TOPIC 3 Human Rights of People in Prison Confinement

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Question text
The Bangkok Rules seek to encourage greater community participation in
the management of criminal justice, support the cause of justice and reduce
the use of prison sentences, which in all cases should be considered a last

Choose one;


Correct. Although the Bangkok Rules are an instrument that seeks to
protect the human rights of a specific prison population, these
characteristics do not apply to them.

Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
The Nelson Mandela Rules are named after the former president of South
Africa, who spent 27 years in prison during his struggle for human rights,
and recognize the right of all persons deprived of their liberty to dignity, a
future and social reintegration.

Choose one;


Correct. The fact that this international instrument was named Nelson
Mandela Rules, seeks the non-stigmatization of those who came to be
deprived of their liberty and upon release seek to resume their lives; these
rules reflect the most recent advances in prison science and good
practices, in order to promote safety and dignified conditions for inmates,
are subdivided into two important sections: the rules of general application
and the rules applicable to special categories, which makes it possible to
cover all types of population.

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Question text
The target population of the Tokyo Rules is women, but they also reach the
entire prison population; they are the first instrument that makes visible and
analyzes the situation of the children of incarcerated persons.

Choose one;


Incorrect. Remember that it is important that you are able to recognize the
characteristics of the national and international standards of the prison
system, in order to assess whether you know what is required to guarantee
the human rights of persons in prison.

Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
There are a number of international instruments that require national legal
systems to take into account the special status and vulnerability of children
in conflict with the law and to be guided by the best interests of the child.
An example of such instruments is the Riyadh Guidelines.

Choose one;


Correct. There are international instruments that require legal systems for
children in conflict with the law to be guided by the best interests of the
child. The Riyadh Guidelines are an example of these instruments, which
were adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in December 1990.

Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
Article 1 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States provides
that all authorities, within the scope of their competencies, have the
obligation to promote, respect, protect and guarantee the human rights of
persons in prison, except in those centers whose services are concessioned
to private individuals.

Choose one;


Correct. Article 1 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States
provides that all authorities, within the scope of their competencies, have
the obligation topromote, respect, protect and guarantee the human rights
of persons in prison.The State is obliged to protect the prison population
against any arbitrariness, regardless of whether the services are

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Question text
The United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners
were adopted by the first United Nations Congress on the Prevention of
Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, held in Geneva in 1955, later in 1957,
and are recognized as the main international instrument on penitentiary
matters, now known as the Nelson Mandela Rules.

Choose one;


Incorrect. Remember that it is important that you are able to recognize the
characteristics of the national and international standards of the prison
system, in order to assess whether you know what is required to guarantee
the human rights of persons in prison.

Score 0.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
Article 10 of the National Penal Execution Law establishes the obligations
of persons deprived of their liberty.

Choose one;


Incorrect. Remember that it is important that you are able to recognize the
characteristics of the national and international standards of the prison
system, in order to assess whether you know what is required to guarantee
the human rights of persons in prison.

Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
Article 18 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States provides
that the organization of the penitentiary system shall be based on respect
for human rights, i.e., that persons in prison shall enjoy all their rights
except those that are legally restricted.

Choose one;


Correct. Article 18 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States
provides that the organization of the penitentiary system shall be based on
respect for human rights, i.e., that prisoners shall enjoy all their rights
except those that are legally restricted, for example, the right to vote.

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Question text
There are also instruments applicable to the prison system, primarily with
respect to the regulation of prison personnel, such as the "Principles and
Best Practices on the Protection of Persons Deprived of Liberty in the

Choose one;

Correct, there are instruments that regulate prison staff, due to their
importance within the penitentiary system, since they are the ones who are
in contact with inmates and can clearly make a difference in the treatment
received by inmates, an example of this legislation is the Principles and
Best Practices on the Protection of Persons Deprived of Liberty in the
Americas. This international instrument establishes the principles and best
practices that may be invoked and applied on a case-by-case basis.

Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
One of the objectives of the National Penal Execution Law is to regulate the
means to achieve social reinsertion.

