PR1 Reviewer
PR1 Reviewer
PR1 Reviewer
Purposes of Research:
- a process of executing various mental act for
1. To learn how to work independently.
discovering and examining facts & information to
2. To learn how to work
prove the accuracy or truthfulness of your claims
or conclusions about the topic of your research.
3. To have an in-depth knowledge of
came from the French Word “cerhier” which
means seek. The prefix “re” means to repeat.
4. To elevate your mental abilities.
Means to repeat looking for something and
5. To improve you reading & writing skills.
finding the truth again.
6. To be familiar w/ the basic tools of research
it is widely recognized as an important tool
& the various techniques of gathering data &
for solving man’s various problems and in
presenting research findings.
making life more colorful and convenient.
7. To free yourself from the domination/strong
Inquiry vis-a-vis Research influence of single textbook/the professor’s
lone viewpoint or spoon feeding.
o Inquiry- to look for information by asking 8. Verification of existing knowledge.
various questions about the thing you are 9. Acquisition of knowledge.
curious about. 10. Application of new knowledge.
Synonymous w/ investigation
A request of info. Importance of Research in Daily Life:
An act of asking questions 1. It directs us to inquire about the right
A discovery learning information by conducting further investigation
o Research- to discover truths by investigating of actual condition.
on your chosen topic scientifically. 2. It empowers us with knowledge & discovers
Use to solve a particular problem new things & issues in life.
A careful study to find new ideas 3. It facilitates learning as an opportunity to share
Two types: qualitative and quantitative valuable info. To others as a way of
Characteristics of Research: recognizing various concerns for public
1. Accuracy “If we knew what is was we were doing, it
2. Objectiveness would not be called research, would it?” –
3. Timeliness Albert Einstein
4. Relevance
5. Clarity Qualitative Research
6. Systematic
Number best represents quantitative
Characteristics of Successful research.
Researcher: Word represents qualitative research.
E-fficient 1. Naturalistic
2. Purposeful
S-cientific 3. Detailed
E-ffective 4. Requires engagement and neutrality
5. Follows an inductive procedure
A-ctive 6. Viewed in a holistic perspective.