PR1 Reviewer

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Purposes of Research:
- a process of executing various mental act for
1. To learn how to work independently.
discovering and examining facts & information to
2. To learn how to work
prove the accuracy or truthfulness of your claims
or conclusions about the topic of your research.
3. To have an in-depth knowledge of
 came from the French Word “cerhier” which
means seek. The prefix “re” means to repeat.
4. To elevate your mental abilities.
 Means to repeat looking for something and
5. To improve you reading & writing skills.
finding the truth again.
6. To be familiar w/ the basic tools of research
 it is widely recognized as an important tool
& the various techniques of gathering data &
for solving man’s various problems and in
presenting research findings.
making life more colorful and convenient.
7. To free yourself from the domination/strong
Inquiry vis-a-vis Research influence of single textbook/the professor’s
lone viewpoint or spoon feeding.
o Inquiry- to look for information by asking 8. Verification of existing knowledge.
various questions about the thing you are 9. Acquisition of knowledge.
curious about. 10. Application of new knowledge.
 Synonymous w/ investigation
 A request of info. Importance of Research in Daily Life:
 An act of asking questions 1. It directs us to inquire about the right
 A discovery learning information by conducting further investigation
o Research- to discover truths by investigating of actual condition.
on your chosen topic scientifically. 2. It empowers us with knowledge & discovers
 Use to solve a particular problem new things & issues in life.
 A careful study to find new ideas 3. It facilitates learning as an opportunity to share
 Two types: qualitative and quantitative valuable info. To others as a way of
Characteristics of Research: recognizing various concerns for public
1. Accuracy  “If we knew what is was we were doing, it
2. Objectiveness would not be called research, would it?” –
3. Timeliness Albert Einstein
4. Relevance
5. Clarity Qualitative Research
6. Systematic
 Number best represents quantitative
Characteristics of Successful research.
Researcher:  Word represents qualitative research.

R-esearch Oriented Characteristics:

E-fficient 1. Naturalistic
2. Purposeful
S-cientific 3. Detailed
E-ffective 4. Requires engagement and neutrality
5. Follows an inductive procedure
A-ctive 6. Viewed in a holistic perspective.

R-esourceful Strengths of Qualitative Research:

C-reative 1. It compliments quantitative data.
2. Provides more detailed info. to explain
complex issues.
3. Cost-efficient Importance:

Weaknesses: 1. It provides meaning to understand an

existing phenomenon.
1. It cannot generalize the findings of the study.
2. To unveil the local context across different
2. Is more difficult to analyze.
3. Is time consuming.
3. Leads to the development in any field
Kinds of Qualitative Research: such as education, business, medical &
health allied services, etc.
1. Phenomenological- focuses on subjective
lived experiences of the participants in order to Choosing a Topic & Formulating Research Title
understand phenomenon.
Research Topic- is the subject/area to be
- The researcher is concerned w/ the
investigated. Also serves as the problem of the study.
feelings of the participants.
- Interview is the common instrument. Criteria in Selecting Research Topic:
(5-25 suggested sample size).
1. Interest in the topic.
2. Ethnographic- concentrates on the study of a
2. Limitedness of the topic.
group of people in a particular environment.
3. Relevance to the writer’s field/discipline.
- The researcher is required to engage
4. Familiarity of the researcher w/ the topic.
with the participants through immersion in an
5. Availability of the materials.
extended period of time.
6. Feasibility of the problem.
- Observation, along w/ the use of
interview and survey. General Topic of Interest – Narrowed Topic –
3. Grounded Theory- intends to explain a Narrow Down Further
phenomenon through developing a theory.
- Aims to provide explanation & theory Research Title- is a concise statement of the main
behind those lived experiences. (20-30 topic that summarizes the main idea of the paper.
participants/ until data achieve saturation).
Characteristics of a Good Research Title:
Interview & supporting documents are the
commonly used data collection instrument. 1. Should give readers the info. About the
4. Case Study- allows researcher to have an contents of the research.
intense analysis of the phenomenon. 2. Choose a title that is a phrase rather than
- Aims to accurately describe the case a complete sentence.
through an in-depth examination of a single 3. Select a straightforward title over the
person or single institution. kinds.
- Through interview, observation & 4. Use no punctuation at the end of a title.
documentation as multiple data collection 5. Do not underlines the title/ enclose it in a
instruments. quotation mark, instead, use a word
5. Historical- concerned w/ the identification, processing program/ a printed that permits
evaluation & synthesis of past event data. italic.
- It aims to understand present patterns
& to anticipate future choices through clearly Elements of a Research Title:
relating past event data which are obtained from 1. Aim or Purpose: should imply the
sources like documents, relics & artifacts, & oral purpose of conducting the study.
reports. 2. Topic or subject matter: should contain
6. Narrative- it focuses on the life accounts of the topic of interest of the researcher.
individuals based on their personal 3. Place or Locale: the specific are were the
experiences. study is to be conducted.
- Aims to extract meaningful contexts 4. Period: the period that is allotted for the
based on the documented experiences & focuses researcher to finish the study.
merely on the nature of the story told by the 5. Population or Respondents: subject of
participants. the study.
- Discourse Analysis is one of the  “Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know
commonly &widely employed approached of what I’m doing.” - Wernher von Braun

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