1. End A of a line is 10 mm in front of VP & 30 mm above HP. End B is 30 mm in front of
VP & 10 mm above HP. Distance between end projectors is 40 mm. Draw the projections of line & project an auxiliary front view on an auxiliary vertical plane {AVP }, inclined to VP at 60˚. 2. End A of a line is 10 mm in front of VP & 30 mm above HP. End B is 40 mm in front of VP & 15 mm above HP. Distance between end projectors is 40 mm. Draw its projections & determine its TL & inclination to VP, by auxiliary plane method. 3. A line PQ, 60 mm long, has its end A 20 mm above HP & 30 mm in front of VP. It is inclined at 30˚ to HP. Draw its projections by auxiliary plane method. If i) Its top view makes an angle of 40˚ with VP. ii) Line is inclined to VP at 40˚. 4. Elevation & plan of a line PQ & point M is as shown in figure 1. Find shortest distance between point M & line PQ by auxiliary plane method. 5. The front & top views of two skew lines AB & CD is shown in figure 2. Determine the shortest distance between the skew lines. Also show the shortest distance in front & top views of the line. 6. The projections of a thin triangular metal sheet are shown in fig.3. Reproduce the given views & determine the true shape of the plate & measure the length of its sides & included angles. Use auxiliary plane method. 7. Draw a regular pentagon of 30 mm side with one side inclined at 30˚ to XY line. This fig. is TV of some plane whose FV is a line inclined at 45˚ to XY. Determine its true shape. 8. A square of 45 mm side rests on HP on one of its sides. Its plane is inclined to HP at 45˚ & the side on which it rests is inclined to VP at 30˚. Draw the projections using Auxiliary plane method.