
cade setting is not used, it is only possible to switch between automatic control and manual control.
► For operation mode transition: see 1.1, Selecting the Controller Mode (CTL), in the YS1500 Indicating Controller/YS1700 Programmable Indi-
cating Controller User’s Manual.
M A: Automatic control
M M: Manual control
C, CAS: Cascade setting automatic control
Manual control When the operation mode is in cascade
setting automatic control, [CSV] is
A displayed on the control status display section.
Figure 5.7
30 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Monitoring and Control of Regular Operations (Operation Display)
1 2
(C) (C)
(A) A1-A2
(A) A
2 A1-A2
1 2 1 2
(M) C
2 M1-M2 (M)
1 2 1 2
M1-M2 M1-M2
(M) (OPEN) (M) (SV2-LCL)
1 2 1 2 1 2
An: Automatic control, Mn: Manual control, An: Automatic control, Mn: Manual control
A1-C2 Cn: (Internal) Cascade control (n: “1” stands for A1-A2 (n: “1” stands for loop 1 and “2” indicates
(CLOSE) loop 1 and “2” indicates loop 2.) (SV2-LCL) loop 2.)
CLOSE/OPEN: Cascade closed/cascade open SV2-LCL: Loop2 is in local.
This is displayed on the control status display section. This is displayed on the control
status display section.
1 : Press the M mode key in the loop 1 (the number represents the relevant loop)
2 : Press the A mode key in the loop 2 (the number represents the relevant loop)
Figure 5.8
IM 01B08B02-01EN 31
Operating the Tuning Displays
There are displays for setting and displaying control parameters such as PID, etc. and a display for monitoring input/output sig-
nals. To set tuning parameters proceed according to the setting examples below, and refer to “Overview of Display Switching and
Operation Keys” and “List of Parameters”.
► For displaying and setting parameters: see “List of Parameters” in this manual.
► For a description of tuning parameter functions: see YS1500 Indicating Controller/YS1700 Programmable Indicating Controller User’s Manual .
YS1000 has a password function as a security function. If the password has been set up, enter it and then change
► For setting and canceling passwords: see 4.2.2, Inhibiting/Enabling Parameter Change, in the YS1500 Indicating Controller/YS1700 Program-
mable Indicating Controller User’s Manual.
Setting PID
Setting Display
Tuning Display Operation Display > SHIFT + keys (to the Tuning Menu Display) > [PID1] software key
(PID Setting Display 1) or [PID2] software key (PID Setting Display 2)
(1) Press the [↓] software key to select and zoom in on proportional band 1 [PB1
(2) Press the [ ] or [ ] software key to change the setpoint. Holding it down
accelerates the value increase/decrease speed.
(3) Press the Page key to return to the Tuning Menu Display.
(4) Press the SHIFT + Page keys twice to return to the Operation Display.
Setting Details
The PB2, TI2, and TD2 parameters are used in the loop 2 in the cascade mode, selector mode, and programmable mode.
► For proportional band, integral time, and derivative time: see “Tuning Guide” in this manual.
32 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Operating the Tuning Displays
Displaying the Operation Display While the Tuning Display is being Shown
Pressing the [OPE] software key while setting a tuning parameter returns you to the Operation Display.
Tuning Display
Setting Alarms
Setting Display
Tuning Display Operation Display > SHIFT + keys (to the Tuning Menu Display) > [PID1] software key
(PID Setting Display 1) or [PID2] software key (PID Setting Display 2)
Setpoint changing procedure (example of changing high limit alarm setpoint for PV1)
(1) Press the [↓] software key to select and zoom in on high limit alarm setpoint for PV1
[PH1 106.3].
(2) Press the [ ] or [ ] software key to change the setpoint. Holding it down
accelerates the value increase/decrease speed.
(3) Press the Page key to return to the Tuning Menu Display.
(4) Press the SHIFT + Page keys twice to return to the Operation Display.
Setting Details
VT1, VT2 PV velocity alarm time setpoint 1 to 9999 1
IM 01B08B02-01EN 33
Operating the Tuning Displays
The PH2, PL2, HH2, LL2, DL2, VL2, and VT2 parameters are used in the loop 2 in the cascade mode, selector mode, and pro-
grammable mode.
If the high limit alarm setpoint for PV and the high-high limit alarm setpoint for PV are set to the maximum values, no alarm is
If the low limit alarm setpoint for PV and the low-low limit alarm setpoint for PV are set to the minimum values, no alarm is gener-
Alarm hysteresis HYS1 acts on PH1, PL1, HH1, LL1, and DL1 collectively, while alarm hysteresis HYS2 acts on PH2, PL2, HH2,
LL2, and DL2 collectively.
The following figure shows an example of actions of the high limit alarm for PV, high-high limit alarm for PV, low limit alarm for PV,
low-low limit alarm for PV, and alarm hystereses.
For an example in the figure above, the contact type is such that the contact
opens if an event occurs (factory default).
The following figure shows an example of actions of deviation alarms and alarm hysteresis.
For an example in the figure above, the contact type is such that the contact opens
if an event occurs (factory default).
The value of alarm hysteresis is common to the high limit alarm for PV, high-high limit alarm for PV, low limit alarm for PV, low-low
limit alarm for PV, and the deviation alarm.
34 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Operating the Tuning Displays
The figure below shows an example of action of velocity alarm for PV.
Velocity alarm
output for PV Closed Open Closed Open Closed
For an example in the figure above, the contact type is such that the contact opens
if an event occurs (factory default).
The following table shows the sections to refer to for descriptions of the main functions. Consult them as they also describe func-
tions other than those noted below.
These references are located in the YS1500 Indicating Controller/YS1700 Programmable Indicating Controller User’s Manual.
IM 01B08B02-01EN 35
Operating the Engineering Displays
There is a display for setting up functions as a controller, a display for setting and displaying various registers and tables, the Input
Specification Setting Display, and the Password Setting Display. To set engineering parameter settings, proceed according to the
setting examples below, and refer to the “Overview of Display Switching and Operation Keys” and “List of Parameters.”
► For displaying and setting parameters: see “List of Parameters” in this manual.
► For a description of engineering parameter functions: see YS1500 Indicating Controller/ YS1700 Programmable Indicating Controller User’s
There is a SET parameter in the engineering parameters to prevent accidental changes to settings. Unless this parameter
setting is changed from INHB (setting inhibited) to ENBL (setting enabled), parameters on the same display cannot be
changed. Be aware that changing the setting to ENBL causes YS1000’s control action and input/output to be changed.
The YS1000 enters manual operation and control stopped status, causing [STOP] to appear at the upper right of the
display. The setpoints, manipulated output variables, analog output values, analog output registers, PF status, PF status
registers, temporary storage registers, output registers, and digital output registers retain the values they had immediately
prior to STOP. Dynamic computation (computation with a device number), such as first-order lag and dead time, will be
initialized. For user program data, see the YSS1000 Setting Software/YS1700 Programmable Indicating Controller User’s
YS1000 has a password function as a security function. If the password has been set up, enter it and then change
► For setting and canceling passwords: see 4.2.2, Inhibiting/Enabling Parameter Change, in the YS1500 Indicating Controller/YS1700
Programmable Indicating Controller User’s Manual.
In the programmable mode, there are three displays for the engineering menu. The menu display is switched each time the
Page key is pressed.
Engineering Display Operation Display > SHIFT + keys (to the Tuning Menu Display) > SHIFT + keys (to
the Engineering Menu Display) > [CONFIG1] software key (Configuration Display 1)
(1) Press the [↓] software key to select and zoom in on [SET INHB].
(2) Press the [ ] software key to change to [SET ENBL].
(3) Press the [↓] software key to select and zoom in on controller mode selection [CTL
(4) Press and hold the [ ] or [ ] software key for more than 5 seconds to change the
(5) Press the Page key to return to the Engineering Menu Display. (The SET parameter
returns to setting inhibited [SET INHB] at the instant when you are brought to the
menu display.)
(6) Press the SHIFT + Page keys to return to the Operation Display.
36 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Operating the Engineering Displays
PROG: Programmable mode (*1)
For YS1700: PROG
SINGLE: Single-loop mode
CTL Controller mode selection
CAS: Cascade mode
For YS1500: SINGLE
SELECT: Selector mode
*1: Only selectable for YS1700
► For programmable mode: see YSS1000 Setting Software/YS1700 Programmable Function User’s Manual.
► For single-loop mode, cascade mode, and selector mode: see 1.1, Selecting the Controller Mode, in the YS1500 Indicating Controller/YS1700
Programmable Indicating Controller User’s Manual.
(1) Press the [↓] software key to select and zoom in on [SET INHB].
(2) Press the [ ] software key to change to [SET ENBL].
(3) Press the [↓] software key to select and zoom in on control type 1 [CNT1 PID].
(4) Press the [ ] or [ ] software key to change the setpoint.
(5) Press the Page key to return to the Engineering Menu Display.
(6) Press the SHIFT + Page keys to return to the Operation Display.
A control operation formula can also be changed in the same way as above.
This completes the setting procedure.
Setting Details
The CNT2 and ALG2 parameters are used in the loop 2 in the cascade mode, selector mode, and programmable mode.
Cascade Mode Selector Mode
Single-loop Mode
Loop 1 Loop 2 Loop 1 Loop 2
Standard PID control
Proportional(PD)control – – – –
Sample-and-hold PI control – –
Batch PID control – – – –
IM 01B08B02-01EN 37
Operating the Engineering Displays
Setting the Scale and Decimal Point Position for Process Variables
Setting Display
Engineering Display Operation Display > SHIFT + keys (to the Tuning Menu Display) > SHIFT + keys (to
the Engineering Menu Display) > [CONFIG2] software key (Configuration Display 2)
(1) Press the [↓] software key to select and zoom in on [SET INHB].
(2) Press the [ ] software key to change to [SET ENBL].
(3) Press the [↓] software key to select and zoom in on the 100% value of scale 1 [SCH1
(4) Press the [ ] or [ ] software key to change the setpoint. Holding it down
accelerates the value increase/decrease speed.
(5) Press the [↓] software key to select and zoom in on the 0% value of scale 1 [SCL1 0].
(6) Press the [ ] or [ ] software key to change the setpoint. Holding it down
accelerates the value increase/decrease speed.
(7) Press the [↓] software key to select and zoom in on decimal point position 1 [SCDP1
(8) Press the [ ] or [ ] software key to change the setpoint.
(9) Press the Page key to return to the Engineering Menu Display.
(10) Press the SHIFT + Page keys to return to the Operation Display.
Setting Details
The SCH2, SCL2, and SCDP2 parameters are used in the loop 2 in the cascade mode, selector mode, and programmable mode.
The figure below shows an example of setting the 100% value of scale to 1000, the 0% value of scale to 0, and the decimal point
position to one decimal place (####.#). Process variables and setpoints are displayed on the scale that is set here.
0% value of scale
Figure 7.1
38 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Operating the Engineering Displays
Engineering Display Operation Display > SHIFT + keys (to the Tuning Menu Display) > SHIFT + keys (to
the Engineering Menu Display) > [CONFIG2] software key (Configuration Display 2)
(1) Press the [↓] software key to select and zoom in on [SET INHB].
(2) Press the [ ] software key to change to [SET ENBL].
(3) Press the [↓] software key to select and zoom in on tag number 1 [TAG1 ---YS1700---].
(4) Press the [↓] or [↑] software key to move the cursor over the position where the tag is
(5) Press the [ ] or [ ] software key to change the character (setting is made on a
character basis).