Choose one;


Correct. Regulating the means to achieve social reinsertion is one of the
objectives of the National Law of Penal Execution, which implies that the
person has dignified conditions of internment, options for job training,
education, work, sports and health, and enjoys all the rights provided by the
Constitution and the International Treaties to which the Mexican State is a


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Question text
They seek to reduce the application of prison sentences.

Select one:

a. Bangkok Rules

b. Tokyo Rules

Very well, these seek to encourage greater community participation in the

management of criminal justice and support the cause of justice and reduce
the application of prison sentences.

c. Beijing Rules

d. Nelson Mandela Rules

Your answer is correct.


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Question text
These are the two objectives pursued when a person is deprived of his or
her liberty, whether in custody as a precautionary measure or in
compurgitation of a sentence.

Select one:
a. To protect society from the risk that the person may represent if released
from prison and that he/she does not reoffend by effectively reintegrating
him/her into society.

b. To privilege the right of individuals to a future that ensures non-

recidivism and reintegration into society in conditions of dignity.

c. To protect convicted offenders from retaliation by society for the criminal

act and their effective reintegration into society.

d. To prioritize respect for the average human rights, to achieve the

reintegration of the sentenced person into society and to ensure that he/she

does not reoffend, observing the benefits provided by law.

The answer is incorrect. It is important to recognize the importance of

national and international standards in the penitentiary system.

Your answer is incorrect.


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Question text
In accordance with Article 3 of the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement
Officials which establishes the parameters within which they may
legitimately use force. Choose the principle that does not correspond to
those provided for in this international standard:

Select one:

a. Proportionality

b. Need

c. Suitability
d. Exceptionality

The answer is incorrect. It is important to recognize the importance of

national and international standards in the penitentiary system.

Your answer is incorrect.


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Question text
The Nelson Mandela Rules are recognized as a non-binding instrument,
which implies:

Select one:

a. They establish parameters that, although they do not link one standard to

the other, do have common aspects.

The answer is incorrect. It is important to recognize the importance of

national and international standards in the penitentiary system.

b. They have moral force, provide practical guidance and are part of the
"body" of international human rights law.

c. They are binding on any State party that subscribes to them.

d. They have the legal effects that treaties have.

Your answer is incorrect.


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Question text
They are recognized as the main international instrument on penitentiary

Select one:

a. Beijing Rules

The answer is incorrect. It is important to recognize the importance of

national and international standards in the penitentiary system.

b. Nelson Mandela Rules

c. Tokyo Rules

d. Bangkok Rules

Your answer is incorrect.


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Question text
It is a right that cannot be exercised from prison.

Select one:

a. Right to health

b. Right of petition or complaint

c. Right to vote

Very well, this right is not among the catalog of rights provided for in the
National Law of Penal Execution, since these rights are suspended with the
deprivation of liberty.

d. Right to dignified treatment

Your answer is correct.


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Question text
Classification by surveillance regime refers to:

Select one:

a. Arraigo domiciliario and pretrial detention

The answer is incorrect. It is important to recognize the importance of

national and international standards in the penitentiary system.

b. Organized crime and conventional crime

c. Special measures and exceptional measures

d. Pretrial detention and enforcement of sentence

Your answer is incorrect.


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Question text
This principle of the penitentiary system establishes that "Every person is
the holder and subject of rights and, therefore, must not be subjected to
violence or arbitrariness by the State or private individuals".

Select one:

a. Equality

b. Proportionality

c. Dignity

Very well, this principle intrinsic to the human being is related to the State's
obligations to respect, protect, guarantee and promote human rights.

d. Legality

Your answer is correct.


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Question text
The State's duty to respect and guarantee the rights of persons deprived of
liberty is limited to the confines of the penitentiary institution.

Select one:

a. This is correct, as long as they are institutions where services are not
b. This is incorrect; the State must comply with its constitutionally
mandated obligations at all times.

c. This is correct, since the deprivation of liberty only occurs within the
penitentiary center.

d. This is incorrect, because the State is obliged to protect even outside of

penitentiary institutions.

