PEABODY Development Scale

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Measure motor skill development, separating gross and fine motor skills. The information obtained
allows the identification of skill delays and treatment planning.


Children from 0 to 83 months (7 years).

Areas evaluated

Gross Motor Skills

- Reflections

It consists of 170 items divided into 17 age levels with 10 items in each level.

Fine Motor Skills

- Grasping
- EYE-HAND coordination

It contains 12 items with 6 or 8 items in each of the 16 age levels.

Data Collection

Before completing the evaluation form, the chronological age of the child should be obtained. This
is obtained by subtracting the date of birth from the evaluation date. The age in months is then

Year Month Day

Evaluation date
Date of birth
Chronological Age
Age in months

Then the levels of gross and fine motor skills are placed according to the age obtained in months.
The skills begin to be evaluated according to the evaluation instructions.
The score of the answersranges from 0 to 2:

0 No succeeds
1 Lo partially succeeds
2 Lo achieves

Responses are recorded on the Skill Categories worksheets.

Take the corresponding level. Evaluate the previous levels until finding the one where the score is
mostly 2 (i.e., the child masters the skills assessed). This level will be the BASE.
The level where most of the scores are 0 is HEAVEN. (If the child's corresponding level has many
2's, higher levels can still be evaluated, in which case the child would exceed the expected
parameters for the age).

Data Analysis

1. Find the interval in which the "sky" and the "base" are located and write it down in the
"Summary" box.

2. Add the columns of the skill categories including from the accumulated maximum of the
level before the base, up to the accumulated maximum of the sky.

3. Pass the data to the Gross-Motor Scale and Fine-Motor Scale table in the Raw Score column
and sum the column to obtain the Total Score.

4. Find in the table on page 139 to 155 according to the chronological age the percentage
corresponding to each skill and to the total score.

5. In the table on page 135 look for the DMQ Developmental Motor Quotients that correspond
to each percentage.

6. Find in the table on page 138 the interval containing the Total Score of each scale (GM and
FM) and locate the age in months. Move this age to the Summary table in the Age Equivalent
row. Then, average both results and enter them in the Mean Motor Age Equivalent. Mean
Motor Age Equivalent indicates the average age established by the test.

7. Scoring Chart:
For the Cumulative Basal Score column add the basal level skills including the cumulative
maximum of the previous level.
For the Sum Through Ceiling Age column, the scored skills (except basal level and accumulated
maximums) are summed.
Add the row of each skill to obtain the Raw Score.

8. Motor Developmental Profile graph:

Pass what is recorded in the Developmental Motor Quotient column as a point, in each of the
skills, taking into account that the DMQs are shown at the top of the graph.

Then, join the points with straight lines.

The gray area corresponds to what are considered the expected skills for chronological age;
therefore, points to the left of the gray area are skills not achieved and points to the right of the
gray area indicate that they exceed the expected parameter.

This graph allows us to analyze gross and fine motor skills separately from each other, and at the
same time, to examine each skill in particular.

Peabody materials

- Rattle
- Tennis ball
- Common ball
- Shiny object/toy eye-catching
- Toy suspended from a thread (shiny)
- Cushions, small rolls
- 12 cubes of 2.5 cm.
- 1 sheet of paper 21 x 28 cm.
- Plastic thermos cup
- Candies
- Board with 3 pins
- Eyebolt with eyelets
- Soup spoon
- Auto with lanyard
- Balance board 2 x 40 by 5 cm. x 7 cm. high
- Paper tape
- Tape measure
- Small bottle (hydrogen peroxide type) with tic tac type confections
- 12 cubes of 2.5 cm.
- Paper
- Fibrón
- Board with shapes to fit in: triangle 5 x 2 cm, circle 6 cm. diameter, square 6 x 6 cm.
- Rope
- Tricycle
- 2 cans of peaches
- Target (target shooting)
- 30 1-cent coins
- Clip
- Industrial machine reel
- Lace-up sneaker
- Scissors with blunt tip
- Beads with cord (shoelace)
- 15 x 10 cm. cards: stop, +, square, circle, rhombus (they are in the photocopies).
- Two pieces of fabric joined in the middle: one piece has the 4 eyelets and the other has 4 buttons
of 1.2 cm.

Level 0-1 month

Gross Motor Scale
Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
1. ( C) Cephalic Sitting Facing the child, hold the child by hugging the back of the
Alignment trunk. Note the alignment of the head.
Criterion: the head falls forward forming an ang. no greater
than450 between the chin and the chest.
2. ( C) Cephalic Prono Suspend the child by holding the belly. Observe the alignment
Alignment of the head.
Criterion: keeps the head completely down with an ang. no
greater than450 between the chin and the chest
( A) Rotation Prone with head on the right Shake the rattle on the midline 3 times.
cheek Criterion: brings the head from the initial position to the
midline one of two tests
4. ( A) Rotation Prone with head on the left Shake the rattle on the midline 3 times.
cheek Criterion: brings the head from the initial position to the
midline one of two tests
5. ( A) Cephalic Supine Take him by the hands and wrists and push him into a sitting
Alignment position. Observe cephalic alignment
Criterion: the head falls backwards completely forming an
angle of no more than450 between the head and the dorsal part
of the trunk.

6. ( A) Crawling Supine Stimulate the legs with back-and-forth movements (flex-ext) 2

movements (crawling) times. Stop and observe leg movements Criterion: move legs
(flex-ext) in an alternating pattern for three cycles

7. (A) Positional Supina Turn the child's head to one side. Observe the position of arms
reflexes: Asymmetric and legs.
Cervical Tonic Reflex Criterion: fencing position for 3 seconds

8. ( A) Thrust of MMII Supina Stimulate the legs with flex-ext movements. 2 times.
Stop and observe the movement of the legs.
Criterion: extend the legs and then bend the knees in 3 cycles.

9. ( C) Turn over Lateral with arms bent at the Shake the rattle behind the child's back. Criterion: turns and
backwards midline lies face up

10. ( A) MMSS Thrust Supina Stimulate the arms with movements going from the midline to
the support surface (adduction abduction) 2 times. Shake the
rattle three times.
Criterion: pushes/moves arms.
Fine Motor Scale
Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
1. ( A) Grasp Reflex Supine Apply gentle pressure on the child's open palm and fingers.
Observe the action of the fingers
Criterion: close fingers
2. ( B) Position of the Supine Observe the position of the hands for 15 sec.
hands Criterion: keep hands closed for 10 to 15 sec.
3. ( C) Visual fixation Supine
to the rattle Hold the rattle 30cm above the bridge of the child's nose.
Shake the rattle to attract their attention.
Criterion: fixes his eyes on the rattle for 5 sec. one of two tests
4. ( C) Rattle Tracking Supine

Hold the rattle 30 cm above the bridge of the child's nose.

Gently move the rattle to approximately one side. 20 cm
Criterion: follow the rattle with your eyes450: one of two tests
5. ( C) Rattle Tracking Supine
Turn the child's head to one side. Hold the rattle 30cm above
the bridge of the child's nose. Move the rattle to the midline.
Criterion: follow the rattle with eyes within150 of the midline:
one of two tests
6. ( A) Involuntary Supine Place rattle in child's hand Criterion: Rattle falls off within 3
Release sec.
Level 2-11
Gross Motor Scale months
Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
11. ( C) Extension of Suspended
the head Held around the trunk with the face to the examiner.
Observe the extension of the head
Criterion: raise the head in the midline and hold it for 3 sec.
12. ( C) Cephalic Vertical Hold vertically below the shoulders without holding the child's
Alignment head and slowly "bounce-throw" the child 3 times. Observe the
alignment of the head
Criterion: holds head for two of the three bounces
13. ( C) Cephalic Suspended
Alignment Hold the child by the upper trunk facing the examiner. The
little body tilted450 to the left with respect to the right
Criterion: hold the head in the midline of the trunk with an
inclination of no more than100 from side to side. The head may
drop but to pass the item it must be in that position 75% of the
14. ( C) Cephalic seated
Alignment Hold the trunk from behind. Observe cephalic alignment.
Criterion: holds head for 10 sec.
15. ( C) Weight bearing Stopped
Hold it at the level of the upper trunk facing the examiner, in a
standing position with the feet on the support surface. Observe
the position of the legs Criterion: loosen the knees for a while,
support the weight for 3 to 5 sec.
16. ( A) Leg and foot Standing on his feet Hold it from the upper part of the trunk. Make it bounce or
extensions jump 3 times
Criterion: stiffens legs, stands on tiptoes and then supports
soles: 2 out of 3 tests
17. ( A) Gait reflex Standing on his feet Hold by the upper part of the trunk. Observe the movement of
the feet
Criterion: lifts one foot, then the other, stepping forward
18. ( C) Trunk Prono
Extension Shake the rattle over the child's head 3 times. Criterion: raises
head and upper trunk while supporting weight with forearms
for 3 sec Raises head450 above support surface
19. ( C) Cephalic Supine
Alignment Take him by the hands and wrists and pull him to the sitting
position. Observe cephalic alignment Criterion: the head is
backward no more than100 with respect to the midline of the
trunk. Remain in this position for 75% of the test.
20. ( A) Leg kicking Supine
Simultaneously stimulate both legs with movements from front
to back 2 times. Stop and observe the movement of the legs
Criterion: simultaneous kicking completing 2 cycles

Fine Motor Scale

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
7. ( C) Rattle tracking Supine with head turned to one
side Place the rattle 30cm above the bridge of the child's nose.
Move the rattle towards the midline, overlapping it by 30 cm.
Criterion: follows the200 rattle beyond the midline
8. ( A) Manipulation of Supina
the rattle Place the rattle in the child's hand. Saying: I shook the rattle
Criterion: takes the rattle and shakes it
9. ( A) Rattle Holder Supina Touch the child's palm gently with the rattle. Say: take the
Criterion: take the rattle: 1 of 2 tests
10. ( A) Rattle catcher Supina
Place the rattle in the child's hand and say: "Hold your rattle".
Criterion: hold the rattle for 30sec.
11. ( A) Range of the Supina Place the rattle 30cm above the child's chest.
rattle Say: take the rattle
Criterion: reaches the rattle
12. ( C) Perceiving the Supina Hold the rattle 30cm above the child's nose. Gently move the
rattle rattle up to 2.5 cm from the child's nose. Observe head
Criterion: moves head out of midline in an effort to avoid
approaching object: 1 of 2 tests
13. ( C) Ball Tracking Sitting on someone's lap in
Roll a tennis ball across the table from left to right of the child.
front of a table
Say: look at the ball Criterion: follow the ball with your eyes in
an arc of 1800 from side to side
14. ( C) Observation of Supina Move the child's hands in front of his or her eyes. Observe
your hands visual response (if the child has short arms, turn the child's
head and move one hand).
Criterion: looks at hands for 3 sec: 1 of 2 tests
Level 4-5

