PEABODY Development Scale
PEABODY Development Scale
PEABODY Development Scale
Measure motor skill development, separating gross and fine motor skills. The information obtained
allows the identification of skill delays and treatment planning.
Areas evaluated
It consists of 170 items divided into 17 age levels with 10 items in each level.
Data Collection
Before completing the evaluation form, the chronological age of the child should be obtained. This
is obtained by subtracting the date of birth from the evaluation date. The age in months is then
Then the levels of gross and fine motor skills are placed according to the age obtained in months.
The skills begin to be evaluated according to the evaluation instructions.
The score of the answersranges from 0 to 2:
0 No succeeds
1 Lo partially succeeds
2 Lo achieves
Take the corresponding level. Evaluate the previous levels until finding the one where the score is
mostly 2 (i.e., the child masters the skills assessed). This level will be the BASE.
The level where most of the scores are 0 is HEAVEN. (If the child's corresponding level has many
2's, higher levels can still be evaluated, in which case the child would exceed the expected
parameters for the age).
Data Analysis
1. Find the interval in which the "sky" and the "base" are located and write it down in the
"Summary" box.
2. Add the columns of the skill categories including from the accumulated maximum of the
level before the base, up to the accumulated maximum of the sky.
3. Pass the data to the Gross-Motor Scale and Fine-Motor Scale table in the Raw Score column
and sum the column to obtain the Total Score.
4. Find in the table on page 139 to 155 according to the chronological age the percentage
corresponding to each skill and to the total score.
5. In the table on page 135 look for the DMQ Developmental Motor Quotients that correspond
to each percentage.
6. Find in the table on page 138 the interval containing the Total Score of each scale (GM and
FM) and locate the age in months. Move this age to the Summary table in the Age Equivalent
row. Then, average both results and enter them in the Mean Motor Age Equivalent. Mean
Motor Age Equivalent indicates the average age established by the test.
7. Scoring Chart:
For the Cumulative Basal Score column add the basal level skills including the cumulative
maximum of the previous level.
For the Sum Through Ceiling Age column, the scored skills (except basal level and accumulated
maximums) are summed.
Add the row of each skill to obtain the Raw Score.
The gray area corresponds to what are considered the expected skills for chronological age;
therefore, points to the left of the gray area are skills not achieved and points to the right of the
gray area indicate that they exceed the expected parameter.
This graph allows us to analyze gross and fine motor skills separately from each other, and at the
same time, to examine each skill in particular.
Peabody materials
- Rattle
- Tennis ball
- Common ball
- Shiny object/toy eye-catching
- Toy suspended from a thread (shiny)
- Cushions, small rolls
- 12 cubes of 2.5 cm.
- 1 sheet of paper 21 x 28 cm.
- Plastic thermos cup
- Candies
- Board with 3 pins
- Eyebolt with eyelets
- Soup spoon
- Auto with lanyard
- Balance board 2 x 40 by 5 cm. x 7 cm. high
- Paper tape
- Tape measure
- Small bottle (hydrogen peroxide type) with tic tac type confections
- 12 cubes of 2.5 cm.
- Paper
- Fibrón
- Board with shapes to fit in: triangle 5 x 2 cm, circle 6 cm. diameter, square 6 x 6 cm.
- Rope
- Tricycle
- 2 cans of peaches
- Target (target shooting)
- 30 1-cent coins
- Clip
- Industrial machine reel
- Lace-up sneaker
- Scissors with blunt tip
- Beads with cord (shoelace)
- 15 x 10 cm. cards: stop, +, square, circle, rhombus (they are in the photocopies).
- Two pieces of fabric joined in the middle: one piece has the 4 eyelets and the other has 4 buttons
of 1.2 cm.
7. (A) Positional Supina Turn the child's head to one side. Observe the position of arms
reflexes: Asymmetric and legs.
Cervical Tonic Reflex Criterion: fencing position for 3 seconds
8. ( A) Thrust of MMII Supina Stimulate the legs with flex-ext movements. 2 times.
Stop and observe the movement of the legs.