The answer is incorrect. It is important to recognize the importance of

national and international standards in the penitentiary system.

Your answer is incorrect.


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Question text
Which of the following international instruments establishes basic standards
relating to the administration of juvenile justice?

Select one:

a. Beijing Rules

Very well, they constitute the first international legal instrument containing
detailed rules for the administration of juvenile justice.

b. Tokyo Rules

c. United Nations Rules for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of their


d. Riyadh Guidelines

Your answer is correct.


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Question text
According to the National Law of Penal Execution, any restriction of rights
shall comply, among others, with the following principle:

Select one:

a. Principle of publicity

The answer is incorrect. It is important to recognize the importance of

national and international standards in the penitentiary system.

b. Principle of necessity

c. Principle of immediacy

d. Principle of minimum intervention

Your answer is incorrect.


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Question text
In addition to the rights contained in the Constitution, what other
regulations does the Magna Carta provide as a source of rights to be
enjoyed by all persons in the United Mexican States?

Select one:

a. International treaties

Very well, the second paragraph of Article I of the Constitution provides for
international treaties.

b. Regulations

c. Special laws

d. Jurisprudence

Your answer is correct.


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Question text
It refers to the special position of guarantor of the State over persons
deprived of their liberty.

Select one:

a. People, when deprived of their liberty, cannot satisfy on their own a

series of basic needs that are essential for the development of a dignified

life in confinement, and depend on the State to provide them.

Very well, this criterion has been established by the Inter-American Court of
Human Rights in several judgments, highlighting the Case of the Juvenile
Reeducation Institute vs. Paraguay, Case of Raxcacó Reyes vs. Guatemala,
Case of Vélez Loor vs. Panama, Case of Castro y Castro Prison vs. Peru,
among others.

b. The State must guarantee sentenced persons the existence of conditions

that safeguard their rights in conditions of detention compatible with their
personal dignity.

c. The State must guarantee to persons under any form of detention certain
rights that are not restricted by their deprivation of liberty.

d. When persons are deprived of their liberty for committing a criminal act,
they must ensure that the State guarantees them living conditions similar to
those they could have at liberty, given that they are unable to meet these
conditions on their own.

Your answer is correct.


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Question text
Identify the obligation of the State that is not provided for in Article 1 of the

Select one:

a. Promote

b. Protect

c. Satisfy

Very well, this obligation is not described as such in the constitutional text,
sometimes it is related to the obligation to guarantee human rights.

d. Respect
Your answer is correct.


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Question text
It is the obligation of the State not to interfere in the enjoyment of human
rights of individuals.

Select one:

a. Respect

Very well, this obligation implies not to interfere or harm so that they can
fully enjoy their rights.

b. Promote

c. Guarantee

d. Protect

Your answer is correct.


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Question text
Choose the international instrument whose target population is primarily
women and which makes visible and analyzes the situation of the children
of incarcerated persons.

Select one:

a. Bangkok Rules

Very well, these observe the treatment of women prisoners and non-
custodial measures for women offenders.

b. Beijing Rules

c. Tokyo Rules

d. Nelson Mandela Rules

Your answer is correct.


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Question text
Up to what age does the National Law of Penal Execution provide for women
in prison to retain custody of their daughter or son?

Select one:

a. One year

b. Six years

c. Twelve years

d. Three years
Very well, the law establishes as a general criterion that up to this age they
can be with their mothers inside the penitentiary center.

Your answer is correct.


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Question text
Choose the classification criterion that is not provided for in the Political
Constitution of the United Mexican States.

Select one:

a. By gender

b. By age

c. By legal status

d. By jurisdiction

Very well, this criterion is not found in our Magna Carta, since it affects the
right to serve a sentence close to home.

Your answer is correct.


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Question text
On June 18, 2008, with the reform of the criminal justice and public safety
system, Article 18 of the Constitution was amended, adding, among other

Select one:

a. The right to job training and the right to wages

The answer is incorrect. It is important to recognize the importance of

national and international standards in the penitentiary system.

b. The right to health and recreation

c. The right to sport and health

d. The right to work and education

Your answer is incorrect.


