Under the Berne Convention, the work is protected from the moment of its creation
without the need for registration.
4. Which of the following acts is permitted in the context of unfair competition law
Promote products through advertising
5. The company Bachus Lid. produces wines in the Drinkirea region, famous for
the quality of the grapes grown on its land. Grapes can only grow in the
Drinkirea climate thanks to the particular environmental characteristics of the
region. The owner of Bachus has used three different types of grapes to create
a new kind of fruit that offers a similar quality and doubles the yield of the
crops in the same area. To reproduce this kind of grape requires certain
conditions that are not part of the general knowledge of the technique and Greg
has stipulated in the employment contract that the employees do not disclose
these conditions to any person outside the company.
State under which type of IP law the company could bring a claim against a
competitor who offers money to an employee in exchange for disclosing the
special conditions necessary for the reproduction of grapes.
Under plant variety protection legislation Under geographical indications
legislation Under trade secret legislation Under trade secret legislation
8. In 2001, Mrs. Saia registered a trademark in its country of origin A and in 2002, in
countries F, C, L and N through the Madrid system. In 2003, country A cancelled the
registration of this trademark, which resulted in the cancellation in countries F, c, l and
N. what was the reason for the cancellation of the international registration?
Mrs. Saia has not paid the renewal fees to the International Registration Office in
9. Indicate the most appropriate form of protection for the Zulunational airline
service mark
10. Mr. Gill is a famous author who has written more than 50 books, and he doesn't
know how to use the Internet. One day, with the help of his son, he happens to access
the website of an unknown company (B) that sells all its books in electronic format on
the Internet. Mr. Gill does not know what to do and asks for advice on how to proceed
in this matter. Do you have any rights in relation to works sold on the Internet?
Mr. Gill enjoys the rights to these works sold on the Internet and the act committed by
Company B must be considered as an infringement.
11. Which of the following refers to the moral rights of the author? Opposing the
deformation of the work
12. Which of the following statements is correct?
The international preliminary examination is a mandatory phase in the processing of a
PCT application 13. The grant of a patent constitutes an agreement between the public
and a patentee whereby:
in exchange for protection the patentee agrees to disclose information relating to the
invention in order to promote the development of knowledge in the relevant field of the
14. what is inventive activity?
Knowledge added to the invention that is not obvious to the average person
15. John, a national of country A, has invented a device for automobiles that has an
original shape and improves crashworthiness by 80% compared to existing devices.
John wants to know which is the easiest way to protect his invention in more than 10
countries, what would you recommend?
Filing an international patent application under the PCT system
16. Maria has made 10 copies of a music CD of a Kyrgyz artist, what category does
this act fall into?
Fair use
17. In order to register an industrial design it must be:
New or original and have industrial application
18. Which of the following statements is correct? A worldwide patent:
Does not currently exist
19. In countries with codified law, the term of protection of trademarks begins on or
after the date of registration:
c) Trademark registration
21. The government of Country A has banned the use of a certain cola known as
celus cola in the manufacture of soft drinks since research has found that people who
consume this drink are agitated and easily lose control of their mental faculties. The
manufacturer of a soft drink called Shinix is running an advertisement in the press and
on television informing consumers that it does not use cellulose cola in the
manufacture of its product. A competitor that manufactures the soft drink Shanex,
asks for advice since it also does not use Celus Cola in the manufacture of its
beverage. The company name, Shanex has not been registered as a trademark. what is
the correct response in the event of a lawsuit?
d) You can sue for trademark piracy because your competitor uses a similar name for
its soft drink that is likely to cause consumer confusion as to the particular soft drink
being referred to.
22. Mr. Rolan, who owns a company in Paris, would like to expand his business
activities in Leshoto, Albania, Bhutan, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia and Nambia. Mr. Rolan
has a registered trademark in France Which of the following mechanisms is the most
appropriate to obtain protection for his trademark in these seven countries? Applying
for international registration under the Madrid system
23. Ajar has invited 3 close friends to his birthday party, where music from a famous
band's CD plays throughout the evening. Which of the following statements is
Listening to music at home is considered private use and is permitted under
copyright law.
24. The company Bachos td. produces wines in the Drinkies region famous for the
quality of the grapes grown in its ...The grapes used by Bachus can only grow in the
Drinkinea climate thanks to the particular environmental characteristics of the region.
Greg, owner of Bachus, has used three different types of grapes to create a new kind
of fruit that offers similar quality and double the crop yield on the same acreage. In
order to reproduce such grapes, certain conditions are necessary that are not part of
the general knowledge of the technique and Greg has stipulated in the employment
contract that Bachus employees do not disclose these conditions to any person
outside the company.
The name Drinkrea can be protected as:
a) Geographical indication
b) all of the above-mentioned forms
c) indication of origin
d) Denomination of origin
26. Uzgen throughout Central Asia. The Buhagrik manufacturers' association wishes
to obtain exclusive rights to the name "Uzgen rice". What kind of protection, if any,
can the association apply for the name "Uzgen rice"? which of the following
statements is correct?
The association must apply for protection as a geographical indication since the logo
must be made available to all producers in the region.
27. Mr. Melis has created an original design for an automobile and wants to know if
there is any way to protect it other than industrial design protection. If there is another
form of protection, which of the following would you advise you to apply for?
trade secrets(d)
28. The basis of protection of industrial designs is as follows: the holder receives the
right to be protected against unauthorized copying or imitation (b)
29. Max is an engineer who has invented a new object from a piece of metal left over
from a bicycle and a wooden box he had in the garage. The object is very useful for
sliding downhill and had not been invented before. Max, his engineer friends and
various experts in the technical field know that they have invented a new object.
Therefore, Más applies for a patent in your country. Max is unable to recreate or show
the steps taken to create the object and only has the original object as a sample of his
invention. The patent application is likely to be rejected because:
1. Max cannot provide evidence that he invented the object.
2. The object could not be reproduced uniformly or on a commercial scale
3. there is no description of the manner in which the object could be produced so
that the person skilled in the art can understand the process
4. The object does not meet the novelty criteria since it has been shown to other
Select one:
2 and 3 (c)
30. What are the necessary conditions for the protection of the new variety? Let it be:
new, distinct, homogeneous, stable and satisfactorily denominated (d)
31. How long are PBRs in force?
25 years for trees and vines, 20 years for other plants ©.
33. Are "service marks" and "trademarks" protected in the same way?
Yes, the term "trademarks" is used in reference to trademarks and service marks ©.
34. A newspaper has published an article listing the best performing companies in
the... it also erroneously states that one of the top companies is guilty of tax evasion.
The company.... lawsuit against the publication by:
Discredit your reputation ©.
35. Ms. Maturi has invented a device called VIVI that can store millions of data in one
second VIVI is a registered... trademark. A competitor company (M) uses the famous
VIVI logo without mentioning the name for a new product range Which statement is
Company M is causing confusion in the competition by using the VIVI logo (a)