(6) Repeat steps (4) and (5) to register the tag.
(To erase a character, enter a space.)
(7) Press the Page key to return to the Engineering Menu Display.
(8) Press the SHIFT + Page keys to return to the Operation Display.
Setting Details
The TAG2 and UNIT2 parameters are used in the loop 2 in the cascade mode, selector mode, and programmable mode.
The tag is displayed in the top line of the LCD.
The settable ASCII codes are as shown below:
Space ! “ # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , -
. / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 : ; < =
> ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L
M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [
¥ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j
k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y
z { ¦ } ~
IM 01B08B02-01EN 39
Tuning Guide
This chapter describes how to activate the control functions and perform tuning for novice users.
SV setting keys
MV operation keys
Figure 8.1 Switching the Operation Mode Figure 8.2 Manual Output Operation
(2) Switching from manual operation to automatic operation
Press the mode key in condition 3. in item (1) to switch the operation mode to automatic control (A). This causes the LED
indicator inside the mode key to light up, activating automatic operation. Operation changes to automatic operation in a
bumpless(*) manner, not requiring balance operation at switching.
* Bumpless: This feature has the effect of preventing rapid output changes when automatic operation is started from an
output value obtained during manual operation.
(3) Alarm check
If the ALM lamp on the front panel is lit, there is some kind of signal abnormality. In this case, check for an alarm item on the
ALARM Display to determine the cause of the abnormality and take appropriate actions.
If the FAIL lamp is lit, an abnormality has occurred in the instrument.
► For causes of alarms that have occurred and actions to be taken: see “Troubleshooting” in this manual.
Figure 8.3 ALM Lamp and FAIL Lamp
40 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Tuning Guide
Tuning Guide
band to a sufficiently large value, and the derivative time to 0 Target
seconds. setpoint
2. Change the operation mode to automatic control (A mode). For an intermediate proportional band Offset
3. Conduct the following operations to obtain the optimum value
for the proportional band. For a larger proportional band Time
• Lower the proportional band from a sufficiently large value
to a smaller value (for example, from 100% to 50% to * If the proportional band is small, the PV becomes vibrational.
control conditions at each stage. Continue this process until the control loop’s continuation vibration (cycling) starts.
Then measure the proportional band value (PBu) and cycling interval (Pu) at this point.
(Cycling is a phenomenon caused because the proportional band has been made narrower than the process’s maxi-
mum value. It can be identified by the fact that the process variable indication regularly vibrates centering around the
point set.) A value approximately 2.2 times the proportional band at which cycling occurs is the maximum proportional
band (2.2 PBu).
The method described above is known as the Ziegler Nichols limitation sensitivity method, which allows response characteristics
to be obtained in which vibration attenuation is about 25%. Apart from this, various adjustment methods have been proposed,
including the step response method. Refer to the technical books of automatic control as necessary.
IM 01B08B02-01EN 41
Installation and Wiring
For the following, see the YS1000 Series Replacement Manual.
• Installation and wiring for YS1500/YS1700-2, -3, -4, and -5
• Connection of the RJC sensor provided with the product with optional code /A02
Installation Location
For products with optional code /FM or /CSA:
1) Devices must be installed by professionally trained personnel.
2) In case of option code /FM, install devices according to NEC (National Electrical Code: ANSI/NFPA-70).
In case of option code /CSA, all wiring shall comply with Canadian Electrical Code Part I and local electrical codes.
The instrument should be installed in indoor locations meeting the following conditions:
• Instrumented panel
This instrument is designed to be mounted in an instrumented panel. Mount the instrument in a location where its terminals will not
inadvertently be touched.
• Well ventilated locations
Mount the instrument in well ventilated locations to prevent the instrument’s internal temperature from rising. To mount multiple
indicating controllers, see the external dimensions/panel cutout dimensions which follow. If mounting other instruments adjacent
to the instrument, comply with these panel cutout dimensions to provide sufficient clearance between the instruments.
• Locations with little mechanical vibration
Install the instrument in a location subject to little mechanical vibration.
• Horizontal location
Mount the instrument horizontally and ensure that it is level, with no inclination to the right or left.
If the instrument is moved from a location with low temperature and low humidity to a place with high temperature and high
humidity, or if the temperature changes rapidly, condensation will result. Moreover, in the case of thermocouple inputs,
measurement errors will result. To avoid such a situation, leave the instrument in the new environment under ambient conditions
for more than 1 hour prior to using it.
42 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Installation and Wiring
Mounting Method
Mounting the Instrument Main Unit
Provide an instrumented panel steel sheet of 2.3 to 25 mm thickness.
(1) For mounting single unit
1. Using a screwdriver, loosen the screws of the two provided metal clamps in advance.
2. Insert the main unit of the instrument from the front side of the instrumented panel.
3. Install one of the metal clamps on top of the main unit and tighten the screw into the rear face of the panel. Repeat the
procedure with the second clamp at the bottom of the unit.
Metal clamps
Figure 9.3
● Tighten the screws with appropriate tightening torque within 0.3 - 0.6N•m. Otherwise it may cause the case deformation or the
bracket damage.
● Ensure that neither tools nor foreign matter enter the inside of the instrument through the holes for fitting the metal clamps.
● Mounting attitude: Up to 75 degrees above the horizontal. No downward titling allowed.
Figure 9.4
IM 01B08B02-01EN 43
Installation and Wiring
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
to expandable
I/O terminal
(5) Connect the Ground terminal.
Figure 9.5
44 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Installation and Wiring
Note 1
When swung up
Instrument panel thickness: 2.3 to 25 mm Expandable I/O cable 60
137 0
5 356
6 428
220 or more
220 or more
7 500
8 572
9 644
10 716
11 788
12 860
13 932
14 1004
Unit: mm
General tolerance = ±(value of tolerance class IT18 based on JIS B 0401-1998) / 2
Note 1: If a nameplate, etc. is installed within 60 mm above the instrument, the thickness of the nameplate,
etc. must be 30 mm or less from the panel surface.
Note 2: When installing the expandable I/O cable, secure the wiring space of at least 60 mm for a minimum curvature radius
of the cable in addition to the mountiing bracket space of 72 mm from the terminal cover face of the main unit.
Note 3: To ensure good air ventilation, allow space of 100 mm or more at the top and bottom of the panel.
Figure 9.6
IM 01B08B02-01EN 45
Installation and Wiring
9 11 M4xL8
(When the DIN rail
Weight: 260g
Figure 9.7
Weight: 320g
Figure 9.8
46 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Installation and Wiring
Wiring Precautions
1) Be sure to turn OFF the power supply before wiring to avoid an electric shock. Use a tester or similar device to ensure
that no power is being supplied to a cable to be connected.
2) As a safety measure, always install a circuit breaker (an IEC 60947-compatible product, 5 A, 100 V or 220 V AC) in an
easily accessible location near the instrument. Moreover, provide indication that the switch is a device for turning off the
power to the instrument.
3) Wiring work must be carried out by a person with basic electrical knowledge and practical experience.
4) For the wiring cable, the temperature rating is 60 °C or more.
For products with optional code /FM or /CSA:
1) Devices must be wired by professionally trained personnel.
2) For the field wiring parameters for YS1000 non-incendive instruments, see Hazardous location usage conditions of
Safety Standards in 9.1 General Specifications, in the YS1500 Indicating Controller/YS1700 Programmable Indicating
Controller User’s Manual.
3) In case of option code /FM, install devices according to NEC (National Electrical Code: ANSI/NFPA-70).
In case of option code /CSA, all wiring shall comply with Canadian Electrical Code Part I and local electrical codes.
Please wire from the central terminals.
When using the “M4 screw with washer”, replace the terminal screws to “M4 screw with washer” included. For power supply,
grounding and signal wiring cables, crimp terminals and fasten with “M4 screws with washers”.
IM 01B08B02-01EN 47
Terminal Diagrams of YS1500/YS1700 Single-loop, Cascade, and Selector Modes
Note: Do not use unassigned terminals as relay terminals.
Y1 RJ45 connector
+ 22 X1 X1 X1
Current output Baud rate LED (left side) 1 + Voltage 1 + Voltage 1 + Voltage
(4-20 mA DC) - 23 input input input
Color/state Contents 2 - 2 - 2 -
(1-5 V DC) (1-5 V DC) (1-5 V DC)
Manipulated output variable 2 Yellow/Lit 100 Mbps
Unlit 10 Mbps
Cascade setting input Cascade setting input Cascade setting input 1
+ 24
X2 X2 X2
3 + Voltage 3 +
Voltage 3 + Voltage
Voltage output input input input
- 25 Link/Active LED (right side)
(1-5 V DC) 4 - (1-5 V DC) 4 - (1-5 V DC) 4 - (1-5 V DC)
Color/state Contents
Setpoint output Green/Lit Link Output tracking input Measurement input 2 Measurement input 2
Y3 Green/Blink Active X3 X3 X3
+ 26 5 + Voltage 5 + Voltage 5 + Voltage
Voltage output Unlit Link fail input input input
(1-5 V DC) - 27 6 - 6 - 6 -
(1-5 V DC) (1-5 V DC) (1-5 V DC)
To the Expandable Feedforward input Feedforward input Cascade setting input 2
For manipulated output variable 2 I/O terminal
and setpoint output, the output YS1700-1 only X4 X4 X4
type can be changed using the 7 + Voltage 7 + Voltage 7 + Voltage
analog output-2 selection Y2S and input input input
analog output-3 selection Y3S 8 - 8 - 8 -
(1-5 V DC) (1-5 V DC) (1-5 V DC)
engineering parameters.
If feedforward input is not used, If cascade setting input 2 is not
the terminals can be used for used, the terminals can be used
output tracking input. for output tracking input.
IM 01B08B02-01EN
Used as DO2; it does not function. or selector: loop 2 alarm output
For use as digital input 4 For use as digital output 3
Connection of Transmitter Supply Power
DI4 DO3 + 32 Measurement
voltage + 32 - 33 input 1 1
250Ω The figure at the left shows an example
- 33 <Factory default> Single loop: Velocity 3W - of the wiring for measurement input 1.
alarm output
IM 01B08B02-01EN
Measurement input 2 can also be
<Factory default> Cascade: O/C status output + connected in the same way.
Used as DO3; it does not function. Selector: L/R status output
24 V DC 13 ► For connecting two transmitters:
For use as digital input 3 For use as digital output 4 supply voltage see “ Transmitter Supply Power
DI3 Wiring” described later.
With + 34
voltage + 34
- 35 - 35 RS-485 Communication DCS-LCS Communication
<Factory default> <Factory default> (Optional code /A31) (Optional code /A32)
Used as DO4; it does not function. C/A, M status output 14 SG
For use as digital input 2 For use as digital output 5 15 SDA(-)
17 LCS(+)
DI2 DO5 16 SDB(+)
18 LCS(-)
voltage + 36 + 36 17 RDA(-)
- 37 - 37 18 RDB(+)
<Factory default> <Factory default>
Used as DO5; it does not function. C, A/M status output
For use as digital input 1 For use as digital output 6 (Optional specifications)
DI1 DO6 ► For direct input connection: see “Direct Input Wiring”
Direct Input Terminals described later.