Gross Motor Scale

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria

21. ( B) Supina
Positioning : Take the rattle above the child on the midline and shake it.
symmetrical posture Criterion: keeps body and head in midline as if to take the
22. ( C) Pedaling action Supina Shake the rattle to the right of the child's front. Observe the
Criterion: move the body from the midline to the right, 5cm of
23. ( C) Rolled Supina
Attract the child's attention with the rattle, move it gently from
side to side, then place a cushion on the child's back without
going beyond the waist.
Criterion: rolls to one side trying to retrieve the object: 1 of 2
24. ( C) Extension of Prona
Bring the child's attention with the rattle and place a cushion
between both armpits and waist (rolo) then move the rattle in
front of him and out of his reach. Saying "take the rattle
Criterion: raises chest forward, deflects weight to one side,
raises contralateral arm and reaches out to touch object
25. see after 26
26. ( B) Propulsion on Prona Place a shiny object on the surface about 30cm in front of the
outstretched arms child's head and in the midline. Observe the activity of the
Criterion: lift the chest off the support surface and support the
weight with the head and upper torso on the outstretched arms
for 5 sec.
25. ( C) Extension of Prona
arms and legs Observing member activity
Criterion: extends arms and legs on the support surface
27. ( C) Cephalic Sitting Use cushions to support the child in a seated position. Hanging
Alignment a toy attached to a string that makes an1800 arc possible.
observe the alignment of the head and neck
Criterion: hold head in midline for 8sec, move eyes and rotate
head in the direction of the toy.
28. ( B) Sitting Sitting
Hold the child by the waist. Use cushions to support you in the
seated position. Hang a toy from a string for the child to grasp
Criterion: maintain balance for 3 sec. moving their hands on
the midline to pick up the toy: 1 of 2 tests.
If the child stops moving his/her arms in the midline, place the
toy on the child's lap.
29. ( C) Leg bending Supina Removing clothes, socks, shoes, etc.
Criterion: flex hips bilaterally, knees turn outward, and bring
feet to mouth to play: 1 of 2 tests. Parental intervention is
30. ( C) Push to sit Supina Giving the index finger to grasp, and allowing or facilitating
the push to the sitting position
Criterion: self-propelled to sit: 1 of 2 tests
Fine Motor Scale

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria

15. (B) Activation of Supina
arms Hold the rattle 30cm from the child's nose. Say: take the
rattle. Observe arm and hand movements
Criterion: performs undulating hand and arm movements

16. ( A) Rattle Holder Supina

Place the rattle in the child's hand. Saying: I shook the rattle
Criterion: hold and shake the rattle for 1 minute
17. ( A) Voluntary Sitting on the examiner's lap Place the rattle 7.5cm from the child's hand. Say: take the
prehension rattle
Criterion: take the rattle: 1 of 2 tests
18. ( A)Approximation Supina
to the midline Hold a shiny toy held by a string 30cm above the child's
chest. Tell: take the toy Criterion: move hands 7.5cm inside
the midline to reach the toy
19. ( C) Pulling a Prona Place a string attached to a shiny object 7.5cm from the child's
rope/wire hands. Say: take the toy
Criterion: takes the rope and pulls the toy into his hands
20. ( A) Secures the Sitting on an examiner's lap in Place a sheet of paper (21x28cm) at a distance of 7.5cm from
paper with his hands. front of the desk the child's hands. Tell her: take the paper Criterion: secure the
paper by crumpling it up. Additional result: if the child
crumples the paper with the palm of his/her hands (makes
more than one crumple) the result will be 2 points in this item
and in 37.
21. ( A) Precarious Sitting on the examiner's lap in Place a cube 7.5 cm from the child's hand and say: take the
prehension front of a table cube.
Criterion: take the cube between the heel of the hand and the
fingers: 1 of 2 tests
22. ( B) Transfer from Sitting on the examiner's lap Place a bucket in the child's hand and say: play with the
one hand to the other bucket.
Criterion: passes from one hand to the other for 15 to 30 sec.
Level 6-11
Gross Motor Scale months

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria

31. ( C) Weight bearing Stopped Support the child by the upper part of the trunk with the feet
on the support surface.
Criterion: arch your knees for a while holding your weight for
5 seconds: 2 out of 4 tests
( A) Protective reaction Suspended Hold the child from the waist looking down. Tilt the child
toward the support surface, head first.
Observe the reaction of the arms
Criterion: extends arms towards the support surface: 1 of 2
33. ( B) Sitting Sitting No bra, no support. Observe balance sheet
Criterion: sits alone for 60 sec: 1 of 2 tests
34. ( Rolar) Supina
Shake the rattle and then place it to one side out of reach.
Criterion: supine to prone rotation, 1 of 2 tests
Additional result: if you present a rotation: rotation of
shoulders in one direction and hips in another in 1 of 2 tests,
the result will be 2 in this item and in 45.
Prono Shake the rattle over the child's head 3 times.
35. ( C) Self-propulsion
36. ( C) Raise your head Supina Take him by the hands and wrists. Pull it to the seated
Criterion: holds head150 forward in the midline when traction
is initiated: 1 of 2 tests
37. ( C) Body flexion Supina Bring the child's feet towards his or her head 3 times,
encourage the child to grasp his or her feet. Say: take your
feet, but do not put your feet in your hands.
Criterion: holds his feet with his hands: 1 of 2 tests
38. ( D) Forward Thrust Prona Place a toy 1.25 meters in front of the child.
Say: take the toy
Criterion: pushes forward 75cm: 1 of 2 tests
39. ( B) Sitting Sitting Place a toy in front of the child 30cm away for him/her to
After you take it, observe the balance
Criterion: maintain balance for 30sec. manipulating the toy: 1
40. ( C) Extension of Supina
Place a toy at100 to the child's right or left in front of one of the
arms. Note bra and extension
Criterion: supports weight on arm or forearm and extends
opposite arm to reach toy: 1 of 2 tests

Fine Motor Scale

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
( C) Lifting a cup For all items at this level, the Place a cup on the table, attract the child's attention by tapping
child must be seated on the it on the table 3 times. Say: take the cup Criterion: take the cup
examiner's lap in front of a in your hands, raise it 15 cm above the table, hold it for 3
table. seconds
24. ( B) Tapping the
cup Place the mug on the table and say: tap the mug Criterion: tap
the mug horizontally or vertically 3 times
25. ( A) Radial palmar Place the rattle on the table, attract the child's attention by
pronation tapping the rattle 3 times. Say: take the rattle
Criterion: hold the rattle with half of the palm and the first
three fingers opposing the thumb: hold for 3 secs.
26. ( B) Wrist rotation
Present the rattle to the child. Say: shake your rattle.
Do not repeat this instruction
Criterion: rotate the rattle making a900 arc 3 times in 60sec.
27. ( A) Ulnar palmar Place a bucket on the table and attract the child's attention by
pronation hitting it 3 times. Say: take the bucket
Criterion: take the cube using the palm and the 4th and 5th
fingers. retains for 3 sec.
Additional result: if the child picks up the cube with the thumb
and the 1st and 2nd finger, give a score of 2 to this item and to
28. ( B) Retains the Place 3 buckets on the table. Say: take a bucket.
bucket After the child took a cube, attract the child's attention with
another cube. Tell him: take this one too
Criterion: take the second cube while still holding the first one.
Holds both cubes simultaneously for 5sec.
29. ( B) Transfer of Place a bucket in the child's hand. Locate a 2nd. Bucket on the
cubes table near the hand holding the first bucket. Tell him: take this
one too.
Criterion: transfer the first cube to the other hand and take the
2nd cube with the original hand.
30. ( A) Dragging by
dragging Place 4 small candies on the table. Tell him: take the candies
Criterion: secures at the same time 2 confections with fingers
using a dragging (sweeping) motion
Additional score: if the child predominantly uses the thumb
and the 1st and 2nd fingers, the score will be 2 in this item and
in 35. If the child takes a candy with the thumb opposite to the
lateral part of the 2nd finger (lateral thumb) give score 2 to this
item and to the 35 and 36.
Level 8-5
Gross Motor Scale

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria

41. ( B) Sitting Sitting Present a toy
Criterion: maintains balance for 60sec while playing with the
toy. 1 of 2 tests
42. ( C) Pivot Sitting Place a toy 60 cm from the child's right side. Say: take the toy.
Repeat on left side
Criterion: performs a900 pivot to grasp the toy on both sides: 2
out of 2 tests
43. ( D) Crawling. Prona Place a toy 1.5 m in front of the child.
Reptation Criterion: moves 1.5m using both arms and legs in contact
with the support surface
44. ( C) Quadrupedal Quadrupeda
Place your body weight on your knees and hands. Place a toy
1.5m above the support surface.
Criterion: assumes the position on hands and feet. Lift one
arm then the opposite leg in conjunction with a crawl pattern.
No forward movement required
( D) Rolar Supina
Place a toy to the side. Move the toy to attract their attention
Criterion: rolls with a controlled rotation: shoulders rotate in
one direction and hips in another: 1 of 2 tests
46. ( C) Get up Supine near a stable chair Show a toy to the child, then place the toy on the seat of the
chair/table. Say: take the toy
Criteria: to sit using the chair
only. 1 of 2 tests. Parental involvement is
47. ( D) Slippage Sitting
Place a toy out of reach on the surface. Move the toy around
for a while while maintaining the sitting posture.
Criterion: Slides on the surface using his hands for 90cm, to
propel his body. 1 of 2 tests
48. ( A) Equilibrium seated In front of the child, push him/her slightly backward by the
Reactions shoulders causing him/her to lose balance slightly.
Criterion: forward and extend the head, bring the arms
forward to regain balance. 1 of 2 tests
49. ( C) Raise shoulders Prona Tell him: come on up
and buttocks. Criterion: assume your weight or 5sec, support your weight on
hands and knees. 1 of 2 tests
50. ( C) Skip Standing with support Stimulate jumping once
Criterion: jump with knee flexion 3vc. 1 of 2 tests