Criterion: extend the legs and then bend the knees in 3 cycles.
9. ( C) Turn over Lateral with arms bent at the Shake the rattle behind the child's back. Criterion: turns and
backwards midline lies face up
10. ( A) MMSS Thrust Supina Stimulate the arms with movements going from the midline to
the support surface (adduction abduction) 2 times. Shake the
rattle three times.
Criterion: pushes/moves arms.
Fine Motor Scale
Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
1. ( A) Grasp Reflex Supine Apply gentle pressure on the child's open palm and fingers.
Observe the action of the fingers
Criterion: close fingers
2. ( B) Position of the Supine Observe the position of the hands for 15 sec.
hands Criterion: keep hands closed for 10 to 15 sec.
3. ( C) Visual fixation Supine
to the rattle Hold the rattle 30cm above the bridge of the child's nose.
Shake the rattle to attract their attention.
Criterion: fixes his eyes on the rattle for 5 sec. one of two tests
4. ( C) Rattle Tracking Supine
Present the card with the cross. Give the child a piece of paper
and a marker. Tell him: draw one like this
Criterion: draw lines that intersect within200 of the perpendicular.
Additional result: if the lines intersect within 1.5cm of the mean
of the horizontal the result will be 2 in this item and 91.
Level 42-47
Gross Motor Scale
149. ( D) Forward Crouching Place the child on a mat in a crouched position. Say: make three
rotate laps ram
Criterion: touch chin chest and roll over head and back. Does not
deviate more than200
( E) Throwing the ball Stopped Position the child at 3.60m in front of a target hanging on the
wall. Give the child a tennis ball and say: hit the target by
throwing the ball.
Criterion: hits the target: 2 out of 3 tests
Fine Motor Scale
Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
101. ( C) Connect For all items seated in front of a Give him a marker and a piece of paper with two dots on it.
table Tell him: connect the dots with a line.
Criterion: connects the points with a straight line that does
not deviate more than 0.6cm in 10sec.
102. ( C) To build a Place the 12 cubes on the table. Demonstrate to build a
pyramid pyramid like the one in the sketch (all cubes are assumed to
be equal). It can be stopped. Push the remaining cubes
towards the child and tell him/her: build an equal one
r Criterion: build the pyramid
103. ( D) Fingers
tapping • Show how you touch each of the thumbs of your fingers with
your thumb quickly starting with the index finger.
Tell him: do the same
Criterion: performs the test by touching all fingers in 8sec.
Additional score: if the child completes the task in 5sec the
score will be 2 in this item and in 110.
104. ( D) Winding on Give the child a spool with an unwound string. Tell him:
a reel when he says "now" start winding it on the reel. Criterion:
wind the cord onto the reel in 25sec.
( D) Coloring Give the child a marker and a piece of paper with two lines
between the lines (given by the test) Tell the child: paint between the two lines.
Criterion: paint between the lines without crossing the lines
more than 2 times. Fills ¾ of the prefixed space
106. (D) Locate coins Place the paper with a square (provided by the test) on the
table. Fix the paper on the table with a tape. Line up 20 coins
in 2 rows of 10 between the child and the paper. Say: when I
tell you "now" take one coin at a time and put them inside
the square as fast as you can, placing them, not throwing
Criterion: place all coins in the square in 35sec. Coins can
Additional result: if the child places all the coins in 25sec the
result will be 2 in this item and in 112.
Level 72-83
Gross Motor Scale
Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
151. (B) Walking on Stopped
tiptoes Demonstrate how to walk on tiptoes 1.5mt with hands on hips.
Tell him: walk like me.
Criterion: walks on tiptoes 1.5mt. The heels should be elevated.
152. (D) Hurdle Stopped Tie a rope or cord between two chairs 25cm from the floor.
jumping Standing 15cm from the rope demonstrate jumping over the rope
using both feet. Tell you: jump like I did
Criterion: jumps according to the demonstration
153. ( E) Catching the Stopped Demonstrate bouncing the ball on the floor twice, using both
ball hands. Say: bounce the ball and catch it.
