FCRA Financials FY 2018 19

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‘The American India Foundation Trust Balance Sheet of Foreign contribution as at 31 March 2019 (All amounts in Indian Rupees) Asat Asat Sourees of F Schedule 31 March 2019 31 March 2018 Capital Fund 1 1,527,674 1,689,318 od Funds 2 39,351,211 71,731,656 ‘Total 40,878,885 BAL0974 Applications of Fund: Fixed Assets Gross Block 3 2,044,448 1,969,735 Less: Accumulated Depreciation $16,773, 488,621 Net Block 1,527,675 1,481,114 Current assets, loans and advances Cash & Bank balance 4 49,295,475 77,645,041 Loans, advances & deposits, 5 6,920,191 4,523,756 36,215,666 82,168,797 Less: Current Liabilites and Provisions 6 16,864,456 10,228,937 Net current assets 39,351,210 71,939,860, Total 40,878,883 73,420,974 Significant accounting policies and notes to the accounts 10 ‘The Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the balance sheet. Auditors Report AS per our report of even date For RSMA & Company the American India Foundation Trust Coated aeenmenea an Ny Firm No, 028685N.. ~~ ‘or Finan Country Director is ees ‘ship’ 3) Partner ‘M.No. 095973 Ugin: 19095473 AAAABSS42B Place: New Dethi Date: got Copt- 2014 ‘The American India Foundation Trust Income and Expenditure account of Foreign Contribution for the year ended 31 March 2019 (All amounts in Indian Rupees) For the year ended For the year Schedule 31/03/2019 ended 31/03/2018 Income GrantsDonations, 7 GGarants Reesived during the year 219,676,478 269,874,050 Inverest on FCRA deposits 4846315 4,058,312 Miscellaneous Income “FRA 99,929 123,09 Add: Unutilized grants brought forwaed 71,731,655 74,648,895 ‘Ada: Sale of Asses (Prior Period Item) 208,206 - Less: Unutilized grants carried forward Fy 39,381,210 11,731,655, Grants Usilized| 257211373, 276,978,231 257211973, 276,978,231 Expenditure Program Expenses 8 233,881,406 240,312,826 ‘Administrative & General Expenses 9 23,329,967, 34(665,405 Depreci 257211373 276,978,231 Excesy (Deficit) of Income over Expenditure forthe yeer x 7 Exooss of Income over Expenditure brought forward Excess of income over Expenditure carried forward = : Significant accounting policies and notes to the accounts 0 ‘The Schedules referred to above form an integral part ofthe income and expenditure account Auditor's Report ‘As perour report ofeven date For RSMA & Company. Chartered Accountants Partner M.No, 098973 ugin: 14095973 AAAABS S428, Phee: Neu Debbi Date: 20% Sebt- 2014 “The American india Foundation Trust Receipts and Payments Account of Foreign Contribution For The Year Ended 31st March, 2019 {Allamounts in indian Rupees) Receipts Amount Payments Amouat fopening lance: fash in ana 51636 bigtl Equaliser Programme 5040360 fash aie 77593405 lduesto progexp nize FoR 77645041 |Liveinoed Prog Expenses seuss ‘Serie Corp Prog Sepenses(C prog) assn253, {communication Prog Expenses, aymast |ecantascabed: uate partnership program 6396476 Leadership prog expenses. asian rant reve during the yet 219476,78 |PabieHeath Programme Expenses aas70659 learning Evaluation 370730 [Adnsetive exp |__zzme760 | 2s2.00,150 Ioan & Advance snissa |nteres Recaved duringtheyear 4470888 {closing balance: \cah ts ana 43,655 Iisctenous income 98909 |cash in lank 29251810 rors 2ogo0a00| 4995475 Boz 7.007 Foul on i27.007 Mine. 973 Need nes ‘am: 19045973 A AARGS 5928 Puce New Debi Pate Ad Sopt- 2014 ‘Coutey Doeetor ‘The American India Foundation Trust ‘Schedules to the Balance Sheet of Foreign Contribution as at 31st March 2019 (All amounts in Indian Rupees) Asat Asat 310372019 31/03/2018 Schedule 1: Capital Fund Opening Balance 1,689,318, 18,771,647 ‘Add: Fixed Assets as per contra 363,334 892,024 Less:Fixed Assets depreciation 516,773 488,621 Less: Transferred to Unutilized 208,206 3 Less: Fixed Assets W/O from Books 2 17,485,732 Total 1,527,674 1,689,318 Schedule 2: Unutilized Funds Opening Balance 11,731,656 74,648,895 ‘Add: Grants received during the year 219,676,478 269,874,050 ‘Add: Mise. income 99,929 128,629 ‘Add: Interest income from foreign funds 4,846,315 4,058,312 Less: Utilized during the year 257,211,373 276,978,231 ‘Add: Transferred from capital fund 208,206 Unutilized Balance 39,351,211 71,731,636 Schedule 4: Cash & Bank Balance Cash In Hand Cash in Hand 51,636 43,665, 51,636 Bank Balances "HSBC SB A/c, No, 051499119007 - 1412 'PNB_ SB A/c No. 1988000102897186 489,571 6,293,209 ‘Yes Bank SB A/c No. 000293900000090 - 19,844 ‘Yes Bank New A/c -000293900000021 28,762,240 71,268,940 ‘Fixed Deposits with Bank (Refer note. 4(a)) 000. 