Fine Motor Scale

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
31. (B) Removing a pin All items: sitting on the knee of Locate the board with 3 pins inserted in front of the child.
the examiner Tell him: pull out the pins
Criterion: pull out 1 of the pins
32. ( A) Thumb digit Place a bucket in front of the child. Say: take the cube
pronation Criterion: take the cube using the thumb and 1st and 2nd
Additional result: if you secure the bucket using an overhand
grip (thumb in opposition to the first two thumbs), you can use
the following
fingers) and with elevation of the wrist with respect to the
table, the result will be 2 in this item and in the 51
33. ( B) Joining cubes
Place a bucket in the child's left hand. Place a second bucket
near the child's right hand. Say: take this now.
Criterion: take the second cube and join it to the first cube at
the midline.
( B) Retains cubes Place two cubes, one in each of the child's hands. After the
child has retained the cube for 3 sec. ç, place the third cube on
the table. Say: take this one now
Criterion: holds the two cubes in one hand for a while, reaches
for the 3rd cube
35. ( A) Radial pull
( A) Radial dragging Place 4 small candies on the table. Say: take the candy
Criterion: at least two of the confections are secured using the
radial dragging of the hand, predominantly the thumb and the
first two fingers.
Additional result: if the child takes at least one candy by
opposing the thumb to the side of the index finger (lateral
thumb) put result two in this item and in 36.
( A) Lower clamp
clamping Place 4 small candies on the table. Say: take the candies
Criterion: take at least one opposing the thumb to the side of
the index finger (lateral thumb).
Additional score: if the child uses the thumb thumb of the
thumb and the thumb of the 1st and 2nd finger (thumb thumb
thumb) with the wrist and hand raised from the table, the score
will be 2 in this item and in 42.
37. ( B) Handling of a
Place a sheet of A4 paper on the table. Say: take the paper
piece of paper
Criterion: crumple the paper with the palm of the hand. Can
use one or both hands
( B) Applauds Sitting facing the examiner
Show him how you applaud. Tell him to clap as well. A song
can be used
Citerio: claps twice on the midline. Parents can intervene
Level 10-11
Gross Motor Scale months

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria

51. ( B) Sitting Sitting with legs apart Placing a toy between the child's legs
Criterion: leans forward to pick up toy, loses balance or touches
the ground to retrieve it: 1 of 2 tests
52. ( C) Getting up Prona
from a sitting position Attracting the child's attention with a toy by moving it away
from him or her
Criterion: rises from a sitting position. 1 of 2 tests
53. ( D) Crawling Quadrupeda Place a toy on the surface 1.5m in front of the child Criterion:
crawl 0.90m with one hand and opposite knee on the surface. 1
of 2 tests
54. ( C) Pivot Sitting Show a toy and place it behind the child 60cm away. Say: take
the toy
Criterion: performs a1800 pivot in a circular pattern on its
buttocks: 1 of 2 tests
( D) Crosses Standing holding on to a
stable object Place a toy on a stable piece of furniture in front of the child at a
distance of 90 cm.
Criterion: cross laterally with 4 steps until the object on the table
is picked up. Parental intervention is permitted
56. ( B) Bend down Place a toy on the floor. Tell: take the toy Criterion: squats to
Standing near a table or chair sitting position without failure. 1 of
to be used for support 2 tests
57. ( C) Stand up Sitting
Place the child near a stable object such as a mouse table or
Criterion: rises to a standing position by grasping or climbing on
a stable object. Parental intervention is allowed
58. ( B) Standing Standing attached to a stable
object Stand close to the child with outstretched arms supporting the
child Criterion: free from hands and body support and maintain
balance in standing position for 3sec. 1 of 2 tests
59. ( C) Walking Stopped
movements Support the child from the trunk with the feet on the floor. Tell
him: let's go for a walk
Criterion: performs 4 alternative step movements at the site
60. ( D) Walking Stopped
With a front bra, take her hands and tell her: let's walk
Criterion: performs 4 alternative steps forward

Fine Motor Scale

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
39. ( C) Pulling out
rings Sitting on the examiner's lap Locate in a parate da arandelas two rings. Show him to remove a
in front of a table. ring and place it back on the stand. Tell him: now you do it
All items the same Criterion: pulls a ring out of the stand
40. ( D ) Insert a finger Present you with the empty nine-pin board. Show him how to
place a finger into a hole. Put the board in front of the child and
tell him: now you
Criterion: insert index finger in the hole or nearby
41. ( B) Shaking a Place 4 small candies in a bottle and cap it. Shake the bottle
bottle using undulating movements. Place the bottle in front of the child
and say: I shook the bottle.
Criterion: shake the bottle using wavelike motions
42. ( A) Upper gripper Place candies on the table. Say: take a candy Criterion: take a
clamping candy using the thumb and the thumb of the index or middle
finger (thumb-thumb). Wrist and hand should be raised from the
table surface.
43. ( B) Release of a Place a cube in the child's hand and say: give me the cube
bucket Criterion: deliberately drops the cube: 1 of 2 tests
44. ( C) Bucket release Place 4 buckets and a cup in front of the child and say: put the
buckets in the cup.
Criterion: place three cubes into the cup
45. ( B) Stirring with Demonstrate stirring with a spoon in a cup. Place a spoon near
spoon the cup and tell him: stir with the spoon Criterion: stir with the
spoon inside the cup twice
46. ( C) Striking with a Show him deliberate strokes with the spoon out of the cup using
spoon horizontal movements. Leave the spoon on the table. Tell him:
now you do it.
Criterion: tap the cup twice on the spoon using horizontal
movements with the arm and hand.
Level 12-14
Gross Motor Scale months
Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
61. ( D) Crawling Quadrupeda
Sit on the floor with your legs outstretched and place the child
next to you. Attract the child's attention to a toy located on the
other side of the child on the opposite side of the child at knee
level in front of the child. Tell: take the toy Criterion: crawls on
examiner's lap: 1 of 2 tests
62. ( B) Kneeling Kneeling Present a toy by moving it back and forth from one side of the
child to the other. Observing the balance
Criterion: holds the balance in that position for 5 sec without
failure: 1 of 2 tests
63. ( D) Climbing stairs Quadrupeda Place a toy on the 3rd step of a staircase. Place the child on the
floor where the stairway begins.
Criterion: crawls up 2 steps: 1 of 2 tests
64. ( B) Pivot Stopped Attract the child's attention with a toy, hold the toy behind the
child. Say: take the toy
Criterion: Semicircle turning rotating from standing: 1 of 2 tests
65. ( B) Stopping and Stopped
balancing movement Place a toy on the floor near the child's feet.
Say: take the toy
Criterion: bends down to pick up the toy by bending forward.
You can perform the following steps to take it: 1 of 2 tests
66. ( D) Walking Stopped Place a toy 60cm away from the child. Say: grab the toy.
Move the toy back if necessary.
Criterion: walk 4 or 5 steps without support with arms extended
and bent out to the sides with elbows bent to increase base of
support: 1 of 2 tests
67. ( D) Walking Stopped
Stand next to the child and offer a hand. Say: let's walk
Criterion: walks a distance of 4.5 m (15 ft) holding one hand
68. ( E) Roll 1 ball Sitting in opposition to the
examiner Place a ball between the child's legs and say: throw me the ball.
Criterion: move the ball 90cm from a hand contact /
arm: 1 of 2 tests
69. ( E) Throw 1 ball Stopped
Give the child a tennis ball and say: throw it to me Criterion:
throw the ball using an extensor pattern with the arm extended
downward flexing the elbow: 1 of 2 tests
70. ( D)Crawling Quadrupeda With the child on the floor, show him/her the gait of the bear,
walking with hands and feet on the floor. Say: let's crawl like
Criterion: crawl as shown 1.5m: 1 of 2 tests