With + 38
voltage + 38
- 39 - 39 mV input (optional code /A01) Thermocouple input RTD input
Isolator (optional code /A05) (optional code /A02) (optional code /A03)
<Factory default> <Factory default> A
No function Used as DI1; it does not function. mV input 19 + TC 19
input B RTD
19 + (/A01) 20 - 20
Digital input hardware specifications: Digital output hardware specifications: input
Rating 30 V DC or RJC B
When voltage is present For no voltage 20 - 21 21
ON: −0.5 to 1 V DC ON: resistance of 200 Ω or less 200 mA or less (resistive load) 1-5V DC
OFF: 4.5 to 30 V DC OFF: resistance of 100 kΩ or more (/A05) Mount the RJC at the terminal Match the wiring resistances of
21 side. terminals 19 and 21 with each other.
Input contact rating: 5 V DC, 20 mA or more
Digital inputs and digital outputs can be selected and used using the DI/DO Potentiometer input Two-wire transmitter input Two-wire transmitter input
specification DIO16 to DIO61 engineering parameters. A function can be set (optional code /A04) (optional code /A06, /A07) (optional code /A06, /A07)
using DI1F to DI6F and DO1F to DO6F engineering parameters.
19 100% 19
19 + +
20 0% 20 + +
Power Supply Potentiometer 20 - -
21 Two-wire 21 - - Two-wire
input transmitter transmitter
Supply voltage (AC) Supply voltage (DC) Match the wiring resistances of Supply voltage input Case of 4 to 20 mA input
terminals 19 and 20 with each other. required signal not requiring supply power
L + L Frequency input (optional code /A08)
G G Two-wire type Power feed type, Power feed type,
(voltage, contact) two-wired three-wired
N - N
Signal +
+ 19 19
Supply voltage 100 to 120 V AC (±10%), 50/60 Hz (±3 Hz) (100 V AC, 24 V DC common power)
19 Frequency 20 - Frequency
(AC): 220 to 240 V AC (±10%), 50/60 Hz (±3 Hz) (220 V AC power) - Frequency input
20 input Power input Power
Supply voltage 24 to 120V DC (±10%) (100 V AC, 24 V DC common power) 21 supply 21 supply
(DC): 135 to 190 V DC (±10%) (220 V AC power)
DC power supply can be connected without polarity.
Figure 9.9
Installation and Wiring
Installation and Wiring
Terminal Diagrams of YS1700 Programmable Mode
Note: Do not use unassigned terminals as relay terminals.
Current output + 22 1 +
(4-20 mA DC) - 23 Baud rate LED (left side) input
2 - (1-5 V DC)
Color/state Contents
Analog output 2 Yellow/Lit 100 Mbps Analog input 2
Y2 Unlit 10 Mbps X2
+ 24 Voltage
Voltage output 3 +
- 25
(1-5 V DC) 4 - (1-5 V DC)
Link/Active LED (right side)
Analog output 3 Color/state Contents Analog input 3
Analog output 3 can be Y3 Green/Lit Link X3
changed using analog output-3
Voltage output + 26 Green/Blink Active 5 + input
current/voltage switching (1-5 V DC)
Y3TP engineering parameter. or current output - 27 Unlit Link fail 6 - (1-5 V DC)
Factory default: 1-5 V DC (4-20 mA)
To the expandable Analog input 4
I/O terminal X4
YS1700-1 only Voltage
If the terminals concerned are used 7 + input
as digital output, an external power 8 -
supply is required. (1-5 V DC)
► For digital output wiring: see
“Wiring for Digital Input/Output (Optional code /A0) Analog input 5
Digital Inputs and Outputs and FAIL Output” described later. Direct Input Signal Output X5 Voltage
9 +
For use as digital input 6 For use as digital output 1 9 + Voltage 10 - (1-5 V DC)
DI6 DO1 input
10 - (1-5 V DC)
If direct input (optional specifications)
voltage + 28 + 28 is provided, analog input 5 becomes
► For direct input connection:
- 29 see “Direct Input Wiring” direct input signal output.
- 29
described later.
IM 01B08B02-01EN
For use as digital input 3 For use as digital output 4
RS-485 Communication DCS-LCS Communication
With (Optional code /A31) (Optional code /A32)
voltage + 34 + 34 14 SG
- 35 - 35
IM 01B08B02-01EN
15 SDA(-)
17 LCS(+)
16 SDB(+)
18 LCS(-)
For use as digital input 2 For use as digital output 5 17 RDA(-)
DI2 DO5 18 RDB(+)
voltage + 36 + 36
- 37 - 37
(Optional specifications)
For use as digital input 1 For use as digital output 6 ► For direct input connection: see “Direct Input Wiring”
Direct Input Terminals described later.
Supply voltage 100 to 120 V AC (±10%), 50/60 Hz (±3 Hz) (100 V AC, 24 V DC common power)
(AC): 220 to 240 V AC (±10%), 50/60 Hz (±3 Hz) (220 V AC power)
Supply voltage 24 to 120V DC (±10%) (100 V AC, 24 V DC common power)
(DC): 135 to 190 V DC (±10%) (220 V AC power)
DC power supply can be connected without polarity.
Figure 9.10
Installation and Wiring
Installation and Wiring
Installation and Wiring
Expandable I/O Terminal Diagram (YS1700 Basic Type (with Expandable I/O))
Note: *Do not use unassigned terminals as relay terminals.
The digital input functions are not set
when shipped from the factory.
Analog Inputs The functions can be set using the DI7F
Analog input 6 is Digital Inputs to DI10F engineering parameters.
output tracking
Analog input 6
input in
1 +
Voltage Digital input 7 Digital input 9
cascade/selector input DI7 DI9 When voltage is present
mode. 2 - (1-5 V DC) ON: −0.5 to 1 V DC
With With OFF: 4.5 to 30 V DC
voltage + 5 voltage + 9
Analog input 7 - 6 - 10
X7 For no voltage
Voltage ON: resistance of
3 +
input Digital input 8 Digital input 10 200 Ω or less
4 - (1-5 V DC) OFF: resistance of
DI8 DI10 100 kΩ or more
Analog input 8 With With Input contact rating:
voltage + 7 voltage + 11 5 V DC,
X8 Voltage - 8 - 12 20 mA or more
13 + input
14 - (1-5 V DC)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Measurement input 2 250Ω
6 3W −
24 V DC
supply power 13
Figure 9.12
Supply current
When optional specification direct input (/A0) is provided: 25 to 25.5 V DC, 30 mA
When no optional specification direct input (/A0) is provided: 25 to 25.5 V DC, 60 mA (two two-wire transmitters can be con-
52 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Installation and Wiring
For products with optional code /FM or /CSA:
Install explosion-proof wiring defined in the relevant country for the following signal wiring.
• The digital output cable must be wired from the non-hazardous area by using Class I, Division 2 wiring dedicated in
potentially explosive atmospheres such as a threaded metal conduit. In addition, it is necessary to be wired not to apply
stress at the end of the cable.
External no-voltage and voltage contacts for digital inputs should be provided so that the rated value is obtained. Attention must
be paid to excessive conductor resistance and in-conductor voltage drop.
YS1000 YS1000
When driving an external device using contact outputs such as alarm output, status output, and FAIL output, install wiring paying
attention to the following:
• Do not connect loads exceeding the contact rating.
• To drive equipment incorporating inductance components such as relays, always connect a protective diode (surge
absorber) in parallel with the load.
• To connect a power supply for driving a load, the power supply’s polarity must be matched with that of the contact
output. Connecting it in reverse may result in failure.
• An AC load cannot be directly opened or closed using contact output. In this case, provide a repeating relay, etc.
YS1000 YS1000
Protective diode
+ + Relay
− –
power supply External AC power
(24 V DC) power supply supply
(24 V DC)
This connection
Rated value cannot be made.
30 V DC or less Figure 9.16 Connection of Digital Output to Drive a Load Including AC
200 mA or less (resistive load) Power Supply
Figure 9.15 Connection Using Digital Output
IM 01B08B02-01EN 53
Installation and Wiring
If there is any risk of a surge due to lightning discharge, an arrester should be connected to the direct input signal line.
YOKOGAWA AR series is recommended for the arrester.
External wiring
19 •
Signal •
conversion 20 Sensor •
circuit Direct input signal
21 output terminal
*1: If the signal conversion circuit is not used, these
terminals become analog input 5 (X5) terminals.
19 Signal
Figure 9.17 conversion 20 Sensor
Figure 9.18
54 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Installation and Wiring
Even if the terminating resistor is being ON, it will be OFF when the power supply of the instrument is turned off.
► For details of communication parameter setting and communication functions: see YS1000 Series Communication Interface User’s Manual
Four-wire connection
ML2- YS1000 YS1000
Figure 9.20
ML2- is a YOKOGAWA converter. RS-232C/RS-485 converters other than these devices can also be used. In such a case,
check the electric specifications of each converter, etc. before using them.
IM 01B08B02-01EN 55
Installation and Wiring
Wiring for Distributed Control System (DCS-LCS) Communication (Optional Code /A32)
The following shows a diagram of the wiring between YS1000 and an SCIU communication interface unit.
For the wiring between the DCS and an SCIU, and for the number of units to be connected, see the respective user’s manuals.
► For details of communication parameter setting and communication functions: see YS1000 Series Communication Interface User’s Manual
on DCS side
P :+
P N S N :-
S : Shield
Figure 9.21
If there is any risk of a surge due to lightning discharge, an arrester for Ethernet (100BASE-TX/10BASE-T) should be
56 IM 01B08B02-01EN
Installation and Wiring
Be sure to turn OFF the power supply before wiring. Use a tester or similar device to ensure that no power is being
supplied to a cable to be connected.
Install the power cable keeping a distance of more than 1 cm from other signal wires.
The power cable is required to meet the IEC standards concerned or the requirements of the area in which the instrument
is being installed.
For the power cable, the temperature rating is 60 °C or more.
For products with optional code /FM or /CSA:
• When devices are installed in a hazardous area in Class I, Division 2, wire a power supply cable from a non-hazardous
area by explosion-proof wiring (including metal conduit wiring).
• In case of option code /FM, install devices according to NEC (National Electrical Code: ANSI/NFPA-70).
In case of option code /CSA, all wiring shall comply with Canadian Electrical Code Part I and local electrical codes.
Ground wiring
The YS1000 should always be grounded to protect the operator and maintenance personnel from electric shock and to
prevent the effects of external noise. Ground wiring should be grounded to Ground (minimum resistance).
For the ground cable, the temperature rating is 60 °C or more.
If there are multiple YS1000s on the same panel and individual grounding cannot be provided, determine the location of a
grounding bus lead-in at one location and use and connect grounding cables of 2 mm2 or more from each YS1000 to the
grounding bus.
Terminal cover
Figure 9.22
IM 01B08B02-01EN 57
How to Take Actions if the ALM Lamp or FAIL Lamp Lights up
In detecting an abnormality, YS1000 lights up the lamps (FAIL, ALM) at the upper part of the instrument’s front panel.
• FAIL lamp (red): Lights up if a major failure occurs in which the controller cannot operate.
• ALM lamp (yellow): Lights up if a minor abnormality occurs in which the controller can still continue to operate.
Actions to be Taken if the ALM Lamp Lights Up
• If the ALM lamp lights up, the alarm item can be checked on the ALARM Display.
• Alarm types include STC alarms, process alarms, and system alarms.
• An STC alarm or process alarm that has occurred prior to a power failure will be stored in the memory and will be re-displayed
upon a HOT start. (Even if the power supply is turned off while in the condition that an alarm occurred in and the instrument is
reused without a control module function, the ALM lamp lights up again at HOT start. In this case, set the instrument once to
COLD start and turn ON the power supply. This will clear the alarm indication.)
58 IM 01B08B02-01EN
OPERR Operation error during auto startup
IDERR PV change was too small at auto startup.