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Question text
What access cannot be restricted to persons prosecuted or sentenced for
organized crime?

Select one:

a. Spouse

b. Ombudsman

c. Friends

d. Children
The answer is incorrect. It is important to recognize the importance of
national and international standards in the penitentiary system.

Your answer is incorrect.


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Question text
It refers to the special position of guarantor of the State over persons
deprived of their liberty.

Select one:

a. The State must guarantee sentenced persons the existence of conditions

that safeguard their rights in conditions of detention compatible with their
personal dignity.

b. People, when deprived of their liberty, cannot satisfy on their own a

series of basic needs that are essential for the development of a dignified

life in confinement, and depend on the State to provide them.

Very well, this criterion has been established by the Inter-American Court of
Human Rights in several judgments, highlighting the Case of the Juvenile
Reeducation Institute vs. Paraguay, Case of Raxcacó Reyes vs. Guatemala,
Case of Vélez Loor vs. Panama, Case of the Castro y Castro Prison vs. Peru,
among others.

c. When persons are deprived of their liberty for committing a criminal act,
they must ensure that the State guarantees them living conditions similar to
those they could have at liberty, given that they cannot meet these
conditions on their own.

d. The State must guarantee to persons under any form of detention certain
rights that are not restricted by their deprivation of liberty.
Your answer is correct.


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Question text
In accordance with Article 3 of the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement
Officials which establishes the parameters within which they may
legitimately use force. Choose the principle that does not correspond to
those provided for in this international standard:

Select one:

a. Suitability

Very well, this is not provided for in the Code since, as such, it refers to the
aptitude, willingness or capacity that something or someone has for a
specific purpose.

b. Exceptionality

c. Proportionality

d. Need

Your answer is correct.


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Question text
They are recognized as the main international instrument on penitentiary

Select one:

a. Bangkok Rules

b. Beijing Rules

c. Tokyo Rules

d. Nelson Mandela Rules

Very good. These, being an update of the 1955 Standard Minimum Rules for
the Treatment of Prisoners, maintain their premises and expand on them.

Your answer is correct.


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Question text
They seek to reduce the application of prison sentences.

Select one:

a. Bangkok Rules

b. Beijing Rules
c. Nelson Mandela Rules

d. Tokyo Rules

Very well, these seek to encourage greater community participation in the

management of criminal justice and support the cause of justice and reduce
the application of prison sentences.

Your answer is correct.


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Question text
What access cannot be restricted to persons prosecuted or sentenced for
organized crime?

Select one:

a. Ombudsman

Very well, Article 18 establishes that the competent authorities may restrict
the communications of those accused and convicted of organized crime
with third parties, except for access to their defense counsel.

b. Friends

c. Children

d. Spouse

Your answer is correct.

Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
This principle of the penitentiary system establishes that "Every person is a
holder and subject of rights and, therefore, should not be subjected to
violence or arbitrariness by the State or private individuals".

Select one:

a. Equality

b. Dignity

Very well, this principle intrinsic to the human being is related to the State's
obligations to respect, protect, guarantee and promote human rights.

c. Proportionality

d. Legality

Your answer is correct.


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Question text
It is a right that cannot be exercised from prison.

Select one:

a. Right of petition or complaint

b. Right to vote

Very well, this right is not among the catalog of rights provided for in the
National Law of Penal Execution, since these rights are suspended with the
deprivation of liberty.

c. Right to dignified treatment

d. Right to health

Your answer is correct.


Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
Choose the international instrument whose target population is primarily
women and which makes visible and analyzes the situation of the children
of incarcerated persons.

Select one:

a. Beijing Rules

b. Nelson Mandela Rules

c. Tokyo Rules

d. Bangkok Rules

Very well, these observe the treatment of women prisoners and non-
custodial measures for women offenders.

Your answer is correct.

Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
The State's duty to respect and guarantee the rights of persons deprived of
liberty is limited to the confines of the penitentiary institution.

Select one:

a. This is correct, since the deprivation of liberty only occurs within the
penitentiary center.

b. This is incorrect; the State must comply with its constitutionally

mandated obligations at all times.