Fine Motor Scale

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
47. ( B) Pulling out The same position for the Place the board with 3 pegs on the table: demonstrate how to
pins entire level: sitting on the remove 1 peg and put it in place. Tell him: take out the plug
examiner's lap in front of a yourself.
table. Repeat the instruction only 1 time
Criterion: pulls out the three pins
48. ( B) Open 1 box Place 4 candies in a box. Tell: grab a candy Criterion: open the
49. ( B) Show an uncapped bottle with 4 candies inside. Tell you: have a
Removing/taking out candy
Criterion: removes at least 1 confection per spill
( D) Turning pages Place a picture book with thick pages in front of the child. Tell
him: open the book
Criterion: turns more than 1 page at a time
Additional result: if the child turns 1 single page the
score will be 2 in this item and in 65
51. ( A) Prension Place a cube in front of the child and say: take the cube
Criterion: take the cube using a digital tweezers, thumb on one
side and the index and middle finger in opposition. Wrist
elevated from the table surface
( C) Tower construction Show how to build a tower of 4 cubes. It can be stopped.
Place more than 4 cubes on the table. Tell him: I built a tower
just like mine.
Criterion: builds a tower of 2 cubes
Additional result: if the child completes a tower of 3 or 4 cubes,
the result will be 2 in this item and in 57.
53. ( A) Bucket Place two cubes on either side of the table. Tell him: take the
pressing two buckets
Criterion: secure both cubes with 1 hand only
54. ( C) Insert shapes
on a board Place a board with different shapes on the table. Place the
corresponding pieces between the child and the board. The
pieces must be mixed. Tell him: put the pieces on the board.
Criterion: places 1 piece on the board
Additional result: if the child places two figures place a score of
2 in this item and in 62. If you place the 3, add a 2 to 66
Level 15-17
Gross Motor Scale
Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
71. ( D) Crawling Quadruped on the 3rd step of Stand at the bottom of a ladder and offer your arms outstretched
a staircase to the child. Tell him: come with me Criterion: crawls down
three unsupported stairs
72. ( D) Walking Stopped Offer outstretched arms from a distance of 3m in front of the
child. Say: come with me
Criterion: walk the 3m with a narrow base of support using the
heel-foot pattern. Reciprocal arm movements emerge, when the
right arm moves forward, the right leg moves forward and vice
versa. Take time
( D) Climbing stairs Standing on 1 step near the Stand on the same step as the child and tell him/her: come with
wall or railing me.
Criterion: climb four steps holding on to the railing/wall and
place both feet on each step (timing)
Additional score: if the child climbs 4 steps by alternating feet
and holding on to the railing/wall place a score of 2 on this item
and 92.
74. ( D) Walking Stopped Run around the child and tell him/her: grab me (gentle
Criterion: walk 8m using the heel-toe gait pattern. The time you
use in this item should be twice as long as the time used in item
75. ( D) Walking Stopped
Demonstrate how to pull a pull toy while walking backwards.
Look at the toy and draw attention to this action.
Give the cord of the toy to the child and say: pull it Criterion:
walks backwards 5 steps: 1 of 2 tests. May or may not pull on
the toy while walking
76. ( D) Walking down Standing on the 4th step in Say: go down the stairs
stairs front of the top of the staircase Criterion: walk down the 4 steps holding the railing or wall and
place both feet on the step (take time).
Additional score: if the child descends 4 steps without support,
places both feet on each step (take the time) the score will be 2
in this item and in 102. If you descend without support and place
your feet alternately on each step, the result will be 2 in this
item, in 102 and 115.
77. ( E) Kicking the Stopped Demonstrate kicking a ball by placing it in front of the foot and
ball kicking it. Place it in front of the child and say: now you
Criterion: walk or try to kick the ball imitating the demonstrated
78. ( E) Throwing the Stopped Present the ball and place it 90cm in front of the child. Tell her:
ball throw it to me.
Criterion: throws the ball at 90cm with an intentional direction.
The ball cannot deviate more than450 of the course. Maintains
sedentary balance
Additional result: if the course of the ball is 90cm forward, then
touches the ground and does not deviate more than450 the result
will be 2 in this item and in 83. If the course of the ball is 1.5m
and it does not deviate more than200 place a score of 2 on this
and 94. If the course of the ball is 1.40m and it does not deviate
more than200 the result will be 2 in this item, in the 94 and in the
79. ( E) Standing Stopped Mark a line 5cm wide by 60cm long.
Demonstrate how to stand on the line with feet aligned. Say:
stand on the line also with both feet.
Criterion: place one foot on the line and try to position the other
foot: one of two tests
80. ( D) Walking Stopped Demonstrate walking laterally on a 3m wall.
laterally Tell him: walk like this now
Criterion: walks laterally all 3m

Fine Motor Scale

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
55. ( B) Unwrap a cube Place a bucket on the table and attract the child's attention by
Same for the entire level: tapping it three times. Wrap the bucket in tissue paper. Say: take
sitting on the examiner's lap in the bucket
front of a table. Criterion: a cube is secured by unwrapping it
56. ( C) Filling a cup
Place a cup and 7 cubes on the table Tell: put the cubes in the
cup Criterion: place all the cubes in the cup
( C) Construction of a
tower Demonstrate how to build a tower of 4 cubes. It can be stopped.
Place 8 cubes on the table. Say: make a tower like mine.
Criterion: builds a tower of 3 or 4 cubes
Additional result: if the child builds a tower of 6 or 8 cubes, the
result will be 2 in this item and in 67.
58. ( C) Imitation of Demonstrate how to draw lines on a piece of paper with a
scribbling marker. Place a second sheet of paper and a marker in front of
the child and say: you do the same Criterion: scribbles on the
Additional result: observe the grip used with the marker for the
following item
59. ( A) Pronation in Criterion: while scribbling in the previous item, the marker grip
pronation used is a pronated grip with the thumb and forefinger facing the
paper and the marker in contact with the palm and the remaining
three fingers embracing the marker (same grip for holding the
60. ( C) Locate pins
Place an empty board on the table. Locate three pins between the
board and the child. tell him: locate the pins on the board
Criterion: locates the three pins
61. ( B) Take off your Remove the child's shoes. Tell her: take off your socks Criterion:
socks take off both socks. Parents can intervene
62. ( C) Locate figures Place a shape board on the table. Place the mixed figures on the
table between the child and the board. Tell him: place the figures
on the board.
Criterion: places 2 figures on the board
Additional result: if the child places all the figures on the board,
place 2 in this item and in 66.
Level 18-23
Gross Motor Scale
Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
81. ( C) Stand up Supina
Hold a ball or toy above the child's head. Tell you: stop
Criterion: turn sideways and push to reach a standing position
with hands and feet
82. (B) Bend over Stopped Place the tennis ball on the floor near the child's foot.
Say: take the ball
Criterion: crouches/kneels to pick up ball and returns to starting
position without dropping
83. ( E) Throwing the Stopped Give him the tennis ball. Stand 1.20m away from the child and
ball say: throw me the ball.
Criterion: throw the ball so that it travels 90cm before touching
the ground and does not deviate its course by more than450.
Additional result: if the ball travels 1.50m and does not deviate
from the course more than200, place 2 points in this item and in
94. If the ball travels 2.10m and does not deviate more than200
place 2 points on this, on the 94 and on the 95.
84. ( D) Running Stopped Stand 3m away from the child and say: run to me Criterion: run
safely 3m without falling down
85. ( E) Kicking the Stopped Place the ball 30cm in front of the child. Stand 1.2m in front of
ball the child and say: kick the ball to me.
Criterion: kick the ball so that it travels 90 cm and does not
deviate from its course by more than200 cm.
Additional result: if the ball travels 1.8m and does not deviate
from its course more than150 in 1 of 2 attempts, the result will be
2 in this item and in 103.
86. ( B) Walking on Stopped Place the balance board (2.4m x 5cm) on the floor. Tell him:
the balance board walk the board with both feet.
Criterion: foot may come off 1 or 2 times in 10 steps
87. ( D) Jump Stopped Place the child on a stable object (box, chair or step) 1.20 to 1.5
m high. Tell you: jump on the floor
Criterion: jumps to the floor with one foot in front. One-handed
assistance may be offered
88. ( D) Climbing Stopped Locate a toy on the 5th step of a staircase. Tell him: climb the
stairs ladder and take the toy.
Criterion: climb 4 unsupported steps placing both feet on each
step (take time)
Additional result: if the child climbs 4 steps without support and
alternately placing the feet, the result will be 2 in this item and in
92 and 113.
89. ( D) Jump forward Stopped Place a line on the floor. Show him a wide jump. Position the
child with feet touching the line. Criterion: jumps forward 10cm
without failure
Additional result: if the heel of the other foot is 60cm from the
line, the result will be 2 in this item and in 109.
90. ( D) Jump upward Stopped Demonstrate a jump up with both feet. Tell him: jump like I did
Criterion: 5 cm lift with both feet at the same time
Fine Motor Scale
Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
63. ( D) Placing Sitting in front of the table in Place the bottle and 4 candies in front of the child. Demonstrate
confectionery all items by placing a candy in the bottle. Tell him: put a candy in the
Criterion: place a candy in the bottle
64. ( B) Separate Place 4 beads attached to a string on the table. Show him how
accounts you separate them. Put them back together and bring them to the
child. Tell him: now you do it
Criterion: separates them
Additional result: if the child separates all the beads, the result
will be 2 in this point and in 72.
65. ( D) Turn pages Place a story book with hard pages in front of the child Say: Look
at the book
Criterion: turns two pages, 1 at a time
66. ( C) Fitting figures Place a shape board on the table. Place the corresponding shapes
between the board and the child. The shapes must be unordered.
Tell him: put the shapes on the board Criterion: place three
shapes on the board
67. ( C) Building Place buckets on the table. Tell him: I built a tower
towers Criterion: builds a tower of 6 or 8 cubes
Additional result: if the child completes a tower with 9 or 10
cubes, the score will be 2 in this item and in 77.
68. ( C) Stroke Show him make two vertical strokes
69. ( D) Threading
beads Thread 3 beads on a cord. Place another string with 3 more beads
on the table. Deliver one account at a time. Tell him: string the
beads like I did Criterion: string three beads
70. ( C) Cutting with Place a piece of paper and blunt-tipped scissors on the table.
scissors Show how you make 3 cuts on the edge of the paper. Place the
scissors in the child's hand and give him/her a sheet of paper in
the other hand. Tell him: cut with the scissors as I did Criterion:
make a cut on the paper
Level 24- 29
Gross Motor Scale

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria

91. ( D) Descending Standing on the fourth step of
stairs a staircase Say: go down the stairs
Criterion: descends 4 steps placing both feet on each step (taking
time) and holds on to the examiner's finger only.
92. ( D) Climbing Standing at the foot of a Tell him: I climbed the stairs
stairs staircase Criterion: climb 4 steps by alternately placing one foot on each
step and using the railing or wall as support
Additional result: if the child climbs 4 steps without holding on,
the result will be 2 in this item and in 113.
93. ( D) Jump down Stopped Place the child on a stable object (box, chair, step) 40 to 50 cm
high. Tell you: jump
Criterion: jump down with one foot forward. Do not offer
94. ( E) Throwing the Stopped Give the child a ball and say: throw me the ball.
ball Criterion: throws the ball 1.5m and does not deviate from its
course more than200
Additional result: if the path of the ball is 2.1m and it does not
deviate from its straight path more than200 the result will be 2 in
this and in 95
95. ( E) Throwing the Stopped Give the child a tennis ball. Criterion: throws the ball over a
ball distance of 2.1 m and does not deviate from its course by more
than200 m.
96. ( B) Standing on Stopped
one foot
Demonstrate standing on one foot with free leg bent at the knee
and hands on hips. Criterion: Holds the demonstrated position for
1 sec: 1 of 2 tests
Additional result: if the child maintains the balance for 3sec the
score will be 2 in this item and in 107. If the child maintains the
balance for 5sec the result will be 2 in this, 107 and 117.
97. ( B) Walking on Stopped Demonstrate how to walk on tiptoe with hands on hips and say:
tiptoes walk like me.
Criterion: walks on tiptoe 5 steps and maintains balance with
hands on waist: 1 of 2 tests
98. ( D) Walking Stopped
Demonstrate how to walk backwards 3m
(toes should not touch heels) Tell him/her: walk like me
Criterion: walk backwards 3m
Stopped Demonstrate how you walk three meters on the balance board.
99. ( B) Walking on Tell him: walk on the board like I did
the balance board Criterion: take 3 steps on the board: 1 of 2 tests
100. ( D) Walking in a Stopped Make a 1.2m diameter circle on paper tape on the floor. Say:
circle walk on this circle
Criterion: walk around the circle taking at least 5 steps outside
the marked line.