77,593,405 WY Schedule 5: Loans, Advances & Deposits Advances Towards Digital Equaliser Advances Prepaid Exp Other Advances Advance to Staff Advance:Other Than Staff Advance:to creditors Interest Receivable HSBC Interst Receivable Yes Bank Secutity Deposit for office Security deposits: Rent ‘TDS Receivable Security Deposit-Others Schedule 6: Current Liabilites & Provisions Loan & Advances Expenses payable Towards Digital Equaliser Liabilites Advance from debtors ‘Advances to staff & others Sundry creditors Salary Payables Duties & Taxes Provision for Expenses Provision for Gratuity Provision for Leave Encashment Total 10,568 1,610,509 1,500 213,375 2,752,308 963,553 892,383 476,000 6,920,191 3,012,674 1,234,486 5,328,587 1,241,239 463,790 424,918 5,158,763 16,864,456 1,464,091 325,168 14,828 231,671 80,278 446,783 84,236 738,560 217,500 220,500 650,181 50,000 371,382 665,172 3,140 773,181 4,069,691 48,581 1,128,903 46,184 605,349 2,517,354 10,228,937 SET a HE THT easo1s Perr sancti TOT can — ores sor forest sect somo 9 ammung evo — | ewes vor | rassor : szr'ese eee arenyos-smdan ese | sseise sar — | areas - oovos eres01 sister — — wai THOEROTE ong sep omg | ER | —STOETOTE PK TURN] Hep aT UH] TIRE ORT on som [—GIOEFOTO Wwsv mea | jeune _ ae mune unr | wosy eee ssvinonsea uae caepeatea VP Eames (oodmy uetpuy ut syanoute try) opinqqsiuo2 wa}e104 Jo sunosoy sunypusdx °p 2uL0oU -P 199US SOULE BH, OL 210POHS, send] uogepunog pul UEDA 94, ‘The American India Foundation Trust Schedules to the Income & Expenditure Account of Foreign Contribution (All amounts in Indian Rupees) Schedule 7: Grant Utilized Opening Restricted Unutilized Unrestricted grants received during the year ‘Add:Mise income Add:Restricted Grants received during the year ‘Add: Bank Interest received ‘Add: Transferred from Capital Fund Less: Carried Forward/Restricted Unutilized Utilized ‘Schedule 8: Program Expenses ‘The Digital Equaliser Programme Education Prog. Expenses Clinton fellowship Prog. Expenses ‘Communication Prog. Expenses Strategic partnership program Leadership prog expenses Livelihood Prog. Expenses Public Health Programme Expenses Learong Evaluation Expenses Schedule 9: Administrative & General Expenses Employee Benefit Expenses Rent Office Expenses ‘our & Travel Recruitment & Training Consultancy Charges Administration charges For the year ended 31/03/2019 1,731,655 99,929 219,676,478 4.846315 208,206 L210 1,373 92,841,385 21,214,163 13,652,253 7,712,887 6.396474 3,511,182 38,111,634 46,970,659 16,226,018 1,809,637 1,039,550, 3,144,031 35,856 1,074,875 For the year ended 31/03/2018 74,648,895 23,676 128,629 269,850,374 4,058,312 71,731,655 276,978,231 72,988,071 48,572,780 15,461,451 4,626,945 3,286,286 6,426,024 50,507,484 37,881,054 2,562,732 242,312,826 21,381,579 2,365,948 3,120,463 1,753,268 369,919 5,674,228 34,665,405 Note-10 Significant accounting policies and notes to the accounts 1. Background ‘The American India Foundation Trust (‘the trust’) is registered under the Indian Trust Act, 1882 vide registration certificate no. 236 in Book No4, Vol No. 1854, under section 12A of Income Tax vide number DIT (E)/2003-04/T-80010311498 dated 17-02-04 wef 09-01- 2003, under section 80G (5)(vi) vide number DIT( £)/2011-12/1018-DEL- TE 2298518082011 dated 18-08-2011. The Trust is registered under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976 for carrying out activities of social nature with registration no. 231660510 dated 17-11-2004 and renewed for another 5 years vide letter dated 28-01-2016 wef. 01-11-2016. 2, The Accounting Standards (AS s) mentioned below are not applicable to the Trust for the current year: AS3- Cash Flow Statement, AS17- Segment reporting, AS20- Earnings Per Share, AS21- Consolidated Financial Statements, AS23- Accounting for Investments in Associates in Consolidated Financial Statements, AS25- Interim Financial Reporting, AS27- Financial Reporting of Interests in Joint Ventures, AS 15(Revised)-Employees Benefits, AS22- Accounting for taxes on Income, AS18- Related Party Disclosures. Further, certain disclosure requirements with respect to the following Accounting Standards are also not applicable to the Trust for the current year: AS19- Leases, AS28- Impairment of Assets, and AS 29- Provisions, Contingent Liabil .s and Contingent Assets, Accordingly, the Trust is not required to disclose certain information in these financial statements pursuant to the above exemptions/relaxations. ‘The Trust Financial Statements are prepared on the basis of FCRA funds. 3. Significant accounting policies a) Basis of preparation The financial statements of the Trust have been prepared under the historical cost convention, on accrual basis of accounting in accordance with applicable accounting standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and the generally accepted accounting principles (‘GAAP’) to the extent applicable. The accounting policies adopted in preparation of financial statements are consistent with those of previous year. b) Use of estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accapted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumption that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent liabilities on the date of the financial statements though actual figures could differ from those estimates. Any revision to accounting estimates is recognized prospectively in current and future periods. Contingencies are recorded when it is probable that a liability will be incurred, and the amount can be reasonably estimated. ©) Fixed assets and depreciation Fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, if any. Cost includes inward freight, duties, taxes and expenses incidental to the installation of assets. Depreciation to fixed assets is provided on the basis of written down value method on the following rates as per Income tax Act, 1961 Particulars Rate of Depreciation (per annum) Computers 40% Computer-Software 40% Furniture & Fixtures 10% Office Equipment 15% | ‘The appropriateness of depreciation period