Very well, the Mexican State must comply with its obligations to protect,
respect, guarantee and promote human rights at all times.

c. This is incorrect, because the State is obliged to protect even outside of

penitentiary institutions.

d. This is correct, as long as they are institutions where services are not

Your answer is correct.


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Question text
Choose the classification criterion that is not provided for in the Political
Constitution of the United Mexican States.

Select one:

a. By legal status

b. By jurisdiction

Very well, this criterion is not found in our Magna Carta, since it affects the
right to serve a sentence close to home.

c. By age

d. By gender

Your answer is correct.

Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
It is important to distinguish the activities carried out in each phase of the criminal justice
system in order to recognize the goals pursued by each one of them. This activity will allow
you to reinforce what you have learned.

Relate the action described to the phase in which it is applied within the criminal justice
The neighbors, in coordination with the preventive Answer 1
police, have established actions to reduce robberies Prevención del delito
in the neighborhood.
Magali is an elderly person who needs specialized Answer 2
medical attention, so she has asked the judge to Ejecución de penas
grant her a benefit to serve the remainder of her
sentence outside the penitentiary.
Answer 3
Juan is placed in custody for allegedly committing
the crime. Procuración de justicia

Answer 4
The judge has modified the preventive measure of
preventive detention to house arrest. Administración de justicia

Answer 5
Adrián presented in "La Galería" an exhibition of
paintings he made in prison. Servicios post-penales

Very good.
Juan is placed in custody for allegedly committing the crime. -Procurement of justice

 The justice system ensures compliance with the law and social
representation in the prosecution of crimes.

The neighbors, in coordination with the preventive police, have established actions to
reduce robberies in the neighborhood -Crime Prevention

 Actions aimed at crime prevention favor the reduction of threats,

risk and the probability of occurrence of criminal acts by
identifying and eliminating the causes, factors and conditions that
allow them to develop.

Magali is an elderly person who needs specialized medical attention, and has therefore
requested the judge to grant her a benefit to serve the remainder of her sentence
outside the penitentiary center. -Execution of sentences

 The execution of sentences implies the practical compliance with

all the provisions contained in the criminal sentence, once it has
become final.

The judge has modified the precautionary measure of preventive detention to house
arrest. -Administration of justice

 This power of the Judiciary is based on applying the laws, judging

and enforcing what has been judged.
Adrian presented in "La Galería" an exhibition of paintings he made while in prison -
Post-criminal services

 When people are released from prison, these services help to carry
out actions aimed at the effective social reintegration of the
sentenced person and to prevent recidivism.


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Question text
Juan went out partying with his friends and had a few too many drinks;
however, he decided to drive his car, and on the way he was stopped by the
breathalyzer and tested positive, therefore, he was sentenced to 36 hours of
arrest for violation of traffic regulations. On which system does the
enforcement of the penalty for administrative violations fall?

Select one:

a. The prison system

b. The criminal justice system

c. The public safety system

Very good. This subsystem is responsible for the prevention, investigation

and prosecution of crimes, as well as the punishment of administrative

d. The criminal enforcement system

Your answer is correct.

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Question text
This General Recommendation was rendered ineffective with the entry into
force of the National Penal Execution Law.

Select one:

a. On the practices of solitary confinement in prisons in the Mexican


b. On the practices of undignified searches of persons visiting State and

Federal Detention Centers in the Mexican Republic.

c. On the irregular confinement in Municipal and District Jails in the

Mexican Republic.

d. On the granting of early release benefits to inmates of prisons in the

Mexican Republic.

Your answer is incorrect.


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Question text
This is one of the objectives of thePrison Pronouncementsprogram of the
National Human Rights Commission:

Select one:
a. Provide post-criminal services.

b. Provide guidance on the axes for social reintegration.

c. Contribute to the development of prison treatment measures.

Your answer is incorrect. It is important to distinguish the most important

aspects of the prison system and its organization based on respect for
human rights.

d. Contribute to the generation of public policies.