Criterion: bounces and catches the ball according to the
demonstration: 2 out of 3 tests
154. ( B) Walking on Stopped Place the child on the balance board. Say: walk sideways on the
the balance board board.
Criterion: walks laterally on the board for 2.40m without sliding
off the board.
155. ( D) Galloping Stopped Demonstrate a canter of 2.40 to 3m. Say: do the same as me.
Note the coordination of the arms.
Criterion: gallop 3m
156. ( D) Jumping with Stopped Place a mark on the floor and a second mark at 6m. Say: stand
speed on this mark and jump on one foot to the other mark.
Criterion: jumps 6m in 6 sec without the raised foot touching the
157. ( C) Push upwards Described in the directive
Demonstrate the push up: with the chair facing you place your
hands on the back of the chair, hips and legs extended and feet
on a non-slip surface; lift your chest and extend your arms and
return to the starting position. Demonstrate 3 cycles. Say: you do
the same. Stop at 20sec
Criterion: performs 7 or 8 push-ups in 20sec.
Additional result: if the child develops 9 or 10 in the same time
the score will be 2 in this item and 170.
158. ( E) Kicking the Stopped Demonstrate kicking the ball from a stationary point upward.
ball Say: kick the ball like me
Criterion: Kicks in the air and performs a 3.60m (10ft) in the air
159. ( D) Jump Stopped Demonstrate jumping 3m. Say: jump like me. Observe arm
Criterion: jump 3m alternating feet. Maintains balance and
integrates arm and leg movements without losing rhythm
160. ( C) Rising from a Backs. Prona Demonstrate standing up from the prone position on a mat
sitting position. (see performing sit-ups. Say: do it as many times as you can. Stop at
item 140) 30sec.
Criterion: perform 6 or 8 push-ups in 30sec. elbows touching
knees and shoulders touching the ground when returning to the
112. ( D) Locate coins
Place the paper with the square (provided by the test) on the
table and fix it with paper tape. Align the 20 coins in two
rows of 10 between the child and the paper and tell him/her:
when I tell you to put one by one the coins inside the square
as fast as you can using one hand but without throwing them.
Criterion: places all coins within 25sec. Can be
Level 72-83
Gross Motor Scale
Name: .................................................................................
Evaluation Date: ...............................
PEABODY Motor Development Scales
Year Month Day
Evaluation date _____________________ ___________
Date of birth _______________________________ ___________
Chronological age _______________________________
Age in months _________________
Name: ___________________________________________________
Evaluator: ________________________________________________
Scale Score
Equivalent age
Mean Motor Age Equivalent
Total Score
Skills category
0 - 1 Month
2 - 3 Months
4 - 5 Months
21. Positioning:
Symmetrical posture ____
22. Pedaling action ____
23. Rolado ____
24. Extension of arms ____
25. Extension of arms and legs ____
26. Propulsion with outstretched arms ____
27. Cephalic alignment ____
28. Sit ____
29. Leg bending ____
30. Push to sit ____
Maximum accumulated score 20 + 6 +34 = 60
Gross Motor Scale (continued)
6 - 7 Months
31. Weight support ____
32. Protective reaction ____
33. Sit ____
34. Rolar ____
35. Push up ____
36. Head lift ____
37. Body bending ____
38. Push forward ____
39. Sitting ____
40. Extension of arms ____
Maximum accumulated score 22 + 10 +44 + 4 = 80
8 - 9 Months
10 - 11 Months
12 - 14 Months
15 - 17 Months
71. Crawl ____
72. Walk ____