Fine Motor Scale

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
( B) Turning a knob Stopped
Place the child near the door. Tell: open the door Criterion: open
the door using the rotation of the forearm to turn the knob
72. ( C) Placing rings In all items sitting in front of a Place a stick with 5 rings on the table. To say: put all the hoops
table on the stick
Criterion: place all hoops on the pole in any order
73. ( D) Removing lids
Place the confections in the bottle and screw on the cap. Give the
bottle to the child and say: take out the candy.
Criterion: removes the cap from the bottle
Additional score: if the child removes the cap within 30sec after
being given the bottle the score will be two for this item and 84.
74. (B) Separate Place on the table 4 beads joined by a string. Tell you: separate
accounts the accounts
Criterion: separates all accounts
75. ( C) Imitating a line Demonstrate how to make a horizontal line on the paper with a
marker. Place a second sheet of paper with a marker in front of
the child. Tell him: make a line like mine Criterion: make a
horizontal line that does not deviate more than200
( C) To build a train Demonstrate building a train with three cubes lined up one
behind the other and on top of the first add a 4th. Cube. Push it
across the table imitating the sound of a train and set it aside.
Place 5 cubes in front of the child and tell him/her: make a train
like mine.
Criterion: align at least 3 cubes and place one of the cubes on the
final cube.
Level 30-35
Gross Motor Scale
Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
101. ( C) Stand up Sitting Demonstrate how to stand from a seated position without turning
to the side. Say: stand up like I did Criterion: stand up without
turning your body more than200. Hands can rest on the floor for
102. ( D) Descending Standing on the 4th step of a Say: go down the stairs
stairs staircase Criterion: Descend the four steps without support by placing
both feet on each step (mark the time).
Additional result: if you walk down the steps without support by
placing your feet alternately, the score is 2 for this item and for
103. ( E) Kicking the Stopped Place the ball in front of the child and say: kick the ball
ball Criterion: kicks the ball and it travels a distance of 1.8m and
does not deviate from its course more than150: 1 of 2 tests
104. ( E) Catching the Stopped
ball Stand 1.5m away from the child and say: catch the ball.
Throwing the ball to the child's chest
(child's arms can be straight)
criterion: catch the ball with outstretched arms: 2 out of 3 tests
105. ( D) Obstacle Stopped Jump over a rope tied to two chairs 5cm above the ground.
jumping Demonstrate how to jump rope from a stationary position using
both feet when jumping and landing. Tell him: jump on the rope
like I did
Criterion: jumps over the rope without falling or stumbling: 1 of
2 tests
106. ( D) Jump down Stopped Place the child on a stable object about 45 to 60 cm high. Tell:
jump down with both feet together Criterion: jump without
support by stepping out and landing with both feet without
falling down
107. ( B) Standing on Stopped
one foot Demonstrate how to stand on one foot with the free leg bent back
and hands on the waist. Tell him: stand like me
Criterion: maintains position 3sec: 1 of 2 tests
Additional result: if the child holds the position for 5sec the
result will be 2 here and on 117
108. ( B) Walking on Stopped
tiptoes Glue a 3 m by 2.5 cm wide tape on the floor. Demonstrate how
you walk the line on your toes. Say: walk the line like me
Criterion: walks 2.4m on the treadmill on tiptoes
109. ( D) Jump forward Stopped Show him how to jump from a line stuck on the ground by
jumping with both feet together. Tell him: jump like I did
Criterion: jump 60cm. One foot may turn but the heel of one foot
must be 60cm from the line.
110. ( D) Jump on 1 Stopped Demonstrate jumping on one foot 5 times on the spot.
foot Tell him: jump like me
Criterion: jumps with 1 foot three times without losing balance

Fine Motor Scale

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
77. ( C) To build a For all items seated in front
Place 10 cubes on the table. Tell him: I built a tower. Criterion:
tower of a table
builds a tower of 9 or 10 cubes: 1 of 2 tests Additional outcome:
observe the child's reach and perform item 83 at the same time
78. ( C) To build a Place 6 cubes on the table. Demonstrate how to build a bridge
bridge with 3 cubes according to the drawing. It can be stopped. Push
the remaining three cubes to the child and say: make one just
like mine. Do not give any further instructions
Criterion: build a bridge according to the demonstration. The
F base cubes must not touch each other.
79. ( C) Copy a circle Place a piece of paper and a marker on the table. Show the child
the letter with the circle. Say: draw this
Criterion: draw a circle with an edge deviation of no more than
1.3 cm.
80. ( B) Hand washing
Tell him without demonstration: show me how you wash your
hands. Criterion: washes hands using a wrist rotation and places
the palm of one hand on the back of the other and vice versa.
81. ( D ) Unbuttoning Locate the strip of buttons measuring 1.9 cm in diameter all
buttoned and say: unbutton all these buttons Criterion: unbutton
3 buttons in 75 sec.
82. ( C) Cutting paper Locate a 15x15cm paper and a scissors. Demonstrate how it cuts
in half. Place a second piece of paper and scissors in front of the
child and say: Cut the paper like I did Criterion: cut the paper
from side to side
Level 36-41
Gross Motor Scale

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria

111. ( D) Riding a Sitting on the tricycle Use a regular tricycle, not one with large wheels. Tell him. Ride
tricycle a tricycle
Criterion: pedals a tricycle and travels a distance of 3m. Parent
intervention is permitted
112. ( E) To spike the Stopped Demonstrate how to bounce and throw a tennis ball to the wall
ball from a distance of 1.5m using one hand. Tell him: bite the ball
like I did.
Criterion: kick the ball against the wall so that it hits the floor
once before hitting the wall
113. ( D) Climbing Standing at the foot of a Tell him: I climbed the stairs
stairs staircase Criterion: ascend 4 steps without support by placing one foot on
each step alternately.
114. ( D) Jump down Stopped Place the child on a stable object 60-75 cm high.
Say: jump down with your feet together.
Criterion: jump down without support, jumping and landing with
both feet together.
115. ( D) Descending Standing on the 4th step of a Say: go down the stairs
stairs staircase Criterion: descend 4 steps without support, alternately placing
one foot on each step.
116. ( E) Catching the Stopped Throw the ball to the child from a distance of 1.5m. Tell him:
ball catch the ball
Criterion: Catches the ball with elbows bent in front of the body:
1 of 2 tests
117. ( B) Standing on 1 Stopped
foot Demonstrate standing on one foot with free leg bent back and
hands on hips. Tell you: stand up like I did
Criterion: maintains the demonstrated position for 5sec.
118. ( D) Jumping fast Stopped Demonstrate how you jump in 1 foot 6 or 7 steps. Tell him: jump
with 1 foot like me
Criterion: jumps 5 steps, can always guide the same foot
119. ( D) Jumping on Stopped
one foot Demonstrate how you hop forward on one foot with 5 hops, then
on the other foot in the same manner. Tell you: jump like I did
Criterion: jump forward 5 consecutive times with 1 foot and then
at least 3 times with the other foot.
120. ( D) Jump Stopped
Demonstrate jumping forward from behind a line of paper
attached to the floor with feet together. Say: jump like I did
Criterion: jumps forward 60 to 75 cm holding feet together

Fine Motor Scale

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
83. ( B) Manual For all items seated in front Note how the child secured 5 cubes in item 77- if necessary take
preference of the table it-.
Criterion: consistently picks up cubes with the same hand 4 or 5
84. ( B) Remove Cover Present a bottle with a screw cap - without closing it too tightly -
with several candies inside. Tell him: take the candies out of the
Criterion: remove the cover within 30".
85. ( D) Join accounts Place 5 beads and a string in front of the child. Tell him: thread
the beads on the string
Criterion: thread 4 or 5 beads
86. ( D) Wind up a toy Demonstrate how to wind up a toy 2 times. Do not repeat the
instruction. Say: wind up the toy like I did Criterion: turn the
87. ( C) Cut along the
line Give the child the paper with the line and a scissors. Tell him: cut
on the line
Criterion: cut the entire line in 15sec with a deviation of 1.25cm.
88. ( C) Copy a cross

Present the card with the cross. Give the child a piece of paper
and a marker. Tell him: draw one like this
Criterion: draw lines that intersect within200 of the perpendicular.
Additional result: if the lines intersect within 1.5cm of the mean
of the horizontal the result will be 2 in this item and 91.
Level 42-47
Gross Motor Scale