Your answer is incorrect.


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Question text
This recommendation states that the practice of body cavity searches of
visitors to prisons should be eliminated.

Select one:

a. General Recommendation 3/2002

b. General Recommendation 30/2017

c. General Recommendation 11/2006

d. General Recommendation 1/2001

Very good. Security is important in penitentiary centers; therefore, checks

must be carried out on those who enter, however, these must be in
accordance with unrestricted respect for human rights.

Your answer is correct.


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Question text
This general recommendation exposes the problem of detaining persons
who have been prosecuted and sentenced with those who are in the same
space for having committed an administrative offense.

Select one:

a. On the practices of solitary confinement in prisons in the Mexican


b. On irregular detention in the Municipal and District Jails of the Mexican


Very good. This general recommendation states that in several of the

prisons there are people who have been prosecuted, sentenced and for
administrative offenses, since the purpose of these places is for those who
violate government and police regulations.

c. On the human rights situation of the inmates in the Penitentiary Centers

of the Mexican Republic.

d. On the human rights situation of the inmates in the Penitentiary Centers

of the Mexican Republic.

Your answer is correct.


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Question text
What is the issue that has been taken up in a prison pronouncement and in a
general recommendation due to the condition of vulnerability in which this
group finds itself in prison?

Select one:

a. Teenagers

Your answer is incorrect. It is important to distinguish the most important

aspects of the prison system and its organization based on respect for
human rights.

b. Senior citizens

c. Psychosocial disability

d. Women

Your answer is incorrect.


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Question text
In which document issued by the CNDH does it address the promotion of
accountability programs by the control bodies of each agency or federal

Select one:
a. General Recommendation 30/2017 on conditions of self-government

and/or co-government in prisons in the Mexican Republic.

Very good. Self-government and co-government are favored by acts of

corruption. Therefore, accountability seeks to ensure that public servants
adhere to the law.

b. Statement on the profile of prison personnel in Mexico.

c. General Recommendation 18/2010 on the human rights situation of

inmates in prisons in Mexico.

d. Pronouncement on prison classification.

Your answer is correct.


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Question text
Which of the following primarily affects the classification by jurisdiction?

Select one:

a. The link between the inmate and his or her family and social

b. Differential treatment in prisons.

c. That crime continues to be the relevant issue and not reintegration.

Your answer is incorrect. It is important to distinguish the most important

aspects of the prison system and its organization based on respect for
human rights.
d. Contravening international instruments on the matter.

Your answer is incorrect.


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Question text
It has been constitutionally recognized since the constitutional reform of
June 18, 2008:

Select one:

a. The public safety system

b. The criminal enforcement system

Your answer is incorrect. It is important to distinguish the most important

aspects of the prison system and its organization based on respect for
human rights.

c. The prison system

d. The criminal justice system

Your answer is incorrect.


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Question text
This recommendation focuses on the federal and local authorities
eliminating the deficiencies detected in the application of isolation.

Select one:

a. General Recommendation 30/2017

b. General Recommendation 22/2015

Very well, this general recommendation seeks that the authorities recognize
the types of isolation and the maximum time it can be applied, since human
rights violations have been proven regarding this practice and,
consequently, an inadequate social reinsertion when it is used excessively
and incorrectly.

c. General Recommendation 18/2010

d. General Recommendation 28/2016

Your answer is correct.


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Question text
This is one of the attributions of the Third Office of the CNDH:

Select one:
a. Issue communiqués on the conditions of confinement for psychosocial

b. To attend to requests for the transfer of persons deprived of their liberty


c. Prevent the execution of nationals sentenced to death abroad.

d. To put forward proposals for the allocation of budget for the improvement

of detention centers.

Your answer is incorrect. It is important to distinguish the most important

aspects of the prison system and its organization based on respect for
human rights.

Your answer is incorrect.