73. Climbing stairs ____
74. Walking ____
75. Walking backwards ____
76. Going down stairs ____
77. Kicking a ball ____
78. Throwing a ball ____
79. Stopped ____
80. Walking sideways ____
Maximum accumulated score 24 + 26 + 62 + 40+ 8 = 160
18 - 23 Months
81. Stand up ____
82. Crouch ____
83. Throwing the ball ____
84. Running ____
85. Kicking a ball ____
86. Walking on the balance board ____
87. Jump down ____
88. Climbing stairs ____
89. Jump forward ____
90. Jump up ____
Maximum accumulated score 24 + 30 + 64 + 50+ 12 = 180
Gross Motor Scale (continued)
24 - 29 Months A B C D E
91. Bjar stairs
92. Climbing stairs
93. Jump down
94. Throwing the ball ____
95. Throwing the ball
96. Standing on one foot ____
97. Walking on tiptoe ____
98. Walking backwards ____
99. Walking on the balance board
____ ____
100. Walking in a circle
Maximum accumulated score
+ 36 +
24 64
30 - 35 Months
101. Stop ____
102. Descending stairs
103. Kicking the ball
104. Catching the ball ____
105. Obstacle jumping ____
106. Jump down ____
107. Standing on one foot
108. Walking on tiptoe
109. Jump forward
110. Jumping on one foot ____ ____
Maximum accumulated score ____ + 70 + 20
24 + 40 + 66 = 220
36 - 41 Months
111. Riding a tricycle
112. Ball chopping ____
113. Climbing stairs ____
114. Jump down
115. Descending stairs ____
116. Catching the ball ____
117. Standing on one foot
118. Fast skipping with a
forward/skipping motion
119. Jumping on one foot
120. Jump forward
Maximum accumulated score 24 + 42 +66 + 84 + 24 = 240
Gross Motor Scale (continued)
42 - 47 Months
121. Standing on tiptoe ____
122. Throwing the ball ____
123. Throwing the ball ____
124. Catching the ball ____
125. Picking up the ball ____
126. Throwing the ball ____
127. Jump forward ____
128. Standing on one foot ____
129. Walking backwards ____
130. Jumping on one foot ____
Maximum accumulated score 24 + 48 + 66+ 88 + 34 = 260
48 - 53 Months
131. Walking on the board
of balcance ____
132. Running ____
133. Jump up ____
134. Jump down ____
135. Throwing the ball ____
136. Standing on tiptoe ____
137. Jump forward ____
138. Jump forward ____
139. Rolar forward ____
140. Rising from the position
seated ____
Maximum accumulated score 24 + 52 + 70+ 98 + 36 = 280
54 - 59 Months
141. Jumping with twisting ___
142. Walking on the balance board ___
143. Walking on the balance board ___
144. Salting/ Fast jumping with
one foot forward ___
145. Catching the ball ___
146. Jump sideways/sideways ___
147. Jump forward ___
148. Standing on one foot ___
149. Forward rotate ___
150. Throwing the ball ___
Maximum accumulated score 24 + 58 + 74 + 104 + 40 = 300
Gross Motor Scale (continued)
60 - 71 Months
151. Walking on tiptoe ____
152. Jumping with obstacle ____
153. Catching the ball ____
154. Walking on the balance board ____
155. Gallop ____
156. Jumping with speed ____
157. Pushes upward ____
158. Kicking the ball ____
159. Salticar ____
160. Rising from a sitting position ____
Maximum accumulated score 24 + 62 + 78 + 112 + 44 = 320
72 - 83 Months
161. Walking on the balance board ____
162. Kicking the ball ____
163. Kicking the ball ____
164. Catching the ball ____
165. Agility to stand up ____
166. Running with speed ____
167. Rolar forward ____
168. Standing on one foot ____
169. Jump up ____
170. Pushes up ____
Maximum accumulated score 24 + 66 + 84 + 116 + 50 = 340
Skills category
0 - 1 Month
1 Grasp reflex
2 Hand position
3 Visual fixation of the rattle ____
4 Rattle tracking
5.Rattle tracking
6.Involuntary release
Maximum accumulated score 12
2 - 3 Months