The proportional band has exceeded the
PBLMT PB alarm STC continues (No Eliminate the
high/low limit.
alarm is generated cause of alarm.
TILMT TI alarm Integral time has exceeded the high/low limit.
during execution of STC = OFF
TDLMT TD alarm Derivative time has exceeded the high/low limit.
auto startup) Run auto startup.
RTALM RT alarm Signal distribution ratio (RT) > 2 or RT < 0.5
IM 01B08B02-01EN 59
Hard manual
Display operation circuit operation circuit
(Display processor:
holding circuit
At MCU Normal
At DCU failure ON
At DCU MV operation
Abnormal Y1 current output
Display (MV output)
control section
X1 input signal Control computation circuit
(PV input) (main processor: MCU) Normal
Figure 10.1 Output Backup System
60 IM 01B08B02-01EN
If the FAIL lamp lights up and the LCD display does not function, the MV operation keys are available even if both the main
processor (MCU) and display processor (DCU) are faulty. However, do not manipulate MV because MV display is invisible.
M lamp lit
Cause of FAIL
X1 input bar
SV pointer
Figure 10.2
Table 10.5
Item Names in Figure Description
X1 input bar 1 to 5 V DC of analog input (X1) is displayed in a range of 0 to 100%.
Y1 output value is displayed (if FAIL lights up, the value displayed is the manipulated output
Y1 output bar
variable 1 produced immediately before the occurrence of the failure)
Displayed being linked with the hard manual output value (this pointer is not displayed if suffix
Hard manual pointer
code -2 was specified.)
Displayed if the hard manual unit has been selected (this indication is not displayed if suffix
H.MAN selection status
code -2 was specified.)
The cause of failure is displayed. If there are multiple failures, multiple causes of failures are
FAIL cause
displayed. No indication is displayed if the cause of failure is unknown.
FAIL and ALM lamps FAIL lamp lights up and the ALM lamp is off
SV pointer Undefined
Tag number The tag number shown immediately before FAIL was displayed.
MV value direction C-O or O-C indicated immediately before FAIL was displayed.
0 to 100% unconditionally. Divisions are used that were indicated immediately before FAIL was
C, A, M lamps M lamp lights up.
MH and ML pointers Not displayed
PH, PL, HH, and LL pointers Not displayed
PV, SV, and MV digital display Not displayed
Key entry All invalid with the exception of the MV operation keys (<, SHIFT, >)
IM 01B08B02-01EN 61
Selecting the action to take in the event of an error in the circuit diagnosis of current output.
The SCOCD parameter is enabled when using Y1 terminal or Y3 terminal (Y3TP (analog output 3 current/voltage switching) is
4-20 mA (0)).
This parameter can be used to select D/A FAIL or OOP ALARM for displaying the diagnostic result in the event of an error with the
D/A conversion section and read-back value. Note that selecting OFF (2) does not perform diagnosis.
When Y terminal is voltage output (Y2 terminal, Y4 terminal, or Y3 terminal (Y3TP (analog output 3 current/voltage switching) is
1-5V (1)), D/A FALL is displayed if an error occurs with the D/A conversion section, regardless of the setting of SCOCD.
Current output wire open is detected, regardless of the setting of SCOCD.
Setting Display
Parameters Names Setting Range Display
FAIL: D/A FALL in the event of an error Menu Display
Selection of Current
SCOCD ALARM: OOP ALARM in the event of an error ALARM 1 > [CONFIG1]
Output Circuit Diagnosis
OFF: No diagnosis (Configuration
Display 1)
• How to use the Selection of Current Output Circuit Diagnosis (SCOCD)
When SCOCD is in ALARM (1) (default value):
If an error is detected in the current output read-back value, OOP ALARM is issued and control is continued. In the event
of a breakdown of the current output circuit, control is also continued. In this case, a breakdown of the current output
circuit should be judged based on the fact that proper control can no longer be performed or another system alarm or
process alarm has been issued.
When SCOCD is in FAIL (0):
If a breakdown of the current output circuit or an error in the current output read-back value is detected, D/A FAIL is set
and control is stopped.
When SCOCD is in OFF (2):
Control continues, even if an output read-back value error occurs or the current output circuit breaks down. In this
case, a breakdown of the current output circuit should be judged based on the fact that proper control can no longer be
performed or another system alarm or process alarm is issued.
• Diagnosis of the current output circuit
In current output circuit diagnosis, the current output value of the Y1 or Y3 terminal is read back to within the YS1000 to detect
an error from a difference between the output value and read-back value.
There are cases where the read-back value does not agree with the output value temporarily due to the characteristics of
a positioner, etc. connected to the Y1 or Y3 terminal or noise superimposed by the wiring condition, which results in the
judgment that there is an error in the D/A conversion section.
However, temporary noise of this kind or low-level noise may not affect control and control may be continued normally.
If an error occurs in the D/A conversion section, the cause may be one of the following three. Take action according to each
Possible Cause Actions
(1) Breakdown of the current In this case, control is disabled from being continued.
output circuit The current output circuit has failed; contact us for repair.
(2) A break in wire of Y1 or Y3 A wire of the Y1 or Y3 terminal has broken; check the wiring.
terminal This error may also occur if a terminal wire is disconnected during maintenance,
transient work, etc.
(3) Noise on Y1 or Y3 terminal If control is affected, eliminate noise.
If control is normal, control can be continued as is. This presents no problem.
Hard manual unit operation (except in cases when suffix code -2 was specified)
Swinging up the front panel allows you to see the control section of the hard manual unit for backup (a manual operation output
section consisting of analog circuits) on the internal panel.
If YS1000 is in FAIL status and there is an urgent demand situation, set the manipulated output variable (Y1 output) to the safe
side using hard manual unit operation.
62 IM 01B08B02-01EN
• Adjust the value output by the hard manual circuit using the hard manual operation wheel to match it to the Y1 output value (the
control computation circuit’s manipulated output variable) produced immediately before FAIL was displayed. The output value
increases when the operation wheel is turned clockwise, while it decreases when turned counterclockwise.
• When the hard manual circuit output value agrees with the Y1 output value, the MV balance lamp (BAL: green) lights up.
• When the hard manual selector switch is turned ON, the Y1 output value is shifted from the control computation circuit to the
hard manual circuit while the Y1 output value continues to be generated. After that, output operation is available using the hard
manual operation wheel.
The hard manual unit is only available for Y1 output operation.
Do not remove the internal unit from the instrument case. Contact YOKOGAWA’s sales office or sales representative when
replacing the internal unit, as safety standard inspection is required.
Explosion hazard.
Do not remove or insert the internal unit or do not connect the YS110 in explosive atmospheres.
Products with optional code /FM or /CSA cannot satisfy the explosion protection standards if the internal unit is removed.
Use of the standby manual station allows the controller to be replaced without interrupting Y1 output in the event of internal unit
failure, etc.
► For YS110 standby manual station: see YS110 Standby Manual Station User’s Manual.
If the self-tuning function is used, the PA1, IA1, and DA1 parameter values are initialized to the PB1, TI1, and TD1 values regard-
less of the start mode. This also holds true for the PA2, IA2, and DA2 parameters. Moreover, the parameters are initialized, so
that CR1 and CR2 = 0, RT1 and RT2 = 1.0, LM1 and LM2 = 0, TM1 and TM2 = 0, and GM1 and GM2 = 0.
IM 01B08B02-01EN 63
List of Parameters
Understanding the List of Parameters
For more information about each parameter, see the YS1500 Indicating Controller/ YS1700 Programmable Indicating Controller
User’s Manual.
Parameters are initialized if the controller mode selection (CTL) parameter is changed:
All parameters will be initialized with the exception of setpoint 1 (SV1), setpoint 2 (SV2), user program name (PROG), system
Rev. No. (REV), password, all parameters on the LCD Setting Display, and all parameters on the Communication Setting
64 IM 01B08B02-01EN
<Tuning Parameters>
PID Setting Display 1 (PID1)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
IM 01B08B02-01EN
YS1500 YS1700
OFF: STC is not operating DISP: STC values displayed only
ON: STC is operating ATSTUP: STC automatic start-up
PV1 Process variable 1 Equivalent to -6.3 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) Engineering unit Undefined R R R R
SV1 Setpoint value 1 Equivalent to -6.3 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) Engineering unit 0.0 R/W R/W R/W R/W
MV1 Manipulated output variable 1 (Note 2) -6.3 to 106.3 % -6.3 R R R R
DV1 Deviation variable 1 PV1-SV1 Engineering unit Undefined R R R R
CSV1 Cascade setting value 1 Equivalent to -6.3 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) Engineering unit 0.0 R R R N/A
FF1 Feedforward input value 1 -100.0 to 200.0 % 0.0 R R N/A N/A
LOAD Current load factor for user program 0.0 to 2000.0 % 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R
TRK1 Output tracking input value 1 -6.3 to 106.3 % -6.3 R R R N/A
LDMAX Maximum load factor for user program 0.0 to 2000.0 % 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R
PB1 Proportional band 1 0.1 to 999.9 % 999.9 R/W R/W R/W R/W
TI1 Integral time 1 1 to 9999 s (second) 1000 R/W R/W R/W R/W
TD1 Derivative time 1 0 to 9999 (0:OFF) s (second) 0 R/W R/W R/W R/W
SFA1 Adjustable setpoint filter α1 0.000 to 1.000 0.000 R/W R/W R/W R/W
SFB1 Adjustable setpoing filter β1 0.000 to 1.000 0.000 R/W R/W R/W R/W
GW1 Non-linear control gap width 1 0.0 to 100.0 % 0.0 R/W R/W R/W R/W
GG1 Non-linear control gain 1 0.000 to 1.000 1.000 R/W R/W R/W R/W
PH1 High limit alarm setpoint for PV1 Equivalent to -6.3 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) (Note 3) Engineering unit 106.3 R/W R/W R/W R/W
PL1 Low limit alarm setpoint for PV1 Equivalent to -6.3 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) (Note 4) Engineering unit -6.3 R/W R/W R/W R/W
HH1 High-high limit alarm setpoint for PV1 Equivalent to -6.3 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) (Note 3) Engineering unit 106.3 R/W R/W R/W R/W
LL1 Low-low limit alarm setpoint for PV1 Equivalent to -6.3 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) (Note 4) Engineering unit -6.3 R/W R/W R/W R/W
DL1 Alarm setpoint for deviation variable 1 Equivalent to 0.0 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) (Note 4) Engineering unit 0.0 R/W R/W R/W R/W
VL1 Velocity alarm setpoint for PV1 Equivalent to 0.0 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) (Note 4) Engineering unit 0.0 R/W R/W R/W R/W
VT1 Velocity alarm time setpoint for PV1 1 to 9999 s (second) 1 R/W R/W R/W R/W
HYS1 Alarm hysteresis 1 Equivalent to 0.0 to 20.0% in the engineering unit (Note 1) (Note 6) Engineering unit 2.0 R/W R/W R/W R/W
MH1 High limit setpoint of MV1 -6.3 to 106.3 (Note 5) % 106.3 R/W R/W R/W R/W
ML1 Low limit setpoint of MV1 -6.3 to 106.3 (Note 5) % -6.3 R/W R/W R/W R/W
MR1 Manual reset 1 -6.3 to 106.3 % -6.3 R/W N/A N/A R/W
RB1 Reset bias 1 0.0 to 106.3 % 0.0 R/W R/W R/W R/W
PMV1 Preset output 1 (Note 7) -6.3 to 106.3 % -6.3 R/W R/W R/W R/W
Note 1: The engineering units set with the Engineering parameters, SCH1, SCL1, and SCDP1.