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Question text
Johana became pregnant in prison, and 7 months later her daughter Itzel
was born. Because she was premature, she was not able to receive timely
care, so during labor and delivery, inside the prison, she suffered some
health problems and was diagnosed with a slight mental retardation. When
she was sentenced, Johana's family told her that, as far as they were
concerned, she was dead. When Itzel turned three years old, the prison
authorities told Johana that by law she had to be separated from her, and
since she did not have a family member to care for her, she would be taken
to the DIF. Which of the documents issued by the CNDH can be taken up at
the hearing to extend Itzel's stay with her mother?

Select one:
a. General Recommendation on solitary confinement practices in prisons in

b. Special Report on the Conditions of daughters and sons of women

deprived of their liberty in prisons in Mexico.

c. General Recommendation on Women Prisoners in Detention Centers in

the Mexican Republic.

Very good. The purpose of these is to promote modifications to regulatory

provisions and administrative practices that constitute or encourage human
rights violations.

d. Special Report of the National Human Rights Commission on women

inmates in prisons in Mexico.

Your answer is correct.


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Question text
To promote in society the culture of acceptance of the released or released
person is the purpose of:

Select one:

a. Penalties for violations

b. Execution of sentences

c. Social reintegration
Your answer is incorrect. It is important to distinguish the most important
aspects of the prison system and its organization based on respect for
human rights.

d. Post-criminal services

Your answer is incorrect.


Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
In addition to protecting society against crime, Nelson Mandela Rule 4.1
states as an objective of penalties:

Select one:

a. Social rehabilitation

b. Reducing recidivism

Very good. Nelson Mandela Rule 4.1 also states that these objectives can
only be achieved if the period of deprivation of liberty is used to achieve, as
far as possible, the reintegration of former inmates into society.

c. Reforming the convicted person

d. Educate them in civics

Your answer is correct.


Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
This pronouncement proposes that long-term sentences be reviewed

Select one:

a. About criminal records

b. On prison supervision

c. On prison classification

d. On rationalization of prison sentences

Very good. It is indeed important for the judiciary to be able to review

sentences, at least every 30 years in the case of long-term or life sentences,
in order to guarantee the right to social reintegration of sentenced persons.

Your answer is correct.


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Question text
The purpose of this statement is to provide transparency and to explain the
methodology used to carry out a diagnosis:

Select one:

a. About criminal records

b. On prison supervision

Very good. The purpose of this statement is for prison authorities to

recognize how the National Diagnosis of Prison Supervision is prepared in
order to identify the indicators and items it evaluates.

c. On prison classification

d. On rationalization of prison sentences

Your answer is correct.


Scores 1.00 out of 1.00

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Question text
This pronouncement seeks to restore the full enjoyment of human rights and
social acceptance to those who have been sentenced:

Select one:

a. Pronouncement on criminal records

Very well, a person who has been deprived of liberty and has been released
after serving his sentence deserves a second chance at freedom and the
right to a future.

b. Statement on the situation of persons with psychosocial disabilities

c. Pronouncement on prison staff profile

d. Pronouncement on rationalization of prison sentences

Your answer is correct.

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Question text
What is the issue that has been taken up in a general recommendation and
three special reports due to the vulnerable condition of this group in prison?

Select one:

a. Psychosocial disability

b. Women

c. Teenagers

Your answer is incorrect. It is important to distinguish the most important

aspects of the prison system and its organization based on respect for
human rights.

d. Senior citizens

Your answer is incorrect.


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Question text
It refers to one of the risks of overcrowding in prisons:

Select one:
a. Isolation and restricted visits

b. Adequacy of services and space

Your answer is incorrect. It is important to distinguish the most important

aspects of the prison system and its organization based on respect for
human rights.

c. Lack of control and ungovernability

d. Expansion of spaces and centers

Your answer is incorrect.


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Question text
The Third Inspector General's Office, through the National Diagnosis of
Prison Supervision, verifies, among other things:

Select one:

a. The conditions of confinement of persons prosecuted and sentenced.

b. Social reintegration and recidivism rates.

Your answer is incorrect. It is important to distinguish the most important

aspects of the prison system and its organization based on respect for
human rights.

c. Decrease in threats and criminal acts.

d. The legal files of persons prosecuted and sentenced.

Your answer is incorrect.

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