Updated EG Assignment Sheet and AutoCAD Exercises
Updated EG Assignment Sheet and AutoCAD Exercises
Updated EG Assignment Sheet and AutoCAD Exercises
Q.4 Orthographic projection of the various points are shown in below figure. Read the views
and find out for each point
(i) The distance of point from two references plane (ii) The quadrant in which the point lies
Q.5 A point A is 25 mm above HP and is in the first quadrant. Its shortest distance from the
reference line XY is 45 mm. Draw the projections of the point and determine its distance from
the VP.
Q.6 A point A is 25 mm above HP and is in the first quadrant. Its shortest distance from the
reference line XY is 45 mm. Draw the projections of the point and determine its distance from
the VP.
Q.8 A point S is 20 mm AHP and IVP, another point Q is 25 mm BVP and 40mm BHP. Draw
the projections of S&Q .the distance between their projectors is 40 mm
Q.10 A point S is 20 mm AHP and IVP, another point Q is 25 mm BVP and 40mm BHP. Draw
the projections of S&Q .the distance between their projectors is 40 mm.
Q.1 Draw the projections of the line 45mm long parallel to both the plane for the
following positions:-
1. When line AB is in the H.P. & 15 mm in front of the V.P.
2. When line AB is in the V.P. & 10 mm in above the H.P.
3. When the line PQ is 20mm above the H.P. & 30mm in front of V.P.
Q.2 Draw the projection of the 45mm long line in the following positions:-
1. When it is parallel to V.P. & inclined with H.P. at an angle of 450. It’s one end is
10mm above the H.P. & 15mm in front of the V.P.
2. When it is parallel to H.P. & inclined with V.P. at an angle of 600. It’s one end is
15mm above the H.P. & resting in the V.P.
Q.3 The top view of 75 mm long line RS measures 65 mm while the length of its front
view is 50 mm. It’s one end R is in the H.P. & 12mm in front of the V.P. Draw
the projection of RS & determines its inclinations with the H.P. & the V.P.
Q.4 A line BC, 65 mm long has its end B 20 mm above the H.P. & 25 mm in front of the
V.P. The end C is 40 mm above the H.P. & 65 mm in front of the V.P. Draw
the Projection of BC & show its inclinations with H.P. & V.P.
Q.5 The projectors of the ends of a line AB are 5 cm apart. The end A is 2 cm above the
H.P. & 3cm in front of the V.P. The end B is 1 cm below the H.P. & 4 cm behind the V.P.
Determine the true length & traces of AB, & its inclinations with the two planes.
Q.6 A line PQ, 90 mm long is inclined at 450 the H.P. & its top view makes an angle of
600 with the V.P. The end P is in the H.P. & 12mm in front of the V.P. Draw its front view
& find its inclination with the V.P.
Q.7 A line PQ 100 mm long, is inclined at 300 to the H.P. & at 450 to the V.P. Its mid-
point is in the V.P. & 20mm above the H.P. Draw its projections, if its end P is in the third
quadrant & Q is in the first quadrant.
Q.8 A line PQ, inclined at 400 to the H.P., has its end 20mm & 50mm in front of the V.P.
The length of its top view is 65mm & its H.T. is 10mm in front of the V.P. Determine the
true length of the PQ, its inclination with the V.P. & its V.T.
Q.9 A line PQ inclined at 300 to the V.P. has the end P at 15mm above the H.P. Its front
view measures 70mm & makes an angle of 450 with the reference line. The V.T. of the
line is 25mm below the H.P. Draw the projection of the line & determined its true
length & H.T.
Q.10 An 80 mm long line has its end A at 15 mm above the HP and 50 mm in front of VP
while the end B is in VP. Draw the projection of the line when the sum of its
inclination with the HP and VP is 900. Determine the true inclination with the reference
plane and its traces.
Q.11 Point A is 50mm above HP. and 20mm in front of VP. Point B is 40mm below HP
and 30mm behind VP. Distance between end projectors is 65mm. Solve by Trapezoidal
Method. Find θ, φ, FV, TV, distance between end traces and true length of line?
Q.12 Point A is 30mm below HP and 15mm behind VP. Point B is 55mm above HP and
45mm in front of VP. Distance between end projectors is 0. Solve by Trapezoidal
Method. Find θ, φ, FV, TV, distance between end traces and true length of line?