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria

121. ( B) Standing on For all items at this level:
tip toes standing
Demonstrate how to stand on your toes with your hands on your
head, hold on for 3 seconds and say: now you do it.
Criterion: maintain balance on tip toes with hands over head for
2sec without moving feet: 1 of 2 tests
Additional result: if you maintain the position for 8sec with the
trunk straight without deviating laterally more than200, the result
will be 2 points in this item and in 136.
122. (E) Throwing the Stopped Give the child a tennis ball. Stand at 3.30 mts. in front of the
ball child. Say: "Throw me the ball".
Criterion: Throw the ball 3 meters. The child should rotate the
shoulder and arm backward and then make a forward following
motion. The ball should not deviate from its course by more than
123. (E) Throwing the Stopped
ball Place a 60 cm square on the wall and 60 cm from the floor.
Demonstrate how to throw the tennis ball from below towards the
target from 5 feet away. Say: "Throw the ball like I did".
Criterion: Hit the target. Two of three tests.
124. ( E) Catching the Stopped Throw a tennis ball from a distance of 1.5m to the child. Tell
ball him: catch the ball
Criterion: catches the ball with elbows bent in front of the body:
2 of 3 tests
125. ( E) To kick the Stopped Demonstrate how to kick the ball at the wall and then pick it up
ball using both hands. Tell him: kick the ball as I did Criterion: kick
the ball from a distance of 1.5m. The ball must hit the floor
before the wall.
126. (E) Throwing the Stopped Demonstrate how to throw the ball from above to the wall in the
ball 60 cm square from a distance of 1.5 mts. Say: "Throw the ball
like I did".
Criterion: Hit the target. Two of three tests.
(D) Jump forward Stopped Demonstrate how to jump forward from a line on the ground with
one foot without allowing the other foot to touch the ground.
Say: "Stand behind the line and jump over it with one foot".
128. ( B) Standing on Stopped Demonstrate how you stand on one foot and then the other. Tell
one foot him: stand on one foot as long as you can.
Criterion: stands on one foot for 6sec. The body should not swing
more than50
Additional result: if the child maintains the position on each foot
for 10sec without deviating more than200 to the sides, the result
will be 2 on this and 148.
129. ( B) Walking Make a circle of 1.2m circumference with a paper tape on the
backwards floor. Tell him: walk backwards on the line Criterion: walk
backwards without going out of the circle more than 1 time
130. ( D) Jumping on Demonstrate how you hop on one foot with 8 hops and then 8
one foot more hops with the other foot. Say: jump like me
Criterion: jump forward 8 consecutive times with each foot
Fine Motor Scale
Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
89. ( C) Draw a line For all items at this level Present a paper with a line in a horizontal position. Give the
seated with the examiner at a marker to the child and say: draw this line.
table in front of a table Criterion: draw the line deviating no more than 2 times
Additional result: observe how it takes the marker for the result
of the next item.
90. ( A) How does the Criterion: during the tracing of the previous item hold the marker
scoreboard support with fingers in tripod position
91. ( C) Copy a cross Present the card with the cross. Give the child a piece of paper
and a pencil.
Say: draw this
Criterion: draw the cross with the straight lines intersecting
within200 of the perpendicular near the middle of the horizontal
92. ( C) Copy a square Present the card with a square to the child. Give paper and
marker to the child. Say: draw this
Criterion: copy the square with straight lines with some deviation
of150 between vertical and horizontal.
93. ( C) Cut a circle Give the child a scissors and a piece of paper with a circle on it
and say: cut out the circle.
Criterion: cut the circle, at least ¾ of it at 0.6cm from the line
within 45sec.
94. ( D) Putting on the Demonstrate how to pass the laces of a shoe. Tell him: now you
laces of a shoe pass the laces.
Criterion: pass the cord through 2 or 3 holes. The cord should not
necessarily cross from one side to the other. The intervention of
the father is allowed
Level 48-59
Gross Motor Scale

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria

Stopped Place the child at the foot of a balance board. Tell him: walk on
131. ( B) Walking on the balance board without getting off it
the balance board Criterion: completes 4 steps without support
132. ( D) Running Stopped
Place the child in a space where there is a 4.5m straight line.
Say: run fast going back and forth until I tell you to stop. Note
the coordination of the arms. That the child stops when he/she
has completed all three cycles
Criterion: moves arms reciprocally with legs shifting weight
from one place to another during the 3 cycles: 1 of 2 tests
133. ( C) Jump upward Stopped Position the child facing the wall standing with feet extended
and arms above the head with thumbs touching the wall. Mark
the point where the child touches the wall. Tell him/her: stand up
and stretch as far as you can and touch the wall Criterion: with
the jump reach 7.5cm more than the 1st mark. Measure the
distance between the first mark and each of the marks made
during the jump.
Additional result: if the child reaches 10cm above the first mark
the result will be 2 here and on 169
134. ( D) Jumping Stopped Show how to jump from a stable object (step, stable table, etc.)
from below from 80cm upwards, stepping forward 1 foot. Locate the child
and tell him/her: jump like me.
Criterion: jumps upward without support by stepping forward
135. ( E) Throwing a Stopped Give the child a ball. Stand in front of him and say: throw me the
ball ball.
Criterion: throw the ball 3m: 1 of 2 tests. The ball does not
deviate more than200 of its course.
136. ( B) Standing on Stopped Demonstrate standing on tip toes with hands over head. To tell
toes him: stand up like this you too
Criterion: remains in the demonstrated position for 8sec with the
trunk straight and without deviating more than200 on each side.
137. ( D) Jump forward Stopped Demonstrate jumping from a marked line with one foot without
letting the second foot touch the ground. Tell him: stand with
your two feet behind the line and jump with 1 foot as far as you
can Criterion: jump forward 40cm with 1 foot (measure the jump
from the line to the area where the heel of the foot touches the
Stopped Ditto 137 with the other foot
138. ( D) Jump forward Criterion: jumps 30cm with the other foot
139. ( D) Forward Kneeling Place the child on the edge of a kneeling mat. Say: makes a
rotate carriage return
Criterion: rotates forward on its head without deviating to the
sides more than150
140. ( C) Rising from a Supina
sitting position Demonstrate sitting up: lying on a mat with knees bent and
approx. 900 hip width. And hands around the neck. Do 3 or 4
push-ups touching your elbows to your knees and your shoulders
to the mat when you return Tell him: do as many push-ups as
you can. Stop at 30sec Criterion: perform 3 or 4 push-ups during
the 30sec as instructed
Additional result: if the child performs 6 or 8 push-ups during
the 30sec - respecting the instructions - the result will be 2 here
and at 160
Fine Motor Scale

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria

95. ( D) Dumping For the entire level seated at a Place a bottle without a cap and 10 candies in front of the child.
confections table Tell him: put the candies into the bottle as fast as you can. Puts 1
at a time
Criterion: place confectionery in 10sec. Both hands can be used.
96. ( D) Buttoning Place the 1.2cm diameter button tape on the table.
Tell him: fasten and unfasten them.
Criterion: button and unbutton 1 at a time in 20 sec.
97. ( C) To build a gate BOH Place 10 cubes on a non-slip surface on the table.
Show him the construction of the gate. Tell him: build one like
Criterion: build in gate
98. ( C) Folding a Give the child a 21x 28cm sheet of paper. Tell him: fold the sheet
paper in half (if he doesn't understand, explain what the middle is)
Criterion: fold the paper with the edges about 1.5 cm from one
end to the other.
99. ( C) Cut a square Give a scissors to the child and the cardboard with the square.
Say: cut the square on the line.
Criterion: cut the entire square within the 0.5cm limit of the line
in 45sec.
100. ( C) Locate clips Give the child 3 paper clips and a 21x28cm sheet of paper. Tell
him: place the paper clips on the sheet.
Criterion: place 2 of the 3 paper clips on the paper, placing more
than half of the clip on the sheet.
Level 60-71
Gross Motor Scale

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria

141. ( C) Jumping with Stopped Show how to jump rotating1800 with both feet and hands on hips.
torsion Tell him: jump like me
Criterion: jumps with rotation as demonstrated, with no deviation
of the body from vertical of more than200
Stopped Show how to walk backwards on the balance board with feet on
142. ( B) Walking on a the line. Tell him: walk like me
balance board Criterion: walks according to the demonstration: 1 of 2 tests
143. ( B) Walking on a Stopped Place the child where the balance chart begins. Say: walk
balance board backwards with your hands on your hips without leaving the
Walk on the board without deviating or drifting over100
144. ( D) Skipping Stopped
jumping Demonstrate jumping 8 or 10 steps. Say: jump like I did.
Observe arm coordination
Criterion: jumps 8 to 10 steps alternating feet, maintaining
balance and integrating leg and arm movements: 1 of 2 tests
Additional result: if the child jumps 10 steps by alternating feet
and maintains balance by integrating arm and leg movements,
place 2 points on this item and 159.
145. ( E) Catching the Stopped Throw the ball to the child from a distance of 1.8m. Say: grab the
ball ball
Criterion: catches the ball with elbows at the sides: 2 out of 3
146. ( C) Lateral jump Stopped
Demonstrate jumping from right to left on a 2.5cm x 60cm line
of paper. Place hands on hips keeping feet together and jump for
3 cycles. Tell him: jump like me
Criterion: skips three cycles according to the demonstration
without missing a beat
147. ( D) Jump Stopped Instruct the child to stand behind the paper line and jump
forward forward using both feet at the same time.
Criterion: jumps forward 90cm (measure from the line to where
the foot rests)
148. ( B) Standing on 1 Stopped Demonstrate standing on 1 foot with free leg bent at the knee and
foot hands on hips. Repeat with the other foot. Say: now you do it
Criterion: maintains the demonstrated position for 10sec with 1
foot on the floor and the trunk upright without deviating more
than200. Completes it with both feet

149. ( D) Forward Crouching Place the child on a mat in a crouched position. Say: make three
rotate laps ram
Criterion: touch chin chest and roll over head and back. Does not
deviate more than200
( E) Throwing the ball Stopped Position the child at 3.60m in front of a target hanging on the
wall. Give the child a tennis ball and say: hit the target by
throwing the ball.
Criterion: hits the target: 2 out of 3 tests
Fine Motor Scale
Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
101. ( C) Connect For all items seated in front of a Give him a marker and a piece of paper with two dots on it.
table Tell him: connect the dots with a line.
Criterion: connects the points with a straight line that does
not deviate more than 0.6cm in 10sec.
102. ( C) To build a Place the 12 cubes on the table. Demonstrate to build a

pyramid pyramid like the one in the sketch (all cubes are assumed to
be equal). It can be stopped. Push the remaining cubes
towards the child and tell him/her: build an equal one
r Criterion: build the pyramid