7.Rattle tracking ____
8. Manipulating the rattle
9. Taking the rattle
10. Holding the rattle
11. Reaching for the rattle ____
12. Perceiving the rattle
13. Ball tracking
14. Observing your hands ____
Maximum accumulated score 12 28
+ 2 + 14
4 - 5 Months
15. Arm activation
16. Holding the rattle
17. Voluntarily take ____
18. Approach/approach --
to the midline
19. Pulling a rope/thread ____
20. Securing a paper with your hands
21. Precarious taking/precarious
apprehension ____
22. Using both hands/transferring from one
hand to the other ____
Maximum accumulated score 22 44
+6 + 16
6 - 7 Months
23. Lift a cup
24. Tapping the cup
Fine Motor Scale (continued)
25. Prensión: radio-palmar
26. Wrist rotation ____
27. Prension: ulnar-palmar
28. Retain cubes ____
29. Transferircubos
30. Grip: dragging ____
Maximum accumulated score 28+ 14 + 18 = 60
8 - 9 Months
31. Removing pins ____
32. Grip: thumb-digital ____
33. Combinarcubos ____
34. Retain cubes
35. Grip: radial drag ____
36. Gripping: Lower gripper
37. Handling paper ____
38. Clap ____
Maximum accumulated score 34+ 24 + 18 =
10 - 11 Months
39. Removing rings
40. Insert finger
41. Shake a bottle
42. Gripping: Top clamp
43. Drop a bucket
44. Cube drop
45. Stir with spoon
46. Striking with a spoon
Maximum accumulated score 36 + 30 + 24 + 2 = 92
12 - 14 Months
47. Pulling out pins
48. Open a box
49. Removal of confectionery
50. Turning pages
51. Grip: whole hand (overhand)
52. Building a tower
53. Taking buckets
54. Insert shapes in a board
Maximum accumulated score 40 + 36 + 28 + 4 = 108
Fine Motor Scale (continued)
15 - 17 Months
18 - 23 Months
63. Placing confectionery
64. Separate accounts
65. Turning pages
66. Insert shapes
67. Building a tower
68. Imitating the stroke
69. Threading beads
70. Cutting with scissors
Maximum accumulated score
24 - 29 Months
71. Turning a knob
72. Placing rings
73. Removing a cover
74. Separate accounts
75. Imitate a line
76. Building a train
Maximum accumulated score
30 - 35 Months
77. Building a tower
78. Building a bridge
79. Copy a circle
80. Hand washing
81. Unbutton
82. Cutting paper
Maximum accumulated score
Fine Motor Scale (continued)
42 + 40 + 38 + 4 = 124
42 + 42 + 46 + 10 = 140
42 + 46 + 52 + 12 = 152
42 + 48 + 60 + 14 = 164
Fine Motor Scale (continued)
36 - 41 Months
83. Manual preference
84. Remove the cover
85. Threading beads
86. Wind up a toy
87. Cut a line
88. Copy a cross
Maximum accumulated score
42+ 52 + 64 +18 = 176
42 - 47 Months
89. Draw a line
90. How to hold the marker
91. Copy a cross
92. Copy a square
93. Cut a circle
94. Shoe lacing
Maximum accumulated score
44+ 52 + 72 +20 = 188
48 - 59 Months
95. Dump confections
96. Button
97. Building a gate
98. Fold a piece of paper in half
99. Cutting a square
100. Placing clips
Maximum accumulated score
44 + 52 +80 +24 = 200
60 - 71 Months
101. Connecting dots
102. Building a pyramid
103. Touching the fingertips
104. Winding on a reel
105. Painting between the lines
106. Placing coins
Maximum accumulated score 44 + 52 + 84 +32 = 212
72 - 83 Months
107. Copy words
Fine Motor Scale (continued)
Skill A + = 44 42
Dexterity B 4- = 52 36
Dexterity C + =
Dexterity D + =
Total Score 4- =
z -5.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0 + 1.0 +2.0 +3.0 +4.0 +5.0
T 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 UH)
DMQ 25 40 55 70 85 100 115 130 145 160 175
Skill A- Reflexes
Skill B- Balance
Skill D- Locomotor
Skill E- Reception and
Total Score
Skill A- Grasping/Grasping
Skill B- Use of Hands
Skill C- Eye-Hand
Dexterity D- Manual dexterity
Total Score