Q.13 Point A 25mm behind VP and is below HP end B is 15mm in front of VP and above
HP. The line is inclined at 40⁰ to HP. HT of line is 20mm behind VP. Distance between
end projectors is 65mm. Solve by Trapezoidal Method. Find θ, FV, TV, distance
between end traces and true length of line?
Q.1 An equilateral triangle of 4cm side has its H.T. parallel to & 2cm in front of the V.P. It
has no V.T. Draw its projection when one of its sides is inclined at 450 to the H.P.
Q.2 A square ABCD of 30mm side has a corner on the V.P. & 20mm above the H.P. All
the sides of the square are equally inclined to the V.P. & parallel to H.P. Draw
its projections & show its traces.
Q.3 Draw the projection of a circle of 50mm diameter, having its plane is horizontal &
inclined at 450 to the H.P. Its centre is 35mm in front of the V.P. & 15mm above the H.P.
Show the traces also.
Q.4 Draw the projection of a regular hexagon of side 30mm has one of its corner A in the
H.P. Its plane is inclined at 450 to the H.P. & perpendicular to the V.P.
Q.5 A square ABCD of 35mm sides has its corner A in the V.P., its diagonal AC
is inclined at 300 to the V.P. & the diagonal BD inclined at 450 to the H.P. Draw
its projections.
Q.6 Draw the projections of regular hexagon of side 25mm, having one of its sides in the
H.P. & inclined at 600 to the V.P., & its surface makes an angle of 450 with the H.P.
Q.7 A thin rectangular plate of side 60mm×30mm has its shortest side in the H.P.
& inclined at 300 to the V.P. Project its top view if its top view is a square of 30mm long
Q.8 A circular plate of negligible thickness & 50mm diameter appears as an ellipse in the
top view, having its major axis 50mm long & minor axis is 30mm long. Draw the front
view when the major axis of the ellipse is horizontal.
Q.9 Draw the projection of circular plate of 50mm diameter resting in the H.P. on a point
A on the circumference, its plane inclined at 450 to the H.P. & The top view of
the diameter AB making an angle of 300 with the V.P.
Q.10 A thin 300-600 set square has its longest edge in the V.P. & inclined at 300 to the
H.P. Its surface makes an angle of 450 with the V.P. Draw its projections.
Q.1 Draw the projection of pentagonal Pyramid, base 30mm side & axis 60mm
long, having its base on the H.P. & one of the edges of the base inclined at 450 to the V.P.
Q.2 A square Pyramid, base 25mm & axis 50mm long, has its base in the V.P. One edge
of the base is inclined at 300 to the H.P. & a corner contained by that edge is on the H.P.
Q.3 Draw the projections of a Cylinder of 50mm diameter & 50mm long axis lying on the
ground with its axis is inclined at 300 to the V.P. & parallel to the ground.
Q.4 Draw the projection of the cone, base 40mm diameter & axis 50mm long, is lying on
the ground on one of its generator (i.e. element) with the axis parallel to the V.P.
Q.5 Draw the projections of Pentagonal prism, base 25mm side & axis 50mm
long, resting on one of its rectangular face on the V.P., with the axis inclined at 45 0 to the
Q.6 A Pentagonal Pyramid base 25mm side & axis 50mm long has one of its triangular
face in the V.P. & edge of the base contained by that face makes an angle of 300 with the
H.P. Draw its projections.
Q.7 Draw the projection of hexagonal prism, such that it is freely suspended from its top
corner. The base is 30mm side & the height is 60mm long.
Q.8 Draw the projection of cube base 25mm side resting through its corner on the H.P. &
its solid diagonal is perpendicular to V.P.
Q.9 A pentagonal Pyramid, having a base with a 30mm side & 60mm long axis, rest on an
edge of its base on the ground so that the highest point of the base is 20mm above the
ground. Draw its projections, if the vertical plane containing the axis is inclined at 30 0 to
the V.P.
Q.10 A tetrahedron with 70mm long edges, is resting on one of its edges in the
H.P. which is inclined at 450 to the V.P. & face contained by that edge is inclined at 300 to
the H.P.