103. ( D) Fingers
tapping • Show how you touch each of the thumbs of your fingers with
your thumb quickly starting with the index finger.
Tell him: do the same
Criterion: performs the test by touching all fingers in 8sec.
Additional score: if the child completes the task in 5sec the
score will be 2 in this item and in 110.
104. ( D) Winding on Give the child a spool with an unwound string. Tell him:
a reel when he says "now" start winding it on the reel. Criterion:
wind the cord onto the reel in 25sec.
( D) Coloring Give the child a marker and a piece of paper with two lines
between the lines (given by the test) Tell the child: paint between the two lines.
Criterion: paint between the lines without crossing the lines
more than 2 times. Fills ¾ of the prefixed space
106. (D) Locate coins Place the paper with a square (provided by the test) on the
table. Fix the paper on the table with a tape. Line up 20 coins
in 2 rows of 10 between the child and the paper. Say: when I
tell you "now" take one coin at a time and put them inside
the square as fast as you can, placing them, not throwing
Criterion: place all coins in the square in 35sec. Coins can
Additional result: if the child places all the coins in 25sec the
result will be 2 in this item and in 112.
Level 72-83
Gross Motor Scale
Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
151. (B) Walking on Stopped
tiptoes Demonstrate how to walk on tiptoes 1.5mt with hands on hips.
Tell him: walk like me.
Criterion: walks on tiptoes 1.5mt. The heels should be elevated.
152. (D) Hurdle Stopped Tie a rope or cord between two chairs 25cm from the floor.
jumping Standing 15cm from the rope demonstrate jumping over the rope
using both feet. Tell you: jump like I did
Criterion: jumps according to the demonstration
153. ( E) Catching the Stopped Demonstrate bouncing the ball on the floor twice, using both
ball hands. Say: bounce the ball and catch it.
Criterion: bounces and catches the ball according to the
demonstration: 2 out of 3 tests
154. ( B) Walking on Stopped Place the child on the balance board. Say: walk sideways on the
the balance board board.
Criterion: walks laterally on the board for 2.40m without sliding
off the board.
155. ( D) Galloping Stopped Demonstrate a canter of 2.40 to 3m. Say: do the same as me.
Note the coordination of the arms.
Criterion: gallop 3m
156. ( D) Jumping with Stopped Place a mark on the floor and a second mark at 6m. Say: stand
speed on this mark and jump on one foot to the other mark.
Criterion: jumps 6m in 6 sec without the raised foot touching the
157. ( C) Push upwards Described in the directive
Demonstrate the push up: with the chair facing you place your
hands on the back of the chair, hips and legs extended and feet
on a non-slip surface; lift your chest and extend your arms and
return to the starting position. Demonstrate 3 cycles. Say: you do
the same. Stop at 20sec
Criterion: performs 7 or 8 push-ups in 20sec.
Additional result: if the child develops 9 or 10 in the same time
the score will be 2 in this item and 170.
158. ( E) Kicking the Stopped Demonstrate kicking the ball from a stationary point upward.
ball Say: kick the ball like me
Criterion: Kicks in the air and performs a 3.60m (10ft) in the air
159. ( D) Jump Stopped Demonstrate jumping 3m. Say: jump like me. Observe arm
Criterion: jump 3m alternating feet. Maintains balance and
integrates arm and leg movements without losing rhythm
160. ( C) Rising from a Backs. Prona Demonstrate standing up from the prone position on a mat
sitting position. (see performing sit-ups. Say: do it as many times as you can. Stop at
item 140) 30sec.
Criterion: perform 6 or 8 push-ups in 30sec. elbows touching
knees and shoulders touching the ground when returning to the

Fine Motor Scale

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria
107. ( C) Copying Sitting in front of a table
Present the letter that says STOP. Give the paper to the child
and a marker. Tell him: write this
Criterion: write the words using all the letters correctly.
108. ( C) Draw a
person Give the child a sheet of paper and a marker and say: draw a
Criteria: draw a person with at least 8 body parts, counting
parts such as torso, facial parts and neck. Count hands and
arms separately, the same with the lower limbs (count pairs
as 1: arms). Feet, etc)
109. ( C) Copy of 1 Present the card with the diamond. Give the child a piece of
diamond paper and a marker. Tell him: draw this
Criterion: draw the diamond with straight lines, connect the
( D) Finger touching Quickly demonstrate touching each finger with the thumb
starting from the index finger. Tell him: do it the same
Criterion: touch each finger with the thumb in 5 sec.
( C) To build a Place the 10 cubes on the table. Demonstrate the
staircase construction of a staircase according to the diagram.
Disassemble the ladder and give the cubes to the child and
say: I built one just like it.
Criterion: build to sample

112. ( D) Locate coins
Place the paper with the square (provided by the test) on the
table and fix it with paper tape. Align the 20 coins in two
rows of 10 between the child and the paper and tell him/her:
when I tell you to put one by one the coins inside the square
as fast as you can using one hand but without throwing them.
Criterion: places all coins within 25sec. Can be
Level 72-83
Gross Motor Scale

Item Position of the child Directive and Criteria

161. ( B) Walking on Stopped Show him/her how to walk 4 steps on the balance board by
the balance board touching the toe of the foot with the heel, hands on hips. Say:
walk the plank like me
Criterion: performs all 4 steps with a deviation no greater than200
lateral: 1 of 2 tests
162. ( E) Kicking the Stopped Standing 3m from the child. Take a ball. Say: I will kick the ball
ball to you and then you will kick it to me.
Criterion: kick the ball that rolls after running 1.20mt. The ball
must travel a distance of 2.40mt after the kick.
163. ( E) Kicking the Stopped Demonstrate how to kick a ball by throwing it before it hits the
ball ground (kicking it in the air) Perform two steps forward. Say:
kick the ball like me
Criterion: kicks the ball with continuous motion at a distance of
1.5m: 1 out of 2 tests
164. ( E) Catching the Stopped Demonstrate by throwing the ball overhead against the wall at a
ball distance of 1.8mt to a point at the child's waist height. Catching
the ball with the hands after the rebound. Tell him: stand up and
catch the ball just like me.
Criterion: Throws and catches the ball according to the
demonstration: 1 of 2 tests
165. ( C) Standing Prono
agility Lie on your back with your arms at your sides, legs straight and
feet together. Tell him: lie down and stand up as many times as
you can without lying on your side until I tell you to stop.
Demonstrate if necessary. Stopping the child after 20sec
Criterion: completes 4 cycles in 20sec
166. ( D) Running with Stopped
speed Place two paper strips on the ground at a distance of 3.6 m from
each other. Place 2 cans on one of the lines. Stand the child with
the tip of the toes on the other line. Tell him: when I say "go", I
want you to run, grab 1 can, bring it running, put it on this line
and come back for the other one. Criterion: completes the cycle
of the 2 cans in 12sec: 1 of 2 tests (give 30sec rest between tests)
167. ( D) Forward Crouching Place the child crouched on the edge of the mat and tell him/her:
rotate do 3 laps without stopping.
Criterion: 3 laps without stopping without deviating to the sides
more than100.
168. ( B) Standing on Stopped Demonstrate standing on one foot with free leg flexed, hands on
one foot hips and eyes closed for 8sec.
Tell the child: stand like me (take the time when the child adopts
the demonstrated position) Holds the position for 8sec with the
foot resting on the floor, the trunk upright without deviating
more than200 lateral: 1 of 2 tests
169. ( C) Jump upward Stopped With the child facing the wall, stand upright and extend as far as
you can with maximum reach with the fingertips of your hand.
Mark the point on the wall. Tell him: from this position jump and
touch the wall.
Criterion: jumps 20cm. Measure the distance between the 1st and
2nd post jump marks
170. ( C) Push upwards Prescribed in item 157 Demonstrate the position according to item 157. Say: perform as
many times as you can. Stop at 20sec
Criterion: develops 9 or 10 lifts according to the demonstration
in that time
Evaluation Report
Peabody Motor Development Scale

Name: .................................................................................
Evaluation Date: ...............................

Date of Birth: ..............................

Chronological Age: ..................................

Age established by the Peabody: ...........................................................

PEABODY Motor Development Scales
Year Month Day
Evaluation date _____________________ ___________
Date of birth _______________________________ ___________
Chronological age _______________________________
Age in months _________________
Name: ___________________________________________________
Evaluator: ________________________________________________


Gross motor skills Fine motor skills

Base age level

Age level sky

Scale Score

Equivalent age
Mean Motor Age Equivalent



Raw Score Percentile z-score Developmental

T score Motor Quotient
Skill A- Grasping/Grasping

Skill B- Use of Hands

Skill C- Eye-Hand Coordination

Dexterity D- Dexterity/ Manual Skill

Total Score

Skills category
0 - 1 Month

Cephalic alignment ____

2. Cephalic alignment
3. Rotation ____
4. Rotation ____
5. Cephalic alignment ____
6. Crawling movements ____
7. Position reflexes:
Asymmetrical Cervical Tonic Reflex ____
8. MMII thrust ____
9. Turning your back ____
10. MMSS Push ____
Maximum accumulated score 14 +6 = 20

2 - 3 Months

11. Head extension ____

12. Cephalic alignment ____
13. Cephalic alignment ____
14. Cephalic alignment ____
15. Weight support ____
16. Leg and foot extension ____
17. Gait reflex ____
18. Trunk extension ____
19. Cephalic alignment
20. Leg kicking ____
Maximum accumulated score 20 + 20 = 40

4 - 5 Months

21. Positioning:
Symmetrical posture ____
22. Pedaling action ____
23. Rolado ____
24. Extension of arms ____
25. Extension of arms and legs ____
26. Propulsion with outstretched arms ____
27. Cephalic alignment ____
28. Sit ____
29. Leg bending ____
30. Push to sit ____
Maximum accumulated score 20 + 6 +34 = 60
Gross Motor Scale (continued)

6 - 7 Months
31. Weight support ____
32. Protective reaction ____
33. Sit ____
34. Rolar ____
35. Push up ____
36. Head lift ____
37. Body bending ____
38. Push forward ____
39. Sitting ____
40. Extension of arms ____
Maximum accumulated score 22 + 10 +44 + 4 = 80