Note 2: MV (Manipulated output variable) can be set only with the MV operation key at the bottom of the front panel. MV will be displayed when the controller mode is set to cascade or selector.
Note 3: Alarm will not occur if set at a maximum value.
Note 4: Alarm will not occur if set at a minimum value.
Note 5: Be sure to set to MH1>ML1. In the cascade mode, MH1 and ML1 will be used as the setpoint for the loop 2. In the selector mode, MH1 and ML1 will be the same as MH2 and ML2.
Note 6: The HYS1 setting is effective on all alarms of PH1, PL1, HH1, LL1, and DL1.
List of Parameters
Note 7: When the controller mode is set to the cascade/selector mode, PMV will be displayed.
List of Parameters
PID Setting Display 2 (PID2)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
OFF: STC is not operating DISP: STC values displayed only
ON: STC is operating ATSTUP: STC automatic start-up
List of Parameters
PV2 Process variable 2 Equivalent to -6.3 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) Engineering unit Undefined N/A R R R
SV2 Setpoint value 2 Equivalent to -6.3 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) Engineering unit 0.0 N/A R/W R/W R/W
MV2 Manipulated output variable 2 (Note 2) -6.3 to 106.3 % -6.3 N/A R R R
DV2 Deviation variable 2 PV2-SV2 Engineering unit Undefined N/A R R R
CSV2 Cascade setting value 2 Equivalent to -6.3 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) Engineering unit Undefined N/A N/A R N/A
AUT: Automatic selection as in the setting of the engineering parameter “ATSEL”
SSW Selector control switch (AUT) (AUT) N/A N/A R/W N/A
1: Loop 1 output, 2: Loop 2 output
PB2 Proportional band 2 0.1 to 999.9 % 999.9 N/A R/W R/W R/W
TI2 Integral time 2 1 to 9999 s (second) 1000 N/A R/W R/W R/W
TD2 Derivative time 2 0 to 9999(0: OFF) s (second) 0 N/A R/W R/W R/W
SFA2 Adjustable setpoint filter α2 0.000 to 1.000 0.000 N/A R/W R/W R/W
SFB2 Adjustable setpoint filter β2 0.000 to 1.000 0.000 N/A R/W R/W R/W
GW2 Non-linear control gap width 2 0.0 to 100.0 % 0.0 N/A R/W R/W R/W
GG2 Non-linear control gain 2 0.000 to 1.000 1.000 N/A R/W R/W R/W
PH2 High limit alarm setpoint for PV2 Equivalent to -6.3 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) (Note 3) Engineering unit 106.3 N/A R/W R/W R/W
PL2 Low limit alarm setpoint for PV2 Equivalent to -6.3 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) (Note 4) Engineering unit -6.3 N/A R/W R/W R/W
HH2 High-high limit alarm setpoint for PV2 Equivalent to -6.3 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) (Note 3) Engineering unit 106.3 N/A R/W R/W R/W
LL2 Low-low limit alarm setpoint for PV2 Equivalent to -6.3 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) (Note 4) Engineering unit -6.3 N/A R/W R/W R/W
DL2 Alarm setpoint for deviation variable 2 Equivalent to 0.0 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) (Note 4) Engineering unit 0.0 N/A R/W R/W R/W
VL2 Velocity alarm setpoint for PV2 Equivalent to 0.0 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) (Note 4) Engineering unit 0.0 N/A R/W R/W R/W
VT2 Velocity alarm time setpoint for PV2 1 to 9999 s (second) 1 N/A R/W R/W R/W
HYS2 Alarm hysteresis 2 Equivalent to 0.0 to 20.0% in the engineering unit (Note 1) (Note 6) Engineering unit 2.0 N/A R/W R/W R/W
MH2 High limit setpoint of MV2 -6.3 to 106.3 (Note 5) % 106.3 N/A R/W R R/W
ML2 Low limit setpoint of MV2 -6.3 to 106.3 (Note 5) % -6.3 N/A R/W R R/W
MR2 Manual reset 2 -6.3 to 106.3 % -6.3 N/A N/A N/A R/W
RB2 Reset bias 2 0.0 to 106.3 % 0.0 N/A R/W R/W R/W
PMV2 Preset output 2 -6.3 to 106.3 % -6.3 N/A N/A N/A R/W
Note 1: The engineering units set with the Engineering parameters, SCH2, SCL2, and SCDP2.
Note 2: MV (Manipulated output variable) can be set only with the MV operation key at the bottom of the front panel. MV will be displayed when the controller mode is set to cascade or selector.
Note 3: Alarm will not occur if set at a maximum value.
Note 4: Alarm will not occur if set at a minimum value.
Note 5: Be sure to set to MH2>ML2. In the selector mode, MH2 and ML2 will be the same as MH1 and ML1.
Note 6: The HYS2 setting is effective on all alarms of PH2, PL2, HH2, LL2, and DL2.
*The values in () of YS1500/1700 factory default values mean the initial values when the controller mode is changed to the selector mode.
IM 01B08B02-01EN
STC Setting Display 1 (STC1)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
IM 01B08B02-01EN
PV1 Process variable 1 Equivalent to -6.3 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) Engineering Unit Undefined R R R R
SV1 Setpoint value 1 Equivalent to -6.3 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) Engineering Unit 0.0 R/W R/W R/W R/W
MV1 Manipulated output variable 1 (Note 2) -6.3 to 106.3 % -6.3 R R R R
OFF: STC is not operating DISP: STC values displayed only
STC STC mode selection OFF R/W R/W R/W R/W
ON: STC is operating ATSTUP: STC automatic start-up (Note 3)
OD On-demand tuning start OFF, ON OFF R/W R/W R/W R/W
PB1 Proportional band 1 0.1 to 999.9 % 999.9 R/W R/W R/W R/W
TI1 Integral time 1 1 to 9999 s (second) 1000 R/W R/W R/W R/W
TD1 Derivative time 1 0 to 9999(0: OFF) s (second) 0 R/W R/W R/W R/W
STATIC: Static process
IP1 Process type 1 STATIC R/W R/W R/W R/W
DYNAM: Astatic process (with integral characteristics)
TR1 Process response time 1 4 to 9999 s (second) 300 R/W R/W R/W R/W
NB1 Noise band 1 Equivalent to 0.0 to 20.0% in the engineering unit (Note 1) Engineering Unit 0.0 R/W R/W R/W R/W
ZERO: Overshoot zero
MIN: Overshoot: Small (About 5%) Settling time: Short
OS1 Control target type 1 MED R/W R/W R/W R/W
MED: Overshoot: (About 10%) Rise time: Medium-fast
MAX: Overshoot: (About 15%) Rise time: Fast
MI1 MV applied signal span 1 0.0 to 20.0 % 5.0 R/W R/W R/W R/W
PMX1 High limit setpoint of proportional band 1 2.0 to 999.9 % 999.9 R/W R/W R/W R/W
PMN1 Low limit setpoint of proportional band 1 2.0 to 999.9 % 2.0 R/W R/W R/W R/W
IMX1 High limit setpoint of integral time 1 1 to 9999 s (second) 9999 R/W R/W R/W R/W
IMN1 Low limit setpoint of integral time 1 to 9999 s (second) 1 R/W R/W R/W R/W
DMX1 High limit setpoint of derivative time 1 0 to 9999 s (second) 2000 R/W R/W R/W R/W
PA1 Calculated proportional band 1 2.0 to 999.9 % 999.9 R R R R
IA1 Calculated integral time 1 1 to 9999 s (second) 1000 R R R R
DA1 Calculated derivative time 1 0 to 9999 s (second) 0 R R R R
CR1 Presumed accuracy error 1 0.00 to 99.99 % 0.00 R R R R
RT1 Signal distribution ratio 1 0.000 to 9.999 1.000 R R R R
LM1 Equivalent dead time 1 0 to 9999 s (second) 0 R R R R
TM1 Equivalent lag time 1 0 to 9999 s (second) 0 R R R R
GM1 Equivalent process gain 1 0.000 to 9.999 0.000 R R R R
Note 1: The engineering units set with the Engineering parameters, SCH1, SCL1, and SCDP1.
Note 2: MV (Manipulated output variable) can be set only with the MV operation key at the bottom of the front panel. MV will be displayed when the controller mode is set to cascade or selector.
Note 3: ATSTUP can not be set if the controller mode is set to the selector or the selector control module is being used in the programmable mode.
List of Parameters
List of Parameters
STC Setting Display 2 (STC2)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
PV2 Process variable 2 Equivalent to -6.3 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) Engineering Unit Undefined N/A R R R
List of Parameters
SV2 Setpoint value 2 Equivalent to -6.3 to 106.3% in the engineering unit (Note 1) Engineering Unit 0.0 N/A R/W R/W R/W
MV2 Manipulated output variable 2 (Note 2) -6.3 to 106.3 % -6.3 N/A R R R
OFF: STC is not operating DISP: STC values displayed only
STC STC mode selection OFF N/A R/W R/W R/W
ON: STC is operating ATSTUP: STC automatic start-up (Note 3)
OD On-demand tuning start OFF, ON OFF N/A R/W R/W R/W
PB2 Proportional band 2 0.1 to 999.9 % 999.9 N/A R/W R/W R/W
TI2 Integral time 2 1 to 9999 s (second) 1000 N/A R/W R/W R/W
TD2 Derivative time 2 0 to 9999 (0: OFF) s (second) 0 N/A R/W R/W R/W
STATIC: Static process
IP2 Process type 2 STATIC N/A R/W R/W R/W
DYNAM: Astatic process (with integral characteristics)
TR2 Process response time 2 4 to 9999 s (second) 300 N/A R/W R/W R/W
NB2 Noise band 2 Equivalent to 0.0 to 20.0% in the engineering unit (Note 1) Engineering Unit 0.0 N/A R/W R/W R/W
ZERO: Overshoot zero
MIN: Overshoot: Small (About 5%) Settling time: Short
OS2 Control target type 2 MED N/A R/W R/W R/W
MED: Overshoot: (About 10%) Rise time: Medium-fast
MAX: Overshoot: (About 15%) Rise time: Fast
MI2 MV applied signal span 2 0.0 to 20.0 % 5.0 N/A R/W R/W R/W
PMX2 High limit setpoint of proportional band 2 2.0 to 999.9 % 999.9 N/A R/W R/W R/W
PMN2 Low limit setpoint of proportional band 2 2.0 to 999.9 % 2.0 N/A R/W R/W R/W
IMX2 High limit setpoint of integral time 2 1 to 9999 s (second) 9999 N/A R/W R/W R/W
IMN2 Low limit setpoint of integral time 2 1 to 9999 s (second) 1 N/A R/W R/W R/W
DMX2 High limit setpoint of derivative time 2 0 to 9999 s (second) 2000 N/A R/W R/W R/W
PA2 Calculated proportional band 2 2.0 to 999.9 % 999.9 N/A R R R
IA2 Calculated integral time 2 1 to 9999 s (second) 1000 N/A R R R
DA2 Calculated derivative time 2 0 to 9999 s (second) 0 N/A R R R
CR2 Presumed accuracy error 2 0.00 to 99.99 % 0.00 N/A R R R
RT2 Signal distribution ratio 2 0.000 to 9.999 1.000 N/A R R R
LM2 Equivalent dead time 2 0 to 9999 s (second) 0 N/A R R R
TM2 Equivalent lag time 2 0 to 9999 s (second) 0 N/A R R R
GM2 Equivalent process gain 2 0.000 to 9.999 0.000 N/A R R R
Note 1: The engineering units set with the Engineering parameters, SCH2, SCL2, and SCDP2.