Q.11 A hexagonal prism, having a base with a 25mm edge & a 60mm long axis, has an
edge of its base in the V.P. & is inclined at 600 to the H.P. Draw its projections, when the
edge of the other base farthest away from the V.P.is at a distance of 70mm from V.P.
Q.1 A cube of 35mm long edges is resting on the H.P. on one of its face inclined at 30 0 to
the V.P. It is cut by a section plane parallel to V.P. & 9mm away from the axis & further
away from the V.P. Draw its sectional front view & top view.
Q.2 A square prism base 40mm side, axis 80mm long, has its base on the H.P, & its faces
equally inclined to the V.P. It is cut by plane, perpendicular to the V.P., inclined at 600 to
the H.P. & passing through a point on the axis, 55mm above the H.P. Draw its front view,
sectional top view & another top view on an A.I.P. parallel to the section plane.
Q.3 A pentagonal pyramid has its base on the H.P. & the edge of the base nearer the V.P.,
parallel to it. A vertical section plane, inclined at 450to the V.P., cuts the pyramid at a
distance of 6mm from the axis. Draw the top view, sectional front view & auxiliary front
view on an A.V.P. parallel to the section plane. Base of the pyramid 30 mm sides; axis
50mm long.
Q.4 A cylinder, 55m diameter & 65mm long, has its axis parallel to both the H.P. & the
V.P. It is cut by vertical section plane inclined at 30 0 to the V.P., so that the axis is cut at a
point 25mm from one of its ends & both the bases of the cylinder are partly cut. Draw its
sectional front view & true shape of the section.
Q.5 A cone, base 60mm diameter & axis 65mm long is resting on its base on the H.P. It is
cut by a section plane perpendicular to V.P., parallel to H.P. & 12mm away from one of its
end generators. Draw its front view, sectional top view & true shape of the section.
Q.6 A hexagonal prism, has a face on the H.P. & the axis parallel to the V.P. It is cut by a
vertical section plane, the H.T. of which makes an angle of 45 0 with the xy & which cuts
the axis at a point 20mm from one of its ends. Draw its sectional front view & true shape
of the section.
Q7A square pyramid, base 40 mm side and axis 65 mm long, has its base on the HP and
all the edges of the base equally inclined to VP it is cut by a sectional plane,
perpendicular to the VP, incline to HP by 450 and bisecting the axis. Draw its sectional
top view, sectional side view and true shape.
1. Due credit will be given for neatness, quality of lines & lettering.
2. Submit this assignment on time otherwise it will affect your internal
3. Assume any missing / misprint data if necessary and mention it.
1. A right circular cone, base 70 mm and height 70 mm, rests on its base on the ground plane.
A section plane perpendicular to VP and inclined at 30° to HP cuts the cone, bisecting
its axis. Draw the development of the lateral surface of the cone.
2. A pentagonal pyramid of base 25mm and altitude 50mm rests on its base on the HP and two
sides of the base perpendicular to VP. It is cut by a plane bisecting the axis and inclined at
45° to the base. Draw the development of the lateral surface of the lower part of the pyramid.
3. A cone of the base diameter 60mm and height 75mm rests with its base in the HP. It is
truncated by a plane cutting its axis at midpoint inclined at 30o to the base. Draw development
of this truncated cone.
4. Draw the development of a cylinder 80 mm diameter and 100 mm high with a square
hole of side 25 mm. The sides of the hole are equally inclined to the base & the axis of
the hole is 50 mm above the base and 20 mm from the axis of the cylinder to which it
is perpendicular.
5. A pentagonal prism of side of base 40mm and 80mm high is cut by a section plane inclined
at 30o to the H.P with a vertical face of the solid is perpendicular to the V.P. The section
plane passes through the axis at a distance of 60mm from the base. Draw the development of
the remaining solid.
6. A cone of base 50 mm diameter and height 60mm rests with its base on HP. It is cut by a
section plane perpendicular to VP, parallel to one of the generators and passing through a
point on the axis at a distance of 22 mm from apex. Draw sectional top view and develop the
lateral surface of the remaining portion of the cone.
Assignment-Orthographic Projection
1. Due credit will be given for neatness, quality of lines & letter
2. Submit this assignment on time otherwise it will affect your Internal marking
3. Assume any missing / misprint data if necessary and mention it.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Fig. 8