Practical Research 1

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Practical Research 1 1

Research in Daily Life 6. Expressing high regard

7. Keeping privacy
Research 8. Taking accountability
- Creation of new knowledge & use existing 9. Having adequate capabilities
knowledge in a new & creative way to generate 10. Observing lawfulness
new concepts, methodologies & understandings
Importance of ethics in Research
 Research aims for truth
1. It promotes the aims of the research.
 Research
2. It upholds values that are essential to collaborative
 Improves quality of human life work.
 Research saves life 3. It ensures that researchers can be held accountable
 Research gathers necessary information to the public.
 Research explores humanity 4. It builds public support for research.
5. It promotes a variety of moral and social values.
- Electricity - Computer Ethical Codes & Policies for Research
- Engines - Internet 1. Honesty
- Telephone - Vaccines 2. Objectivity
- Rubber - Antibiotics 3. Integrity
4. Care
- Modern Education - Modern Medicine
5. Openness
6. Respect for intellectual property
Characteristics of Research:
7. Confidentiality
1. Systematic- structured, organized/ methodical 8. Responsible Publication
2. Objective- unbiased/ factual 9. Responsible Mentoring
3. Feasible- practical, achievable/ possible 10. Respect for colleagues
4. Empirical- observed, real, actual/ seen 11. Social responsibility
5. Clear- understandable 12. Non-discrimination
13. Competence
The Research Process 14. Legality
 Conceptual Phase 15. Human Subject Protection
 Design & Planning Phase
 Empirical Phase Right of Research Participants
1. Voluntary participation
 Analytic Phase
2. Informed consent
 Dissemination Phase
3. Risk of harm
4. Confidentiality
Significant Steps in Conducting a Study 5. Anonymity
 Define the research problem.
 Review the literature. Quantitative Research
 Formulate hypothesis. - It aims to characterize trends and patterns.
 Prepare the research design. - It usually starts with either a theory or
 Collect data. hypothesis about the relationship between two
 Analyze data. or more variables.
 Interpret and report the findings. - It uses structured research instruments like
1. Making conclusions - It uses large sample sizes that are
2. Developing study procedures representatives of the population.
3. Identifying the problem - It has high output replicability.
4. Selecting a research design - It is used to gain greater understanding of group
5. Developing the research framework similarities.
6. Collecting data - It uses structured processes.
7. Interpreting results - Methods include census, survey, experiment,
8. Analyzing data and secondary analysis
9. Reviewing the literature
10. Determining the sampling and data collection plan Qualitative Research
- It involves processes, feelings, and motives (the
Ethics of Research why’s and the how’s) and produces in-depth
1. Adhering to facts and holistic data.
2. Being free from biases - It usually concerned with generating a
3. Exhibiting morality hypothesis from data rather than testing a
4. Showing concern hypothesis.
5. Accepting differences
Practical Research 1 2

- It uses either unstructured or semi-structured

- It uses small sample sizes chosen purposely.
- It has high validity.
- It is used to gain greater understanding of
individual differences in terms of feelings,
motives, and experiences.
- It uses more flexible processes.
- Methods include field research, case study, and
secondary analysis Methods include field
research, case study, and secondary analysis

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