Note 2: MV (Manipulated output variable) can be set only with the MV operation key at the bottom of the front panel. MV will be displayed when the controller mode is set to cascade or selector.
Note 3: ATSTUP can not be set if the controller mode is set to the selector mode or the selector control module is being used in the programmable mode.
IM 01B08B02-01EN
P&T Register Display (P&T REG 1/3)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
IM 01B08B02-01EN
P01 Variable parameter 1 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P02 Variable parameter 2 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P03 Variable parameter 3 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P04 Variable parameter 4 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P05 Variable parameter 5 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P06 Variable parameter 6 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P07 Variable parameter 7 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P08 Variable parameter 8 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P09 Variable parameter 9 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P10 Variable parameter 10 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P11 Variable parameter 11 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P12 Variable parameter 12 Internal value (User program) = Maximum and Minimum value which can be 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
expressed by floating point numbers.
P13 Variable parameter 13 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
Setting and display range = -99999 to 99999
P14 Variable parameter 14 When this range is exceeded, ´*´ is displayed. 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P15 Variable parameter 15 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
The scale and decimal point position for each P register are set by YSS1000.
P16 Variable parameter 16 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P17 Variable parameter 17 Factory default settings for scale and decimal point position 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
Scale high limit: 1000 (100.0 on the display)
P18 Variable parameter 18 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
Scale low limit: 00 (0.0 on the display)
P19 Variable parameter 19 Decimal point position: 1 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P20 Variable parameter 20 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P21 Variable parameter 21 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P22 Variable parameter 22 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P23 Variable parameter 23 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P24 Variable parameter 24 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P25 Variable parameter 25 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P26 Variable parameter 26 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P27 Variable parameter 27 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P28 Variable parameter 28 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P29 Variable parameter 29 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
P30 Variable parameter 30 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
List of Parameters
List of Parameters
P&T Register Display (P&T REG 2/3)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
T01 Temporary memory register 1 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
List of Parameters
IM 01B08B02-01EN
P&T Register Display (P&T REG 3/3)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
IM 01B08B02-01EN
T31 Temporary memory register 31 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T32 Temporary memory register 32 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T33 Temporary memory register 33 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T34 Temporary memory register 34 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T35 Temporary memory register 35 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T36 Temporary memory register 36 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T37 Temporary memory register 37 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T38 Temporary memory register 38 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T39 Temporary memory register 39 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T40 Temporary memory register 40 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T41 Temporary memory register 41 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T42 Temporary memory register 42 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T43 Temporary memory register 43 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T44 Temporary memory register 44 Internal value (User program) = Maximum and Minimum value which can be 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
expressed by floating point numbers.
T45 Temporary memory register 45 Setting and display range = -99999 to 99999 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T46 Temporary memory register 46 When this range is exceeded, ´*´ is displayed. 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T47 Temporary memory register 47 Each T register is set by user program 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T48 Temporary memory register 48 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T49 Temporary memory register 49 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T50 Temporary memory register 50 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T51 Temporary memory register 51 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T52 Temporary memory register 52 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T53 Temporary memory register 53 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T54 Temporary memory register 54 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T55 Temporary memory register 55 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T56 Temporary memory register 56 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T57 Temporary memory register 57 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T58 Temporary memory register 58 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T59 Temporary memory register 59 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
T60 Temporary memory register 60 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
List of Parameters
List of Parameters
Parameter Setting Display (PARAMETER)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
PLC1 Square root extraction low cutoff setpoint for PV1 0.0 to 100.0 % 1.0 R/W R/W R/W N/A
List of Parameters
PLG1 First order lag time constant for PV1 0.0 to 800.0 s (second) 0.0 R/W R/W R/W N/A
CLC1 Square root extraction low cutoff setpoint for CSV1 0.0 to 100.0 % 1.0 R/W R/W R/W N/A
CLG1 First order lag time constant for CSV1 0.0 to 800.0 s (second) 0.0 R/W R/W R/W N/A
CGN1 Ratio gain for CSV1 -8.000 to 8.000 1.000 R/W R/W R/W N/A
CBI1 Ratio input bias for CSV1 -106.3 to 106.3 % 0.0 R/W R/W R/W N/A
CBO1 Ratio output bias for CSV1 -800.0 to 800.0 % 0.0 R/W R/W R/W N/A
FLG Feedforward lag time constant 0.0 to 800.0 s (second) 0.0 R/W R/W N/A N/A
FGN Feedforward gain -8.000 to 8.000 0.000 R/W R/W N/A N/A
FBI Feedforward input bias -106.3 to 106.3 % 0.0 R/W R/W N/A N/A
FBO Feedforward output bias -800.0 to 800.0 % 0.0 R/W R/W N/A N/A
TLG Tracking input lag time constant 0.0 to 800.0 s (second) 0.0 R/W R/W R/W N/A
PLC2 Square root extraction low cutoff setpoint for PV2 0.0 to 100.0 % (1.0) N/A R/W R/W N/A
PLG2 First order lag time constant of PV2 0.0 to 800.0 s (second) (0.0) N/A R/W R/W N/A
CLC2 Square root extraction low cutoff setpoint for CSV2 0.0 to 100.0 % (1.0) N/A N/A R/W N/A
CLG2 First order lag time constant for CSV2 0.0 to 800.0 s (second) (0.0) N/A N/A R/W N/A
CGN2 Ratio gain for CSV2 -8.000 to 8.000 (1.000) N/A N/A R/W N/A
CBI2 Ratio input bias for CSV2 -106.3 to 106.3 % (0.0) N/A N/A R/W N/A
CBO2 Ratio output bias for CSV2 -800.0 to 800.0 % (0.0) N/A N/A R/W N/A
*The values in () of YS1500 factory default values mean the initial values when the Controller mode is changed to the Selector/Cascade mode.
IM 01B08B02-01EN
Input and Output Data Display (I/O Data)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
IM 01B08B02-01EN
X1 Analog input 1 % -25.0 R R R R
X2 Analog input 2 % -25.0 R R R R
X3 Analog input 3 % -25.0 R R R R
X4 Analog input 4 % -25.0 R R R R
-25.0 to 125.0
X5 Analog input 5/Direct input signal output % -25.0 R R R R
X6 Analog input 6 (Note 1) % -25.0 R R R R
X7 Analog input 7 (Note 1) % -25.0 R R R R
X8 Analog input 8 (Note 1) % -25.0 R R R R
Y1 Analog output 1 -20.0 to 106.3 % -20.0 R R R R
Y2 Analog output 2 % -6.3 R R R R
Y3 Analog output 3 % -6.3 R R R R
Y4 Analog output 4 (Note 1) -6.3 to 106.3 % -6.3 R R R R
Y5 Analog output 5 (Note 2) % -6.3 N/A N/A N/A R
Y6 Analog output 6 (Note 2) % -6.3 N/A N/A N/A R
DI01 DO01 Digital input 1/Digital output 1 0 R R R R
DI02 DO02 Digital input 2/Digital output 2 0 R R R R
DI03 DO03 Digital input 3/Digital output 3 0 R R R R
DI04 DO04 Digital input 4/Digital output 4 0 R R R R
DI05 DO05 Digital input 5/Digital output 5 0 R R R R
DI06 DO06 Digital input 6/Digital output 6 0 R R R R
DI07 DO07 Digital input 7/Digital output 7 (Note 1) 0 R R R R
DI08 DO08 Digital input 8/Digital output 8 (Note 1) 0 R R R R
0, 1
DI09 DO09 Digital input 9/Digital output 9 (Note 1) 0 R R R R
DI10 DO10 Digital input 10/Digital output 10 (Note 1) 0 R R R R
DO11 Digital output 11 0 N/A N/A N/A R
DO12 Digital output 12 0 N/A N/A N/A R
DO13 Digital output 13 0 N/A N/A N/A R
DO14 Digital output 14 0 N/A N/A N/A R
DO15 Digital output 15 0 N/A N/A N/A R
DO16 Digital output 16 0 N/A N/A N/A R
Note 1: This value is displayed only on YS1700 Basic type with expandable I/O, and it is always displayed in the programmable mode.
Note 2: Y5 and Y6 are not actual terminals. They are used as the inside registers.
List of Parameters
List of Parameters
<Engineering Parameters>
Configuration Display 1 (CONFIG1)
If you change the controller mode (CTL), each parameter will be initialized.
Factory Default Display and Setting Conditions
Value for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
SET Enable/Disable setting INHB: Setting impossible ENBL: Setting possible (Note1) INHB R/W R/W R/W R/W
List of Parameters
Note 1: When the SET parameter is set to “ENBL”, [STOP] will appear on the right of the display title, and the manipulated output and alarm output will be kept.
IM 01B08B02-01EN
Note 2: “PROG” (User program name) is displayed only on YS1700.
Note 3: Loop1 is always displayed even if you set “OFF” for all lines. When you do not use TRND3, set it to “OFF”.
Note 4: This value is displayed only on YS1700 Basic type with expandable I/O.
*The values in () of YS1500/1700 factory default values mean the initial values when the controller mode is changed to the selector/cascade mode
Configuration Display 2 (CONFIG2)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
IM 01B08B02-01EN
SET Enable/Disable setting INHB: Setting impossible ENBL: Setting possible (Note1) INHB R/W R/W R/W R/W
CMOD1 C-mode 1 -: None, CAS: Analog cascade setting mode, CMP: Computer cascade setting mode - R/W R/W R/W R/W
BMOD1 Backup mode 1 BUM: Manual operation backup mode, BUA: Automatic operation backup mode BUM R/W R/W R/W R/W
PID: Standard PID (Note 2), S-PI: Sample-and-hold PI control (Note 2),
CNT1 Control type 1 PID R/W R/W R/W R/W
BATCH: Batch PID control (Note 2), PD: Proportional (PD) control (Note 2)
ALG1 Control operation formula 1 I-PD: PV proportional type PID, PI-D: PV derivative type PID, SVF: Adjustable setpoint filter I-PD R/W R/W R/W R/W
ACT1 Control operation direction 1 RVS: Reverse action DIR: Direct action RVS R/W R/W R/W R/W
VDIR1 Valve direction 1 C-O: MV 0%=Close, 100%=Open, O-C: MV 0%=Open, 100%=Close C-O R/W R/W R/W R/W
SCH1 100% value of scale 1 -80000 to 80000 1000 R/W R/W R/W R/W
SCL1 0% value of scale 1 -80000 to 80000 0 R/W R/W R/W R/W
SCDP1 Decimal point position 1 #####, ####.#, ###.##, ##.###, #.#### ####.# R/W R/W R/W R/W
SCDV1 Scale division 1 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 14, 20 10 R/W R/W R/W R/W
UNIT1 Engineering unit 1 Alphanumeric character 7 digits % R/W R/W R/W R/W
TAG1 Tag number 1 Alphanumeric character 12 digits ---YS1500--- ---YS1700--- R/W R/W R/W R/W
CMOD2 C-mode 2 -: None, CAS: Analog cascade setting mode, CMP: Computer cascade setting mode - N/A N/A R/W R/W
BMOD2 Backup mode 2 BUM: Manual operation backup, BUA: Automatic operation backup BUM N/A N/A N/A R/W
PID: Standard PID (Note 2), S-PI: Sample-and-hold PI control (Note 2),
CNT2 Control type 2 PID N/A R/W R/W R/W
BATCH: Batch PID control (Note 2), PD: Proportional (PD) control (Note 2)
ALG2 Control operation formula 2 I-PD: PV proportional type PID, PI-D: PV derivative type PID, SVF: Adjustable setpoint filter I-PD N/A R/W R/W R/W
ACT2 Control operation direction 2 RVS: Reverse action DIR: Direct action RVS N/A R/W R/W R/W
VDIR2 Valve direction 2 C-O: MV 0%=Close, 100%=Open, O-C: MV 0%=Open, 100%=Close C-O N/A N/A N/A R/W
SCH2 100% value of scale 2 -80000 to 80000 1000 N/A R/W R/W R/W
SCL2 0% value of scale 2 -80000 to 80000 0 N/A R/W R/W R/W
SCDP2 Decimal point position 2 #####, ####.#, ###.##, ##.###, #.#### ####.# N/A R/W R/W R/W
SCDV2 Scale division 2 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 14, 20 10 N/A R/W R/W R/W
UNIT2 Engineering unit 2 Alphanumeric character 7 digits % N/A R/W R/W R/W
TAG2 Tag number 2 Alphanumeric character 12 digits ---YS1700--- N/A R/W R/W R/W
Note 1: When the SET parameter is set to “ENBL”, [STOP] will appear on the right of the display title, and the manipulated output and alarm output will be kept.
