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Role Of Law Enforcement in the

Criminal Justice System (USA)

Judge Toddrick Barnette

Chief Judge, Hennepin County
Outline for Today’s Topic

1. Purpose/Mission of Law Enforcement

2. Expectations of Law Enforcement
3. Rule of Law
4. Funnel of the Criminal Justice System
5. Minneapolis and the Death of George Floyd
Law Enforcement Is The Most
Essential Component of the
Criminal Justice System
1. Define Law Enforcement in the United States

In the United States, law enforcement means any officer

employed by the federal government, state government,
county government, or local government.
Examples: FBI agent, State Highway Patrol Officer, Hennepin
County Sheriff, or Minneapolis Police.
2. Law Enforcement’s Purpose and Mission

Law Enforcement Officers maintain public safety and order by

enforcing laws and regulations, preventing and investigating
crimes and protecting individuals and property. All of us want
to live and work in a community without fear of crime and
violence. Good Law Enforcement creates that envirnoment.
3. Citizens Expectations of Law Enforcement

Citizens expect Law Enforcement Officers to be professional

and ethical in their conduct. They must operate within the
bounds of the law and respect citizen’s rights. They must treat
everyone with dignity and respect, regardless of their, social
status, gender, race, or wealth.
Continued Expectations:

Citizens expect Law Enforcement to be well trained and

equipped to handle a wide range of situations. They must be
albe to respond quickly and effectively to emergency
situations, and they must be able to de-escalate tense
situations without restoring to unreasonable force or violence.
More Expectations:

Citizens expect Law Enforcement officers to work closely with

the community to prevent crime and build trust. They must be
approachable and accessible to the community. They must
work to build positive relationships with citizens.
Human Being Work In Law Enforcement:

Law Enforcement Officers are not perfect. They make mistakes

or errors in judgement. But we hold them to the highest
standards of professionalism and ethical conduct.
Police Brutality and the Use Of Force Are Under Scrutiny By Citizens
Citizens are protesting for changes
Are We Asking Too Much Of
Law Enforcement Officers?
My Answer is No!

Law Enforcement is the most essential component in the criminal justice

system. In most cases, they are the first person to interact with a citizen.
They maintain law and order in society. As US citizens, we have high
expectations of Law Enforcement: professionalism, accountability, and
community engaagment. On the hand, US citizens have to be willing to
work with Law Enforcement in their community to ensure that these
expectation are met and our communities remain safe and secure.
How Can Law Enforcement
Meet Expectation?
Positive Interactions With Citizens:

1. Build Trust
2. Promote Safety
3. Reduce Fear
4. Improve Relationship
5. Enhance Accountability
Building Trust

Positive interactions with Law Enforcement can help build trust

between the community and law enforcement. This trust is
essential for effective policing and crime prevention.
Promoting Safety

Positive contact with Law Enforcement can help promote

safety in the community. When people feel comfortable
approaching Law Enforcement Officers, they are more likely to
report crimines and suspicious activity.
Reducing Fear

Positive contact with Law Enforcement can help reduce fear

and anxiety in the community. When people feel safe and
protected, they are more likely to engage in community
activities and feel a sense of belonging.
Improving Relationships

Positive contact with Law Enforcement can help improve

relationship between Law Enforcement and the community.
This can lead to better communication, cooperation, and
collaboration between law enforcement and the community
they serve.
Enhancing Accountability

Positive contact with Law Enforcement can help enhance

accountability. When Law Enforcement Officers are
approachable and responsive, they are more likely to be held
accountable for their actions and decisions.
Positive Interactions can
assist in meeting citizen’s
expectations which relates
to the rule of law that
creates a community that
feels safe.
Other Things That Can Help

1. Better Training in Use of Force/De-Escalation

2. Transparency Into Policies and Procedures
3. Releasing As Much Information As Possble
4. Releasing Data (Public Data-Dashboard)
5. Promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
4. The Rule of Law

The principle that all individuals and institutions are subject to

and accountable to the law, which is fairly applied and
enforced. If people have trust, confidence, and respect for the
government and the people that work within the government.
The Rule of Law will ensure that no one is above the law and
that everyone is entitled to equal protection under the law.
Rule of Law

Ensues that individuals have access to justice. It means that

everyone has the right to a fair trial, adequate legal
representation, and the opportunity to present their case in
court. This is essential for protecting individual rights and
ensuring that justice is served.
Importance of the Rule of Law

The Rule of Law is essential for maintaining a just and

democratic society, as it provides a framework for resolving
disputes, protecting individual rights, ensuring that the
government operates within the bounds of the law, and
promoting the common good.
Without the Rule of Law

People would be free to act as they please, and there would be

no consequences for their actions. This would lead to a
breakdown of society and a loss of trust in the government and
the legal system which leads to chaos.
Rule of Law in Reality

In the United States of America, we continue to strive for the

law to be applied equally and fairly to all individuals, regardless
of their social status, gender, race, or wealth. We know that
this is not always true because human beings are not perfect.
Law Enforcement Is The Most
Essential Component of the
Criminal Justice System
5. Funnel of the Criminal Justice System

Refers to the process by which criminal cases move through

the various stages of the justice system, with the number of
cases decreasing at each stage.
Stages of the Funnel in the USA
1. Contact with Law Enforcement, possible arrest
2. Charges filed
3. Preliminary Hearings
4. Plea Bargaining
5. Trial
6. Sentencing
(Law Enforcement Officers could be involved at each of these stages.)
Police Contact


Charges Filed
Court Process

Funnel Of The Criminal Justice System

Law Enforcement Is The Most
Essential Component of the
Criminal Justice System Because
They Are The First Point Of
Contact In Most Cases. They Set
The Stage For How People Feel
About The Rest Of The Criminal
Justice System.
5. Minneapolis and the
Death of George Floyd
Social Unrest
Social Unrest

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