8 - 9 Months

41. Sitting ____

42. Pivot ____
43. Crawling ____
44. Quadruped position ____
45. Rolar ____
46. Get up ____
47. Slide ____
48. Equilibrium reactions ____
49. Raise shoulders and tail ____
50. Skip ____
Maximum accumulated score 24 + 12 + 54+ 10 =

10 - 11 Months

51. Sit ____

52. From prone to seated ____
53. Crawling ____
54. Pivot ____
55. Cross ____
56. Crouch ____
57. Stand up ____
58. Stopped ____
59. Walking movements ____
60. Walk ____
Maximum accumulated score 24 + 18 + 62+ 16 = 120
Gross Motor Scale (continued)

12 - 14 Months

61. Crawling ____

62. Kneeling ____
63. Climbing stairs ____
64. Pivot ____
65. Standing and moving
swinging ____
66. Walk ____
67. Walk ____
68. Rolling a ball ____
69. Throwing a ball ____
70. Crawling ____
Maximum accumulated score 24 + 24 + 62+ 26 + 4 = 140

15 - 17 Months
71. Crawl ____
72. Walk ____
73. Climbing stairs ____
74. Walking ____
75. Walking backwards ____
76. Going down stairs ____
77. Kicking a ball ____
78. Throwing a ball ____
79. Stopped ____
80. Walking sideways ____
Maximum accumulated score 24 + 26 + 62 + 40+ 8 = 160

18 - 23 Months
81. Stand up ____
82. Crouch ____
83. Throwing the ball ____
84. Running ____
85. Kicking a ball ____
86. Walking on the balance board ____
87. Jump down ____
88. Climbing stairs ____
89. Jump forward ____
90. Jump up ____
Maximum accumulated score 24 + 30 + 64 + 50+ 12 = 180
Gross Motor Scale (continued)
24 - 29 Months A B C D E
91. Bjar stairs
92. Climbing stairs
93. Jump down
94. Throwing the ball ____
95. Throwing the ball
96. Standing on one foot ____
97. Walking on tiptoe ____
98. Walking backwards ____
99. Walking on the balance board
____ ____
100. Walking in a circle
Maximum accumulated score
+ 36 +
24 64
30 - 35 Months
101. Stop ____
102. Descending stairs
103. Kicking the ball
104. Catching the ball ____
105. Obstacle jumping ____
106. Jump down ____
107. Standing on one foot
108. Walking on tiptoe
109. Jump forward
110. Jumping on one foot ____ ____
Maximum accumulated score ____ + 70 + 20
24 + 40 + 66 = 220

36 - 41 Months
111. Riding a tricycle
112. Ball chopping ____
113. Climbing stairs ____
114. Jump down
115. Descending stairs ____
116. Catching the ball ____
117. Standing on one foot
118. Fast skipping with a
forward/skipping motion
119. Jumping on one foot
120. Jump forward
Maximum accumulated score 24 + 42 +66 + 84 + 24 = 240
Gross Motor Scale (continued)

42 - 47 Months
121. Standing on tiptoe ____
122. Throwing the ball ____
123. Throwing the ball ____
124. Catching the ball ____
125. Picking up the ball ____
126. Throwing the ball ____
127. Jump forward ____
128. Standing on one foot ____
129. Walking backwards ____
130. Jumping on one foot ____
Maximum accumulated score 24 + 48 + 66+ 88 + 34 = 260

48 - 53 Months
131. Walking on the board
of balcance ____
132. Running ____
133. Jump up ____
134. Jump down ____
135. Throwing the ball ____
136. Standing on tiptoe ____
137. Jump forward ____
138. Jump forward ____
139. Rolar forward ____
140. Rising from the position
seated ____
Maximum accumulated score 24 + 52 + 70+ 98 + 36 = 280

54 - 59 Months
141. Jumping with twisting ___
142. Walking on the balance board ___
143. Walking on the balance board ___
144. Salting/ Fast jumping with
one foot forward ___
145. Catching the ball ___
146. Jump sideways/sideways ___
147. Jump forward ___
148. Standing on one foot ___
149. Forward rotate ___
150. Throwing the ball ___
Maximum accumulated score 24 + 58 + 74 + 104 + 40 = 300
Gross Motor Scale (continued)


60 - 71 Months
151. Walking on tiptoe ____
152. Jumping with obstacle ____
153. Catching the ball ____
154. Walking on the balance board ____
155. Gallop ____
156. Jumping with speed ____
157. Pushes upward ____
158. Kicking the ball ____
159. Salticar ____
160. Rising from a sitting position ____
Maximum accumulated score 24 + 62 + 78 + 112 + 44 = 320

72 - 83 Months
161. Walking on the balance board ____
162. Kicking the ball ____
163. Kicking the ball ____
164. Catching the ball ____
165. Agility to stand up ____
166. Running with speed ____
167. Rolar forward ____
168. Standing on one foot ____
169. Jump up ____
170. Pushes up ____
Maximum accumulated score 24 + 66 + 84 + 116 + 50 = 340

Skills category

0 - 1 Month

1 Grasp reflex
2 Hand position
3 Visual fixation of the rattle ____
4 Rattle tracking
5.Rattle tracking
6.Involuntary release
Maximum accumulated score 12

2 - 3 Months
7.Rattle tracking ____
8. Manipulating the rattle
9. Taking the rattle
10. Holding the rattle
11. Reaching for the rattle ____
12. Perceiving the rattle
13. Ball tracking
14. Observing your hands ____
Maximum accumulated score 12 28

+ 2 + 14
4 - 5 Months
15. Arm activation
16. Holding the rattle
17. Voluntarily take ____
18. Approach/approach --
to the midline
19. Pulling a rope/thread ____
20. Securing a paper with your hands
21. Precarious taking/precarious
apprehension ____
22. Using both hands/transferring from one
hand to the other ____
Maximum accumulated score 22 44
+6 + 16

6 - 7 Months
23. Lift a cup
24. Tapping the cup
Fine Motor Scale (continued)

25. Prensión: radio-palmar
26. Wrist rotation ____
27. Prension: ulnar-palmar
28. Retain cubes ____
29. Transferircubos
30. Grip: dragging ____
Maximum accumulated score 28+ 14 + 18 = 60

8 - 9 Months
31. Removing pins ____
32. Grip: thumb-digital ____
33. Combinarcubos ____
34. Retain cubes
35. Grip: radial drag ____
36. Gripping: Lower gripper
37. Handling paper ____
38. Clap ____
Maximum accumulated score 34+ 24 + 18 =

10 - 11 Months
39. Removing rings
40. Insert finger
41. Shake a bottle
42. Gripping: Top clamp
43. Drop a bucket
44. Cube drop
45. Stir with spoon
46. Striking with a spoon
Maximum accumulated score 36 + 30 + 24 + 2 = 92

12 - 14 Months
47. Pulling out pins
48. Open a box
49. Removal of confectionery
50. Turning pages
51. Grip: whole hand (overhand)
52. Building a tower
53. Taking buckets
54. Insert shapes in a board
Maximum accumulated score 40 + 36 + 28 + 4 = 108
Fine Motor Scale (continued)

15 - 17 Months

55. Unwrapping a cube

56. Filling a cup
57. Building a tower
58. Imitate doodling
59. Pronation: pronation
60. Locating/placing pins
61. Taking off stockings
62. Insert figures
Maximum accumulated score

18 - 23 Months
63. Placing confectionery
64. Separate accounts
65. Turning pages
66. Insert shapes
67. Building a tower
68. Imitating the stroke
69. Threading beads
70. Cutting with scissors
Maximum accumulated score

24 - 29 Months
71. Turning a knob
72. Placing rings
73. Removing a cover
74. Separate accounts
75. Imitate a line
76. Building a train
Maximum accumulated score

30 - 35 Months
77. Building a tower
78. Building a bridge
79. Copy a circle
80. Hand washing
81. Unbutton
82. Cutting paper
Maximum accumulated score
Fine Motor Scale (continued)

42 + 40 + 38 + 4 = 124

42 + 42 + 46 + 10 = 140

42 + 46 + 52 + 12 = 152

42 + 48 + 60 + 14 = 164
Fine Motor Scale (continued)

36 - 41 Months
83. Manual preference
84. Remove the cover
85. Threading beads
86. Wind up a toy
87. Cut a line
88. Copy a cross
Maximum accumulated score
42+ 52 + 64 +18 = 176

42 - 47 Months
89. Draw a line
90. How to hold the marker
91. Copy a cross
92. Copy a square
93. Cut a circle
94. Shoe lacing
Maximum accumulated score
44+ 52 + 72 +20 = 188

48 - 59 Months
95. Dump confections
96. Button
97. Building a gate
98. Fold a piece of paper in half
99. Cutting a square
100. Placing clips
Maximum accumulated score
44 + 52 +80 +24 = 200
60 - 71 Months
101. Connecting dots
102. Building a pyramid
103. Touching the fingertips
104. Winding on a reel
105. Painting between the lines
106. Placing coins
Maximum accumulated score 44 + 52 + 84 +32 = 212

72 - 83 Months
107. Copy words
Fine Motor Scale (continued)

108. Drawing a person

109. Copy a diamond
110. Touching the fingertips
111. Building a staircase
112. Placing coins
Maximum accumulated score 44 + 52 + 92 + 36 = 224

Sum from age Max. Age

Fine Motor Skills Cumulative Baseline Score Raw Score
Cielo Score Max.

Skill A + = 44 42

Dexterity B 4- = 52 36

Dexterity C + =
Dexterity D + =
Total Score 4- =


z -5.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0 + 1.0 +2.0 +3.0 +4.0 +5.0
T 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 UH)
DMQ 25 40 55 70 85 100 115 130 145 160 175

Skill A- Reflexes
Skill B- Balance

Dexterity C- Non Locomotor

Skill D- Locomotor
Skill E- Reception and
Total Score

Skill A- Grasping/Grasping
Skill B- Use of Hands
Skill C- Eye-Hand
Dexterity D- Manual dexterity

Total Score

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