Note 2: In the single-loop mode, “PID”, “S-PI” or “PD” is available for setting. In the cascade mode, “PID” or “S-PI” is available for setting. In the selector mode, “PID” is available for setting. “BATCH” is for programmable
Be sure to set the ALG1 and ALG2 (Control operation formula 1, 2) to “PI-D”. The same settings should be done to each control module (basic/cascade/selector control) used in the programmable mode.
List of Parameters
List of Parameters
Configuration Display 3 (CONFIG3)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
SET Enable/Disable setting INHB: Setting impossible ENBL: Setting possible (Note1) INHB R/W R/W R/W N/A
List of Parameters
PFKEY Selection of PF key function -: None, STC: Self tuning - R/W R/W R/W N/A
TRKSW Selection of tracking function -: None SVTRK: SV tracking, PVTRK: PV tracking - R/W N/A N/A N/A
PSR1 Square root extraction for PV1 OFF R/W R/W R/W N/A
FX1 10-segment linearizer function for PV1 OFF R/W R/W R/W N/A
CSR1 Square root extraction for CSV OFF R/W R/W R/W N/A
CSW1 Ratio operation for CSV1 OFF R/W R/W R/W N/A
FSW Feedforward gain operation OFF R/W R/W N/A N/A
FON Addition of feedforward output OFF R/W R/W N/A N/A
PSR2 Square root extraction for PV2 (OFF) N/A R/W R/W N/A
FX2 10-segment linearizer function for PV2 (OFF) N/A R/W R/W N/A
CSR2 Square root extraction for CSV2 (OFF) N/A N/A R/W N/A
CSW2 Ratio operation for CSV2 (OFF) N/A N/A R/W N/A
Note 1: When the SET parameter is set to “ENBL”, [STOP] will appear on the right of the display title, and the manipulated output and alarm output will be kept.
*The values in () of YS1500 factory default values mean the initial values when the controller mode is changed to the selector/cascade mode
Sample & Batch Setting Display (SMPL & BATCH)/Sample Setting Display (SMPL)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
STM1 Sample PI sampled time 1 0 to 9999 s (second) 0 0 R/W R/W N/A R/W
SWD1 Sample-and-hold PI control time span 1 0 to 9999 s (second) 0 0 R/W R/W N/A R/W
BD1 Batch PID deviation setting value 1 0.0 to 100.0 % 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
BB1 Batch PID bias 1 0.0 to 100.0 % 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
BL1 Batch PID lock-up width 1 0.0 to 100.0 % 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
STM2 Sample PI sampled time 2 0 to 9999 s (second) 0 N/A R/W N/A R/W
SWD2 Sample-and-hold PI control time span 2 0 to 9999 s (second) 0 N/A R/W N/A R/W
BD2 Batch PID deviation setting value 2 0.0 to 100.0 % 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
BB2 Batch PID bias 2 0.0 to 100.0 % 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
BL2 Batch PID lock-up width 2 0.0 to 100.0 % 0.0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
IM 01B08B02-01EN
Setting Display for Operation Display (DISPLAY)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
IM 01B08B02-01EN
SET Enable/Disable setting INHB: Setting impossible ENBL: Setting possible (Note1) INHB R/W R/W R/W R/W
LP1C LOOP 1 color selection GREEN R/W R/W R/W R/W
LP2C LOOP 2 color selection AQUA N/A R/W R/W R/W
BKCL Background color selection BLACK, WHITE, BLUE BLACK R/W R/W R/W R/W
10-exponetial scale factor for METER 1
AUTO, 10^-5, 10^-4, 10^-3, 10^-2, 10^-1, 10^0, 10^1, 10^2, 10^3, 10^4, 10^5
10-exponetial scale factor for METER 2
TR1PV PV1 trend ON/OFF for TREND 1 Display ON R/W R/W R/W R/W
TR1SV SV1 trend ON/OFF for TREND 1 Display ON R/W R/W R/W R/W
TR1MV MV1 trend ON/OFF for TREND 1 Display OFF R/W R/W R/W R/W
TR2PV PV2 trend ON/OFF for TREND 2 Display ON N/A R/W R/W R/W
TR2SV SV2 trend ON/OFF for TREND 2 Display ON N/A R/W R/W R/W
TR2MV MV2 trend ON/OFF for TREND 2 Display OFF N/A R/W R/W R/W
TRDS1 Data selection 1 for TREND 3 Display OFF: None, PV1: Process variable 1, SV1: Setpoint value 1, MV1: Manipulated output PV1 R/W R/W R/W R/W
variable 1, PV2: Process variable 2, SV2: Setpoint value 2, MV2: Manipulated output
TRDS2 Data selection 2 for TREND 3 Display SV1 R/W R/W R/W R/W
variable 2, X1: Analog input 1, X2: Analog input 2, X3: Analog input 3, X4: Analog input 4,
TRDS3 Data selection 3 for TREND 3 Display X5: Analog input 5, X6: Analog input 6 (Note 2), X7: Analog input 7 (Note 2), X8: Analog MV1 R/W R/W R/W R/W
input 8 (Note 2)
TRDS4 Data selection 4 for TREND 3 Display Y1: Analog output 1, Y2: Analog output 2, Y3: Analog output 3, Y4: Analog output 4 (Note 2) OFF R/W R/W R/W R/W
Note 1: When the SET parameter is set to “ENBL”, [STOP] will appear on the right of the display title, and the manipulated output and alarm output will be kept.
Note 2: This value is displayed only on YS1700 Basic type with expandable I/O.
List of Parameters
List of Parameters
LCD Setting Display (LCD)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
SET Enable/Disable setting INHB: Setting impossible ENBL: Setting possible (Note1) INHB R/W R/W R/W R/W
List of Parameters
ECO LCD backlight auto-off timer OFF: Timer function OFF, ON: Timer function ON (Off timer: 30 min) OFF R/W R/W R/W R/W
CTRS LCD contrast adjustment 0 to 10 5 R/W R/W R/W R/W
BRT LCD brightness adjustment 0 to 5 1 R/W R/W R/W R/W
Note 1: When the SET parameter is set to “ENBL”, [STOP] will appear on the right of the display title, and the manipulated output and alarm output will be kept.
IM 01B08B02-01EN
Communication Setting Display (COMM)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
SET Enable/Disable setting INHB: Setting impossible ENBL: Setting possible (Note1) INHB R/W R/W R/W R/W
IM 01B08B02-01EN
No option:-
COMM Communication selection -, RS-485, DCS-LCS /A31:RS-485 R R R R
Enable/Disable writing via RS-485
COMWR INHB: Setting impossible ENBL: Setting possible (Note1) ENBL R/W R/W R/W R/W
communication (Note 2)
RS-485 communication D register setting for
DREG1 H-L: High-Low, L-H: Low-High H-L R/W R/W R/W R/W
High/Low level (Note 3)
PCL: PC-link communication,
PCLSUM: PC-link communication (with checksum),
PSL RS-485 Protocol selection (Note 3) MODASC: Modbus communication (ASCII), MODRTU R/W R/W R/W R/W
MODRTU: Modbus communication (RTU),
YS: YS protocol, P-to-P: Peer-to-peer communication (Note 4)
ADRS RS-485 communication address (Note 3) 1 to 99 1 R/W R/W R/W R/W
STBIT RS-485 stop bit (Note 3) 1 bit, 2 bit 1 bit R/W R/W R/W R/W
PAR RS-485 parity (Note 3) NONE, ODD, EVEN EVEN R/W R/W R/W R/W
DLEN RS-485 data length (Note 3) 7 bit, 8 bit 8 bit R/W R/W R/W R/W
BPS RS-485 baud rate (Note 3) 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 (bps) 38400 R/W R/W R/W R/W
RS-485 communication terminating resistor
ON/OFF (Note 3)
Enable/Disable writing via Ethernet
ETRWR INHB: Setting impossible ENBL: Setting possible (Note1) ENBL R/W R/W R/W R/W
communication (Note 5)
Ethernet communication D register setting for
DREG2 H-L: High-Low, L-H: Low-High H-L R/W R/W R/W R/W
High/Low level (Note 5)
ECTO Ethernet communication timeout period 4 to 60 s 60 R/W R/W R/W R/W
IPAD1 IP address 1 (Note 5) 192 R/W R/W R/W R/W
IPAD2 IP address 2 (Note 5) 168 R/W R/W R/W R/W
0 to 255
IPAD3 IP address 3 (Note 5) 1 R/W R/W R/W R/W
IPAD4 IP address 4 (Note 5) 1 R/W R/W R/W R/W
SM1 Subnet mask 1 (Note 5) 255 R/W R/W R/W R/W
SM2 Subnet mask 2 (Note 5) 255 R/W R/W R/W R/W
0 to 255
SM3 Subnet mask 3 (Note 5) 255 R/W R/W R/W R/W
SM4 Subnet mask 4 (Note 5) 0 R/W R/W R/W R/W
DG1 Default gateway 1 (Note 5) 0 R/W R/W R/W R/W
DG2 Default gateway 2 (Note 5) 0 R/W R/W R/W R/W
0 to 255
DG3 Default gateway 3 (Note 5) 0 R/W R/W R/W R/W
DG4 Default gateway 4 (Note 5) 0 R/W R/W R/W R/W
PORT Port number (Note 5) 502, 1024 to 65535 502 R/W R/W R/W R/W
ESW Ethernet setting switch (Note 5) -, ENTRY - R/W R/W R/W R/W
Note 1: When the SET parameter is set to “ENBL”, [STOP] will appear on the right of the display title, and the manipulated output and alarm output will be kept.
Note 2: Available for the option /A31 or /A32.
List of Parameters
Note 3: Available for the option /A31.
Note 4: “P-to-P” is available only for YS1700.
Note 5: Available for the option /A34.
List of Parameters
DI/DO Configuration Display 1/2 (DI/DO 1/2)
Display and Setting Conditions
Default User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Value Set-
YS1500 tings
SET Enable/Disable setting INHB: Setting impossible ENBL: Setting possible (Note1) INHB R/W R/W R/W N/A
List of Parameters
Note 1: When the SET parameter is set to “ENBL”, [STOP] will appear on the right of the display title, and the manipulated output and alarm output will be kept.
Note 2: This value is displayed only on YS1700 Basic type with expandable I/O.