and depreciation method is reviewed by the management in each financial year. The trust has not charged depreciation on fixed assets to income and expenditure account. The same is adjusted from the capital fund realized to fixed assets. d) Restricted funds The Trust also receives funds which are restricted in nature from foreign and Indian sources. Revenue from the restricted fund is recognized during the year in the Income and Expenditure Account to match the related expenditure. The balance amount is carried forward in the restricted fund for use in the future periods. e) Giftsin Kind Gifts in kind (GIK) are recognized as income when received and their value can be reliably estimated, Expenditure is recognized in the period in which the GIK is distributed to the NGO partners, f) Expenditure ‘The American India Foundation Trustis committed to catalyzing social and economic change in India and building a lasting bridge between the United States and India through high-impact interventions in education, livelihoods, public health, and leadership development. Working closely with local communities, AIFT partners with NGOs to develop and test innovative solutions and with governments to create and scale sustainable impact. Expenditure incurred by the Trust during the ye: is hy 0 Dd local agencies in accordance with the agreements with them. Interest Income Interest on fixed deposits is recognized on a time proportion basis taking into account the amount outstanding and the rate applicable. Provisions and contingent liability Provision is recognized in the financial statements where there exists a present obligation asa result of a past event, the amount of which is reliably estimated, and it is probable that an outflow of resources would be necessitated in order to settle the obligation. Contingent liability is a possible obligation that arises from past events and the existence of which will be confirmed only on the occurrence or non- occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the enterprise, or is a present obligation that arises from past events but is not recognized because either it is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, or a reliable estimate of the amount of the obligation cannot be made. Foreign exchange transactions Transactions in foreign currency are recorded at the exchange rate prevailing on the date of transaction. Foreign currency assets and liabilities are restated at the prevailing as at the date of Balance Sheet. The difference between year-end rate and exchange rate as at the date of transaction, if any is recognized as expense or income in the Income and Expenditure Account. Employee benefits The Trust's obligations towards various employee benefits have been recognized as follows: Short term employee benefits All employee benefits payable wholly within twelve months of rendering service are classified as short-term employee benefits. Benefits such as salaries, allowances, are recognized in the Income and Expenditure Account in the period in which the employee renders the related services. Post- employment benefits Defined contribution plans: The Trust’s provident fund is a defined contribution plan where the contribution paid/payable under the scheme is recognized as an expense in the period in which the employee renders the related service. The Trust’s contribution is, deposited with the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner and are charged to the Income and Expenditure Account. Defined benefit plans: In accordance with the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, Trust provided for Gratuity, a defined benefit retirement plan (the ‘Gratuity Plan’) covering eligible employees. The Gratuity Plan provides a lumpsum payment to vested employees at retirement, death, incapacitation or termination of employment, of an amount based. on the respective employee's salary and tenure of employment. Liabilities with regard to the Gratuity are determined as at the yearend date and paid to the LIC scheme approved by the Government of India. 1k) Lease rental in respect of operating lease is charged as expense when due as per terms of the related agreement. 4 Notes to Accounts () The Trust has during the year adopted accrual basis of accounting. (li) The Trust has charged cost of fixed assets to respective project/ expense account at the time of purchase. At the yearend total cost of Fixed Assets purchased during the year is, transferred to Fixed Assets account with corresponding increase in Capital Fund by way ofa contra entry. No provision for taxation has been made as the Trust is registered under Section 12 A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and claims exemption under Section 11 of theIncome Tax Act, 1961. Registration No, DIT(E) 2003-04 T-800/03/1498. (iv) The previous year figures have been regrouped or rearranged wherever necessary the figures have been rounded off to the nearest rupee. (v) Schedules 1-9 form a part of the Balance Sheet & Income and Expenditure Account of the ‘Trust, read with notes to accounts as Schedule 10. For RSMA & Company Firm No. 028685N Chartered Accountan M No, 095973 Partner UDIN: 19095973 AAARBS S428 Place: News Deki Date: ot sebt. 2019

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