Note 3: This function can be selected when the controller mode is in the cascade mode. (Ex. DInD (n=1 to 10) = OPN: When the contact is closed, internal cascade is in close status. When the contact is open, internal
cascade is in open status. The status of the contact can be changed by the contact type parameters.)
Note 4: This function can be selected when the controller mode is in the selector mode. (Ex. DInD (n=1 to 10) =OPN: E-L/R; When the contact is closed, SV2 is the local setpoint value. When the contact is open, SV2 is
cascade setpoint value. E-SEL; When the contact is closed, MV of the loop 1 is selected. When the contact is opened, MV is selected automatically by ATSEL parameter)
IM 01B08B02-01EN
DI/DO Configuration Display 2/2 (DI/DO 2/2)
Display and Setting Conditions
Default User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Value Set-
YS1500 tings
IM 01B08B02-01EN
SET Enable/Disable setting INHB: Setting impossible ENBL: Setting possible (Note1) INHB R/W R/W R/W N/A
DO1F DO1 function selection (Note 2) PH1 R/W R/W R/W N/A
DO2F DO2 function selection (Note 2) NONE: OFF, PH1: High limit alarm for PV1, PL1: Low limit alarm for PV1, PL1 R/W R/W R/W N/A
HH1: High-high limit alarm for PV1, LL1: Low-low limit alarm for PV1,
DO3F DO3 function selection (Note 2) VL1 R/W R/W R/W N/A
DL1: Alarm for deviation variable 1, VL1: Velocity alarm for PV1,
DO4F DO4 function selection (Note 2) PH2: High limit alarm for PV2, PL2: Low limit alarm for PV2, CAS R/W R/W R/W N/A
DO5F DO5 function selection (Note 2) HH2: High-high limit alarm for PV2, LL2: Low-low limit alarm for PV2, CASAUT R/W R/W R/W N/A
DL2: Alarm for deviation variable 2, VL2: Velocity alarm for PV2,
DO6F DO6 function selection (Note 2) DL1 VL1: Alarm for deviation variable 1/ Velocity alarm for PV1, NONE R/W R/W R/W N/A
DO7F DO7 function selection (Note 2) (Note 3) DL2 VL2: Alarm for deviation variable 2/ Velocity alarm for PV2, NONE R/W R/W R/W N/A
1-ALM: OR for all alarms of the loop 1, 2-ALM: OR for all alarms of the loop 2
DO8F DO8 function selection (Note 2) (Note 3) NONE R/W R/W R/W N/A
CAS: Cascade mode, CASAUT: Cascade or Automatic mode, O/C: Open/Close, L/R: Local/
DO9F DO9 function selection (Note 2) (Note 3) Remote, OOP: Current output open NONE R/W R/W R/W N/A
DO10F DO10 function selection (Note 2) (Note 3) NONE R/W R/W R/W N/A
DO1D DO1 contact type OPN R/W R/W R/W N/A
DO2D DO2 contact type OPN R/W R/W R/W N/A
DO3D DO3 contact type OPN R/W R/W R/W N/A
DO4D DO4 contact type CLS R/W R/W R/W N/A
DO5D DO5 contact type OPN: When the event occurs, the contact is opened CLS R/W R/W R/W N/A
DO6D DO6 contact type CLS: When the event occurs, the contact is closed OPN R/W R/W R/W N/A
DO7D DO7 contact type (Note 3) R/W R/W R/W N/A
DO8D DO8 contact type (Note 3) R/W R/W R/W N/A
DO9D DO9 contact type (Note 3) R/W R/W R/W N/A
DO10D DO10 contact type (Note 3) R/W R/W R/W N/A
Note 1: When the SET parameter is set to “ENBL”, [STOP] will appear on the right of the display title, and the manipulated output and alarm output will be kept.
Note 2: Ex. When DInD (n=1 to 10) is OPN, and the DO function parameter is:
CASAUT: The contact is open when in the cascade or automatic mode
O/C: The contact is closed when the internal cascade is in close status, the contact is open when the internal cascade is in open status.
L/R: The contact is closed when SV2 is local setpoint value, the contact is open when SV2 is cascade setpoint value.
All alarm related parameters: the contact is open when the alarm occurs.
Note 3: This value is displayed only on YS1700 Basic type with expandable I/O.
List of Parameters
List of Parameters
FX Table Setting Display (FX TABLE)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
101 0% setting of FX1 0.000 R/W R/W R/W R/W
List of Parameters
IM 01B08B02-01EN
GX1 Table Setting Display (GX1 TABLE)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
IM 01B08B02-01EN
101 Input 1 setting of GX1 0.000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
102 Input 2 setting of GX1 0.100 N/A N/A N/A R/W
103 Input 3 setting of GX1 0.200 N/A N/A N/A R/W
104 Input 4 setting of GX1 0.300 N/A N/A N/A R/W
105 Input 5 setting of GX1 0.400 N/A N/A N/A R/W
106 Input 6 setting of GX1 -0.250 to 1.250 0.500 N/A N/A N/A R/W
107 Input 7 setting of GX1 0.600 N/A N/A N/A R/W
108 Input 8 setting of GX1 0.700 N/A N/A N/A R/W
109 Input 9 setting of GX1 0.800 N/A N/A N/A R/W
110 Input 10 setting of GX1 0.900 N/A N/A N/A R/W
111 Input 11 setting of GX1 1.000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
101 Output 1 setting of GX1 0.000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
102 Output 2 setting of GX1 0.100 N/A N/A N/A R/W
103 Output 3 setting of GX1 0.200 N/A N/A N/A R/W
104 Output 4 setting of GX1 0.300 N/A N/A N/A R/W
105 Output 5 setting of GX1 0.400 N/A N/A N/A R/W
106 Output 6 setting of GX1 -0.250 to 1.250 0.500 N/A N/A N/A R/W
107 Output 7 setting of GX1 0.600 N/A N/A N/A R/W
108 Output 8 setting of GX1 0.700 N/A N/A N/A R/W
109 Output 9 setting of GX1 0.800 N/A N/A N/A R/W
110 Output 10 setting of GX1 0.900 N/A N/A N/A R/W
111 Output 11 setting of GX1 1.000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
List of Parameters
List of Parameters
GX2 Table Setting Display (GX2 TABLE)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
201 Input 1 setting of GX2 0.000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
List of Parameters
IM 01B08B02-01EN
Program-Setting-Unit 1 Setting Display (PGM1 SET)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
IM 01B08B02-01EN
101 Time 1 setting for PGM1 0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
102 Time 2 setting for PGM1 0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
103 Time 3 setting for PGM1 0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
104 Time 4 setting for PGM1 0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
105 Time 5 setting for PGM1 0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
0 to 9999
106 Time 6 setting for PGM1 0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
107 Time 7 setting for PGM1 0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
108 Time 8 setting for PGM1 0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
109 Time 9 setting for PGM1 0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
110 Time 10 setting for PGM1 0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
101 Output 1 setting for PGM1 0.000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
102 Output 2 setting for PGM1 0.000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
103 Output 3 setting for PGM1 0.000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
104 Output 4 setting for PGM1 0.000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
105 Output 5 setting for PGM1 0.000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
-0.250 to 1.250
106 Output 6 setting for PGM1 0.000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
107 Output 7 setting for PGM1 0.000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
108 Output 8 setting for PGM1 0.000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
109 Output 9 setting for PGM1 0.000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
110 Output 10 setting for PGM1 0.000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
List of Parameters
List of Parameters
Program-Setting-Unit 2 Setting Display (PGM2 SET)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
201 Time 1 setting for PGM2 0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
List of Parameters
IM 01B08B02-01EN
Preset PID Setting Display (PID TABLE)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
IM 01B08B02-01EN
PPB1 Preset PID proportional band 1 0.1 to 999.9 % 999.9 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PTI1 Preset PID integral time 1 1 to 9999 s (second) 1000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PTD1 Preset PID derivative time 1 0 to 9999 s (second) 0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PPB2 Preset PID proportional band 2 0.1 to 999.9 % 999.9 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PTI2 Preset PID integral time 2 1 to 9999 s (second) 1000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PTD2 Preset PID derivative time 2 0 to 9999 s (second) 0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PPB3 Preset PID proportional band 3 0.1 to 999.9 % 999.9 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PTI3 Preset PID integral time 3 1 to 9999 s (second) 1000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PTD3 Preset PID derivative time 3 0 to 9999 s (second) 0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PPB4 Preset PID proportional band 4 0.1 to 999.9 % 999.9 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PTI4 Preset PID integral time 4 1 to 9999 s (second) 1000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PTD4 Preset PID derivative time 4 0 to 9999 s (second) 0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PPB5 Preset PID proportional band 5 0.1 to 999.9 % 999.9 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PTI5 Preset PID integral time 5 1 to 9999 s (second) 1000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PTD5 Preset PID derivative time 5 0 to 9999 s (second) 0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PPB6 Preset PID proportional band 6 0.1 to 999.9 % 999.9 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PTI6 Preset PID integral time 6 1 to 9999 s (second) 1000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PTD6 Preset PID derivative time 6 0 to 9999 s (second) 0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PPB7 Preset PID proportional band 7 0.1 to 999.9 % 999.9 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PTI7 Preset PID integral time 7 1 to 9999 s (second) 1000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PTD7 Preset PID derivative time 7 0 to 9999 s (second) 0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PPB8 Preset PID proportional band 8 0.1 to 999.9 % 999.9 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PTI8 Preset PID integral time 8 1 to 9999 s (second) 1000 N/A N/A N/A R/W
PTD8 Preset PID derivative time 8 0 to 9999 s (second) 0 N/A N/A N/A R/W
List of Parameters
List of Parameters
K Constant Display 1/2 (K CONST 1/2)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
K01 Constant register 1 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
List of Parameters
IM 01B08B02-01EN
K Constant Display 2/2 (K CONST 2/2)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
IM 01B08B02-01EN
K31 Constant register 31 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K32 Constant register 32 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K33 Constant register 33 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K34 Constant register 34 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K35 Constant register 35 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K36 Constant register 36 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K37 Constant register 37 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K38 Constant register 38 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K39 Constant register 39 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K40 Constant register 40 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K41 Constant register 41 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K42 Constant register 42 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K43 Constant register 43 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K44 Constant register 44 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K45 Constant register 45 -99999 to 99999 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
5 digits display
K46 Constant register 46 Set by YSS1000 Setting Software 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K47 Constant register 47 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K48 Constant register 48 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K49 Constant register 49 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K50 Constant register 50 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K51 Constant register 51 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K52 Constant register 52 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K53 Constant register 53 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K54 Constant register 54 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K55 Constant register 55 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K56 Constant register 56 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K57 Constant register 57 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K58 Constant register 58 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K59 Constant register 59 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
K60 Constant register 60 0.0000 N/A N/A N/A R
List of Parameters
List of Parameters
LCD Maintenance Setting Display (LCD MAINT)
Display and Setting Conditions
Factory Default Value User
for Controller Mode
Parameter Name Setting and Display Range Unit Set-
YS1500 YS1700
SET Enable/Disable setting INHB: Setting impossible ENBL: Setting possible (Note1) INHB R/W R/W R/W R/W
List of Parameters
These parameters are for maintenance. If maintenance is required, contact your nearest YOKOGAWA dealer.
Note 1: When the SET parameter is set to “ENBL”, [STOP] will appear on the right of the display title, and the manipulated output and alarm output will be kept.
IM 01B08B02-01EN
Revision Information
Title : YS1500 Indicating Controller/YS1700 Programmable Indicating Controller
Operation Guide
Manual No. : IM 01B08B02-01EN